
| 美国大学预科 |




Flash zooms ahead of foes

It’s thought that when a hero like Batman is bestowed with great power, he or she must endure loneliness and suffering as a result. The Flash (Grant Gustin), however, makes a fun, lightning-quick and optimistic superhero. 人们通常认为英雄一旦被赋予了超能力就必须像蝙蝠侠一样忍受孤独和痛苦。然而速度惊人的超级英雄闪电侠(格兰特•古斯汀 饰)却是个爱搞怪的乐天派。

After the wild success of TV series Arrow in 2012 (a hit adaptation of the Green Arrow, comic books published by DC Comics), the US’ CW network launched TV series The Flash (2014), depicting this superhero, who was only a supporting character in Arrow. 2012年,由同名DC漫画改编的电视剧《绿箭侠》大获成功,美国CW电视网随后于2014年推出了电视剧《闪电侠》,专门讲述这个在《绿箭侠》中只是一个配角的超级英雄。

Like Spiderman’s Peter Parker, who gained the ability to sling webs and climb walls after being bitten by a spider, Barry Allen was shocked into superhero-status by accident. A strike from a lightning bolt put Allen into a nine-month coma, and when he emerged, he found himself endowed with super speed. 蜘蛛侠彼得•帕克在被蜘蛛咬伤后获得了发射蛛网和爬墙等超能力,而闪电侠巴里•艾伦也像他一样是在意外中成为了超级英雄。艾伦被闪电击中陷入了九个月的昏迷,当他醒过来时,发现自己获得了超高速移动的能力。

Naturally, Allen slips on a colorful suit and becomes the Flash, a hero who uses his extreme speed to fight super-powered villains. But the Flash also has other motives, namely

finding out the truth behind his mother’s death and his father’s unjust imprisonment. 艾伦顺理成章地穿上色彩鲜艳的制服成为了闪电侠,用自己的超高速能力去对抗超能力的反派们。于此同时,他还背负着找寻自己母亲死亡的真相、为入狱的父亲洗冤的使命。

In keeping with superhero series norms, The Flash flaunts high-octane action and eye-popping special effects. There’s nothing terribly innovative here, but what we do get is a unique superhero with a more offbeat personality. 《闪电侠》继续沿袭超级英雄系列的传统,在剧中大秀动作戏和特效场面,令人血脉偾张、目瞪口呆。虽然这部剧并无特别创新之处,但是这位超级英雄的与众不同我们都感受的到。

Although Allen has gone through childhood traumas like Batman’s Bruce Wayne, he’s not a lonely hero that every one admires but no one really knows. Instead, in this lighthearted show, he grows into a superhero whose powers include optimism. 虽然艾伦也像蝙蝠侠布鲁斯•韦恩一样有着悲惨童年,但他可不是人人敬仰却无人敢真正接近的孤胆英雄。事实上,在这部氛围轻松的电视剧中,作为超级英雄,他的另一个超能力就是乐观。

He’s got close friend and longtime crush Iris West (Candice Patton) on his team as well as STAR Labs, a group of scientists that not only save his life, but also provide him emotional support and the gadgetry necessary to fight crime. 在剧中,他有暗恋已久的亲密好友艾瑞斯•韦斯特(坎迪斯•帕顿 饰),还有STAR实验室的科学家团队保驾护航:他们不单救过他的命、为他提供精神支持,而且还为他惩恶扬善提供装备支持。

A big surprise for me was that The Flash cast Prison Break (2005-2009) star Wentworth Miller as supervillain Captain Cold, who wields a gun that can turn anything into ice. US shows began their entrance into the Chinese market with Friends (1994-2004), but Prison Break pushed interest in US TV series to a new climax largely thanks to Miller’s captivating acting. 最令我感到惊喜的就是电视剧《越狱》男星温特沃斯•米勒的加盟。他在其中饰演反派人物冷


lash zooms ahead of foes


It’s thought that when a hero like Batman is bestowed with great power, he or she must endure loneliness and suffering as a result. The Flash (Grant Gustin), however, makes a fun, lightning-quick and optimistic superhero.

人们通常认为英雄一旦被赋予了超能力就必须像蝙蝠侠一样忍受孤独和痛苦。然而速度惊人的超级英雄闪电侠(格兰特•古斯汀 饰)却是个爱搞怪的乐天派。 After the wild success of TV series Arrow in 2012 (a hit adaptation of the Green Arrow, comic books published by DC Comics), the US’ CW network launched TV series The Flash (2014), depicting this superhero, who was only a supporting character in Arrow.


Like Spiderman’s Peter Parker, who gained the ability to sling webs and climb walls after being bitten by a spider, Barry Allen was shocked into superhero-status by accident. A strike from a lightning bolt put Allen into a nine-month coma, and when he emerged, he found himself endowed with super speed.


【第三篇】:闪电侠:不走寻常路 Flash zooms ahead of foes

lash zooms ahead of foes


It’s thought that when a hero like Batman is bestowed with great power, he or she must endure loneliness and suffering as a result. The Flash (Grant Gustin), however, makes a fun, lightning-quick and optimistic superhero.

人们通常认为英雄一旦被赋予了超能力就必须像蝙蝠侠一样忍受孤独和痛苦。然而速度惊人的超级英雄闪电侠(格兰特•古斯汀 饰)却是个爱搞怪的乐天派。

After the wild success of TV series Arrow in 2012 (a hit adaptation of the Green Arrow, comic books published by DC Comics), the US’ CW network launched TV series The Flash (2014), depicting this superhero, who was only a supporting character in Arrow.


Like Spiderman’s Peter Parker, who gained the ability to sling webs and climb walls after being bitten by a spider, Barry Allen was shocked into superhero-status by accident. A strike from a lightning bolt put Allen into a nine-month coma, and when he emerged, he found himself endowed with super speed.


Naturally, Allen slips on a colorful suit and becomes the Flash, a hero who uses his extreme speed to fight super-powered villains. But the Flash also has other motives, namely finding out the truth behind his mother’s death and his father’s unjust imprisonment.





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湖南卫视 明晚 22:00真正男子汉:青春燃起来!新兵欧豪报到!








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BC NBC CBS FOX CW美国当前五大电视网,前三个公司是美国三大商业广播电视公司。 美国广播公司编辑ABC

美国广播公司(英文全称:American Broadcasting Corporation, Inc), 简称ABC,美国三大商业广播电视公司之一,经费来自广告广播。1941年春,美国联邦通信委员会决定,全国广播公司(NBC)不得同时拥有红色广播网和蓝色广播网。1943年10月,爱德华·诺布尔以800万元买下蓝色广播网(拥有116座附属广播电台),1945年6月15日正式使用美国广播公司(ABC)的名称。目前的最大股东是华特迪士尼公司,为迪士尼-ABC电视集团的成员。 ABC总部有两个,娱乐节目部设在洛杉矶附近的伯班克市,这里靠近娱乐中心好莱坞。并且,与迪斯尼公司的总部迪斯尼摄影棚由人行天桥相连;另一个总部设在传媒中心纽约的时代广场上。

NBC红蓝网:RCA(Radio Corporation of America)以100万美圆的价格购得了WEAF电台和另一家华盛顿的姐妹电台WCAP,并随即关闭了WCAP电台。随后,在1926年的夏末,完全由RCA拥有的子公司——全国广播公司(The National Broadcasting Company)宣告成立。实际上这家公司是由RCA出资50%,通用电气出资30%和西屋电子的20%组成。该公司官方成立时间是1926年11月15日。作为之前两家广播网络中的旗舰电台,WEAF和RCA的WJZ在新成立的NBC里并存了大约一年时间。1927年,NBC正式确定他们的市场策略:NBC红网(the NBC Red Network)播出娱乐和音乐节目,内容主要来自WEAF纽约电台(在1928年频率是660KHZ);NBC蓝网(the NBC Blue Network)播出新闻和文化节目,内容主要来自WJZ纽约电台(1928年频率760hHZ,1941年770KHZ)。据说这种颜色的划分是来自早年工程师们用来区分WEAF和WJZ电台成员的方式,WEAF用红色图钉标志而WJZ使用蓝色。在唱片工业上也采用了类似的两色划分法,来区分古典和流行唱片。NBC在1936年成为新建的洛克菲勒中心的主要租户。

道歉事件:2013年10月16日ABC电视台深夜脱口秀节目“吉米金莫秀(Jimmy Kimmel Live) ”中,播出了一段 “杀光中国人”的言论,震惊美国。美国最大的亚裔政治组织“80-20 促进会”(80-20 Political Action Committee)26日宣布,ABC高管发布了口头和书面致歉。[2]

美国16个城市的华人约定当地时间星期六(2013年11月9日)举行示威游行,抗议美国ABC电视播出“杀死所有中国人”的言论。此外,已经有10万人在白宫网站签名请愿,请求对事件进行调查。如果签名人数达到10万人,白宫就必须予以回应。抗议组织者预期参与游行总人数会突破万人,有可能成为美国立国200多年来规模最大的华人抗议行动。[3] 2013年,美国广播公司11月10日称:针对10月该台播出带有辱华色彩的言论发布公开道歉声明,承诺加强审查,杜绝类似事件。ABC在声明中承认了错误,承诺将永久清除该内容,永久取消“儿童圆桌会”节目环节。[4]


NBC(National Broadcasting Company),美国全国广播公司的简称,全美三大商业广播电视公司之一(其余两家分别是CBS 美国哥伦比亚广播公司和ABC 全称美国广播公司)。总部设于纽约,创办于1926年,是美国历史最久、实力最强的商业广播电视公司。
