
| 留学生招聘 |




常务班长:廖懿之 男生班长:杨灿炎 女生班长:杨美玲 团支书:谢佳琪


1组:黄力轩 2组:成 爽 3组:张承宇 4组:胡 蝉 5组:杨美玲 6组:李水波 7组:廖懿之 8组:陶佳伦 9组:彭玉馨 10组:谈海艳 11组:蒋伟霜 寝室长:

216:成 爽 肖 圣 217 :姜元熙 谢胜 218:刘乐轩 洪汉民 219:石凌云 戴志鹏 220:刘嘉新 孟思帆 222:胡 轩 张承宇 223 :周旭 210:蒋伟霜 何湘玲 211:陈玉珍 程 碧

学习委员:陈文杰 王文曦 李水波 彭玉馨


语文:江山多娇 李水波 廖懿之 张承宇 数学:蒋伟霜 陈玉珍 陶佳伦 谈海艳 英语:刘乐轩 黄鸿渐 彭玉馨 物理:陈 帅 谢 胜 张 喆 邹卓宇 化学:刘嘉新 王 皓 历史:陈佳威 刘星雨 政治:程 碧 洪汉民

特色班长:胡 蝉


安全委员:喻玲娟 陈 帅 两操委员:谭思毅 郭佳乐 路队委员:肖 圣 石安琪 卫生委员:彭音杰 唐 旋 习惯委员:石凌云

电教委员:蔡星鹏 刘奥佳 黄力轩 体育委员:杨灿炎 书写委员:石安琪

文娱委员:周 旭 刘奥佳 寝室打条督促委员:刘思遥 抄分员:刘思遥

临时工作通讯员:胡 欣 周 鹏 卢 涛 陶 果 钟 鑫 彭开阳

胡锦添 彭 威 张 驰 文翔宇 喻黔玲

爱心搬水队:谢胜(队长) 队员:陈文杰 魏荣强 刘轩 蔡星鹏

刘奥佳 黄鸿渐 陶 果 陈 帅 喻 鑫 周佳豪 谭亚鹏 陈佳威 彭音杰 杨灿炎 戴志鹏 黄力轩 喻 昊 吴昊彤 张承宇 成 爽 姜元熙 孟思帆 肖 圣 喻黔玲





Every Father's Day, I remember not only my father but also my mother. Both of them me into what I am now.

I'm one of the two sons of the poor but parents. My father did not attend college because of Also, my mother could only finish a vocational course, again for the same reason. When I for the Senate (参议院) in 2010, I saw campaign materials of with pictures of their famous parents in the background. I did not have campaign materials, not because of but because my parents are not famous in society. So, I just myself having a picture of my father raising my hand.

My father worked as a clerk in a logging company. He joined the ranks of the unemployed when logging was in Cagayan province. My mother got a job in a gas station. When I was in second year high school, my mother me to teach her how to write numbers from 1 to 1,000 and how to add numbers with decimal points (小数点). I told my father about it. My father and I taught her these things for many nights. I saw in the eyes of my mother when she learned them well.

My parents might not be learned, but they had noble character, which I'm dearly proud of. I recall that when my mother's boss and his family had to leave for Manila, my parents and I had to their house. My mother always warned me not to anything inside she and my father mopped the floor, changed the curtains and the like.

When I was dean of Student Affairs, I gave my parents a " of our school, introducing them to people from both the school and local government. But those tours were nothing compared to the "tour" they gave me. From them, I learned the of hard work and honesty.

41. A. inspired B. knocked C. forced D. adopted

42. A. ordinary B. rigid C. great D. flexible

43. A. disability B. poverty C. illness D. disaster

44. A. ran B. sacrificed C. searched D. paid

45. A. athletes B. sponsors C. candidates D. interviewers

46. A. systematic B. familiar C. rough D. similar

47. A. money B. report C. promise D. reward

48. A. stopped B. imagined C. minded D. noticed

49. A. switched B. undertaken C. permitted D. banned

50. A. advised B. ordered C. asked D. forbade

51. A. painstakingly B. easily C. thankfully D. impatiently

52. A. encouragement B. joy C. surprise D. sorrow

53. A. actively B. purposely C. unwillingly D. vividly

54. A. watch over B. pick out C. let out D. fix up

55. A.. deliver B. touch C. purchase D. return

56. A. although B. as if C. while D. in case

57. A. awarded B. refused C. offered D. appointed

58. A. picture B. tour C. souvenir D. prize

59. A. personally B. generally C. hopefully D. naturally

60. A. rule B. aim C. value D. Cause

41—45 BCABC 46—50 DABDC 51—55 BADBA 56—60 CDBAC 2013石家庄一模

If you want to stand out, there is no alternative but hard work.

Once a boy in clothes full of patches ran to ask a successful building contractor (承包商) in a construction site, “How could I become as as you when I grow up?”

With a at the boy, the contractor replied, “There is a story about three diggers. The first digger liked holding a spade without doing anything but saying that he wanted to be in the future. The second always liked about the work and his low . The third digger liked devoting himself to digging. Later, the first was still holding his spade in the place and the second took an excuse for early . Only the third became a boss. Do you understand the of this story? Just go to buy a shirt and work hard.”

The little boy was . So he asked the contractor to explain further. the working builders, the contractor replied. “Look at my workers! I can’t remember all their names, and even I have no of some of them. Most of them wear blue shirts. But if you look , you will notice a sunburned man in red. He seems to be working harder than others. He is always the first one to work while the last one to leave. It is exactly his red shirt that makes him . Soon he will be to my assistant. You know, that is also how I got I am now. I worked hard and wore a striped shirt. My boss me. I also became a boss eventually.”

Success can only action. Working hard is all winners’ shared experience for achieving their dreams.

36. A. spotted B. ragged C. elegant D. formal

37. A. creative B. strong C. rich D. responsible

38. A. glance B. laugh C. wave D. shout

39. A. a designer B. an architect C. a boss D. an assistant

40. A. thinking B. learning C. explaining D. complaining

41. A. spirit B. salary C. ability D. intelligence

42. A. quietly B. excitedly C. obviously D. freely

43. A. remote B. ideal C. original D. suitable

44. A. arrival B. retirement C. development D. payraise

45. A. ending B. people C. moral D. importance

46. A. yellow B. red C. white D. blue

47. A. puzzled B. disappointed C. embarrassed D. inspired

48. A. Speaking to B. Referring to C. Coming to D. Pointing to10组1314多少钱

49. A. impression B. description C. information D. expression

50. A. frequently B. regularly C. carefully D. doubtfully

51. A. stand out B. work out C. turn out D. give out

52. A. employed B. elected C. admitted D. promoted

53. A. which B. where C. who D. why

54. A. praised B. ignored C. scolded D. noticed

55. A. bring about B. lead to C. result from D. get into

36—40 BCACD 41—45 BACBC 46—50 BADAC 51—55 ADBDC 2013石家庄二模



36—40 CBACD 41—45 ABDCA 46—50 DBABC 51—55 DBACD 2014石家庄二模

This year John was overjoyed by the Christmas season.He was becoming a .He knew soon he would be old

全国卷完形填空练习 4

the orphanage(孤儿院). He would save his orange, the Christmas in July. Christmas day finally came.aroma(味)of meat.Because of his excitement, he lost his footing, causing a .Immediately the master , "John, leave the hall and there’ll be nofor you this year..Tears in eyes, he turned and went swiftly hack to the cold room㈨

Later he heard the door open and some children entered.a piece of rag."Here John," she said, "This is for you.the bulge(鼓胀)in her hand.Lifting back the edges of the rag, he saw a big juicy orange all peeled and quartered…and then he what they had done. their own orange by sharing“quarter and had created a big beautiful orange for him.

John never forgot the love and sharing his friends had shown him that Christmas day.John's beginning was a poor existence; .that day, every year he would send oranges to children in orphanages.His desire was that no child would ever spend Christmas without a(n) Christmas fruit!












52.A.helped out


54.A.pointed to





59.A.In search of


41—45 CABDC 46—50 DABDC 51—55 BCADB 56—60 CADBC B.master B.assist B.anniversary B.hid B.strange B.praise B.shouted B.toy B.slowly B.sorrow B.picked out B.puzzled B.stuck to B.realized B.kept B.besides B.returned B.expensive C.man C.rebuild C.wedding C.preserved C.sour C.loss C.whispered C.prize C.violently C.excitement C.held out C.shocked C.searched for C.analyzed C.sacrificed C.instead C.reacted C.special D.soldier D.escape D.birthday D.planted D.unusual D.misunderstanding D.sighed D.orange D.narrowly D.surprise D.tried out D.amazed D.reached for D.ignored D.picked D.therefore D.rewarded D.In honor of D.large 43.A.disappointed B.excited C.annoyed D.embarrassed B.In memory of C.In favor of 2014山西太原一模



41---45 BDCAB 46---50 DACBC 51---55 BDCAD 56---60 BADBC



学院 理学院

专业 数学与应用数学(3)


姓名 杨冉






(一) 前言:


(二) 自我盘点:













(五) 结束语:



看一下礼物的价格,做一下乘法就OK了。 1YB=1元钱。

1314棒棒糖(棉花糖/水果糖/掌声)= 0。1YB×1314 = 0。歪歪上的1314大概多少钱。1元×1314 =131。4元
1314啤酒(气球/你最棒/荧光棒)= 0。3YB×1314 = 0。3元×1314 =394。2元
1314我爱你(亲一口/抱抱/被雷了)= 0。9YB×1314 = 0。9元×1314 =1182。歪歪上的1314大概多少钱。6元


纯手打,望采纳。 提问者评价 谢谢你帮我大忙了


