
| 翻译 |



1. “I feel like we're moving too fast.”


If a person says this and then suggests slowing down a little bit (maybe

seeing/texting each other less during the week or whatever) then they are probably reacting accordingly to things getting serious more quickly than they'd like. Fine! Understandable! If a person says this and then suggests no longer seeing each other at all (or [ugh] “taking a break”) then they've realized that they are no longer interested in this budding relationship but would rather end on infuriatingly open-ended terms than risk confrontation.


2. “I don't want to hurt you.”


This one is baffling because there exists a vast middle ground between “being in a relationship and hurting someone” and “not being in a relationship and not hurting someone.” Part of it is “being in a relationship and not hurting someone”! So it's strange that the person using this line thinks that the person being dumped doesn't understand this? No one who hears this feels grateful for their feelings being spared. They might feel grateful for avoiding dating a turd.

这个比较麻烦,因为在“谈恋爱伤害对方” 和“不在一起不伤害对方” 之间有一个巨大的灰色地带。因为也可以“在一起但不伤害对方” 啊!所以那些说这句台词的人,难道意识不到被甩的那一方不明白这个道理么?没有哪个被甩的人会因为听到这句话对你的体贴感激涕零。他们只会庆幸没有继续跟渣人浪费时间。

3. “I'm not looking for a relationship.”


On its own, this is a completely valid statement. Not everyone is looking for a relationship, and sometimes people who are both looking for relationships are actually looking for different ones! Different strokes, you know? But it is without a doubt the worst kind of person who says they aren't looking for a relationship, allows the other person to walk away feeling like they experienced an honest and amicable parting of ways with a decent human whom they will think of fondly, and then announces their new relationship on Facebook three days later.


4. “I'm just so fucked up right now.”


Hahaha OK, one second, because our eyes will literally never stop rolling. Sure, maybe it's true. Maybe this person is “so fucked up.” But first of all, WHO ISN'T? And second of all, maybe stop? “So fucked up” isn't a fixed trait (or even, if we're being honest, actually a trait at all). It's like the person who says, “I know I'm late all the time, but that's just me!” An acknowledgment isn't the end of the conversation. Being late all the time is rude. This statement means nothing. Stop doing it.


5. “I don't deserve you.”


This one is so sneakily manipulative, because it seems like it's about how you, as the person being dropped, are an untouchable god among men (which, maybe you are!) but in reality it's about how the other person is working through a martyr complex. It might even lead to the most absurd of scenarios, in which the dumpee actually comforts the dumper! We would never condemn insecurity, but if a person is truly interested in pursuing a relationship with someone who intimidates them, they’ll just do what everyone else does (i.e., lie about how smart/funny/interesting they are until they reach a level of comfort at which they can drop it).


6. “I'm just really busy right now.”


Nobody who was ever genuinely interested in someone, and in carrying out a

relationship with that person, lost interest because he or she had too many meetings that week. “I'm too busy” is an often aggravating, self-important way of expressing something that isn't wrong or illegitimate to feel — if you'd rather not spend any of your free time with someone, that's OK and good to know. But that's about the person, not about the other obligations. Also: Literally everyone thinks they're really busy right now.



7. “I'm just bad at this stuff.”


This is one of many self-pitying breakup cliches that sound like admissions of personal failure, but aren't — a close cousin of “I'm so fucked up right now,” “I'm just bad at this stuff” romanticizes flaws like inability to communicate, manage one's time, and treat other people with respect. It's one thing to realize you've got some things you want to work on, alone, but it's another to use that recognition as a free pass to flail around helplessly. Being “bad at stuff” isn't just about the person who says it — it also affects the person who has to deal with it.

分手的时候这算是最常听见的陈词滥调之一,好像是对自己人生失败的一种总结,实际不是——这句话的姊妹篇就是“我现在真的心力交瘁”,“我不擅长处理感情问题” 把那些不善交际、无法合理安排时间、不懂尊重别人等等缺点给美化了。意识到自己有想做的事情是一回事,同时,把这句话当成是可以不负责任的说辞是另外一回事。“不擅长处理感情” 已经跟说这话的人无关了——也会影响那个跟你在一起的人啊。

8. “I still care about you.”


This one very much DEPENDS, of course, but saying TOO many nice or seemingly romantic things during a breakup can be confusing. Compliments don't soften the blow, they twist the knife. If you extoll the other person's virtues for too long, in too much depth, they're bound to wonder why, then, you don't want to be together. It's obviously OK to hope you can make peace with an ex, but don't throw out the “I still care about you” line just because you think it'll make a breakup easier to swallow. 这句话要分情况,当然,在分手的时候说太多好听的话或者浪漫的话会让人误会。赞美也无法缓解分手之痛,赞美只是把刀弄的没有那么锋利罢了。如果你一直大肆赞美对方,对方不禁会想为什么你不愿意在一起了呢。当然你跟前任做朋友也完全没问题,但不要丢下诸如 “我还是关心你的” 这样的话,哪怕你觉得这话说出来能减轻分手的痛苦。

9. “I just wish we'd met a few years from now.”


And we wish teleportation were real, and that it was eating brownies and not celery that burned more calories than those ingested, and that Lance Bass had been allowed to go to space. But what would the world be like if any of those things were true? We will never know!!! Just like we don't know what it means to wish “we'd met a few years from now.” Why are you so convinced you'll have your shit together by then? That seems overly optimistic.


好像我们永远不会知道“多希望我们早几年遇见” 意味着什么一样。你凭什么这么相信那时候我们也能在一起?这也太过于乐观了吧。

10. “[Nothing]” / Ghosting



Ghosting, or completely disappearing on someone you've been dating for any length of time over a week, is completely gross and totally indefensible. It's thoughtless, lazy, and cruel, and don't let your self-excusing lizard brain tell you otherwise. You know what is the easiest thing to do in the entire world? Texting someone. It has literally never been easier to break up with someone in five seconds. If you can't bring your sad self to do ANYTHING else, say SOMETHING. ANYTHING. Anything on this list is better than nothing.


The White House on Thursday sharply condemned a lengthy and racist North Korean screed against President Obama, calling the rhetoric from Pyongyang “particularly ugly and disrespectful.” The rebuke came in response to a recently published diatribe by North Korea calling Obama a “clown,” a “dirty fellow” and somebody who “does not even have the basic appearances of a human being.” Another part of the tirade declared, “It would be perfect for Obama to live with a group of monkeys in the world’s largest African natural zoo and lick the breadcrumbs thrown by spectators.”


The White House — which often ignores the rhetorical excesses of the North Korean regime — suggested that the new comments from the Korean Central News Agency were especially repugnant. “While the North Korean Government-controlled media are distinguished by their histrionics, these comments are particularly ugly and disrespectful,” Caitlin Hayden, a spokeswoman for the National Security Council, said in a statement.


Propriety has never been a part of North Korean rhetoric, but rarely has Pyongyang so ferociously — and personally — attacked a US leader, in this case pulling

language right out of the American 1850s. The attack seems unabashed, except for one thing: Unlike most articles published by the North's state-run news agency, this one wasn't translated into English.


"He is a crossbreed with unclear blood," the North says. And later: Obama "still has the figure of a monkey while the human race has evolved through millions of years."


The diatribe, published May 2, almost escaped foreign attention. But Joshua Stanton, who blogs regularly about the North's viciousness and rights violations, uncovered the Korean-only piece, as well as a separate, milder article that was translated into English and in which Obama was called a "wicked black monkey."

这篇5月2日发表的文章几乎未被外界所注意,但却被长期关注朝鲜人权状况的美国律师斯坦顿(Joshua Stanton)发现并挖了出来,在另一篇较温和的文章中,奥巴马被称为“邪恶的黑猴子”。

The Korean-only piece (headlined "Divine retribution for the juvenile delinquent Obama!") featured four lengthy passages, each attributed to a regular citizen. In the North, quotations of citizens are state-sanctioned and often spoon-fed by the government's propaganda department, analysts say.

据《华盛顿》邮报报道,这篇文章名为《对少年犯奥巴马的神圣惩罚》,文章共四大段,每段都以普通民众的引语形式出现。分析人士称,在朝鲜,引用市民言论不仅被官方所认可,而且常被加入政府宣传部门的想法。 7 MUST-SEE CITIES AROUND THE WORLD

If you think of the world as just a collection of awesome places waiting for you to explore, the cities on this list are required stops as you make your way around the globe. These are the best destinations around the world:

Prague, Czech Republic: You will find beer, fantastic winding streets, a love of the arts, welcoming people and beautiful buildings in this jewel of a city, but especially beer. Prague made its way back on to the world stage as a prominent destination after the fall of Communism and it has never looked back. The arts thrive in Prague, both in the museums and in the streets where you can see the postmodern masterpiece Dancing House: designed in part by Frank Gehry, the building was a gift by America to the Czech Republic for an accidental bombing in WWII. Drinking is a central part to Czech culture and you will find some of the finest beer gardens in the world here in Prague.




1. I'm over you.


还记得前几天我们讲过一个 I'm all over you,意思是“我对你非常着迷”。但是 I'm over you. 意思就完全不同了。你要是说 I'm over you. 就是说“我跟你之间完了,我不想再和你有任何的瓜葛”。 一字之差,意思就完全不一样了。

2. I had a falling out with my boyfriend.

我不理我男朋友了。Falling out 就是说二个人可能因为吵架或是其它原因而不讲话或是不理对方了。当你说 falling out with my boyfriend 时,有时候是暂时性的 (可能以后还会和好),但是大多数的时候是说“你和你的男朋友真正吹了”。我们把恋爱叫 fall in love,那结束一段恋情就叫 fall out of love (从爱情中掉出来),有点幻想破灭的味道在里面。但是要注意,没有人会说 I fall out with my boyfriend. 而只能说 I had a falling out with my boyfriend.

3. We decided to break up. To be more precise, he dumped me. 我们决定分手,但更确切一点说,是他把我给抛弃了。

Break up 是指男女朋友之间分手,Jennifer Aniston的新电影就叫做The Break-up。当然这种说法并没有区分谁抛弃谁。如要说明是“谁抛弃谁的”,则可以说 I broke up with my boyfriend (我和我男朋友分手了) 或是更明确一点用 dump 这个词。英文中的“倒垃圾”就是 dump trash,大型的垃圾收集箱就叫 dumpster。想想被抛弃的人好像是垃圾一样被倒掉,真是有够可怜的。 有时分手也可以用 end our relationship 表示,例如If our relationship is going to end, I don't want it to end up like this.(如果我们真的要分手,我也不希望是以这种方式分手。)

4. That's a heart-breaking story.

一讲到伤心,大家都会想到 sad 这个词。但在讲到男女之间的关系时,老美特别喜欢用 heart-broken 这个词。这就是指那种令人心碎的感觉。他们常讲 I am heart-broken 或是 I am broken-hearted. 就是说“我的心碎了(通常是跟男女之间有关)”。当然,你也可以用动词 break my heart. 例如My boyfriend really broke my heart.

但如果不是用人做主语的话,则要用 heart-breaking。例如你听到了别人男女朋友分手的事情,你就可以说That's a heart-breaking story.



The modern versions of "I’m afraid of commitment" and "It’s not you, it’s me".

分手时烂大街的话 “我害怕承诺”以及“不是你的问题,是我的”,现在有了与时俱进的新版本:

1. I feel like we’re moving too fast.


If a person says this and then suggests slowing down a little bit (maybe seeing/texting each other less during the week or whatever) then they are probably reacting accordingly to things getting serious more quickly than they’d like.


Fine! Understandable! If a person says this and then suggests no longer seeing each other at all (or "taking a break") then they’ve realized that they are no longer interested in this budding relationship but would rather end on infuriatingly open-ended terms than risk confrontation.


2. I don’t want to hurt you.


This one is baffling because there exists a vast middle ground between "being in a relationship and hurting someone" and "not being in a relationship and not hurting someone". Part of it is "being in a relationship and not hurting someone"!

这个比较麻烦,因为在“谈恋爱伤害对方” 和“不在一起不伤害对方” 之间有一个巨大的灰色地带。因为也可以“在一起但不伤害对方” 啊!

So it’s strange that the person using this line thinks that the person being dumped doesn’t understand this? No one who hears this feels grateful for their feelings being spared. They might feel grateful for avoiding dating a turd.


3. I’m not looking for a relationship.


On its own, this is a completely valid statement. Not everyone is looking for a relationship, and sometimes people who are both looking for relationships are actually looking for different ones! Different strokes, you know?



说什么话,代表恋人要分手2011-05-28 19:30 | (分类:默认分类)很多情侣都犯下一个错误,觉得既然是男女朋友,就得清楚对方过去发生了哪些事情,觉得彼此应该分享心事,不应该有任何秘密,但其实这是不对的。有没有想过为何你跟他总是为了无谓的琐事争吵?其实答案很简单-因为两人之间沟通不良。让我们来看看该如何突破这个沟通上的窘境。  也许你认为你跟另一半都很了解对方,但就算是最合谐的情侣之间也有可能会发生不必要的争吵。很多情侣都没有意识到自己跟另一半有沟通不良的情况。虽然有时候沟通不良不会造成当下俩人的口角,但如果彼此经常有这种状况出现,一定会对感情(感情博客,感情说吧)有某种程度上的伤害。  “对不起”  对不起这句话不只好用,也不用担心说的时机不对。迟来的道歉总是比莫不吭声好,因为你的一句话不只能弥补之前造成的伤害,还能让对方感到欣慰,不是很好吗?  错误1 话总是说到一半  这里是一对情侣日常生活中最常发生的对话︰你跟男朋友说下星期四晚上计画跟几个好友出去吃饭。但是你却忘了跟他说要在哪里吃饭,什么时间,还有当天会有谁来。你不是故意的,因为俩人在一起久了,讲话的方式也变得简短。事实的情况是,你给他一个大略的概念,然后潜意识里期待你的另一半能够自己去想话语中遗漏的细节。这样说话的方式当然到最后你会因为他一问三不知而搞得自己不高兴。  情侣之间说话的方式其实跟各自在跟朋友说话聊天的方式差很多。因为习惯彼此长期交往的感觉让他们觉得两人之间应该有种默契,对方应该可以知道或猜测出自己的意思,所以情侣在说话的时候容易遗漏掉一些重要的讯息。因此当对方无法达到内心这种期望时,你会有失落及失望的感觉,而各种问题也因为自己的情绪瞬间浮现台面。  感情总有不顺遂的时候,但如果你能及时发现问题出在哪里,就很容易化解。首先,当你有件重要的事情要跟男友说时,记得仔细把话说清楚,这种谨慎的态度就好像你在跟公司同事或朋友讲话一样。反过来说,当男友告诉你什么事情时,有什么不清楚或听不懂的就当面提出来,不要让对方以为你有听懂,到最后你又好像什么都不知道地跑来再问他一遍。如果是很重要的事,不妨两人找时间坐下来好好讨论,或者把要讨论的事情先写下来用e-mail寄给对方,让彼此不会有认知上的差距。  错误2 时机不对  有件事必须让所有的女人都知道,那就是当另一半做在电视机前面时,你是无法跟他讨论事情的。也许你会以为

他好端端地坐在沙发上,就代表你说的话他一定会听到,但,你错了!男人的脑袋没办法同时做好几件事情,所以当他看电视的时候,他的视觉正接受电视机画面的刺激,脑袋的其他功能就暂时关机,让他无法在此时跟你对话。  另外,你有可能会注意到,每次当你准备出门上班或正在上网办理转帐时,他就说有重要的事情要跟你讨论。其实他并不是没注意到你在忙,但他这么做是有他的用意的。男人无法自在地跟另一半深入讨论问题,所以会故意挑你忙绿的时候,让你没办法抓着他跟他仔细长谈。  其实想也知道,如果时机不对,聊天可能让彼此火气上升。那个不想被打扰人不爽你来打搅他,想要讨论事情的你又会因为对方的反应让自己更不爽。这时候你不妨采取一个好方法,在每次你想跟另一半讨论事情之前,先问他现在是否方便,说你想要跟他讨论年底要去哪里度假的事。为什么要这样做呢?我又不是他的下属,要讲话还得先报告。但其实这是必要的,让你的另一半决定现在是不是讨论事情的时候。如果你有乖乖照着做,那么你一定可以发现你们彼此开始有同样说话的频率。  如果你有一个非常重要的事情要跟他讨论,试着挑你们两个当时都在做不用大脑思考的事情,像是当一个人在开车,另一个在驾驶座旁闲闲没事的时候,或是俩人一起爬山煮饭的时候,这样不仅可以专心,你们也因为手边有简单的事情做,而不需要盯着对方那样严肃地讨论事情。当下轻松的环境可以让他更愿意分享内心想说的话。  你:你今天好像很忙。那是发生什么事了嘛?  他:对啊。就是,一堆事情嘛。  你:你跟你弟弟道歉了没?他下礼拜会来,你们两个好好聊一下。  他:下礼拜去吃义大利菜好了。要不然我们可以去试试新开的那家义大利餐厅。  你:我觉得车子需要去检查一下。但是它发出奇怪的声音。  他:没事的啦!那是正常的。  男人说话的方式  有时候听起来真的很不顺耳,但也许在了解不只是你的另一半,而是全世界男人都是这副德性时,你就会好过一点吧,是吗?  他们闷不吭声  男人沉默不语的功力比女人厉害多了,如果他们当下没有什么特别的话要说,或是觉得没有必要多说,他们就会保持沉默,让你自己一个人唱独角戏。有时候当男人紧张的时候,像是跟女生约会时也会这样,让你不禁怀疑他是不是对你不感兴趣。  他们压抑情绪  男人天生不擅长把自己的情绪拿出来跟别人分享讨论,特别是当这种情绪是负面的时候,例如焦虑,恐惧,或是

罪恶感。  他们会自动将情许隐藏起来,刻意逃避任何会让他们勾起内心不悦的话题。  他们不相信直觉  男人的信心来自于确切的答案。如果你提出了一个问题,但并没有认何解决的方案,他们就会假装那个问题根本不存在,直到你想出要如何解决这个问题。错误3 事前恐吓他  很多女性为了减低对话对另一半的冲击,她们会在讨论事情前先跟对方说,‘好,你待会听到别吓到’或是‘我知道你听到之后一定不会开心,但……’。拜托,如果今天换作是你听到这句话,是不是也会开始精神紧崩,怕待会对方会说什么可怕的事情?原本你是好意想要缓和他的情绪,但没想到你这么一说,他反而更紧张惶恐,他的大脑也会直接进入警戒状态。  为什么女人害怕对另一半直接说出内心想说的话?这是因为女性选择在处理问题的时候,就算这个问题并不是很重大,也会先帮自己做好心理建设,帮自己暖身,而不是直接切入重点。但当男人听到你这句话时,他整个人会进入防卫状态,让你更难跟他好好讨论事情。就算你只是想跟他借个车去超市买东西,他也会抓狂。  如果你平常习惯在跟他讨论事情的时候先帮他打剂强心剂,像是说‘准备好接受这个坏消息’之类的话,不妨试着采取柔性一点方式,像是说‘这其实是没什么大不了的事情,你有没有想要趁这个周末帮我外婆过80大寿呢?’我们保证他会冷静下来给你令你满意的答案。错误4 变成你在唱独角戏  碰到以下的状况你一定很气馁︰你正在跟另一半讲个有趣的故事,讲到一半,你发现他呆滞的眼神游移到你脸上,瞬间你就知道他刚刚跟本就没有在听你说话。其实他不是不想知道你星期六跟朋友去哪里玩,只是在你跟朋友听来好玩有趣的事情在他耳里听起来像是一连串令他不解的语言。  简单扼要把故事说完,因为他的脑袋没办法一下子处里那么多琐碎的细节。男人专心听人说话的极限只有3分钟,如果你的叙述超过那个宝贵的3分钟,接下来你讲的话他一个字都听不进去。这时候你一定会因为他不专心听你说话然后对他大发脾气。  有两种好方法可以克服这个问题︰首先,用你宽阔的心体谅他天生的大脑结构,因为他真的只能有3分钟不间断的专心程度。试着把故事的重点说出来,然后用问题让他回到故事中心。光是听你讲很容易分心,如果你丢问题让他思考,他就一定得专心听你到底说了什么。另外,讲话的时候可以试着摸摸他的肩膀或是双脚,这种身体上的接触可以帮助他专注于当下发生的事情。  错误5 什么话不该说  

诚实在大多是的情况下来说是件好事,但有时后对方的诚实并不会让你开心。这里有个情况︰你不希望听到另一半说这件衣服让你看起来很胖,你也不希望另一半知道过去你交过几个男朋友。  很多情侣都犯下一个错误,觉得既然是男女朋友,就得清楚对方过去发生了哪些事情,觉得彼此应该分享心事,不应该有任何秘密,但其实这是不对的。如果因为你的诚实让对方听了之后更难过,这对你们的感情并没有任何帮助,这种诚实就是不对的。  信不信由你,有时候你也不应该一五一十跟另一半说出你对他的不满。并不是所有看不顺眼的事情都得说出来或拿来讨论。有时候挑对方的小毛病只会让对方更不高兴,所以包容是所有情侣都应该学习的一课。你不喜欢他的毛衣,觉得颜色又丑款是又老气,但那又怎样!保证有一天他会穿腻的。真的,多看看对方的好,你扪彼此都带给对方满满幸福,而不是整天只能用争吵度日的苦命鸳鸯。






分手包括很多种形式,而由一者单方面提出分手的情形是最伤感情的例子之一。这时没有分手的心理准备的一方或许会烦躁不安,甚至发展到歇斯里地,大声责骂另一方。而感情太过激动的时候,就会忍不住怀着报复心理抖露出之前一直隐瞒的自己曾出过轨等不该说的秘密。在分手的时候,出于愤怒和报复性的心理,便会忍不住一时“嘴贱”而吐露事实。然而一吐实情的当时可能非常痛快,但过后往往只能自己独自后悔。为了不让自己事后抱着头哀叹“当时怎么那么傻,居然说出那种话”,还是多注意自己的言辞吧! 此外,说出自己曾出轨等对自己不利的秘密,还有可能让对方分手的意愿更加坚决。纵使对方本来就已下定决心要分手,你的不当言辞也会令其分手后仍对你怀有不好的印象。为了自己,也为了曾相爱过的人,那些曾经隐藏了那么久的秘密就请继续隐瞒下去吧。


一直很喜欢的人突然向你提出分手的要求,这时候很多人往往来不及整理自己的情绪,一时不知道该怎么处置。在这种情况下,有些人纵使对分手怀着一百个不愿意,也会在自尊心的驱使下故作淡定的,甚至鬼使神差的说出:“我知道了,要是你决定了的话那就这样吧。”然而,为了自己的面子而故意逞强往往会带来悲剧性的结果,如果不愿意分手的话最好还是出言尝试挽留更好,否则只能在事后长时间懊悔“当时为什么不实话实说,说我不想分手,不想就那么结束呢?” 分手也是一件大事,如果不愿意分手的话,就抛去那些无谓的自尊,说出自己的真实感情吧!就算对方心意已决,仍然坚持分手,你也已经做了自己最后的努力,以后也不会再后悔。




嗨!你好! Hi! *比Hello随便,用于比较熟悉的人,男女都可以用。Hi! (嗨!)Hi! (嗨!你好!) 你好! Hello. *一天中常用的寒暄用语。A)Hello, Mr. Smith. (史密斯先生,您好!)B)Oh, hi John. (嗨,约翰,你好!)*A为学生,B为老师。 你好! Good afternoon. *下午用寒暄用语。主要用于工作环境中。 晚上好! Good evening. 你好吗? How are you? *最常用的问候方式。除了有问候对方“你好吗”的意思外,还含有“午安”在内的意思。Hi, John! (嗨!约翰,你好!)Oh, Mary! How are you? (噢,玛丽,你好吗?)How are you? (你好吗?)Pretty good. (非常好。)How's it going?How're you doing? *语气较随便。 我很好,谢谢。 Fine, thank you.I'm fine, thank you. 不怎么好。Not so good. *用于身体状况不好或是有其他什么不好的事时。How are you feeling? (你的身体怎么样?)Not so good. (不怎么好。)Not so great.Could be better. *虽然“有向好的方向发展的余地”,但给人一种“不怎么好”的语感。老样子。 Nothing much.Nothing special. 认识您我很高兴。Glad to meet you. *用于初次见面。I'm glad to meet you.Nice to meet you.It's great meeting you. 出什么事啦? What's up?What's up? (出什么事啦?)Nothing much. (没什么。)What's new? *用于强调有无新的变化。What's happening? *强调“发生什么事情了?”How've you been? *有好长时间没见的语感。 你的家人怎么样? How's your family?How's your family? (你的家人怎么样?)Everyone's fine. (大家都很好。) 还好吧? How's everything? *意为“进行得顺利吗?”。如果在饭馆服务员这样问的话是“饭菜怎么样?”的意思。How's everything? (怎么样,还好吧?)It's going pretty well. (一切很顺利。)How's everything? (还好吧?)Same as always. (和平常一样。)How's everything going?How's it going?How are things? 工作怎么样? How's business? 还可以。Not bad. 今天怎么样? How did it go today? *用于会议或聚会等特别场合。How did it go today? (今天怎么样?)So-so. (还凑合吧。)How was your day? 和往常一样。 Oh, same as usual.How was work today? (今天工作怎么样?)Oh, same as usual. (和往常一样。)Same old, same old. *俚语。Another day, another dollar. 急着干什么去呀? What's the hurry?What's the hurry? (急着干什么去呀?)We're going to be late for the movie. (我们赶着去看电影呢。)Why are you in a hurry? (为什么那么着急?)Why are you hurrying? (干吗那么着急?) 你去哪儿? Where are you headed? *head 是动词,be headed for...表示“向着……前进”。Where are you going?Where are you off to? 你干吗呢? What are you doing?What are you doing? (你干吗呢?)I'm ironing my

shirt. (我在熨衬衫呢。)我在想点事儿。I was just thinking. *just 表示一种“有点”,“不过……”的语感。我只是发了会儿呆。 I was just daydreaming. *daydream “沉湎于幻想”。 我只是在消磨时间。I'm just killing time. *kill time “消磨时间”、“打发时间”。I'm just hanging out. *hang out “什么都不做,无端地耗费时间”。 你想什么呢? What's on your mind?What's on your mind? (你想什么呢?)I'm worried about my wife. (我有点担心我的妻子。)What are you thinking of? 没想什么。/没什么。 Nothing. 和往常一样。 Another day, another dollar.How was work today? (今天工作怎么样?)Another day, another dollar. (和往常一样。) 你来的正是时候。You've come just in time.You've come at the right moment.You've come at the right time. 原来你在这儿啊! There you are! *用于终于找到了要找的人时。There you are! (原来你在这儿啊!)Were you looking for me? (你找我?)Gotcha! *俚语。Here you are.Found you! 杰夫在吗? Is Jeff around?Is Jeff around? (杰夫在吗?)He was here a few minutes ago. (几分钟前他还在这儿来着。) 你见到斯科特了吗? Have you seen Scott? 多用于公司和学校。Have you seen Scott? (你见到斯科特吗?)No, not today. (没有,今天没看见他。) 我偶然碰到了他。 I ran into him. *run into “没想到的,偶然的相遇”。I bumped into him. 哎,你猜我昨天遇见谁了? Guess who I bumped into yesterday?Guess who I bumped into yesterday? (哎,你猜我昨天遇见谁了?)Who? (谁呀?) 我跟他素不相识。 He's a stranger to me. *表示“以前从没见过面”。●好久不见好久不见。 It's been a long time. *当别人这么对自己说时,通常用It sure has.来回答。 好久不见。 It's been so long.John, is that you? (你是约翰吧?)Yeah, it's been so long. (是我,好久没见。) 好久没见了。 Long time no see. *比较随便的说法。对方一般回答Yeah, how have you been?/Yeah, too long.Long time no see. (好久没见了。)Yeah, how have you been? (是呀,你还好吗?)I haven't seen you for a long time.I haven't seen you for ages. 还好吧? How have you been?How have you been? (还好吧?)I've been all right. (嗯,挺好的。)最近怎么样? How have you been doing? *询问对方的身体和近况。How have you been doing? (最近怎么样?)I've been alright. (干得还不错。) 忙什么呢? What have you been doing? *用来询问没见面的这段时间里的情况。What have you been doing? (忙什么呢?)Just working. (上班呗。)What have you been doing? (忙什么呢?)Nothing much. (没忙什么。)What have you been up to? 你去哪儿了? Where have you been? 很高兴又见到你。 I

'm glad to see you again. *回答这句时说So am I. (我也是)。see可以用meet代替。去掉again则带有初次见面的语感。I'm happy to see you.Nice to see you.It's great seeing you again. 你一点儿都没变。 You haven't changed at all.You're the same old Bob, aren't you? (鲍勃,你还是老样子。) 你没怎么变。 You haven't changed much.You haven't changed much. (你没怎么变。)Neither have you. (你也没变。) 你变样了。 You've really changed. 你长大了。 You've grown up.You're all grown up now.Look how you've grown up. (看你都长这么大了!) *多用于爷爷、奶奶见到孙辈时。 你越来越漂亮了。You've become so beautiful.You've gotten so pretty. 约翰他好吗? Is John okay? *这种说法带有约翰有病或受伤的语感。Is John okay? (约翰他好吗?)He's getting better. (好多了。) 你看上去不错。 You look great.You look great. (你看上去不错。)You look good, too. (你也一样。) 你感觉怎么样? How are you feeling?How are you feeling? (你感觉怎么样?)I'm feeling great. (我感觉很好。)他这些日子过得怎么样? How's he getting along these days?How's he getting along these days? (他这些日子过得怎么样?)Good. (挺好的。)How's he doing? (他干得怎么样?) 最近你是不是胖了? Are you gaining weight?Are you gaining weight? (最近你是不是胖了?)I'm afraid so. (好像是吧。)Have you gained weight?Are you getting fatter? *不礼貌的说法。Are you losing weight? (最近你是不是瘦了?)●分手时再见! Goodbye. *分手时最常用的寒暄用语。Goodbye. (再见!)Goodbye. Take care! (再见,保重啊!) 再见!Bye. *比Goodbye的说法随便。Bye for now.Have a nice day. (祝你今天愉快!)See you later. (以后见!) 回头见! See you.See you later.See you soon.See you again.Catch you later.See you around. *用于在同一座楼里,过会儿还有可能再见面时。 我去了啊。 I'm off now. *off “去,走开”。I'm leaving.See you. 我得告辞了。I have to go.I have to go. (我得告辞了。)Can't you stay a little longer? (再呆会儿吧!) 祝你好运! Good luck! *在对某人去旅行或去做一件比较难的事情时使用。Good luck! (祝你好运!)Thanks. I need it. (谢谢,借你吉言。)I wish you good luck. 祝你愉快! Have a nice day. *与Goodbye的用法一样。Have a nice day! (祝你愉快!)Same to you. (也祝你愉快!) 祝你周末愉快! Have a nice weekend.加油啊!祝你好运! Good luck.Break a leg. *原本是对要上台演出的人说的话。Go for it. (走吧!)Hang in there. (那,加油吧!) 祝你玩得愉快。 Have fun.We're going to Hawaii! (我们要去夏威夷喽!)Have fun! (祝你玩得愉快。)Have a good time! 就

这样,坚持下去。 Keep it up.Keep it up! (就这样,坚持下去。)Thanks for the encouragement. (谢谢你的鼓励!) 别干得太猛。Don't work too hard.Take care.Be careful. 旅途愉快! Have a nice trip. *对要去旅行的人说的话。I wish you a pleasant journey.Have a good vacation. (祝你假期愉快!)Bon voyage. *这是一句法语,现在英文中也用。 那多保重! Have a good one! 真舍不得走,但是…… I hate to run, but... *这句是结束谈话时的开场白。其语气为“虽然我不想走,但……”。 认识你我非常高兴。 It was nice meeting you. *只用于与初次见面的人分别时。其他情况下meet换成see。It was nice meeting you. (认识你我非常高兴。)It was nice meeting you, too. (我也很高兴见到你。)Nice meeting you. 请代我向约翰问好。 Please say hello to John (for me). 晚安! Good night. 再来啊! Come again.Come again. (再来啊!)I will. (我会来的。)Please come again. (请您再来!)I hope you can come over again. (希望你能再来。)I'd be glad to have you over again. (如果你下次还能来的话我将很高兴。) 别忘了给我带点儿什么。 Don't forget to bring something back for me.Don't forget to bring something back for me. (别忘了给我带点儿什么。)Don't worry, I won't. (放心吧,忘不了。) 放松点儿! Take it easy. *“放松”、“不要紧张”的语气。Take it easy. (放松点儿!)I can't. I have a test tomorrow. (不可能,我明天要考试。) 希望不久能再见到你。I hope to see you again soon. 给我打电话。 Call me later.Call me later. (给我打电话。)Okay, I will. (嗯,好吧。) 多保重! Take care. *“多加小心”的语气。See you later. (再见。)Take care. (多保重!) 你自己多保重。 Take care of yourself.Take care of yourself. (你自己多保重!)Don't worry about me. (别担心我!) 我还会来的。 I'll be back.I'll be back. (我还会来的。)You'd better. (一定来啊!)I'll come back later. (不久我就会回来的。)I'll stop by later. (我会顺便来的。) 天不早了。 It's getting late.It's getting late. (天不早了。)Let's go home. (我们回家吧。) 我得走了。 I've got to go. *口语用法。I have to go.I have to get going.●暂时无法见面时我会想你的。 I'll miss you. *miss “想,想念”。I'll miss you. (我会想你的。)I'll miss you, too. (我也会想你的。)I'm gonna miss you. *gonna 是going to...的缩略形式,是比较随便的表达方式。 我真希望能和你在一起。 I wish I could go with you.I wish I could go with you. (我真希望能和你在一起。)So do I. (我也是。) 请代我向你的家人问好。 Please give my regards to your family.Please give my regards to

your family. (请代我向你的家人问好。)I will. They asked me how you were doing. (我一定带到。我的家人也问过你的情况。) 你一定回来啊! You must come back. 有空给我打电话。 Give me a call sometime.Call me sometime. 我们什么时候再聚吧。 Let's get together again sometime.Thank you. I enjoyed it very much. (谢谢,我真是太高兴了。)Let's get together again sometime. (我们什么时候再聚吧。) 请给我写信。 Please write me (a letter). 我会给你写信的。I'll write you (a letter). 让我们保持联系。 Let's keep in touch. *keep in touch with... “和……保持联系”、“保持接触”。Let's keep in touch. (让我们保持联系。)Will do. (好的。)Let's keep in touch with each other. *each other “互相”。 别忘了写信。 Don't forget to write.Don't forget to write. (别忘了写信。)I won't. (忘不了。)●拜访有人吗? Hello! Anyone home? *“对不起,屋里有人吗?”的语气。Hello! Anyone home? (喂,有人吗?)Yes? (谁呀?)Yoo hoo! *进入别人家时一种口语的说法。Hello! Is anyone there?Excuse me! (对不起。)Hey, you! (嘿,你呀!) *比较粗鲁的说法。 欢迎,请进! Please come in! *可以用于各种场合,如欢迎他人等。Please come in! (欢迎,请进!)Sorry I didn't call first. (对不起,来之前我没打个电话来。)Welcome!Hello! 你能来,太好啦。 How nice of you to come!How nice of you to come! (你能来,太好啦。)Thanks for inviting me. (谢谢你邀请我。)(It's) nice of you to come!Thank you for coming. 你有事吗? What do you want? *比较莽撞的语气。Is anyone here? (有人吗?)What do you want? (你有事吗?)What are you here for? 别客气,像在自己家一样。 Please feel free to make yourself at home.Make yourself at home. 请坐吧。 Have a seat.Have a seat. (请坐吧。)Oh, thank you. (啊,谢谢。)Take a seat.Please sit down. 您尽兴。 Enjoy yourself!Have a good time! 您喝点什么吗? Would you care for something to drink?A) Would you care for something to drink?(您喝点儿什么吗?)B) Yes, I'll have a beer, please. (好的,我要啤酒。)*当拒绝A的提问时,可以用No, thank you. (谢谢,我不喝。)/Maybe later. (过一会儿再说)。没关系。(不用担心我。) Don't mind me.Sorry, I'm too busy to talk to you now.(对不起,我太忙了,顾不上和你说话。)Don't mind me. I just came to see John.(没关系,我只是来看看约翰。) 我可以用洗手间吗? May I use your bathroom?May I use your bathroom? (我可以用洗手间吗?)Sure, go ahead. (当然可以,请吧!)May I use your rest room?Where can I freshen up? *女性问Where can I freshen up? (我可以在哪儿梳洗?) 是打听厕所的婉转说法
