
| 演讲稿 |





Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I‟m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.

First I want to ask you some questions:

1、 Do you know what is youth?

2、 How do you master your youth?


Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .

Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being „s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what‟s next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart there‟s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.

That‟s all !

Thank you!


My Favorite Color 我最喜欢的颜色

Blue has always been my favorite color, and I think it will always continue to be so.

I have several reasons for liking this color best. First, it is a very soothing color and makes people happy. How do people feel when they wake up to day when the sky is a dirty grey? Sad and gloomy. But when the sky is a deep blue, good cheer and joy enters our hearts.

Another reason why I am most partial to blue is that it is the color of oceans and rivers and lakes on a sunny day. Whenever I go swimming, I feel as though I were reborn.

In my estimation, blue is a very refined a noble color. I have several suits of clothes of different colors, but somehow blue seems to be most becoming to me. At the same time, all my friends say that I tend to look slim and taller whenever I’m dressed in blue.

I have also heard that in English, the term “true blue” means to be faithful. As I have a great respect for the quality of faithfulness, this is one more reason for my liking blue so much.




我认为,蓝色是一种优雅、高贵的颜色,我有几套不同颜色的衣服,但是不知怎么,蓝色似乎是适合我。同时,我的朋友都说,每当我穿蓝色的衣服时,似乎看起来更修长、更高佻。 我也听说过英文里有个名词,“不褪色的蓝”,意思是忠实的,因为我很崇尚忠实这种品德,这又是我这么喜欢蓝色的另一个理由了。

gloomy a.忧郁的

partial a.偏爱的

refined a.优雅的

becoming a.合适的

The Generation Gap 论代沟

I remember that when I was in my teens, I used to rebel at many of the “do’s” and “don’ts” my parents used to dictate to me. For example, when I kept on playing jazz records on the record player, my father used to condemn such music as sheer noise and replace them with disks of classical music that I always considered extremely dull.

My mom and dad were also very particular about the friends I went out with, always quoting the maxim the “one rotten apple could ruin a whole barrel of apples.” When I insisted that I sleep with my pet dog Peppy, they immediately said NO because they thought that I would be bitten by fleas.

These are just a few examples of many of the things that I thought my parents were unreasonable about. Today, however, I am also the father of a boy of fifteen, and I find that I, too, am pressuring my son with a lot of rules and regulations that he seems to find hard to swallow. The other day, I noticed that my son’s hair was altogether too long, so I told him to go to the barber’s and get it trimmed short. Ordinarily, he is fairly obedient, but this time he put his foot down.

“What’s wrong with long hair?” he said. “All my buddies have long hair. And besides, it’s my own hair, isn’t it? I don’t think you have the authority to order me to cut it short, even if you’re my father!”

When I was a boy, if I had spoken with such impertinence to my father, I know that he would have given me a good thrashing. But I suddenly realized that we are now living in a more liberal world, and that my son’s insistence on wearing his hair long was merely an instance of the generation gap that existed between us. So I relented, and so he still wears his hair long.


记得我十几岁时,我总是反抗父母指定我做及不要我做的许多事。例如,当我用唱机听爵士唱片时,父亲总指责这种音乐只是噪音,而换上我一直认为是最沉闷的古典音乐唱片。 我爸爸妈妈对和我一起出去的朋友也很挑剔,并常引用格言说:“一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅粥。”当我坚持要和我的小狗佩比一起睡,他们马上说“不行”,因为他们认为我会被跳蚤给咬了。 这些只是我认为父母许多不合理的事中的一个例子。然而,今天我也是个十五岁小孩的父亲。我发现自己也用一大堆我儿子似乎觉得难以忍受的规定来压迫他。前几天,我注意到我儿子的头发实在太长了,所以便叫他到理发店去修短。平常他是很听话的,但这次他坚持。 “长头发有什么不对?”他说,“我所有的朋友都留长头发,况且,这是我自己的头发,不是吗?我认为你没权力命令我把它剪短,即使你是我父亲。”


generation n.一代

dictate v.指定;命令

jazz n.爵士乐

condemn v.指责

particular a.挑剔的

maxim n.格言

flea n.跳蚤

put one’s foot down坚持反对

The Person I Admire Most 我最敬佩的人 There are quite a few people that I admire greatly, but the one that comes first on my list is Abraham Lincoln, the great American emancipator. Although he was born poor, he worked hard and honestly, and eventually became President of the

A part from the many fine qualities that Lincoln had, I admire him most because he dared to do what he thought was right at a time when his beliefs were very unpopular with many people. He also had infinite patience and tolerance for those who disagreed with him, and bore their discourtesy toward him with admirable restraint. He also had the manliness to forgive his opponents. When the Civil War ended, he treated his erstwhile enemies with great generosity. The words which are carved on the walls of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. were taken from his famous Second Inaugural Address and begin with he phrases which I shall never forget: “With malice toward none, with charity for all…”




emancipator n.解放者

discourtesy n.无礼貌

restraint n.(感情之)抑制

manliness n.男子气概

opponent n.对手;反对者

erstwhile a.以前的

inaugural a.就职的

Environmental Protection 环境保护

I was born in the countryside near Kaohsiung and I came up to Taipei when I was still a lad of twelve. Seven years have elapsed since then, and just recently, I returned to my home town for the very first time since I had left it. Would you like to know just how I felt when I set eyes again on the place that I had always remembered as being a real Shangrila? The image that I had so carefully cherished was dashed to the winds. Instead, I was struck by the sharp realization that civilization and modern industry were destroying our world. The beautiful hills that were formerly covered with trees were now bald. All the trees must have been chopped down for lumber that went into the building of cheap apartment houses that were now ubiquitous all over the town. The crystal-clear river where I had enjoyed fishing and swimming when I was a lad was now a filthy ditch into which chemical factories were dumpling all their

I could go on describing the horrible changes that my hometown had undergone, but time is limited. So I wish to say in conclusion that the time has come for the introduction of strict measures to protect our environment.





elapse v. (时间)溜走;(光阴)逝去

Shangrila n. 香格里拉(人间的理想乐园)

cherish v. 珍视,珍爱

civilization n. 文明

ubiquitous a. 无所不在的

crystal-clear a. 如水晶一般透明的

filthy a. 污秽的

measure n, 措施

Small Kindness 平凡的善行

Small kindnesses are those simple deeds of goodness that we perform in our daily life, not merely to our friends and kin, but also to complete strangers, not for the sake of receiving some remuneration in return, but sheerly out of a spirit of generosity and unselfish consideration for the welfare of others.

When we read the daily newspapers, we are frequently apprised of the Big Kindnesses performed by well-to-do philanthropists who donate large sums of money for the establishment of schools, libraries, free hospitals for the poor, orphanages, and the like. These, of course, are laudable acts of charity that deserve wide public acclaim. But in my estimation, those many minor acts of kindness performed daily ion assorted situations by public-minded citizens who receive no recognition or plaudits from the mass media are equally commendable.

I think that in the eyes of the Almighty, the good-hearted white-collar worker who gives up his seat on a crowded commuter train to someone frail, aged or crippled, even though he himself is extremely tried after his day’s work, is just as deserving of praise, or maybe even more so, than the billionaire philanthropist who has given away a million dollars for the establishment of a

new old people’s home.

In the large cities of any country, where the general tendency of the people is “to look out only for one’s own interests”, the atmosphere is cold and miserable for those unable to keep up with the rapid pace of competition. Let us all try remedy the situation by launching a personal campaign to perform a small kindness each day, no matter how inconsequential it may seem, so that our society will be a much better place to live in.



我们每天看报,常得知富有的慈善家所作“伟大的善行”。他们捐很多的钱盖学校、图书馆、免费为穷人看病的医院、孤儿院等等。当然这 值得民众赞美的慈善行为。但我认为,那些没受到大众传播媒介褒奖或赞扬、具有服务大众热忱的市民所作较小的善行,一样值得赞赏。 我认为在上帝眼中,一个好心的白领阶级,即使在工作一天后极度疲惫,在挤满通勤者的火车上让位给老弱或残障者,也一样值得赞美,甚至比那些捐一百万元建造一座新的老人院的亿万慈善家更值得表扬。


remuneration n. 报酬

apprais v.报告,通知

philanthropist n. 慈善家

orphanage n. 孤儿院

laudable a. 值得赞美的

acclaim n. 称赞,喝采

plaudit n. 赞扬

commendable a. 值得称赞的

commuter n. 通勤者

crippled a. 残废的

atmosphere n. 气氛

inconsequential a. 不重要的



my family

there are three people in my family. i'm a boy(girl). i'm ten years old. my dad is a worker. my mother is a worker too. and i have a dog. its name's john. it alaways play with me. and i also love him. this is my family. do you like us?



my hobby

i'm a boy. my hobby is playing basketball. i often play

basketball with my best friend after class. i think it's really fun and exciting. but my mother told me get home early. this is my hobby. what are your hobby? can you tell me?



my hobby

i'm a girl. i like to colloct shells. so i often go to sea on vacation. i think sea is really beautiful. and the shells are

beautiful too. now i have twenty shells. i also have lefree time to

go to vacation. so i can't get more shells. this is my hobby. what are your hobby? can you tell me?





hello,everybody! i’m very glad to be here.now i feel my heart beats very faster.it is a joke. let me make a deep breath for

relax.my chinese name is chenyuheng,you can call me steven in english too. i came from yucai boarding school in wuhan.today,i wanna show my best to everyone.

ok, now, do you want to know more about me?my favourite food is egg fried rice,because it is yummy,easy and healthful .i like it!my favourite colour is black,it is so mystery and cool! i have so many black t-shirt.my favourite movie is harry port.i feel the actor very handsome. i have so many hobbies.i like swimming very much.in

summer,i can swimming in the pool with my friends.i feel i am a fish when i in the pool .i also like playing the computer games.if you like, you can join our team.

this is me, a clever and energetic boy. i like making friends,too. so i have so many good friends, do you want to be my friends? thank you,thank you give me a chance.

thank you„„all!


dream, it is a fantastic word! i like it! everyone has a dream, so do i. we can’t do anything without dream!

i like wild animals. tiger, elephant, panda, polar bear, koala and dolphin! they are so lovely! there are so many animals live in the wild! i like them!but many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction. for example, with the development of cities, their living

areas have become narrower and narrower. many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. at the same time, man is killing them just for getting their fur, skin, teeth and meat.

protect them, protect our resources of ecology too. all of us should realize that the loss of any species is the loss of ourself. killing wild animals certain is prohibited. we should say “no!”to leather clothing. we should say “no!” to eat them. we should set up many national parks as wild life. let them live there, happy and safe. wild animals and us are member of the planet!


A word that change the world

At the bottom of your heart, cry out freedom

About 4700 years ago , our ancestor Huangdi created a new nation, in eastern Asia, from the Qin unification to the Revolution led by Sun Yat-sen in 1911,it has appeared a total of 83 Chinese dynasties。

1949, I think it is a special year that the people could never forget。Japan and Germany have announced Failure to the world. So I have questions.

But In 5,000 years, what makes China change,

In1945、what made the fascist fail

In the long time of the war,what supported the people to fight the dark。I think the answer is a belief ,a power which named freedom,freedom is a spiritual called hope, is a free spirit called resistance. But today,I want to know what the meaning it is for our young people?

eighty years ago, someone taught young: " sacrificing your personal

freedom is to seek free for your country!" But then,a person MR Hu Shih had told them : " fighting your personal freedom is the national freedom struggle!, fighting for your free personality, is the free for the country! "but Today, we have forget it。when we play basketball in the school yard,when we see a film at home, what do you think?, or“we are still young?”"there is have more time" if so,we have given up the chance to fight freedom for yourself。

A film 《a brave heart》

William Wallace said: Fight and you may die, run and you'll live. At least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from now to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell your enemies that they can take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom?!

As we are young ,I think the world is a big stage,we take the stage,we must try our best to show us no matter what happened。Yes, everyone will die, but not everyone really lives. Do you really live, or you

will die alone in the end of your life. So now, please don’t wait, please don’t waste the valuable time.

Please fight for your dream, please order your ideals, and from the bottom of your heart , please cry out "freedom".




约4700年前,我们的祖先轩辕黄帝创建了一个新的国家,在亚洲东部,从秦统一于1911年由孙中山先生领导的革命,它一共出现了中国83个朝代。 1949年,我认为这是一个特殊的年份,人们永远也不会忘记,日本和德国已宣布失效的世界。所以,我有问题。




80年前,有人教年轻人:“牺牲你个人的自由是寻求免费为你的国家!”但是,然后,一个人问胡适曾告诉他们:“打你的个人自由是国家的自由而奋斗,争取你的自由个性,是自由的国家!”,但今天,我们忘了,当我们打篮球在学校的操场,当我们在家里看电影,你觉得呢?,或“我们都还年轻吗?”“有是有更多的时间”,如果这样,我们有加文up the的机会为自己争取自由。 一部电影“勇敢的心”









As our planet is getting warmer and warmer, I think it’s time to use bicycles more often.

Bicycle is green. We don’t need to burn petrol and it produces no green-house gases. Besides, as our city becomes more and more crowded, it is better to ride a bicycle because a lot of space will be saved.What’s more, riding a bicycle is good for one’s health. Though people today still use many cars, I believe bicycles will be much more popular in the future.



Ladies and Gentlemen:

On behalf of my colleagues, I wish to give my warm eongratulations on thc holding of the photo Exhibition "Scenery of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan."

Talking of scenery and landscape, there are many similarities and contrasts between 中国 and Canada. Both have land masses that are among the world's largest. Both have some of the world' s most impressive mountains, rivers and lakes. But each has things that are special to itself. The Chinese are surprised by the fact that Canadian fur traders of the early years were actually able to sail on canoes from the Atlantic to the Pacific through thousands upon thousands of lakes spread out from eastern to western Canada, while Canadians find the mountains drawn by Chinese painters on scrolls utterly surreal. No Chinese visitors would leave Canada contented without seeing the'Niagara Falls.

No Canadian visitors to 中国 would feel satisfied just seeing the Great Wall without also touring the Three Gorges, for that matter.

The exhibition of scenery of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan brings us to yet another world. To those who have been to 中国, it will provoke reminiscences and to those who have not been to 中国, it may prove to be an irresistible invitation.

Not wanting to bore you with my pale description, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like you now to join me in marvelling at these works of art.
