
| 留学生招聘 |


  每个学期快结束时,学校往往以试卷的形式对各门学科进行该学期知识掌握的检测,对上一学期知识的查漏补缺。下面是中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com 小编为大家带来的中山市期末考试成绩查询网址,希望能帮助到大家! 





  高一 语: √ 数: √ 英: √ 理: √ 化: √ 生: √ 政: √ 史: √ 地: √

  高二 语: √ 数: √ 英: √ 理: √ 化: √ 生: √ 政: √ 史: √ 地: √

  高三 语: √ 数: √ 英: √ 理: √ 化: √ 生: √ 政: √ 史: √ 地: √





  “Cloud Marking” Project Case Show of Zhongshan city :Comprehensive Assessing and Analyzing System of Learning Based on Big Date

  In 2014, Zhongshan Education and Sports Bureau built the first network paper marking centre and became the first city to apply “Cloud Marking” to the final examination in junior and senior schools in Zhongshan based on the city’s educational metropolitan area network and network monitoring center. Cloud Marking is a positive measure taken by Zhongshan Education Bureau to reform the traditional examination pattern and administration affairs, and explore wise education using infromation technology.

  “The Cloud Marking” principle: Cloud Marking is kind of papaer marking method ,which is using cloud technology and big data analysis by education departments, based on centralized and decentralized online paper marking to assess students’ academic level, and form an analysis report of the students academic level through comprehensive analysis of massive papers,to provide integrated decision-making for the education sector , students and teachers that how to manage, how to teach and how to learn.

  “The Cloud Marking” advantage: It is proved that this model not only improves the efficiency and quality of paper marking effectively and reduces a lot of artificial mistakes, but also ensures the fairness and accuracy of evaluation results by use of test cutting and pushing technology. Comprehensive examination of candidates when the time and past situations big data analysis, to provide intelligence support for the education authorities on how to improve teaching management, but also for teachers on how to teach students strategies to protect counseling; knowledge to grasp the situation of the student to provide more personalized teaching guidance and resources to push.


