coober pedy is a small town

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coober pedy is a small town篇一:崇明县2012学年第二学期教学质量调研卷





Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力)

I. Listening Comprehension(听力理解):(共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分)

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共10分)

7. A) Blue. B) Yellow. C) Green. D) Red.

8. A) Betty. B) Sharon. C) Sue. D) John.

9. A) 7:00. B) 7:30. C) 8:00. D) 8:30.

10. A) By bus. B) By bike. C) By car. D) By underground.

11. A) At a restaurant. B) At a library. C) At a store. D) At a school.

12. A) She will watch a TV program. B) She will watch a football match.

. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)

When you walk into the small Australian town of Coober Pedy, you

may be surprised by what you can see. It’s just barren (荒芜的)

land there!

So why even call it a town? There are more than 4,000 people of 48 nationalities. However, all of the people live underground!

Coober Pedy was established in 1915, following the discovery of opals (猫眼石). The town is sometimes called the “opal capital of the world,” because it is the largest opal mining area in the world.

Due to a desert climate (沙漠气候), people came to realize that while working under the ground was easy, living above it was not. The solution was to move underground, by changing old mines into homes and establishing the world’s first and most likely, only underground town.

As years have gone by, the homes have become bigger. There are now also some hotels for tourists. They come from all over the world just to see this unusual town. Coober Pedy is probably best known for its unique style (独特风格)of underground living.

While the structures (结构)may be located underground, they are in no way worse than those that lie above. Not only do their walls have the color of beautiful red, but also the structures have all the modern equipment like walk-in closets, modern kitchens and televisions. And the town also has gift shops selling opal jewelry, a couple of museums and even a church!

Besides, Coober Pedy is also a favourite among filmmakers. And it has appeared in a series of movies such as Pitch Black, Red Planet and Opal Dream.

74. This passage tells us that Coober Pedy is a(an) .

A) world famous person B) underground town

C) film-making company D) precious stone

75. People living in Coober Pedy .

A) come from many different countries B) all live above the ground

C) settled down there long before 1915D) used to live in big cities

76. We know from the passage that Coober Pedy .

A) is a small town with 400 people B) was established before the year 1915

C) is famous for its desert climate D) was established after opals were discovered

77. People moved to live underground because .

A) there were large opal mines there B) living above the ground was not easy

C) it was the opal capital of the world D) it was the world’s first underground town

78. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A) People in Coober Pedy changed old mines into homes.

B) The underground homes have all the modern equipment.

C) Tourists come to Coober Pedy just to buy opal jewelry.

D) The underground homes are as good as those that lie above.

79. The best title for this passage might be .

A) Opal Mining in Australia B) The Desert Climate in Coober Pedy

C) Gift shops in Coober Pedy D) World’s First Underground Town

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(12分)

On a recent flight, Laura was talking happily with the woman in the next seat— until the conversation turnedtofares. The woman, who bought her ticket two months in advance, paid $109. Laura paid the (80) fare of $457. She decided that next time she would find out how to travel for less.

Here are some ways to travel for less:

Cheap airline tickets. To fly for less money, you can buy non-refundable(不能退票的) plane tickets two or three months before your trip. The cheapest way to fly is as a courier (信使). (81) for delivering a package for a courier company, you get a plane ticket that costs as little as one-quarter of the regular fare – or even less if the company needs someone at the (82) minute. Recently, a courier flew round trip from Los Angeles to Tokyo for $100; a regular ticket cost around $1,800.

Train passes. If you’re going to do a lot of traveling by train, a train pass will (83) you money. Buying a single pass

gives you unlimited travel for a period of time. Train passes can be especially (84) in India, which has the world’s lar

gest railway system; in Japan, where trains are fast and convenient; and in Europe, where trains go to over 30,000 cities.

Hostels(招待所). Hostels used to provide cheap rooms for people under the age of 25. Nowadays, hostels don’t have any age requirements. They’re not only cheap ($8--$17 a night) but a great way to (85) people. Hostels are often in interesting places – a castle in Germany, alighthouse in California, a one-room schoolhouse in the wild area of Australia. And sometimes hostels even have large swimming pools.

80. A) less B) cheap C) only

D) full

81. A) In return B) In addition C) At least D) At present

82. A) first B) second C) last

D) next

83. A) save B) cost C) pa

y D) send

84. A) expensive B) useful C) limited D) useless

85. A) welcome B) teach C) meet D) help

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

People used to know more or less how their children would live. Now things are changing so quickly that we don’t even know what our own lives will be like in a few years. What follows is not science fiction(小说). It’s how scientists see the f (86) .

You’re daydreaming behind the wheel of your car, but that’s OK. You have it on automatic driving, and with its high-tech computers and cameras, your car knows how to get you home safely.

You’re h (87) , so you head for the kitchen as soon as you get home. You ordered food by computer an hour ago, and you know that by now they’ve arrived. Your kitchen has a two-way fridge, which opens to the outside to a (88) the food. You’ve already paid for the food by having the money subtracted(扣除) from your bank account. N (89) uses cash (现金) anymore.

What’s for lunch? In the old days, you used to stop off to buy a hamburger or pizza. Now you use a new machine to find out which foods your body needs. You find out you need more vegetables and less f (90) . Your food-preparation machine makes you a salad.

After lunch, you go down the hall to your home office. Here you have everything you need for doing your work. Thanks to your information screen and your new computer, you almost n (91) go into the office anymore.

coober pedy is a small town篇二:近三年英语第二卷


阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。

Afel was only a small boy when he first saw snow in a picture book. In the pictures he saw a

lot of children (61) ______ (play) in the snow.

Afel didn’t understand what snow was. But he dreamed about snow all the time. He dreamed

of being able (62) ______ (fly) across the snow.

One day when he was twelve, Afel (63) ______ (watch) TV at his uncle’s house. The

program was full of snow. Not only snow – there were people flying across the snow.

―Look! They (64) ______ (fly)!‖ he shouted excitedly.

The snow, and the people… It was just like one of his dreams.

―They’re skiing. It needs snow,‖ said his uncle, ―it’s the Winter Olympics. It (65) ______

(hold) every four years.‖

Afel (66)_________ (find)out that the next Winter Olympics would be in Sochi, Russia in


―Perfect,‖ he thought. ―Enough time for me to become a good skier. I (67) ______ (go) to the

Winter Olympics, and win the gold medal for skiing.‖

―But there’s no snow here!‖ people told him. ―Where are you going to ski?‖

Afel made himself a pair of skis and skied across the sand. At first he couldn’t move, but he

practised and practised until he could move quite quickly.

―How will you go to the Winter Olympics?‖ people asked him. ―Our country (68) ______

(not, have) a team at all. Why (69) ______ (not, do) athletics (田径) instead? We have lots of good

runners. And we (70) ______ (win) lots of medals at the Olympics.‖

Now Afel is practising skiing down sand dunes (沙丘). He dreams that the yellow sand and

brown earth of the desert (沙漠) is the white snow.



I wrote my first poem when I was 5 years old. It was (71) f_______ Mother’s Day.

The poem was not my best work, but my mom kept it – just like she kept every other piece of

writing and artwork I ever made. She (72) a________ kept my baby clothes and a piece of hair

from my first haircut. Sometimes I feel like my mom runs a museum of (73) m_______ life, and

she is the only visitor.

But it feels (74) n________ to be loved like that. Who else would care enough to keep all of

my terrible drawings and silly poems? Only a (75) m_________.

(76) O________ Mother’s Day when I was little, I used to bring my mom breakfast in bed,

(77) m________ her a card, give her kisses and tell her I loved her. I’d say to her: ―You’re the (78)

b________ mom in the whole world!‖

I don’t get to see my mother very much these days. Now I live in China, 11,200 km from my

parents’ home in the US. I’m too far away to bring my mom breakfast in bed or give her kisses.

(79)B_______ when Mother’s Day comes, I’ll call my mom from China. Over the (80)

p________, I’ll tell her I love her. No matter how far away I go, she’s always in my heart.

三、阅读表达 (共5小题,计10分)


In 1998, I wrote a letter for my future self with instructions not to open until my birthday

2010. It was now 2011, so I decided to open it. This is what it said:

Dear Sherri,

By the time you read this, you will be 30. At the age of 18 I had many hopes and dreams

about you. Right now I hope you have traveled and seen everything you've always wanted to, both

in Canada and abroad, maybe you have even settled (定居) down somewhere in France, and

maybe you are working in the field of art. I hope you're married to Gwynn -- the man of your

dreams. You'll probably have two children – a girl and a boy.

If everything goes okay, you'll be living in France in a big house in a small town with Gwynn

and your two children. You are doing research in painting. Gwynn will be a computer programmer

and you will be doing all right for yourselves.

However, if things don't go according to plan, I wish you love, happiness and joy.


Sherri "18"

When I read this, I was surprised. So much of what I wanted has come true.

But not everything went as what I hoped. I married a man named Tom Rees, and he is an

excellent artist. We are doing all right for ourselves.

A. 根据短文内容简要回答问题。

81. How many hopes and dreams did the 18-year-old Sherri have?


82. Which of her hopes and dreams didn’t come true?




84. _______________________________________________________________________

C. 请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。

85. _______________________________________________________________________



" Everything happens for the best," my grandmother said whenever things weren't going my

way. "Don't worry, one day your luck (61) _______(change). "

Grandmother was right, as I discovered after graduating from college. I had decided to be

sports announcer (广播员) in a radio station, so I (62) _______ ( go) to Shanghai and knocked on

the door of every station. But I got refused every time.

In one station, a kind lady said my problem was short of experience. " Get some work with a

small station and (63)_______(work) your way up ," she said.

I couldn't get a job there, either. Then my dad told me a businessman had opened a company

and needed someone ( 64 )_______ ( manage) the sports center. But again, I didn't get the job.

I felt really down. "Your luck will change," Granny reminded me. I tried another radio station

in Beijing. But the owner, a nice man, told me he already had someone.

As I left his office, I asked, " How can someone be a sports announcer if he

( 65 )_______(not, get) a job in a radio station?"

I (66 )_______( wait) for the elevator when I heard the man call, " What was that you said

about sports? Do you know anything about football?" I (67)_______(put) in front of a microphone

and asked to imagine I was commenting (评论) on a football game. "Now you (68)_______

(watch) the football game between Lu Neng and Shen Hua. . . "

On my way home, Granny's words came back to me, " One day your luck will change, boy.

And when it (69 ) _______( happen) , it'll feel twice as good because of all the disappointment (失

望) you (70) _______ ( have) . " At that moment I knew just what she meant.



Coober Pedy is a small town in the Australian desert (沙漠). It's famous not only for its opals

(猫眼石) , but also for a very unusual(71) r________—the people live and work underground.

Why do people choose to live under the ground? To avoid (避开) the(72) h_______ days and

cold nights-daytime temperatures can rise to 50 °C or more and on a cold night they can fall to (73)

z_______. The locals say that their strange lifestyle is the only answer(74) t________ the

unpleasant climate (气候) . In the underground homes,the temperature is always a very pleasant

19°C to 24°C .But that's not the only advantage ; the people there don't need to pay builders if (75)

t_______want to build a home or make any changes.

You would be very surprised to see (76) h________well people manage to live underground.

They have modern kitchens and bathrooms, sometimes even spas (温泉)―People think it's

impossible to live here and that we're like ancient people, (77 ) b_______ that's not true. " says

Bev Smith, who has lived in Coober Pedy for over 30 years. When my husband, Larry, and I first

came here, life was very ( 78 ) d _______ and many people decided to leave. But now, things have

(79) c________a lot and we’re very comfortable. We now have underground shops, hotels, restaurants, cafes and churches!‖

Abigail and Brian Tynan (80) 1_______ their large house in Melbourne(墨尔本) two years

ago to have in an underground home. "My mouth fell open when I saw my wonderful

underground home," remembers Brian. " I really enjoy living here. "



In the past twenty years, riding bicycles has become more and more popular among people of But today an even greater number of adults cycle along roadsides and bicycle paths. These new

riders are often trying to become fit or lose weight. They have found that bicycling is a pleasant

way to stay healthy.

This is certainly good for health. But it has also brought some problems. With all these added

people on the road, bicycle safety has become a matter of real importance.

Bicycle safety is mostly a matter of common sense. People should ride only on bicycle paths where they will not be badly hurt. There are also a number of rules that riders should follow,

especially when riding on streets or highways. Bicyclists should never ride against the traffic,nor

should they carry other people on their bicycles. They are also supposed to ride in single line on

busy streets and to "walk bicycles across the busy intersections (交叉路口In one recent year, the National Safety Council reported that 34 thousand bicycle riders were

hurt in highway accidents. In that same year, another six hundred riders were killed. Since the

introduction of crash helmets (头盔) in 1980, the number of injuries (伤者) and deaths from

bicycling accidents had gone down. Today, more and more riders realize the dangers of bicycling.

They are wearing helmets and paying closer attention to cycling rules.

A. 根据短文内容回答下列问题。

81. How many rules should the riders follow? Give one example.


82. According to the National Safety Council's report, what's the total number of injuries and

deaths in one recent year?


B. 将短文中划线部分译成汉语。



C. 请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。



阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。

Henry found a job in a bookstore after he finished middle school. He wouldn't do anything but

wanted to get rich.

It was a cold morning. It (61)_______ (snow) and there was thin ice on the streets. Few people

went to buy the books and the young man had nothing (62) ______ (do). He hated to read, so he

watched the traffic. Suddenly he (63) ______ (see) a bag fall off a truck and it landed by the other

side of the street.

"It (64)_____ (be) full of expensive things." Henry said to himself. "I have to get it right now, or

others (65) ______ (take) it away."

He went out of the shop and ran across the street. A driver saw him and began to whistle (鸣

笛), but he didn't hear it and went on (66) ______(run). The man drove to the side, hit a big tree

and (67) ______ (hurt) in the accident. Two weeks later Henry was taken to court. A judge asked if

he heard the whistle when he was running across the street. He said that something was wrong

with his ears and he could hear nothing.

"But you (68) ______ (hear) me this time," said the judge.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Now I can hear with one ear."

"(69) ______(cover) the ear with your hand and listen to me with your deaf one. Well, can you

hear me?"

"No, I can't, sir."

―You (70) ______ (tell) lies. There is nothing wrong with either of your ears.‖ The judge said.



Ron, the teacher at the skydiving(跳伞运动) school, was surprised when the gray-haired man

said that his name was Walter and asked if he could take skydiving lessons. Ron asked him how

that he was 60. Ron explained to Walter that (72) a over 50 had to be checked by a doctor before he could learn to jump from a plane. ―I’m sorry, but

I can’a letter from your doctor.‖

Walter smiled. ― of

tests and he says that I’m fine.‖

So Walter was able to join the skydiving school. He came to all the lessons and worked very

jump. Ron

asked him if he was feeling OK. Walter answered that he had never felt better. However, he added

and Walter smiled. Then just before he jumped, he told Ron that he wasn’t 60. Ron asked how old

was and Walter told him he was 75!

Walter has a lot of (79) h

mountains. Last year he was saved by a police helicopter(直升飞机) in Wales.

His daughter Betty worries about him. ―I think he should stop all these activities. But my

mother says that as long as he’s happy, it’s OK.‖

九、阅读表达 (共5小题,计10分)


Do you feel sleepy, like something is weighing down on your head? Do you feel forgetful?

Do you sometimes feel uncomfortable up and down your neck and lower back, and you can’t

explain why? Do you get sick often? It could be radiation(辐射) from your computer causing it. If

coober pedy is a small town篇三:Opal Town (整理版)

coober pedy is a small town篇四:澳大利亚地下城Coober Pedy

澳大利亚地下城Coober Pedy

Coober Pedy 是一个位于南澳大利亚州地下的小镇,同时也是世界唯一一个地下城。

Coober Pedy所在的南澳州是地球最干燥的大陆之上最干燥的州。 Coober Pedy 建立于1915年,当时Opal(欧珀/蛋白石)宝石在这个地区首次被发现,于是矿工们开始涌入这个地区。由于气候条件过于严酷,矿工们开始向山坡里挖掘以寻找栖息之地。他们不过是想在烈日下找到喘息之处,但最终却建立了一个小镇。

如今,小镇的人们仍然喜欢在地下建房。这里的夏天并不好受,气温经常超过40摄氏度。如果你决定在这里生活,空调就不再是奢侈品而是必需品。但是在 Coober Pedy 的地下房屋内,情形会截然不同——气温往往徘徊在24摄氏度左右,而空气湿度也总是低于20%。在冬天,地下可能会很冷,但是人们甘愿做出妥协。

尽管 Coober Pedy 小镇已经存在了很长时间,但在上世纪80年代之后它才开始逐渐闻名。在1981年,一位名为 Umberto Coro 的小镇居民认识到了这个沉睡在地下的小镇所拥有的盈利潜力,于是他建立了这里的第一家酒店。从此,这个小镇声名远扬,吸引了许多澳大利亚人来这里旅游。如今,国外的游客蜂拥而至,选择留宿沙漠洞穴酒店、当地的旅馆或是私家住宅,最吸引他们的是地下那些凉爽、黑暗、宽敞的房间。房间表面微红色岩石所拥有的质感从未令游客失望,而步入式的衣柜、存储区、卧室、梦幻般的厨房、地下教堂无疑都是房间的加分项。

coober pedy is a small town篇五:中考词汇

coober pedy is a small town篇六:2011年上海各区二模英语首字母填空汇总


D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

Test scores make you either happy or sad and your parents pay high

attention to your test results. You spend days filling in blanks, trying to make

the best a (92) to question after question. Maybe you tried your hardest or

maybe you tried! What you need to remember is that a test is a

picture of your ability from just one day. It consists of some pieces including your health, your personality, your interests, and your motivation. You need to look at all the pieces to get a cleari(94) of your progress. So whether your scores are higher than you thought, or l (95) your scores have become the focus of your life. The purpose of a test is to check how much you have learned about a subject. It not only helps make your newly acquired knowledge forever, but also enables you to find out what needs to spend more time improving. If you’rewith the results, encourage yourself to work for a further aim. If disappointment has overcome you, ask your teacher and your parents to help you set a reasonable goal for improvement. Most exams are about to test your skill in certain subject areas such as math, language and arts. Some compare your skills to other students’ skills from across the countrymastered a specific skill. These scores can be very puzzling…even to adults. You should speak to both your teacher and your parents to find out what they mean in your educational journey. It is important to take a correct attitude towards test scores.


D Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words

Anger is a common and healthy human emotion, But when it get out of control, It can c ______ problems: problems at work, in your personal relationships and in your family life,

Everybody gets angry sometimes. Although being angry is a familiar situation, what you do when you feel angry is important. This is d_______ for kids and even for adults, too.

These ideas may calm you down and help solve the problem which is troubling you. First, exercise can be good for people who are trying to get their tempers u______ control because it’s a method of releasing energy and stress. For example, you will feel good to dance around your room with your favorite music! Second, get into the h_______ of saying how you’re feeling and why. If you are having trouble with your temper, talk with your parents or friends and tell them what you are trying to do . Words help you show your feelings and r_____ understanding from others. Third, breathe deeply and repeat a calm word or phrase s______, such as relax or take it easy to yourself while breathing. Besides, you’d better think of people and things you are thankful for because you can’t be truly angry and thankful as the same time.

Anger is never an excuse to give up your work or influence the people around you .,Remember: life will always be filled with______, frustrated and some other unexpected actions. You can’t

change that, but you can change your way to face the events that affect you. Learning to control

your angry responses can hel p you stay away from being even unhappier.


D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

The newest touch screen mobile phone that has been recently introduced by Apple Company is the Apple iPhone 4. It has surely a_____92_____ attention from fashion persons from all over the world. Exquisite(优美精致的) appearance, unique design, high-quality image and sound enjoyment, powerful iTunes store, all these make iPhone become p____93____ as soon as it was released(发行,推出). After much expectation, people lined up for hours at stores around the world to buy the latest smart-phone(智能手机) by Apple.

The phone can help people realize the dream of video calling. Friends can say hello with a big smile from across the globe. The mother can take a good look at her son a____94_____. The communication will be more convenient.

The iPhone 4 is faster, thinner, has a longer battery life, and it features(以……特色) video calling. Apple is not the only c____95____ that makes so-called smart-phones that allow users to access the Internet. But loyal customers say its simplicity(简易)akes the iPhone stand out(出色). All of these a_____96_____ features of the Apple iPhone 4 will ensure(保证)high quality performance that you will not experience w_____97_____ any other types of phone. In addition, as this phone is multi-functional(多功能的), it can do more than just the usual call and text(短信), you will surely appreciate everything that it can actually do for you. More perfect appearance and powerful functions will bring another round of Apple frenzy(狂热).

But technology expert says Apple’s iPhone faces growing competition from o____98_____ companies, such as Google, that make their own smart-phones. With competition, experts expect prices to drop, making smart-phones much more accessible to(更易买到)consumers around the world.


D.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入恰当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(共14分)

Most of the movies show our relationship and our society. What’s more important is that people love to watch highs and lows of the relationships in movies. Friendship has been the of movie makers for a long time. Many movies are based on lovely relationships like friendship. between friends is delicate (需要小心处理的). These movies also show how important it is to have a true friend in life and to own the friendship. of this lovely relationship including the pleasant and interesting faces. Let us discuss how friendship is described in movies.

see such friendship in movies such as “Harry Potter” and “Lord of Rings”. Harry Potter has two friends. All of them are interested in magic.

Friends make sacrifices (牺牲): In most of the movies, friends make sacrifices for each other.

A g___97___example is “Sholay”. In this movie, there are two friends Jay and Veeru who are there for each other till death. Jay sacrifices his life to save his friend.

Friends never run away from difficulties: In movies, it is always shown that true friends always stand up for their friends in times of difficulties.

A single smile can brighten up the faces of all the friends.


D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

Coober Pedy is a small town in the Australian desert. It's famous not only for its 6pals (猫眼石), but also for a very unusual r 92 -the people live and work underground.

Why do people choose to live under the ground? To avoid (避开) the boiling hot days and f 93 cold nights-daytime temperatures can rise to 50 *C or more and on a cold night the thermometer can hit zero. The locals say that their strange lifestyle is the only answer to the unfavourable climate. In the underground homes, the-temperature is always a very pleasant 19*C to 24"C. But that's not the only a 94 the people there don't need to pay builders if they want to build a home or make any changes.

You would be very surprised to see how well people manage to live underground. They have fitted kitchens and bathrooms, sometimes e 95 spas(温泉). "People are wrong about this place," says Bev Smith, who has lived in Coober Pedy for over 30 years. "They think it's impossible to live here and that we're like primitive (原始的) cave people, but that's not t 96 . When my husband, Larry, and I first came here, there was no electricity or running water. Life was very difficult and many people decided to leave. But now, things have c 97 a lot and we're very comfortable. We now have underground shops, hotels, restaurants, cafes and churches!" Abigail and Brian Tynan left their large house in Melbourne two years ago to live in an underground home. "My mouth fell open when I saw my underground home," remembers Brian. "It was like a cave. It took us about a year to turn it into a cosy home, but we've settled in now and I'd rather live here than a 98 the ground. It's my choice and I really enjoy it."


D. Reading the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给出) :(14分)

What makes you happy in life? Perhaps it is the love of your family or the friendship of your classmates. We all want people to love us, so it is natural for us to do what we can to make others p 92 . However, we also know that this is not always possible. Life does not always run smoothly(顺利)for us and mistakes often happen.

What happens when you make a mistake? Do you try to hide the fact, or deny any

responsibility(责任)?We all know that this behavior(表现) usually makes the situation much w 93 . As we grow, we should realize the best thing to do a 94 a mistake is made is to accept responsibility, and to offer an apology.

When you’ve made a mistake, say you’re sorry. It allows several good things to happen. It helps people to believe you again, and it helps to repair any damage that was caused by the mistake.

A 95 very important reason of saying you’re sorry is that it helps you to gain respect for yourself again. It allows you to put a mistake b __ 96 you, and to move on with your life. Accepting responsibility also helps to learn from our mistakes, and encourages us not to r___97 them in the future. Perhaps it also helps us to learn how to forgive(原谅) others who make mistakes. Learning to say you’re sorry is a sure w___98 to learn how to respect yourself and others.


D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

James is a good student and he has lots of friends, but he also has a problem .Some older boys are bullying him at school .James isn’t happy and he doesn’t know what to do about it .Here are some suggestions to the t 92 in this situation .

Don’t feel worried. It’s not your fault(过错)! Being bullied can make you feel very and angry, but you are not alone. Don’t feel that you have to hide the problem .You should find a person you can trust, and tell him/her. It might be your teacher, your parents, or even your friend’s parents .A 94 you tell someone ,you will get some support and feel some relief.

Speaking to an adult might make you a little nervous, but here are other things you can do .Some people show their feelings more on paper .Write a letter to someone or keep a diary .All the details should be i 96 in it about what the bullies do ,as well as when and where the bullying happens. You can use it to prove what is going on .And it is a wonderful idea to show your letter or diary to a teacher or a 97 responsible adult . Then the bullies will feel very afraid if their names appear in a letter!

Also, never show that you are very u 98 ,and don’t try to fight with the bullies .You could get into trouble yourself .Pay no attention to them and just walk away . The bullies will soon stop.


D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

I once believed that a friend is a friend all the way. Now I have changed my ideas about friendships.

Friends of convenience

They can be the people who live next door or the mothers of our children's closest friends. Friends of convenience are convenient .They'll help us when we need it. They'll look after our cats whenwe go on holidays. But we don't ever get too close or tell too much. We keep our public face and emotional distance. Thatalk about being overweight but not about

being sad or disappointed. However, people still feel these friendships valuable to them.

Special-interest friends

These friendships aren't deeply personal or emotional. Their value is that they can s Historical friends

We all have a friend who knew us when ... maybe we were back in the second grade of .t primary school, when our family lived in that two-room flat downtdwn. He or she was the first, the only friend we told our s 95 to.

The years have gone by, and we have gone different ways. We have in common now, but we're still a personal part of each other's past. We know how we looked before our teeth were straightened, and our getting together reminds us of an earlier part of ourselves,which is important andlost.

Cross-generational friends

These are friendships that form across generations. I have in my own life a p 98 friend, a woman of 65, who is wise, who listens well, and who represents not only an ideal mother to me but also the person I'd like to be when I grow up.

Best friends, I believe, totally trust, support and love each other.


fill in the blanks with proper words

Anger is a common and healthy human emotion, But when it get out of control, It can c______ problems: problems at work, in your personal relationships and in your family life, Everybody gets angry sometimes. Although being angry is a familiar situation, what you do when you feel angry is important. This is d_______ for kids and even for adults, too.

These ideas may calm you down and help solve the problem which is troubling you. First, exercise can be good for people who are trying to get their tempers u______ control because it’s a method of releasing energy and stress. For example, you will feel good to dance around your room with your favorite music! Second, get into the h______ of saying how you’re feeling and why. If you are having trouble with your temper, talk with your parents or friends and tell them what you are trying to do . Words help you show your feelings and r_____ understanding from others. Third, breathe deeply and repeat a calm word or phrase s______, such as relax or take it easy to yourself while breathing. Besides, you’d better think of people and things you are thankful for because you can’t be truly angry and thankful as the same time. Anger is never an excuse to give up your work or influence the people around you .,Remember: life will always be filled with p______, frustrated and some other unexpected actions. You can’t change that, but you can change your way to face the events that affect you. Learning to control your angry responses can help you stay away from being even unhappier.

coober pedy is a small town篇七:2013上海市闸北区中考英语模拟题(2)




Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension(听力理解):(共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分)

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共10分)











A) Blue. B) Yellow. C) Green. D) Red. A) Betty. B) Sharon. C) Sue. D) John. A) 7:00. B) 7:30. C) 8:00. D) 8:30. A) By bus. B) By bike. C) By car. D) By underground. A) At a restaurant. B) At a library. C) At a store. D) At a school. A) She will watch a TV program. B) She will watch a football match. C) She will visit her friends. D) She will sing in the program. A) He doesn’t want to help. B) He isn’t able to work. C) He’ll help the woman later. D) He’d like to work here. A) He found it interesting. B) He found it enjoyable. C) He found it boring. D) He found it amazing. A) Doctor and patient. B) Brother and sister. C) Husband and wife. D) Clerk and customer. A) The test paper had only one page. B) The exam was difficult for the woman. C) The woman found the exam easy. D) The woman finished the exam in one hour.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分)

17. The writer and his parents stayed in an Australian hotel last summer.

18. The hotel where they stayed was very big and comfortable.

19. Though the hotel was small, it had many lifts.

20. The writer had to spend a long time waiting for the lift each day.

21. One morning the writer went back to his room for his jacket.

22. When the writer took the lift, it suddenly stopped halfway down.

23. This passage is mainly about how the writer went to Australia last summer.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共7分)

24. Alice went to the capital city to do some .

25. She stayed at a hotel the central market.

26. When Alice passed a beggar (乞丐), she put a dollar into his bowl.

27. On the fourth day Alice gave the beggar only cents.

28. The beggar noticed that Alice gave him money on the fourth day.

29. The beggar explained to Alice that he was not .

30. The beggar was just looking after the place for the regular person while he was on .

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)

31. A strong earthquake hit Ya’an, Sichuan A) on B) in C) to D) at

32. David and his friends had good time at the beach, swimming and playing.

A) a B) an C) the D) /

33. Super Diva is favourite TV program and I watch it every week.

A) I B) me C) my D) myself

34. Sir Benjamin Hall was responsible the making of the famous clock Big Ben.

A) with B) at C) on D) for

35. about the H7N9 bird flu on the Internet.

A) story B) picture C) example D) information

36. I couldn’t start the engine of my car this morning. There must be wrong with it.

A) anything B) something C) everything D) nothing

37. Lucy A) mustn’t B) needn’t C) couldn’t D) shouldn’t

38. We really hope that Chongming Island will become than ever before.

A) beautiful B) more beautiful C) most beautiful D) the most beautiful

39. - ________ did you pay for the new mobile phone?

- About 4000 RMB.

A) How long B) How far C) How much D) How often

40. beautifully they dance! I love the TV program So You Think You Can Dance.










A) What B) What a C) What an D) How Mary enjoyed her stay in the UK because everyone in the host family was to her. A) friendly B) gently C) happily D) politely Stop smoking please, you’ll have a bad cough. A) but B) or C) and D) so Jenny will go for a picnic with her classmates it rains tomorrow. A) unless B) because C) until D) as My daughter is going to practise the piano this summer. A) play B) to play C) playing D) played Mrs. Smith told her son himself before having the interview. A) relax B) relaxing C) relaxed D) to relax Helen and her cousin A) go B) goes C) went D) will go Tina an e-mail in her room when the telephone rang last night. A) writes B) will write C) is writing D) was writing So far, my classmates and I for the charity for nearly three years. A) have worked B) are working C) will work D) were working -I’m really sorry to have caused you so much trouble. -______

A) Well done. B) Yes, please. C) That’s all right. D) You are welcome.

-Shall we join the summer sports club in our school? It’s fun.

- B) Good idea. C) It’s hard to say. D) That’s right. 50. A) Thank you.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word

or phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或短语填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或短语只能填一次):(共8分)

Hughie Erskine, who was a handsome but (51) young man, was in love with Laura Merton, whose father had asked for£10,000 to (52) them to marry. One day Hughie visited his friend Alan Trevor. Trevor, who was an artist, was just finishing a (53) of a beggar. “Poor old man!” thought Hughie, “he looks so poor,” and gave the man a pound, which was the (54) bit of money he had. The beggar smiled, “Thank you, Sir, thank you.” Hughie spent the rest of the day with Laura. She was rather angry (55) he had given away his last pound, and he had to walk home because he had no (56) to pay for transport. That night he went to his club, where he met Trevor. Trevor told him that the beggar was Baron Hausberg, who was (57) a millionaire (百万富翁). The following day Hughie (58) an envelope from the Baron. It had these words written on the outside: ‘a wedding present from an old beggar to Hughie and Laura’. Inside was a check for £10,000!

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共8分) 59. My father took many during his trip to the mountains last weekend.(photo) 60. Tom had lost his mobile phone, so I told him he could use . ( me )

61. This is the time that Robert has been late for work this month. (three) 62. Jim said that he could solve the problem by himself. (easy) 63. It was of me to have made so many spelling mistakes in the article.(care) 64. I always believe that there is still some in this world. (honest) 65. You have to study very hard if you want to in your work. (success) 66. This is a(an) place to live in because the pollution here is very serious. (health)

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每

空格限填一词): (共14分)

67. Paul often writes e-mails to his friend who is studying in America.(改为否定句)

Paul ________ often ________ e–mails to his friend who is studying in America. 68. Jack took a shower before going to bed at night.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Jack do before going to bed at night?

69. Sally could hardly understand the English film she saw last night.(改为反意疑问句)

Sally could hardly understand the English film she saw last night, ________ ________?

70. The earthquake destroyed many houses in that area last month.(改为被动语态) Many houses in that area ________ ________ by the earthquake last month.

71. “Will you go to the concert with me?” Mary asked Peter(合并为一句)

Mary asked Peter _________ he _________ go to the concert with her.

72. The student was so busy that he didn’t notice anything unusual.(改为简单句)

The student was too busy _________ _________ anything unusual.

73. Karen spent two weeks finishing the report on health problems.(保持句意不


It _________ Karen two weeks _________ finish the report on health problems.

Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)

VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):(共50分)

A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)

When you walk into the small Australian town of Coober Pedy, you may be surprised by what you can see. It’s just barren (荒芜的) land there!

So why even call it a town? There are more than 4,000 people

of 48 nationalities. However, all of the people live


Coober Pedy was established in 1915, following the discovery of opals (猫眼石). The town is sometimes called the “opal capital of the world,” because it is the largest opal mining area in the world.

Due to a desert climate (沙漠气候), people came to realize that while working under the ground was easy, living above it was not. The solution was to move underground, by changing old mines into homes and establishing the world’s first and most likely, only underground town.

As years have gone by, the homes have become bigger. There are now also some hotels for tourists. They come from all over the world just to see this unusual town. Coober Pedy is probably best known for its unique style (独特风格)of underground living.

While the structures (结构)may be located underground, they are in no way worse than those that lie above. Not only do their walls have the color of beautiful red, but also the structures have all the modern equipment like walk-in closets, modern kitchens and televisions. And the town also has gift shops selling opal jewelry, a couple of museums and even a church!

coober pedy is a small town篇八:七上英语

Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension(听力理解):(共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分)

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共10分)

7. A) Blue. B) Yellow. C) Green. D) Red.

8. A) Betty. B) Sharon. C) Sue. D) John.

9. A) 7:00. B) 7:30. C) 8:00. D) 8:30.

10. A) By bus. B) By bike. C) By car. D) By underground.

11. A) At a restaurant. B) At a library. C) At a store. D) At a school.

12. A) She will watch a TV program. B) She will watch a football match.

C) She will visit her friends. D) She will sing in the program.

13. A) He doesn‘t want to help. B) He isn‘t able to work.

C) He‘ll help the woman later. D) He‘d like to work here.

14. A) He found it interesting. B) He found it enjoyable.

C) He found it boring. D) He found it amazing.

15. A) Doctor and patient. B) Brother and sister.

C) Husband and wife. D) Clerk and customer.

16. A) The test paper had only one page. B) The exam was difficult for the woman.

C) The woman found the exam easy. D) The woman finished the exam in one


C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用―T‖表示,不符合的用―F‖表示): (共7分)

17. The writer and his parents stayed in an Australian hotel last summer.

18. The hotel where they stayed was very big and comfortable.

19. Though the hotel was small, it had many lifts.

20. The writer had to spend a long time waiting for the lift each day.

21. One morning the writer went back to his room for his jacket.

22. When the writer took the lift, it suddenly stopped halfway down.

23. This passage is mainly about how the writer went to Australia last summer.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共7分)

24. Alice went to the capital city to do some .

25. She stayed at a hotel the central market.

26. When Alice passed a beggar (乞丐), she put a dollar into his bowl.

27. On the fourth day Alice gave the beggar only cents.

28. The beggar noticed that Alice gave him money on the fourth day.

29. The beggar explained to Alice that he was not .

30. The beggar was just looking after the place for the regular person while he was on .

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)

31. A strong earthquake hit Ya‘an, Sichuan April 20th, and many people were killed.

A) on B) in C) to D) at

32. David and his friends had good time at the beach, swimming and playing.

A) a B) an C) the D) /

33. Super Diva is favourite TV program and I watch it every week.

A) I B) me C) my D) myself

34. Sir Benjamin Hall was responsible the making of the famous clock Big Ben.

A) with B) at C) on D) for

35. We can get much about the H7N9 bird flu on the Internet.

A) story B) picture C) example D) information

36. I couldn‘t start the engine of my car this morning. There must

be wrong with it.

A) anything B) something C) everything D) nothing

37. Lucy lift the heavy box by herself, so she asked Tom for help.

A) mustn‘t B) needn‘t C) couldn‘t D) shouldn‘t

38. We really hope that Chongming Island will become than ever before.

A) beautiful B) more beautiful C) most beautiful D) the most beautiful

39. - ________ did you pay for the new mobile phone?

- About 4000 RMB.

A) How long B) How far C) How much D) How often

40. beautifully they dance! I love the TV program So You Think You Can Dance.

A) What B) What a C) What an D) How

41. Mary enjoyed her stay in the UK because everyone in the host family was to her.

A) friendly B) gently C) happily D) politely

42. Stop smoking please, you‘ll have a bad cough.

A) but B) or C) and D) so

43. Jenny will go for a picnic with her classmates it rains tomorrow.

A) unless B) because C) until D) as

44. My daughter is going to practise the piano this summer.

A) play B) to play C) playing D) played

45. Mrs. Smith told her son himself before having the interview.

A) relax B) relaxing C) relaxed D) to relax

46. Helen and her cousin to Beijing for sightseeing last month.

A) go B) goes C) went D) will go

47. Tina an e-mail in her room when the telephone rang last night.

A) writes B) will write C) is writing D) was writing

48. So far, my classmates and I for the charity for nearly three years.

A) have worked B) are working C) will work D) were working

49. -I‘m really sorry to have caused you so much trouble.


A) Well done. B) Yes, please. C) That‘s all right. D) You are welcome.

50. -Shall we join the summer sports club in our school? It‘s fun.

A) Thank you. B) Good idea. C) It‘s hard to say. D) That‘s right.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或短语填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或短语只能填一次):(共8分)

A) allow B) because C) poor D) actually E) last

F) money G) picture H) received I ) if

Hughie Erskine, who was a handsome but (51) young man, was in love with Laura Merton, whose father had asked for£10,000 to (52) them to marry. One day Hughie visited his friend Alan Trevor. Trevor, who was an artist, was just finishing a (53) of a beggar. ―Poor old man!‖ thought Hughie, ―he looks so poor,‖ and gave the man a pound, which was the (54) bit of money he had. The beggar smiled, ―Thank you, Sir, thank you.‖ Hughie spent the rest of the day with Laura. She was rather angry (55) he had given away his last pound, and he had to walk home because he had no (56) to pay for transport. That night he went to his club, where he met Trevor. Trevor told him that the beggar was Baron Hausberg, who was (57) a millionaire (百万富翁). The following day

Hughie (58) an envelope from the Baron. It had these words written on the

coober pedy is a small town篇九:东营英语中考动词填空



1. 阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。

It was another hot, dry day in the forest…

A little ant was thirsty. So he went to a river (1) ______ (get) a drink. But the ant got too close to the river. He (2) ______ (carry) away by the flow (流动) of the river.

―Help! Help!‖ cried the little ant.

A dove (鸽子) (3) ______ (sit) on a tree nearby. She saw what happened to the ant. She pulled a leaf from the tree and held it in her mouth. Then she flew over to the little ant. She dropped the leaf into the water. The ant (4) ______(climb) onto the leaf and got to safety.

―Thank you for saving me,‖ said the ant to the dove. ―One day, I (5) ______ (do) something to help you.‖

―That is very kind,‖ said the dove. ―But I (6) ______ (not, think) a little ant like you could ever help me.‖

A few days later, the ant saw a bird catcher (7) ______ (stand) under a tree. He was waiting

to catch the dove with a net.

―Oh, no! My friend Dove (8) ______ (sleep). She is in danger! I (9) ______ (help) her.‖

So, he ran over to the bird catcher and stung (刺痛) him in the foot. The bird catcher cried and threw down his net in pain. The dove was able to fly away.

―Thank you, my dear friend. You (10) ______ (save) my life. Now I come to see I was wrong. I am sorry for what I said.‖ the dove said to the ant.

2. 阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。

March 5 is ―Lei Feng Day‖. It started fifty years ago. Now half ahas passed. Is the spirit (精神) of Lei Feng outdated (过时的)?


her experience at an old people’s home several years ago. An old man held her hand and said, ―You don’t need to do for us. Seeing young people here is all we need.‖

: in what ways can we better help people? ―Before we give a helping hand, we should find out ,‖ Zhao said to the Qilu Evening News.

Besides Zhao, other people have shown their understanding of the spirit of Lei Feng.

Last January, ―noodle fever‖ swept Zhengzhou, Henan. One local man, Li Gang, 42, said in his post that he had a (17)

illness and needed a lot of money for an operation. However, what he asked for wasn’t charity, (18) b

Li’s post spread . Soon his restaurant was filled with customers (顾客) every day and Li was able to

(20) to have his operation on February 2.

In this way, people could help Li without hurting his dignity (自尊).


1. 阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。

Afel was only a small boy when he first saw snow in a picture book. In the pictures he saw a lot of children (1) ______ (play) in the snow.

Afel didn’t understand what snow was. But he dreamed about snow all the time. He dreamed of being able (2) ______ (fly) across the snow.

One day when he was twelve, Afel (3) ______ (watch) TV at his uncle’s house. The program was full of snow. Not only snow – there were people flying across the snow.

―Look! They (4) ______ (fly)!‖ he shouted excitedly.

The snow, and the people… It was just like one of his dreams.

―They’re skiing. It needs snow,‖ said his uncle, ―it’s the Winter Olympics. It (5) ______ (hold) every four years.‖ Afel (6)_________ (find)out that the next Winter Olympics would be in Sochi, Russia in 2014.

―Perfect,‖ he thought. ―Enough time for me to become a good skier. I (7) ______ (go) to the Winter Olympics, and win the gold medal for skiing.‖

―But there’s no snow here!‖ people told him. ―Where are you going to ski?‖

Afel made himself a pair of skis and skied across the sand. At first he couldn’t move, but he practised and practised until he could move quite quickly.

―How will you go to the Winter Olympics?‖ people asked him. ―Our country (8) ______ (not, have) a team at all. Why

(9) ______ (not, do) athletics (田径) instead? We have lots of good runners. And we (10) ______ (win) lots of medals at the Olympics.‖

Now Afel is practising skiing down sand dunes (沙丘). He dreams that the yellow sand and brown earth of the desert (沙漠) is the white snow.

2. 阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。

I wrote my first poem when I was 5 years old. It was (11) f_______ Mother’s Day.

The poem was not my best work, but my mom kept it – just like she kept every other piece of writing and artwork I ever made. She (12) a________ kept my baby clothes and a piece of hair from my first haircut. Sometimes I feel like my mom runs a museum of (13) m_______ life, and she is the only visitor.

But it feels (14) n________ to be loved like that. Who else would care enough to keep all of my terrible drawings and silly poems? Only a (15) m_________.

(16) O________ Mother’s Day when I was little, I used to bring my mom breakfast in bed, (17) m________ her a card, give her kisses and tell her I loved her. I’d say to her: ―You’re the (18) b________ mom in the whole world!‖

I don’t get to see my mother very much these days. Now I live in China, 11,200 km from my parents’ home in the US. I’m too far away to bring my mom breakfast in bed or give her kisses. (19)B_______ when Mother’s Day comes, I’ll call my mom from China. Over the (20) p________, I’ll tell her I love her. No matter how far away I go, she’s always in my heart.

1. 阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。

" Everything happens for the best," my grandmother said whenever things weren't going my way. "Don't worry, one day your luck (1) _______(change). "

Grandmother was right, as I discovered after graduating from college. I had decided to be sports announcer (广播员) in a radio station, so I (2) _______ ( go) to Shanghai and knocked on the door of every station. But I got refused every time.

In one station, a kind lady said my problem was short of experience. " Get some work with a small station and

(3)_______(work) your way up ," she said.

I couldn't get a job there, either. Then my dad told me a businessman had opened a company and needed someone ( 4 )_______ ( manage) the sports center. But again, I didn't get the job.

I felt really down. "Your luck will change," Granny reminded me. I tried another radio station in Beijing. But the owner, a nice man, told me he already had someone.

As I left his office, I asked, " How can someone be a sports announcer if he ( 5 )_______(not, get) a job in a radio station?"

I (6 )_______( wait) for the elevator when I heard the man call, " What was that you said about sports? Do you know anything about football?" I (7)_______(put) in front of a microphone and asked to imagine I was commenting (评论) on a football game. "Now you (8)_______ (watch) the football game between Lu Neng and Shen Hua. . . "

On my way home, Granny's words came back to me, " One day your luck will change, boy. And when it (9 )

_______( happen) , it'll feel twice as good because of all the disappointment (失望) you (10) _______ ( have) . " At that moment I knew just what she meant.

2. 阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词

Coober Pedy is a small town in the Australian desert (沙漠). It's famous not only for its opals (猫眼石) , but also for a very unusual(11) r________—the people live and work underground.

Why do people choose to live under the ground? To avoid (避开) the(12) h_______ days and cold nights-daytime

temperatures can rise to 50 °C or more and on a cold night they can fall to (13) z_______. The locals say that their strange lifestyle is the only answer(14) t________ the unpleasant climate (气候) . In the underground homes,the temperature is always a very pleasant 19°C to 24°C .But that's not the only advantage ; the people there don't need to pay builders if (15) t_______want to build a home or make any changes.

You would be very surprised to see (16) h________well people manage to live underground. They have modern kitchens and bathrooms, sometimes even spas (温泉)―People think it's impossible to live here and that we're like ancient people, (17 ) b_______ that's not true. " says Bev Smith, who has lived in Coober Pedy for over 30 years. When my husband, Larry, and I first came here, life was very ( 18 ) d _______ and many people decided to leave. But now, things have (19) c________a lot and we’re very comfortable. We now have underground shops, hotels, restaurants, cafes and churches!‖

Abigail and Brian Tynan (20) 1_______ their large house in Melbourne(墨尔本) two years ago to have in an

underground home. "My mouth fell open when I saw my wonderful underground home," remembers Brian. " I really enjoy living here. "

1. 阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。

Henry found a job in a bookstore after he finished middle school. He wouldn't do anything but wanted to get rich. It was a cold morning. It (1)_______ (snow) and there was thin ice on the streets. Few people went to buy the books and the young man had nothing (2) ______ (do). He hated to read, so he watched the traffic. Suddenly he (3) ______ (see) a bag fall off a truck and it landed by the other side of the street.

"It (4)_____ (be) full of expensive things." Henry said to himself. "I have to get it right now, or others (5) ______ (take) it away."

He went out of the shop and ran across the street. A driver saw him and began to whistle (鸣笛), but he didn't hear it and went on (6) ______(run). The man drove to the side, hit a big tree and (7) ______ (hurt) in the accident. Two weeks later Henry was taken to court. A judge asked if he heard the whistle when he was running across the street. He said that something was wrong with his ears and he could hear nothing.

"But you (8) ______ (hear) me this time," said the judge.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Now I can hear with one ear."

"(9) ______(cover) the ear with your hand and listen to me with your deaf one. Well, can you hear me?"

"No, I can't, sir."

―You (10) ______ (tell) lies. There is nothing wrong with either of your ears.‖ The judge said.

2. 阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。

Ron, the teacher at the skydiving(跳伞运动) school, was surprised when the gray-haired man said that his name was that over 50 had to be checked by a doctor before he could learn to jump from a plane. ―I’m sorry, but I can’a letter from your doctor.‖

Walter smiled. ―of tests and he says that I’m fine.‖

. Soon it was the time for him to make his (16) f . Ron asked what it was and Walter smiled. Then just before he jumped, he told Ron that he wasn’t 60. Ron asked how old Walter

was and Walter told him he was 75!

Walter has a lot of (19) h mountains. Last year he was saved by a police helicopter(直升飞机) in Wales.

His daughter Betty worries about him. ―I think he should stop all these activities. But my mother says that as long as he’s happy, it’s OK.‖

1. A few weeks ago, a group of us decided _1_ (go) abroad together for a holiday. When we _2_(wait) in the queue at passport control I suddenly _3_(realize) that I _4_(leave) my passport at home. I rang my parents, but they _5_(work) in the garden. Luckily, my mother finally heard the phone. My passport _6_(find) in my trousers pocket. My mother said, ―If you take a taxi this minute you_7_ (be) able to get on the plane in time.‖ I _8_ (run) all the way to the plane and when at last I _9_ (get) on it the other passengers _10_ (start) clapping.

1.__________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4.___________ 5.___________

6.__________ 7.___________ 8.___________ 9.___________10.___________

2. 根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成单词,使句子正确,句意通顺。

1.Sweden(瑞典)lies in the north of Europe. of 450, 000 square kilometers.

for doing some housework so that they can learn how to make money for their own use.

sleep every day to keep healthy.

Chinese and Americans.

, all the people were saved.

6.To our (惊讶),the factory is still pouring waste water into the river near it.

7.The girl (花费)a lot of time collecting stamps last year.

8. It is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the (重要) of time. They spent their time smoking, drinking and playing.

9. Chinese parents are strict with their children and usually stop them (逗留) out too late with friends. 10. Do you have bright ideas for inventions that 改变) the world or, at least, make life easier for somebody?

coober pedy is a small town篇十:上海市崇明县2013年中考二模英语试题(WORD版)





Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension(听力理解):(共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分)

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共10分)










A) Blue. B) Yellow. C) Green. D) Red. A) Betty. B) Sharon. C) Sue. D) John. A) 7:00. B) 7:30. C) 8:00. D) 8:30. A) By bus. B) By bike. C) By car. D) By underground. A) At a restaurant. B) At a library. C) At a store. D) At a school. A) She will watch a TV program. B) She will watch a football match. C) She will visit her friends. D) She will sing in the program. A) He doesn’t want to help. B) He isn’t able to work. C) He’ll help the woman later. D) He’d like to work here. A) He found it interesting. B) He found it enjoyable. C) He found it boring. D) He found it amazing. A) Doctor and patient. B) Brother and sister.

C) Husband and wife. D) Clerk and customer.

16. A) The test paper had only one page. B) The exam was difficult for the woman.

C) The woman found the exam easy. D) The woman finished the exam in one hour.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分)

17. The writer and his parents stayed in an Australian hotel last summer.

18. The hotel where they stayed was very big and comfortable.

19. Though the hotel was small, it had many lifts.

20. The writer had to spend a long time waiting for the lift each day.

21. One morning the writer went back to his room for his jacket.

22. When the writer took the lift, it suddenly stopped halfway down.

23. This passage is mainly about how the writer went to Australia last summer.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共7分)

24. Alice went to the capital city to do some .

25. She stayed at a hotel the central market.

26. When Alice passed a beggar (乞丐), she put a dollar into his bowl.

27. On the fourth day Alice gave the beggar only cents.

28. The beggar noticed that Alice gave him money on the fourth day.

29. The beggar explained to Alice that he was not .

30. The beggar was just looking after the place for the regular person while he was on .

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)

31. A strong earthquake hit Ya’an, Sichuan A) on B) in C) to D) at

32. David and his friends had good time at the beach, swimming and playing.

A) a B) an C) the D) /

33. Super Diva is favourite TV program and I watch it every week.

A) I B) me C) my D) myself

34. Sir Benjamin Hall was responsible the making of the famous clock Big Ben.

A) with B) at C) on D) for

35. about the H7N9 bird flu on the Internet.

A) story B) picture C) example D) information

36. I couldn’t start the engine of my car this morning. There must be wrong with it.

A) anything B) something C) everything D) nothing

37. Lucy A) mustn’t B) needn’t C) couldn’t D) shouldn’t

38. We really hope that Chongming Island will become than ever before.

A) beautiful B) more beautiful C) most beautiful D) the most beautiful

39. - ________ did you pay for the new mobile phone?











- About 4000 RMB. A) How long B) How far C) How much D) How often beautifully they dance! I love the TV program So You Think You Can Dance. A) What B) What a C) What an D) How Mary enjoyed her stay in the UK because everyone in the host family was to her. A) friendly B) gently C) happily D) politely Stop smoking please, you’ll have a bad cough. A) but B) or C) and D) so Jenny will go for a picnic with her classmates it rains tomorrow. A) unless B) because C) until D) as My daughter is going to practise the piano this summer. A) play B) to play C) playing D) played Mrs. Smith told her son himself before having the interview. A) relax B) relaxing C) relaxed D) to relax Helen and her cousin A) go B) goes C) went D) will go Tina an e-mail in her room when the telephone rang last night. A) writes B) will write C) is writing D) was writing So far, my classmates and I for the charity for nearly three years. A) have worked B) are working C) will work D) were working -I’m really sorry to have caused you so much trouble. -______

A) Well done. B) Yes, please. C) That’s all right. D) You are welcome.

-Shall we join the summer sports club in our school? It’s fun.

- B) Good idea. C) It’s hard to say. D) That’s right. 50. A) Thank you.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word

or phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或短语填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或短语只能填一次):(共8分)

Hughie Erskine, who was a handsome but (51) young man, was in love with Laura Merton, whose father had asked for£10,000 to (52) them to marry. One day Hughie visited his friend Alan Trevor. Trevor, who was an artist, was just finishing a (53) of a beggar. “Poor old man!” thought Hughie, “he looks so poor,” and gave the man a pound, which was the (54) bit of money he had. The beggar smiled, “Thank you, Sir, thank you.” Hughie spent the rest of the day with Laura. She was rather angry (55) he had given away his last pound, and he had to walk home because he had no (56) to pay for transport. That night he went to his club, where he met Trevor. Trevor told him that the beggar was Baron Hausberg,

who was (57) a millionaire (百万富翁). The following day Hughie (58) an envelope from the Baron. It had these words written on the outside: ‘a wedding present from an old beggar to Hughie and Laura’. Inside was a check for £10,000! IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共8分) 59. My father took many during his trip to the mountains last weekend.(photo) 60. Tom had lost his mobile phone, so I told him he could use . ( me )

61. This is the time that Robert has been late for work this month. (three) 62. Jim said that he could solve the problem by himself. (easy) 63. It was of me to have made so many spelling mistakes in the article.(care) 64. I always believe that there is still some in this world. (honest) 65. You have to study very hard if you want to in your work. (success) 66. This is a(an) place to live in because the pollution here is very serious. (health)

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每

空格限填一词): (共14分)

67. Paul often writes e-mails to his friend who is studying in America.(改为否定句)

Paul ________ often ________ e–mails to his friend who is studying in America. 68. Jack took a shower before going to bed at night.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Jack do before going to bed at night?

69. Sally could hardly understand the English film she saw last night.(改为反意疑问句)

Sally could hardly understand the English film she saw last night, ________ ________?

70. The earthquake destroyed many houses in that area last month.(改为被动语态)

Many houses in that area ________ ________ by the earthquake last month.

71. “Will you go to the concert with me?” Mary asked Peter(合并为一句) Mary asked Peter _________ he _________ go to the concert with her.

72. The student was so busy that he didn’t notice anything unusual.(改为简单句)

The student was too busy _________ _________ anything unusual.

73. Karen spent two weeks finishing the report on health problems.(保持句意不


It _________ Karen two weeks _________ finish the report on health problems.

Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)

VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):(共50分)

A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)

When you walk into the small Australian town of Coober Pedy, you may be surprised by what you can see. It’s just barren (荒芜的) land there!

So why even call it a town? There are more than 4,000 people

of 48 nationalities. However, all of the people live


Coober Pedy was established in 1915, following the discovery of opals (猫眼石). The town is sometimes called the “opal capital of the world,” because it is the largest opal mining area in the world.

Due to a desert climate (沙漠气候), people came to realize that while working under the ground was easy, living above it was not. The solution was to move underground, by changing old mines into homes and establishing the world’s first and most likely, only underground town.

As years have gone by, the homes have become bigger. There are now also some hotels for tourists. They come from all over the world just to see this unusual town. Coober Pedy is probably best known for its unique style (独特风格)of underground living.

While the structures (结构)may be located underground, they are in no way worse than those that lie above. Not only do their walls have the color of beautiful



