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篇一:《稿件 英语课前一分钟演讲》

课前演讲小天地 学生成长大舞台




生对英语学习的兴趣;有利于因材施教,克服课堂教学的局限性,满足学生学习的多样性;有利于增加英语实践的机会,培养创新合作的精神,发展智力和个性、展现才能;有利于学生提高跨文化交际意识,培养学生的合作意识、集体观念; 有利于“师生之间建立起一种超越课堂教育范围的纽带”。

我在每次上英语课前,安排一名学生走上讲台进行英文小演讲:所谓小演讲就是用英语进行自我介绍、讲述自己的经历、也可以是一段对话、一则诗歌、一个小故事或者一段文章甚至一个小短剧,也可以教同学们一句谚语、一首诗等,每涉及到新单词和词组,在课前都写在黑板上,以此来鼓励学生进行课外阅读,收集课外新词,以促使学生们之间合作学习。让学生上台讲成语故事、名人名言或谚语,坚持多年,大有成效。 在讲之前,学生必须先做准备,阅读、记忆故事内容,明白所讲成语故事(名人名言或谚语)的原来意义和现实教育意义。最关键的一点是站在台上时,仪态要大方,声音要洪亮。讲完以后,同学之间相互评价,指出优缺点。这样坚持做下来,时间一长,学生的听说能力在不知不觉中有了提高。每天一分钟,时间不算长,却无形当中教会学生许多做人的道理。


1. 单词联想。


2. 看图说话。


联想到的东西。例如:I can see blue sky. / I can see beautiful flowers. / I can see mountains……哪怕是单独的单词都可以让能力较低的同学来回答。英语课前演讲一分钟

3. 口语问答


班互问互答。例如:A:What did you do yesterday? B: I did my homework and watched TV.。英语课前演讲一分钟

4. 酷词表演




5. 课文表演



6. 经典诵读


的朗读,体会语言的魅力。如:East or west,home is the best. An apple a day keeps the doctor away„.

7. 街头会面



8. 会心一笑








演讲小比赛如“我演讲 我快乐”等,与大家一起分享演讲的快乐,激励更多的





山东省临朐县南苑小学 邮编:262600 邮箱:lizhush@163.com 作者:袁艳美

教学版 “其他学科教学”(小学英语)栏目


One night, I complained to my mum about the lack of time. Finally she said,"you are short of time just because you waste precious minutes on complaints. No matter how busy you are, if you try really hard, you can always fit in some thing more."

The lack of time is just the excuse for my negligence of every single minute. I believe that the great dividing line between success and failure can be expressed in six words,"I did not have enough time."Seize the day, make every moment count! No idleness, no delay, no complaint!

Once I make full use of every moment, I believe that, my worries will be gradually cut down to nothing.Whenever I fell the lack of time in the future, I will tell myself ,“seize the day, make every moment count."


“没时间”无异于我为自己浪费分分秒秒找的托词罢了。我相信成功与失败的一线之差可以用六个字来形容:“我没足够时间。”抓住今天,抓住每分每秒! 不要碌碌无为,不要牢骚抱怨!




the first time i saw bao was in XX, the year when thomas and uber cup was held. at that time he was playing against li zongwei, who is also a good player from malaysia. bao beat him. to tell the truth, at first the reason why i liked him was just because i thought he was pretty.*(maybe it is not a suitable word, but i think no better word can describe him, he is really pretty!) from that time, i have focused on him. then gradually, i found that he not only has good appearance, but also has a talent for badminton.

he is very tall, about 1.90 meters. he is the tallest one among all the players in the chinese badminton team. in XX, he is chosen as the flag holder stands for china in the opening ceremony in the 15th asian games held in doha. it was the first time that the badminton players were chosen to take over the special task, before which time, it belonged to the basketball players. it was a great honor. and it also proved that bao was an excellent athlete. we are all proud of him.

he began to play badminton when he was at primary school. in XX, he won his first good medal, which was significant to him, in guangzhou. because of that, he entered the chinese badminton team. as he is as old as lin dan, who is the top one in the world, he is always put into a situation wh(。)ich is not good to him. he seldom beats lin dan, so he gained a name which is called’千年老二’. in fact, his techniques are comprehensive, but he is lack of passion, the desire to win is not so strong. so he always has misplays. due to this, he seldom wins the gold medal. i think this is related to his character. he is easygoing and couth; he looks as if he will never get angry with anybody. so this affects him while he is playing badminton. in a

period of time, critical voice has come towards him. he is under great pressure. he was not in the best state. but recently he cheers up again. several days ago, the chinese badminton championship XX was held in guangzhou. i went to see him on saturday. i was very excited, and i shouted loudly, hoping he could hear me. there is no doubt that he won the game. before he went away, he waved hand to us, how excited i was at that time! the next day, he beat li zongwei again and he won the man’s single gold medal. all of us are very happy. after 7 years, which could be a long time for an athlete, he proved himself again in guangzhou, which is considered as his lucky place. i think this will be the energy of his advancing. and i hope he can keep this fighting will and win the gold medal in the 29th olympic games held in beijing!

best wishes!



i have a dream every one has his own dream。when i was a little kid ,my dream was even to have a candy shop of my own 。but now ,when i am 16 years old ,standing here ,my dreams have already changed a lot。

i have got quite different experience from other girls。英语课前三分钟演讲稿(6篇)。while they were playing toys at home,while they were dreaming to be the princesses in the story 。i was running in the hard rain,jumping in the heavy snow,pitching in the strong wind。nothing could stop me ,because of a wonderful call from my heart -- to be an athlete。yeah ,of course ,i'm an athlete,i'm so proud of that all the time 。

when i was 10 years old ,i became a shot-put athlete。the training was really hard ,i couldn't bear the heavy shot in my hands 。but i always believe that "god only help those who help themselves"。英语课前三分钟演讲稿(6篇)。during those hard days,i find i was growing more quickly than others of the same age。to be an athlete is my most correct choice。but,quit my team after entering high school because of a silly excuse。i really didn't want to stop my sports career anyway。

today i say to you my friends that even though i must face the difficulties of yesterday ,today and tomorrow 。i still have a dream 。it is a dream deeply rooted in my soul。

i have a dream that one day ,i can run,jump and pitch just like i used to be。

i have a dream that one day , i can go back to my dream sports and join the national team。

i have a dream that one day ,i can stand on the highest place at the olympic games。with all the cameras pointing at me。i will tell everyone that i'm so proud to be a chinese athlete!

this is my hope 。this is the faith that i continue my steps with!!!

with this faith ,i will live though the strong wind and heavy rain ,never give up !

so let victory ring from my heart,from all of you。when we allow victory to ring 。i must be the one!

in my imagination,i'm a bird ,a magical bird。i carry my dreams all with me by my big wings。 i fly though the mountains ,though the forests ,over the sea,to the sun ,the warmest place in the aerospace!

every night ,i have a dream ,i see a girl ---smiling!


good evening ,ladies and gentlemen:

thank you very much for choosing to e in such a cold night。today my topic is about choice and process。a research shows that a man has to make 73 choices one day。with so many choices one day, people easily get so confused and afraid of making wrong choice that they hesitate and finally miss the true part of life。 in my opinion, the following part is of much more importance than the choice。 there is no absolute right or wrong choice but wonderful or boring life, which the process makes the difference。

life is a box of chocolate,you never know what you will get。 forrest gump made no decision by and for himself but he acplished great success with his strong will in the process。 the process is not the road itself but the attitudes and feelings ,the caution, courage and persistance we have as we encounter new experience and unexpected obstacles。 take myself as an example, i changed my major when i became a postgraduate。 after the choice,days have been harsh for me。i cannot understand the new lessons at all。 for they are closely related to mathmatics which i learned nothing about before。 however wuth the belief that this is the great chance for me to experience new ideas and challenge myself,i persisted。 i asked for help from every channel and reorgonized my life。 gradually i could understand some parts and even found maths interesting。moreover, i learned to act instead of plaining。 in retrospect,the choice left no trace in my mind but the happiness and bitterness of the past four months bees an unforgetable experience in my life。

no matter what the choice is, enjoy the process。 in the process, your potential will be inspired and new discoveries,improvement and progress will e to you。 these are the most beautiful sceneries and only on the way can you see it。these make your life colorful。

there is no need and i donnot want to judge whether it right or wrong for me to be here,but i congratulate to myself for i gain and enjoy this fantastic experience。 so my dear friends,never worry about your choice and enjoy the process。 i am sure you will get something new and intersting tonight after you chose to e here。 thank you!


good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen!

i’m very honored to stand here and give you a short speech! to begin with ,i want to ask a question 。does everybody dream a good dream last night? actually ,today i want to talk about dream with you。 of course, what i want to talk is not a dream you have last night,but a dream—— about life。

everyone has dreams about life, different dreams at different life stage,and we need dreams to support us。 dreams are like the stars we never reach in the sky,but like most mariners,we can chart our course by them。 with the dream,we have a direction,with a direction, we were no longer confused。with the dream, there is hope,with hope, we have the strength to fight。

i have a dream: to be a doctor。,because doctor may relieve the pain of patients。 may let the human change the health。 at the same time, i believed that, those who help others may be able to obtain joyfully。 therefore, i hoped in the near future ,i might be a doctor。

but i know,life is tough,and there are always ups and downs, maybe we fail in the way to our aims,and we may feel depressed ,whenever at this time, the dream in our heart can always fort us, encourage us ,and support us to move ahead 。

young!fortunately, i am young now。 just due to it, i know that nothing is impossible。i firmly believe that nothing can stand in my way。 if i can't realize my dream,it result from that i haven't work harder enough and i won't find other excuses。 if no people believe you, you can make it to prove that you are right。 if you think the god haven't blessed you and there is no truth here, you can bee the god and create the truth。

"my breath swallows the sky and make the yellow river overflow, my sword is famous in kyushu and it can collapse the five sacred mountains。" at some time in the past i also had am bitious words and i had some achievements。 each achievement results from my hard work。 i always believe that "if you want to have more achievements than others, you must work harder。" in some extent, the dream is the hope。 if you can insist on doing something, the victory will e。

hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly。 hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow。 so my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams。 whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today。 let's--- move ----out!

thank you for your listening!


good morning/afternoon!

first thing first, i gotta say,wow,it's funny thing to be given a chance like that。trurh be told,i really got a little bit nervous before i stand right here ,so called 'stage fright'。if you look specifically on me 。you may find my hands shaking,pretty assembles the guy who suffered from pakinson's disease,and legs wobbling ,like i caught so-called ball leg。 okay,let's stop going around the bush and get back to my topic today。i really like to talk a funny story i have just heard。

a lady called lucy emigrated to united states several years ago。her spoken english is not that fluent 。and one day,she is just sitting on the couch with his u。s friends mandy watching sit-。a noise of bump had the attention of mandy,which led her to go out of the house trying to figure out what had happened。can you imagine that mandy go straight out with merely a sweater。so lucy shouted at her,"lucy ,turn your clothes on。" what suprised her most,beyond her wildest imagination, is that almost all the male in this country took their head out of the window。admittedly,lucy made a mistake here 。the word spitted means mandy is totally naked to the reason that male looked out of the window。the right sentence shall be,"put your clothing on。"the story inspires you to take a careful look on the vast difference between eastern and western culture。

that's full of it,thank you for your time!


dear teacher and classmates:

i am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! this time, i/'d like to talk something about english。

i love english。 english language is now used everywhere in the world。 it has bee the most mon language on inter and for international trade。 learning english makes me confident and brings me great pleasure。

when i was seven, my mother sent me to an english school。 at there, i played games and sang english songs with other children 。 then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the english world。

everyday, i read english following the tapes。 sometimes, i watch english cartoons。

on the weekend, i often go to the english corner。 by talking with different people there, i have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral english。

i hope i can travel around the world someday。 i want to go to america to visit washington monument, because the president washington is my idol。 of course, i want to go to london too, because england is where english language developed。 if i can ride my bike in cambridge university, i will be very happy。

i hope i can speak english with everyone in the world。 i/'ll introduce china to them, such as the great wall, the forbidden city and anshan。

i know, rome was not built in a day。 i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well。

if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable。 so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too。


good morning,dear teacher and my friends。

it’s a very intresting topic today。

i think my dad was a hero for me when i was a young child。 we'd go fishing, walks, and other fun things for a kid。

every child has a good and great father, and so do i。 my dad played a very important role in my daily life`````exactly speaking, in my past 16 years。

my father always stands in the center of my life, from past till now and possibly in the future。

my family was rather poor when i was in my childhood。 we didn't have our own house and had to live in a shabby, small room rented from my father's factory。 the room was so small that there was little space for people to walk。 i didn't have my own bed and had to sleep with my parents。 this is terrible both for my parents and me。but father made this all different!he works very hard on his own business, now we have our own 2 housese,surly,i have my own room。and he take our family so much happiness, richer and richer。

when i was little, i did everything with my dad。 you could always find me sitting on his knee or walking and doing everything with him。 every night he would read me a bed time story and make the voices of each character。

i learnt a lot from my daddy。 i learnt to never take things to seriously and to always smile。

like many other fathers, my dad and i also has generation gap。 he is not good at or even can’t work the puter。 so when i sitting at the puter desk,he will say something like ‘you should pay more attention to your study’, ‘don’t waste time on the puter games’ , ‘it will be bad for your eyes’ and so on。 how can i- a puter fan – reduce time on puter? so i continue studying and playing on it

years pasted, my father is over 45 now。 it is time for me to look after him and i am sure i will do and we will live an even better life。 and i will say,i really love you dad,cause you are the hero in my mind。

thank you so much!




where there is a will, there is a way

the secret of success (the key to success) is not so much money as a strong will。 a great man is one who has a strong will and an indomitable spirit。 in other words, if a man does not have a strong will to win (get) the final victory, he will never succeed in his life。 he is no more than a failure。英语一分钟演讲稿

it is quite obvious that there is no difficult thing (nothing difficult) in the world。 if you make up your mind to do it, you will certainly acplish your end。 that stands to reason。


成功的要诀不是金钱而是一个坚强的意志(用not so mush。。。 as)。英语一分钟演讲稿。一个大人物是一个具有坚强意志和不屈不挠精神的人。换句话说,如果一个人没有坚强意志去获得最后胜利的人,他终其一生永远不会成功。他只不过是(用no more than)一个失败者。 很显明的世界上并没有难事。如果你下定决心去做它,你一定会达到目的。那是显而易见的。



knowledge is power

if we have no knowledge, we cannot succeed in doing any work。 why? because knowledge is power。 with knowledge we have conquered nature and invented steamers, trains and airplanes。 we can send messages by telegram。 we can talk with our friends by telephone。

as is well known, we students are the future masters of the nation。 she (it) needs us very much。 if we do not make efforts to acquire knowledge, how can we render service to her (it)?






choosing friends

a man who is careful in choosing friends will certainly derive benefit from them。 why? because there are more false friends than real ones in this world。 to have one real friends is better than a hundred false ones。 friends who flatter you to your face are not true friends。

we must make friends with those who have good character and kindness of heart。 on the other hand, we should do our best to a void keeping pany with bad people。


一个小心选择朋友的人一定会从他们那里获得益处。为什么?因为在这个世界里假朋友比真朋友要多。有一个真朋友要比有一百个假朋友来得好。凡是当面奉承你的朋友不是真朋友。 我们必须和凡是具有良好品格和心地善良的人交朋友。反过来说,我们应尽力避免结交坏人。




there is not a (no) thrifty man but bees a rich man sooner or later。 why? because he will not spend such money as is unnecessary。 little by little his money will accumulate。 ten to one, he is bound to make a fortune。

i do not like such men as spend their money in a wrong way。 they do not know extravagance is a bad thing。 it can only make them happy for the time being。 in short, thrift makes poor men rich and extravagance makes rich men poor。







needless to say, nothing but perseverance can lead a man to the way of success。 in other words, a persevering man never does his work without succeeding in it。 this is indeed unchangeable truth。 our national father, dr。 sun yat-sen, is the most ideal example。 he was devoted to the revolution about forty years。 he met with many failures, but he was anything but discouraged。 as a result, he won。 the republic of china was born。






how exercise helps

if our bodies are not strong, our spirit to do things will certainly be quite dull。 and at the same time, we are lack of energy (ies) to study。 diseases will only attack the weak, but not the strong。 why are our bodies not strong? because we do not pay attention to exercise。 for this reason, we students must often take different kinds (sorts) of exercise in the gym。

exercise helps us (to) strengthen our bodies and avoid disease。 it also teaches us cooperation, for most exercise is played by team。


如果我们的身体不强壮,我们做事的精神一定会十分迟钝。而且同时,我们也缺少足够的精力来读书。疾病只为侵击体弱的人而不是强壮的人。 为什么我们的身体会不强壮呢?因为我们不注意运动。基于此种理由,我们学生必须时常在运动场做不同种类的运动。




the benefits of traveling

i am always interested in traveling。 my reasons are quite (extremely) simple and clear。 if anybody is not satisfied with my viewpoint(s), i shall be greatly surprised at his ways of thinking。

in the first place, traveling increases our knowledge。 only by traveling can we see (因为用(only)开头,主动词须颠倒)things outside our home town。

in the second place, traveling is good to our health。 while we are traveling, we usually exercise our bodies。

in conclusion, i earnestly hope that everybody must seize (grasp at) the opportunity of traveling。



一个好公民第一件责任是爱他的国家。他须准备为国家牺牲自己的生命。 他第二件责任是服从法律并且帮助政府维持治安。如果人人都能这样做的话,国家必定富强。



the national flag it is the duty of every citizen to honor the national flag。 why? because the national flag is the symbol of a (the) country。 to respect it means to respect the country。 in other words, if a man loves his country, he must love the national flag。

in school, the national flag is usually raised at a certain time every day。 then the principal, teachers, staff and students are to (must) stand before it and sing the national anthem。 it is indeed extremely meaningful to attend such a ceremony。英语课前演讲一分钟






the importance of education

it is impossible for us to make our country rich and strong without developing education。 why? because education gives people knowledge and teaches them how to bee good citizens so as to be able to serve their country。 no wonder they say that education decides the progress, prosperity and civilization of a country。

at present (nowadays) most countries in (of) the world are enforcing pulsory education。 it is necessary for all kinds of people, both rich and poor, to receive education。 taiwan is an exception as well not。


我们不可能使我们的国家富强而不发展教育。为什么?因为教育给予人民知识并教他们如何成为好公民以便能为国家效力。难怪,有人说教育决定一个国家的进步,繁荣与文化。 现在世界大多数的国家都在实施强迫教育。所有各类人民不论贫富都必须接受教育。台湾也不例外。



industry (diligence)

it is a matter of course that industry will bring us success, wealth and good luck。 i am sure that a hard-working person can always succeed in the work which he wants to do。 this is unchangeable truth。

idleness is the opposite of industry。 it is the source of all evil。 an idle man only enjoys playing and making pleasures。 that he is doomed to failure is of no doubt。 we should not follow his example。






my native town

my native town is x。 we have settled down here since my grandfather was a child。 in other words, my family has lived here for more than one hundred years。

it is a small village。 there are about one thousand inhabitants。 most of them are farmers。 the mode of their living is very simple。 however, they have already possessed television sets and refrigerators。 they made up their minds to live a modern life。






my school life

when i was six years old, i began to go to school。 the first school (which) i attended was a primary school。 there were many subjects (which were taught in the school, such as chinese, arithmetic, history, geography, drawing and so forth。 since i was (became) a student, i studied very hard。 my parents were quite proud of me。

after i had studied there for three years, i entered a junior high school。 when i was twelve years old, i became a student of a senior high school。 i still studied very hard。 except on sick leave i was never absent from class。 everybody looked upon me as a model student。


我六岁的时候,就开始上学了。我第一个上的学校是一所国小。学校里教的课目有许多,诸如国文,算术,史地,画图等等。既然我是一个学生,我就用功读书。我父母深以我为荣。 我在那边读了三年后,就进入初中。我十二岁的时候,就成为一个高中的物理学。我依旧用功读书。除病假外,我永不缺课。人人都把我看作是一个模范生。



cood health

we all wish (hope) to be happy, so we should take good care of our health。

health is the best treasure (which) a man can possess。 money can do many things, but it cannot buy happiness。 however, so long as man has good health, he can enjoy the pleasures of human life。

in order to insure good health we must pay attention to three things。 they are-nourishing food, fresh air and proper exercise。


我们大家都希望快乐,所以我们应该好好保重健康。一个病人因为失去健康而很少快乐。 健康是一个人所能拥有最好的财富。钱能做许多事情,但是它却不能购买。然而,只要一个人有良好的健康,他就能享受人生的乐趣。





everybody wishes (hopes) to get money so that he can maintain his livelihood。 in other words, money is so useful that it is impossible for mankind to live without it。 for this reason, we have an interesting proverb。 it says
