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能力演练7 动词变化 阅读理解专题训练 文章主旨



专题训练(七) 动词变化





(1)An old man______________(support)by a young girl came out of the hall.

(2)______________(frighten) by the stranger,the girl ran away in a hurry.

(3)Football is played in over 80 countries,_______________(make) it the most popular game in the world.

(4)A few students sat under the tree,_______________(discuss) something heatedly.

(5)If you eat brain foods regularly,they helped you pay attention,keep you motivated,improve your memory and ______________(less)stress from studies.

(二) 阅读下面短文,根据文意,用所给动词的适当形式填空,注意动词形式变化。

Odysseus is a literary figure in the Odyssey (write)by Homer.He rejected the comfortable life of a Greek king and (make)a promise to help another Greek leader,Menelaus,get his wife back.But the war (drag)on and on and he was away from his family for ten years.During this time the fortunes of the war were so changeable that no one could predict who would win.Odysseus became had the regular weekly meeting he suggested that they take an opportunity (trick)the Trojans.The Greeks built a giant wooden horse so that men could hide inside it.The Greeks then pretended to leave aboard their ships as if they (prepare)to celebrate. That night the men climbed out of the horse and 



We lived in a house with a yard surrounded by a rock wall.Last summer,I found a little unknown plant what it was.

The mysterious plant appeared to be a sunflower,so I decided to take care of it.One day,as I pull rocks where I saw the stalk(茎) 

That,that if a tiny little sunflower didn,of developing,we

too have the capability of doing the same thing.

 10 ,we need to believe in ourselves knowing we have the capabilities in 11 our desires.Like the sunflower,it knew it had the capability to overcome its obstacle(障碍)because the that it would succeed.

of who and what you are and the environment will begin to support you.You will find a way to go under big obstacle in order to reach your desires. out out C.give out D.figure out

2.A.wonderful B.secret C.valuable D.unusual

3.A.passed B.started C.stopped D.broken

4.A.aimlessly B.naturally C.especially D.actually

5.A.air C.sun D.wall

6.A.realized B.doubted C.expected D.noticed B.way C.course D.process

8.A.Although B.Since C.Unless D.Once B.dig C.gain D.attract

10.A.First B.Generally  C.Finally D.Eventually

11.A.setting B.controllingC.achieving D.directing

12.A.lay B.trusted C.grew D.rooted C.hope D.courage

14.A.proud B.fond C.careful D.aware

15.A.beneath B.over C.above D.around

三、阅读理解 文章主旨


主旨大意题要求对文章的整体或局部(如段落)进行分析、概括,归纳相关部分的中心大意(Main idea),选择标题(title),判断作者的写作目的(purpose)等。


(1)What does the writer mainly tell us?

(2)Which of the following can summarize the main idea of this text?

(3)Which of the following best expresses the main idea?

(4)The best headline for this newspaper article is______________.

(5)What would be the best title for the passage?

(6)What is the authors main purpose?

(7)The main idea of the passage is about ______________.

(8)The article is written to explain ______________.

(9)With what topic is the passage chiefly concerned?

(10)The subject discussed in this text is ______________.

呈现主题的方式(1) 无主题句




Zoe Chambers was a successful PR(Public Relations)consultant and life was going well—she had a great job,a beautiful flat and a busy social life in London.Then one evening in June last year,she received a text message telling her she was out of work.“The first two weeks were the most difficult to live through.” she said.“After everything I,d done for the company,they dismissed me by text! I was so angry and I just didn,t feel like looking for another job.I hated everything about the city and my life.” Then,Zoe received an invitation from an old school friend,Kathy,to come and stay.Kathy and her husband,Hu,had just bought a farm in northwest Wales.Zoe jumped at the chance to spend a weekend away from London,and now,ten months later,she is still on the farm.

,“The moment I arrived at Kathys farm,I loved it and I knew I wanted to stay.” said Zoe.“Everything

about my past life suddenly seemed meaningless.”

Zoe has been working on the farm since October of last year and says she has no regrets.“It,s a hard life,physically very tiring.” she says.“In London I was stressed and often mentally exhausted.But this is a good,healthy tiredness.Here,all I need to put me in a good mood is a hot bath and one of Kathy,s wonderful dinners.”

Zoe says she has never felt bored on the farm.Every day brings a new experience.Kathy has been teaching her how to ride a horse and she has learnt to drive a tractor.Since Christmas,she has been helping with the lambing.“watching a lamb being born is unbelievable,” she says,“It,s one of the most moving experiences I,ve ever had.I could never go back to city life now.”




1.When working as a PR consultant in London,Zoe thought she lived a ______________ life.

A.satisfying B.toughC.meaningless D.boring

2.The most important reason why Zoe went to visit Kathys farm is that______________.

A.Zoe lost her job as a PR consultantB.Kathy persuaded her to do so

C.Zoe got tired of the city life  D.Zoe loved Wales more than London

3.How does Zoe feel about the country life according to the passage?

A.Tiresome and troublesome. B.Romantic and peaceful.

C.Mentally exhausting but healthy.D.Physically tiring but rewarding.

4.Which of the following is closest to the main idea of the passage?

A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.B.Where there is a will,there is a way.

C.A misfortune may turn out a blessing.D.Kill two birds with one stone.

5.We can infer that ______________.


A.Zoe was glad to be fired because she had planned to live in the countryside.

B.Zoe was a capable lady and could do her job quite well.

C.Zoe would never go back to the city becasuse she enjoyed her life in the country.

D.Zoe would find another good job if she wanted to.




(1)supported表示被动 (2)Frightened 表示被动 (3)making表示结果(4)discussing 表示伴随

(5)lessen 与and前面的动词pay,keep,improve构成并列谓语,所以此处应填 lessen。





4.tired trick 6.were discouraged







2.解析:根据下文“It  9 had begun under a big rock and grown under and around it”可知,向日葵出乎作者意料,是从岩石下长出来的,所以此处用unusual表示向日葵“不同寻常”。答案:D





7.解析:小小的向日葵没有让大岩石挡住自己的成长的道路。in ones way 意为“妨碍,阻碍”。答案:B






11.解析:该空的宾语为our desires“我们想要的”,所以要选C项,表示“获得,得到”;A项意为“放(装,设,布)置,竖立,贴,靠,铺,砌,安置,安排”,B项意为“控制”;D项意为“指导”。答案:C


13.解析:根据“it knew it had the capability to overcome its obstacle(障碍)because it 〓12〓 in the universal truth and had 〓13〓 that it would succeed”它知道它有能力突破障碍,是因为它相信它会成功。A项have faith in为固定短语,意为“相信”。答案:A


15.解析:根据上文“It begun under a big rock and grown under and around it to reach the .”此处把人和向日葵作比较,表示人也能找到办法解决困难。答案:D


,Ⅰ.The text tells us Zoes happy life after she lost her satisfying job,indicating that whatever

happens,we should be optimistic as sometimes a misfortune may turn out to be a blessing.(32 words) Ⅱ.1.解析:从a successful PR consultant,life was going well,a great job,a beautiful flat and a busy social life in London可知答案。答案:A 2.A3.解析:从最后一段可知答案。答案:D







We lived in a house with a yard surrounded by a rock wall. Last summer, I found a little what it was.

The mysterious plant appeared to be a sunflower, so I decided to take care of it. One day, as I where I saw the stalk(茎)had begun under a big rock and grown under and around .

That‟s when that if a tiny little sunflower didn‟t let a big rock stand in of developing, we too have the capability of doing the same thing.  10 ,we need to believe in ourselves knowing we have the capabilities in 11 our desires. Like the sunflower, it knew it had the capability to overcome its obstacle(障碍)because in the universal truth and hathat it would succeed.

what you are and the environment your big obstacle in order to reach your desires. out out C.give out D.figure out

2.A.wonderful B.secret C.valuable D.unusual

3.A.passed B.started C.stopped D.broken

4.A.aimlessly B.naturally C. especially D.actually

5.A.air C .sun D.wall

6.A.realized B.doubted C. expected D.noticed B.way C.course D.process

8.A.Although B.Since C.Unless D.Once B.dig C.gain D.attract

10.A.First B.Generally C.Finally D.Eventually

11.A.setting B. controlling C.achieving D.directing

12.A.lay B.trusted C.grew D.rooted C.hope D.courage

14.A.proud B.fond C.careful D. aware

15.A.beneath B.over C. above D. around


Stevenson and his family went to Scotland for a holiday. One rainy morning, he took his wife and his son Lloyd out for a long walk over the hills. They had been for several days before the weather suddenly took a turn for the worse. Kept indoors by the heavy rain, Lloyd felt the days .To keep the boy happy, Robert asked the boy to do some  One morning, the boy came to Robert with a .“What’s that?” he asked. “That’ treasure,” said the boy. Robert something of an adventure story in the boy’s pouring, Robert sat down by the fire to write a story.He would make the


Robert had a good friend named Henley, who walked around with the of a wooden leg. Robert had always wanted to such a man in a story. Long John Silver, the pirate with a wooden leg, was 

So, thanks to a September in Scotland, a friend with a wooden leg, and the imagination of a twelve year old boy, we have one of the greatest stories in the English language.

1.A.attempting B. missing C. planning D. enjoying

2.A.quiet B. dull C. busy D. cold B. writing C. drawing D. exercising

4.A.doubted B. noticed C. decided D. recognized

5.A.the sea B. the house C. Scotland D. the island

6.A.forgotten B. buried C. discovered D. unexpected

7.A.saw B. drew C. made D. learned B. reply C. picture D. mind B. hero C. writer D .child B.problem C. use D. bottom

11.A.praise B. produce C. include D. accept

12.A.Yet B. Also C .But D. Thus B. born C. hired D. written

14.A.rainy B. sunny C. cool D. windy B. love C. real life D. adventure


After spending a weekend away with my adult son . I was so impressed by his generous heart that I sent him this letter.

Dear son,

I want to thank you for teaching me a in life by the great example you ‟t 2 into his hand. When we were leaving, you also threw a five cent coin onto the pavement and said like,“”

me in the line at a petrol station didn‟his petrol. I asked the money collector,“is he?”She told me he had meant to put $ 15 of petrol in his car but he had been looking at the wrong gauge(计量表) and had put in 15 litres, which came to just over 

man $6.He was and said,“But why would you do this for me?”I just smiled as I thought of you.

Thank you, son, for teaching me that “it‟s ”Now when I see a fivekid will get a kick out of finding it.

Love always,


1.A.humorous B. private C. reasonable D. valuable

2.A.followed B. gave C. set D. took

3.A.ordered B. booked C. offered D. bought

4.A.hesitation B. doubt C. permission D. difficulty

5.A.other B. last C. extra D. rest

6.A.nothing B. everything C. anything D. something

7.A.finding B. accepting C. looking for D. pointing at 8.A.behind B. beyond C. ahead of D. next to

9.A.much B. some C. any D. enough

10.A.far B. long C. short D. high

11.A.$ 15 B.$ 20 C.$ 25 D.$ 30

12.A.what B. which C. whatever D. whichever

13.A.excited B. surprised C. interested D. encouraged

14.A.easier B. better C. faster D. worse

15.A.corner B. way C. ground D. carpet


I can still remember when I met my best friend.She had just moved into the neighborhood and her grandmother brought her down .I hid behind my motherland she hid behind her grandmother to look at each other.and started playing with each other.

In the 7th grade,I first lost touch with problems and I deserted people.None of my new friends liked .However,every summer we could always sit at each other‟s house and watch soap operas,and talk about all the boys we liked.

It was last year when I noticed the problem.I guess I was too devoted in high school to she needed someone there for her.Anyway,she made a new best friend and so did I.Then 1 didn‟t know why,but she started cutting herself!

She then was diagnosed(诊断)with clinical depression.At first,but we still stayed in .I wanted to be there for her since her new best friend basically her and .

Yesterday she came to me and said:“I never knew what a best friend was until you were the only person that would stop me cutting,and you didn‟t even know you were .”

We both cried.from my life so far is never to give up on your friends.Even if they aren‟t as cool as others,or people think they are crazy,they need someone there.If you desert them,yourself.

1.A.follow C.join

2.A.scared B.annoyed C.worried D.delighted

3.A.temper B.interest C.confidence D.shyness

4.A.taking up B.getting through C.going through D.making up

5.A.happier B.cooler C.stronger D.cleverer

6.A.problems B.shortcomings D.disabilities

7.A.admit B.accept C.consider D.realize








B.considerate B.touch B.bothered B.stubborn B.influence B.blaming B.favour B.successful C.upset C.control C.reminded C.clumsy C.appreciate C.helping C.pleasure C.guilty D.helpful D.mood D.deserted D.stupid D.demand D.hurting D.lesson D.reliable


From the time each of my children started school, I packed their lunches. And in each (餐巾),a reminder of something we were happily expecting, or a bit the coming test or sporting event.

their notes. But as children grow older they become self-conscious(有自我意识的),and 5 he reached high school, my older son, Marc, informed me he no them but I still needed 

of months. He had spent those years well, graduating from college,two internships(实习)in Washington ,D.C. ,and 11 ,becoming a technical assistant in Sacramento. 12 short vacation visits, however, he had lived away from home. With his younger sister leaving for making lunch for his younger brother, for Marc, too. Imagine my surprise when Marc said he came back for his notes.

1.A.carried B. found C. included D. held

2.A.difficult B. special C. comfortable D. separate

3.A.congratulation B.improvement C.explanation D.encouragement

4.A.loved B. answered C. wrote D. examined

5.A.lately B. by the way C. by the time D. gradually

6.A.received B. understood C. enjoyed D. collected

7.A.copy B. read C. take D. send

8.A.held up B. gave up C. followed D. continued

9.A.out B. home C. to college D. to Sacramento

10.A.organizing B. planning C. comparing D. completing

11.A.hopefully B. finally C. particularly D. certainly

12.A.Because of B. Instead of C. Except for D. As for

13.A.especially B. immediately C. equally D. generally

14.A.once B. again C. still D. even

15.A.packed B. fetched C. bought D. filled


As a child, I was very shy. I wanted to be successful, but lackedclimbing, I found something I was good at. I began to be

the desire to climband higher mountains. I found that nothing was impossible if I could find the

Both personal determination and teamwork aretheBut personal focus and determination to keep going despite any difficulty are also very helpful to team success.

My greatest achievement infoot Troll Wall in Norway, which has the highest and most vertical(垂直的) rock face in Europe. A stone dropped from the top of the mountain willone

Before our climb, the experts in Europe had said it waswith three companions, I decided to on ledges(岩石架)no more than a foot wide when we were tired. Thankfully, we.

Afterwards, I said to myself, “If I can do that, I can do anything.” Some years later, I climbed up Mount Everest-the highest mountain in the world.

Adventure to me is not justa rope along the side of a mountain, but is one field where adventurous people can oftenthemselves. If we look at every day as an adventure, we can test ourselves and continue to grow throughout our life. That is the final adventure. B. confidence C. purposes D. chances

2.A.denied B. attacked C. recognized D. tricked

3.A.harder B.farther C.smaller D.safer B.secret C.courage D.time

5.A.suitable B.simple  C.equal D.important

6.A.comfort C.interest D.doubt B.medicine C. climbing D. engineering

8.A.touch B. stop C. pollute D. hurt

9.A.meter B. inch C. centimeter D. mile

10.A.easy B. impossible C. exciting D. useful

11.A.try B. learn C. return D. escape

12.A.ate B. lived C. rested D. stood

13.A.worked B. decided C. continued D. succeeded

14.A.bending over B. falling off C. hanging onto D. leaning against

15.A.hold B. forgive C. punish D. challenge


I was a single parent of four small children, working at a low-paid job. But I didn’t want my children to know we were poor, so when Christmas was drawing near, I decided to give them 

They planned weeks ahead of time, what they wanted for Christmas. Fortunately, I had saved $ to share by all five of us.

s of about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered(散开) back at the “Santa‟s Workshop”.

Driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits,my younger daughter, Ginger,






第一部分 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


1. ——It is said that the famous cyclist _________his parents is to visit our city next week. ——I heard the news _________.

A. and; too B. as well as; as well C. as well as; as well as D. with; either

2. Since 1949, the people’s living standard ____ , causing a big ____ in population.

A. has been raised; rise B. has been risen; raise

C. has raised; rise D. has raised; rose

3. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life _______so happy!

A. did I feel B. I felt C. I had felt D. had I felt

4. The surface of the table _____________.

A. feels soft B. feels softly C. is felt soft D. is felt softly

5. As time__________, she became more and more anxious about her son’s safety.

A. passing B. going by C. passed D. goes by【the,mysterious,plant,appeared,to,be,a,sunflower】

6. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _________ I disagree.

A. why B. where C. what D. how

7. Mary’s pale face suggested that she _______ ill and her parents suggested she ________ a doctor.

A. should be; should see B. was ; see C. be; seeing D. was; would see

8. More attention should be ___ equipment in our factory so that we can increase our production

A. paid to improving B. paid to improve C. taken to improve D.taken to improving

9. Is this the first time that Jack _________ this kind of food?

A. enjoys B. has enjoyed C. enjoyed D. had enjoyed

10. —What do you think of his talk on Information Technology?

—Oh,excellent. It’s worth________.

A.listening to B.being listened to C.listening D. to be listened to

11. Has she ever asked for the reason________ may explain his coming late?【the,mysterious,plant,appeared,to,be,a,sunflower】

A.why B.for which C.that D.for that

12.The girls ______into the company recently have to receive strict training before they start to work.

A.accepted `B.accepting C.admitted `D.admitting

13.I saw a woman running toward me in the dark. Before I could ___________ who she was,she had run back in the direction ________ she had come.

A. realize; of which B. recognize; by which

C. realize; in which D. recognize; from which

14. Hundreds of thousands of buildings _________ if a big earthquake happens.

A. destroy B. will be destroyed C. are destroyed D. will destroy

15. ——How long _____you ____? ——For four years. We _______ in 2008.

A. have; been married; got married B. did; marry; got married

C. have; got married; married D. were; married; married

第二部分 完形填空(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)


We lived in a house with a yard surrounded by a rock wall. Last summer, I found a little____16_____ plant in the yard. We decided to let it continue growing until we could____17_____ what it was.

The mysterious plant appeared to be a sunflower, so I decided to take care of it. One day, as I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds, I noticed something____18_____. The sunflowers had not ____19_____ where I saw the stalk(茎)begin. It____20_____ had begun under a big rock 

That’s when I ____22_____that if a tiny little sunflower didn’t let a big rock stand in its____23_____of developing, we too have the capability of doing the same thing. Once our environment begins to see that we believe in ourselves like that little sunflower, we can____24_____the same nutrient(营养) as well. We need to believe in ourselves knowing we have the capabilities in____25_____our desires. Like the sunflower, it knew it had the capability to overcome its obstacle(障碍)____27_____ that it would succeed.

Stand tall like the sunflower and be____28_____of who and what you are and the____29_____will begin to support you. You will find a way to go under or____30_____your big obstacle in order to reach your desires.

16. A. beautiful B. known C. unknown D. precious

17. A. watch out B. work out C. give out D. figure out

18. A. wonderful B. secret C. valuable D. unusual

19. A. passed B. started C. stopped D. broken

20. A. aimlessly B. naturally C. especially D. actually

21. A. air B. top C. sun D. wall

22. A. realized B. doubted C. expected D. noticed

23. A. place B. way C. course D. process

24. A. seek B. dig C. gain D. attract

25. A. setting B. controlling C. achieving D. directing

26. A. lay B. trusted C. grew D. rooted

27. A. faith B. energy C. hope D. courage

28. A. proud B. fond C. careful D. aware

29. A. environment B. family C. friends D. talent

30. A. beneath B. over C. above D. around

第三部分 阅读理解(共25小题;满分50分)

第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



One of the most famous nursery rhymes(摇篮曲) in the English language is Mary Had a Little Lamb(羔羊).It has touched many children who have read it.It is about the deep love between a young girl and her pet lamb.The poem is from a true story that happened in the early part of the 19th century in the town of Sterling, Massachusetts, in the USA.

Mary Sawyer (1806-1889) lived on a farm with her family.One day, when she was about nine years old, she saw a little lamb that had just been born and left behind by its mother.It was very weak and looked as if it would die at very moment.Mary took pity on the lamb and spent the whole night looking after it.Eventually, it grew strong and became a very close friend with Mary, following her everywhere she went.

One day, the lamb even followed Mary to school.At first she wanted to turn it back but her

brother suggested that it would be fun to take the lamb to school.During the class, she hid the lamb under her desk.But when she was called to go to the front of the class, to her surprise, the lamb followed her.Though the students and the teacher thought it was funny to see a lamb at school, the teacher had to ask Mary to keep the lamb outside of the school.

That very day, a young man called John Roulstone was visiting Mary’s school.He was so moved by the love between the child and her little pet lamb that he wrote a poem which he handed to Mary the next day.His poem contained twelve lines.

Later, Sara Josepha Hale added another twelve lines to the poem and published it in 1930 under the title “Mary Had a Little Lamb”.The poem has become a classic, loved by children all over the world.The appeal (吸引力) of the poem lies not only in the funny idea of a sheep going to school but also in the true love between the little girl and her pet.The town of Sterling has honoured Mary’s lamb by building a statue of the lamb with Mr. Roulstone’s poem below the statue.

31. What is the best title for the passage? A. Mary Had a Little Lamb B. The Life of Mary Sawyer

C. The Origin of a Poem D. An Animal Friend

32. The underlined word “eventually” in the second paragraph most probably means

A. fortunately B. gradually C. finally D. kindly

33. Why did the poem become a classic?

A. It had another twelve lines added. B.It was written by a young man.

C. It describes the true love between a little girl and her pet lamb.

D. A statue of lamb was built in the town of Sterling.

34. Which could be the right order of the following events according to the passage? .

a. The poem “Mary Had a Little Lamb”became popular.

b. Mary’s brother suggested that she take the lamb to school.

c. People built a statue to honor the lamb.

d. Mary found a little lamb.

e. A young man was moved by the story and wrote a poem.

A. d. b. e. c. a B. d. b. e. a. c

C. d. e. b. c. a D. d. e. b. a. c

35. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage? .

A. Mary’s mother was also fond of the little lamb.

B. Mary and the little lamb developed a very close friendship.

C. Mary wrote to John Roulstone and asked him to write the poem.

D. All children were allowed to take their pets to school in America.


When a storm is coming, most people leave the area as quickly as possible and head for safety. But there are a few people who will get into their cars and go straight for the center of the storm. These people are willing to risk being killed by floods or 100-kilometre-an-hour winds for the excitement of watching the storm close up.

“Storm chasing (追赶)” is becoming an increasingly popular hobby, especially in the Midwest of the United States, where there are frequent storms between March and July. A storm chaser begins the day by checking the Internet for the latest weather reports, and then drives up to 1,000 kilometers to where the storm will be and waits for it to develop.

Although anyone can do it, storm chasing is extremely dangerous. The power of a big storm can throw a cow into the air or destroy a whole house in seconds. Storm chasers are also often hurt in accidents caused by driving in a heavy rain. If you are a beginner, it is much safer to join a group for storm chasing vacations during the storm season.

Even then, storm chasing is not all adventure or excitement. “Storm chasing is 95% driving,” says Daniel Lynch, who spends most of his summer storm chasing. Sometimes you can sit round for

hours waiting for something to happen, and all you get is blue sky and a few light showers.”

However, for storm chasers, “When you get close to a storm, it is the most exciting sight you will ever see in your life,” says Jasper Morley. “Every storm is an example of the power of nature. It is the greatest show on Earth.”

36. For storm chasing, the first thing storm chasers do is to .

A. head straight for the center of the storm B. get into the car for safety

C. wait patiently for the storm to develop D. collect information about a coming storm

37. Beginners of storm chasing are advised

A. not to drive in a heavy rain B. to do it in an organized way

C. not to get too close to a storm D. to spend more time on it in summer

38. By saying “it is all worth it” in the last paragraph, the author means that

A. storm chasing costs a lot of money B. storm chasing is worth hours of waiting

C. efforts in storm chasing are well paid D. a storm presents the greatest show on Earth

39. What can we learn from the text?

A. Sometimes storm chasers get nothing but disappointment

B. Many storm chasers get killed in the storms.

C. Storm chasing is becoming popular around the world

D. Storm chasing is only fit for young people.

40. According to the passage, the right order in which the following things happen is_________.

a. collect information about a coming storm

b. get into their cars and go a long way for the area where the storm will be

c. determine on the months between March and July

d. be patient and waits for the storm to develop

A. c, d, a, b B. c, a, d, b C. a, c, d, b D. c, a, b, d


A popular saying goes,“Sticks and stones may break my bones,but words will never hurt me.” However,that’s not really true. Words have the power to build us up or tear us down. It doesn’t matter if the words come from someone else or ourselves — the positive and negative effects are lasting.

We all talk to ourselves sometimes. We’re usually too embarrassed to admit it,though. But we really shouldn’t be,because more and more experts believe talking to ourselves is a healthy habit.

This “self-talk” helps us motivate(激发) ourselves,remember things,solve problems and calm ourselves down. Be aware,though,that as much as 77% of self -talk tends to be negative. So in order to stay positive,we should only speak words of encouragement to ourselves. We should also ,do well on a test,or finally clean your room,join me in saying,“Good job!”

Often,words came out of our mouths without us thinking about the effects they will have;but we should be aware that our words will cause certain responses to others. For example,when returning an item to a store,we might use warm and friendly language during the exchange. And the clerk will probably respond in a similar manner. Or we can use harsh (苛刻的)or critical language,which will most likely cause the clerk to be defensive.

Words possess power because of their lasting effects. Many of us regret something we once said. And we remember unkind words said to us!Before speaking,we should always ask ourselves:Is it true?Is it loving?Is it needed?If what we want to say doesn’t pass this test,then it’s better left unsaid.

Words possess power:both positive and negative. Those around us receive encouragement when we speak positively. We can offer hope,build self-esteem(自尊) and motivate others to do their best. Negative words destroy all those things. Will we use our words to hurt or to heal?The choice is ours.

41.The author argues in the first paragraph that ________.

A.words will never hurt us at all B.words have lasting effects on us

C.inspiring words give us confidence D.negative words may let us down

42.Why should not we feel embarrassed when it comes to talking to ourselves? ________.

A.Talking to ourselves is believed to be good for our health.

B.Almost everybody has the habit of talking to oneself.

C.Talking to ourselves helps us to solve all the problems.

D.It is harmful to have “self talk” when we are alone.

43.The underlined phrase “give ourselves a pat on the back” in Paragraph 3 means “________”.

A.blame ourselves B.punish ourselves to ourselves D.praise ourselves

44.Which of the following statements would the author agree to? ________.

A.Unkind words are unlikely to be forgotten.

B.Positive words may destroy all the good relations.

C.It is better to think twice before talking to others.

D.Kind words are sure to cause unfavorable responses.

45.Why should we talk in a friendly way when returning an item to a store? ________.

A.Because kind words destroy true relationships.

B.Because the clerk in a store is hard to deal with.

C.Because critical language may hurt your feelings.

D.Because friendly words cause positive responses.


Angus MacLeod was fifty and he had spent his entire life as a shepherd(牧羊人) in the remote mountainous region of northwest Scotland.He had never owned a radio or television nor had he travelled further than forty kilometers from his birthplace.His knowledge of the world was gained only from his brief trips to the village to sell his sheep and buy food.However, he had lately come to rely on the growing number of hill-walkers in the region as sources of international news.

In the spring of 1992, a Spanish student came across Angus high in the mountains.Eager to practice his English he engaged Angus in conversation.The student told Angus of the forthcoming Olympic Games in Barcelona.Excited by the student's colorful description of Spain and the Games, Angus decided to attend the event in person and two months later arrived in Barcelona.

The ticketless Angus stood outside the stadium with his canny brain working overtime, watching a growing number of individuals entering the stadium through a small entrance at the side.He noticed that they all seemed to be carrying objects.Perhaps they were workmen, he thought.He moved closer and watched.

Within minutes a thin young man came along carrying an extremely long pole.He approached the official at the door and said "Pole Vault"(撑杆跳).The official moved to the side and the man entered.Next came a heavy-set man with a spear.Angus wondered how a man could carry such a dangerous weapon in a modern city.The man shouted " Javelin " and was presently admitted.Angus was puzzled.Perhaps they were all connected with security.His puzzlement grew when a huge man appeared with a steel ball in his hand.He shouted "Shot Putt" and walked past the official.

It suddenly dawned on Angus that these people were competitors.He opened his programme and sure enough under the heading "events" he saw the three words the men had said.Angus laughed to himself as a plan began to take shape in his mind.First he needed to buy one or two things.

An hour later he reappeared dressed in a tracksuit with "Scotland" written across the

高考英语一轮复习课时跟踪检测44 试题解析



1.________ difficult the work was, he would keep on doing it until he finished it.

A.Whenever B.No matter what

C.No matter how D.Wherever

答案与解析:C 句意:不管工作多么艰难,他都继续做下去,直到完成。no matter how“无论怎么样”,相当于however,后接形容词或副词。whenever“无论何时”;no matter what“无论什么”;wherever“无论在哪儿”。

2.________, I have never seen any place as beautiful as Guilin.

A.As I have traveled so much

B.As long as I have traveled

C.Much as I have traveled

D.Now that I have traveled

答案与解析:C 句意:虽然我去过很多地方,但是从没有见过像桂林这么美的地方。as引导让步状语从句时,从句中的状语(much)需提到从句句首。as long as“只要”;now that“既然”。

3.________ Li Ning had won everything in his sport, he retired with the feeling that he had failed.


B.When D.Although C.Whatever

答案与解析:D 句意:李宁虽然在体育运动中获得了很多,但却带着一种失败的心情退役了。although“虽然”,引导让步状语从句,符合句意。if“如果”,引导条件状语从句;when“当……的时候”,引导时间状语从句;whatever“无论什么”,也可引导让步状语从句,但意义不符。

4.The clever dog buried the bones ________ the other dogs wouldn't find them.

A.even if that if that

答案与解析:C 句意:这只聪明的狗把骨头埋起来,这样其他的狗就不会找到了。so that“以致”,引导结果状语从句,符合句意。even if“即使”,引导让步状语从句;as if“好像”,引导方式状语从句;now that“既然”,引导原因状语从句。

5.I was advised to arrange for insurance ________ I needed medical treatment. case that

C.although D.if

答案与解析:A 句意:有人建议我去签份保险以防医疗需要。in case引导目的状语从句,意为“以防”。so that可引导目的状语从句和结果状语从句,但引导目的状语从句时意为“为了”,与句意不符;although引导让步状语从句;if引导条件状语从句。

6.—What are you going to do this afternoon?

—I will probably go for a walk ________ it stays fine. far as

C.even if B.if if

答案与解析:B 句意:——你今天下午要干什么?——如果天气保持晴朗,我就可能出去散散步。if如果,引导条件状语从句,符合句意。as far as“远到;据……”;even if“即使”,引导让步状语从句;as if“好像”。

7.________ I enjoy the book with some nice pictures, I don't have enough

money to buy it.


C.As B.While D.If

答案与解析:B 句意:尽管我很喜欢这本带有很多好看的图片的书,但是我没有足够的钱买下来。此处while意为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句,符合句意。since“自从;因为”,引导时间或原因状语从句;as“当……的时候;因为”,引导时间或原因状语从句;if“如果”,引导条件状语从句。

8.You can have the newspaper ________ I finish reading it.

A.the moment as

C.the moment the moment the moment when

答案与解析:C 句意:我读完这份报纸你就可以读了。名词短语the moment作连词用,引导时间状语从句,意为“一……就……”,相当于as soon as。

9.Helen listened carefully ________ she might discover exactly what she

needed. that case order that D.even though

答案与解析:B 句意:海伦听得很仔细,以便她能准确地发现自己所需要的东西。in order that“以便”,引导目的状语从句。in that“因为”;in case“以防”;even though“即使”。

10.________ you told me, I heard nothing of what had happened.


C.After B.Until D.When

答案与解析:B 句意:直到你告诉我后,我才知道发生了什么。表示否定意义的nothing与until连用,意为“直到……才……”,引导时间状语从句,符合句意。unless“除非”,引导条件状语从句;after“在……之后”和when“当……时”,都不符合句意。

11.________ you have mentioned it, I'll remember to look after your dog when you go traveling.


B.If D.Until C.Now that

答案与解析:C 句意:既然你提到了,那么我会在你旅游的时候照顾你的狗的。now that“既然”,引导原因状语从句。before“在……之前”;if“如果”;until“直到”。

12.You are certain to live your dream ________ you make great efforts and lay emphasis on improvements in efficiency.

A.on condition that far as

C.even though case

答案与解析:A 句意:只要你努力并且将重点放在提高效率上,你就会实现自己的梦想。on condition that“只要”,引导条件状语从句。as far as“远至;据……”;even though“即使”,引导让步状语从句;in case“以免”,引导目的状语从句。

13.When ________ whether China could develop its own missiles, Qian Xuesen said the Chinese could do anything that foreigners could do.

A.asked ask B.asking D.having asked

答案与解析:A 考查非谓语动词。句意:当被问到中国能否研制自己的导弹时,钱学森说,外国人能做到的,中国人也可以做到。此题实际在考查状语从句的省略:When Qian Xuesen was asked whether...。

14.Only when ________ according to the directions strictly, will the medicine work well.


C.taken take D.being taken

答案与解析:C 考查从句的省略。句子本应该为“Only when the medicine is taken according to...”,当从句的主语与主句相同,且从句主语是系动词be时,可以省略从句的主语及be动词。故本题选C项。

15.—Did the doorkeeper let you in?


—No, ________ I told him who I was.


B.once D.even though though

答案与解析:D 考查让步状语从句。even though“尽管”。答句句意:尽管我告诉了




I find it humorous sometimes that even the most ordinary incidents can have an effect on our awareness.

My wife Denise, daughter, and I moved into our home nine years ago and we spent a lot of time and energy in the yard to get it looking as it does today. We live around a corner, higher than street level, and the entire side of the yard is surrounded by a professionally built rock wall. The front of the house is another story because instead of a wall along the sidewalk the rocks appear to be just thrown up onto the dirt as if someone were in a hurry to finish.

We did the best we could with what we had to work with and called this area our “rock garden”. Whenever we had planted flowers or plants, Denise or I would stick it out for all to see them, just to bring some color to the area.

Last summer I reached the end of the rock garden and found a little tiny plant that I could not immediately identify. I knew I didn't plant it and Denise claimed that she didn't either. We decided to let it continue growing until we could figure out what it was.

Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the mysterious plant,it

appeared to be a sunflower. It was small and long. I decided to baby it along and cut weeds around it. As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds,I noticed

something unusual. The sunflower had not started where I saw the stalk (茎) begin. It actually had begun under a big rock and grown under and around it to reach the sun!

That's when I realized that a little tiny sunflower didn't let a big rock stand in its way of developing. Stand tall like the sunflower, and you will find a way to overcome your big difficulties in order to reach your desires.

16. What's the best title for the passage?

A. Cut Weeds with My Family at Weekends

B. How My Family Spent a Happy Time at Home?

C. Stand Tall Like the Sunflower

D. A Special Plant We Found

17. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the second


A. The author's family members have lived in our home for more than a decade.

B. The author spent less time and energy than his wife and daughter in the yard.

C. The house the author's family live in is much lower than street level.

D. The rock wall surrounding the yard is built well.

18. What can we learn from the third paragraph?

A. The couple bought many plants and flowers.

B. The couple was hardworking and careful.

C. The couple had no jobs and wanted to sell the flowers.

D. The couple made their garden the most beautiful in the area.

19. How did the writer feel when knowing the truth that the sunflower grew under a big rock?

A. Happy. B. Excited.

C. Depressed. D. Astonished.

20. What can we learn from the passage?

A. We should be careful with plants.

B. Stones can't hold back our footsteps.

C. There are many difficulties in life,but we still should be brave to overcome them.

D. We'd better take good care of sunflowers wherever we are.



16.C 标题概括题。根据全文可知,作者发现一株生长在岩石下的向日葵,由此感叹:即使身处逆境,也要像这株向日葵一样,不屈不挠,克服困难,实现目标。

17.D 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,作者一家是九年前搬入这个家的;一家人都花了很多时间和精力来管理院子;作者的家高于街道;院子的围墙是内行人精心修建的,修得很好。因此只有D项符合文意,其他选项均不正确。

18.B 推理判断题。根据第三段可知,作者夫妇二人精心管理他们的“岩石花园”,B项符合题意。

19.D 推理判断题。根据第五段最后两句可知作者十分惊讶。

20.C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,作者告诉我们在生活中应该勇于克服困难。


Reading can provide lots of fun for children and teens on summer vacation. Children who read during the summer are better prepared for school when they

return to classes in the fall. Public libraries throughout Wisconsin will host summer events to encourage children and teens to include reading in their summer fun.

● All Star Readers

高考英语一轮复习课时跟踪检测44 试题解析



1.________ difficult the work was, he would keep on doing it until he finished it.

A.Whenever B.No matter what

C.No matter how D.Wherever

答案与解析:C 句意:不管工作多么艰难,他都继续做下去,直到完成。no matter how“无论怎么样”,相当于however,后接形容词或副词。whenever“无论何时”;no matter what“无论什么”;wherever“无论在哪儿”。

2.________, I have never seen any place as beautiful as Guilin.

A.As I have traveled so much

B.As long as I have traveled

C.Much as I have traveled

D.Now that I have traveled

答案与解析:C 句意:虽然我去过很多地方,但是从没有见过像桂林这么美的地方。as引导让步状语从句时,从句中的状语(much)需提到从句句首。as long as“只要”;now that“既然”。

3.________ Li Ning had won everything in his sport, he retired with the feeling that he had failed.


B.When D.Although C.Whatever

答案与解析:D 句意:李宁虽然在体育运动中获得了很多,但却带着一种失败的心情退役了。although“虽然”,引导让步状语从句,符合句意。if“如果”,引导条件状语从句;when“当……的时候”,引导时间状语从句;whatever“无论什么”,也可引导让步状语从句,但意义不符。

4.The clever dog buried the bones ________ the other dogs wouldn't find them.

A.even if that if that

答案与解析:C 句意:这只聪明的狗把骨头埋起来,这样其他的狗就不会找到了。so that“以致”,引导结果状语从句,符合句意。even if“即使”,引导让步状语从句;as if“好像”,引导方式状语从句;now that“既然”,引导原因状语从句。

5.I was advised to arrange for insurance ________ I needed medical treatment. case that

C.although D.if

答案与解析:A 句意:有人建议我去签份保险以防医疗需要。in case引导目的状语从句,意为“以防”。so that可引导目的状语从句和结果状语从句,但引导目的状语从句时意为“为了”,与句意不符;although引导让步状语从句;if引导条件状语从句。

6.—What are you going to do this afternoon?

—I will probably go for a walk ________ it stays fine. far as

C.even if B.if if

答案与解析:B 句意:——你今天下午要干什么?——如果天气保持晴朗,我就可能出去散散步。if如果,引导条件状语从句,符合句意。as far as“远到;据……”;even if“即使”,引导让步状语从句;as if“好像”。

7.________ I enjoy the book with some nice pictures, I don't have enough money to buy it.


C.As B.While D.If

答案与解析:B 句意:尽管我很喜欢这本带有很多好看的图片的书,但是我没有足够的钱买下来。此处while意为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句,符合句意。since“自从;因为”,引导时间或原因状语从句;as“当……的时候;因为”,引导时间或原因状语从句;if“如果”,引导条件状语从句。

8.You can have the newspaper ________ I finish reading it.

A.the moment as

C.the moment the moment the moment when

答案与解析:C 句意:我读完这份报纸你就可以读了。名词短语the moment作连词用,引导时间状语从句,意为“一……就……”,相当于as soon as。

9.Helen listened carefully ________ she might discover exactly what she needed. that case order that D.even though

答案与解析:B 句意:海伦听得很仔细,以便她能准确地发现自己所需要的东西。in order that“以便”,引导目的状语从句。in that“因为”;in case“以防”;even though“即使”。

10.________ you told me, I heard nothing of what had happened.


C.After B.Until D.When

答案与解析:B 句意:直到你告诉我后,我才知道发生了什么。表示否定意义的nothing与until连用,意为“直到……才……”,引导时间状语从句,符合句意。unless“除非”,引导条件状语从句;after“在……之后”和when“当……时”,都不符合句意。

11.________ you have mentioned it, I'll remember to look after your dog when you go traveling.


B.If D.Until C.Now that

答案与解析:C 句意:既然你提到了,那么我会在你旅游的时候照顾你的狗的。now that“既然”,引导原因状语从句。before“在……之前”;if“如果”;until“直到”。

12.You are certain to live your dream ________ you make great efforts and lay emphasis on improvements in efficiency.

A.on condition that far as

C.even though case

答案与解析:A 句意:只要你努力并且将重点放在提高效率上,你就会实现自己的梦想。on condition that“只要”,引导条件状语从句。as far as“远至;据……”;even though“即使”,引导让步状语从句;in case“以免”,引导目的状语从句。

13.When ________ whether China could develop its own missiles, Qian Xuesen said the Chinese could do anything that foreigners could do.

A.asked ask B.asking D.having asked

答案与解析:A 考查非谓语动词。句意:当被问到中国能否研制自己的导弹时,钱学森说,外国人能做到的,中国人也可以做到。此题实际在考查状语从句的省略:When Qian Xuesen was asked whether...。

14.Only when ________ according to the directions strictly, will the medicine work well.


C.taken take D.being taken

答案与解析:C 考查从句的省略。句子本应该为“Only when the medicine is taken according to...”,当从句的主语与主句相同,且从句主语是系动词be时,可以省略从句的主语及be动词。故本题选C项。

15.—Did the doorkeeper let you in?

—No, ________ I told him who I was.


B.once D.even though though

答案与解析:D 考查让步状语从句。even though“尽管”。答句句意:尽管我告诉了




I find it humorous sometimes that even the most ordinary incidents can have an effect on our awareness.

My wife Denise, daughter, and I moved into our home nine years ago and we spent a lot of time and energy in the yard to get it looking as it does today. We live around a corner, higher than street level, and the entire side of the yard is surrounded by a professionally built rock wall. The front of the house is another story because instead of a wall along the sidewalk the rocks appear to be just thrown up onto the dirt as if someone were in a hurry to finish.

We did the best we could with what we had to work with and called this area our “rock garden”. Whenever we had planted flowers or plants, Denise or I would stick it out for all to see them, just to bring some color to the area.

Last summer I reached the end of the rock garden and found a little tiny plant that I could not immediately identify. I knew I didn't plant it and Denise claimed that she didn't either. We decided to let it continue growing until we could figure out what it was.

Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the mysterious plant,it appeared to be a sunflower. It was small and long. I decided to baby it along and cut weeds around it. As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds,I noticed something unusual. The sunflower had not started where I saw the stalk (茎) begin. It actually had begun under a big rock and grown under and around it to reach the sun!

That's when I realized that a little tiny sunflower didn't let a big rock stand in its way of developing. Stand tall like the sunflower, and you will find a way to overcome your big difficulties in order to reach your desires.

16. What's the best title for the passage?

A. Cut Weeds with My Family at Weekends

B. How My Family Spent a Happy Time at Home?

C. Stand Tall Like the Sunflower

D. A Special Plant We Found

17. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the second paragraph?

A. The author's family members have lived in our home for more than a decade.

B. The author spent less time and energy than his wife and daughter in the yard.

C. The house the author's family live in is much lower than street level.

D. The rock wall surrounding the yard is built well.

18. What can we learn from the third paragraph?

A. The couple bought many plants and flowers.

B. The couple was hardworking and careful.

C. The couple had no jobs and wanted to sell the flowers.

D. The couple made their garden the most beautiful in the area.

19. How did the writer feel when knowing the truth that the sunflower grew under a big rock?

A. Happy. B. Excited.

C. Depressed. D. Astonished.

20. What can we learn from the passage?

A. We should be careful with plants.

B. Stones can't hold back our footsteps.

C. There are many difficulties in life,but we still should be brave to overcome them.

D. We'd better take good care of sunflowers wherever we are.



16.C 标题概括题。根据全文可知,作者发现一株生长在岩石下的向日葵,由此感叹:即使身处逆境,也要像这株向日葵一样,不屈不挠,克服困难,实现目标。

17.D 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,作者一家是九年前搬入这个家的;一家人都花了很多时间和精力来管理院子;作者的家高于街道;院子的围墙是内行人精心修建的,修得很好。因此只有D项符合文意,其他选项均不正确。

18.B 推理判断题。根据第三段可知,作者夫妇二人精心管理他们的“岩石花园”,B项符合题意。

19.D 推理判断题。根据第五段最后两句可知作者十分惊讶。

20.C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,作者告诉我们在生活中应该勇于克服困难。


Reading can provide lots of fun for children and teens on summer vacation. Children who read during the summer are better prepared for school when they return to classes in the fall. Public libraries throughout Wisconsin will host summer events to encourage children and teens to include reading in their summer fun. ● All Star Readers


