
| 成人英语三级 |



四人英语话剧剧本-The Rolling Orange

The Rolling Orange讲述桔子的故事。一天早上,桔子一家醒来,发现人们开着卡车,搬着梯子,来摘桔子了,快来看看他们的命运如何吧。


Tom: Father Orange

Klye: Mother Orange

Wallis: Older Sister Orange

Jessie: Little Brother Orange


Father Orange: He is a middle-aged, considerate, and thoughtful man.

Mother Orange: She is a younger and more youthful woman than Father. She is also very optimistic.

Older Sister Orange: She is young , energetic, and competitive .

Little Brother Orange: He is the youngest and, therefore, a little spoiled.

SCENE I 场景一:果园

One Morning in an Orange Orchard.

(Today is a sunny day . An orange family is discussing nervously about something on an orange tree in an orchard. )

Father: I was awakened early this morning by the sound of trucks in the field (yawning). Mother: Well, it wasn’t the first time to be like this.

Sister: A whole bunch of strange men was brought in by trucks.

Brother: That really scared me. They got out and started to climb up ladders.

Sister: (Afraid suddenly) Oh! My friends were grabbed and put into large bags. I could hear them yell for help.

Father: Hey! We shouldn’t look at them; otherwise, they’ll notice us.

Mother: But it’s useless.

Sister: Oh, God! We’re discovered!

Brother: Oh! We’re being grabbed and pulled from our branches. What will we do for food and water?

Sister: It will be so uncomfortable going to town in that bag with a lot of strangers. Mother: Well, we’ll just have to do our best.

Father: Yeah!


On a Fruit Stand.

(After having been on the road in a bag for half an hour, they are placed on a fruit stand. )

Sister: Gee! This place is so cold and desolate. I wish we had our friends here on this stand (looks at the opposite fruit stall).

Brother: I tried to make friends with these people on our way here, but everyone looked pretty uncomfortable and scared.


Sister: Oh! Mother! How could they do that?

Mother: What are you talking about?

Brother: I know what she’s talking about (Brother turns to look).

Father: What did you see?

Sister: My friends were cut up and eaten. How could they do that? I’m so scared. Father: Now, children, be calm.

Mother: Sh~ Someone’s coming.

Father: Try to be quiet.

Sister: I don’t want to be taken away.

Brother: Oh! My friend’s being taken away.

Sister: Your friend looks so fat.

Mother: If we look sour, maybe we won’t be taken away.

Brother: That’s a bright idea. But how could we look sour?

Mother: Now, children, stop being scared and calm down.

Father: Oh! No! I’m being looked at.

Mother: I told you not to eat so much. Now you look so fat and juicy.

(Father is being taken away.)

Brother: Oh, no, Dad!

Father: (Sadly) Good bye, children.

Sister: Oh! Dad’s being put into the basket and taken away.

Mother: Oh, no!

Brother: Stop that. Our father can’t be taken away.

Mother: Look, he’s being bagged and put into a cart.

Sister: Hey! The cart’s wheels are going out of the store.

Brother: A car’s pulling up.

Mother: Oh, no! His bag is being picked up.

Sister: But it’s breaking. And Dad’s falling out.

Brother: Dad’s rolling away.

All: (Jumping up and down cheering) ROLL! ROLL! He’s getting away. Sister & Brother: Yip! Yip! Hurray for Dad!

Mother: Oh! Thank God.

四人视频英语小剧本篇二:英语 四人 剧本

此剧本描述学生会面试场景,角色为一个interviewer (A),三个interviewees


A:Zhangyang? Just as your name goes, you must be really outgoing. What are you good at?

B: sing……唱首歌

A: Um, excellent. Are there any other hobbies?

B: Of course, I am talented in many aspects. The basketball can make myself take pride in sports and I love it from the bottom of my heart. In my spare time, I have made a numberof close friends by playing this game. Due to my good performance, I have been aborbed into the school team and I’m getting along well with my partners.

C: You are very confident, you can work in the sports department.

C: Sorry, I am a bit nervious.

A: Take it easy.

C: I want to join the independent club and I think I am qualified for the job. A: Enheng?

C: In my opinion. College student is required to stand on their own legs and have an independent living. To some extent, it is more important than acquiring knowledge.

A: So, do you have some related activities in your life?

C: Yeah. During my summer vocation, I choosed to leave home to do some works of production promotion and I also earned some money. It is meaningful for me! A: You give me a lesson, I think you can make it.

A: You look very smart, so what is your personal strength?

D: I have many intrrests such as playing various balls, reading, music and English.

A: Good boy. I think you have plenty of art cells.

D: Thank you, it is just my goal. I want to be a member of art club.

A: Even though I appreciate you, you should show our ability.

D: He you are, this is my own work.

A: This is owesome.

B: I have accepted some good trainings in relaton to handwriting from my father since I was very young. In addition, I also do well in pen writing, I will show you some other day.

A: Good, you have survived.



Little Red Riding Hood

第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家

Mum: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)

Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing?

Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.

Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!

Mum: (亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good. Be careful. Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.

Mum: Bye-bye. Darling.


(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)

Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.

Wolf:(wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)

Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill. Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma. But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks.

Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)


Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you? Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going?

Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.

Six Ducks:Goodbye.


Grandma: (喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。)

Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now. (做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma’ s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , it’s here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang.

Grandma: Who is it?

Wolf:(装出Little Red Riding Hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It’s me. Little Red Riding Hood.

Grandma: (边说边起床) Come in, come in.

Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , I’ll eat you.

Grandma: (惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上) 灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里。

Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!I’ll sleep.

Little Red Riding Hood:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma.

Wolf:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who is it?

Little Red Riding Hood:It’s me。Little Red Riding Hood. What a strange noise! Wolf:Come in, Come in.

Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! What are big ears!

Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice.

Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What a big eyes!

Wolf:I can see you pretty face.

Little Red Riding Hood:Oh! What a big hand.

Wolf:I can hug you.

Little Red Riding Hood:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands?

Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you!

Little Red Riding Hood:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No!

Wolf:(追到Little Red Riding Hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)It’s delicious. I still sleep. I like sleeping.

Hunter: (一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Where’s the wolf? Look! A door.(推门)The wolf is sleeping.


Hunter: (端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry.(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) Look! Scissors. (做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut.

Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank you.

Hunter: Grandma ,give me some needles and thread. Little Riding Hood ,Give me some stones.

Grandma: (从桌子上拿来针线)

Little Red Riding Hood:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three.

Hunter: (把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里)

Grandma: I'll thread it.

Hunter: (拿起枪)Woke up!

Wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子)My stomach is so heavy.

Hunter: You big bad wolf, raise your arms!

Wolf:(边跑边说) Help! Don’t shot me!

Hunter: (开枪)Bang, bang!

Wolf: (应声倒下)

Hunter: The bad wolf is dead.

Little Red Riding Hood和Grandma:Yeah! Thank you.


Big words of western tour (大话西游)

Chapter 1

Site:The wedding

Characters:牛魔王 、至尊宝、紫霞、小妖

Aside: The story begins with a wedding. The Bull King is going to have a concubine.

牛:Today is my wedding. I am going to have a concubine. Ha ha ha „„.

妖:Concubine? Dose your wife agree to it?

牛:Oh! She is not lovely anymore. She’s right now at the Flame Mountain. She can do nothing about it!


牛:Let me introduce my brother to you! My bro!

Come here! This is my brother.


牛:Zixia, listen to me. I think I ‘ve fallen in love with you once I know you. I want to show my sincerity. So I request you to marry me in front of my bros. This Pandora’s Box is my gift to you. I hope you would say yes.

妖:I object!


妖:Zixia has a means to test her lover. If you can pass it, I will shout up!

至:What’s this? Really?

妖:This test is that she would marry the guy who can make her Magic Sword go out of the scabbard.


妖:Magic Sword?

牛:Let me do this!


紫:It’s not true! It’s just a joke. It is still meaningless even if you can put it out!


妖:King, Iron Fan Princess has come.



Aside: The monkey king leaves the front hall, running to back garden……

Chapter 2

Site: Bull King’s back garden

Characters: 至尊宝、紫霞


至:Why are you hiding here?


至:At this time, the blade is really close to me, 0.01 cm I think. But after a short period of time, 0.01 second I think, the owner of the sword will fall for me whole-heartedly. Because I’ve decided to tell lies, I’ve told many lies in my life, but I think it is the most wonderful lie!

紫:I’ll kill you if you come closer!

至:You should kill me! Kill me! I’d found my best love, but I didn’t treasure her. I left regretful after that. It’s the ultimate pain in the world. Just cut my throat, please don’t hesitate! If God can give me a chance, I will tell her there words. “I love you”. If God wants to give a time limit, I’ll say this love will last 10 thousand years!


紫:What can you tell your wife?

至:I have to tell her the truth. So I must get the Pandora’s Box back. Then go back with you and explain everything. But I hate myself that I can’t get the box back. I „„

紫:I help you!

至:No, it’s dangerous!

紫:You don’t want to?

至:I do! But „„

紫:I trust you! I’ll get the Pandora’s Box back tonight. Wait for me here at midnight.


至:Let me do something to my boss first. See you tonight.


Aside: The night ……

Chapter 3

Site: Dungeon

Characters: 至尊宝、猪八戒、沙僧、唐僧

猪和沙:Master, master


猪:We come to save you.

沙:We come to bring you out.

唐:I won’t go.

猪和沙:Stay here? Why?

唐:There’re full of obstacles in the way of getting scriptures. This is because we’re not united enough. So we let the devils do bad to us. That’s fine. This prison has no difference with the



English video script



编辑:张文飞、杨贵龙 指导教师:孙俐玲 摄像:刘洋

后期处理:张文飞 参与拍摄人数:2


拍摄时间2011-12-4 拍摄地点:北京信息职业技术学院


导语 视频内容介绍


《打电话》视频拍摄地点:图书馆 简介:接了电话之后发现是很久不见的朋友,我们聊得火热,老朋友也希望见到我。并参观我生活的地方!

《接待》视频拍摄地点:教室 简介:杨贵龙给我打电话并说想参观我学习地方。对于好久不见的朋友。我热情地接待了他。并相约一起聚餐

《聚餐》视频拍摄地点:宿舍 杨贵龙来到了我的学校!我请他在我们学校里吃饭。并且表示非常的喜欢!



Y:Hello,May i speak to Zhang sir .


Y:Yes.This is Yang sir! Z:Oh ,Hao are you ?What's going on with you Y:Fine! Thank you. will you be free this weekend? Z: Yes, I have time

Y:Can i visit your school?

Z:Of course you can.

Y: Ok,We can see the weekend

Z:OK Looking forward to your coming Y:Thank you. Bye!



杨先生进门了! Z:Hello Yang sir!Welcome you come to our school Y;We haven't seen you for ages

Z;Yes, there are a few years

Y:You are getting fat

Z:You also get taller

Y:Yes ,We have changed.Your school is very beautiful Z:Yes Our school afforest is better.

Y:I see

Z:DO you want to eat dinner together?

Y:Yes ,I want

Z:I will give you a surprise

Y:I hope



(One day, the class is over ,student A and B walk together.)

A: Labour Day is coming, we should relax a little on vacation, what are you going to do.

B: I have no idea no. How about you?

A:I intend to go to the Baotu Spring ,It’s said that it is a good interest of place.

B: En ,yes ,it is the first spring of the world.

A: Why not go with me? I believe you will be satisfied with it.

B: About it let me think.

(Student A and B come across C.)

C: Hi!What do you discuss?

A: Hi!We are talking about the plan of the Labor Day.

C: Where do you plan to go?

A: Baoto Spring.Visit together?

C: Oh! No! I have been there in the Tomb Sweeping Day.

B: Really?How about the sight of it?

C: Very great! There are so many birds and trees. When I go there I was attracted by the beauty of the scenery deeply.

B: Really?

C: Yes.The surroundings is so good,beyond description.There are some photoes in my moblephone,have a look.

B:How great!Is this Baotu Spring?

C:Oh,no!It is Baizheng Spring.In fact,there are many other springs,such as Mapao Spring,Dukang Spring whose funtain(泉水) is so clear and sweet.

A:It sounds great!Are there some fishes in these springs?You know I like fish very much.

C: Oh.There are many kinds of fishes with different colors, red, black, even colorful .I am sure you will be lost in the beautiful scenery.

B:En,it is a great meal to eyes.My desire to visit there become stronger and stronger.

C:It is only a part of the Baotu Spring.

A:It is said that there are many historical relics,such as Memorical Hall of Li Qingzhao.

C:Oh,yes!Except it,Jinan Massacre(惨案) Memorical Hall is also worth visiting.The Massacre is our stigma(耻辱),which happened on May Third.

A: It is of great significance to pay a visit on Labor Day.

B: Wonderful! I decide to visit there.


C:May you have a good time!

A:Thank you!What about you ?

C:En,I want to climb Mount Tai.

A:Mount Tai?Unattainable feeling!

B:It is so famous for its majesty(雄伟).

A:When you go there?I mean when you climb the Mount Tai,Evening?

C:Of course.I intend to watch the sunrise.The view from the top of the hill was superb(美丽极了).

B:A good pursuit!I hear that the top of the Mount Tai is very cold,you’d better wear enough clothes.

A: en, health and strength is above all gold.

C: Oh, yes! Thanks for your advice.Now I have to search some information about how to get to Mount Tai. See you later!

A:Take care of yourself!

B:See you!

D: Hi, what are you doing? Is it Student C?

B: Oh, he is busy preparing to go on holiday.

D: Holiday?

A: En, yes, Labor Day, we intend to go to Baotu Spring. What’s your plan?

D: Oh, I don’t have an idea. Now I’m not sure if I have a free time.

B: Why? What happened?

D: you know, I have applied for the National Sports Volunteer, the train may be started recently.

B: That is a pity!

D: Yeah, I’ve always wanted to climb Mount Tai. As a Shandong person, it is very pity not to climb Mount Tai.

A: Never mind. It’s also meaningful to train as a volunteer.

D: Of course, on the other hand, my dream can also come true on Summer Day, in a word; I believe I can reach the top of Mount Tai some day.

B: May you make it!

A: Where there is a will there’s a way.

D: Thanks, have a wonderful time, see you later.

A: See you!



甲:Hello,every one, have you ever seen the movie<Avatar>? Yeah, you are right, I'm the director-- Cameron Diaz, applaud , thank you....Recently, I will direct a new movie called < Avatar 2 >, today, there will be a audition and I will select three actresses who can get the chance to perform in this film with famous actress---Anne Hathaway,OK, let's begin. At first , talent show, number one, let's welcome.


吻):oh,honey,dear,sweet,darling director, the most beautiful charming, sexy girl is coming , every body knows me, right? Yeah, I'm Nicole Kidman, open your eyes as big as you can and hold your breath, there will be a unique, fantastic dance show for you, I believe that all of you will be crazy about it ,(打个响指) come some music.(搞笑舞,自由发挥). (跳完,鞠躬,向观众谢幕), thank you,(面向导演), honey, is it a wonderful performance?


乙:(在甲眼前晃手),oh, darling, are you Ok?

甲:eh...my god, have you use some stimulant drugs this morning, you make my nerves nervous. Get out , next one.

乙:oh no ...sweet ,you break my heart...(掩面离去)

丙:oh it seems to be serious. God bless me(画个十字架,镇定地走到甲面前,伸出手), nice to meet you, director.

甲:(与之握手),nice to meet you too,so, introduce yourself please.

丙:I'm Celine Dion, you know, I don't have too many

achievements, I just won five Grammy awards, 12 World Music Awards, 7 American Music Awards , 21 Juno Awards and(做沉思状) oh, I forget it , a Oscar Award, (同学鼓掌,乙作安抚状),oh, calm down, calm down,it's just a piece of cake for me ,you know, I....

甲:ok ,stop, time is limited, just begin

丙:OK!!! I'll use my first signature song to conquer you --my heart will go on, just enjoy it.

near, far, wherever you are

i believe that the heart does go on

once more, you opened the door(甲stop stop,丙不理,继续作深情状)

and you're here in my heart,

and my heart will go on and on.

甲:guard ,guard,help,drag this mad woman out.

Oh, I'm dying,hope the next one will give me a surprise 丁:(对着乙的背影,沉思状)to be,or not to be,it's a

question!(走到甲面前牵起她的手做亲吻状),I'm glad to see you,my dear princess.

甲(做娇羞状):oh, it's really a big surprise,so what's your name?

丁:My name? Oh, wait a minute. Do you know Trish Regan?(甲,白痴的摇头),eh..,it's ok,then how about Robin Meade?(摇头),and Melissa Theuriau?(摇头),(丁,情绪激动),you know nothing, how can you sit in here.

甲(指门,气愤状),you you you.....

丁:ok ok, it doesn't matter, you needn't learn about them, but you must know me, the most famous hostess who will catch up with those person and become the greatest poet---oprah! 甲:I don't care who you are, just show me your talent.

丁:ok ,listen,one poem,I have had found my best love, but I didn’t treasure her. When I lost her, I regret. It’s the most pain in the world. If God can give me another chance, I will say there words to her “I love you”!

甲(起鸡皮疙瘩状):oh, I can't stand, show you the door,

丁(转身离开,继续台词):If there is a time limit, I hope, it is (回头,对甲)10 thousand years.

甲:oh, it's really a terrible ,awful, horrible day,why it is such difficult to find an excellent actress.Oh, I'm dying,you three, come here,

三人跑进来,乙妩媚状:honey, you like my dance,right? 丙镇静状:director,you like my singing,right?

丁深情状:princess,you like my poet,right?

三人同声:we are past,right?

甲:eh..Thank you for your eh..Wonderful performance,but,I'm sorry to tell you ....(接电话) What? Nobody comes here except they three,oh...god.(挂电话,低头),you three,(抬头),pass!

三人欢呼,说:we make it,we are superstar!

乙(甜蜜状):that's very sweet of you,we love you so much(飞个吻)

甲:you know, you are not good enough now, but I'm look forward

to your progress.Do you have confidence? 三人齐答:yes,we do!




Bill: husband

Jane:Bill’s wife

Jenny:Bill’s daughter

Robert:Doctor & The car driver


(The scene is set in the emergency room in a local hospital in town. Jane was just sent to this hospital because of a heart disease. She needs badly an emergency treatment. It is a Sunday midnight. The major doctors are not in the hospital then. Bill has been informed that the treatment fro his wife will be charged as much as 2000 dollars. He felt very helpless because his family can not afford the treatment expenses. He loved his wife very much and Jenny is still young and need a healthy mother. He owes all these troubles to the poverty of the family and the large income gap between the poor and the rich. A intense resentment derives from his deep inside. He has to do something to get some money.)

Bill: Jane, how are you feeling now?

Jane: (weakly) I am okay. I just feel an kind of emptiness in my heart.

Bill: You will get better soon. The doctor is coming to the hospital from his home. They just call for a deposit before the treatment. (Sigh)

Jane: (weakly and quietly) How much will the treatment cost? We don’t have much money. Bill: We have. I have ways to get enough money. We have some friendly neighbors anyway. (Bill turns to Jenny)

Bill: Jenny, take good care of your mom. Just if anything happens, you should keep calm and cool and do what you think is right.

Jane: Okay ,Dad. Will we stay in the hospital all the night?

Bill: I am afraid so. Your mom needs treatment as soon as possible. And the hospital is the only place where she had better stay.

Jenny: I will accompany mom all the time. Do we have enough money for the treatment, Dad? Bill:Yes, we have. I am going home to get money. I have to go now.

Jenny: Bye, Dad. Come back soon.

Jane: Take care of yourself, Bill. I love you.

Bill: I love you too. (Bill gives a deep kiss on Jane’s forehead and a hug to Jenny. Then he went away.)


(The scene is set at a snowy road on the night. There is not much traffic in the road. Bill sees a dim yellow light of a car is coming to him. He waved his hand to stop the car. The driver——Mr. Robert saw him and stopped his car .)

Robert : I’m sorry I am afraid that I cannot take you a lift. I have something urgent to do now.

Bill: (Pleadingly) Please let me in. I have been waiting in the snowy weather for long. It is very hard to see some taxies at the moment.

(Robert opened the car door impatiently and let Bill get in the car.)

Robert: where will I drop you off?

(Bill gives no reply. There is a strange silence for a while. Robert gets a little angry and he turns to look back. Bill is pointing a gun in his direction from the backseat.)

Bill: Do as I tell you! Take out all your money and valuable things!

Robert: Be calm. I can give you money. But you should let me go soon. There is something urgent awaiting me.

Bill: (Bill becomes angry. He presses the gunpoint on Robert’s face.) What urgent things? Report to the police what has happened ? (Bill’s voice becomes louder and colder.) Yes, the police will protect you. The government will protect you——rich people. You rich people do a lot of goodness to society. We poor people should do all the devil things!

Robert: Calm down. Calm down, okay? I promise I will never report to the police. Please you just calm down. (Robert takes out all his money and valuables.) You can take away all these. Do they enough for you? Don’t fire. I will do whatever you tell me to .


(The scene is set in the emergency room in the same hospital. Bill just rushed to Jane’s emergency room with the money he has robbed. Jane, his wife, is at the last gasp. Jenny is still beside the sickbed accompanying Jane.)

Jane: (Breathe hard.) Is the doctor coming here?

Jenny: Dad says the doctor will come here. Mom, how do you feel now? (Jenny holds Jane’s hand tightly and kisses them gently.)

Jane: I am feeling bad. ( she pauses for a little while then continues ) It will not long before I go. Jenny: No, mom. You will be okay. Dad and the doctor will come soon. You will be okay. (Jenny holds Jane’s hand more tightly and tried to pull her away from the death gate.)

(Then the telephone in the emergency room rings. Jenny stands up to answer the phone. It is Mr. Robert, the major doctor. )

Jenny: Hello.(pause)oh Mr. Robert.(Pause)Oh, I can’t believe it. You have just been robbed on the way. (pause) I am sorry to hear it. Are you ok? (pause) Thank you very much. Mr. Robert. Hope you will come as soon as possible. My mom needs you badly right now.

(Jane is breathing harder and harder. Jenny comes beside her quickly.)

Jenny: Mom, hold me. Look at me. we have to wait for the doctor. He is coming now.

Jane: (weakly) Jenny, I don’t want to go. I love you , and your Dad.

(Bill rushes to the room and directly towards Jane’s sickbed.)

Bill: Jane!!!!No!!!!I am here.!Look at me!

(-------music begins to play.)



1:who is your favorite detective you know from TV or books?

2: I think it must be Sherlock Holmes.

4:wow,I like him,too.

3:how well do you know about him?

2: Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson lived in a Victorian lodging house at 221b Baker Street between 1881-1904, according to the stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

3:not bad. But weaker than me. herlockHolmes, the world's first consulting detective, was born

January 6, 1854 the descendant of country squires. He spent two years

at university before taking rooms in Montague street around the corner

from the British Museum. While at university he spent the long vacation with a friend, Victor Trevor, at Trevor's family home where Trevor Sr.,

suggested Holmes make a profession out of his ability to observe.

4:in addition, Sherlock Holmes stories have been translated into more than fifty languages, and made into plays, films, radio and television series, a musical comedy and so on. By 1920 Doyle was one of the most highly paid writers in the world.

1 :well, it is actully very popular and famous.nowadays, Most people like reading detective stories better than love stories. So how about you three?

2: in fact I love love stories more.

4: are you a young girl?

2: of cause not. But I think I’m too old to read detective stories now.

3:So you read love stories?

2: I think I can learn a sea of love skills at least.

1: but you can also learn a lot of kill skills from detective stories!

2: I think it is not very useful for me……


四人英语话剧剧本-The Rolling Orange

The Rolling Orange讲述桔子的故事。一天早上,桔子一家醒来,发现人们开着卡车,搬着梯子,来摘桔子了,快来看看他们的命运如何吧。Tom: Father Orange Klye: Mother OrangeWallis: Older Sister Orange Jessie: Little Brother Orange

Father Orange: He is a middle-aged, considerate, and thoughtful man.

Mother Orange: She is a younger and more youthful woman than Father. She is also very optimistic. Older Sister Orange: She is young , energetic, and competitive .Little Brother Orange: He is the youngest and, therefore, a little spoiled.场景一:果园

One Morning in an Orange Orchard.

(Today is a sunny day . An orange family is discussing nervously about something on an orange tree in an orchard. )

Father: I was awakened early this morning by the sound of trucks in the field (yawning). Mother: Well, it wasn’t the first time to be like this.

Sister: A whole bunch of strange men was brought in by trucks. Brother: That really scared me. They got out and started to climb up ladders.

Sister: (Afraid suddenly) Oh! My friends were grabbed and put into large bags. I could hear them yell for help.

Father: Hey! We shouldn’t look at them; otherwise, they’ll notice us.

Mother: But it’s useless.

Sister: Oh, God! We’re discovered!

Brother: Oh! We’re being grabbed and pulled from our branches. What will we do for food and water?

Sister: It will be so uncomfortable going to town in that bag with a lot of strangers. Mother: Well, we’ll just have to do our best.

Father: Yeah!


On a Fruit Stand.

(After having been on the road in a bag for half an hour, they are placed on a fruit stand. ) Sister: Gee! This place is so cold and desolate. I wish we had our friends here on this stand (looks at the opposite fruit stall).

Brother: I tried to make friends with these people on our way here, but everyone looked pretty uncomfortable and scared.


Sister: Oh! Mother! How could they do that?

Mother: What are you talking about?

Brother: I know what she’s talking about (Brother turns to look).

Father: What did you see?

Sister: My friends were cut up and eaten. How could they do that? I’m so scared.Father: Now, children, be calm.

Mother: Sh~ Someone’s coming.

Father: Try to be quiet.

Sister: I don’t want to be taken away.

Brother: Oh! My friend’s being taken away.

Sister: Your friend looks so fat.

Mother: If we look sour, maybe we won’t be taken away.

Brother: That’s a bright idea. But how could we look sour?

Mother: Now, children, stop being scared and calm down.

Father: Oh! No! I’m being looked at.

Mother: I told you not to eat so much. Now you look so fat and juicy.

(Father is being taken away.)

Brother: Oh, no, Dad!

Father: (Sadly) Good bye, children.

Sister: Oh! Dad’s being put into the basket and taken away. Mother: Oh, no!

Brother: Stop that. Our father can’t be taken away.

Mother: Look, he’s being bagged and put into a cart.

Sister: Hey! The cart’s wheels are going out of the store. Brother: A car’s pulling up.

Mother: Oh, no! His bag is being picked up.

Sister: But it’s breaking. And Dad’s falling out.

Brother: Dad’s rolling away.

All: (Jumping up and down cheering) ROLL! ROLL! He’s getting away. Sister & Brother: Yip! Yip! Hurray for Dad!

Mother: Oh! Thank God.



(The voice-over) It’s a beautiful sunny day! A little white rabbit jump out of her hole and run here and there happily. Then the story begins…

Rabbit: Hello everybody! I’m the rabbit. I’m looking for someone else to have a party .because, you know, a sunny day like this is hard to meet these days. I’ve not see it for several weeks!

River: (Flowing in the desktop now and saying) I’m the river. I’m enjoy myself and

you can feel it from my song:“一条大河,波浪宽,风吹稻花香两岸……”

(The rabbit step forward and interrupt him)

Rabbit: Hello River! Nice to meet you.

River: Nice to meet you too.

Rabbit: What are you doing here?

River: Just singing,“一条大河……”(Look at Rabbit) and ready to go!

Rabbit: Wait! Wait!

River: Um? Is there anything I can do for you?

Rabbit: Would you please have a party with me?

River: Have a party?(愕然,look at her, then laugh) A river with a little grey rabbit?

Rabbit: I’m white, not grey! (angrily) You look!

River: Oh! Are you white? (look around) But there’s grey in my eyes!

Rabbit: No! you can’t say that!

River: Ok, ok! You say there’s a party?

Rabbit: (turn to smile) Yeah, I think we can raise a party!

River: (laugh) To raise a party need several people. And there can be several!

Rabbit: We can invite other guys to join us! There comes from one to two.

River: (think) Ok, let’s go!

ACT 2:

(Mountain and Tree 上)

Mountain: I’m the Mountain, not a hill. So, there are so many trees here with me,(骄傲地) and……

Tree: Okay, okay! (转向大家) Morning everyone, I’m the Tree—an old tree for a hundred years. (turn the face to Mountain) So, I’m owned by you, er?

Mountain: Yeah, yeah….That’s what I want to say….(不好意思地冲Tree笑。忽然看见Rabbit和River上来,就告诉Tree:) Oh,look! Who’s coming?

All: (to each other) Nice to meet you!

Mountain: (to Rabbit) You two come here for……

Rabbit: …to raise a party! Can you join us?

Mountain: Okay, but….(look at Tree)

Tree: Um, ….(look all and think a while) Okay!(smile)….as there’s nothing to do today.

Rabbit: (jump)Great, great! (laugh to River)I have told you: Several come from one to two!

River: Yeah, I believe it!

Rabbit: Then, (to all) why not find a cool place to sit down and, get enough foods and drinks, and we chatting, singing, and dancing?

All: It’s easy! (smile)

Mountain: I can offer delicious fruits.

Tree: I can give you shadow.

River: I can make a lake. You can drink or fish if you like! Rabbit: Woo! Impossible! Everything is ready!

Tree: Okay, we can begin now! Everybody must give us a show including singing, dancing, or just give us an interesting story. (to All) Do you agree?

All: Yes!

Tree: Then, (to All), Who’s the first?

All: You--are the boss!

Tree: Um….ok! (to mountain) How about you?

Mountain: I have so many things to do such as prepare fruits for you….

Tree: Then….what about you, River?

River: Oh, no! I want to do some fishing but, you know, the fish is few and fewer these days. So, I need some time….

Tree: Then….what about you, Rabbit?

Rabbit: No! I am the youngest one….you know….

Tree: You are all Chinese!(angrily) This is the English class, why not be voluntary?(鼓励)

Rabbit: I’d like to be the first!(高兴地)

Mountain: Good! Let our pretty grey Rabbit be the first! Rabbit: (生气) How can you say that? Look, I’m white!

All: (众笑,互相议论: Is her white? No ! haha….When the Rabbit look at them, they all become quite. Then, )

Rabbit: I want to sing a song to you named ………………….. All: (All applause.) Great!

Mountain: (大惊失色)Oh my god! Wind comes again! He want to carry my soil!

All: Don’t worry! We will protect you!

Tree: Actually, man has done too much to the earth! They should consider the consequence before they do that! (All nod)

Tree: Many foolish Chinese people cut their trees—my

friends—to make one-off chopsticks and freight to Japan. Japan, you know, have a forests covering ratio of 65% which is 5 times to China. They forbidden to cut their own forest but import 20 billion pairs of one-off chopsticks every year from China. And there’s 2500


    上一篇:yang mi is highly
