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昭学院通〔2014〕22号 关于印发《昭通学院学生素质综合考评条例(试行)》的通知







昭 通 学 院


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第一章 总则

第一条 为激励学生在校期间刻苦学习,全面发展,培养适应社会需要的合格中小学教师及各类专业人才,积极促进优良学风、校风建设,根据国家教育部颁发的《普通高校学生管理规定》、《高等学校学生行为准则》等相关文件规定,结合学校实际,特制定本条例。

第二条 综合素质考评的对象是在学校连续学习满一学期以上的全日制学生(以下简称学生)。


第三条 综合素质考评的结果,一是作为每学期学生申请各项奖学金、助学金等各项奖助项目的依据;二是作为每学年三好学生、优秀学生干部、优秀团员、优秀团干部、优秀毕业生等评先选优和推荐毕业生就业的主要依据。

第四条 毕业生的综合素质考评成绩为各学期综合素质考评成绩之和除以学期数。

第五条 综合素质考评坚持公开、公平、公正的原则。 - 2 -

第二章 考评内容、计算方法

第六条 综合素质考评包括德、智、体、能四方面的内容,权重系数分别是0.1、0.6、0.1、0.2,即综合素质考评分=德育考评分×10%+智育考评分×60%+体育考评分×10%+能力考评分×20%。

第七条 综合素质考评中每一项考评若超过100分,超过部分按10%折算后计入。

第三章 德育考评分

第八条 德育考评分=(基本分+奖励分-扣分)×10%。





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10.担任学生干部(含社团干部)多项又获得本条第1款 - 4 -









6.在公寓内有其他违纪行为未达到纪律处分的,每次扣5 - 5 -

昭通学院试卷 A

昭通学院试卷 A

考试科目 英语 学期_________ 命题 翟献珍

院级_________ 专业________ 班级________ 学号_______ 姓名_______

2. A. already B. even C. hardly D. never 3. A. way B. time C. idea D. place 4. A. become B. get C. feel D. look 5. A. much B. more C. little D. less 6. A. pop B. modern C. light D. country 7. A. no B. much C. any D. some 8. A. think B. hope C. realize D. believe 9. A. cook B. order C. eat D. make 10. A. free B. busy C. happy D. sad 11. A. can B. should C. can’t D. needn’t 12. A. how B. why C. what D. that 13. A. excited B. interested C. confident D. relaxed 14. A. first B. second C. next D. last 15. A. quiet B. quick C. happy D. careful

Everyone had a childhood. And childhood experiences are often very funny. Children often make ’things happened. When I was a two-year-old child, both work. My mother worked as a sales manager in a company. And my parents at home. My father sent us ’s uniform and it was posted on the pointing to them: “This is my father, and this is my father, and that is my ” My remember that moment all her life.

11. A. cry B. laugh C. crying D. laughing 12. A. turn up B. turn down C. turn off D. turn on 13. A. sad B. terrible C. bad D. interesting

When did you go yesterday? Did you hear at any of those places? Today most stores and restaurants play music. You might hear music in an office or on a farm.

Scientists believe that music changes the people behave. According to some scientists, the sound of western classical(古典的) music makes people richer. When a restaurant plays classical music,people spend money on food and drinks. When the restaurant plays music, people spend less money. with music, people spend even less.


Scientists also that loud, fast music makes people eat faster. In fact, people hours. This gets people to eat faster and leave quickly. Restaurants make more money this way. Some scientists think that music makes you think and learn better. They say music helps students to be more active. It is true that people can learn better when they are And listening to music can help you relax.

The time you hear music somewhere, be . It might change the way you do things. 1. A. music B. stories C. songs D. sound

14. A. with B. at C. for D. in 15. A. factory B. army C. hospital D. school 16. A. letter B. card C. photo D. postcard 17. A. On the way B. In the way C. By the way D. In a way

18. A. spoke B. talked C. said D. told 19. A. also B. either C. too D. yet 20. A. would B. will C. can D. must

B. it is good for boys to play computer games C. it is special for boys to play computer games D. it is not strange for girls to play computer games 25. The best title for the passage is ________.

A. Computer Games B. Girl Gamers C. Boys and Girls D. Boy Gamers


Li Ming likes walking. He goes for a walk after his father comes back from work. Li Ming likes water very much. He often throws his toys into the water. He plays with the water and sometimes he is wet all over. His mother says, “You are from fish, I think.” Li Ming is very glad. “Yes, I like fish very much because fish can swim.”

One Sunday morning, Li Ming goes to a park with his father. There are many trees and flowers in the park. There are a lot of people in the park. Some of them are sitting under the trees. Some of them are sitting at the tables and having tea or drinks. There is a big swimming pool in the middle of the park. Li Ming asks his father to take him to the pool. “Why do you want to go there?” asks his father.

“I want to learn swimming,” answers Li Ming. “And you can teach me, I think.” “You are too young. And I’m sorry I can’t swim.” says his father.

“You can’t swim? Wang Hai’s father swims very well. Why can’t you swim?” “His father likes eating fish. So he swims very well.” says his father.

“Oh, I see.” says Li Ming. “But you like eating chicken very much. Can you lay eggs?” asks Li Ming.

26. Li Ming often walks with ________.

A. his mother B. his father C. his friend D. Wang Hai 27. Li Ming doesn’t go to school because he is too _________.

A. small B. tall C. young D. short 28. Li Ming’s father ________ on Sundays.

A. goes to school B. goes shopping C. goes home D. goes to the park

29. There are many ________ in the park on weekends. A. people B. trees C. flowers D. tables 30. Which sentence is TRUE? A. Li Ming doesn’t like walking. B. Li Ming doesn’t like fish.

C. Li Ming goes to a park with his father on Saturday morning.


Computer games are just fun. I have been playing them for years, and I have become really good at it. But some of my classmates think that I’m quite special because I’m a girl gamer.

One day I was having lunch at school. A girl I didn’t know came and sat next to me, “What do you do for fun?” She asked. “I am a gamer.” I said in a low voice. “A gamer!” She couldn’t believe what I had said and she burst into laughter, with all the apple pie out of her mouth.

Most people think computer games are suitable for boys, not girls. Maybe I should cut my hair short and changed my actions so that I look like a boy.

Actually, most boys don’t feel there is anything wrong with my hobby. I have met many boy gamers ----some online and some face-to-face. I have made good friends with some of them.

Playing computer games is also a kind of rest. I don’t know why people feel strange about girl gamers. Girls who play games do it for the same reason as boys. It’s something cool to do in your spare time.

21. The writer can play computer games quite well because________. A. she plays it a lot B. she is very special C. she is very smart D. she studies very hard 22. What do some of the writer’s classmates think of her?

A. Helpful. B. Friendly. C. Intelligent. D. Different.

23. It seems that_________ are more surprised at the writer’s hobby than_______. A. boys; girls B. teachers; students C. girls; boys D. students; teachers 24. In the writer’s opinion, ________.

A. it is bad for girls to play computer games

D. Li Ming’s father can’t swim.


In England people can experience four seasons in one day. So they often talk about the weather. In the morning the weather is warm like in spring. After an hour clouds come and then it rains heavily, the weather gets a little cold. In the afternoon it will be sunny, the sun will begin to shine, and it will be warmer at this time of a day. In England, people can also have summer in winter or have winter in summer. So in winter they can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes they need to wear warm clothes. When you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them in the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them. If you don’t take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret later in the day. 31. In England people often talk about the _______.

A. weather B. seasons C. spring D. summer 32. In England _________ in winter.

A. it is always very cold B. people always wear warm clothes C. people can swim sometimes D. the weather is very hot

33. English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them_______. A. in a raining morning B. in the sunny morning C. in a snowy morning D. A, B and C 34. In England, which is not true?

A. People can have four seasons in one day.

B. The weather is warm in the morning and it will be cold in the day. C. People only take an umbrella in the raining morning.

D. If you don’t take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret later in the day. 35. From the passage we know that when _______ come, there is a heavy rain. A. sun and snow B. black clouds

C. spring and autumn D. summer and winter


It’s seven forty in the morning. The students are coming into the classroom. A girl is opening the windows. Some of the students are laughing and talking. Some others are listening to them. Some are reading books. Some are doing their homework.

Miss Zhao is standing behind the teacher’s desk. She is writing on the blackboard. Sue and Lily are wearing their new dresses today. Ann is cleaning her desk. Mike is helping her. They all look happy.

What are Bill and Jim doing? Oh, dear! They are still playing basketball on the playground. 36. The students are________.

A. in the school B. at home C. in a boat D. on the playground 37. Who is the teacher for this class?


A. A girl B. Miss Zhao C. Sue D. Miss Gao 38. What are the students NOT doing?【昭通学院教务系统登录网址】

A. Doing their homework. B. Laughing or talking. C. Writing on the blackboard. D. Reading books. 39. How many students are playing basketball now?

A. Only one. B. Two. C. Many. D. We don’t know. 40. Which of the following is NOT right? A. Ann is cleaning the teacher’s desk. B. Mike is helping Ann.【昭通学院教务系统登录网址】

C. Bill and Jim are still playing basketball. D. The students all look happy in the morning.

41. On Sunday, the zoo open at _________.

A. 10:00 in the morning B. 8:00 in the morning C. 6:00 in the afternoon D. 8:00 in the afternoon 42. The zoo opens _________ days a week.


A. one B. two C. five D. seven

43. If you are 13 years old. You want to go to the zoo, you should pay _______. A. $3 B. $6 C. $8 D. free

44. Kate is 12, and her little sister is 6. If they go to the zoo, they should pay_______. A. $9 B. $6 C. $11 D. $3 45. The zoo closes at _________ on Wednesday.

A. 10:00 a.m. B. 8:00 a.m. C. 6:00p.m. D. 8:00p.m.




文档编号:0000 24




一个优秀的VI设计是可以将学校的办学理念得以充分的展现,是高度发展信息社会需要的,它可以使学校的面貌更加光彩照人,有利于学校建立良好的形象,并将学校形象能得到具体的视觉展示,从而更容易被社会接受和认可。 大学校园VI设计(LOGO)的目的和宗旨,就是将大学校园形象要素,包括各种深层的形象和表层形象内涵要素,通过标准化、统一化的视觉识别形象体系VI,展现给全社会公众,使社会公众产生一致的认同感,从而形成良好并且具鲜明个性特点的高校校园形象。VI使人们产生联想,并能感受到该学校文化的巨大影响力。






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