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五、短文填空 (本大题有10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分) 用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词写在答题卷相应题目的答题位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 Nowadays people become more and more busy. They are so busy that they have no to cook. This becomes problem, because most families love home cooking! The food tastes good and warm, and a family meal brings everyone some families, the meal time is often the only time everyone sees one another at the time. Another reason people home cooking is that it is often a way of showing love. A parent makes some cookies is not just satisfying a child’s sweet teeth. He or she is sending a message. The message says, “I care about you enough to spend an hour making cookies that you will eat up in fifteen minutes I let you.” There is also something the smell of home cooking. The smell of home cooking pleases people of all ages. It makes most of us good and we realize that we are loved by others, even if we are the ones doing the cooking! Next time you smell a cake making, stop for a moment and pay to your mood. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. Recently a Chinese TV program hit millions of Chinese teenagers. This program is The Voice of China. It is a reality talent show on the Zhejiang Television. Most of the teenagers fall in love this show. They sit in front of the screen for a long time to enjoy the show. However, watching TV is not good for teenagers. First, teenagers are from adults. It is true that teenagers like relaxing by watching TV. , the dangerous teenagers is that they just can’t take their off the screen. They will go watching TV for hours and hours. It is very bad for their eyes. Second, many teenagers have the habit of watching too TV. Then they will have little time for sports. , some TV programs are not suitable for teenagers. Some even them to crimes(犯罪). Finally, too much TV will make teenagers weak in reading. They will lose their in reading. 英语中考看图短文填空训练 第 1 页 (共5页)

1.2.3. 4. 5.

6.7.8. 9. 10.

Tom had a very old car. It was old that he wanted to buy a new one. But his father

said that he had to it before he would buy him a new one.

“You have to learn the value money, Tom.” his father said, “It doesn’t grow on

trees, you know. You should learn to be a good


But seemed to want to buy the car

from Tom. He put an “Sale” sign in the

back window of the car, but nothing happened.

Then one day he was to another town,

and stopped at the entrance of a toll booth (收费站) On Sale

where he had to pay being allowed to use

the road.

The attendant said, “Two and fifty


“I accept,” said Tom, “It’s yours.” Then he put the car into the surprised attendant’s

hand, and held out his other for the two dollars and fifty cents.

71. 72. 73. 74. 75.

76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

Nowadays, WChat is more and more popular in China. No matter where we are, we

can sign up and sent text or voice messages to our .We can also find a stranger to talk to

by shaking the Another funny function is that We Chat can help to search for people find more people who they may know.

In my their friends more it is also bad for people, especially students. As you see,

some people use Wechat for too long. It is not healthy to them. So I have some to use it

in a correct way. First, we should not use it we are studying. We can’t focus on your if we use it. Second, we must be careful. We should neither show too much personal information nor trust strangers so much.

英语中考看图短文填空训练 第 2 页 (共5页)

We should learn to use it properly. Remember, Wechat is not everything in your life.

Don’t depend too much on it.

71. 72. 73. 74. 75.

76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

Dear Bill,

I’m glad to receive your letter. Thank you for your caring for the weather and my health. But

I am (71) ________ to tell you that I have to stay at home because of the heavy fog and haze.

Since the winter last year, the fog and haze has appeared a lot of times. It has done great

harm (72)________ our daily life. Many traffic (73) ________ happened just because of the

heavy fog and haze weather, more and more people have to go to see the doctor because of the

serious disease caused by the fog and haze, quite a lot of flights have to be (74) ________ off, and

a great number of people have to stay at home for fear of the poisonous air caused by the fog and


According to the Chinese Academy of Science, driving cars (75) ________ burning coals are

two main reasons. People have been told: don’t do outdoor sports. If you have to go out, wear a

mask; wash your face and clean your nose as (76) ________ as you get home.

People have realized the great harm caused by the fog and haze and the importance of

protecting the (77) ________. People all over the country are taking measures to reduce the fog

and haze weather. The government suggests people go to work or school with the public traffic,

such as the bus and the underground. Also we should plant more (78) ________.

As for me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I won’t (79) ________ the waste

anywhere. In addition, I will tell the people to try (80) ________ best to protect the environment.

Would you like to tell me some good ideas? I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

71. 72. 73. 74. 75.


76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

Jose Luis was taking the train to work one day when he noticed

a woman with a big German Shepard getting on the train. This made

第 3 页 (共5页)

him nervous. What if that dog attacked someone? Jose Luis didn’t know that people could b pets with them onto trains. It seemed unsafe. He stepped closer to the dog. The German Shepard

seemed friendly enough. Just as he put out his hand to pet (抚摸) the dog, the woman stopped


“Please don’t pet him. He’s w,” the lady told him. Jose Luis didn’t understand. The

and that the dog Hampton acted as her eyes, helping her

navigate (引导the city. The woman pointed out the special vest that Hampton

was wearing. The vest was printed with the words “service animal”.

Jose Luis had never heard of service animals before. “Service animals like Hampton are a

than a pet. He helps me do

the things that I need to do in the city,” the woman explained. The woman also told Jose Luis that

service animals had to go through special so that they learn how to behave in public

places and do not get distracted. “People need to help too though, by not petting him,” the woman


to explain that service animals do not just help the blind. Some animals

act as therapy animals. Therapy animals go into and nursing homes. These animals

lower the stress levels of people who are very sick or who have just had operations. They also

popular in children’s hospitals. Dogs

really can be man’s best friends.

66 67 69 70

71 72 74 75

On March 22, the Chinese President’s plane landed in Moscow.

People saw the Chinese President Xi Jingping side by side with

wife Peng Liyuan going down the stairs. This picture of the new

first lady the center of attention at once.

During the visit to Russia and other three African countries,

Peng has received attention for not her beautiful clothes but

also her friendly activities.

Born 1962 in east China’s Shandong Province, Peng was a successful

before she became first lady. At the of 18, she finished studying in Shandong College of

Art and then 77the army as a singer. In 1990, she a master’s degree (硕士学位) of music

which was the first one in China. Peng has been popular with the Chinese public. She has sung for

soldiers and the public all over China, from cities to away villages.

Peng is also well-known for giving help to social activities, especially public health. In the

eyes of the Chinese public, China’s first lady is now a more and more important part and

she sets a good example for famous persons. We all love her.

英语中考看图短文填空训练 第 4 页 (共5页)

【答案】 1. called/named 2. with 3. different 4. However 5. eyes

6. on 7. much 8. Third 9. lead 10. interest

71. time; 72. a;

76. who; 77. if;

71. so 72. sell 73. of 74. nobody 75.On

76.: driving 77. before 78. dollars 79.key(s) 80. hand

71. becoming 72. friends / relatives / classmates , etc

73. phone/phones 74.who 75. Opinion 76. easily 77. suggestions/advice

78. when 79. study 80. how

71. sorry 72. to 73. accidents 74. put 75. and

76. soon 77. environment 78. trees 79. throw 80. Their

66. bring 67. working

71. more

71. his 72. became 73. only 74. in 75. singer

76. age 77. joined 78. got 79. far 80. playing

英语中考看图短文填空训练 第 5 页 (共5页) 72. training 68. blind 69. around 70. allowed 73. together; 74. same; 75.enjoy/like/love; 78. about; 79. feel; 80. attention 73. continued 74. hospitals 75.Especially



( 1 )

Let me tell you something about my ideal school. I like to_____________up late, so the school starts at 9 am and it finishes at 3 pm , so we will have lots of_____________for after-school activities. There is a big dining hall. We eat lunch and chat there. We eat fruit and vegetables everyday. We can also____________to pop music in the hall. We have an hour__________lunch.

We have math every day because I think math is very_____________to us. I love computers ,so we have computer lesson everyday. The classes are quite______________. There are only 15 students in each class.

________________is a park on one side of our school and a shopping mall on the other. We have a big library with lots of useful____________.There are lots of clubs and after school activities. We only have half an hour of homework everyday , ________________we do not have homework at weekends. Every month , ____________go on a school trip to a museum or a theater.

( 2 )

Dear Keith,

Are you surprised to hear from me ? I have not heard from you_____________the beginning of the summer holiday. How are you getting on ___________your sisters ? How are your parents ? Is your brothers Bill back from Canada yet ?

My coin collection is getting bigger ___________bigger. I have collected coins of more than forty different_____________. In my coin boxes, I usually put the coins from each country together. I have got a pen-friend from Britain. She gave___________some Britain coins. My American teacher has given me some beautiful____________and Canadian coins. I’m____________to know you are going to give me some foreign coins ,_____________I still have not received the coins of Nepal which you said to me. Have you sent them off__________?

Please _____________to me soon.



( 3 )

My friend Mr.Smith is rich enough to travel all over the world. He likes to play__________children and they often ask him to tell them all kinds of funny things he saw. It makes them____________.

It was my son’s birthday party yesterday. Mr. Smith came to us too. After dinner the children sat around and asked him to tell some funny____________. Mr. Smith agreed and his stories made them_____________again and again . At last he told them___________funniest story. He said, “Once I reached a city___________a foggy day. The fog was the thickest in the world------.”

“Please wait a minute , Mr. Smith, ” said my son, “ It’s ___________that the fog in London is the thickest in the world.”

“You’re__________, my clever boy.” said Mr. Smith, “The city had much fog that day-----” “What’s it like?” the boy couldn’t wait to ___________again.

“The fog was so thick__________I couldn’t see it at all,” the funny man said with a smile.

( 4 )

When I was young, I liked to play jokes on people, especially on my parents and friends.

One day my mother was (1)________ in the kitchen and I was playing with my younger brother Tony. Suddenly I ran to my mother and said, “Tony fell from the open window!” She was very(2)___________and ran out of the kitchen. Then I said, “Don’t worry, I’m just(3)___________.” And my mother shouted at me, “If you do it ___________, I’ll hit you.”

One day, I went swimming with my (5)___________ in the sea. I wanted to play a joke on them. I called out in the water, “Help!” All my friends came to help me(6)_____________they only found that I was joking. Later, when I was (7)___________ in deep water, my legs hurt. I tried my best to call (8)__________ help, but this time nobody came to help me . In the end, they found I was telling the (9)__________ . They came and took me to the hospital. This is

(10)_________ best lesson in my life. From then on, I haven’t joked on anyone.

( 5 )

Dear Doctor Know,

I am a Grade 9 student. I have (1)___________ problem, and I do not know how to deal(2)___________it.

I have a lot of (3)___________ every day , and I have no choice but to do it. I often stay up late to complete the exercises, and then I feel (4)___________the next day.

Sometimes, I want to refuse to do so much work, but usually I just accept it. I understand that

(5)__________ is important to do my homework and hand it in on time. However, I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies (6)__________ as playing volleyball and ping-pong. I really feel bad about that. I often doubt whether it is worth (7) __________ so hard.

I am looking forward to a holiday without homework so that I can (8)___________ and have some time for my hobbies. (9)____________ should I do? Can you give me some suggestions? They will be of great value to me. I hope to (10)____________ from you soon.

Best wishes,


( 6 )

Last year my dad got a new job in a small town, (1)_____________ my family moved there. On my first (2)_____________at the new school I was really worried. The teachers were friendly, but the problem was the other students. They didn’t seen friendly. I knew (3)__________ and I couldn’t even understand (4)____________ they said.

During the break all the other students went (5)____________. I didn’t know where to go, so I (6)____________in the classroom. After a while, a (7)____________ came back in and came up to me. I wondered what he wanted to do. He took something out of his bag and said to me, “Would you like something to (8)____________ ?”It was an apple. Suddenly I felt really (9)___________ and we began to talk.

It was Tony (10)____________ gave me the apple and now he is my best friend. I am thankful to the apple, which started our friendship.

( 7 )

Every day after work, Mr. Smith would come home and play with his little son.

One night, when the man came home from(1)__________, he found that he had some extra work to do. And he(2)____________ able to play with his little son. He wanted to give the boy something to keep him busy. He got an idea when he saw a magazine with a large

(3)__________of the world on the cover. He tore the map up into pieces. He (4)___________ the boy to put it back together and they could play together when he finished.

(5)____________about thirty minutes, the boy came to the man and said, “Okay, it’s finished, Dad. Can we(6)_____________ now?”

The man was (7)_____________, “That’s amazing!(8)_____________ did you do that?” The boy said, “It was (9)_____________. On the back of the page was a picture of a man. When I put the (10)_____________together, the whole work appeared completely.”

( 8 )

A king was old and he knew it was time to choose a new king. He told all the young people in the country, “I’ll give each of you a seed(种子) (1)____________it and bring it back one year later. Show me the plant that you bring. And I’ll choose a new king from you .”

A boy (2)_____________Jack got a seed, too. He planted it carefully. But the seed didn’t

(3)____________at all. A year later, Jack had to take his empty box(4)___________the old king. Others all brought beautiful plants there and Jack felt(5)__________.

The king arrived at the palace and look around. When he found (6)___________ was nothing in Jack’s box. The king smiled and said to the (7)____________, “One year ago, I gave everyone a

(8)____________ that couldn’t grow. But all of you, except Jack, have bought me plants and flowers. Jack was the (9)_____________one who is brave to bring such a box.


(10)___________he will be the new king!”【中考看图短文填空专项训练】

( 9 )

It was Christmas Day. My friends came to my house. We had a party and we

(1)___________ourselves very much. How tome flied! It was time (2)_____________ us to exchange (交换) our Christmas presents. I went to my bedroom to get the presents. When I went into the room, to my (3)___________I found my friend Ben was (4)___________ my diary. It was impolite to do that! But Ben was laughing! I was (5)___________ angry that I was about to cry. Ben felt a bit (6)___________ when he found me standing in front of him. I SHOUTED AT HIM. He went out of my room at once and went home without(7)__________ goodbye to any of us. One of my best friends Amy asked me (8)____________ Ben went back him so early. I told her what had just happened. She said to me, “Don’t be (9)___________ at him, please. He doesn’t do things like that often. Why not wait and see what he will say to you when we get back to school?”

A week (10)_____________, he did say sorry to me at school.

( 10 )

Today is Thursday. I will show my history homework to the class. I will stand in

(1)____________ of the class and (2)____________ a talk about California, a state in the US.

It (3)______________ me one week to finish my homework. Will it go well?

I am not (4)_____________at history. last year, I did badly (5)_____________this subject. Now I am very nervous.

I wanted to be the(6)___________to speak. If I went first, no one will think my work was bad. But I didn’t put up my hand. Mary put up (7)_____________. She went first. I quickly put up my hand to be (8)___________.

Then it’s me. I walked to the front of the classroom and began my talk. At the

(9)___________of my talk, the class cheered loudly. “I was not so bad.” I thought.. I was

(10)___________I put up my hand early.




Last Tuesday, Mrs Smith took her two little daughters to town 1__________ her car. It began to rain 2___________. So she decided to 3___________ the children in the car. She told the girls she would be back soon. Then she 4___________ all the doors and walked quickly into the shop.

She returned to the car in less than a quarter, but there were not any girls in the car. She could 5___________ believe her eyes. The car doors and windows were 6___________ well. 7_________ terrible she felt! She rushed up to an old man nearby and asked 8___________ he had seen two small girls, but he said “No”. Suddenly she heard a laugh from the back of the car. She ran to the car and opened the trunk. Oh, dear! Her daughters were 9___________. With tears in her 10___________, she took them out.


Jim’s father bought him a new pen. But he lost it on his 1__________ to school this morning. When he went into his classroom, he 2_________ a red pen lying on the floor. He 3__________ it up at once and thought, “I may use it 4___________ I find mine. I’ll tell nobody.” He put it into his 5___________.

The science teacher, Miss Green came in when the bell rang. Jim clearly saw a pen in her hand. Jim stood up and said, “That’s my pen.”

“Well, Jim, you should say 6__________ to Susan. She found your pen on the street and gave it to me as 7__________ as she got to school. But you know, she 8____________ her own pen yesterday after school. It’s a red pen.” Jim’s face 9___________ red, even 10___________ than the pen in his pocket.

1_________ April 1, Bob 2__________ to play a joke on his friend. At lunch time he said to st

Michael, “I think we are going to 3_________ a math test this afternoon.”

“A test?” said Michael. “Really?”

“Yes, it’s quite 4__________,” said Bob. “When I was passing by Mr. Hill’s room, he was 5___________ with another teacher about the test. I think there will be a test this afternoon. Tell Kim and Ellen about it.”

Late, almost all the students in Mr. Hill’s math class 6___________ about it. They quickly went to the classroom and began to study 7_________ Bob. He was laughing to himself at his classmates. “What fools,” he thought it was April 1st.

When class began, Mr. Hill said to the students, “Class, we are going to have a test today.”

Bob was 8___________. He could not believe his ears. When Mr. Hill handed out the papers, the students began to answer. But Bob had to think and think. As soon as class was over, the students said __________ to Bob. But he could only smile. “What a 10___________ I was!”

It really was April Fools Day for Mike.


Jacky and Paul passed 1___________ a small house on their way home late at night. They saw thick smoke 2___________ out of its windows. “It’s on fire!” said Peter. “We must get help.”

The two boys ran along the road shouting, “Fire! Fire!” They 3___________ on the door of the next house. They asked them to 4___________ the police and the firemen.

They ran back to the house. They saw through the window an old lady sitting 5_________ an armchair. It was clear that she could not move. Jacky and Paul 6_____________ their best to carry her out of the house and so they did! Some neighbors came and 7___________ take some things out.

In no time the firemen 8___________ together with the policemen. The 9__________ was put out. The old lady cried sadly but she was not hurt. She 10_____________ Jacky and Paul and her neighbors again and again.

1__________ all the things we eat and drink, water is the most important. Not many people realize this, but it is quite true. The human body can live 2___________ food for a long time, but two or three days without water usually leads to(导致)death. Many people do not understand how 3__________ water the human body needs at work and many people do not drink 4__________ especially in cold weather. Most people drink enough only in 5___________ weather. Most people drink when they are 6___________, but we often need more water, especially 7___________ doing exercise.

A man’s body contains 65%-75% water. Water is very important in several different 8___________. Most people need about five to seven liters(升)of water every day, but we do not need to drink that amount(量), 9____________ a lot of water comes from the food we eat. If we do not have enough water, however, we 10____________ tired and may become ill.


There were many 1__________ in the house. Every day they were very happy. Then the owner of the house got a cat. The cat 2___________ many of the mice. The mice became very sad and angry, but they could do 3____________ about it. They asked for help from other animals, but no one would help them.

The oldest mouse was very clever. He said to the mice one day, “All the mice must come to my hole tonight. We are going to have a meeting and think about what we can do about this cat.” After dinner, all the mice came. Many mice spoke, but none knew 4___________ to do. At last, a clever young mouse stood up and said, “We must tie a 5___________ to the cat. Then 6_____________ the cat comes near, we will hear the bell and run away and hide 7__________. So the cat will not catch any more mice.”

The oldest mouse was happy and said, “Good idea! 8___________ any mouse thinks this idea is good, please put up your paw(爪子)!” All the mice put up their paws.

Then the oldest mouse said, “9____________ will tie the bell to the cat?” He looked around, but no mouse answered. He waited for a few minutes, but still no one answered.

At last he said, “It is 10____________ to say things, but it is difficult to do them.”

Danny is six years old. He 1_________ school this year. He studies very 2___________ and likes sports very much. He is polite to others. 3____________ his teachers and friends all like him.【中考看图短文填空专项训练】

Last Sunday, Danny and his mother stayed at home. His mother was doing some 4____________ and Danny was doing his homework. At nine Danny’s father came back from the farm 5____________ a basket of apples. He had a look at his son and then went to his room to watch TV. The boy saw the apples and 6_____________ to eat one. His mother gave him some and said, “Go and 7_____________ them, please.”

Danny washed the apples and took the smallest. His mother saw this and asked, “8________ don’t you take a bigger one, Danny?”

“Teachers tell us that we should be 9____________ to others and care about the old, our parents and friends. So I take the smallest and leave the big ones for you and Dad.”

“Good boy! Thank you.” said his mother with a 10___________.


The first Tree Planting Day was in the year 1987 in our country. Every year, on 1_________ 12th, office workers, soldiers, students and old people go out to plant trees.

It was Planting Day last Sunday, our class went to plant trees. We 2__________ at the school gate at seven in the morning.

Then we went to a park about five kilometers 3___________ from our school by bus.

4_____________ we arrived, we started to work at once. A bus brought many young trees to the park.

We took them from the bus, and carried them to the right place. We worked in pairs. We took turns to 5_________ holes in the ground. It was hard work, but we enjoyed it. When the holes were deep 6____________, we 7__________ the young trees in them, and then 8___________ them again. After that we got water from a river, and 9_____________ the trees.

At the end of the day, we had 10___________ over three hundred trees.


Last 1__________, John’s uncle came to his house and the whole family decided to go for a 2___________ in the park. John’s mother 3__________ the picnic food in a black bag and told John to take it to the car. At the 4___________ time, his father asked him to throw away another black bag. It was 5____________ of dirty things. Before they left, John 6____________ away one of the bags and put the other in the car.

After driving for an hour, they got to the park. They took photos and went boating. Then it was 7____________ for lunch, but the food wasn’t there. There was only a bag of dirty things in the car. Everyone looked at John and he 8____________ he had thrown away the wrong bag.

At last, they had lunch in a 9____________. The food there was delicious and everyone was happy 10___________ John.


It was Sports Day at school. There were many races. Lots of parents were watching the children. There was a big crowd of people. Some girls were talking about 1__________ would win the 100-metre race. Peter heard what they said. He was eating a banana. He said, “I will win the race! I am the 2___________ runner.” When he finished his banana, Peter 3___________ the skin on the ground.

Mr. Li shouted, “100-metre race for boys!” Peter and the other boys went to the 4_________ of the race. The boys were ready now. Mr. Li held up the gun. He fired the gun in the air, and the race started.

Peter ran 5___________ fast that he was winning the race. The crowd shouted, “Hooray!” Peter was near the 6____________ of the race. He was smiling, but then suddenly, he put one foot on the banana skin. His foot slipped(滑)and he 7_____________ down. He fell in 8__________ of Sam. Sam fell down, too. Then Ben fell down. John was behind the others. He 9___________ them carefully and ran on. At last John won the race.

“Congratulations, John.”

Said Miss Smith. “You are the 10_____________.”


her that 看图短文填空专项练习 Nowadays, parents in China have too much hope for hope


Jerry is a middle school student. He likes 1 very much and his favourite star is Jay Chou. He usually practices Jay’s songs. One day, he took part in an imitation(模仿秀) 2 of Jay in a park. He chose one of Jay’s most 3 songs, he sang and acted with his heart. He 4 he was acting just as Jay himself did. So when he heard someone 5 “once again, once again”, he was moved and 6 them. But to his surprise, the other two 7 of Jay who watched Jerry act told him what they really 8 . They wanted Jerry to practice more 9 he had acted so badly! Jerry was 10 and couldn’t say a word.



Xiaohong is a primary school(小学)of extra work. On Saturday morning, she has to practice the (2) . In the afternoon, her parents want her to practice (3) . On Sunday morning, she has a(n) (4) lesson. On Sunday afternoon, she has to learn (5) . Does this girl really have so many (6) ?


children are able to (8) some special skills so that they can have a better life in the future. In my (9) , few of the children are really interested in these lessons. Children are children. They must have some free time to enjoy their childhood. As an English proverb(谚语) goes, “All work and no (10) makes Jack a dull boy.”



It was Sunday. The weather was very fine. The students of Class One went out for

a 1 .They went by 2 with fruits, vegetables, meat , cookers and some other


At about half past ten, they 3 at the foot of a hill. There was a big 4 and many green trees there. Birds were singing and the air was very fresh. The students were busy 5 for the picnic. Some of them were getting 6 from

the lake, some were washing vegetables and fruits, and others were putting a big cloth on the grass. At about twelve o’clock the lunch was ready.

After lunch, they had a 7 time singing, dancing, drinking and talking. At th

ree o’clock, they began to 8 the hill. The hill was quite 9 , but they all tried to climb to the 10 of it. On the top of the hill, they felt very excited and all cheered.


Mr. Wang had a grandson, ____1____ name is Ming. Mr. Wang loved his grandson very much. Mr. Wang was good at ____2____ and he wanted Ming to【中考看图短文填空专项训练】

be an artist when he ____3____ up, so he taught his grandson to draw when Ming was free at weekends.

One Saturday morning, Mr. Wang put ____4____ apples on the table and he asked Ming ____5____ draw them. He ____6____ his grandson that he could get a lovely teddy bear if he drew them well.


After Mr. Wang left, Ming thought that it was ____7____ difficult

for him to draw them. Ming thought and thought and then he had an ____8____. Ming ate two of the apples and then he finished drawing in a short while. Two hours later, Mr. Wang got back home. He was very ____9____ when he had a look at the paper. But he knew what had happened when he found only one apple left on the table.

“What a naughty boy!” Mr. Wang said to ____10____.


Carlos and Ming are good friends and (1) of them study in Class Four

Grade One of No. 3 Middle School. Ming is good at (2) but Carlos is a little weak .

One day they had an English test. Ming go a full mark (3) Carlos did not pass it. Ming was so happy (4) he began to play all day.

Carlos felt a little sad, but he did not want to (5) up. He made a decision to catch up with his best friend, Ming, and the (6) classmates


in his class. He corrected all the (7) in his paper with the help of the teacher. He also studied hard at home at the weekends. In the evening, Carlos was working hard at English while Ming was (8) the computer games. A month later, they had another English exam. They were surprised that Carlos got a (9) mark but Ming failed the exam. Do you know the (10) ?

There is a saying: “Modestly of progress, proud of backward!”




1. 看图了解大背景

2. 通读全文

3. 这类试题中改写后的句子或短文基本上是通过缩写,以变换词语和句子结构的方式来达到同种意思的不同表达。所填的词以实词为主,有些要填的词可以从原短文中直接找到答案。

4. 所填的词必须首先符合语义适用原则,所以不能看一空就填一空,必须符合全文的大意。因此要纵观全文,围绕中心意思,全盘综合考虑来确定词义。

5. 所填的词还必须符合语法正确的原则,必须从词语搭配、句型结构以及人称、时态、语态上来判定所填词的正确形式。

6. 寻读有关的段落或词句时应仔细对照留有空格的句子,精确理解并找出充足的依据来确定该空格应填的词义。

7. 要把握原短文中心意思必须注重对短文第一段与最后一段的阅读和理解。学会在段落中找准主题句,这样才有助于把握全文的中心意思。


It was morning. The children were

having a in the

classroom. The classroom was on the (2)

floor. Peter, a boy of Grade One, was

doing a sum (算术题) on the .

at sums and did

not know the . He turned

Dick, his best friend,

standing behind the window. Dick saw that


the answer on the window glass.

Dick did it for Peter to copy, but Peter was a

silly boy. He wrote the figure 5

back-to-front. Miss White, the teacher, was very much She turned _.

1.____________2.____________3.____________4. ____________5.____________

6.____________7.____________8.____________9. ____________10.____________


This is (1) interesting picture. In the (2)

of it is a big jar (缸). In the side of the jar there

are a lot of (3) Four men are busy (4) with their

buckets (桶) and pouring (倒) water into it. But

immediately the water comes out (5) the holes

while they are pouring it. There is water all over the ground. (6) these men feel nothing at all. They go on with their work no matter (7) is happening.

I don‟t think it is a true story. But it (8) us that some people often do

such foolish things ---- they work hard (9) they get (10)

1.____________2.____________3.____________4. ____________5.____________

6.____________7.____________8.____________9. ____________10.____________


Sam is a farmer. He has a very big(1. On the farm,

he grows oranges, grapes and bananas. Many people come to (2)

his farm. He is a successful young man and becomes very


Several years ago, in 2003, he went back to his hometown

after he finished high school. “What can I do?” he said to himself.

Then he had(3)idea. “I‟m(4)in farming. I

can grow fruit!” He began to watch many programs about growing

fruit(5). He also read a lot of books about it. Then

he went to (6) on Mr. Smith‟s farm for two years. He

learned a lot there. In 2005, he started his own fruit farm. At that

(7), Sam‟s farm was small. But now, his farm is much

(8) . His fruits are very good .He sends them to many big

(9) __ in China, such as Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. He also grows vegetables and raises (10on his farm. Therefore, his family eats their own vegetables and chicken. They have a very healthy lifestyle.

1.____________2.____________3.____________4. ____________5.____________

6.____________7.____________8.____________9. ____________10.____________


“Daddy, can I learn to play the(1? I‟ll try very hard.” Sarah asked her

(2) , Mr White.

“All right,” Mr White said. “I‟ll(3If you play well, you can go on with your lessons. If you don‟t, I will(4) the lessons.”

“OK, Daddy,” Sarah said.

Mr White found her a good and expensive(5)and Sarah began her


Six weeks later, Sarah said to Mr White, “I‟m(6) to play for you,


“Fine, Sarah,” Mr White said. “Begin.”

She began to play. She didn‟t play well. She made a terrible noise.

Her father had one of his friends with him. The friend put his hands over his(7)

when he heard the noise.

When Sarah(8) , her father said, “Well done, Sarah. You can go on

with your lessons.”

Sarah ran happily out of the room. Mr White‟s friend turned to him. “You‟ve

spent a lot of(9),but she still plays very(10),” he said.

Mr White said, “Since she started learning the piano, I‟ve been able to buy five

apartments (单元房间) in this building very cheaply. In another six weeks, I‟ll own the whole building.”

1.____________2.____________3.____________4. ____________5.____________

6.____________7.____________8.____________9. ____________10.____________


Tom was a poor boy.He made a

living by cleaning leather(皮革)

(1) for others in the

street.Tom was also a(2)

boy.One day,a rich man

(3) Miser appeared

in front of Tom.

He watched his(4)

shoes for a while,and

then,looked at Tom. Tom knew

this kind of people well.They love money but hate to spend it.

Tom said,“Let me(5) your shoes,sir.Only two pence(便土),sir. Mr. Miser shook his head and walked away.

Tom thought for a second and then called out,„„I‟d like to clean it for nothing.”This time Mr. Miser agreed.And soon one of his shoes was shining brightly.

When the rich man put his other shoe on the stool(凳子),Tom said he wouldn‟t clean it for him(6) he was paid two pence for his work.

Mr. Miser was

very(7).He refused to pay anything and went away.

But to his(8 ,the well-cleaned shoe was so bright that it made the other one look even dirtier.Mr. Miser looked round.People in the street were(9) at him.

Finally the rich man(10) and gave Tom two pence.In a very short time his two shoes shone brightly.

1.____________2.____________3.____________4. ____________5.____________

6.____________7.____________8.____________9. ____________10.____________


Yesterday morning an old woman(1)

a lot of things in a shop. She put them

into a (2)She was going to

carry it, but the box was(3)car wasn't near. At that time Li Ming and Wei

Hua were(4_by the car and talking.

When they(5)the old woman and

the big box beside her, they went to (6)

. They lifted the heavy box and carried it

to the (7 . Suddenly the box (8)

down and one

of Li Ming's (9was badly hurt. He had to stay in hospital for several days. He became worried about his lessons. But his friend Wei Hua said. “Don‟t (10) . I'll come to help you with your lessons after class every afternoon.”

1.____________2.____________3.____________4. ____________5.____________

6.____________7.____________8.____________9. ____________10.____________


Xiaohong is a primary school student. On (1) , she has to do all kinds of extra work. On Saturday morning, she has to practice the . In the afternoon, her parents want her to . On Sunday morning, she has a(n) On Sunday afternoon, she has to learn ?

Nowadays, parents in China have too . They hope that their children are able to some special skills so that they , few of the children are really

interested in these lessons. Children are children. They must have some free time to

enjoy their childhood. As an English proverb(谚语) goes, “All work and no (10) makes Jack a dull boy.”

1.____________2.____________3.____________4. ____________5.____________

6.____________7.____________8.____________9. ____________10.____________


. under his arms.

When he got home, he opened his bag. He wanted to get his keys. They were always there. But he couldn‟t find the keys this time. He was worried and he didn‟t . .

There was a ladder behind his house. He carried it to the window. Then he began for him to do that, because he was very nervous and his hat fell down. So he was very careful.

A moment later he jumped into the room and he was very happy. But suddenly just right there.

1.____________2.____________3.____________4. ____________5.____________

6.____________7.____________8.____________9. ____________10.____________


in the sky. Mr. Black was barking loudly. Maybe the dog had

up. He was very angry with the dog. He jumped out of his bed and held a shoe, went up to the window and hit the dog
