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小学三年级英语下册期末试卷 姓名 总分


( )1、A.small B.big C.short D.grass

( )2、A.fan B.TV C.tree D.light

( )3、A.classroom B.window C.door D.floor

( )4、A.cake B.chair C.bread D.cookie

( )5、A.banana B.skirt C.socks D.sweater

( )6、A.ship B.taxi C.train D.dress


( )1、What’s in your desk?. A.It likes grass .

( )2、Where is the tree ? B.There is a bag in it.

( )3、Whose shoes are these ? C.Yes ,I do.

( )4、Do you like grapes ? D.They are Kitty’s shoes.

( )5、What does it like? E.It’s near my home.


( )1、 big it is! A.What B. Where C. How

( )2、-Where is my eraser ? -Look.It’s the floor. A. in B. on C. near

( )3、Wow,so many candies! I like all! A.it B. they C. them

( )4、There a TV in the classroom. A.is B. am C. are

( )5、-Do you like tea? -Yes,I . A. am B. do C. don’t

( )6、I come to school foot. A.by B. in C. on

( )7、Look the elephant.It has a long nose . A.about B. at C. by

( )8、-- is she ? --She is my mother . A. Who B. What C. How ( )9、hair is brown. A.Her B. Your C. His

( )10、--What is seven and eight ? --It’s . A. fourteen B. fifteen C. sixteen


( )1、你想知道别人家里有多少个人,你应该说:

A.Who are they? B.How many people are there in your family ?

C.Nice to meet you .

( )2、你想问他是谁,你会说:


小学三年级英语下册期末试卷 姓名 总分


( )1、A.small B.big C.short D.grass

( )2、A.fan B.TV C.tree D.light

( )3、A.classroom B.window C.door D.floor

( )4、A.cake B.chair C.bread D.cookie

( )5、A.banana B.skirt C.socks D.sweater

( )6、A.ship B.taxi C.train D.dress


( )1、What’s in your desk?. A.It likes grass .

( )2、Where is the tree ? B.There is a bag in it.

( )3、Whose shoes are these ? C.Yes ,I do.

( )4、Do you like grapes ? D.They are Kitty’s shoes.

( )5、What does it like? E.It’s near my home.


( )1、 big it is! A.What B. Where C. How

( )2、-Where is my eraser ? -Look.It’s the floor. A. in B. on C. near

( )3、Wow,so many candies! I like all! A.it B. they C. them

( )4、There a TV in the classroom. A.is B. am C. are

( )5、-Do you like tea? -Yes,I . A. am B. do C. don’t

( )6、I come to school foot. A.by B. in C. on

( )7、Look the elephant.It has a long nose . A.about B. at C. by

( )8、-- is she ? --She is my mother . A. Who B. What C. How ( )9、hair is brown. A.Her B. Your C. His

( )10、--What is seven and eight ? --It’s . A. fourteen B. fifteen C. sixteen


( )1、你想知道别人家里有多少个人,你应该说:

A.Who are they? B.How many people are there in your family ?

C.Nice to meet you .

( )2、你想问他是谁,你会说:





1. The girl w_________ a new dress today.

2. I w_______ tired this morning because I danced at the Music lesson.

3. -Why are you l_________? –Because the story is very interesting.

4. The lion t________ into a prince at last(最终).

5. The students are p_________ a game in the playground.

6. Be _________ (快的).We’re late for the party.

7. –Who’s on duty today? –It’s your _________ (机会).

8. Su Yang was very glad to _________ (遇见) Ben's cousin, Jack. 9. Listen! Someone(有人) ___________ (大哭). What happened?

10. Jim’s father has three _________ (孩子).


1. The students are _______ (get) very excited.

2. How about _______ (watch) the running race?

3. Su Hai,_______ (put) your hands on the desk.

4. Don’t speak_______ (loud) in class, please.

5. The little girl cried ________ (sad).

6. –Don’t _______ (laugh)loudly, the baby is sleeping.

7. I could not _______ (find) my book.

8. The children _________ (be) in the playground a moment ago. But now they ________(be) in the classroom.

9. My father _________(read) newspapers every evening.


( ) 1. What ______ you feel angry?

A. make B. makes C. making

( ) 2. Sorry, sir. You can’t ______ in front of our shop.

A. parking B. litter C. come

( )3. ______ a sign. What does it ______ ?

A. This is, means B. There’s, means C. Here’s, mean

( ) 4. Don’t ______ books on the floor. They ______ the room messy.

A. put, makes B. throw, make C. pick, make

( ) 5. Walk ______ . The ground is ______.

A. carefully, wet B. careful, clean C. careful, messy

( ) 6. What ______ the city messy? There are so ______cars in the street.

A. make, much B. makes, many C. makes, much

( ) 7. ______ is the most important holiday in the UK.

A. New Year B. Halloween C. Christmas

( ) 8. In the UK, people call the metro_____

A. train B. underground C. subway

( ) 9. The twins are ______ about their plans ______ the winter holiday.

A. taking, to B. talk, about C. talking, for

( ) 10. Where ______ you go last night? I called you, but you ______ at home.

A. did, weren’t B. were, were C. did, were

四、 左右搭配。(10分)

( )1.How did the cat get out? A. No, it wasn’t.

( )2.Does Mike have any good habits? B. It was great fun.

( )3.Whose bedroom is this? C. At six.

( )4.What are you doing? D. It bit the net with his teeth.

( )5.Where are they ? E.I am reading a story.

( )6. When do you get up? F. Yes, I am.

( )7. Are you sleepy? G. Yes, he does.

( )8. Was it on the ground? H. I was at home.

( )9. Where were you yesterday? I. They are in the classroom.

( )10. How was the holiday? J. It’s my cousin’s.

五、阅读理解.( 10分)

The Lantern Festival is a Chinese festival. It is in February or March, fourteen days after the Spring Festival. People usually go to enjoy lanterns in the streets or in the parks. There are so many lanterns. Children often hold little lanterns in their hands. They’re very excited. Sometimes we can enjoy fireworks at night. At the festival

people eat small dumplings. In China people call them Yuanxiao. They taste delicious. What’s more, Yuanxiao means family reunion (团圆) and happiness.


( ) 1. — When’s the Lantern Festival?

— __________________.

A. In January or February. B. In February or March.

C. In May or June.

( ) 2. — What do people usually do at the festival?


A. Eat rice and noodles. B. Make pumpkin lanterns.

C. Enjoy lanterns.

( ) 3. — Did you eat Yuanxiao last Lantern Festival?


A. Yes, we did. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I ate.

( ) 4. — What does Yuanxiao mean?

— __________________.

A. Lanterns. B. Dumpling balls. C. Family reunion and happiness.

( ) 5. — What do children like to do?

— __________________.


A. Make lanterns. B. Eat Yuanxiao.

C. Hold little lanterns in their hands.








7、地球上的四大洋是_______、_______、_______ 和_______。

8、自然资源十分有限,属于越用越少的自然资源有_______、_______、_______ 等;属于循环再生的自然资源有_______、_______、_______ 等


1、体重并非每年匀速增长。( )

2、我们的成长就是指身高和体重的增加。( )

3、测量身高时,必须脱掉衣服。( )

4化石是生物进化最直接、最可靠的证据。( )

5、科学家做出的解释都是正确的。( )

6、所有的生物经过漫长的年代都会形成化石。( )

7、现代科学家通过研究化石已经知道了恐龙灭绝的原因。( )

8、化石就是生物。( )

9、化石是生物进化最直接最可靠的证据。( )

10、在自然选择的过程中,凡是生存下来的生物都是适应环境的。( )

11、篮球比赛中,篮球出了界限的垂直线而球未落地被救回算出界违例。( )

12、头手倒立可以提高机体的平衡能力。( )

13、参加身体锻炼前或上课前先做准备活动。( )

14、饭前宜做剧烈运动,饭后不宜做剧烈运动。( )

15、运动后马上喝生冷食品补充能量。( )

16、少年儿童每天不少于2小时活动。( )【2016盐城市三年级英语下册期末试题】

17、课间活动时间是20分钟。( )

18、给文章配画,指插附在文章中艺术地再现文意的图画,又叫插图。( )

19、苏州园林是我国的历史文化名园,以小巧、自由、精致、淡雅、写意见长,体现了文化和艺术的和谐统一。( )

20、名字的设计方式有变形、描绘、剪贴、制作等。( )

21、中国人画的画叫中国画。 ( )

22、书、笔、墨、“书画称为”文房四宝 。 ( )

八、选择题 (10分)

1. 三原色( )

A、红、黄、绿 B、橙 、绿、紫 C、蓝、红、黄

2. 透视的特点( )



班级 姓名 成绩

一、英汉互译 (10分)



5. 寄几张卡片给我兴奋地喊

7、full of joy ________________ 8、get to the UK _______________

9、different places_____________ 10、take a taxi _________________


( )1.She would like some fish.

A.buy B.to buy C.buying

( )2.We are going to have a party weekend.

A.last B.next C.at

( )3.What holiday after Christmas?

A.come B.comes C.coming

( )4.The traffic is .We mustn’t on the road.

A.heavy;play B.busy;walk C.fun;shout

( )5.It is an day.We are all .

A.excited;exciting B.exciting;exciting C.exciting;exciting

( )6.Jim does in the running race.

A.good B.nice C.well

( )7.The man is too short.He can’t the apples on the tree.

A.take B.reach C.eat

( )8. you sleepy,Tom?

A.Can B.Are B.Do

( )9.Children eat a lot of .

A.should;sweet B.shouldn’t;sweets C.shouldn’t;sweet

( )10.----Do you understand? ----Yes, .

A.I don’t B.I see C.please


1.I am excited about (visit) Disneyland.

2.The cake on the table (look) good.

4.Yang Ling (let) her friend 四、按要求改写句子。(10分)

1.It means you must wait on the pavement.(改为否定句)


The children running?

3.I go to bed early.(改为同义句)

I go to bed .

4.She’ll get to the station 对划线部分提问)



Every one has a dream.I have a dream too.I want to be a teacher when I grow up.Because teachers can stay with children every day.I thind children are very lovely and clever,and I can teach them many things.I can also tell them how to be men.I will get on well with my class,and then they will love me very much.I will be very happy.So I should try my best to study hard,and I think my dream will come true.

( )1.I must not learn hard,and my dream will come true.

( )2.Many people have dreams.【2016盐城市三年级英语下册期末试题】

( )3.I like being a teacher because teachers can play happily.

( )4.I think the students are lovely.

( )5.I am going to teach my students a lot of things.


1、法国绘画大师 的 ,是人类企望世界和平的神圣使者。

2、两课两操指: 、 、 和 。

3、被誉为杂交水稻之父;2001年,他荣获 。

4、“b”这个音乐记号叫做 。


5、《渔舟唱晚》是一首 独奏曲目。

6、意大利人 在中国生活了 年。回国后由他口述别人记录编成了 。

7、植物的生命周期: 、 、 、 。

8、打开电视,电能转换成了 和 。

9、 月 日是全国防灾减灾日。预防为主,防治结合,防抗结合,是防灾减灾的办法。

10、奥林匹克的格言是 ,奥林匹克的精神是 。


1、中国陆地领土面积又960万平方千米,居世界2位。 ( )

2、建筑艺术需要丰富的想象力、创造力和审美能力。( )

3、地球上的生物由简单到复杂,从低级到高级,是经几十亿年发展、演化的结果。( )

4、少年时期是我们由儿童向成年人过渡的时期。 ( )【2016盐城市三年级英语下册期末试题】

5、遗传是生物的普遍现象。 ( )

6、、电池是把热能转换成电能的装置。 ( )

7、1997年克隆羊“多利”诞生。 ( )

8、我国自主研制的神舟五号载人飞船于 2003年10月15日9时在酒泉卫星发射中心成功升空,中国首次太空飞行的宇航员是聂海胜。 ( )

9、注意个人卫生的方法:勤洗澡、勤洗手、不挖鼻孔。 ( )

10、地球的内部分为:地壳、地幔、地核。 ( )




A 、太阳能 B、光能 C、热能 D、电能

2、盐城市东临( )。

A 、渤海 B、东海 C、南海 D、黄海

3、1896年在( )举行了第一届现代奥运会。

A 、希腊 B、美国 C、意大利 D、英国

4、世界环境日是( )。

A 、5月6日 B、8月1日 C、6月5日 D、10月1日






PartⅠ Listening(听力部分,共30分)

Ⅰ. 听音,选择。(Listen and choose) (共5分)


( ) 1. A. B. C.

( ) 2. A. B. C.

( ) 3. A.

B. C.

( ) 4. A. B. C.

( ) 5. A. B. C.
