
| 乐学园 |



英语如何表达“背叛”与“分手” 分手让人沮丧,背叛让人愤怒。今天我们说的这些句子可能会在某个时候在你耳边响起,当然,小编希望你听到的是那句“我永远都不会背叛我的女/男朋友,她/他就是我想要的一切。”

1. Why that two-timing!


2. Don't let it get you down. There are plenty of fish in the sea. 别让这件事影响你的情绪。天涯何处无芳草。

3. Are you cheating on me? Because I've been hearing some rumors. 你是不是背着我有别人?因为我最近老能听到一些传言。

4. I would never cheat on my girlfriend. She is everything I want. 我永远都不会背叛我的女朋友,她就是我想要的一切。

5. I can not live without you.


6. It's more of a frustration than anything else.


7. I'm glad to see you're taking all this with a grain of salt.


8. I recently broke up with my boyfriend, and it's been hard for both of us. 我最近和男朋友分手了,这对我们俩来说都很困难。


1. I will support you.


2. I'll back you up.


3. I'm on your side.


4. You can count on me.


5. You can rely on me.


6. You can trust in me.


7. I'll be available if you need me.


8. I'll be there if you need a hand.


9. I'm a phone call away.


10. I'm with you all the way.



1. Don’t leave me, please.


2. Can we give it one more try?


3. I can’t live without you.


4. I can’t stand losing you.


5. I’ll change, I promise.


6. I won’t hurt you anymore.


7. My life would be miserable without you.


8. Please give me one more chance.


9. Don’t you know how much I love you?


10. I know it’s all my fault. I’ll never break your heart again. Please forgive me. 我知道都是我的错。我再也不会伤你的心。请原谅我。

1. I'm not attracted to you.


2. Maybe I don't deserve you.


3. We don't match each other.


4. He is not my type.



Come on. It's still not the end of the world, isn't it?


Face the music. And you can do it.


I'll back you up no matter what's happening.


It's alright. These things happened.



1. I just don't love you anymore.


2. It's really not working.


3. I've met someone else.


4. We've grown apart.


5. The magic's gone from our relationship.


6. I think we should be just friends.


7. It's not you, it's me.


8. I really don't wanna be tied down.


9. You're really too good for me.


10. You don't really love me anyway.


1. I just don't love you anymore. (诚恳但是太伤人心)


2. It's really not working. (有理有据,还算婉转)


. I've met someone else. (简直是找死,人品不行啊)


4. We've grown apart. (哟,这个不错!理性)


5. The magic's gone from our relationship. (太“文”了,好像演戏)


6. I think we should be just friends. (够直接,意思表达得很清楚)


. It's not you, it's me. (好!自己承担后果。有大将之风)


8. I really don't wanna be tied down. (确实是理由,万不得已的时候再说吧)


9. You're really too good for me. (这个不错,婉转,理性。一般都用这个)


10. You don't really love me anyway. (哈,够直接了)





1. I just don't love you anymore. (诚恳但是太伤人心)我不再爱你了。

2. I've met someone else. (找死,人品不行啊)我已另结新欢了。

3. It's really not working. (有理有据,还算婉转)我们的感情真的行不通。

4. We've grown apart. (这个不错!理性)我们都各自成长了。

5. The magic's gone from our relationship. (好像琼瑶剧。。。)


6. I think we should be just friends. (够直接,意思表达得很清楚)


7. It's not you, it's me. (好!自己承担后果。有大将之风啊~)


8. I really don't wanna be tied down.


9. You're really too good for me.


10. You don't really love me anyway.



1. Don’t leave me, please. 求你不要离开我。

2. Can we give it one more try? 我们可不可以再试试看?

3. I can’t live without you. 没有你我活不下去。

4. I can’t stand losing you. 我不能失去你。

5. I’ll change, I promise. 我会改的,我保证。

6. I won’t hurt you anymore. 我不会再伤害你了。

7. My life would be miserable without you.


8. Please give me one more chance. 请再给我一次机会。

9. Don’t you know how much I love you? 难道你不晓得我有多爱你吗?

10. I know it’s all my fault. I’ll never break your heart again. Please forgive me. 我知道都是我的错。我再也不会伤你的心。请原谅我。

1. I'm over you. 我跟你之间完了。

首先我们可以来看一个类似的I'm all over you,意思是“我对你非常着迷”。但是I'm over you.意思就完全不同了。你要是说I'm over you.就是说“我跟你之间完了,我不想再和你有任何的瓜葛”。一字之差,意思就完全不一样了。

2. I had a falling out with my boyfriend. 我不理我男朋友了。

Falling out就是说二个人可能因为吵架或是其它原因而不讲话或是不理对方了。当你说falling out with my boyfriend时,有时候是暂时性的(可能以后还会和好),但是大多数的时候是说“你和你的男朋友或女朋友真正吹了”。我们把恋爱叫fall in love,那结束一段恋情就叫fall out of love (从爱情中掉出来),有点幻想破灭的味道在里面。但是要注意,没有人会

说I fall out with my boyfriend.而只能说I had a falling out with my boyfriend.

3. We decided to break up. To be more precise, he dumped me.


Break up是指男女朋友之间分手,Jennifer Aniston的新电影就叫做The Break-up。当然这种说法并没有区分谁抛弃谁。如要说明是“谁抛弃谁的”,则可以说I broke up with my girlfriend (我和我女朋友分手了)或是更明确一点用dump这个词。英文中的“倒垃圾”就是dump trash,大型的垃圾收集箱就叫dumpster。想想被抛弃的人好像是垃圾一样被倒掉,真是有够可怜的。

有时分手也可以用end our relationship表示,例如If our relationship is going to end, I don't want it to end up like this.(如果我们真的要分手,我也不希望是以这种方式分手。)

4. That's a heart-breaking story. 那真是个令人心碎的故事。

一讲到伤心,大家都会想到sad这个词。但在讲到男女之间的关系时,美国人特别喜欢用heart-broken这个词。这就是指那种令人心碎的感觉。他们常讲I am heart-broken或是I am broken-hearted.就是说“我的心碎了(通常是跟男女之间有关)”。当然,你也可以用动词break my heart.例如My girlfriend really broke my heart.

但如果不是用人做主语的话,则要用heart-breaking。例如你听到了别人男女朋友分手的事情,你就可以说That's a heart-breaking story.





① It’s over.一切结束了。

②I’m leaving you.我打算离开你。

③I want to end our relationship.我想结束咱俩的关系。

④I want to break up with you.我想和你分手。

⑤I don’t think you are the right person for me.我觉得你不适合我。

⑥I want to see other people.我想换换别人。

⑦I don’t think we should see each other any more.我觉得以后咱们还是别见面了。 ⑧We weren’t made for each other.我们不适合对方。

⑨I never want to see you again.我再也不想见到你了。


1. “I feel like we're moving too fast.”


If a person says this and then suggests slowing down a little bit (maybe

seeing/texting each other less during the week or whatever) then they are probably reacting accordingly to things getting serious more quickly than they'd like. Fine! Understandable! If a person says this and then suggests no longer seeing each other at all (or [ugh] “taking a break”) then they've realized that they are no longer interested in this budding relationship but would rather end on infuriatingly open-ended terms than risk confrontation.


2. “I don't want to hurt you.”


This one is baffling because there exists a vast middle ground between “being in a relationship and hurting someone” and “not being in a relationship and not hurting someone.” Part of it is “being in a relationship and not hurting someone”! So it's strange that the person using this line thinks that the person being dumped doesn't understand this? No one who hears this feels grateful for their feelings being spared. They might feel grateful for avoiding dating a turd.

这个比较麻烦,因为在“谈恋爱伤害对方” 和“不在一起不伤害对方” 之间有一个巨大的灰色地带。因为也可以“在一起但不伤害对方” 啊!所以那些说这句台词的人,难道意识不到被甩的那一方不明白这个道理么?没有哪个被甩的人会因为听到这句话对你的体贴感激涕零。他们只会庆幸没有继续跟渣人浪费时间。

3. “I'm not looking for a relationship.”


On its own, this is a completely valid statement. Not everyone is looking for a relationship, and sometimes people who are both looking for relationships are actually looking for different ones! Different strokes, you know? But it is without a doubt the worst kind of person who says they aren't looking for a relationship, allows the other person to walk away feeling like they experienced an honest and amicable parting of ways with a decent human whom they will think of fondly, and then announces their new relationship on Facebook three days later.


4. “I'm just so fucked up right now.”


Hahaha OK, one second, because our eyes will literally never stop rolling. Sure, maybe it's true. Maybe this person is “so fucked up.” But first of all, WHO ISN'T? And second of all, maybe stop? “So fucked up” isn't a fixed trait (or even, if we're being honest, actually a trait at all). It's like the person who says, “I know I'm late all the time, but that's just me!” An acknowledgment isn't the end of the conversation. Being late all the time is rude. This statement means nothing. Stop doing it.


5. “I don't deserve you.”


This one is so sneakily manipulative, because it seems like it's about how you, as the person being dropped, are an untouchable god among men (which, maybe you are!) but in reality it's about how the other person is working through a martyr complex. It might even lead to the most absurd of scenarios, in which the dumpee actually comforts the dumper! We would never condemn insecurity, but if a person is truly interested in pursuing a relationship with someone who intimidates them, they’ll just do what everyone else does (i.e., lie about how smart/funny/interesting they are until they reach a level of comfort at which they can drop it).


6. “I'm just really busy right now.”


Nobody who was ever genuinely interested in someone, and in carrying out a

relationship with that person, lost interest because he or she had too many meetings that week. “I'm too busy” is an often aggravating, self-important way of expressing something that isn't wrong or illegitimate to feel — if you'd rather not spend any of your free time with someone, that's OK and good to know. But that's about the person, not about the other obligations. Also: Literally everyone thinks they're really busy right now.



7. “I'm just bad at this stuff.”


This is one of many self-pitying breakup cliches that sound like admissions of personal failure, but aren't — a close cousin of “I'm so fucked up right now,” “I'm just bad at this stuff” romanticizes flaws like inability to communicate, manage one's time, and treat other people with respect. It's one thing to realize you've got some things you want to work on, alone, but it's another to use that recognition as a free pass to flail around helplessly. Being “bad at stuff” isn't just about the person who says it — it also affects the person who has to deal with it.

分手的时候这算是最常听见的陈词滥调之一,好像是对自己人生失败的一种总结,实际不是——这句话的姊妹篇就是“我现在真的心力交瘁”,“我不擅长处理感情问题” 把那些不善交际、无法合理安排时间、不懂尊重别人等等缺点给美化了。意识到自己有想做的事情是一回事,同时,把这句话当成是可以不负责任的说辞是另外一回事。“不擅长处理感情” 已经跟说这话的人无关了——也会影响那个跟你在一起的人啊。

8. “I still care about you.”


This one very much DEPENDS, of course, but saying TOO many nice or seemingly romantic things during a breakup can be confusing. Compliments don't soften the blow, they twist the knife. If you extoll the other person's virtues for too long, in too much depth, they're bound to wonder why, then, you don't want to be together. It's obviously OK to hope you can make peace with an ex, but don't throw out the “I still care about you” line just because you think it'll make a breakup easier to swallow. 这句话要分情况,当然,在分手的时候说太多好听的话或者浪漫的话会让人误会。赞美也无法缓解分手之痛,赞美只是把刀弄的没有那么锋利罢了。如果你一直大肆赞美对方,对方不禁会想为什么你不愿意在一起了呢。当然你跟前任做朋友也完全没问题,但不要丢下诸如 “我还是关心你的” 这样的话,哪怕你觉得这话说出来能减轻分手的痛苦。

9. “I just wish we'd met a few years from now.”


And we wish teleportation were real, and that it was eating brownies and not celery that burned more calories than those ingested, and that Lance Bass had been allowed to go to space. But what would the world be like if any of those things were true? We will never know!!! Just like we don't know what it means to wish “we'd met a few years from now.” Why are you so convinced you'll have your shit together by then? That seems overly optimistic.


好像我们永远不会知道“多希望我们早几年遇见” 意味着什么一样。你凭什么这么相信那时候我们也能在一起?这也太过于乐观了吧。

10. “[Nothing]” / Ghosting



Ghosting, or completely disappearing on someone you've been dating for any length of time over a week, is completely gross and totally indefensible. It's thoughtless, lazy, and cruel, and don't let your self-excusing lizard brain tell you otherwise. You know what is the easiest thing to do in the entire world? Texting someone. It has literally never been easier to break up with someone in five seconds. If you can't bring your sad self to do ANYTHING else, say SOMETHING. ANYTHING. Anything on this list is better than nothing.


The White House on Thursday sharply condemned a lengthy and racist North Korean screed against President Obama, calling the rhetoric from Pyongyang “particularly ugly and disrespectful.” The rebuke came in response to a recently published diatribe by North Korea calling Obama a “clown,” a “dirty fellow” and somebody who “does not even have the basic appearances of a human being.” Another part of the tirade declared, “It would be perfect for Obama to live with a group of monkeys in the world’s largest African natural zoo and lick the breadcrumbs thrown by spectators.”


The White House — which often ignores the rhetorical excesses of the North Korean regime — suggested that the new comments from the Korean Central News Agency were especially repugnant. “While the North Korean Government-controlled media are distinguished by their histrionics, these comments are particularly ugly and disrespectful,” Caitlin Hayden, a spokeswoman for the National Security Council, said in a statement.


Propriety has never been a part of North Korean rhetoric, but rarely has Pyongyang so ferociously — and personally — attacked a US leader, in this case pulling

language right out of the American 1850s. The attack seems unabashed, except for one thing: Unlike most articles published by the North's state-run news agency, this one wasn't translated into English.


"He is a crossbreed with unclear blood," the North says. And later: Obama "still has the figure of a monkey while the human race has evolved through millions of years."


The diatribe, published May 2, almost escaped foreign attention. But Joshua Stanton, who blogs regularly about the North's viciousness and rights violations, uncovered the Korean-only piece, as well as a separate, milder article that was translated into English and in which Obama was called a "wicked black monkey."

这篇5月2日发表的文章几乎未被外界所注意,但却被长期关注朝鲜人权状况的美国律师斯坦顿(Joshua Stanton)发现并挖了出来,在另一篇较温和的文章中,奥巴马被称为“邪恶的黑猴子”。

The Korean-only piece (headlined "Divine retribution for the juvenile delinquent Obama!") featured four lengthy passages, each attributed to a regular citizen. In the North, quotations of citizens are state-sanctioned and often spoon-fed by the government's propaganda department, analysts say.

据《华盛顿》邮报报道,这篇文章名为《对少年犯奥巴马的神圣惩罚》,文章共四大段,每段都以普通民众的引语形式出现。分析人士称,在朝鲜,引用市民言论不仅被官方所认可,而且常被加入政府宣传部门的想法。 7 MUST-SEE CITIES AROUND THE WORLD

If you think of the world as just a collection of awesome places waiting for you to explore, the cities on this list are required stops as you make your way around the globe. These are the best destinations around the world:

Prague, Czech Republic: You will find beer, fantastic winding streets, a love of the arts, welcoming people and beautiful buildings in this jewel of a city, but especially beer. Prague made its way back on to the world stage as a prominent destination after the fall of Communism and it has never looked back. The arts thrive in Prague, both in the museums and in the streets where you can see the postmodern masterpiece Dancing House: designed in part by Frank Gehry, the building was a gift by America to the Czech Republic for an accidental bombing in WWII. Drinking is a central part to Czech culture and you will find some of the finest beer gardens in the world here in Prague.


“分手告白”的十句英文表达时间:2008-01-11 10:17:25 来源: 作者:ADIt's really not working.



2. We've grown apart.



3. The magic's gone from our relationship.



4. I think we should be just friends.



5. It's not you, it's me.



6. You're really too good for me. / I don’t deserve you.



7. I just don't love you anymore.

我不再爱你了。 字串4


8. I really don't wanna be tied down.



9. I've met someone else.



10. You don't really love me anyway.



本篇文章来源于 苹果iPhone|原文链接:



The modern versions of "I’m afraid of commitment" and "It’s not you, it’s me".

分手时烂大街的话 “我害怕承诺”以及“不是你的问题,是我的”,现在有了与时俱进的新版本:

1. I feel like we’re moving too fast.


If a person says this and then suggests slowing down a little bit (maybe seeing/texting each other less during the week or whatever) then they are probably reacting accordingly to things getting serious more quickly than they’d like.


Fine! Understandable! If a person says this and then suggests no longer seeing each other at all (or "taking a break") then they’ve realized that they are no longer interested in this budding relationship but would rather end on infuriatingly open-ended terms than risk confrontation.


2. I don’t want to hurt you.


This one is baffling because there exists a vast middle ground between "being in a relationship and hurting someone" and "not being in a relationship and not hurting someone". Part of it is "being in a relationship and not hurting someone"!

这个比较麻烦,因为在“谈恋爱伤害对方” 和“不在一起不伤害对方” 之间有一个巨大的灰色地带。因为也可以“在一起但不伤害对方” 啊!

So it’s strange that the person using this line thinks that the person being dumped doesn’t understand this? No one who hears this feels grateful for their feelings being spared. They might feel grateful for avoiding dating a turd.


3. I’m not looking for a relationship.


On its own, this is a completely valid statement. Not everyone is looking for a relationship, and sometimes people who are both looking for relationships are actually looking for different ones! Different strokes, you know?




JESSICA 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是Lulu 要问的:分手。

JESSICA: Lulu! Too bad you have to fly to Shanghai for your friend's wedding next month. 我本来想约你一起去听演唱会呢! LL: 嗨,别提了,要结婚的那俩个人,分手啦! Say Bye-Bye啦! JESSICA: What? Did they break up?

LL: 分手就是 break up? b-r-e-a-k, break. u-p up. 没错,分手啦! 这俩人特神,婚期定了,喜贴发了。结果,上礼拜那个女生给我来电话说,她和那男生分手了! 是不是该说 She broke up with her boyfriend?

JESSICA: Yes. Break up with someone 就是跟某人分手。不过,Lulu, What happened? Why did they break up?

LL: 听说是那个男生劈腿!

JESSICA: What's 劈腿?

LL: 就是...他还跟别的女生好。He has another girlfriend.

JESSICA: Really? He cheated on the girl he was gonna marry? LL: 等会儿,我知道 cheat 是“欺骗”,你说的 cheat on her,就是背着她和别人好,“劈腿”的意思,对不对?

JESSICA: That's right!

LL: 所以啊,你说,都快结婚了,却发现 Her boyfriend cheated on her, 这女生能不跟他一刀两断吗?!

JESSICA: There you go! Cut their ties! If I were her, I would not give that guy another chance either!

LL: Cut their ties? T-i-e-s, ties 就是联系。Cut their ties 就是彻底断绝关系,一刀两断喽?

JESSICA: 没错! Now let's see what you've learned today! LL: 第一,情侣分手是 break up;

第二,劈腿,对伴侣不忠,是 cheat on someone;

第三,说俩人一刀两断叫 cut their ties!



1. I'm not attracted to you.


“I'm not attracted to you.” 这句话在电视或电影上常常听到,意思就是“你不吸引我”,也就是 I don't like you. 这句话比较婉转的说法。

I don't like you. 听起来很直接、比较刺耳,如果别人跟你告白,但你对他并没有意思,你不妨客气一点地说I'm not attracted to you, but we still can be friends. (你不吸引我,但我们还是可以当朋友。)

2. Maybe I don't deserve you.


Deserve (应得的) 是一个在英文中很好用的字,它用在谈恋爱方面有许多有趣的用法。“我配不上你”英文就是I don't deserve you. 我们刚刚讲过的电影 Sleepless in Seattle,安妮和沃尔特分手时就是这么说的。如果有人失恋了,你也可以安慰他说:You deserve someone better. (你一定可以找到更好的。), 或是She doesn't deserve you. (她根本就配不上你。)

日常的会话中也常常用到一句“You deserve it!”,这句话是说这是“你应得的”,就是“活该、自作自受”的意思。比如有人老爱脚踏两条船,结果到头来同时被两个女人给甩了,这种人你就可以对他说 You deserve it.

3. We don't match each other.


和上一句的 I don't deserve me. (我配不上你) 不同,We don't match each other. 指的是“我们两个人不配”。Match 这个词除了当动词外也可以拿来当名词用,比如你要说“某两人很相配”,你就可以说 You are a perfect match.

Match 还可以用在穿着方面,比如Your clothes don't match. 指的就是两件衣服不配 (例如红衣服配上绿裤子之类的)。

4. He is not my type.


女孩子们聚在一起总是会对周遭的男生品头论足。“He is not my type.” 是常用的一个句子, 意思就是“他跟我不适合啦。/ 他不是我想要的那个类型。”上海昂立英语




Also by Nicholas Sparks lso by Nicholas Sparks

The Notebook

Message in a Bottle

A Walk to Remember

The Rescue

A Bend in the Road

Nights in Rodanthe

The Guardian

The Wedding

Three Weeks with My Brother (with Micah Sparks)

True Believer

At First Sight




This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author‟s imagination or are used fi ctitiously.

Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

his book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author‟s imagination or are used fi ctitiously.

Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright . 2006 by Nicholas Sparks

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

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ISBN: 0-7595-6896-0

1. Soldiers—Fiction. 2. Long-distance relationships—Fiction. I. Title.

Special Scholastic Hardcover Edition

ISBN-13: 978-0-446-58094-6

ISBN-10: 0-446-58094-5

For Micah and Christine h and Christine


.... Z


This novel was both a joy and a challenge to write; aT


joy because it‟s my hope that the characters reflect the honor and integrity of those who serve in the military, and a challenge

because . . . well, to be completely honest, I find that every novel I write is challenging. There are those people, however, who make the challenge that much easier, and without further ado, I‟d like to thank them.

To Cat, my wife and the woman I love with all my heart. Thanks

for your patience, babe.

To Miles, Ryan, Landon, Lexie, and Savannah, my children.

Thanks for your endless enthusiasm, kids.

To Theresa Park, my agent. Thanks for everything.

To Jamie Raab, my editor. Thanks for your kindness and wisdom.

To David Young, the new CEO of Hachette Book Group

USA, Maureen Egen, Jennifer Romanello, Harvey-Jane Kowal, Shannon O‟Keefe, Sharon Krassney, Abby Koons, Denise

DiNovi, Edna Farley, Howie Sanders, David Park, Flag, Scott Schwimer, Lynn Harris, Mark Johnson . . . I‟m thankful for your friendship.

To my fellow coaches and athletes on the New Bern High track team (which won both the indoor and outdoor North Carolina

Nicholas Sparks parks

State Championships): Dave Simpson, Philemon Gray, Karjuan Williams, Darryl Reynolds, Anthony Hendrix, Eddie Armstrong, Andrew Hendrix, Mike Weir, Dan Castelow, Marques Moore, Raishad Dobie, Darryl Barnes, Jayr Whitfi eld, Kelvin Hardesty, J

Julian Carter, and Brett Whitney . . . what a season, guys!




Lenoir, 2006

What does it mean to truly love another?


There was a time in my life when I thought I knew the answer:

It meant that I‟d care for Savannah more deeply than I cared for myself and that we‟d spend the rest of our lives together. It

wouldn‟t have taken much. She once told me that the key to happiness was achievable dreams, and hers were nothing out of the

ordinary. Marriage, family . . . the basics. It meant I‟d have a steady job, the house with the white picket fence, and a minivan or SUV big enough to haul our kids to school or to the dentist or off to soccer practice or piano recitals. Two or three kids, she was never clear on that, but my hunch is that when the time came, she would have suggested that we let nature take its course and allow God to make the decision. She was like that—religious, I mean—and I suppose that was part of the reason I fell for her. But no matter what was going on in our lives, I could imagine lying beside her in bed at the end of the day, holding her while we talked and laughed, lost in each other‟s arms.

It doesn‟t sound so far-fetched, right? When two people love each other? That‟s what I thought, too. And while part of me still

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wants to believe it‟s possible, I know it‟s not going to happen. When I leave here again, I‟ll never come back.

For now, though, I‟ll sit on the hillside overlooking her ranch

and wait for her to appear. She won‟t be able to see me, of course. In the army, you learn to blend into your surroundings, and I learned well, because I had no desire to die in some backward foreign dump in the middle of the Iraqi desert. But I had to come back to this small North Carolina mountain town to fi nd out what happened. When a person sets a thing in motion, there‟s a feeling of unease, almost regret, until you learn the truth.

But of this I am certain: Savannah will never know I‟ve been here today.

Part of me aches at the thought of her being so close yet so untouchable, but her story and mine are different now. It wasn‟t easy for me to accept this simple truth, because there was a time when our stories were the same, but that was six years and two lifetimes ago. There are memories for both of us, of course, but I‟ve learned that memories can have a physical, almost living presence, and in this, Savannah and I are different as well. If

hers are stars in the nighttime sky, mine are the haunted empty

spaces in between. And unlike her, I‟ve been burdened by questions I‟ve asked myself a thousand times since the last time we were together. Why did I do it? And would I do it again?

It was I, you see, who ended it.

On the trees surrounding me, the leaves are just beginning

their slow turn toward the color of fi re, glowing as the sun peeks over the horizon. Birds have begun their morning calls, and the air is perfumed with the scent of pine and earth; different from the brine and salt of my hometown. In time, the front door cracks open, and it‟s then that I see her. Despite the distance between us, I fi nd myself holding my breath as she steps into the dawn. She stretches before descending the front steps and heads around the side. Beyond her, the horse pasture shimmers like a green ocean, and she passes through the gate that leads toward


it. A horse calls out a greeting, as does another, and my fi rst thought is that Savannah seems too small to be moving so easily among them. But she was always comfortable with horses, and they were comfortable with her. A half dozen nibble on grass near the fence post, mainly quarter horses, and Midas, her white- socked black Arabian, stands off to one side. I rode with her

once, luckily without injury, and as I was hanging on for dear life, I remember thinking that she looked so relaxed in the saddle that she could have been watching television. Savannah takes a moment to greet Midas now. She rubs his nose while she whispers

something, she pats his haunches, and when she turns away, his ears prick up as she heads toward the barn.

She vanishes, then emerges again, carrying two pails—oats, I think. She hangs the pails on two fence posts, and a couple of the horses trot toward them. When she steps back to make room, I see her hair flutter in the breeze before she retrieves a saddle and bridle. While Midas eats, she readies him for her ride, and a few minutes later she‟s leading him from the pasture, toward the trails in the forest, looking exactly as she did

six years ago. I know it isn‟t true—I saw her up close last year and noticed the first fi ne lines beginning to form around her eyes—but the prism through which I view her remains for me



