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篇一 花生收获机视频
[我爱发明]花生联合收割机 又见落花生(发明人朱崇央)

  [我爱发明] 20151107 又见落花生

  本期视频主要内容: 山东东平县农民彭伟华家中的田里种着大量花生,因收花生实在是一件重体力劳动。热爱发明的老彭经过长时间的琢磨,先后制作了花生起秧机和花生脱粒机,而后又将这两种机器巧妙地结合在了一起,最终制作成功了一台高效花生联合收割机。(《我爱发明》 20151107 又见落花生)


  编导手记:麻屋子,红帐子,里面住着个白胖子。 花生是深受人们欢迎的一种经济作物,它营养价值高,不仅可以作为小吃,食品,直接实用,甚至可以用来炼油,随着我国食品经济的不断发展。花生的需求也在逐渐增高。 可是,大规模的种植花生,收货的时候可就出现了难题,虽然目前已经拥有了人工和机器两种收割方式,但是人工效率低,成本高,招工难,而机器则功能单一,关键的步骤还是需要人工进行处理,这就严重的影响了花生的产量。






篇二 花生收获机视频
[我爱发明]玉米收获机 收割机 疯狂掰棒子(发明人马金刚)

  [我爱发明] 20151212 疯狂掰棒子

  本期视频主要内容: 山东聊城的马金刚和他的父亲是当地有名的发明迷,他和父亲一人发明了一台玉米收获机,但是两人的发明都不算太成功。后来,他们父子发挥各自的优势终于将机器改进好,改进好的机器不但收割玉米效率高,还能粉碎秸秆还田,或者将秸秆打捆回收,他们的发明得到了当地村民的认可。(《我爱发明》 20151212 疯狂掰棒子)








篇三 花生收获机视频


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篇四 花生收获机视频

篇五 花生收获机视频

A History of Peanuts: -The peanut was probably originated in Brazil or Peru in 950 B.C. Peanuts were grown as far north as Mexico when the Spanish began their exploration of the new world. -The South American Inca Indians may have been the first to grind peanuts to make peanut butter. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg invented a version of peanut butter in 1895. He invented it for older patients who could not chew meat as a protein supplement. -George Washington Carver is considered the father of the peanut. He recognized the value of peanuts as a cash crop. Peanut Combine by: Joseph Allbritton -There are four basic types of peanuts grown in the united states today. Runner, Spanish, Valencia, and Virginia. Weather for Peanuts: Growing period is four to five months. Steady, rather high temperature and moderate distribution of moisture is necessary. Harvesting: Peanuts are ready to dig when the majority of the kernels are fully developed and taking on a mature color, and the inside of the shells have begun to color and show darkened veins. The crop is then ready to harvest. Soils for Peanuts: 【花生收获机视频】 Light colored, well drained, sandy soils are best. Other soils may stain or stick to the nuts making harvesting difficult. It takes about five to seven days from time of inverting to combining under favorable conditions but well-matured dry peanuts may be combined sooner. This is using accepted storage moisture between 10 and 11%. Cropping Systems for Peanuts:【花生收获机视频】They should be worked into a crop rotation system Good to follow a crop that uses large amounts of fertilizers, such as sod, small grains or corn. They are a soil depleting crop when entire plant is removed or a soil enrichment plant when vines and leaves are returned to the soil. Broad overview: 【花生收获机视频】 In commercial production, peanuts are harvested by mechanically digging and windrowing the plants, followed in about five to seven days by a portable picker. Picking consists of lifting the vines from the windrow to allow the peanuts to be pulled off with fingers or in perforations. The peanuts are collected in hoppers for subsequent cleaning and drying, and the hay is scattered over the soil. Moisture Content: Moisture content is the most critical factor in the harvesting, drying, storing and marketing of peanuts. Peanuts are usually picked at an average kernel moisture content of 18-25% (wet basis) and artificially dried to a moisture content of approximately 10%. Moisture equalization between the kernels and hulls after artificial drying causes the kernel moisture content to reach a safe storage level of 78%. For marketing, the desired moisture content of shelled peanuts is about 7.5%. Any deviations from the above acceptable moisture criteria usually result in a loss of milling or market quality. At digging time peanuts generally contain 35-55% moisture, and until moisture is reduced to below 10%, peanuts are susceptible to contamination by molds, especially at warm temperatures and high humidity. To prevent this, a peanut farmer should: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Allow windrowed peanuts to air dry to wilted condition before combining After combining, place peanuts in bins or trailers with depth of 4ft or less Remove moisture slowly at a rate of .5% per hour. Discontinue drying unit when 9.5-10% moisture is reached. Additional drying occurs as peanuts cool. Do not exceed 100`F drying temperature. Peanut Harvesting Equipment Diggers and Combines Diggers: Functions: 1. Dig peanuts from the ground 2. Shake dirt from the peanuts 3. Invert the peanuts into a windrow for field curing -Blades should be kept sharp so they can slice through the soil and roots cleanly and smoothly. -Digger speed has two elements: 1. Ground speed- determined by engine speed and gear selection 2. Shaker speed- shaker speed is set by the tractor PTO / /links.asp /kids/history.htm / /growerinfo.asp /Peanut/Digger.htm /pnutsp.htm htm r DIMENSIONS b AMADAS INDUSTRIES, Inc. o Peanut Combine Model 9900 Self-Propelled c Combine h Length281 in. (714 cm.) a Width203 in. (516 cm.) r Height174 in. (442 cm.) g Weight31,500 lb. (14,300 kg.) e 8/10 Row Header Length304 in. (772 cm.) dWeight3,400 lb. (1,550 kg.) , ENGINE a TypeTurbocharged, air to air after cooled Horsepower245 hp (183 kW) @ 2270 RPM i r GROUND DRIVE TypeHydraulic Variable Transmission3-speed Tt yo TIRES p Main Drive30.5 x 32 (12 ply) Steering (4 wheel drive)18.4 x 26 (6 ply) e a i r CAPACITIES Fuel Tank140 gal. (530 L) Peanut Bin7,500 lb. (3,400 kg.) a f t great source of information. I used it almost throughout the entire presentation, especially in the diagrams, digger and combine sections. Woodroof, Jasper. Peanuts. Production, Processing, Products. AVI Publishing Company, INC. (I used this book for slides 1-5) Rivers, Buddy. Riversdale Farms. Sumter, SC Rivers, John. Riversdale Farms. Sumter, SC 5

篇六 花生收获机视频




篇七 花生收获机视频


