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1. My mother told me that I have to do some home work at home. I did two hours of home work and getting tired. I went to bed to take a nap. When I woke up, it was in the evening. My father and I watched television to-gether for an hour. Then I went to bed

2.I went to the super market with my Mom today. I wanted to buy a new MP4 player but she said I cannot get it because I got a WII last week. She said she will buy me a MP4 player if I can be one of the top 10 students next semester. iI think I need it becase all of my friends have something better than mine.

3.It is unfair that I have to study very hard . Wang Hao's father loves him more , I am a poor child .

4.I am much better this morning. I am very happy. My cousin came to see me. We played computer games together for a long time. My parents took us to have dinner in the restaurant. I like the food very much.

5.I am sick to-day. When I woke up in the morning, I didn't feel well. My mother took me to the doctor and the doctor gave me a shot. It was very painful. Since I didn't feel well, I went to bed real early.

6.I felt better to-day. Since I was sick yesterday, my mother didn't let me go out to play. I had to stay home and watch television. There was a good movie on the television in the afternoon. It's about a dog. It was so much fun and I enjoyed it very much.

7. I woke up early this morning. I went out to play with my neighbor. We watched cartoon at his home. After I went home about 4 O'clock in the afternoon, I helped my mother to do some house work. She is very happy so I am happy too.

8. Today, I play at the park together with cousin and we played pirate ship.Lead a mountain car etc. breathtaking game.Then we again go to dozen table tennis, although I isn't good at to play table tennis still have lots of fun very satisfactory.But night of the color of the sky we have to go home, but today we still play of very happy!!!

9. I'm really bored. There's not many places to go to so I've been stuck home all day. My parents are both at work so I'm going to have to cook some food myself. I'm a horrible cook so i think I'm just going to cook some cup noodles. Also, a package came in the mail today! I love receiving packages, it's so exciting. I ordered some makeup and clothing online and they came in today. I can't wait to try them out!

10. Tomorrow is New Year’s Day, my family have had a completely cleaning for two days. Then my father and I decorated our flat and my mother cooked delicious food for our meal. After supper we watched TV program. How happy we were!

11. I watched television late last night so I woke up late. My mother asked me to go to the market to buy some eggs for her. When I played with a little dog on the street, I dropped the eggs on the ground. They were all broken. My mother was very angry with me when I went home. I am very unhappy to-day

12I picked up my story book that I didn't finish yesterday. When I found some words that I didn't understand, I looked it up in the dictionary. It is about a little girl who lost her mother on the street and could not find her way home. I finished the book and I like it very much.

13. Today it was raining. It was raining so hard that I could't go out. It was very boring. I took out the English story book that me uncle gave me for my birthday last year. I read it and

found there were many words that I don't know. But I found it very intereating.

14. Today is Sunday.It's also a good day. I got up at 7'oclock ,because my family will go to the zoo. After the breakfast ,I took a camara and went to the station waited for the bus together with my family.

It's already 9'oclock when we arrived at the zoo. my father bought three ticket and we entered the gate.

There are so many monkeys,tighers,lions,wolves and other animials in the zoo. there are also many birds ,but I can't call theirs names in English.

we took some photoes in the zoo with the animials,when the photoes will be printed, I will show them in my class.


Today is Sunday.It's also a good day. I got up at 7'oclock ,because my family will go to the zoom. After the breakfast ,I took a camara and went to the station waited for the bus together with my family.

It's already 9'oclock when we arrived at the zoom. my father bought three ticket and we entered the gate.

There are so many monkeys,tighers,lions,wolves and other animials in the zoom. there are also many birds ,but I can't call theirs names in English.

we took some photoes in the zoom with the animials,when the photoes will be printed, I will show them in my class.

The time passed so fast, we left the zoom at 1'oclock PM.

I am so glad today,I will go to bed early tonight because I alose felt tired!

People help with each other, it is the greatest thing in the world. We should give our love to people who need help.

It was a nice day. A blind person Ben walked with a walking stick. When he was walking down the street, a little boy tumbled because of banana skin. Maybe there is something wrong with his legs. So the little boy cried sat on the floor. Although Ben can’t see anything, he walked to the little boy. Ben wanted to help the boy. So Ben said,” Don’t cry. Let me help you.” The little boy was very happy. Ben carried the little boy on the back. The little boy help Ben, too. So they were very happy.

If you see someone needs help, please help him. I’m sure you will be very happy.

Everyone always has a good Sunday. On Sundays, everybody does some things what he like. Last Sunday, Jack had a relaxing Sunday. He got up 6 o’clock. After breakfast, Jack played basketball with his friends. They were very happy. Then he played the guitar in the room. And he sang songs very loudly. Though it’s very relaxing for him, it also make very noisy for neighbors. Maybe he should turn down the music. At noon, jack fed his pet cat henry. He is Jack’s favorite. Jack always play with him on the weekends. At night, he watched TV on the sofa. At the some time, he ate many delicious snacks. So he really had a great time.

At the of day, jack thought if I always have a relaxing Sunday like today. I will become the happiest boy all over the world.



One Is Such a Bad Number

Why is one such a bad number? It is because when the date has th is number in it, some bad thing always happens. Let me give you some examples. there midnight in Taiwan. the earthquake was very horrible. That night, there were about three thousand people that died in that accident. Many houses collapsed and the mountains moved.

America was attacked by terror is ts on September 11 th is year. the terror is ts crashed into America’s pentagon with an airplane. the terror is ts used airplanes to hit many tall buildings in America. there were bombs inside the buildings. When the airplanes hit the tall buildings, the tall buildings and the airplanes exploded. About six thousand people died. How terrible that is ! I think the terror is ts were crazy. People say that the American emergency number is 911, so the terror is ts chose September 11 to attack America. there was a big typhoon on July 11 th is year in Taiwan. It’s name was Toraji. Many cities were flooded. Some people died because of landslides. these dates all th is "one" number. I really don’t think "one" is a good or lucky number. So we have to be careful on dates with th is number

(1)My Happiest Day

Today is Friday. It is my thirteenth birthday. I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily. My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents. I went to school earlier than before. I invited many of my classmates to come to my birthday party in the evening.

Evening came at last. Many of my classmate came to my home. they bought me lots of beautiful presents. they all said,"Happy birthday to you!" We sang birthday songs happily.then my parents brought out a big birthday cake, saying, "We love you for ever. Happy birthday!"

At the end of the party, we ate the birthday cake and some other delicious food. How happy I was!

(2)Let’s Repair It Together!

It was Monday. I got up very early and was the first to come to the classroom. When I came to my desk and was going to sit down, I found my chair was broken. What could I do? At that

time no one was around. I quickly changed my chair with Li Ming’s and sat down to read the book as if nothing had happened.

My classmates came in one after another. After a while, Li Ming came. When he found

his chair was broken, he tried to repair it. I didn’t say a word but my face turned red. Soon I ran to the teacher’s office and brought back a hammer. I said to I.i Ming, "Let’s repair it together."

(3) An Unforgettable Holiday

I am ’always busy with my lessons. What I have to do everyday is nothing but study.

Luckily, last summer my family went to my uncle’s farm.We enjoyed a really interesting holiday. During the holiday, I didn’t have to get up early, nor did I need to finish many exercises. I rode the horse in the fields. I milked the cows on the farm. To my GREat joy, my uncle invited me to go fishing. Life on the farm is quite different from that at school. I want to go back to spend my summer holiday again.

(4) A Day to Remember

It was Sunday. Our teacher Mr Zhu led us to a park nearby.Usually we go to the park to spend our holiday. But today we went there to take part in voluntary labour.

We got there at nine o’clock. Mr Zhu divided us into three groups and then we began working.

the students in Group One planted trees and watered flowers. the studentsin Group Two were busy collecting litter left by the tourist. they also cleaned the benches in the park. I was in Group Three. We went to the children’s playground and cleaned all the equipment there. We worked very hard.

At about eleven we finished working. We met at the gate of the park. We all felt tired but very happy.

(5) A Sunset

the sunset is very beautiful and lovely. Its scene is as wonderful as a sunrise but it is even more beautiful to watch it in the country than in the city.

When the sun begins to set behind the mountains, its long rays light up the GREen fields. the clouds in the sky also begin to glow with a golden light, and the mountains are really colourful.

When the sun begins to set behind the mountain, it looks like a red ball. Its light fills the sky and changes the colour of the clouds from gold to red. When the sun is gone altogether behind the mountain, the clouds turn GREy and the mountains become


then you cannot help admiring the wonder of nature.


The new term has begun! -

Time flies, time if shuttle! The beginning of this term I have risen a grade and have become junior college student, so I must make a study plan to improve myself .I will spend more time in studying English. and do my best to pass the English CET4.At first I must believe myself, it may be the most important.! -

On the other hand, in this term, for me, I have some changes, for my mind, my position, and my study attitude. -

These changes may be good, Yes? -


I felt I can‟t fit the school‟s life before I come to school. But now, I think it impossible, new terms has many interesting things, too. Certainly, we have many themes to talk about them together. I t made us laugh. -

And now, it is the second week, however, I often sleep less, it has six or seven hours more or less, so I always feel tired with my eyes. -

On Tuesday, it is open ceremory. It often includes that prize to students who has well performanced, maybe will get a prize. But this term, I had backslide, so I can‟t get a scholarship., it is a pity! and I can‟t get a electronic dictionary. SO I will hard study, aim at a scholarship. -

Wednesday is Teachers ‟Day, at the same time, it‟s my classmate, Dandan ‟s Birthday. - I was in a good mood that day! -

我觉得我无法适应学校的生活,我来上学之前。但现在,我认为是不可能的,新的条款有很多有趣的事情,太多。当然,我们有很多的主题,他们一起讨论。 I T让我们笑。现在,它是第二个星期,但是,我经常睡眠不足,六,七个小时或多或少,所以我总是感到厌倦了我的眼睛。周二,它是开放ceremory的。它通常包括奖金,以及performanced学生,也许会得到奖品。但这个词,我不得不倒退,所以我不能获得奖学金。,这是可惜!我不能得到一个电子词典。所以我会努力学习,目的是一门学问。周三是教师节,在同一时间,,它是我的同班同学,丹丹的生日。我是在一个好心情,每天!

This time really fast. National Day holidays has ended. This week, I almost stay at home. At home, I always repeated these things, such as watch TV, read books ,and did some housework. Maybe it has a bit boring. But at home, it always make me happy. With my family together is golden hours. -

Backed home this time, I also got a MP4.With the MP4,I think it‟s more convenient to train English listening. And I thought of the dresident of the assignment. let us to write an essay ”my dream” essay. I began writing: ­

“Everyone has a dream, it is for everyone ,but people who don‟t have dream it will be empty. But the dream is always with the ideological change before then” When I wrote the assignment, I haven‟t seriously thought of what is my real dream to

be teacher. While I also. But my heart really dream, I haven‟t think clearly, do the things you can pull sight, I still feel OK. But now I still have a little dream, it‟s have an electronic dictionary. Come on~` - I hope everybody come true their dream, including myself. -


The weather becomes colder and colder, people began to wear long sleeve. Indeed, to take good care of yourself physically. This kind of weather easily cause cold. -

On Tuesday, It was Harsmar . And I asked some classmates a question ”what‟s Harmar ?”bur few people can answer. It also called ”JING LAO JIE”. It‟s maybe clear. and I sent a message to several teachers, including Lin Zhenhua, and he also gave me message, the content is motivating. I received his massage was very happy. -

This weekend, I began to practice the tutor. The students is poor in English, so I

just beginning from the simple grammar to teach. Two days of family education and feel good. -

Today I received notice, It said that the next week after week will held an exam ,it‟s about “basic training” ,I also have a little worried. ­

The next thing really busier and busier. It‟s about the exam. I might be a little scared. -


Today is Friday, a week is going over, as usual, this weekends will probably very bored. However, it is a good, so that I can have enough sleep. hehe~~ And on the basic of sleep is enough, I should plan to do, so don‟t let myself nothing. For example: hand a copy, Jianbi painting ,English words, etc. But the important thing still is to let myself get sufficient rest.

Now, the basic assessment of time delay ,on 27th.For me,so have enough time to prepare. It‟s a pleasant. Originally though it would began to exam at tomorrow‟s tomorrow. so now I must make a good use of the time. -

Recent Yanchipu nearby roads are repairing, so the traffic is very troublesome.

And I will go to the supermarket to buy something, it‟s very unconvenient. So I also did not go out this week. Every day, repeated this three place to walk, namely the school canteen, dormitory, the classroom. Perhaps this some boring, but I also don‟t know how to relaxation time. Sometimes , I am very busy, but sometimes have nothing to do .Also I‟m now a tutor, maybe I will more fulling. ­ Let‟s cheer myself! ­



The basic assessment of time is around the corner in the day after tomorrow, but I shall never seems to be ready until now. May be a bit worse. -

Just finished the tutor‟s work, this one is ten minutes‟ walk. And in this ten minutes . I was walking alone, so I usually think a lot. Sometimes I seem to realize some sense, sometimes what things are summarized, anyway, it‟s thought a lot. Like just I was thinking the composition of the topic in that day,” If I were a boy,” I haven‟t really think “if I were a boy”, and what can I do ? I really didn‟t think about it too much,,….. ­

Perhaps the most early monthly share happy, because the school will grant, and at the end of this time, maybe everyone became very expect, I feel the same way. Sometime a week doesn‟t happen something, so that nothing to write, like this week. ­ That‟s all. ­

基本评估的时间大约是在后天的角落,但我将永远不会似乎是准备到现在为止。可能是有点雪上加霜。刚刚参加完导师的工作,这个人是10分钟的步行路程。而在这10分钟。我独自走,所以我想了很多。有时候,我似乎意识到从某种意义上说,有时什么事情总结,反正想了很多。只是我在想在这一天的主题组成的一样,“如果我是一个男孩,”我没有真的认为“如果我是一个男孩”,我能做些什么呢?我真的没有去想太多,... ... ..也许最早期的每月分享快乐,因为学校将补助金,并在这段时间结束时,也许每个人都成为非常期待,我觉得同样的方式。有时一个星期不发生的事情,所以什么都不写,像这个星期。这是所有。


I was fell ill last night, but the strange to say, yet. Yesterday afternoon concepts can still play volleyball and skip rope. When back dormitory after school, began to feel dizzy ,body fatigue. May be tired. Later in the evening, and aware of the fever. I have hardly enough strength left to move my body. and to persuade my classmates and teachers, don't go to see the doctor. May be very stubborn, but the consequences caused heavier. In the dormitory, With students of class chatting, then how suddenly fainted, for carrying people had to be taken to the hospital. I don't know what happened from fainting to be sent to the hospital this time, but I wanted to say with classmates, teacher, "thank you." The time is my classmate review, the teacher taking delays and spend some time with me, and really touched. Thank you -

Shouldn't sick, it aside to me. Remember before the exam period of last semester with a fever, and ill for several days, then no review test scores, and left behind .I think the midterm exam as well. However, the performance should is not important, Health matters. Really, people began to feel uncomfortable, just think what things are not wonderful. instead, they will be very happy. Like yesterday morning till noon, I am very happy. First, my dad's birthday. Secondly, to learn that I won first prize in the composition contest, I was very excited. -

Change is said, Night is ill. On the way back to school, she said that she more and more like the head teacher, She said with a teacher of a pretty chat, and I also feel very well. - That evening is unforgettable . -


In midweek, we held a simple English forum in the classroom,. The topic of "the advantages and disadvantages of network."After a few minutes, we stopped, they all go to the dormitory nap. We were not ready for it,s o the effect is not so good. In this my point is: -

Computers play an important role in our everyday life. Also we can see in the

electronic reading room ,rows of students sit in front of the monitors. We us-e computers to cope with files and photos etc. And the internet is just a large database

and we can get on the internet to search for anything we need through the computers. We can keep in touch with the others with the emails, msn and QQ etc. Enjoying ourselves in music, games and movies can loosen us after nervous classes. -

Each coin has two sides. Disadvantages of the computers can also do harm to us. Most of us students use the computers more to play games and chat with strangers than searching for useful information. That‟s a waste of time. There is so much rubbish on the net, which are some medium messages about crime or sex. It does harm to our minds. -

From all above, we should learn to use computers in our own right ways....

The computers doesn‟t have no responsibility, it depends on the way we use them. In my view, Internet has both advantage and disadvantage, it depends on users. How do you use Internet? - That's all -

在周中,我们举行了一个简单的英语论坛,在课堂上。主题“的优势和劣势的网络。”几分钟后,我们停了下来,他们都去宿舍午睡。我们没有准备好,所以效果也不是那么好。这是我的观点是:计算机在我们的日常生活中发挥的重要作用。此外,我们可以看到,在电子阅览室,一排排学生坐在显示器前面。我们我们- E电脑,以应付文件和照片等,并在互联网仅仅是一个庞大的数据库,我们可以在互联网上得到任何我们需要通过计算机搜索。我们可以保持在接触其他与电子邮件,MSN和QQ等享受自己的音乐,游戏和电影可以放松后神经类。每一个硬币的两面。计算机的缺点也可以给我们的伤害。我们大多数学生使用计算机玩游戏和与陌生人聊天,比寻找有用的信息。这是浪费时间。有如此多的在网络上的垃圾,这是有关犯罪或性别的一些中等消息。它危害到我们的头脑。从所有上述,我们应该学会用电脑在我们自己的权利的方式....在电脑中没有任何责任,它取决于我们使用它们的方式。在我看来,互联网的优势和劣势,这取决于用户。你如何使用互联网?这就是全部

Friday again. How time flies. Another week has gone. I got an e_mail this week

from an old friend of mine. Her name is Qimeng. We parted when halfway through seventh grade. I haven‟t heard from her at all since about halfway throught ninth grade. I honestly thought I „d never hear from her again. She was one of my best friend, though. We had quite a bit in common. It was really great to hear from her. -

“If you could revidit any one moment from your life and live it again, what

would it be?” ­

There are so many choices! In light of recent circumstances, I guess that if I had

no pick, I‟d go back to the day Qimeng was leaving and tell her how much her friendship meant to me. I „d tell just how much I was going to miss her and make her promise to stay in touch and come back and see me once in a while. -

I know that when people leave your life, you always regret not saying

something to them. I‟ ve waved goodbye to many people in my life, and Qinmeng‟s the only one who ever kept in touch with me and who I regretted not saying more. - 周五再次。时间过得真快。一个星期已经一去不复返了。我得到了一个邮箱本周从我的老朋友。她的名字是启蒙。我们分手时,中途通过七年级。我没有听说她在所有九年级,因为大约一半的思想。老实说,我认为我从来没有听到从她再次。她是我最好的朋友之一,虽然。我们有共同颇有几分。这是真正伟大的,听到从她的。 “任何一个时刻,如果你可以revidit从你的生活和生活再次,会是什么?”有这么多的选择!鉴于最近的情况下,我想,如果我


Today is Sunday .I came back at 9:30 o’clock .what I did today?I can tell that I found a part time job outside.For me ,a student in college ,what can I do to support myself ? No experience ,no money, no partner,no specialized ability. Actually there is a shopping guide in empty position,5yuan an hour in my first work month,6yuan per hour in my second month then 7 yuan ,and so on.I have accepted it in my current situation.What I should do is to guide people to buy everything they want to and keep the shop clean.It is really boring, also tiresome,because I just stood there about 5 hours! No food , no drink ,even no rest,I mean no seat for me.Squatting for a moment , or against the cabinet,in this way I can have a rest .

About the job,at this moment,I just want to quit it .Not for its long work time but for its low salary,only 5 yuan an hour .Think about it,they just spend 25 yuan but I sacrificed the whole afternoon.Time is money,my time should be such cheap? Quite terrible,I can not accept this. Why I don ’ t spent time on meaningful things. The most significant task is to learn more specialized knowledge. If I have no specialized ability , just a common person like others, those who even have not attended the school.What can I do?A waitress? A shopping guider? For a such future, I attend the college? What a funny joke!

Write this, I made a decision,save my time to do something valuable,to learn more knowledge.Then tell you something,I chose French as my elective course,but still attend the Japanese lessons. Japanese textbooks I bought is lying quietly in my schoolbag.They are waiting for my open.

Since I return to the class at last,I should say that the world is not in books or maps.It is out there.What ever you met,just try it,the world will tell you the truth,and also give you experience.The society today is not so good,we learn something about the simmering,selfishness,indifference and so on ,and we called this change growth.um,just my personal view.



Number:1125010912 Date:2013,9,15

I went to the CuiHua Mountain with my roommates this weekend. This was the first time I went to climb the mountain. I felt it is very interesting and comfortable. Generally speaking, this was also one of the most unforgettable experiences in my college life.

To some extent, I didn’t like to climb mountain, because I come from countryside and I can see all kinds of mountains in my hometown. However, yesterday, my good friend Fang put forward a proposal that we can climb mountain. All of us thought it was a good idea, which can make us reduce stresses from study and life. And then we prepared everything well that we will take and use.

There were four persons in our group. We gathered together at our school gate at 9:00 am on Saturday. In fact, it is very far from here. It took us about two hours to get there by bus. It was cloudy that day and there were thousands of people climbed the mountain. When we arrived at there, we saw the mountain was very high. When attempted to reach the highest point of mountain, all kinds of beautiful scenery in my eyes. And we met a foreigner and talked with him in English on the road.

What impressed me most is that on the road I met a seventy-year-old grandma also climbing the mountain step by step. This remorseless spirit moved me deeply. From then on, I felt very tired and I wanted to have a rest, but when I thought of the old grandma, I felt more confident. After three hours, we reached the top highest. I felt very peaceful when I stood on the top of the mountain overlooking the distant place.

Unfortunately, we went down the mountain was very late and there was no car to go back to school. So we can only stay a night in there and wait until the second day morning to go home. And we went to bed early in the evening, although the accommodation is very simple, we have a good time in there.

Along the way, we sang away and took many photos. Until the second day early in the morning it was raining, and we went home by bus.

Though we were very tired, we had a good time. This was the most meaningful experience in my college years.

September 15, 2013


My hand was broken

This week ,I played football all the time . Every day ,we have a football competition.

On Friday ,we were ready for taking part in the football

competition. After 30 minutes,the competition started. When a ball pass me , I try my best to catch the ball. But one person ran to come over to play the ball, my hand was hit . Suddenly , my hand lost feeling——it's really painful.

The second day , my mother took me to see doctor . The doctor said my bone is healthy. But my hand was swollen. The doctor gave me some medicine. Finally, we took the bus to home.

Although my hand was broken , I also like playing football very much.
