
| 翻译 |



饮酒 陶渊明结庐在人境,而无车马喧。问君何能尔,心远地自偏。采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。此中有真意,欲辨已忘言。Drinking wineTao Qian-translated by Xu Yuanchong(许渊冲)In people's haunt I build my cot;Of wheel's and hoof's noise i hear not.How can it leave on me no trace?Secluded heart makes secluded place.i pick fenceside asters at will;Carefree i see the southern hill.The mountain air's fresh day and night;Together birds go home in flight.What revelation at this view?Words fail if i try to tell you.Drinking WineTao QianI made my home amidst this human bustle,Yet I hear no clamour from the carts and horses.My friend, you ask me how this can be so?A distant heart will tend towards like places.From the eastern hedge, I pluck chrysanthemum flowers,And idly look towards the southern hills.The mountain air is beautiful day and night,The birds fly back to roost with one another.I know that this must have some deeper meaning,I try to explain, but cannot find the words.DrinkingTao Qian-translated by Yang Xianyi and Dai Naidie(杨宪益,戴乃迭)Within the world of men I make my home,Yet din of house and carriage there is none;You ask me how this quiet is achieved-With thoughts remote the place appears alone.While picking asters'neath the Eastern fenceMy gaze upon the Southern mountain rests;The mountain views are good by day or night,The birds come flying homeward to their nests.A truth in this reflection lies concealed,But I forget how it may be revealed.

《饮酒 陶渊明》

《语文课件 饮酒 陶渊明》


《饮酒 陶渊明》



翻译: 从小丘向西行走一百二十步,隔着竹林,听到水声,好象人身上佩带的珮环相碰击发出的声音,心里高兴。砍了竹子开出一条小路,往下看见一个小潭,水格外清凉。潭把一整块石头作为底,靠近岸边,石底有些部分翻卷过来露出水面,成为水中高地,成为小岛,成为不平的岩石,成为岩(等各种不同的形状)。青葱的树木,翠绿的藤蔓,遮掩缠绕,摇动下垂,参差不齐,随风飘拂。 潭中鱼儿大约有一百来条,好象在空中游动,什么依靠也没有。阳光照到水底,鱼的影子映在水底的石上。呆呆地不动,忽然向远处游去。来来往往轻快敏捷,好象与游人一起娱乐。 向潭西南方望去,看到溪水象北斗星那样曲折,象蛇那样蜿蜒前行,时隐时现。溪水的岸势象狗牙那样参差不齐,不能知道它的源头。




翻译: 庆历四年春天,滕子京降职到岳州做太守。到了第二年,政事顺利,百姓和乐,许多废弛的事情都兴办起来。于是重新修建岳阳楼,扩大它原来的规模,在上面刻了唐代名人和当代人的诗赋。嘱托我写一篇文章来记述这件事。

我观赏那岳州的好景色,在洞庭湖之中。它含着远山,吞着长江,水波浩荡,宽阔无边;或早或晚(一天里)阴晴多变化,气象千变万化。这就是岳阳楼的雄伟景象。前人的记述很详尽了。虽然如此,那么北面通到巫峡,南面直到潇水、湘江,降职远调的人和诗人,大多在这里聚会,看了景物而触发的感情,大概会有所不同吧? 象那连绵的雨下得繁密,连续几个月不放晴,阴惨的风愤怒地号叫,浑浊的浪头冲向天空;太阳和星星隐藏起光辉,山岳隐没了形体;商人和旅客不能成行,桅杆倒下,船桨断折;傍晚天色昏暗,老虎怒吼猿猴悲啼。登上这座楼,就有离开国都,怀念家乡,担心(人家)说坏话,惧怕(人家)批评指责,满眼萧条冷落,极度感概而悲愤不已的情绪了。 至于春风和煦、日光明媚,湖面平静,没有惊涛骇浪,天色湖光相接,一片碧绿,广阔无际;沙欧时而飞翔时而停歇,美丽的鱼儿时而浮游,时而潜游;岸上的小草,小洲上的兰花,(长得)茂盛青葱。有时大片烟雾完全消散,明月照耀着千里大地,波动的光闪着金色,静静的月影像沉入水中的玉璧,渔夫的歌声互相唱和,这种快乐哪有穷尽!登上岳阳楼,就有心胸开朗,精神愉快;光荣和屈辱一并忘了,端酒当着风,高兴极了的神态了。 唉!我曾经探求古时品德高尚的人的心情,或许不同于(以上)两种心情,为什么呢?不因外物(好坏)和自己(得失)而或喜或悲。处在高高的庙堂上(即在朝廷里做官)就担忧他的百姓;处在僻远的江湖间(即不在朝廷上做官)就担忧他的君王。这样做官也担忧,辞官也担忧。那么,什么时候才快乐呢?那一定要说:“在天下人忧之前先忧,在天下人乐之后才乐 ”吧。唉!(如果)没有这种人,我同谁一道呢? 写于庆历六年九月十五日。


翻译: 环绕着滁州城的都是山。它西南面的那些山峰,树林、山谷尤其美丽,树木茂盛,又幽深又秀丽的,是琅琊山。沿着山路走六七里,渐渐听到水声潺潺,从两座山峰中间倾泻出来的,是酿泉。山势回环,路也跟着拐弯,有亭子四角翘起,像鸟张开翅膀一样,高踞于泉水之上的,是醉翁亭。修建亭子的人是谁?山中的和尚智仙。给它取名的人是谁?太守用自己的别号(醉翁)来命名。太守和客人到这里来喝酒,喝一点就醉了,而年龄又最大,所以自己取号叫醉翁。醉翁的情趣不在于喝酒,在于山水之间。欣赏山水的乐趣,领会在心里,寄托在喝酒上。 像那太阳出来,树林里的雾气散了,烟云聚拢来,山谷就显得昏暗了,或暗或明,变化不一,(就是)山间的早晨和傍晚。野花开了,有一股清幽的香味,好的树木枝叶繁茂,形成一片浓郁的绿阴,风高霜洁,水位低落,石头显露,这是山间四季的景色。早晨上山,傍晚返回,四季的景色不同,因而乐趣也没有穷尽。


不久夕阳落山,人影散乱,太守返回,宾客跟随。树林枝叶茂密成阴,鸟儿到处鸣叫,游人离开后禽鸟在快乐了。然而禽鸟只知道山林的乐趣,却不知道人的乐趣,人们只知道跟随太守游玩的乐趣,却不知道太守以游人的快乐为快乐。醉了能够同大家一起欢乐,醒来能够用文章记述这乐事的人,是太守。太守是谁?是庐陵人欧阳修。 《满井游记》袁宏道




饮酒 陶渊明

我家建在众人聚居繁华道,可从没有烦神应酬车马喧闹。 要问我怎能如此超凡洒脱,心灵避离尘俗自然幽静远邈。 东墙下采撷清菊心情徜徉,猛然抬头喜见南山胜景绝妙。 暮色中缕缕彩雾萦绕升腾,结队的鸟儿回翔远山的怀抱。 南山仰止啊,这有人生的真义,我该怎样表达内中深奥!

行路难 李白


茅屋为秋风所破歌 杜甫

八月秋深,狂风怒号,(风)卷走了我屋顶上好几层茅草。茅草乱飞,渡过浣花溪,散落在对岸江边。飞得高的茅草缠绕在高高的树梢上,飞得低的飘飘洒洒沉落到池塘和洼地里。 南村的一群儿童欺负我年老没力气,(居然)这样狠心当面作贼抢东西,毫无顾忌地抱着茅草跑进竹林去了。(我喊得)唇焦口燥也没有用,只好回来,拄着拐杖,自己叹息。 一会儿风停了,天空中乌云黑得像墨,深秋,天渐渐黑下来。布被盖了多年,又冷又硬,像铁板似的。孩子睡相不好,把被子蹬破了。一下屋顶漏雨,连床头都没有一点干的地方。像线条一样一串串密密连接着的雨点下个没完。自从安史之乱之后,我睡眠的时间很少,长夜漫漫,屋漏床湿,如何挨到天亮。 怎么才能得到千万间宽敞高大的房子,普遍地庇覆天下间贫寒的读书人,让他们开颜欢笑,(房子)在风雨中也不为所动,安稳得像是山一样。唉!什么时候眼前出现这样高耸的房屋,即使我的茅屋被秋风所吹破,我自己受冻而死也心甘情愿。

白雪歌送武判官归京 岑参

北风席卷大地,白草被刮得折断了,塞北的天空八月就飞撒大雪。 忽然好像一夜春风吹来,千树万树洁白的梨花斗艳盛开。雪花飘散进入珠帘,沾湿了罗幕,穿上狐裘不感觉到温暖,织锦做成的被子也觉得单薄。连将军和都护都拉不开弓,都觉得铁衣太寒冷,难以穿上。 在大沙漠上纵横交错着百丈厚的坚冰,愁云暗淡无光,在万里长空凝聚着。在军中主帅所居的营帐里摆设酒宴,给回去的客人饯行,胡琴琵琶与羌笛奏出了热烈欢快的乐曲。傍晚在辕门外,纷纷大雪飘落,红旗被冰雪冻硬,强劲的北风也不能让它飘动。在轮台东门外送您离去,离去的时候大雪铺满了天山的道路。山岭迂回,道路曲折,看不见您的身影,雪地上只留下马走过的蹄印。

己亥杂诗 龚自珍

浩浩荡荡的离别愁绪向着日落西斜的远处延伸, 马鞭向东举起这一起身,从此就是天涯海角了。我辞官归乡,有如从枝头上掉下来的落花,但它却不是无情之物,化成了泥土,还能起着培育下一代的作用。

早春呈水部张十八员外 韩愈


无题 李商隐

见面的机会真是难得,分别时也难舍难分,况且又兼东风将收的暮春天气,百花残谢,更加使人伤感。 春蚕结茧到死时丝才吐完,蜡烛要燃完成灰时像泪一样的蜡油才能滴干。女方早晨妆扮照镜,只担忧丰盛如云,乌黑的鬓发改变颜色,青春的容颜消失。男子晚上长吟不寐,必然感到冷月侵人。对方的住处从这里去没有多远,却无路

可通,可望而不可及。希望有青鸟一样的使者殷勤地为我 去探看情人,来往传递消息。

相见欢 李煜

默默无言,孤孤单单,独自一人缓缓登上空空的西楼。抬头望天,只有一弯如钩的冷月相伴。低头望去,只见梧桐树寂寞地孤立院中,幽深的庭院被笼罩在清冷凄凉的秋色之中。 那剪也剪不断,理也理不清,让人心乱如麻的,正是亡国之苦。那悠悠愁思缠绕在心头,却又是另一种无可名状的痛苦。

登飞来峰 王安石

飞来峰顶有座高耸入云的塔,听说鸡鸣时分可以看见旭日升起。 不怕层层浮云遮住我那远眺的视野,只因为我站在飞来峰顶,登高望远心胸宽广。

苏幕遮 范仲淹

细焚沉香,来消除夏天闷热潮湿的暑气。鸟雀鸣叫呼唤着晴天(旧有鸟鸣可占雨之说),拂晓时分我偷偷听它们在屋檐下的“言语”。荷叶上初出的阳光晒干了昨夜的雨,水面上的荷花清润圆正,荷叶迎着晨风,每一片荷叶都挺出水面。 (看到这风景)我想到遥远的故乡,何日才能回去啊?我家本在吴越一带,长久地客居长安。五月,我故乡的小时候的伙伴是否在想我,划着一叶扁舟,在我的梦中来到了过去的荷花塘(词中指杭州西湖)。






一 保温瓶的清洁与保养:


二 相关提示:

1. 用热水对保温瓶进行预热(或用凉水预凉),可增进保温效果。勿在微波炉、烤箱或冰箱内使用保温瓶。

2. 不可在保温瓶内存放碳酸饮料。因为此种饮料在瓶内会产生压力,将瓶塞顶出。

The rapidly-changing Shanghai is a driving force/propeller/engine of China’s economy. A case in point/a typical example is the Lu Jiazui Finance and Trade Zone in the Pudong New Area which has turned itself to an international financial center represented by Shanghai Securities Exchange and the seats of many international financial institutions, hotels and conference centers since its establishment in the 1990s under the visionary guidance of the Chinese government. With 101 floors above ground level and soaring into a height of 492m, Shanghai World Financial Center is located in the center of the zone. Reflecting a concept of vertical integrated city, SWFC serves as a platform where people can share information and get absolute safety and enjoy warm-hearted service.

Key for Reference:

Cleaning and maintenance of thermos/vacuum bottle/flask

Wash,rinse and dry the vacuum flask before using it for the first time. Always empty the vacuum flask after use. Wash it by hand, adding soda powder or washing-up liquid/detergent to water. Use a bottle brush to make sure the inside is thoroughly cleaned.

Good to know/Notice/Tips:

1. Pre-heating the flask with hot water or cooling it with cold water will improve its performance. Never use a vacuum flask in a microwave oven, baking oven or refrigerator/freezer.

2. Do not keep carbonated/soda beverages/soft drinks in the flask, for the pressure it generates can push the cork out.


In accordance with/In (the) light of/In reference to/On the principle of/According to/Based on the Property Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Law of Land Administration of the People’s Republic of China,

the Law of Urban Real Estate Administration of the People’s Republic of China, Shanghai Regulations for Real Estate Registration and other relevant laws and regulations, to protect the legal rights and interests of the owner of land-use rights and the house property, registration is hereby granted and this certificate is hereby given to such owner for the land, house and other appurtenances listed in this registration application after the due examination and verification.


民政事务局局长 曾德成


Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing

13 December 2009


Since the commencement of the Games, friends across boundaries have come together to witness the legendary moments of the Games. All our athletes have competed fairly and done their best, displaying strong determination, great perseverance and true sportsmanship. You have created the proudest moment of the Games and shown us the unifying power of sport by overriding national, political, religious and language barriers. A tremendous spirit of friendship has also been clearly evident throughout the Games. The exemplary participation of you all has promoted the spirit of solidarity. The Games have become an important event on the international sports calendar as well as a platform for friendship and cultural exchanges across the region.

Over the past successive days, citizens of Hong Kong, together with distinguished guests worldwide, have witnessed the athletes from all parts of Asia compete vigorously, demonstrate an unyielding spirit and true sportsmanship. Their

performance has created a brilliant chapter for the 2009 East Asian Games and turned the game into a great gathering that crosses over nationality, politics, religion and language. The Games is not only an international sports event, but a platform for friendship and cultural exchanges in the East Asian region.


This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China – a significant milestone for our nation. Adding to

the festivities, Hong Kong will host the 2009 East Asian Games in December. That makes today's Torch Relay doubly significant – it is both a

celebratory event for the National Anniversary and a prelude to the Games. 过去六十年,国家发展取得显著成就。去年北京成功主办奥运,便是其中一个有力证明,香港亦有幸参与其中。今年十二月,香港特区将首次以东道主身份,主办东亚运这项国际大型综合运动会。这将是历来最大规模的东亚运动会,预计有近3,000名来自东亚9个地区及国家的体坛精英,竞逐22个运动项目、共262 项赛事的金牌。

Over the past sixty years, our nation has made remarkable strides in many areas including the economy, science, culture and sports. The Beijing Olympics last year – with Hong Kong as a co-host city – was a resounding success. Hong Kong will rise to the challenge again by hosting the largest ever EAG. Close to 3 000 athletes from nine countries and territories will compete for 262 gold medals across 22 sports.




山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。此中有真意,欲辨已忘言。 Drinking wine

Tao Qian

-translated by Xu Yuanchong(许渊冲)

In people's haunt I build my cot;

Of wheel's and hoof's noise I hear not.

How can it leave on me no trace?

Secluded heart makes secluded place.

I pick fence-side asters at will;

Carefree I see the southern hill.

The mountain air's fresh day and night;

Together birds go home in flight.

What revelation at this view?

Words fail if I try to tell you.

Drinking Wine

Tao Qian

I made my home amidst this human bustle,

Yet I hear no clamor from the carts and horses.

My friend, you ask me how this can be so?

A distant heart will tend towards like places.

From the eastern hedge, I pluck chrysanthemum flowers, And idly look towards the southern hills.

The mountain air is beautiful day and night,

The birds fly back to roost with one another.

I know that this must have some deeper meaning,

I try to explain, but cannot find the words.


Tao Qian

-translated by Yang Xianyi and Dai Naidie(杨宪益,戴乃迭)

Within the world of men I make my home,

Yet din of horse and carriage there is none;

You ask me how this quiet is achieved-

With thoughts remote the place appears alone.

While picking asters neath the Eastern fence

My gaze upon the Southern mountain rests;

The mountain views are good by day or night,

The birds come flying homeward to their nests.

A truth in this reflection lies concealed,

But I forget how it may be revealed.



Days around Qingming are featured by heavy rains, move sorrowfully along the way the pedestrians;

I want to know where a tavern lies,

A shepherd boy points at a distant hamlet nestling amidst apricot blossoms.


------Marcie Hans
