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【关键词】一日一句 背诵 方法和策略

【中图分类号】G633.41 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2015)06-0108-01 背诵是对所学语言知识在理解的基础上的记忆和诵读,通过模仿,逐步认识和掌握语言知识的内在结构,并在此基础上实现对语言知识的灵活运用。但是许多学生往往三天打鱼两天晒网,为了提高英语学习的有效性,特精心挑选了英语名言、谚语、作文常用句子和疯狂英语365句中的句子让同学们每日课前背一句。名言、谚语和作文常用句乃语言之精华,富于哲理和智慧,寓意深刻,具有极强的启迪性和说服力。




英语习惯句子Microsoft Word 文档

lose your cool,

例句-1: I am afraid I lose my cool. I call the other guy some nasty names and jumped out like he was ready to fight. But then a traffic cop arrived on the scene and managed to calm us down. And it turned out the damage wasn't all that bad.

hopping mad,

例句-2:My mom and dad were hopping mad when they looked at my brother's report card from school and saw that he was failing in arithmetic and history, so that they made him stay home after school for a month instead of going out with his friends.

fit to be tied

例句-3:Joe was really fit to be tied one night when he saw his best girl friend out with a big good looking guy. Later he felt pretty stupid, when he found out that the guy she was with was her older brother. cool your heels

例句-1:To make a good impression, I got there half an hour early, but I had to cool my heels for more than two hours before anybody would see me. And he only spent five minutes with me and told me that they had hired somebody else.

drag your heels

例句-2:They say that congress would eventually OK the money the White House wants for the new education program, but it would drag its heels about bringing the issue up for a vote and won't vote on it until the members are ready to go home this summer.

kick up your heels

例句-3:Honey, it's been a long hard week, so let's go out tonight and kick up our heels a little. We can go to that new French restaurant everybody says it is so good. Have a drink, order a good dinner, and relax for the weekend.

sleep like a log。

例句-1: Bob, last night after I got the promotion that I have been so worried about the last six weeks, I can tell you that I was able to sleep like a log, for the first time in more than a month. I don't think I even turned over in bed all night long. It was great.

sleep on it

例句-2: Ann, honey, we don't have to decide right this minute. Let's just sleep on it. And after a good night's sleep, we can make up our minds and go buy it after work.

not sleep a wink

例句-3: I am so sleepy I can't keep my eyes open. I stayed up till four A.M. for the last minute study for the English exam, and when I finally did lie down, I couldn't sleep a wink. I hope I did OK in the test but right now all I want is to sleep a week.

今天要讲的三个习惯用语都是和人的情绪有关,特别是愤怒的情绪。这三个习惯用语是:lose your cool, hopping mad, fit to be tied。首先我们来解释第一个习惯用语:lose your cool。Lose就是失去的意思。Cool通常做冷或者是凉解释。不过在这个习惯用语里它是冷静的意思。现在这个习惯用语不是很明白了吗?中文里面就有现存的相同的说法。那就是“失去冷静”。 试想一个人如果失去了冷静,岂不是在生气吗?对了,lose your cool正是大发雷霆的意思。现在我们就举个例子,看看这个习惯用语是怎么用的。假定约翰在开车;正在等红灯。突然一辆车子从后面撞了上来。约翰下了车来,走到后面开车的人面前,指着他的鼻子打骂。下面还是听听约翰的自白吧。


幸好两个人没有大打出手,否则一时失去了冷静可能还会有人受伤呢。这就是lose your cool的用法。

说到这里,还有一个习惯用语要在这里顺便提一提。那就是,blow your cool。 Blow是吹的意思,但是blow your cool和lose your cool诗完全一样的。


接下来我们再为各位介绍第二个习惯用语:hopping mad。 Hopping是跳的意思,mad是生气的意思。生气得跳了起来,不就是中文说的气得跳脚?或者是暴跳如雷吗?现在我们再看看这句话在英语里是怎么用的。保罗描述了昨天在他家里发生的事。




接下来我们再为各位介绍最后一个习惯用语:fit to be tied。Fit是合适,适宜的意思。Tied是绑起来的意思。Fit to be tied,当然就是应该绑起来的意思。可想而知,这个人所生的气该是多大了,到了应该将他绑起来的地步。看来hopping mad那种生气的人碰上了fit to be tied那种生气的人,最好还是忍让一些:好汉不吃眼前亏么。让我们来看看怎么应用这个 习惯用语。这个例子听起来都有点让人胆颤心惊。



今天要讲的 习惯用语都是以heel这个字为主的。Heel就是脚跟。同样都是脚跟这个字,在不同的习惯用语中和在不同的动词相连之后,产生的意义就各不相同,甚至正好相反。下面我们就给大家举三个例子:cool your heels, drag your heels, and kick up your heels。接下来我们就为各位一一地详细解说吧。

首先我们来讲cool your heels。Cool your heels,各位一听就有些凉飕飕不很舒服的感觉,对吧?正该如此。Cool是冷却下来的意思。咱们把这个词直译出来,就变成了把你的脚跟冷却下来。试想这种感觉会有多舒服吗?当然不会。把cool your heels给翻成把你的脚跟给冷却下来,是没有几个人能听懂的。



也怪可怜的。白白等了两小时,连脚跟都等凉了。这就是cool my heels的用法。


接下来我们再给各位介绍第二个习惯用语:drag your heels。Drag是拖的意思。拖你的脚跟,显然不是好意。这个习惯用语的意思是指故意拖延。也就是说,要是你有可能不去做一件事情的话,你就不会去做。只是实在不得以非做不可,那你只好用drag your heels的策略来对付了。


这段话的意思是:他们说白宫要用在教育方面新项目的经费,国会迟早会通过的。但是国会还是拖延,不肯把这个案子在各议员们今年夏天休假 回家以前提出来表决。

顺便在这里提一下,drag your heels和另外一个习惯用语drag your feet意思是完全一样的,都市故意拖延的意思。Feet就是脚;当然脚和脚跟不是一回事,可是在英语的习惯用语里,拖你的脚和拖你的脚跟却是一回事。


我们在位各位介绍第三个和heel这个词有关的习惯用语:kick up your heels。前面我们不是说过,同一个heel和不同的动词相连意义就变了。现在用在kick up your heels这个习惯用语当中,它带来的就是一种欢乐兴奋的感觉。在这个英语习惯用语里,它指的好好享受一段快乐时光。




今天要讲的习惯用于都是以sleep这个词为主的。 Sleep就是睡觉。我们大家都希望在晚上睡个好觉。现在我们讲第一个习惯用语: sleep like a log。 Log就是一段木材,或者是很粗的树干,用来烧火或者盖房子。要是你sleep like a log,那就是你睡得非常好,就象块木头一样动也不动。我们来举个例子。这是一个人告诉一个同事,他昨天晚上睡得有多好。

这个人说: Bob, 过去六个星期我一直在为提升的问题担心,我告诉你,昨天得到提升以后,我晚生睡得象头猪一样。这是一个月来的第一次。我觉得我整个晚上都没有翻过身。实在是太好了。

在翻译的时候,不能逐字地翻,而要根据两种文字的不同习惯和用法来翻译。在描写睡觉睡得很好的时候,英文习惯于说to sleep like a log,睡觉睡得象块木头,然而在中文里有的时候说,睡觉睡得象头猪。

我们今天要讲的第二个习惯用语是: sleep on it。 Sleep on it的意思是,推迟对某一个重要问题作出决定,以便有更多的时间来考虑。这个说法可以追溯到英国的著名国王亨利八世。这个国王先后一共有八个王后。1519年亨利八世遇到了一个难题, 很难作出决定。历史学家找到的一些官方文件记载这个国王讲的话。他说:We should sleep and dream upon the matter。这句话的字面意思是,我们应该对这个问题睡觉和做梦。当然,他真正的意思是:对于这个问题我




我们现在来讲今天要讲的最后一个习惯用语:not sleep a wink。 Wink即使眨眼;眼睛闭上了又很快张开。 Not sleep a wink这个习惯用语的意思是,由于某种原因,一个晚上都睡不着。有些人晚生睡不着,在床上翻来覆去是许多原因的。也许是在做生意方面遇到了问题。有的人因为钱的问题或者是健康问题担心。有的因为感冒感到不舒服。还有的是因为受到爱情的折磨。对于学生来说,考试是一个很大的负担。下面例句里讲话的人就是一个大学生。他正在担心他的英语其中考试是否及格。他对他的朋友说:








35 years old before she chose to become a temperance activist.

876. Too old to bear arms

himself, Frederick Douglass

served as a recruiting

agent, traveling through the North and exhorting Black men to join the Union army.

119. Artificial intelligence emerged during the late 1950’s as an academic discipline based on the assumption that computers could be programmed to think like people.

and hormones. 362. In a plan to stop the erosion of East Coast beaches, the Army Corps of Engineers beaches.

233. Darwin was not the first to advance a theory of evolution; his tremendous originality

into two branches, the Sunnis and the Shiites.

strained municipal budgets and fading federal support.

nitrogen oxides, two major pollutants emitted by automobiles, react with sunlight.

619. Scientific interest in providing suitable habitats for bottom-dwelling animals such as as an integral link in the Aquatic food chain.

. 823. The Rorschzch test is gaining new respect as a diagnostic tool because it takes only 876. Too old to bear arms himself, Frederick Douglass served as a recruiting agent,

—vegetables, 修饰主语,做插入语


being hurt. 323. Galileo was convinced that natural phenomena, as manifestations of the laws of physics, would appear the same to someone on the deck of a ship moving smoothly and


556. One of Arthur Jessop’s first acts as president of the FHA was to deny a request from the private sector that federal home loan programs 559. One of Ronald Reagan’s first acts as President was to rescind President Carter’s directive

it is difficult to find broad support for a movement toward a minimal state.

词组,做宾语补足语(accept、acclaim、await、categorize、cite、define、depict、describe、establish、know、make、note、organize、perceive、prize、rank、regard、see、teach、think of、


and James Joyce, great dancer long before her

innovative masterworks made her the most honored of American choreographers. 902. Unlike the Shiites, who constitute the other major branch of Islam, the Sunnites do or immunity from failure in judgment. 507. Modern critics are amused by early ethnographic treatise.

causes for the decline of the United States steel industry.


groups that occupy the same territory for long periods.

512. More than five thousand years ago, Chinese scholars accurately described the flow of the West.

atomic particles known as the solar wind.

atomic particles known as the solar wind. 232. Dance fans knew Tamara Geva as a soloist in several Ballanchine works, as the dancer . 308. For protection from the summer sun, the Mojave lived in open-sided, flat-topped a rectangle.

625. Scientists who studied the famous gold field known as Serra Pelada concluded that and rocks.

685. The 19th-century proponents of the school of thought known as mechanism held that life process are not the products of some mysterious life force, but are the same chemical and physical processes that operate in inorganic

802. The peaks of a mountain range, acting like rocks in a streambed, produce ripples in


924. When the technique known as gene-splicing was invented in the early 1970’s, it was feared that scientists might inadvertently create an “Andromeda strain,” a microbe never before seen on Earth that might escape from the laboratory and already a solid part of the employee benefits package at many companies, more businesses are focusing on a newer family benefit known as elder care, servicing for older dependents.

193. Byron

have made him a great 703. The British sociologist and activist Barbara Wootton once noted as a humorous example of income maldistribution education for London.

704. The brochure notes that in the seminar the 797. The original building and loan associations were organized as limited life funds, whose members made monthly payments on their share


concerned over what they are preparing for a major political effort.

in a heavily spiced stew.【习惯的句子】

594. Ranked as one of the most important of Europe’s young playwrights, Franz Xaver Kroetz has written forty plays; his works—translated into over thirty languages—are

that regards lifetime

South America.

no specific altitude, however, has been officially recognized as a boundary.

967. In the late nineteenth century Annie Besant was widely dominant public medium.

368. In Aristophanes’ Lysistratasense to a war-torn world.【习惯的句子】

118. Art museums do not usually think of their collections as capital or consider the interest

but many of them can be harmful to health, especially if they are used improperly.

anything but praise for the young musicians.

339. If additional deposits of oil are

770. The key to control over the Eurasian steppes lay in the nomad’s ability to use the 800. The Parthenon was a church from 1204 until 1456, when

Athens was taken by

nuclear power stations as

sufficiently safe in the future.

262. During the early years of European settlement on a continent that was viewed as “wilderness” by the newcomers, death.

575. Pensions are now viewed as

a deferred payment of salary, money

最悲观的句子 习惯于掩饰

4、在每个夜晚,我都感觉自己的灵魂已经游走,我对这个世界有点失望。最悲观的句子 习惯于掩饰

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