
| 大学英语三级 |




1. abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守。

2. be absent from…。缺席,不在

3. absence or mind(=being absent-minded)心不在焉

4. absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态):be absorbed in全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on

5. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with)富于,富有

6. access(to) (不可数名词)能接近,进入,了解

7. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外。 Without accident(=safely)安全地,

8. of one's own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地,主动地

9. in accord with与…一致。 out of one's accord with同…。不一致

10. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地

11. in accordance with (=in agreement with)依照,根据

12. on one's own account 1)为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益2)(=at one’s own risk)自行负责3)(=by oneself)依靠自己on account赊账; on account of因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of…account有………重要性。

13. take…into account(=consider)把……考虑进去

14. give sb. an account of说明,解释(理由)

15. account for (=give an explanation or reason for)解释,说明。

16. on account of (=because of)由于,因为。

17. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)

18. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about)指控,控告

19. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于。

20. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of)了解; (=to have met socially)熟悉

21. act on奉行,按照…行动; act as扮演; act for代理

22. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to)使自己适应于

23. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need)改编,改写(以适应新的需要)

24. in addition (=besides)此外,又,加之

25. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外

26. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief )粘附;坚持,遵循

27. adjacent(=next to, close to)毗邻的,临近的

28. adjust……(to) (=change slightly)调节;适应;

29. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for)…的可能,留有…的余地。

30. in advance (before in time)预告,事先。

31. to advantage有利的,使优点更加突出地。

32. have an advantage over胜过。 have the advantage of由于…处于有利条件have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事

33. take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用。

34. agree with赞同(某人意见) agree to同意

35. in agreement (with)同意,一致

36. ahead of在…之前,超过…;……………。 ahead of time提前。

37. in the air 1)不肯定,不具体。 2)在谣传中。

38. above all (=especially, most important of all)尤其是,最重要的。

39. in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether)总共,总计

40. after all毕竟,到底; (not) at all一点也不; all at once(=suddenly)突然; once and for all只此一次; above all最重要的; first of all首先; all in all大体上说; be all in累极了; all but几乎。

41. allow for (=take into consideration, take into account)考虑到,估计到。

42. amount to (=to be equal to)总计,等于。

43. answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for)对…负责。

44. answer to (=conform to)适合,符合。

45. be anxious about为…焦急不安;或anxious for

46. apologize to sb. for sth.为…向…道歉

47. appeal to sb. for sth.为某事向某人呼吁。 appeal to sb.对某人有吸引力

48. apply to sb. for sth.为…向…申请; apply for申请; apply to适用。

49. apply to与…有关;适用

50. approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right)赞成, approve vt.批准

51. arise from(=be caused by)由…引起。

52. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth.安排…做…

53. arrive on到达; arrive at到达某地(小地方);得出,作出; arrive in到达某地(大地方);

54. be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth. done)以…为羞耻

55. assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.)向…保证,使…确信。

56. attach(to) (=to fix, fasten; join)缚,系,结

57. make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.)试图做…

58. attend to (=give one's attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after)侍候,照料

59. attitude to/ toward…对…的态度。看法

60. attribute…to…(=to believe sth. to be the result of…)把……归因于……,认为……是……的结果

61. on the average (=on average, on an average)平均

62. (be) aware of (=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness)意识到,知道。

63. at the back of (=behind)在…后面

64. in the back of在…后部(里面); on the back of在…后部(外面); be on one's back(=be ill in bed)卧病不起。

65. at one's back(=supporting or favoring sb.)支持,维护; have sb. at one’s back有…支持,有…作后台

66. turn one's back on sb. (=turn away from sb. in an impolite way)不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃

67. behind one's back背着某人(说坏话)

68. be based on / upon基于

69. on the basis of根据…,在…基础上

70. beat…at在…运动项目上打赢

71. begin with以…开始。 to begin with (=first of all)首先,第一(经常用于开始语)

72. on behalf of (=as the representative of)以…名义

73. believe in(=have faith or trust in; consider sth./sb. to be true)相信,依赖,信仰。

74. benefit (from)受益,得到好处。

75. for the benefit of为了…的利益(好处)

76. for the better好转

77. get the better of (=defeat sb.)打败,胜过。

78. by birth在出生上,论出身,按血统at birth在出生时; give birth to出生

79. blame sb. for sth.因…责备某人。 blame sth. on sb.把…推在某人身上

80. in blossom开花(指树木) be in blossom开花(强调状态) come into blossom开花(强调动作)

81. on board到船上,在船上,上火车或飞机

82. boast of (or about)吹嘘

83. out of breath喘不过气来

84. in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之

85. in bulk成批地,不散装的

86. take the floor起立发言

87. on business出差办事。

88. be busy with sth.于某事。be busy doing sth.忙于做某事

89. last but one倒数第二。

90. but for (=without)要不是。表示假设

91. buy sth. for…money用多少钱买

92. be capable of能够,有能力be capable of being +过去分词:是能够被…的

93. in any case(=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost, whatever happens; anyhow)无论如何

94. in case (=for fear that)万一;

95. in case of (=in the event of)如果发生…万一in the case of至于…,就…而言

96. in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)

97. be cautious of谨防

98. center one's attention on(=focus one’s attention on)把某人的注意力集中在…上

99. be certain of (=be sure of)有把握,一定。

100. for certain of (=for sure )肯定地,有把握地

101. by chance(=accidentally, by accident)偶然

102. for a change换换环境(花样等)

103. charge sb. with…控告某人犯有…

104. in charge of (=responsible for)负责(某事) in the charge of…由…管

105. take charge of (=to be or become responsible for)负责管理(照顾)

106. charge…for因…索取(费用) , charge sb. with sth.控告某人犯有…

107. round the clock(=all day and all night, usually without stopping)昼夜不停地 108. comment on评论

109. commit oneself to使自己承担…commit sb. to prison把某人送进监狱; commit one's idea to writing把某人的想法写下来; commit a matter to a committee把某事交给委员会讨论 110. in common (和…)有共同之处,共用。 be common to sb.是与某人所共有的 111. keep company with (=be friendly and go out together)和…要好。

112. compare…with…把…与…比较

113. compare…to…把…比作…

114. by comparison比较起来

115. in comparison with (=in contrast to)和…比起来

116. compensate for (=give sth. to make up for)补偿,赔偿,弥补compensate sb. for sth.赔偿,弥补

117. complain of (or about)抱怨;诉苦;控告;complain about抱怨某人或事情; complain to sb. about sth. (or sb.)向某人抱怨…; complain (抱怨); complement (补充); compliment (恭维)

118. comply with (=act in accordance with a demand, order, rule etc.)遵守,依从

119. conceive of (think of, imagine, consider)想象,设想

120. concentrate on (or upon)集中,专心

121. be concerned with (=about)与…有关

122. concern oneself about / with关心

123. in conclusion(=as the last thing)最后一点; at the conclusion of当…结束时;

124. condemn sb. to判决

125. on condition that (=if)以…为条件,假如。 in that = because因为; now that = since既然;for all that = although尽管

126. in / out of condition (=thoroughly healthy or fit / not fit)健康状况好/不好。 in good (bad) condition处于良好(坏)状态

127. confess(to)(=admit a fault, crime, or sth. wrong)承认,供认; confess to a crime承认罪行。

128. confide in (=to talk freely to sb. about one's secret)对…讲真心话,依赖

129. in confidence推心置腹地; with confidence满怀信心地; have confidence in对…有信心

130. confidence in sb. / sth.对…的信赖

131. be confident of有信心; confidential机密的

132. confine…to…把…限制在某范围内

133. confirm sb. in使某人更坚定(信念等)

134. conform to (=be in agreement with, comply with)符合,遵照,遵守;1)obey服从; 2) observe; 3)comply with照…办; 4)keep to遵循; 5)abide by服从;6)stick to按……做

135. be confronted with(=be brought face to face with)面对,面临

136. congratulate sb. on祝贺

137. in connection with(=with regard to)关于,

138. be conscious of(=be aware of)觉察,知道

139. consent to(=give agreement to permission)同意

140. in consequence (=as a result)结果

141. in consequence of (=as a consequence of)由于…的结果

142. under consideration在考虑中

143. in consideration of (=in return for, on account of, because of )由于

144. on no consideration(in no case)无论如何也不

145. take…into consideration (=take account of, take…into account)考虑到,把…考虑进去

146. considerate (=thoughtful of the needs)体贴的,考虑他人需要的, considerable相当大的,值得考虑的

147. consist of(=be composed of)由…组成的。 consist in主要在于。 consist with符合,与…一致

148. be consistent with(=be in agreement with)与…一致。 be consistent in一贯的,

149. consult sb. on/ about sth.向…征求…方面的意见,就…向…请教


51. The Internet has brought about big changes in the way we work.因特网使我们的工作方式发生了很大变化

52. Lose one hour in the morning and you will be looking for it in the rest of the day.早上失去一个小时的时间,你将在一天的其他时候找回来

53. I am sure that Laura’s latest play, once staged, will prove a great success.我确信,劳拉的新剧一旦搬上舞台,肯定会是极大的成功

54. I don’t mind picking up your things from the store. Besides, the walk will do me good我不介意去商店把你的拿东西拿回来,再说了,走路对我也有好处

55. People may have different opinions about Mary, but I admire her. After all, she is a great musician.人们也许对Mary有不同的见解,但是我崇拜她。毕竟她是位伟大的音乐

56. I want to know whether the thief was caught on the spot.我想知道那个小偷是否在现场被抓到

57. Our club is open to adults only. It seems that your children have entered without permission.本俱乐部只对成人开放。看来你的孩子是未经许可进来的

58. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is where I disagree.你说每个人都应该平等,这就是我不同意的所在

59. A modern city has been set up in what was a wasteland ten years ago.十年前是一片荒地的地方建起了一座现代化城市

60. I think Father would like to know what I’ve been up to so far, so I decide to send him a quick note.父亲一直想知道我在干什么,所以我决定给他寄封快信

61. Parents are taught to understand how important education is to their children’s future.父母应该学会理解教育对于孩子们的未来是多么重要

62. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at what I thought was a dangerous speed.那一天我的兄弟以一种我认为很危险的速度开车上了街道

63. Along with the letter was his promise that he would visit me this coming Christmas.在信中,他还承诺会在即将来临的圣诞节来看我

64. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars that road conditions need to be improved.设计私家车普及的新问题是路的状况需要改善

65. What made the school proud was that more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.领这个学校引以为豪的是,90%以上的学生被重点大学录取

66. Perseverance is a kind of quality and that’s what it takes to do anything well.坚持不懈是一种品质,它是做好任何事情都需要的因素

67. That fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.各个国家不同的时尚潮流从一个方面反映了各国之间的文化差异

68. What she couldn’t understand was why fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons.她不解的是为什么越来越多的学生对她的课感兴趣

69. It was a matter of who would take the position.这是谁能胜任这个职位的问题

70. Whether we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.我们明天能否去露营得看天气了

71. Do you still remember the farm (that) we visited three months ago?你还记得我们


72. The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, during which the sailing time was 226 days.那个老水手花了9个月的航程环球旅行,其中在海上的时间是226天

73. There were dirty marks on her trousers where she had wiped her hands.她双手擦过的裤子上有了污渍

74. There are altogether eleven books on the shelf, of which five are mine.架子上有11本书,其中有5本是我的

75. Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, which, of course, made the others envy him.海伦对她得小儿子要比对其他的儿子好,这使得其他的儿子很嫉妒他

76. As is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.就像通常那样,我们已经设计出了那个生产计划

77. There was a time when I hated to go to school.曾经一度我讨厌上学

78. There are two buildings, the larger of which stands nearly a hundred feet high.两座大厦中较大的一座将近100多英尺高

79. What surprised me was not what he said but the way he said it.让我惊讶的并不是他的话,而是他说话的方式。

80. A fast food restaurant is the place where, just as the name suggests, eating is performed quickly.快餐店,正如它的名字所示的那样(顾名思义),是个“吃”的动作被执行得很快的地方

81. Don’t leave the water running while you brush your teeth.当你刷牙的时候不要让水流着

82. The flu is believed to be caused by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.据证实,流感是由喜寄生于鼻喉处细胞里的病毒所引起的

83. Having been attacked by terrorists, the tall building collapsed.这座高楼因为恐怖分子的袭击而倒塌了

84. Attracted by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.被大自然的美景所吸引,来自伦敦的小女孩决定再在农场待上两天

85. The man insisted on finding a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.即使我告诉他我住在附近,这个人坚决主张给我找一辆出租车

86. Stand over there and you will be able to see it better.站在那边你会看得更清楚

87. The accident is reported to have occurred on the first day in February.据报道,这场事故发生在二月的第一天

88. Why! I have nothing to confess. What is it that you want to say?为什么!我没有什么要承认的,你到底想让我说什么?

89. There are many kinds of sports, but my favorite is swimming.体育运动有很多种类,但是我喜欢的是游泳

90. He got to the station early for fear of missing his train.他早早地就到了车站,唯恐错过火车

91. My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who could have taken it?我的英


92. It has been announced that candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.据宣布,候选人必须呆在自己的位置上,直到所有的卷子被收上去

93. Oh, I am not feeling well in the stomach. I should not have eaten so much fried chicken just now.我肚子不舒服,我刚才不该吃那么多的炸鸡

94. I was really anxious about you. You should not have left home without a word.我真的很担心你,你不该一句话不说就离家

95. You can not imagine that a well-behaved gentleman should be so rude to a lady.你无法想象一个举止文雅的绅士会如此粗鲁的对待这位女士

96. Mr. Bush is on time for everything. How can it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?布什先生一贯是很准时的。这一次的开幕式他怎么迟到了?

97. My sister met him at the Grand Theater yesterday afternoon, so he could not have attended your lecture.我妹妹昨天在大剧院见到他了,所以他不可能听了你的演讲

98. There was a lot of fun at yesterday's party. You ought to have come, but why didn't you?昨天的party很有趣,你本该来的,可为什么没来呢?

99. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone was able to get out.火势迅速蔓延整个旅店,但是大家都得以逃生

100. When he was there, he would go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.当他过去在这儿的时候,他总是会在工作后去街角的咖啡馆




根据下列两种情景,以“歌声”为重点,分别扩展成一段话。每段不少于30个字。 情景一:毕业典礼上 同学们 歌声

情景二:考试前夕 我 歌声














根据以下规定的情境,以“起跑线”为重点,分别扩展成一段话。每段不少于30个字。 情境一:运动场上







想象 雾 倾听

(1)表现“欢快 ”:











示例一:许多时尚的创造,往往是那些不起眼的小人物或者干脆就是穷人的无奈之举。 示例二:许多时尚的发明,开始并非都是乐事,而往往源自普通人的苦涩经历。







5月3日 校长 是 在会上 向灾区 提议 捐款 全校师生










解析 拥有真理是宝贵的,但有时拥有善良更重要,在这里强调了善良的重要,要选好立足点,展开续写。




树叶(感激地): (排比)

阳光(谦逊地): (比喻)


示例① 你是大地的外衣,不单是我,和煦的春风、绵绵的细雨也为你增添了美丽。 示例② 你是绿色的宝石,没有你的质地,在你身上也不可能闪烁我的光辉。

解析 注意要求有两方面:(1)树叶感激阳光为内容,运用排比句式。(2)阳光态度谦逊,运用比喻句。


以“溪”、“海”和“潭”为意象写一段文字,要求表达某种感悟,至少运用一种修辞方法,不超过60 字.(5分)









镜头一:秋日湖上,波光粼粼。一位美丽的姑娘驾着采莲船从荷花丛中划出,左右顾盼。 镜头二:忽见岸上有位英俊少年,姑娘悄然心动,痴痴地看着他,竟忘记了摇桨,任凭船儿漂荡。






解析:诗题《采莲子》,可是作者没有描写采莲子的过程,也没有描写采莲女的容貌、服饰,而是通过采莲女的眼神、动作和一系列内心独白,表现她热烈追求爱情的勇气和初恋少女的羞涩心情。“船动湖光滟滟秋”,“滟 滟秋”,指湖光荡漾中映出的一派秋色。水波映出秋色,一湖清澈透明的秋水可以想见。“秋”字,不仅写出湖 水之色,更点明了采莲季节。“湖光”映秋,怎会泛起“滟滟”之波呢?是因为秋风乍起绿波间,还是因为水鸟掠过湖面?都不是,而是因为“船动”。这里,作者没有交代是什么“船”,也没有交代船怎样“动”,因而对读者来说,这些都还是谜。直到第二句,作者才通过“贪看年少”点明诗篇写的是个采莲女子,


11.2008安徽卷 ——指定单句或复句按要求扩展(具体描写型)






2.寒风瑟瑟地吹着,光秃秃的树枝发出簌簌的声响。周围没有一点人声,他在这环境下,不停地抖,又是一阵风,一只乌鸦“扑棱”从田野间飞出,向天长叫,仿佛在抱怨着什么. 12.2009年全国卷Ⅱ——提供一组词,设情景扩展(串词设境型)


来源广 一个月 入选口号 千余条 “我运动,我快乐”


解析 本题为扩展语句的新题型,涉及语言表达简明、连贯、得体。解答时要利用所给词语,语意完整,扣住主题“征集全民健身口号”。语言要求流畅、富有文采。注意字数要求。 13.2009年江西卷——提供一组词,设情景扩展(设境描述型)







2(考生满分答案)月光在竹林中洒下斑斑光点,四周一片寂静。一阵风吹来,传来洗衣归来的少女的喧哗。话音如玉盘落珠般清脆,笑声如银铃摇动般响亮,是这般地无忧无虑。 要求:准确表达原句的语义及内涵;符合材料的中心及情感基调;根据语义构造合理的情景;







请从以下7个词语中任选4个,写一段话,要求语意完整合乎情理,不超过48字。 给力 雷人 粉丝 妙趣横生 山重水复 美不胜收 怡然自得



2. 本来已经到了山重水复的境地,谁曾想拐过一个山坳呈现在大家眼前的居然是这样一幅美不胜收、妙趣横生的画面,鱼儿在小溪里嬉戏,牛羊在怡然自得地吃草。


【备考提示】抓住主题词,突出重点,有景有情,生动形象。事理式扩展:围绕中心,分析论述,正反多角度分析论证此类题关键是要注意题目中的“以„„重点”的要求。一般情况下,以“„„”为重点,有两种做法,其一,在其前加上复杂的定语,其二,在其后写一串话(最好运用相关的修辞手法丰富文采)具体解释“„„”的内涵。一般情况下以第二种为好。 语句扩展题最少要运用两种以上修辞格(比喻、拟人、排比等),最好化用或引用名句。书写要认真,字数要多少适中。







⑴姓名: 夏瑜 作品名:《药》



《十年高考精选句子翻译 (附带原句)201-255》

201.Everyone was surprised to see the buildings finished so soon.看见这栋大楼这么


202.They were happy to hear the work already done.他们很高兴听见工作已经被做


203.I prefer staying at home watching TV to going shopping out.我宁愿在家看电视


204. The film reminded him of what he had seen in Paris.这部电影使他回想起在巴


205.They realize that it is of great value to record and teach them to the young

generation.他们意识到把这些记录下来并教给年轻一代是有很大的价值的 206.The doctor advised me to take more exercise.医生建议我增加锻炼

207.Work harder and you will find it not difficult to learn.再用功一点,你会发现学


208.You can’t stop him doing what he wants.你阻止不了他做想做的事

209. Faced with a difficult situation, Tom decided to ask his boss for advice.面对艰


210. Accustomed to climbing the steep mountains, he had no difficulty reaching the


211.The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, not to make it more


212.When first introduced to the market, these products enjoyed great success.此产品


213.Alice returned from the manager’s office telling me that the boss wanted to see

me at once.从经理办公室回来后,Alice告诉我经理要我立刻过去

214.My teacher encouraged me to take a summer course to improve my writing skills.


215. Having waited in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had

left his wallet at home.排队等候了半个小时,汤姆突然意识到他把钱包落家了 216.You will succeed in the end unless you give up half way.除非你中途放弃,否则


217.Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up before I could

answer the phone.有人半夜给我打电话,但我还没来得及接,他们就挂断了 218.She found her calculator where she lost it.他在他丢(计算器)的地方找到了计


219.I know nothing about the young lady except that she is from Beijing.对这位年轻


220.As far as I know, they live in the same neighborhood.据我所知,他们住在同一

221. On top of the books is the photo album you’re looking for.在书的顶端是你要


222. Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere else can you find such a

beautiful place.也许你去过很多国家,但是你在哪也找不到如此美丽的地方 223. I failed in the final examination last term and only then did I realize the

importance of studies.我上学期期末考试不及格,直到那时我才意识到了学习的重要性

224. The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once have they

quarreled with each other.这对老夫妻结婚40年了,没吵过一次架

225. Only when your identity has been checked will you be allowed in.只有当你的


226. Not only is the teacher himself interested in football but all his students are

beginning to show an interest in it.不仅老师自己对足球感兴趣,而且他所有的学生也开始对足球产生兴趣了

227. So difficult did I feel it to live in an English-speaking country that I determined

to learn English.我感到在讲英语的国家里生活太难了,因此我决定学好英语。 228. Not a single song did she sing at yesterday’s party.昨天的晚会上她一首歌也没唱。

229. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life had I felt so happy! 我


230. Don’t be discouraged. Take things as they are and you will enjoy every day of

your life.别灰心,让事情顺其自然的发展你将会享受你每天的生活乐趣。 231.When Mark opened the door, he saw a woman standing there. He had never seen

her before.当马克打开门,他看到一个女人站在那儿,他从没见过她。

232. I’ve phoned my sister three times today but her line was always busy.我今天已


233.Telephone messages for the manager were left on her desk but she didn’t notice


234.Let’s keep to the point or we will never reach any decisions.我们别跑题,否则无


235.Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you can’t have time to get changed before the party.


236.According to the art dealer, the painting is expected to go for at last a million


237.The house could fall down soon if no one does some quick repair work.如果没有


238.More patients have been treated in hospital this year than last year.今年比去年有


239.Sales of CDs have greatly increased since the early 1990s, when people began to

enjoy the advantages of this new technology. CD的销量是从人们开始享受这种新技术的20世纪90年代早期开始就大幅 增长

240.The discussion came alive when an interesting topic was brought in.当一个有趣


241.Because the shop is closing down, all the T-shirts are sold at half price.因为这个


242.She has set a new record, that is, the sales of her latest book have reached 50


243. Go straight on and you’ll see a church. You won’t miss it.一直向前走,你会看


244.All the employees except the manager are encouraged to work online at home.除


245.The crazy fans had been waiting patiently for two hours, and they would wait till

the movie star arrived.那些疯狂的粉丝已经耐心地等了2个小时,他们还要再等,直到那个影星到来

246. She changed her hairstyle in her hometown before she came to Chongqing for a

better job.在她来重庆找个好工作之前,她在家乡换了发型

247. How can you possibly miss the news? It has been on TV all day long你怎么可


248. I arrived late. I hadn’t expected the road to be so icy.我到的晚了,没有想到路


249. I fell asleep while reading the English textbook. Luckily, my roommate woke

me up in time!我看英语教材的时候睡着了。还好,我的室友及时把我叫醒了。 250. Although he has lived with us for years, he hasn’t left us much impression.尽管


251. All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her

nervousness grew.整个早晨就在她等待医生的检查报告的时候,她的紧张感越来越强烈。

252. Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? It will stay fresh for several days.你


253. At this time tomorrow we’ll be flying over the Atlantic.明天的这个时候,我们


254. How long have David and Vicky been married? David和Vicky结婚多久了? 255. The news came as no surprise to me. I had known for some time that the factory

was going to shut down.这个消息来的一点也不意外。我知道这个工厂将会倒闭有一段时间了

本文档为 千挑万选十年高考试题精选句子的翻译版 附带原句




1、abide by (=be faithfulto; obey) 忠于;遵守

2、be absent from… 缺席,不在

3、absence of mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉

4、absorb (=take up theattention of) 吸引…的注意力(被动语态:be absorbed in 全神贯注于…)

近义词组: be engrossed in; be lost in; be rapt in; be concentrated on; be focused on; becentered on

5、(be) abundant in (berich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有

6、access (to) (不可数名词)能接近,进入,了解

7、by accident (=bychance, accidentally) 偶然地,意外

Without accident (=safely) 安全地

8、of one's own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely) 自愿地,主动地

9、in accord with 与…一致

out of one's accord with 同…、不一致

10、with one accord(=with everybody agreeing) 一致地

11、in accordance with(=in agreement with) 依照,根据

12、on one's own account 1)为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益 2)=at one's own risk 自行负责 3)=by oneself 依靠自己

on account 赊账;onaccount of 因为;on no account 不论什么原因也不;of account 有…


13、take…into account(=consider) 把……考虑进去

14、give sb an accountof 说明,解释(理由)

15、account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释,说明

16、on account of(=because of) 由于,因为

17、on no account (=in nocase, for no reason) 绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)

18、accuse…of…(=charge…with;blame sb、 for sth、; blame sth、 on sb; complain about) 指控,控告

19、be accustomed to (=bein the habit of, be used to) 习惯于

20、be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉

21、act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理

22、adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于

23、adapt…(for) (=make sth suitable for a new need) 改编,改写(以适应新的需要)

24、in addition (=besides) 此外,又,加之

25、in addition to (=aswell as, besides, other than) 除…外

26、adhere to (=abide by,conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion,belief) 粘附;坚持,遵循

27、adjacent (=next to,close to) 毗邻的,临近的

28、adjust(to) (=changeslightly) 调节;适应

29、admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) 留…的可能,留有…的余地、

30、in advance (before intime) 预告,事先

31、to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地

32、have an advantage over;胜过;have the advantage of;由于…处于有利条件;have the

advantage of sb、 知道某人所不知道的事

33、take advantage of(=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness) 利用

34、agree with 赞同(某人意见);agree to 同意

35、in agreement (with) 同意,一致

36、ahead of 在…之前,超前;ahead of time 提前

37、in the air 1)不肯定,不具体; 2)在谣传中

38、above all(=especially, most important of all) 尤其是,最重要的

39、in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共,总计

40、after all 毕竟,到底;(not) at all 一点也不;all at once (=suddenly) 突然;once and for all 只此一次;above all 最重要的;first of all 首先;all in all 大体上说;be all in 累极了;all but 几乎

41、allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考虑到,估计到

42、amount to (=to be equal to) 总计,等于

43、answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for) 对……负责

44、answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合

45、be anxious about 为……焦急不安(也可用 anxious for)

46、apologize to sb for sth 为……向……道歉

47、appeal to sb for sth 为某事向某人呼吁;appeal to sb对某人有吸引力

48、apply to sb for sth 为……向……申请;apply for 申请;apply to 适用

49、apply to 与……有关;适用

50、approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right) 赞成


















