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Unit5Do you want to watch a game show 教学设计

Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show ?

Period 1 ( section A 1a-2d)

一、教学方法:以任务型教学法为教学的主要途径,辅以游戏和唱读快乐学习。 二、教学目标: 1、认知目标:

a. 掌握表达自己个人对事物或人看法的动词和词组。 b. 谈论自己的喜好与憎恶。 c. 询问及回答对事物或人的看法。 ① What do you think of …. ? I love /like them. I don’t like /mind them. I can’t stand them.

②What does he / she think of …? He / She loves / likes them. He/ She doesn’t like /mind them . He/ She can’t stand them .

2、能力目标: 本单元的话题是谈论所喜爱的文化,通过学习让学生们发表对电视节目中的游戏以及不同方面的观点,以此培养学生实际运用目标语言的能力。

3、情感目标: 通过学习谈论对某些事物的喜欢与不喜欢,以此来培养学生学会自我评价,成为一个有个性的人。


1、掌握陈述自己观点的动词及动词短语(the key vocabulary) love, like, don’t/doesn’t mind不介意, don’t/doesn’t like, can’t stand不能忍受

2、学会表达喜憎,以及怎样赞成别人的观点。 【预习指导】 (一)、扫清障碍

根据音标读出1a---2d的单词。 (二)、课本预习

1.熟读1a 的词并翻译成汉语。

2.New words: news(不可数名词) a piece of news 一条新闻 educational (adj.)----education (n.) discussion (n.)----discuss (v.) 3. 知识要点:

①want to do sth ② let’s do sth ③plan to do sth ④mind +n./ pron(宾格)/v-ing

⑤I can’t stand it! 我不能忍受它! can’t stand后接名词、代词和动词ing形式。

⑥hope to do sth 或 hope +从句 ⑦expect to do sth ⑧learn…from… 向……学习…… ⑨happen to sb发生在某人身上的事

⑩表推测的词:must 一定;may也许,可能; can’t不可能

⑾What do you think of …?=How do you like …? 你认为……怎么样?

(三)、预习效果检查 1.检查1a的完成情况


What do these faces mean?


①She wants _________(eat) some juice. ②Do you mind_________(open) the door for me.

③They plan __________(stay) at home and ________(read) books this weekend.

④I can’t sand _________(they). Teaching steps

Step 1 warming –up and revision 1. Enjoy an English song. 2. Revision

T: Do you like movies?

S1:Yes , I do ./ No, I don’t . T: What kind of movies do you like ?

S2:I like comedies /thrillers / action movies…. T: Why do you like …?

S2: Because they’re funny /exciting …. Step 2 Presentation

T: What do you think of TV shows? S: I like / love / don’t like them.

T: Today we’ll learn many kinds of TV shows . Look at the pictures.

T: What do you think of sports shows / talk shows…? Help them to answer with I love /like them./ I don’t like them ./ I can’t stand them./ I don’t mind them. Step 3 Pair work

1c Ss ask and answer in pairs. Check some pairs. What do you think of sports shows /talk shows…?

I love / like them . / I don't like them. /I can’t stand them ./ I don’t mind them. Step 4 Play a game

Ask several pairs to do some actions. The others guess what kind of TV shows they are and make short dialogues. What do you think of …? I….

Step 5 Practice

Ask the Ss about the last pair. What does he / she think of…? Ss: He/She likes /loves/….Then Ss practice, using the following.

Step 6 Listening

1. I have a friend Mark. What does he say about TV shows . Listen to the tape and finish 1b. 2. Finish 2a and 2b.

Step 7 Role –play the conversation

1. 2c 2. 2d

Step 8 Let’s chant Sports show , sports show

What do you think of sports shows ? I love them.

Game show , game show

What do you think of game shows ? I like them.

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show 公开课教案

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?

Type: Speaking and Listening Date: Oct.24th,2013

Designer: Wang Kaihui from Qingyun school

Teaching context: Section A 1 (1a-1c)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词和短语:sitcom, news, soap opera,talk show, talent show,

sports show, game show


① What do you want to watch?

② What do you think of talk shows?

③ I can’t stand it.

④ I don’t mind them.

⑤ I like/love them. / I don’t like them.

2. 能力目标:学会陈述自己的看法;学会谈论自己的喜好。

3. 情感目标:

学会谈论流行文化,了解各类电视和电视节目的名称和自己的喜好。 注意引导学生形成正确的文化观念,形成自己独立的个性。【do,you,want,to,watch,a,game,show,jiaoxuesheji】

二、 教学方法




1) 学习掌握各类电视和电视节目的名称。



Ⅰ. Preparation

Do you like watching TV?

We can watch TV in class today.

What kind of TV shows do you know?

Ⅱ. Presentation

1. Learn the names of the TV shows.

talk shows news game shows sports shows talent shows

soap operas sitcoms

2. What do you think of …?

I can’t stand it.

I don’t mind them.

I like/love them. / I don’t like them.

Ⅲ. Practice

Task 1: Game

Ask and answer one by one, the group who finishes most will be the winner. (1分钟内完成人数最多的小组取胜。)

Group A VS Group B

S1: what do you think of game shows?

S2: I like them. What do you think of talent shows?

S3: I don’t mind them. What do you think of…?

Task 2:

1. Look and say.

Show pictures to students, make sure they know the meanings of TV shows.

2. Listen and circle the TV show they hear them.【do,you,want,to,watch,a,game,show,jiaoxuesheji】

V. Production

Task 3: Groupwork

1. Ask students to discuss what to watch in class with group members and make a conversation like the video they just watched.

2. Show conversations and decide what to watch at last.

3. Watch a TV show.

Task 4: Exercise 补全对话(方框中的选项有两项是多余的)

A: Do you often watch TV, Kevin?

B:1__________ But my parents can’ stand it.

A:What TV shows do you like?

B: 2 __________ I don’t like talk shows. I think they’re boring. Do you like them? A:3.___________Do you like Quiz Show Program?

B: Yes, but my favorite game show is Happy 6+1.

A: Yes, it’s good. 4 _____________

B: Soap opera? They’re terrible! I can’t stand them! 5________________ A: I can’t stand them, either.



Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?

(Section A 1a-1c )教案 回龙中学 陈晓萍

I.Teaching aims and demands

1.Knowledge and skills:Students are required to give opinions about different kinds of TV shows. The main

purpose is to train students’ skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing by using What do you think of…? I like/love/don’t mind/don’t like/can’t stand…

2.Processes and methods:Using the learning strategies of role playing and task-based teaching method.Organize the students to express their feelings about different TV programs and so on.

3.Emotion, attitudes and value:The content is close to students’ lives. Different TV shows are for different audience. As to students, TV games which are valuable to their health and happy growth should be chosen to watch. Teachers should try to help students to establish a correct outlook on life .

II. Difficulties and focuses

1.To master the names of some TV shows:soap opera, talk show, sports show ,game show,talent show,news,etc.

2.Using What do you think of…? to ask for others’ opinions about TV shows.

3.Get students to show their feelings using can’t stand, don’t like, don’t mind, like and love.

III.Teaching Aids: CAI,survey tables

IV. Teaching Procedures

Step 1. Warm-up


Step 2. Lead- in

Free-talk: T:Do you like watching TV? What’s your favorite TV shows? S: (T helps) Animal World,weather report, sports shows and so on.

Step 3. Presentation

1.Learn the new words of TV shows.

①Teacher presents some pictures of different kinds of TV shows.Help Ss learn the new words.

②Get Ss read these new words individually,in groups and together.

③Present some other pictures,and let some say the names of these kinds of TV shows.

2.Do activity1a.

①Teacher tells Ss what they should do and do it.

②Ss match the TV shows with the pictures.

③Check the answers .

3.Learn the target sentence patterns.

T:We have learned many kinds of TV shows.What do you think of these TV shows?

S:(Under the help of the teacher)I love them./I like them./I don’t mind them./I don’t like them./I can’t stand them.

Teacher present some pictures of TV shows,then let them ask and answer one by one: A:What do you think of...?B:I...them.

Ask Ss work in pairs by using the information on the screen.Later.ask some pairs to work out.

Step 4. Practice

1.Listening practice. (Do activity 1b)

①Teacher helps Ss know that what they should do,then plays the recording.

②Listen to the recording for the second time,then check the answers.

2.Practice the conversation in activity 1c.

①Teacher explains the meaning of this conversation,then let Ss read after the teacher.

②Let Ss make dialogs in pairs with the pictures as the example dialogue..

③Ask students to perform dialogs.

Step 5. Consolidation and improvement .

Let the students make a survey in groups, then ask the leader of each group to give a report by using the target language.

Step 6. Homework

1.Copy the new words.

2.Do a survey: what your parents think of these TV shows?

Blackwriting Design

Unit 5

Do you want to watch a game show?

【Teaching Reflection】

This sentence pattern What do you think of…? is a good question for students to open their mouths and practice giving opinions in English. Getting students to express their likes and dislikes about different TV shows using love, like, don’t like, can’t stand, don’t mind is one of the language goals in this lesson. And the content is close to the students’ lives, as teacher, we should tell students when and what TV shows to watch. Those which are good for study and growth should be chosen to watch. In the course of learning and teaching, students’ outlook on life and study is developed and improved step by step.

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? 教学设计 教案

1. 教学目标

1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词:sitcom, news, soap, educational, plan, hope, find out, discussion, stand, happen, may, expect


① What do you want to watch?

② What do you think of talk shows?

③ I can’t stand th em.

④ I don’t mind them.

⑤ I like/love them. / I don’t like them.

2) 能了解以下语法:



2. 情感态度价值观目标:【do,you,want,to,watch,a,game,show,jiaoxuesheji】

学会谈论流行文化,了解各类电视和电视节目的名称和自己的喜欢。 注意引导学生们形成正确的文化观念,大力培养学生们的跨文化意义,形成自己独立的个性。 2. 教学重点/难点

1. 教学重点:

1) 学习掌握各类电视和电视节目的名称。

2) 掌握动词不定式结构做动词的宾语;了解后面接动词不定式做宾语的动词。 2. 教学难点:

掌握动词不定式结构做动词的宾语;了解后面接动词不定式做宾语的动词。 3. 教学用具


4. 标签

Ⅰ. Lead-in

学生们根据图片提示学习各类电视节目并且练习运用What do you think of…? Ⅱ. New words

Learnthe names of the TV shows.

Ⅲ. Game

1. 引导学生们看1a中的图片,根据提示依次说出每一部TV Show的名称。 2. 让学生们看图片及1a中的词汇,将图片与正确的词汇相连。

3. Check the answers with the Ss.

Ⅳ. Listening

1. T: Tell Ss to read the shows in the box. Make sure they know themeaning of the shows.

2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and numberthe shows1-4.

3. Play the recording again. Check the answers withthe Ss.

Ⅴ. Pair work

1. Let Ss look at the pictures in the box. Then explain the meaning ofeach expression to the Ss.

2. Let Ss read the conversation after the teacher. Then let Ss make theirown conversation using the shows and expressions in the box.

3. Let some pairs ask and answer about the shows.

Ⅵ. Listening

Work on 2a:

1.Read the shows in the box of 2a. Tell Ss to remember the information.

2.Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the TV shows [1-5].

3.Play the recording again to check the answers.

Work on 2b:

1. Let Ss read the sentences below. Explain somemain sentences for the Ss. Make sure they know what to do.

2. Play the recording for the Ss to write the correct wordsin the blanks.

3. Play the recording again to check the answers.

Ⅶ. Pair work

1. Tell Ss ask and answer questions about the TV shows in 2a. They canuse the information that is true for them.

2. Let Ss read conversation after the teacher.

3. Explain some main points for the Ss.

4. Ss act the conversation in pairs. Ask some pairs toact out their conversations. Ⅷ. Role-play

1. Read theconversations and match the name with the right shows.

① Grace a. gameshows and sports shows

② Sarah b.soap operas

③ Grace’s classmates c. news and talk shows

2. Explain some new wordsand main points in the conversation.

3. Read the conversation after the teacher.

4. Practice the conversation with theirpartner. Then let some pairs to act out the conversation.



(1) plan to … (2) hope to…

(3) find out… (4) can’t stand…

(5) sth. happen (6) expect to … 板书

八年级上unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?SectionA 1a-1c教学设计


课程名称 unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? 设计者 单位(学校) 授课班级 班


