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2014春季版新目标英语九年级上册1~10单元教学反思篇一:新目标英语九年级Unit 10的教学反思


教材:新目标(go for it)


标题:Where would you like to visit?

新目标英语九年级英语Unit 10的教学反思

肖凌云 现行的新英语教材Go for it!以任务型教学(task-based


课堂反馈要及时,反馈要根据学生在课堂中语言活动的内容而定。在进行英语技能训练时,轻易不要打断学生,要在其训练完毕再提出要求,这样就消除了学生怕错的心理负担,从而使其能主动积极思考问题,参与课堂活动。教师在课堂中要通过表情、眼神、语言与学生产生共鸣,多一些热情的鼓励,少一些指责批评,对差生及缺乏自信心的学生更应做到这一点。当学生有错误时,我常在肯定的基础上,指出不足,如说:“You did well,but you should pay more attention to„.”“Take it easy,I’m sure you will do it well next time.”这样及时帮助学生消除紧张情绪,使其以良好的心态继续参加后面的课堂活动。同时在教学时我们教师要处处考虑如何发挥学生的主体作用,教师要以鼓励表扬为主,满腔热情帮助学生,及时处理反馈信息,当堂巩固,引导学生对一些易出错的地方,如人称变


教是为了学生的"学",是要让学生"会学" 。总之,我们教学方法的一个总则就是"自学辅导",我们应该给予学生进行独立思考,独立解决问题的空间。而如何培养学生的自学能力,我们老师在其中起着极为重要的引导和启发作用,这正应了一句古语"授人以鱼,不如授之以渔"。



本单元我主要是围绕着“narrate past events”这个话题,通过了解不及时做某事而造成的危害,培养学生养成良好的行为习惯。


By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.

Have you ever been to…?

Yes,I have.

What happened to David on April Fool’s Day

本单元我充分利用情景教学法,首先,我创设与本单元话题相关的情景,如展示“我的尴尬”的一组图片,通过自己讲述自己尴尬的经历,激起学生对话题的兴趣。然后通过SectionA 1a的图片,讲述图片上发生的事情,强调过去完成时的结构和用法:(had+pp)。把优化课堂教学当成教育的主渠道,尽最大可能为学生创设运用英语的情景,指导学生积极地运用语言,在学中用,在用中学。通过老师不断的强化句型,让学生有个模式,为后面的讨论做铺垫。通过反复操练,巩固句型,体会句型的结构,同时加强运用相关的目标句型,如:get outside,get to school,start doing,be late for„等,并为听懂听力内容打下基础。其二,我围绕着本单元的教学目标,让学生完成任务:想想自己是否曾经有过很倒霉的经历,向全班同学讲述事情的经过。通过完成一个任务,让学生运用所学内容,既巩固了本课所学的目标语言,又开拓了学生的思维,使学生的语言运用源于书本又高于书本,培养学生在实际活动中运用本单元所学的内容,来解决现实生活中的实际问题的能力,真正达到了新课标提出的培养学生综合运用语言的能力。其三,有了以上的铺垫,学生运用语言和语法知识进行阅读并理解文章。在这一环节中,我询问了学生对愚人节的了解。使学生在学习本单元语言知识的同时,也了解一些西方文化及西方儿童的生活习惯。最后,让学生根据所学知识进行写作,使他们的写作技能得到发展和提高。


不足之处在于Section B 2c Groupwork中,让学生根据听力内容,运用2a、2b中的信息,首先理解对话、模仿对话,进行表演对话。这一环节能够很好地体现出学生合作学习、互相交流的精神,培养语言能力和创新精神。可惜在课时安排和设计上没能在课堂进行。其二,布置学生的写作,没能及时在课堂上进行反馈、点评。其三,由于时间的限制和我本人安排上的疏忽,造成课堂前松后紧,以至有拖堂的现象。



Unit 1


1. . ask sb. for help 请求某人的帮助 2. read the textbook 读课文

3 improve one’ s speaking skills 提髙某人说的能力 3. spoken English 英语口语 4. get the main ideas 抓住主题 5. make word cards 制作单词卡片 6. listen to tapes 听磁带

7. read word by word 逐字逐句地读 8. be patient 耐心点儿

10. the secret to language learning 语言学习的诀转 11. be afraid to do sth.不敢'做某事 12. fall in love with.. . 爱上 13. body language 肢体语言

14. look them up in a dictionary 在词典里查阅它们 15. take notes 记笔记

16. memorize sentence patterns 记句型 17. make mistakes in grammar 犯语法错误 18. learning habits 学习习惯

19. have sth. in common 有.......共同,点 20. pay attention to 注意

21. connect. • • with. • • .把.......与.......联系起来 22. get bored 变得无聊

23. write down key words 摘抄重点词 24. after class 课后

25. be interested in… 对.......感兴趣 26. in class 在课堂上

27. do sth. on one’s own 独立做某事 28. do sth. bit by bit 慢慢地做某事

29. do sth. over and over again 一遍又一遍地做某事 30. worry about. , 为.......而担忧 31. depend on 依赖;取决于

32.Practce makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 33. the ability to learn 学习能力

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 1. the Lantern Festival 元宵节

2. the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 3. the Water Festival 泼水节 4. be fun to watch 看着很有意思 5. eat five meals a day 一天吃五餐 6. put on five pounds 体重增加了五磅 7. in two weeks 两星期之后 8. be similar to... 与.......相似

9. throw water at each other 互相泼水 10. a time for doing sth. 做某事的时候 11. have good luck in the new year 12. in the shape of... 呈……的形状 13. folk stories民间传说故事

14. the story of Chang,e嫦娥的故事 15. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 16. lay out摆开;布置

17. end up最终成为;最后处于

18. share sth. with sb. 与……分享…… 19. as a result结果

20. one,. . the other... (两者中的)一个……另一个…… 21. take sb. out for dinner 带某人出去吃饭 22. dress up 乔装打扮 23. haunted house 鬼屋

24. trick or treat (万圣节用语)不给糖果就捣蛋 25. light candles在新的一年里有好运气 26. take sb. around…带某人到处走走 27. play a trick on sb.捉弄某人 28. give out 分发

29. the importance of. 的重要性 30. care about….. 关心

31. warn sb. to do sth.警告某人做某事 32. remind o f 使。。。回想起 33. promise to do sth.承诺做某事 34. treat sb. with. 用/以……对待某人

35. the beginning of new life 新生命的开始 36. the spirit of.. . 的精神 … 37.on October the 31st 在10月31日 38.how touching 多么动人

Unit 2

1. turn left 向左转

2. get a pair of shoes 买一双鞋子 3. on one’ s right 在某人的右边

4. go along Main Street 沿着主大街走 5. have dinner 吃饭

6. go to the third floor 去三楼 7. go past the bookstore 走过书店 8. a room for resting 休息室

9. be special about.. . 有……独特之处 10. pardon me 请再说一次 11. come on 过来;加油

12. hold one’ s hand 抓住某人的手 13. one one’ s way to... 在去.......的路上 14. pass by 路过

15. a rock band 摇滚乐队

16. something to eat 一些吃的东西 17. mail a letter 寄信

18. in the shopping center 在购物中心 19. in some situations 在某些场合 20. such as 例如

21. lead in to a request 引人一个请求 22. use proper language 使用合适的语言 23. park one’ s car 停车

24. an underground parking lot地下停车库 25. change money 换钱 26. the way to... 去.......的路 27. travel to….

28. thank sb. for doing sth. 为……感谢某人 29. look forward to….期盼……

30 meet sb. for the first time 第一次见到某人 31in a rush to do sth. 仓促地做某事

32. be convenient to do sth. 做某事很方便 Unit 4

1.used to 过去常常 2.be afraid of...害怕......

3.from time to time时常;有时

4.such a great idea 如此好的一个主意 5.take up开始从事 6.deal with处理;对付 7.not ... anymore 不再 8.all the time总是;一直

9.get tons of attention得到太多的关注 10.give up放弃

11.fight on继续奋斗/战斗 12.a number of 许多....... 13.at least至少

14.in public公开地;在别人(尤指生人)面前 15.on the soccer team在足球队里 16.get good grades 取得好成绩

17.be proud of 为......骄傲;感到自豪 18.move in with... 搬来和......一起住 19.no longer不再

20.be absent from classes逃课 21.boarding school寄宿学校 22.in person亲自;亲身

23.to one’s surprise令某人吃惊的是 24.even though 尽管;即使;纵然 25.take pride in为.......感到自豪

26.pay attention to......对.......注意/关注 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark? 2. be used to doing … 习惯于作 3. be used to do 被用来作

4. pay ( more )attention to sth. ( doing sth.)对…(更加)注意

5. give up doing = stop doing放弃做… 6. instead of ( doing ) …代替, 而不是 7. lose interest in 对…失去兴趣

8. be afraid ( terrified ) of doing sth. 惧怕做

9. be terrified of sth. / sb.=be afraid of惧怕某人/ 物… 10. go to sleep = fall asleep入睡 11. all the time = always一直,总是 12. with the lights on开着灯….

13. with the door open ( closed ) 开(关)着门 14. take the bus to school = go to school by bus

15. spend time doing = take time to do花时间做… 16. go right home直接回家 17. daily life日常生活

18. chat with sb. about sth 和…聊关于…

19. in the last ( past ) few years在过去几年里(现完时) 20. make you stressed out 使你紧张 21. all day (long) = the whole day整天 22. as +原级+ as sb. can / could

=as+原级+ as possible 尽可能…地

23. in the end = at last = finally最后,终于 24. to one’s surprise令某人吃惊的是 25. in surprise 吃惊地

26. even though = even if尽管 27. no longer = not… any longer不再 28. no more=not… any more 不再

29. take pride in = be proud of对…感到自豪 30. the pride of 是…的骄傲

31. change one’s life 改变某人的生活 32. change one’s mind 改变某人的主意 33. an eight-year-old boy 一个八岁大的男孩子 34. after his father's death 他爸死后

35. can /can't afford to buy …能/不能买得起… 36. get into trouble遇到麻烦 37. be in trouble处于困境中

38. waste time (money )浪费时间 39. It is necessary to do…

Unit 5 what are the shirts made of

1. be made of... 由.......制成 2 be made in... 在.......制造

3. be known for. • •以……闻名

4. the art and science fair 艺术与科学展览会 5. a model plane飞机模型 6. be made from. •.由……制成 7. in the past在过去

8. on the sides of mountains在山腰 9. do sth. by hand手工做…… 10. all over the world全世界 11. be good for. • •对……有益

12. in the local shops在当地的商店里

13. avoid doing sth. 避免…… 14. in fact事实上 15. many other things许多其他的东西

16. everyday things日常用品

17. high-technology products高科技产品 18. in all parts of the world在世界各地 19. be covered by... 被……覆盖 20. use. " to do sth. 用……来做某事 21. go on a vacation to... 去……度假 22. fly a kite 放风筝

23. the international kite festival 国际风華节 24. be painted with... 被画上....... 25. turn into... 变成 26. sky lantern 孔明灯

27. a fairy tale 一个神话故事 28. at a very high heat 在高温下 29. rise into... 升入…… 30. send out 发送…… 31. in trouble 陷人困境

32. put.. . on... 把……放到……


1. 日常生活daily life 2. 有道理have apoint

3. 偶然,意外的by accident 4. 发生,出现take place 5. 帮助做某事help to do

6. 毫无疑问,的确without doubt 7. 以低价at a low price 8. 把...译成。。。translate ... into... 9. 突然,猛地all of a sudden 10. 错误地,无意中 by mistake 11. 奥林匹克运动会the Olympics 12. 把...分开... divide ...into..

13. 阻止某人干某事stop sb/sth from doing sth 14. 梦想做某事dream of/about doing sth 15. ...的数量the number of 16. 钦佩,仰慕look up to

17. 鼓励某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth 18. 实现某人的梦想achieve one’s dream 19. 据说 It’s said that...

20. 人们相信...It is believed that... 21. 不但...而且...not only...but also 22. ...的款式 the style of... 23. 我很愿意。My pleasure. 24. 被要求做...be asked to do sth

Unit 7

1. choose their own clothes选择自己的衣服 2. be serious about对…认真,严肃 3. care about担心

4. eight hours’ sleep八小时的睡眠 5. driver’s/driving license驾照 6. instead of doing sth代替做某事 7. wear uniforms穿校服 8. be good for对有益

9. a fifteen-year-old boy一个15岁的男孩 10. talk back回嘴,顶嘴 11. volunteer to do sth志愿做某事

12. make my own decision 做自己的决定13. old people’s home养老院 14. the importance of …的重要性 15. make sure确保

16. a professional runner一个专业的赛跑者 17.keep…away from远离 get in the way of挡…路;妨碍 18. stay up 熬夜 19. a part-time job兼职

20. be strict with sb. 对某人严厉 be strict in sth对某事严厉

21 get sth. done(过去分词) have sth. done 表被动 22 allow sb to do sth 允许做 23 扎耳眼 get one’s ears pieced

24. 温暖怀抱里入眠 warm arms to sleep in 25. 举起 lift up

26. 咳嗽得厉害 cough badly /a lot / 27. 噩梦 awful dream

28. 回想起… think back to

29 后悔做了… regret doing to do 30 给…机会做… give sb a chance to do 31 manage one’s life 驾驭自己的生活 32不反对做。。have nothing against doing 33 最终 end up

34 be excited about 对某事感到兴奋

Unit 8

1. belong to 属于

2. at the picnic 在野餐中

3. attend a concert 参加音乐会 4. pick up 捡起

5. nothing much 没什么事 6. call the policemen 报警 7. at first 起初

8. in the neighborhood 在社区 9. go away 离开

10. in the laboratory 在实验室里 11. feel sleepy 感觉困倦的 12. ran after 追赶

13. express a difference 表达差异 14. add information 添加信息

15. not only..but also不但……而且… 16. more than 超出;多于

17. communicate with sb. 和某人交流 18. arrive in 到达(大地方) 19. a kind of 一种

20. have a medical purpose 有一个医疗目的 21. prevent illness 预防疾病 22. keep healthy 保持健康 23. point out 指出

24. a victory over an enemy 战胜敌人 25. wait for 等待 26. be late for 迟到

27. on the phone 通过电话 28. go for a picnic 去野餐 29. have a picnic 野餐

30 must have done 一定已经做了某事


1. 既然那样/加入那样的话in that case 2. 坚持/固守 stick to 3. 大量/充足 plenty of 4. 关上 shut off

5. 偶尔/间或 once in a while 6. 总共/合计 in total 7. 随着跳舞 dance to

8. 随着唱歌 sing along with 9. 空闲时间 spare time/ free time 10.by age 17 到12岁时 11. 使…振作 cheer sb up

12. 尽某人最大的努力去做 try one’s best to do 13. 有一个快乐的结局 have a happy ending 14. 使…感到… make sb feel adj 15. 及时 in time

16. 害怕… be afraid to do sth /be afraid of doing

17. 中国民间音乐演奏a concert of Chinese folk music 18. 用二胡演奏 play on erhu 19. 查阅 look up sth

20. 被…写 be written by sb 21. 出生 be born

22. 教…做… teach sb to do sth 23. 例如 for example/such as

24. 因…而出名 be famous/ known for 25. 赚钱 make money 26. 结婚 get married

27. 继续go on to do/ continue to do sth 28. 演奏音乐 play music

29. 到…末 by the end of…

30. 遗憾的是… It’s a pity that … 31 更喜欢(做) prefer sth /to do sth 比起。。。更喜欢 prefer sth to sth

prefer doing sth to doing sth prefer to do rather than do 比起。。更愿意。。。 32 提供 provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb Offter sb sth / offer sth to sb 33感受到强烈悲伤和痛苦 sense a strong sadness and pain

34 二泉映月 Moon Reflected on Second Spring Spring 泉

35 民间音乐家 folk musician 36 乐器 musical instrument 37 音乐才能 musical ability

37 表演 perform performance performer 38 在某人的一生中 during one’s lifetime

39 记录 record set up a record break a record 40 回想 recall

41 深的 deep depth

42 痛苦的经历 painful experience

Unit 10

1. be supposed to do sth被期望/要求做某事;应该2. shake hands 握手 3. drop by 顺便拜访 4. after all毕竟;终归

5. pick up 拾起;捡起 接某人 6. make a noise 发出噪音 7. table manners 餐桌礼仪 8. get used to 习惯于

9. be relaxed about对„随意/放松 10. get mad大动肝火;气愤 11.clean„off 把„擦掉

12.take off脱下(衣服);(飞机等)起飞 13.make an effort to do作出努力

14.make sb feel at home使某人感到宾至如归 15.cut up切开;切碎

16.be expected to do 被期待做„ 17.make friends with与„交朋友 18.as soon as一„就„

19.to one’s surprise令某人吃惊的是 20. be different from 与„不同 21第一次 for the first time

22 stand there with hand out 站在那伸出手 23 keep others waiting 让别人等 24 avoid doing sth 避免。。。‘、

25 go out of one’s way to do 不辞辛苦的。。 26 gradually 逐渐的


Unit 1


1. ask sb. for help 请求某人的帮助 2. read the textbook 读课文 3. improve one’ s speaking skills 提髙某人说的能力

3. spoken English 英语口语 4. get the main ideas 抓住主题 5. make word cards 制作单词卡片 6. listen to tapes 听磁带

7. read word by word 逐字逐句地读 8. be patient with sb/to do 耐心点儿

10. the secret to language learning 语言学习的诀转

11. be afraid of doing /to do sth.不敢'做某事 12. fall in love with.. . 爱上

13. body language 肢体语言 as well= ,too也

14. look them up in a dictionary 在词典里查阅它们

15. take notes 记笔记

16. memorize sentence patterns 记句型 17. make mistakes in grammar 犯语法错误 18. learning habits 学习习惯

19. have sth. in common 有.......共同,点 20. pay attention to doing sth 注意

21. connect• • with • • .把.......与.......联系起来 22. get bored (of /with) 变得无聊

23. write down key words 摘抄重点词 24. after class 课后

25. be interested in… 对.......感兴趣

create /show/take an interest in 创造、显示。。。的兴趣

26. in class 在课堂上

27. do sth. on one’s own 独立做某事 28. do sth. bit by bit 慢慢地做某事

29. do sth. over and over again 一遍又一遍地做某事

30. worry about. = be worried about为.......而担忧 31. depend on/upon 依赖;取决于 32.Practce makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 33. the ability to learn 学习能力 34. do sth by doing 通过。。。(方法)做某事

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 1. the Lantern Festival 元宵节

2. the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

3. the Water Festival 泼水节 4. be fun to watch 看着很有意思 5. eat five meals a day 一天吃五餐 6. put on five pounds 体重增加了五磅 7. in two weeks 两星期之后 用how soon? 8. be similar to... 与.......相似

9. throw water at each other 互相泼水 10. a time for doing sth. 做某事的时候 11. have good luck in the new year


12. in the shape of... 呈……的形状 13. folk stories民间传说故事

14. the story of Chang’e嫦娥的故事 15. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 16. lay out摆开;布置

17. end up doing /with sth最终成为;最后处于 18. share sth. with sb. 与……分享…… 19. as a result结果是

20. one,. . the other... (两者中的)一个……另一个…… 21. take sb. out for dinner 带某人出去吃饭 22. dress up (as)乔装打扮(成) 23. haunted house 鬼屋

24. trick or treat (万圣节用语)不给糖果就捣蛋 25. light candles 点蜡烛

26. take /show sb. around…带某人到处走走 27. play a trick on sb.捉弄某人 28. give out 分发

29. the importance of. 的重要性 30. care about….. 关心,在乎

care for 喜欢、照顾

31. warn sb. (not )to do sth.警告某人(别)做某事 32. remind sb. o f sb./sth 使。。。回想起 33. promise to do sth. 承诺做某事 34. treat sb. with. 用/以……对待某人

treat sb as…把。。。当作。。。对待 35. the beginning of new life 新生命的开始 36. the spirit of.. . …的精神 … 37.on October the 31st 在10月31日 38.how touching 多么动人 39.what fun 多么好玩的事情 40. not only…but (also) 不仅。。。而且。。。(就近原则)

41..give birth to…生育,新生 42.spread …around四处传播 Unit 3

1. turn left (at the second crossing)向左转

2. get a pair of shoes 买一双鞋子 3. on one’ s right 在某人的右边

4. go along /down Main Street 沿着主大街走 5. have dinner 吃饭

6. go to the third floor 去三楼 on the third floor 在三楼

7. go past/pass by the bookstore 走过书店 8. a room for resting 休息室

9. be special about.. . 有……独特之处

10. pardon me 请再说一次=beg your pardon 11. come on 过来;加油

12. hold one’ s hand 抓住某人的手 13. on one’ s way to... 在去.......的路上 14. pass by 路过

15. a rock band 摇滚乐队

16. something to eat 一些吃的东西 17. mail a letter 寄信

18. in the shopping center 在购物中心 19. in some situations 在某些场合 20. such as 例如

21. lead into a request 引人一个请求 22. use proper language 使用合适的语言 23. park one’ s car 停车

24. an underground parking lot地下停车库 25. change money 换钱 26. the way to... 去.......的路 27. travel to…. 旅游到。。。

28. thank sb. for doing sth. 为……感谢某人 29. look forward to doing….期盼……

30 meet sb. for the first time 第一次见到某人 31. in a rush to do sth. 仓促地做某事

32. it’s convenient to do sth. 做某事很方便

Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark? 1.used to do /be 过去常常

2. be used to doing … 习惯于作 3. be used to do 被用来作

4. pay ( more )attention to sth. ( doing sth.)对…(更加)注意

5. give up doing = stop doing放弃做… 6. instead of ( doing ) …代替, 而不是 7. lose interest in 对…失去兴趣

8..from time to time时常;有时 =sometimes=at times 9.such a great idea 如此好的一个主意 10.take up开始从事 11.deal with处理;对付

12. be afraid ( terrified ) of doing sth./to do 惧怕做 be terrified of sth. / sb.=be afraid of惧怕某人/ 物…

13.no longer = not… any longer不再

no more=not… any more 不再 14.all the time总是;一直

15.get tons of attention得到太多的关注 16.give up doing放弃 17.fight on继续奋斗/战斗 18.a number of 许多....... 19.at least至少

20.in public公开地;在别人(尤指生人)面前 21.on the soccer team在足球队里 22.get good grades 取得好成绩

23.be proud of 为......骄傲;感到自豪=take pride in 24.move in with... 搬来和......一起住 25.be absent from classes逃课 26.boarding school寄宿学校 27.in person亲自;亲身

28. even though = even if尽管

29. take pride in = be proud of对…感到自豪 30.pay attention to..doing....对.......注意/关注 31. go to sleep = fall asleep入睡 32. all the time = always一直,总是 33. with the lights on开着灯….

34. with the door open ( closed ) 开(关)着门 35. take the bus to school = go to school by bus 36. sb spend time (in)doing = it takes time to do


37. go right home直接回家 38. daily life日常生活

39. chat with sb. about sth 和…聊关于…

40. in the last ( past ) few years在过去几年里(现完时)

41. make you stressed out 使你紧张 42. all day (long) = the whole day整天 43. as +原级+ as sb. can / could

=as+原级+ as possible 尽可能…地 44. in the end = at last = finally最后,终于 45. to one’s surprise令某人吃惊的是 46. in surprise 吃惊地

47. the pride of 是…的骄傲

48. change one’s life 改变某人的生活 49. change one’s mind 改变某人的主意 50. an eight-year-old boy 一个八岁大的男孩子 51. after his father's death 他爸死后

52. can /can't afford to buy …能/不能买得起… 53. get into trouble遇到麻烦 54. be in trouble处于困境中

55. waste time /money浪费时间、金钱 56. It is necessary to do… 做某事有必要

Unit 5 what are the shirts made of

1. be made of 看得出的材料... 由.......制成 2 be made in.SP. 在某地制造

3. be known/ famous for. • •以……闻名

4. the art and science fair 艺术与科学展览会 5. a model plane飞机模型 16. everyday things日常用品

17. high-technology products高科技产品 18. in all parts of the world在世界各地 19. be covered by... 被……覆盖

20. use. sth. to do sth. 用……来做某事 21. go on a vacation to SP 去……度假 22. fly a kite 放风筝

23. the international kite festival 国际风華节 24. be painted with... 被画上....... 25. turn into... 变成 26. sky lantern 孔明灯

27. a fairy tale 一个神话故事 28. at a very high heat 在高温下 29. rise into... 升入…… 30. send out 发送…… 31. in trouble 陷人困境

32. put.. . on... 把……放到…上


1. 日常生活daily life 2. 有道理have a point

3. 偶然,意外的by accident 4. 发生,出现take place 5. 帮助做某事help( to) do

6. 毫无疑问,的确without doubt 7. 以低价at a low price 8. 把...译成。。。translate ... into...

9. 突然,猛地all of a sudden =suddenly 10. 错误地,无意中 by mistake by accident 意外地

11. 奥林匹克运动会the Olympics 12. 把...分开... divide ...into..

13. 阻止某人干某事stop /keep/preventt sb/sth from doing sth

6. be made from. 看不出的材料 由……制成 7. in the past在过去

8. on the sides of mountains在山腰 9. do sth. by hand手工做…… 10. all over the world全世界 11. be good for. • •对……有益

12. in the local shops在当地的商店里 13. avoid doing sth. 避免…… 14. in fact事实上

15. many other things许多其他的东西

14. 梦想做某事dream of/about doing sth

15. ...的数量the number of (动词单数常is) 16. 钦佩,仰慕look up to

17. 鼓励某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth

18. 实现某人的梦想achieve/realize one’s dream =make one’s dream come true 19. 据说 It’s said that...

20. 人们相信...It is believed that...

21. 不但...而且...not only...but also (就近原则) 22. ...的款式 the style of...

23. 我很愿意。My pleasure. (对thanks的回答 ) 24. 被要求做...be asked to do sth

Unit 7

1. choose their own clothes选择自己的衣服 2. be serious about对…认真,严肃 3. care about担心 ,在乎

4. eight hours’ sleep八小时的睡眠

= an eight –hour sleep

5. driver’s/driving license驾照 6. instead of doing sth代替做某事 7. wear uniforms穿校服 8. be good for对有益

9. a fifteen-year-old boy一个15岁的男孩 10. talk back回嘴,顶嘴 11. volunteer to do sth志愿做某事

12. make my own decision 做自己的决定 13. old people’s home养老院

14. the importance of …的重要性 15. make sure of sth/that 从句 确保

16. a professional runner一个专业的赛跑者 17.keep…away from远离

18. get in the way of挡…路;妨碍 19. stay up 熬夜 20. a part-time job兼职

21. be strict with sb. 对某人严厉 be strict in sth对某事严厉 22 get sth. done(过去分词)

have sth. done 表被动 让某事被做,请人做了事 23. allow sb to do sth 允许做 24 get one’s ears pieced 扎耳眼

have my hair cut 理发

25. 温暖怀抱里入眠 warm arms to sleep in 26. 举起 lift up = raise

27. 咳嗽得厉害 cough badly /a lot / 28. 噩梦 an awful dream 29. 回想起… think back to

30 后悔做了… regret doing / to do (遗憾) 31 给…机会做… give sb a chance to do 32 manage one’s life 驾驭自己的生活 33不反对做。。have nothing against doing 34 最终 end up doing /with sth

35 be excited about doing/to do对某事感到兴奋

Unit 8

1. belong to sb属于=be sb’s 2. at the picnic 在野餐中

3. attend a concert 参加音乐会 4. pick up 捡起,学到,染上,接人 5. nothing much 没什么事 6. call the policemen 报警 7. at first 起初

8. in the neighborhood 在社区 9. go away 离开

10. in the laboratory 在实验室里 11. feel sleepy 感觉困倦的 12. ran after 追赶=chase

13. express a difference 表达差异 14. add information 添加信息

15. not only..but also不但……而且… 16. more than 超出;多于=over

17. communicate with sb. 和某人交流

18. arrive in 到达(大地方)arrive at到达小地方 19. a kind of 一种

20. have a medical purpose 有一个医疗目的 21. prevent illness 预防疾病

22. keep/stay healthy 保持健康 = keep in good health 23. point out 指出

24. a victory over an enemy 战胜敌人 25. wait for 等待 26. be late for 迟到

27. talk on the phone 通过电话聊 28. go for a picnic 去野餐

29. have /go on a picnic进行 野餐 30 must have done 一定已经做了某事


1. 既然那样/加入那样的话in that case 2. 坚持/固守 stick to

3. 大量/充足 plenty of =a lot of 4. 关上 shut off

5. 偶尔/间或 once in a while =sometimes 6. 总共/合计 in total 7. 随着跳舞 dance to

8. 随着唱歌 sing along with

9. 空闲时间 spare time/ free time 10.by age 17 到17岁时 11. 使…振作 cheer sb up

12. 尽某人最大的努力去做 try one’s best to do 13. 有一个快乐的结局 have a happy ending 14. 使…感到… make sb feel 形容词 15. 及时 in time

16. 害怕… be afraid to do sth /be afraid of doing

17. 中国民间音乐演奏a concert of Chinese folk music 18. 用二胡演奏 play on erhu 19. 查阅 look up sth

20. 被…写 be written by sb 21. 出生 be born

22. 教…做… teach sb to do sth 23. 例如 for example/such as

24. 因…而出名 be famous/ known for 25. 赚钱 make money

26. 结婚 get married (to)

27. 继续go on to do/ continue to do sth 28. 演奏音乐 play music

29. 到…末 by the end of…

30. 遗憾的是… It’s a pity that … 31 更喜欢(做) prefer sth / prefer to do sth 比起。。。更喜欢 prefer sth to sth

prefer doing sth to doing sth prefer to do rather than do 比起。。更愿意。。。 32 提供 provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb offter sb sth / offer sth to sb 33感受到强烈悲伤和痛苦

sense a strong sadness and pain

34 二泉映月 Moon Reflected on Second Spring 35 民间音乐家 folk musician 36 乐器 musical instrument

37 音乐才能 musical ability

37 表演 perform (动词) performance(名词)

performer 表演者

38 在某人的一生中 during/in one’s lifetime 39 记录 record set up a record创纪录 break a record 打破纪录 40 回想 recall =think back 41 深的 deep 深度 depth

42 痛苦的经历 a painful experience

Unit 10

1. be supposed to do sth被期望/要求做某事;应该 2. shake hands 握手 3. drop by 顺便拜访 =visit 4. after all毕竟;终归

5. pick up 拾起;捡起 接某人 ,学到,染上 6. make a noise 发出噪音 7. table manners 餐桌礼仪

8. get used to doing sth习惯于 9. be relaxed about对„随意/放松 10. get mad大动肝火;气愤 11.clean„off 把„擦掉

12.take off脱下(衣服);(飞机等)起飞 13.make an effort to do作出努力

14.make sb feel at home使某人感到宾至如归 15.cut (it) up切开;切碎

16.be expected to do 被期待做„ 17.make friends with与„交朋友 18.as soon as一„就„ 常主将从现 19.to one’s surprise令某人吃惊的是 20. be different from 与„不同 21 for the first time第一次

22 stand there with hand out 站在那伸出手 23 keep others waiting 让别人等 24 avoid doing sth 避免。。。

25 go out of one’s way to do 不辞辛苦地做,特意做 26 gradually 逐渐的= bit by bit


教学反思 反思一、词汇教学





3、重迁移。在教学中我们应提倡“新旧贯通”或叫“相互迁移”。其实这也是一个很好的学习方法。如:pen----pencil-----pencil-box ,

day----today----monday----tuesday----yesterday,all---tall---ball----small 等等。








who how how long


who how how far how long
























《新目标英语》每个单元都有pair work, group work 和games。同桌之间、小组之间互相交谈,互相讨论,互相切磋,实现生生互动是《新目标英语》的最基本的活动。为了实现这一目标,教师就要千方百计地让学生多“动”。学生只有多“动”,才会得到发展,也才会有高的学习效率。但在课堂上做活动,活动一到高兴时课堂往往会出现失控。如果一下子停下来,学生们不乐意。进行下去吧,整个教室就乱哄哄。可见,在新形势下,我们该如何控制课堂?







《新目标英语》每个单元由两个部分组成。其中sectiona教学本单元的基本语言结构和词汇;section b有扩展的词汇及表达方法。虽然教材的编写非常科学,但是由于学生基础的不同,我认为教师可适当调整教学内容及教学重点。如我校,七年级的学生在小学没有接触过英语,所以起始单元也应该是重点内容。又如我校八年级学生的听力基础较差,而setion b中听力材料难度偏大,我认为在讲这一部分的时候,应做适当的调整。或者先讲阅读材料,或者绘制图片,或者提示重点单词或句型等等。正如著名的英语教授龚亚夫先生所说,“教材上有的并不一定要全部教;教的并不要求全教会;会的并不要求全部考”。


我国著名科学家钱学森曾对未来教育做了如此论述:“未来教育=人脑+电脑+网络”。 21世纪是网络信息时代,为我们的教学改革提供了契机。实践证明,信息技术在英语教学中的运用能给课堂教学注入新的生机和活力,丰富教学形式,优化教学过程,从而更有效地培养学生的语言综合运用能力。那么,我们如何将信息技术与英语教学有效整合?





unit 1 How can we become good learners? 必背单词

aloud 大声地 出声地 patient 有耐心的 病人 discover 发现 [prəˈnaʊns] v.发音 əˌnʌnsiˌeɪʃn] n. 发音 ability 能力 才能 active活跃的 积极的 expression 表情,表示 表达方式 secret 秘密 秘诀 adj秘密的 保密的 increase 增加 增长 knowledge 知识 学问 短语归纳

work with friends 和朋友一起学习

listen to tapes 听磁带 study for a test 备考 have conversations with 与……交谈

speaking skills 口语技巧 a little 有点儿 at first 起初 起先 the secret to......, .......的秘诀 because of 因为 as well 也 look up (在词典中等)查阅;抬头看

so that 以便,为了 the meaning of ……的意思 make mistakes 犯错误 talk to 交谈

depend on 依靠 依赖 in common 共有的 pay attention to 注意 关注

connect ……with ……,把……和…联系或连接起来 for example 例如 think about 考虑

even if 即使 尽管 look for 寻找 find out 找到 查明 worry about 担心 担忧 make word cards 制作单词卡片 ask the teacher for help 向老师求助

read aloud 大声读 spoken english 英语口语 give a report 作报告 word by word 一字一字地 so……that 如此……以至于 fall in love with 爱上 something interesting 有趣的事情 take notes 记笔记how often 多久一次 a lot of 许多the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力 learning habits 学习习惯 be interested in 对...感兴趣 get bored 感到无聊 be good at 在……方面擅长 be afraid of 害怕 each other 彼此 互相 instead of 代替 而不是 用法集萃

by doing sth 通过做某事

it +be+adj+to do sth 做某事是……的 finish doing sth 完成某事

what about doing sth?做某事怎么样? try to do sth 尽力做某事

the +比较近,the+比较近 越……,就越…… find it+adj+to do sth 发现做某事 be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事 help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事 practice doing sth 练习做某事 keep doing sth 一直做某事be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事 begin to do sth 开始做某事 want to do sth 想要做某事 need to do sth 需要做某事 remember to do sth 记得做某事

shoot 射(射着,射死等表结果) shoot at( 瞄准) 射 语法全解

一、 how询问方式、方法,意为“怎样、如何”。回答这种问句时常用by短语或by后接动词-ing形式,表示“凭借……交通工具”或“用……方式、手段”。有时也用on短语表示交通方式。 二、现在完成时 现在完成时的用法:


2、结构:have / has +动词的过去分词 3、标志词:already, yet, since, for

unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 必记单词

mooncake 月饼 relative 亲属 亲戚 lay 放置 安放 产(卵)下(蛋) tie 领带 v 捆 束 lie v 存在 平躺 处于 business 生意 商业 stranger 陌生人

steal 偷 窃取 admire 欣赏 仰慕Christmas 圣诞节dead 死的 present 现在 礼物 adj 现在的 短语归纳

put on 增加(体重)发胖

care about 关心 在乎 end up 最终成为, 最后处于 not only ……but also……不但……而且…… shoot down 射下 used to do 过去常常做…… remind sb. of 使某人想起 give out 分发 发放

the water festival 泼水节 the Chinese spring festival 中国春节 next year 明年

sound like 听起来像 each other 互相 彼此 in the shape of 以……的形状 on mid-autumn night 在中秋之夜 fly up to 飞向 lay out 摆开 布置 come back 回来 as a result 结果 因此 mother‟s day母亲节

more and more popular 越来越受欢迎

think of 想起 认为 思考dress up 装扮 穿上盛装 the importance of ……的重要性

make money 挣钱in need 需要帮助 处于困境中 between ……and…… 在……和……之间 the dragon boat festival 龙舟节

the lantern festival 元宵节like best 最喜欢 go to ……for a vacation 去……度假

be similar to 与……相似 wash away 冲走 洗掉 mid-autumn festival 中秋节 shoot down 射下 call out 大声呼喊 the tradition of ……的传统

at night 在夜里 在晚上

one……,the other……一个……,另一个…… Father‟s day 父亲节 have to 必须 不得不 play a trick on sb 捉弄某人

the spirit of ……的精神 care about 关心 wake up 醒来 the beginning of ……的开始 用法集萃 a little earlier 早一点儿

a good place to eat 一个吃饭的好地方 in different situation 在不同的情况下

on time 准时 按时 get to 到达have dinner 吃晚餐 on one‟s / \the right在右边 come on 快点 请过来 the shopping center 购物中心 the corner of....... 的角落/拐角处 1.感叹句式一:What+(a/an) +adj+名词(+主语+谓语+其他)! lead in to 导入 引入


感叹句式二:How +adj/adv+主语+谓语+其他! ……多么……! 2.be going to……将要/打算…in+时间段 在……后 3.give sb. sth. 给某人某物 plan to do sth 计划做某事 4.refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 5.one of +名词复数形式……之一

6.it +is+名词+动词不定式(to do sth) 做某事是…… 7.what ……think of……?…认为…怎么样?

8.make sb do sth 让某人做某事 used to be 过去是…… 9.warn sb(not) to do sth告诫某人做某事 10.tell sb (not)to do sth 告诉某人做某事 11.decide to do sth 决定 做某事 12.promise to do sth 承诺、答应做某事 语法全解


1、引导词:that(无实义),whether / if (是否),who / what / where 等特殊疑问词。



unit3 Could you please tell me where the restaurants are? 必记单词

stamp 邮票 印章 suggest 建议

convenient 便利的 方便的 request 要求 请求 correct 正确的 恰当的

speaker讲(某种语言)的人,发言者 impolite 不礼貌的 粗鲁的 rush 仓促 急促 mail 邮寄 politely 礼貌地 direction 方向 polite 有礼貌的 短语归纳

a pair of 一对,一双,一副 between a and b 在a和b之间 on one‟s / the way to 在去……的路上 pardon me 什么,请再说一遍

pass by 路过 经过 look forward to 盼望 期待 excuse me 打扰了 请原谅 get some magazines 得到一些杂志

get some information about 获取有关……的一些信息 turn left\right 向左\向右 转 go past 经过 路过 用法集萃

1.not ……· until……直到……猜……

2.let‟s do sth 咱们做某事吧!start doing sth 开始做某事 3.spend time doing sth 话费时间做某事 4.thank sb for doing sth 为做某事而感谢某人 5.would like to do sth 想要做某事 6.look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事 unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 必背单词

humorous 有幽默感的 滑稽有趣的 silent 不说话的 沉默的

interview v.n.采访 面试private 私人的 私密的 influence v.n.影响 absent adj缺席的 不在 general 总的 普遍的 常规的 n. 将军 helpful 有用的 有帮助的dare 敢于 胆敢 require 需要 要求seldom adv. 不常 很少 fail vt 不及格 失败 短语归纳

used to do 过去常常做deal with 对付 应付 be proud of 为……骄傲 ,感到自豪 take pride in 为……感到自豪 from time to time 时常,有时 in public 公开地in person 亲身,亲自 take up sth 开始做,接受,占用

not……anymore 不再worry about 为……担忧 hang out 闲逛think about 考虑be alone 独处 on the soccer team 在足球队no longer 不再 make a decision 做决 定 to one‟s surprise 令某人吃惊的是

even though 尽管pay attention to 对……注意,留心 in the last few years 在过去的几年里 be afraid of 害怕turn red 变红 tons of attention 很多关注 be careful 当心give up 放弃

a very small number of ……极少数的…… give a speech 作演讲

all the time 一直 总是 be interested in 对……感兴趣 change one‟s life 改变某人的生活 take care of 照顾one of……,……之一 用法集萃

1.used to do sth 过去常常做某事

2.be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事have to do sth 必须做某事 3.make sb do sth 让某人做某事

4.give up doing sth 放弃做什么try to do sth 尽力做某事 5.adj+ enough to do sth 足够…而能够做某事 6.be prepared to do sth 准备做某事 7.see sb doing sth 看见某人在做某事 8.take up doing sth 开始做某事 9.begin to so sth 开始做某事

10.require sb to do sth 要求某人做某事 11.decide to do 决定做某事

12.make a decision to do sth 决定做某事 13.It‟s hard to believe that …很难相信…… 14.It +has+been +一段时间+ since+从句 自从……以来已经有很多 长时间了 15.dare to do sth 敢于做某事

16.It‟s adj+ for sb+ to do sth 对某人来说做某事是..的 语法全解

1.used to do sth. 表示“过去常常做某事”,暗示现在不做了。这个结构的否定可以用didn‟t use, 也可以直接用usedn‟t;变疑问句时,可以用助动词did,也可以直接把used提前. 2.be used to do sth. 被用来做某事 3.be / get used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 unit5 What are the shirts made of ? 衬衫是由什么制成的? 必记单词

produce v. 生产;制造 leaf n.叶子 product n. 产品;制品 surface n. 表面;表层international adj 国际的

lively adj 生气勃勃的,色彩鲜艳的 complete v. 完成 widely adv. 广泛地;普遍地avoid v. 避免;回避 everyday adj 每天的;日常的

postman n. 邮递员scissors n. (pl.)剪刀 短语归纳

be made of 由...制成的


be made from 由...制成的(在成品中已无法辨认原材料)be known for 以...闻名

be used for 被用于... no matter 不论;无论 be covered with 用...覆盖

as far as i know 据我所知 by hand 用手 be good for 对……有益be good at 擅长

on the last friday of each month 在每个月的最后一个星期五 make high-technology products 制造高科技产品 the earth‟s surface 地球表面

many different kinds of 许多不同种类的 fly a kite 放风筝 such as 例如

according to 根据 按照 ask for help 请求帮助 a symbol of ……的象征

put……on…… 把……放在……上

be used for 被用于做……good luck 好运 at a very high heat 在高温下

be made in 在……制造的be famous for 以……著名 on the sides of mountains 在山腰上

all over the world 全世界traffic accident 交通事故 a kite festival 风筝节be from 来自 turn ……into ……把……变成…… send out 放出in trouble 处于困境中 rise into 上升 上涨 paper cutting 剪纸 be used by 被……使用

during the spring festival 在春节期间 sky lanterns 孔明灯 用法集萃

1. no matter +what / when / where =whatever / whenever / wherever “无论什么/什么时候/哪里” 2. it放在find / found 后做形式宾语的用法 3. It seems that +从句 “好像……” 4. buy sb.sth.=buy sth for sb 给某人买某物 5. avoid doing sth 避免做某事 6. allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事

7. want to do sth 想做某事learn to do sth 学会 做某事 8. try to do sth 尽力做某事

9. It takes + sb. +一段时间 + to do sth 做某事花费某人多长时间 语法全解 被动语态的用法:

a.一般英语句子只有主动语态和被动语态两种情况。 b.主动语态和被动语态的区别在于含义中有没有“被”。 c.被动语态需要掌握的是一般现在时的被动语态、一般过去时的被动语态和含有情态动词的被动语态

d.一般现在时的被动语态的基本结构:am/ is /are + 动词的过去分词

一般过去时的被动语态的基本结构:was /were + 动词的过去分词含有情态动词的被动语态的基本结构:should /can /may /must+ be+动词的过去分词

e.动词的过去分词分为规则变化和不规则变化,规则变化一般是加ed,不规则变化则要根据课本后面的表格来分别记忆。 Unit6 When was it invented ? 它是什么时候发明的? 必记单词

invent v. 发明 inventor n.发明家,发明者 an invention(n.发明)一项发明 style n.样式 cook n.厨师 v.烹饪,煮 sudden adj.突然的 suddenly adv. 突然地 popular adj.流行的popularity n.普及,流行度 salt n. 盐salty adj. 咸的 almost=nearly adv.几乎,反义词

hardly,几乎不accident n.事故(traffic accident) accidental adj.意外的

smell n. 气味,味道 v.闻,闻起来

drink n.饮料,喝的东西 v.喝 appear v.出现 disappear v. 消失 including介词,包括 include 动词,包括

nation n.国家,民族 national adj. 国家的 international adj. 国际的 rule n.规则 (break the rule破坏规则) ruler n.统治者,尺子

Canadian 加拿大人,加拿大的 Canada 加拿大

hero 英雄,复数要加es,同样要加es变复数的还有potato(土豆) 和 tomato(番茄)

professional 形容词,专业的,职业的 profession 名词,专业,职业

List n.清单,make a list 列一张清单;v.列举 remain 动词,留下,保持不变 customer 名词,顾客 短语归纳

It's my pleasure.= My pleasure. 我的荣幸 seem+to+动词原形 好像做某事

such a great invention 如此伟大的一项发明 think of = think about 想到,考虑 in our daily lives 在我们的日常生活中 in my daily life在我的日常生活中

have a point 有道理 by accident 偶然地,意外地 over an open fire 在篝火上it mentioned that 它提到 It is said that 据说 It is believed that人们相信

fall into(过去式fell into)=drop into掉进…in the 19th century 在19世纪

spread to other countries 传播到其他国家 at a low price 以很低的价格

bring(brought) sth. to sp.把某物带到某处 all of a sudden 突然地

less than少于,不到 more than = over 超过 translate...into....把…翻译成…

without doubt 毫无疑问 at that time 在那时 advise sb (not) to do sth建议某人(不要)做某事

start doing sth 开始做某事 work on sth 致力于某事 (be) similar to 与……相似 the Olympics 奥运会

by mistake 错误地,无意地 make a mistake 犯错 divide ...into…把…分成… in the end = at last = finally 最后 at the same time 同时

teach(taught) sb to do sth 教某人做某事 come up with 想出 encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事 the purpose of ……的目的

stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 dream of doing sth 梦想做某事 look up to sb.钦佩某人

look up the word 查找单词 work together 一起工作 I want to achieve my dream.我想实现梦想 My dream will come true.我的梦想会实现 work hard 努力工作

on a hard floor 在坚硬的地板上 lead to导致 leader 领导,引路人 Don't mention it.不客气,不用谢

be used for doing sth=be used to do sth被用来做某事 be used as 被用作…be used by sb. 被某人使用 help sb do sth.=help sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事 make a decision to do sth.=decide to do sth.决定做某事

make sb. + adj. 使某人怎么样 make sb do sth使某人做某事 be made to do sth 被使唤去做某事 in this way这样,用这种方式 语法全解

1.some time 一段时间 sometimes 有时 some times几次 sometime 某个时候

2.one of the world's favorite drinks世界最受欢迎的饮料之一.one of …之一,后面的名词用复数(一般要加S),动词用单数(一般要加S);favorite,最喜欢的,前面要用“谁的”.


4.not…until直到…才,I don„t go to sleep until 11 every day.我每天直到11点才睡觉。

5.take place 表示预料之中的事情的发生,happen表示预料不到的事情的发生,两个“发生”都没有被动

6.alone adv.独自,如live alone 独自居住; lonely adj,孤单的,如a lonely person

7.enough, 足够的,修饰名词时放前面,如enough money足够的钱; 修饰形容词或副词时放后面,如old enough(年龄)足够大 8.not only ... but also...不但…而且…,句子中的动词要根据but also后面的人来确定单复数(即“就近原则”),如 Not only I but also she likes the new teacher.

9.the number of …的数量,后面的名词用复数(一般要加S),动词用单数(is)

a number of 许多…,后面的名词用复数(一般要加S),动词用复数(are)

10.else 和 other 都表示“别的”,else 一般放在who、what等特殊疑问词或somebody 、someone等不定代词后,如someone else别人who else别的谁,而other一般放在名词前,如other animals 11.such和so 都表示“如此”,such 后面一般跟名词短语,如such good weather,而so 后面一般跟形容词或副词,如so beautiful Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 青少年应该被允许选择他们自己的衣服. 必记单词

safe adj. 安全的 n. safety 安全,安全性 dangerous adj. 危险的 n. danger 危险 agree v.同意 agreement n.赞同,协议 disagree v. 不同意

choose v.选择,过去式是chose protect v.保护 protection n.保护 social adj.社会的society n.社会

success n. 成功 successful adj. 成功的 succeed v. 成功(过去式succeeded) against 介词,反对,反义词是for

enter v.进入 air adj.不公平的,反义词fair,公平的 manage v.经营,管理,努力完成 manager n.经理 important adj.重要的,importance n.重要性

support v. / n. 支持 educate v.教育 education n.教育 短语归纳

get his driver‟s license 取得驾驶执照 no way没门,不行

be worried about=worry about 担心… have part-time jobs 做兼职工作 get one‟s ears pierced 打耳洞

get / have / make sth. done 使某物被做…… stop doing sth 停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

spend time with sb. 花时间和某人在一起 take photos, take a photo 照相

use a flash 使用闪光灯 all night 整夜 stay by my side 呆在我身边 make sure = be sure 确保,确定

keep sb. (away) from sth. 使某人远离某物 hurt oneself 伤害某人自己 give sb. a hug = hug sb. 拥抱某人

lift sb.up 举起某人 cough badly 剧烈地咳嗽 talk back 回嘴 an adult 一个成人

think back to 回想起 regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事 make one‟s own decision 做某人自己的觉得 too + adj.+ to do sth. 太…而不能做某事 learn…from…从…学到… agree with sb 同意某人的观点

disagree with sb. 不同意某人的观点 move out 搬出去 take care of = look after=care for 照顾 manage one‟s own life 管理自己的生活 manage to do sth 努力完成某事

that is why 那就是为什么continue to do sth继续做某事 take a test参加考试 pass the test通过考试 fail the test考试不及格

be strict with sb in sth在某方面对某人要求严格 get in the way of妨碍… a running star一个跑步明星

a professional runner一个专业的跑步运动员 grow up长大 allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某人 should be allowed to do sth.应该被允许去做某事 have nothing against doing sth.不反对做某事 succeed in doing sth.成功做某事

fail to do sth. 做某事失败 end up with 以…结束 end up as 最终成为

practice doing sth.练习做某事 spend time on sth.在某事上花时间 spend time in doing sth在做某事上花时间 care about sb.关心某人

talk with sb. about sth.和某人谈论某事 make a choice做选择

have a chance to do sth.有机会去做某事 see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事

Unit 8 it must belong to Carla.


attend (v)出席 参加 valuable (a)有价值的 sleepy (a)困倦的run after 追赶 express (v)表达 表示

receive (v)收到prevent (v)阻止 energy (n)能量 honor (n, v)荣幸 短语归纳

1.be long to属于 2.listen to classical music听古典音乐 3.at school在学校 4.at the picnic在野餐

5.go to the concert去听音乐会attend a concert参加音乐会 6. run for exercise跑步锻炼 7.catch a bus赶公共汽车 8.keep healthy保持健康 9.point out指出

10.pop music流行音乐 light music轻音乐 folk music民间音乐country music乡村音乐 foreign music外国音乐 jazz爵士乐rock摇滚乐 11. the rest of其余的人或物12. have no idea不知道 13. not only…but also…不但…而且…

14. make noise吵闹 15.an ocean of许许多多、无穷无尽的16. call the police 报警 17. get on 上车 get off 下车 语法全解

1. must, may, might, could, may, can‟t+动词原形 表示推测,程


must 一定,肯定(100%的可能性)

may, might, could有可能, 也许(20%-80%的可能性) can‟t 不可能, 不会(可能性几乎为零)

2. 当play 指弹奏乐器时,常在乐器前用定冠词

play the guitar play the piano play the violin 当play 指进行球类运动时,则不用定冠词 play football play basketball play baseball 3. try to do sth.尝试做某事

try/do one‟s best to do sth. 尽某人的最大努力去做某事 4.escape from …从哪里逃跑出来 5. 辨析because of , because

because of +名词/代词/名词性短语 because +从句 6. anything strange 一些奇怪的东西

当形容词修饰something, anything, nothing, everything等不定代词时,放在这些词的后面 7. there be sb./ sth. doing

8. look for 寻找 指过程 find 找到 指结果 9. hear 听 指听的结果 listen 听 指听的过程

10. take place 常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生”(二者都无被动)




新目标英语九年级Unit7 Where would you like to visit? 本课的中心话题是旅游。通过认识我们四周的旅游胜地来开拓眼界,富厚自己的阅历,使自己养成勤于思考,善于总结的好习惯。






让学生欣赏并描述关于旅行的视频。教师适时地加以提示补充,同时引入新单词。 Task2目标语呈现

给学生展示世界地图,提问学生Where would you like to visit? Why?让学生回答I would like to visit…,并帮助学生用刚学的单词讲述理由(Because I want a peaceful trip.)



告诉学生I would like to visit New Zealand.播放图片并同时讲解New Zealand的一些情况,从而帮助学生了解更多。以此为例让学生自己描述想去的国家。 Task5小组任务



3: 课后任务:






4、利用多媒体辅助教学,可以吸引学生的眼球,但有些学生只顾看而忘记做笔记,花费的时间比较多。所以以后 视频剪辑方面可以再出色点,内容可以再紧凑些,占用的时间可以节约些。



Unit1.How do you study for a test? 1.听磁带listen to tapes

2.向老师请求帮助ask the teacher for help

3.制作抽认卡.make flashcards

4.观看英语录象watch English-language videos 5.朗读read aloud

6.练习语音.practice pronunciation 7.说的技能speaking skills 8.太„而不能.too „to 9. 询问有关„ask about 10.学英语的最好方法

the best way to learn English

11.具体的建议specific suggestions 12.观看演员说话watch the actors say the words


find watching movies frustrating 14.得到大量的写作练习. get lots of writing practice 15.一点也不.not at all 16.变得兴奋get excited 17.结束做„end up doing sth. 18.英语口语spoken English

19.练习说英语.practice speaking English

20.加入英语俱乐部.join an English club

_21.嘲笑某人.laugh at

22.编对话.make up conversations 23.首先first of all

24 .一开始to begin with 25.写下.write down 26.后来.later on


write my own original sentence 28.做调查do a survey

29.做某事对某人来说困难 It’s difficult for sb to do

30.在语法方面犯错make mistakes in grammar

31.发音正确get the pronunciation right

32.没关系It doesn’t matter.

33.害怕做„.be afraid to do sth/be afraid of doing sth/ be terrified to do sth /be sth. terrified of doing

34.造完整的句子make complete sentences

35.帮助很大help a lot 36.有点帮助.help a little

37.秘诀之一.one of the secrets 38.记笔记take notes

39.一个好的语言学习者a good language learner

40.开始做„start doing /start to doing 41.喜爱做„enjoy doing sth 42.被感动be impressed

43.做„有困难.have difficulty doingsth/have problems doing sth/have trouble doing sth

44.查字典look up „in a dictionary 45.获奖.win a prize

46.处理deal with /do with 47.担心worry about

48.对„生气be angry with /be mad at 49.持续生气stay angry 50.时间流逝Time goes by

51.看见某人在做某事see sb doing sth

52.意见不同.have disagreements 53.解决问题solve a problem

54.把问题看作挑战.regard problems as challenges

55.抱怨„.complain about

56.把„变成„.change sth into /turn „into

57.做某事是我们的责任.It’s our duty to do sth 58.尽力做„

try one’s best to do /do one’s best to„


.with the help of sb./with one’s help 60.把„和„进行比较compare „

to „

61.尽责.do one’s duty

62.画水彩画.paint pictures

Unit2.I used to be afraid of the dark. 1.过去常常used to do „

2.习惯于做„.be used to doing „ 3.被用来做.be used to do „ 4.被某人使用.be used by sb

5.他长什么样?What does he look like?

6.他过去长什么样?.What did he use to look like?

7.开始上学start school 8.在担心be worried about 9.一直. all the time /always 10.走到学校walk to school 11.乘公共汽车.take the bus

12.我最大的问题my biggest problem

13.现在these days /at present /now /at the moment

14.起床早.get up early

15.整天呆在学校stay at school all day

16.直接回家.go right home 17.某人花时间或钱做某事 .sb. spend time doing sth

18.不再not any more/no longer 19.同某人聊天.chat with sb.

20.带某人去听音乐会take sb. to concerts

21.几乎没有hardly ever

22.我的变化真大.How I’ve changed! 23.时间如飞How time flies!

24.在过去的几年时间里in the last few years

25.我的日常生活my daily life/my everyday life

26.使你紧张make you stressed out 27.加入某人.join sb 28.参加„(活动)take part in „/join in„

29.移居到„.move to „ 30.留长发.grow hair long

31.他似乎很累He seems tired./He seems to be tired./It seems that he is tired.


.make lots of trouble/cause lots of trouble

33.得低分get bad grades 34.一个15岁的孩子

a 15-year-old kid/a kid of 15 years old 35.问题儿童a problem child

36.最近的一次谈话a recent conversation 37.负担不起„

can’t afford sth/can’t afford to do sth 38.支付,付款.pay for

39.照顾某人take care of sb/look after sb


take good care of sb /look after sb well

41.对学习感兴趣_.be interested in studying

42.闯祸进警局get into trouble with the police

43.对„有耐心be patient with„ 44.放弃做某事give up doing sth/stop doing sth

45.最后.at last /in the end /finally 46.做决定

make a decision to do sth /decide to do sth

47.送某人去„.send stb to „ 48.某人有必要做某事.

It’s necessary for sb to do sth

49.令某人惊奇的是to one’s surprise 50.即使even though /even if

51.以„为自豪be proud of /take pride in

52.迫使某人做„make sb do

53.对„注意.pay attention to

54.全神贯注于„pay full attention to„

55.父母的存在对孩子来说非常重要It’s very important for parents to be there for their children .

56.对自己有信心feel good about oneself

57.男子寄宿学校a boys’ boarding school

Unit3.Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes

1.16岁的孩子.a sixteen-year-old child

2.上课迟到get to class late

3.对某人要求严格.be strict with sb. 3.对某事要求严格be strict in sth 4.考试没通过.fail a test 5.目前at present

6.周五放假.have Fridays off 7.养老院an old people’s home 8.通过考试pass a test

9.前不久,几天前the other day 10.注意力集中concentrate on„ 11.回复.reply to

12.穿耳孔get ears pierced 13.兼职工作a part-time job 14.去商场.go to the mall 15.驾驶执照driver’s license 16.不够认真.not serious enough 17.代替,而不是.instead of

18.在上学期间的晚上on school nights

19.去看电影go to the movies 20.熬夜stay up /sit up 21.打扫干净clean up 22.参加考试take a test 23.校服.school uniforms 24.看起来漂亮.look smart

25.想做某事would like to do sth 26.对„有好处.be good for „ 27.使某人快乐keep sb. happy

28.开办英语俱乐部.start an English club

29.英英字典an English-English dictionary

30.英汉字典an English-Chinese dictionary

31.篮球练习basketball practice 32.一团乱麻a real mess

33.这件外套穿在你的身上好看。The coat looks good on you./You look nice in the coat. 34.至少.at least 35.8个小时的睡眠

eight hours’ sleep/eight-hour sleep 36.走10分钟的路程.ten minutes’ walk/ten-minute walk

37.表演节目.perform a play 38.小学a primary school

39.为报社写作write for a newspaper 40.在报社做自愿者工作.

volunteer at the newspaper office 41.一周一次once a week 42.困倦的.be sleepy

43.在简报里in the newsletter

44.自己做主,自己做决定make my own decisions /make decisions for myself

45.妨碍„get in the way of„ 46.赛跑明星a running star

47.在学校的赛跑队里.on the school running team

48.专业的运动员.a professional athlete

49.实现某人的梦想achieve one’s dreams

50.有机会做某事.have an opportunity to do sth 51.努力学习的重要性.

the importance of working hard 52.对某人来说极为重要 .be of great importance to sb.

53.对„认真be serious about „ 54.极少数人very few people 55.一个难以实现的梦想.

a very difficult dream to achieve 56.关心,担心care abou

57.只有那样我才有实现自己梦想的机会Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.

58.在„花费时间spend time on sth 59.对某人不满意.be unhappy with sb 60 .对某人满意be pleased with sb

Unit4. What would you do ? 1.和某人分享.share„with sb 2.把它存进银行put it in the bank 3.把他给慈善机构give it to charity 4.医学研究.medical research 5.如果我是你的话,我就穿衬衣打领带.

If I were you ,I would wear a shirt and tie

6.提有关„的建议give advice on„ 7.如果„怎么办呢?.what if„ 8.别的每一个人everyone else


What would you do if you had a million dollars?

10.我希望我能飞到月球上去。 I hope I could fly to the moon. 11.长粉刺get pimpels

12.参加一次大的考试take a big exam

13.帮助解决这个问题help with this problem

14.长时间散步take a long walk

15.在公众场合.in public/in a public place

16.做性格调查do a personality survey

17.作演讲,发表演说give a speech /make a speech

18.在全校师生面前.in front of the whole school

19.未经允许.without permission 20.拍电影be in a movie

21.和某人成为朋友.be friends with sb

22.感冒.have a cold

23.向„作自我介绍introduce oneself to„

24.等某人做某事wait for sb. to do sth.

25.邀请某人做某事.invite sb. to do sth

26.一点也不.not „in the slightest/not „at all 27.令某人生气annoy sb. 28.来到某人身边come to sb. 29.胜过,而不是rather than

30.宁愿„而不愿„would rather do than do

31.整天.all day

32.对某人有信心.have confidence in sb

32.对做某事有信心be confident of doing sth

33.在午餐时间at lunch time

34.英语演讲比赛an English speech contest

35.代表班级参加学校的比赛.represent the class in the school contest

36.在学校的考试中名列前茅 .come top in the school exams 37.让„失望let „down

38.想出,想到come up with „ /think of/think up

39.解决问题的办法the solution to the problem

40.知道有,听说know of „

41.面临„,面对be faced with„,face sth

42.一本急救的书a first-aid book

43.在附近的书架上.on the nearby shelf

44.有许多关于处理青少年问题的经验have a lot of experience dealing with teenagers

45.在某方面有经验have experience in sth.

46.出版.come out

47.偶然.by accident /by chance

48.用„把„盖住cover sth. With sth. 49.被„覆盖.be covered with „ 50.摔下楼梯fall downstairs 51.急忙去„hurry to„ 52.医学救助medical help 53.查明,找出find out

54.把烧伤部位放在凉的流动的水下冲put the burned area under cold running water。 55.与某人相处

.get along (well) with„/get on (well) with„

56.很多的,足够的plenty of „ 57.历史上.in history

58隐藏某物不要某人看见hide sth. from sb.

59.向某人寻求意见ask sb.for advice

Unit 5

1.这本杂志是属于Carla 的。The magazine belongs to Carla./The magazine is Carla’s.

2。海明威是她最喜欢的作家。Hemingwei is her favorite author. 3.古典音乐classical music

4.他可能知道去医院的路。He might know the way to the hospital./It’s possible that he knows the way to the hospital

5.杰克肯定在买小车。Jack must be selling cars./It’s certain that Jack is selling cars. 6.这座房子不可能是那个妇女的The house can’t belong to that woman. /It is certain that the house isn’t that woman’s.

7.门上的锁The house can’t belong to that woman. /It is certain that the house isn’t that woman’s.

8.这道门的钥匙.the key to the door 9.一串钥匙a set of keys

10.去听音乐会go to the concert

11.听音乐会have a concert/take a concert /listen to a concert

12.举办音乐会. give a concert/hold a concert

13.在音乐会期间during the concert 14.在音乐大厅in the symphony hall 15.在和某人约会.be at one’s appointment

16.和某人有约have an appointment with sb

17.占期末考试的30% make up 30% of the final exam /count 30% to the final exam

18.担心某人.worry about sb/be worried about sb/be anxious about sb 19.“anxious”是什么意思?.What does “anxious” mean?/What’s the meaning of “anxious”?/What do you mean by “anxious”

20.因为„,由于„. .because of /thanks to

21.拍电影.make a movie/be in a movie

22.奇怪的生物a strange creature 23.在钟塔一带.in Bell Tower neighborhood

24.在我们四邻in our neighborhood 25.这个女孩刚才发生了什么事?她出了车祸What happened to the girl just now? She had a traffic accident. 26.开玩笑.have fun

27.当地学校的老师the local school teacher



Unit1 How can we become good learners?

Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。Come on, everyone!大家加油!


1. ask sb. for help 请求某人的帮助 be patient 耐心点儿

2.improve one’ s speaking skills 提髙某人说的能力

3. spoken English=oral English英语口语

4. make word cards 制作单词卡片 5. listen to tapes 听磁带

6. the secret to language learning 语言学习的诀窍

7. be afraid to do sth.不敢'做某事 8. fall in love with.. . 爱上

9. body language 肢体语言 10. take notes 记笔记

11. make mistakes in grammar 犯语法错误

12. learning habits 学习习惯 13. have sth. in common 有...共同点 14. pay attention to 注意 15. connect…with…把....与....联系起来

16. write down key words 摘抄重点词 17. in class 在课堂上

after class 课后 18. be interested in… 对.......感兴趣

19. do sth. on one’s own 独立做某事 20. worry about 为...而担忧

21. depend on=rely on 依赖;取决于


1. What about doing sth ?

例:What about listening to tapes?

2. by的用法

a. 介词 prep. (指交通等)乘;

例:The man came by bus. 那人是坐公共汽车来的。

They went to Shanghai by plane. 他们坐飞机去上海。

b. 表示做某事的方式、方法 结构:by+V-ing

How do you study for a test?

3. 现在完成时态结构:have done, 表示

例:Have you ever studied with a group?

5. It’s +adj+ (for sb) to do sth

It’s too hard (for me) to understand spoken English.

6. The more you read, the faster you’ ll be.


7. find it + adj + to do sth

例:I find it easy to learn English.

8. It’s a piece of cake. 小菜一碟/太容易了!

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!


1. the Lantern Festival 元宵节

2. the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

3. the Water Festival 泼水节 4. eat five meals a day 一天吃五餐

5. put on five pounds 体重增加了五磅 lose weight减肥

6. in two weeks 两星期之后 7. be similar to... 与.......相似

8. throw water at each other 互相泼水 9. in the shape of... 呈…的形状 10. folk stories民间传说故事 11. lay out摆开;布臵

12. the story of Chang,e嫦娥的故事 13. refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事

14. have good luck in the new year在新的一年里有好运气

15. end up最终成为;最后处于 end up with以…结束

16. share sth with sb 与…分享… 17. as a result结果

18. one ... the other... (两者中)一个…另一个… 19. care about 关心

20. dress up 乔装打扮 21. haunted house 鬼屋

22. play a trick on sb.捉弄某人 23. give out 分发 give up放弃

24. trick or treat (万圣节用语)不给糖果就捣蛋

25. light candles 26. the importance of…的重要性

27. take sb around…=show sb around…带某人到处走走

28. warn sb to do sth.警告某人做某事

warn sb not to do sth警告某人不要做某事

29. the beginning of new life 新生命的开始

30. remind sb of … 使某人回想起…

31. promise to do sth.承诺做某事 32. treat sb. with. 用/以…对待某人


1. What do/does+sb. + think of sth. ?

例:What does Wu Yu think of this festival?

2.宾语从句(P55) (复习直接引语和间接引语)


a.陈述语序(that) b.一般疑问句(if 或whether) c.特殊疑问句(5w,1h)二.陈述语序 三.时态

可跟that从句做宾语的动词:say, think, insist, wish, hope, demand, imagine, wonder, know, see, believe, agree, admit, deny, expect, explain, order, command, feel, dream, suggest, hear, mean, notice, prefer, request, require, propose, declare, report等

例:I don’t know what they are looking for.

Could you tell me when the train will leave?

注意:当主句谓语动词是 think, believe, suppose, expect 等词,而宾语从句的意思是否定


例:I don’t think it is right for him to treat you like that.

注意:由whether,if 引导的宾语从句 由whether(if)引导的宾语从句,实际上是一般疑问句演变而来的,意思是“是否”。

例:I wonder whether(if) they will come to our party.



例:The teacher told us that light travels faster than sound.


How+adj. /adv. + 主 + 谓! What (a/an)+名+ 主 + 谓!

例:What an interesting story it is! How tall Yao Ming is!


a. 将下列句子改为感叹句

It’s a nice dress. They are lovely animals.

It’s bad weather. Her son is very naughty

She is a very careful student.

b. 用What , What a , What an , How 填空。

1.______ hot the weather is! 2. _____ hard her father works!

3._____long way it is from Guangdong to Paris!

4.______fine day it was yesterday! 5.______lovely baby!

6._______beautiful your voice is! 7.______ sad news he told us! 8.________happy she was last weekend! 9.________nice the garden is!

10._______ happy life we have! 11._______delicious mooncakes!

Unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are?


1. turn left/right 向左/右转 2. on one’ s left/right 在某人的左/右边

3. go along Main Street 沿着主大街走 4. have dinner 吃饭

5.go to the third floor 去三楼 6. a room for resting 休息室

7. be special about.. . 有……独特之处 8. pardon me 请再说一次

9. come on 过来;加油 10. one one’ s way to... 在去.......的路上

11. something to eat一些吃的东西 12. hold one’ s hand 抓住某人的手

13. mail(send) a letter 寄信 14. pass by 路过

15. a rock band 摇滚乐队 16. in the shopping center 在购物中心

17. in some situations 在某些场合 18. park one’ s car 停车

19. an underground parking lot地下停车库 20. such as 例如

21. thank sb. for doing sth. 为…感谢某人 22. look forward to…期盼…

23. meet sb. for the first time 第一次见到某人

24. in a rush to do sth. 仓促地做某事

25. be convenient to do sth. 做某事很方便


1. not…until…

You never know until you try something.

2. It seems (that)…

It seems a rock band plays there every evening.

3. do you know...

例:Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine?

Do you know when the bookstore closes today?

4. Could you please tell me... ?

Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?

5.sb. suggest+ 从句(虚拟语气:should+V )

例:The clerk suggests they go to the museum.


① take some food take some medicine (=have吃,喝)

做笔记 ③ take one’s temperature ( 测量 )

④ It takes sb some time/money to do something ( 花费,需要 )

⑤ I’ll take this coat.(=buy购买)

⑥ take somebody / something to ( 带领,拿去,取 )

⑦take a train to Chongqing ( 乘坐 ) ⑧ take off( 脱下)

3. turn 的用法

turn to page 80 翻到 It is your turn.轮到你了。

at the turning 在转弯处 turn on/ off/ up/ down 关

turn right/ left at the first turning /crossing

Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark.


1. used to do过去常常做某事 be used to doing 习惯于做某事

be used to do 用来做事(被动语态) 2. in public公开地

3. from time to time时常,有时 4. in person 亲自

5. deal with处理 It’s a deal.就这么定了!

6. look after=take care of 照顾,照料


1. 辨析: used to do sth. 过去常常做… ② take notes

get/be used to sth./doing sth. 习惯于…

be used to do 被用于做…(被动语态)

be used by 由(被)…使用(被动语态)

be used as … 被当做…使用(被动语态)

be used for doing 被用于做…(被动语态)

例: I used to go to work by bus. Now I take a taxi.

He used to be a problem boy. She used to be very shy.

I’m used to drinking a cup of water after meal.

He’s been used to living in the dormitory.

A hammer is used to drive nails.

This machine is used to clean the floor.

The girl is being used as a servant in the house.

A knife can be used for cutting bread.

2) afford(支付得起)的用法

afford sth 买得起…… afford to do sth 有足够的…去做…

例:His mother couldn’t afford to pay for her child’s education.

They did not consider whether they could afford the time or not.

We can’t afford to pay such a price. (such和so区别见P110)

3) take pride in sth/ sb = be proud of sth/ sb 为…感到自豪

例:He was watching me and take pride in everything good I do.

I take pride in my child. =I’m proud of my child.

注:He take pride in everything good I do. 这是一个定语从句。省略了关系代词that。先行


4)the+序数词+最高级+N 第几(大/长/高…)

One of the/形容词性物主代词+Ns

例:He is now one of the best students in his class

One of my best friends is a doctor.

One of his most expensive pens has been lost.

The yellow river is the second largest river in china.

Mount Qomolangma is the first highest mountain around the world.

Unit5 What are the shirts made of?


1.be made of 由...制作/制造(材料) 2.be made in在...制作/制造 (产地)

3.be made from由......制造/制成 4.environmental protection环境保护

5.be famous for 以......闻名;为人知晓 be known for以......闻名

6. be produced in在......生产 7. be used for被用于......

8.as far as I know据我所知 9.pick by hand手工采摘

10. turn... into把......变成...... 11. no matter不论

12.all over(around) the world全世界 13.even though即使

14.avoid doing sth避免做某事 15.everyday things日常用品

16.find out 查明;弄清 17.go on a vacation去度假

18.paper cutting剪纸 19.such as 例如

20. send for发送;派人去请 21.send out发出;放出;发送

22.be covered with被......覆盖 23.rise into上升到;升入

24.put on 张贴 25.as symbols of作为......的象征

26.fairy tale 童话故事


1.辨析:be made of 由...制作/制造(材料):在成品中能看出原材料

be made from由...制造/制成(材料):在成品中看不出原材料

be made in在...制作/制造 (产地) Made in China.中国制造

例:The desk is made of wood. Bread is made of flour.

The paper is made from wood. Wine is made of grapes.

This kind of plane is made in China.

2. be famous for 以...闻名;为人知晓 be known for因...而闻名

be famous as作为...而闻名 be known as作为...而闻名

例:Jingdezhen is famous for china.

China is famous for its tourism.

Mo Yan is very famous as a writer.

3. allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事 allow doing sth

be allowed to do sth 例:Please allow me to come in. My boss doesn't allow me to use the telephone.

We were not allowed to talk in class.

They allowed smoking in this room only.


doing sth,不可说allow to do sth.



Unit 6 When was it invented?


1.by accident偶然;意外地 2.divide into把…分成…

3.take place发生 happen发生(没有被动形式)

4.all of a sudden=suddenly 突然;猛地

5.look up to 仰慕 6.dream of 梦想;梦见



1. 辨析invent; find; find out; discover

invent“发明”,指通过劳动运用聪明才智“发明/创造”出以前从未存在过的新事物 例:Who invented the telephone?

He invented a new teaching method.



例:We've found oil under the South Sea.

I finally found my English book.

find out指经过研究或询问查明某事或真相。

例:I've found you out at last.

Please find out when the ship sails for New York.

Please find out what time the delegation will come.


Columbus discovered America in1492.

We soon discovered the truth. 我们很快就弄清了真相。



Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.


1. choose their own clothes选择自己的衣服




新目标英语九年级Unit7 Where would you like to visit? 本课的中心话题是旅游。通过认识我们四周的旅游胜地来开拓眼界,富厚自己的阅历,使自己养成勤于思考,善于总结的好习惯。






让学生欣赏并描述关于旅行的视频。教师适时地加以提示补充,同时引入新单词。 Task2目标语呈现

给学生展示世界地图,提问学生Where would you like to visit? Why?让学生回答I would like to visit…,并帮助学生用刚学的单词讲述理由(Because I want a peaceful trip.)



告诉学生I would like to visit New Zealand.播放图片并同时讲解New Zealand的一些情况,从而帮助学生了解更多。以此为例让学生自己描述想去的国家。 Task5小组任务



3: 课后任务:






4、利用多媒体辅助教学,可以吸引学生的眼球,但有些学生只顾看而忘记做笔记,花费的时间比较多。所以以后 视频剪辑方面可以再出色点,内容可以再紧凑些,占用的时间可以节约些。

