
| GRE |




◇ 问候语 (Greeting)

1. 你好,很高兴见到你。

Hello! Nice to meet you.

2. 你好,很高兴见到你。

Hello! Glad to see you.

3. 你好。How do you do?

4. 很高兴和你说话。

Nice talking with you.

5. 再见。Goodbye.

6. 再见。 See you.

7. 保重。Take care.

8. 保重。Keep well.

9. 请代我向你的家人问好。

Please say hello to your family.

10. 希望你能再来昌乐做客。

I hope you will come back to Changle again!

11. 后会有期。See you again in the near future.

12. 你好吗?Hello, how are you doing?

13. 你好,欢迎来到昌乐外国语学校。

Hello, welcome to Changle Foreign Language School !

14. 昌乐外国语学校给你的第一感觉是什么?

What's your first impression of Changle Foreign Language School?

15. 你觉得昌乐外国语学校怎么样?

How do you like Changle Foreign Language School ?

( How do you find Changle Foreign Language School ? )


Weifang is a beautiful city.

17. 昌乐人非常热情。

The people in Changle are very friendly.

18. 祝你好运!

Wish you good luck!

19. 为我们的友谊干杯。

Cheers to our friendship!

20. 你先请。After you.

21. 你能帮助我吗?Could you help me?

22. 能忙我个忙吗?

Would you please do me a favor?

23. 帮我个忙好吗?

Would you please give me a hand?

24. 您需要什么帮助?What can I do for you?

25. 我可以帮助你吗?May I help you?

26. 我来帮助你。Let me help you.

27. 你真是太好了。It's very kind of you!

28. 直着往前走。Go straight this way.

29. 劳驾,请问去…怎么走?

Excuse me, can you tell me the way to…?

30. 沿这条街走下去,然后往左拐。

Go down this street. Then turn left.

31. 在第二个路口往右拐。

Turn right at the next crossing.

32. 对不起,我不知道它在哪儿。

I'm sorry. I have no idea where it is.

33. 尽管如此,还是要谢谢你。

Thank you all the same.

34. 离这儿远吗?

Is it far from here?

35. 远,你最好坐公共汽车去。

Yes. You'd better take a bus.

36. 不远,就在那里。No, it's just over there.

37. 距这里约一公里。

It's about one kilometer from here.

38. 请问, 3路公共汽车去…吗?

Excuse me, Dose the No.3 bus stop at…?

39. 去最近的邮局怎么走?

Where is the nearest post office?

40. 坐车要用多长时间?

How long is the ride?

41. 大约需要 20 分钟。【关于请求的英语交际用语】

It will take about twenty minutes.

42. 非常感谢。---Thank you very much. 乐意为您效劳。---It's my pleasure.

◇ 购物用语 (Shopping)

43. 您要买点什么?


Is there anything you would like?

44. 是的,我要买本书。

Yes, I'd like to buy a book.

45. 行,给你。All right. Here you are.

46. 多少钱?How much is it?

47. 十七块五。

It's seventeen yuan and five jiao.

48. 可以便宜点吗?

Could you make it cheaper?

49. 您要买什么?May I help you?

50. 是的,我想买一件衬衫。

Yes, I want to buy a shirt.

51. 要什么颜色 / 尺寸 / 样子的? What color/size/style do you want?





Good morning/afternoon/evening.早上/下午/晚上好。


How are you?你好吗?

Fine, thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢你。你呢?

Very well, thank you. 很好,谢谢你。


a. This is Mr./Mrs./Miss…这是…先生/太太/小姐。

I’d like you to meet……我想请你会见……

How do you do?你好!

Nice/Glad/Pleased to see/meet you.见到你很高兴。 b.




f. My name is……我叫/我的名字是…… I’m Chinese. 我是中国人。 I’m afraid I must be leaving now. 我恐怕得告辞了。 Goodbye! /Bye bye! /Bye! 再见! I’m a student/worker etc.我是学生/工人等。 3、告别Farewells I think it’s time for us to leave now. 我想我现在该走了。

See you later/tomorrow. /See you.回头见。/明天见。/再见。

Good night. 晚安。/再见。(用于晚上分别时)

4、感谢和应答Thanks and responses

g. Thank you (very much). (非常)感谢你。

Thanks a lot .万分感谢。

Many for ……(由于)……非常感谢。

h. It’s very kind of you to ……你真好,……。

Not at all.不用谢。

It’s/That’s all right ,不用谢。

You 're welcome.不用谢。

6、祝愿、祝贺和应答Good wishes, congratulations and responses

Good luck! 祝你好运!

Best wishes to you .祝福你。 i.

I wish you good luck /success! 祝你走好运/成功!

Have a nice /good time. 祝你过得愉快。

谢谢你k. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!

Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!

Happy birthday to you. 祝你生日快乐!

l. The same to you .同样祝你快乐。

7、道歉、遗憾和应答Apologies, regrets, sympathies & responses

a) Sorry. /Pardon. 对不起。/请原谅。

I’m sorry.对不起。

I’m sorry for /about…(由于)…很对不起。

I’m sorry to hear…听到…我非常难过。

b) Excuse me (for……)。(由于)……请原谅。

I’m afraid of ……恐怕……。

What a pity /shame! 真遗憾!/真可惜!/真丢脸!

c) That’s all right.没关系。

It doesn’t matter.没关系。

That 's nothing.没关系。/没事。

8、邀请和应答Invitations and responses

a)Will you come to……?你能来……吗?

Would you like to ……?你愿意……吗?

I’d like to invite you to ……我很想邀请你……。

b)Yes, I’d love to ……行,我乐意……。

Yes ,it’s very kind /nice of you.行,你真好。

c) I’d iove to, but ……我很乐意…,但是…。

9、提供(帮助等)和应答Offers & responses

d) Can /Could/ Shall I help you? 我能帮你吗?

What can I do do for you? 我能帮你什么忙吗?

Is there anything (else) I can do for you? 还有什么我能为你效劳吗?

Let me do/carry/help……(for you).让我(替你)做/搬运/帮助……

Do you want me to……?你要我帮你……吗?

Would you like some……?你要一点……吗?

e) Thanks. That would be nice/fine.谢谢。那很好。

That’s very kind of you .你真好。

Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。

好,谢谢你Here, take this /my…这儿,请拿这个/我的…。

f) No, thanks/thank you.不,谢谢你。

Thank you all the same。仍然要感谢你。

That’s very kind of you,but……你真好,但是……。

10、约会Making appointments

g) Are you /Will you be frees this afternoon/evening/tomorrow? 你今天下午/今天晚上/明天有空吗?

How about tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening? 明天上午/下午/晚上怎么样?

Shall we meet at 4:30at ……?我们四点半在……会面好吗?

h) Yes, that's all right .好,就这样。

Yes I' ll be free then.好,那时我有空。

i) No, I won’t be free then. But I’ll be free……不行,那时我有空。但是我……有空。 j) All right. See you then.好,那时再见。

11.意愿和希望Intentions and wishes

a. I’m going to……我打算……。

I will……我将/想……。

I’d like to…我想要…。

I (do not )want /hope to……我(不)想/希望……。

b. I want /hope/wish to…我要/希望/极想……。

11.请求允许和应答Asking for permission and responses

k) May I……?我可以……吗?

Can/Could I……?我能……吗?

b. Yes/Sure/Certainly.可以/肯定/当然可以。


Of ourse (you may).当然(你可以)。

Tha’s OK/all/right.可以。

Go aead, please,行,尽管估吧。

Not at all.一点也不。

I’m sorry you can’t.对不起,你不能。

c. I’m sorry ,but……对不起,但是…….

You’d better not .你最好别那样。

12.同意和不同意Agreement and disagreement


Certainly/Sure/Of course.可以/一定/当然。

没问题Yes ,please.可以。

Yes ,I think so.是的,我也这么认为。

That’s true .那是真的。

All right/OK。好/行。

That’s a good idea .那是个好主意。

I /We agree(with you).我/我们同意(你的意见)。

b. No, I don’t think so.我想不是这样。

I’m afraid not.恐怕不行。

I’m afraid I (really)can’t agree with you.我恐怕(真的)不能同意你的意见。

13.喜欢和讨厌Likes and dislikes

a. I like/love……(very much).我(非常)喜欢/喜爱……。

I like/love to…我喜欢…。

b. I don’t like (to)……我不喜欢……。

I have (to)……我讨厌……。

14.决断和坚持Determination, decision and insistence

I will ……我一定要……。

I have decided to ……我已决定要……。

I have decided that……我已决定……。

15.判断和意见Judgement and opinion

a.Well done! 做得好!

Good work! 做得好!

b. In my opinion……我的意见是……。

I t seems……那好像是……。


I can……我能……。

He is able to……他能……。

17.肯定和不肯定Certainty and uncertainty

a.I’m sure (of that). (关于那件事)我敢肯定。

I’m sure (that)……我敢肯定……。

(关于那件事)我不敢肯定。I ‘m not sure whether/if……我不敢肯定……是否……。

c. Maybe/Perhaps……也许……

18.禁止和警告prohibition and warnings

a. You can’t/mustn’t……你不能……。

If you ……,you’ll……如果你……,你就会……。

You’d better not do it.你最好不做。

Don’t smoke! 别抽烟!

Don’t be late! 别迟到!

b. Take care! 当心!

Be careful! 当心!

Look out! 当心!

19.可能和不可能Possibility and impossibility

He can/may……他可能……。

It is possible that……很可能……。

20.预见、猜测和相信Prediction, conjecture and belief

a. He will ……他会……。

b. It seems(that)……好像……。

c. I believe that he is right. 我相信他是对的。


a. Can/Could/Will/Would you……for me?您能为我……吗?

Will/Would/Can/Could you please……?您能……好吗?

May I have……?我可以有……吗?

b. Please give/pass me…请给/递给我……。

Please wait here/a moment.请在这儿等/等一会儿。

Please wait (for)your turn.请等着轮到你。

Please in line/line up.请排队站着。

Please hurry.请赶快。

c. Don’t rush/crowd/hurry.别争先恐后/拥挤/匆匆忙忙。

No noise, please.请勿宣哗。

No smoking, please. 请勿吸烟。




 交际英语主要考察在日常生活情景中的交际能力。以对话形式出现,使原来的对话意思完整,符合交际原则。

 常考的情景共有8个:询问信息、个人看法、电话、就餐、请求、问候、谈论天气、购物。






一般疑问句是对一件事情或情况是否真实而提出疑问的句子。一般用Yes和No回答, 时态人称要一致,第一人称最好置换成第二人称。 【结构】 【例句】

①Am I win? (是我赢了吗?)

—Yes,you are. (是的,是你。)

—No,you aren’t. (


② Are they in the swimming pool? (他们在游泳池吗?)

—Yes,they are. (是的,他们在。)

—No,they aren’t. (不,他们不在。)

Do the workers live in London? (工人们住在伦敦吗?)

—Yes, they do. (是的,他们是。)

—No, they don’t. (不,他们不是。)

Can you spell your name? (你会拼写你的名字吗?)

—Yes,I can. (是的,我会。)

—No,I can’t. (不,我不会。) 系动词be(am、is、are)+主语+其他成分? 助动词(do、does、have、has…)+主语+其他成分? 情态动词(can、could、may、must、should…)+主语+其他成分?


特殊疑问句指以特殊疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子。常用的特殊疑问词有:what、who、whose、which、when、where、how、why、how often、how many、how much、how old等。

回答特殊疑问句,不能用“yes / no”;一般是针对特殊疑问词做出具体的回答,也就是问什么答什么。【关于请求的英语交际用语】

例句:①— Who's not here today? 今天谁没来?

— Helen (is). 海伦没来。

②— Where's the restaurant? 饭馆在哪儿?

— Near the station. 靠近车站。

③— Why do you like this toy? 你为什么喜欢这个玩具?

— Because it is cute. 因为它很可爱。



例句:①—Do you like English or math? 你喜欢英语还是数学?

—English. 英语。

②—Which do you prefer, coffee of tea? 你喝咖啡还是喝茶?

—Tea, please. 请来杯茶吧

考试中遇到这种句式一定要注意与一般疑问句区别开,回答应该要做出明确的选择, 用yes/no回答的肯定是错的。





【基本句型】 【例句】

Your brother went to the library, didn’t he? (你弟弟去图书


—Yes, he did. (是,他去了。)

—No, he didn’t. (不,他没去。)

That isn’t a useful book, is it? (那本书没什么用,是吗?)

—Yes, it is. (不,书很有用。)

—No, it isn’t. (是的,书没有用。) 肯定陈述句+否定简略问句 否定陈述句+肯定简略问句



个人看法情景常考的有三种情况:表示肯定与否、表示喜好、厌恶和表达建议。只要记住了这三种情况下常用的问句句式和回答句式,就能掌握这个情景。先来看看这三组句式: 一、表示肯定与否




I’m sure. /I’m positive.


I’m not sure.


Maybe / Perhaps...


【例句】 ①—Are you sure you can come?(你肯定你能来吗?) —Yes, I’m sure. (是的,肯定能来。) ②—My camera isn’t working . (我的相机不好用了。) —Maybe there’s something wrong with it. (可能是有毛病了吧。) ③Perhaps he isn't coming. (也许他不来了。)



I like…very much.


I don’t like/hate…

(我不喜欢/讨厌……) 【回答】 So do I. / so did I./ so have I./so can I. (肯定)我也是 Neither do I. /neither did I./ neither have I./ neither can I.



①—I like hot dishes. (我喜欢吃辣。)

—So do I. (我也是。)

②—I did his homework last night. (他昨晚做了家庭作业。)

—So did I. (我也做了。)

③—He has been to Beijing.(他去过北京。)

—so have I. (我也去过。)

④—Mike hasn’t finished my homework. (麦克没完成作业.)

—Neither have I. ( 我也没有。)

⑤—They cannot speak French. (他们不会讲法语.)

—Neither can I. (我也不会。)



You’d better (not) do…


You should…


Why don’t you/Why not…


What about / How about… /Shall we…



① —You should exercise more. (你应该多运动一点。)

—I’ll take your advice. (我会采纳你的建议的。)

②—What about going to the movie tonight? (今天晚上去看电影怎么样?) —Why not?Good idea! (太好了。) 【回答】 I’ll take your advice.(我会采纳你的建议的。) Why not? (为什么不呢?) Sure. (可以。) Great. / That’s a good idea. / That’s great! (好主意。) No, thanks…(不用了,谢谢„„)



【发话方】 【受话方】

Hello!May/Could/Can I speak to …? ① 当你就是对方要找的听话人时: (你好!请找某某接电话好吗? ) This is … (speaking). / Speaking. Is … in/over there/ available? (我就是某某,请讲。) (请问某某在吗?) Who is that (speaking)?


② 当对方要找的人不在或不能接电话时:

Sorry, she/ he isn’t here / is out right now.


Sorry, she/ he is busy at the moment.


Can I take a message for you?


③ 当对方要找的人不在场时,需要去叫他/她:

Hold on, please/One moment.


I’ll get him/her.


④ 当发现对方拨错电话号码时:

I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.





I’d like…

No, thanks.

(不用,谢谢。) (我想要„„) 【服务员】 What would you like (to have)? Would you like something (to eat/ to ① 饭店用餐 drink)? (你想吃点/喝点什么吗?)

Are you ready to order…?


② 朋友家 【主人】 【客人】





1、 打电话方面的交际用语。

2、 劝告和建议方面的交际用语。

3、 感谢与应答方面的交际用语。

4、 祝愿、祝贺及应答方面的交际用语。

5、 请求允许和应答方面的交际用语。

6、 邀请与应答方面的交际用语。

7、 提供帮助和应答方面的交际用语。




①—Would you mind feeding the pet at noon? [长春] —____________.

A.Have fun B.No,not at a11 C.Excuse me D.You’re welcome


②一I don't think waste water should be put into the rivers or lakes.

一____.It wm cause much water pollution.[长春]

A.Good luck B.It's my pleasure C.I agree with you D.The same to you


一Is there a table for 4,please?

一____,please.Is the one near the backdoor 0K? [淄博] A.Take your time B.This way C.You are welcome D.After you


③–Jim, I’m afraid I can’t go to your party tonight. My grandma is ill.


A. I’m sorry to hear that B. That’s all right C. She has to stay in bad D. Don’t worry

答案A解析:A. I’m sorry to hear that .表示―很遗憾听到这个消息‖。B.That’s all right.表示―不用谢,没关系‖。

C. She has to stay in bad.表示―她真是不幸‖。D.Don’t worry.表示―不用担心‖。当听到对方诉说不幸的事情时,都要说I’m sorry to hear that (很遗憾听到这个消息),表示惋惜和同情,这也是一种固定搭配。

④–Jack, I will go for a picnic with my parents after the exam.

-- ______.[安徽]

A. That’s it B. Have fun C. It’s a pleasure D. It doesn’t matter

答案B.解析:--Jack,考完试,我将和我的父母去野炊。A That’s it (就它了) B. Have fun(玩的开心点) C. It’s a pleasure(这是件乐事) D. It doesn’t

⑤—Call you go shopping with me tomorrow?

——____,but I have to study for my chemistry test.[牡丹江]

A.I'd love to B.Never mind C.It's nothing

答案:A解析:由句意“但我必须为化学考试学习”知,选I'd love to.

⑥—Would you please pass me the sugar?

一____.Here you are.[浙江台州]


B.Sure C.Thanks a lot D.N0thing much

答案:B解析:由答语Here you are.“给你”,确定用Sure“当然可以”。

⑦一Alice,you dance very well!


A.Not so well B.That's all right C.Thank you D.I agree with you

答案:C解析:当别人夸奖或赞美自己时,要用Thank you回答,选C。

⑧—Few well—known singers came to the concert,did they?

—_____.Such as Andy Lau,Jay Chou and Kristy Zhang.[ 黄冈]

A.No,they didn't B.Yes,they did C.No,they did D.Yes,they didn't 答案:B解析:由下句“如Andy Lau,Jay Chou and KristyZhang"说明,“有一些著名的歌手到音乐会”,答案是肯定的,所以用Yes回答,故B项Yes,they did“不,他们来了”是正确的。

⑨一May I park my car here,Sir?

一____.You may park it over there.[南通]

A.Yes,you may B.Yes,you can C.No,you needn't D.No,you mustn't


⑩—How do you like the TV play?


A.It's wonderful. B.What about you? C.Yes,I like it. D.No,I don't like it at a11.


11.一Who’s that speaking?


A.This is Jack speaking B.I am speaking


12.一I believe we've met before. C.Jack is me D.I am Jack

一No,____.I've never been here before.[重庆课改实验区]

A.it isn't the same B.it's true C.I don't think so D.I believe so

答案:C解析:下句是对上句的内容提出相反的观点,故用表示否定的答语:I don't think so.如果表示赞同要用I think so.故选C。

13. —Why not join us in the game,Kitty?

— ___,but I have to do my homework first.[镇江]

A. Let's go B.I'd like to C.Yes,please D.It's a pleasure


14. —Thank you for your help,Sarah.

一_____________.[ 浙江台州] A.Good idea B.Please don't say so C.It doesn't matter D.You are welcome

答案:D解析:Thank you!的答语往往用You are welcome,Not at ail,That's all right等。

15. —I'm going to spend my summer holiday in

— Hawaii.

— What a lucky guy! ____And don't forget to send me a postcard.[ 黄冈]

A.That sounds good.B.Have a nice time! C.Good luck! D.Can I go with you?



一、打电话(Making phone calls)


Would/could/can you ring up...?请你...打电话好吧?句中ring up意思是"给某人打电话"。除了用ring up外,还可用call,call up,telephone 等,意思相同。can you...?用得最普通;could/would you...?用在正式场合,比较礼貌。

2.电话拨不通时常说: The line is busy .I can't get through.电话占线,我打不通。/ I'll try again later.我过一会儿再打。

其中line指电话线路,get through 指接通电话。


Hello,(name or telephone number)你好,(并通报本人的姓名或单位名称或电话号码)Hello,is that...speaking?你是...吗? / Who is that speaking/calling?你是谁?/ Who is speaking/calling, please?你是谁?


Yes,(this is)...speaking.是的,我是...。/ Yes,it's...here. 我是...。


Is...in/at home? 某某在家吗?/ Can/may/could I speak to...,please?请...接电话好吗?/ Will/would you give a message to...,please?请给...捎个口信好吗? / Would you tell him my telephone number, please? 请你把我的电话号码告诉他好吗?/ Can/could you ask...to ring me back, please?请叫...给我回个电话好吗?


Hold on/Wait a minute/One moment, please. 请等一等。/ I'm sorry...is not in./at home now.对不起,...现在不在。/ Can I take a message? 我能给你捎口信好吗?/ Does he have your telephone number?他有你的电话号码吗?/ I'll ask him to call you back. 我叫他给你回电话。

二、劝告和建议(Advice and suggestion)

(1)You'd better (not)do sth... 你最好(不)干...。/ You should do sth. 你应该干...。/ You need(to)do sth. 你需要干...。

(2)Why don't you do sth? 为什么不...。/ Why not do sth? 为什么不...。这是以反问的方式提出劝告或建议,含有建议对方去干某事的意思,而不是询问对方为何不去干某事的原因。

(3)What/How about +名词或动名词...? 这种句型表达随便的建议,有征求对方意见的意思,多数情况下是建议和对方一起做某事。

(4)"Shall we...?"这种句型用于建议对方与自己一起做什么,是一种普通的表示建议的方法。它和"Let's...,shall we?"句型可以互换,在回答时,如果赞成这个建议,常用"Yes, let's."或"OK. let's."




这是最普通的表达建议的方法,建议对方和自己一起做什么.let's后接动词原形。若句尾加上"shall we?", "OK?"等用于征求对方法的词语,从而使语气委婉得多。


Great太好了。That's a good idea.真是个好主意。对对方的建议表示不同意,或根本不能满足对方的要求而表示歉意时的常用答语为: I'm afraid that... 我担心....,我恐怕....。I'm afraid not. 恐拍不行。

(7)用should,ought to等情态动词来表示“劝告”


三、表示问候(Expressing greetings)



Hello.你好!Hi嗨!Good morning(afternoon, evening)早上(下午、晚上)好。

2.您好!初次见面打招呼的用语How do you do? / Glad to meet you.

答语也是"How do you do? / Glad to meet you."

3.对有一段时候没有见面的熟人可选用这些句型:How are you?/ How have you been?你(您)好吗?

答语往往是:"Fine, thank you. And ?"

4.向认识但不常见面的人打招呼,可选用这些表达法。How's everything with you?/ How is everything going? / How are you getting on? / What's no/ up? 近来怎么样?

答语可用:“Pretty well."/ " Very well." "Everything is OK.(一切顺利)"Not too bad.“还好”。

5.对于不认识想要叫他(她)停下来时,可选用这些说法:Hey, sir(madam).喂,先生(小姐)/ Just a moment, sir(madam)等一下,先生(小姐)注意:此时不能说:“Hey! you!”


1.Please give one's(one's 代表不同人称的物主代词(如: my, our... 等) regards/best wishes/ love to.../ Please remember me to sb.请向某人问好./请向某人致意。

2."Say hi/hello to...(from me)"意为“向...致意/问候”。这相当于Please give my best regards/wishes to...(请代我向...问好)的意思。

对于上述问候,其答语为:Of course. /Sure ,I will等。

四、感谢与应答(Thanks and responses)

Thank you./ Thanks.谢谢! / Thank you very much.非常感谢! / Thank you so much./ Thanks a lot.多谢 / Thank you very much indeed. 应该好好感谢你 / Thanks a million.万分感谢! / I don't know how to thank you.真不知该怎样感谢你。I'm really grateful to you.非常感谢你! That's most kind of you.你心眼儿真好。/ You're kind ! kind 你真好。 如果别人想为你办事,可你觉得不必麻烦他或者别人替你办事没有办成但你还要感谢他,这时你可以说: Thank you just the same.同样感谢你的好意。/ Thank you all the same.同样得感谢你。/ It's very considerate of you.你考虑得真周到!/ It's most thoughtful of you.你想得真周到!


You're welcome.你是受欢迎的。/ Not at all.没事儿。/ Don't mention it.不用了。/ It's my pleasure.我很乐意。 / No trouble at all.一点也不麻烦。/ It was the least I could do.这是我应该做的。I'm glad I could do it.我很高兴能这么做。That's all right.没关系,不用谢。I'm delighted to have been able to do that for you.能为你效劳我很高兴。It's really nothing at all.算不了什么,不用谢。

五、介绍(Introductions) 介绍某人的常用表达式

I'll introduce you.我来给你介绍.......。/ I want to introduce.....我想介绍.... / May I introduce you to...? 我把你介绍给...好吗? / I'd like you to meet... 我想让你见见...。 / It's with great pleasure that I introduce.....to you.很荣幸让我介绍.......给你。/ Let me introduce you to......让我把你介绍给....... / By the way, do you know......? 顺便问一问,你认识.......吗?


How do you do? 你好!/ I'm pleased to know you.很高兴认识你。/ Very glad to meet you.很高兴认识你。/ Nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。 / It's a pleasure to meet you.认识你很高兴。

六、祝愿、祝贺及应答(Good wishes, congratulations and responses)


I have passed the examination! 我已经通过考试了。

Congratulations(to you)祝贺你!


Good luck with your trip! 祝您们旅途平安! Have a good trip/journey.=I wish you a good trip/journey.祝你旅途愉快。祝你一路顺风。/ Good trip to you./Nice journey to you.祝你旅途愉快、Have a nice/pleasant/wonderful time.=I wish you a nice/pleasant/wonderful time.祝你过得愉快。祝你玩得痛快。


A: Happy birthday to you;生日快乐!B: Thank you!谢谢!


A:I will take the exams tomorrow.我明天将参加考试。

B: Good luck (to you)!(I wish you success!)祝您顺利!(祝您成功!)

注:上述几点中祝愿(贺)的回答可用。 Thanks./thank you/thanks a lot.或It's kind of you to say so.谢谢. /多谢. /谢谢您./谢谢你这么说。


A: Happy New Year(to you)! 新年快乐!

B: Thanks. The same to you!(Happy New Year to you, too!)谢谢!您也一样!(也祝您新年快乐!)

七、请求允许和应答(Asking for permission and responses)

1) Can I/Could I/May I...? 我可不可以...?

这个是请求对方允许自己做某事的最普通的交际用语,其中could I...?语气最婉转;May I...? 常用在比较正式的场合;Can I...? 用得最广泛。

对于所提出的请求表示允许或同意时,可说:Yes./Sure./Certainly.当然可以。Of course, you may.当然可以。Yes, do please.请吧。Go ahead, please.请吧。That's Ok./all right.好的。

对于所提出的请求表示不允许或不同意时,可说:No, pleased don't.请不要。I'm sorry you can't.对不起,你不可以...I'm sorry, but...对不起,但是...。You'd better not...你最好别...。

2.Do you mind if I do...?

这是用来表示“请求许可”的交际用语。句中的mind作“介意”、“反对”解。整句的意思是“如果我干某事,你反对/介意吗?”或“我干某事,”好吗?注意:当我们用“Do you mind if...”时,if从句中的谓语动词一般用现在时;当我们用“Would you mind if...”时,if从句中的谓语动词一般用过去时,这时语气更加婉转。应答时,如果表示“允许/不介意”,常说:No, I don't mind. 我不介意/我允许。Certainly not / Of course not. 当然不介意。No, go ahead. 不介意,你干吧。Not at all. 一点也不介意。如果表示“不允许/介意”时,常说:I'm sorry you can't...很抱歉,你不能...。I'm afraid....恐怕....I'm afraid it's not allowed. 恐怕这是不允许的。

3. I wonder if I could/can...? 我想知道我能否...?

这也是用来表示“请求许可”的交际用语。句中的wonder作“想知道”解,后面常跟if从句。整个句子的意思是“我想知道我是否可以......?”用以委婉地提出请求。应答时,如果允许,常说:Sure, go ahead./Yes, please do.可以,请吧。 Yes./Of course./Certainly. 当然可以。如果不允许,可以说: I'm sorry, but... 对不起,...I'm afraid not. 恐怕不行。No, please don't. 请不要......。You'd better not... 你最好别....。



(1)用may(can, could),来表达。

表示同意请求的应答:yes ,you may(can).是的。/certainly.(=of course./Sure.)当然可以。/Yes, do please,好的,请吧。 注:上述回答中can不能换成could因为could在一般疑问句中表示委婉的请求,而在肯定句中,则无此功能。 表示不同意请求的应答:No, you mustn't,不可以。/No, you can't,不能。No, you'd better not你最好不这样。/Please don't 请不要这样。/Sorry, I'm afraid not,对不起,恐怕不能。


表示同意的请求应答:Yes, I'd like to.好的,我愿意。/All right.(=OK.)好的/(That's a)Good idea.好主意。/Yes, Let's.好的,让我们走吧。

表示不同意请求的应答:Please don't.请不要这样./I don't think so.我认为不要这样。/I'm afraid not,恐怕不能

(3)用Would, Will, Would(Will)you please...?/Would you like...? 来表达。

表示同意请求的应答:Yes, I'd like to.(=Yes, I'd love to.=Yes, I'll be glad to.=Yes, I should I like to)是的,我愿意。/With pleasure.十分愿意。


表示不同意请求的应答:I'd like (love)to, but I'm busy,我很想,但我很忙。/I'm sorry, but I'm busy.对不起,我很忙。/I'm afraid not恐怕不能。/I'd really like to, but I have no time.我的确很愿意,可我没时间。

(4)用please 来表达。



一、打电话(Making phone calls) 1、请给某人/某单位打电话。 Would/could/can you ring up...? 请你...打电话好吧?

句中ring up意思是"给某人打电话"。除了用ring up外,还可用

call,call up,telephone 等,意思相同。can you...?用得最普通;could/would you...?用在正式场合,比较礼貌。

2、电话拨不通时常说: The line is busy .I can't get through.电话占线,我打不通。/ I'll try again later.我过一会儿再打。

其中line指电话线路,get through 指接通电话。


Hello,(name or telephone number)你好,(并通报本人的姓名或单位名称或电话号码)Hello,is that...speaking?你是...吗? / Who is that speaking/calling?你是谁?/ Who is speaking/calling, please?你是谁?

应答时常说:Yes,(this is)...speaking.是的,我是...。/ Yes,it's...here. 我是...。

4、打电话请对方找人或留言: Is...in/at home? 某某在家吗?/ Can/may/could I speak to...,please?请...接电话好吗?/ Will/

would you give a message to...,please?请给...捎个口信好

吗? / Would you tell him my telephone number, please? 请你把我的电话号码告诉他好吗?/ Can/could you ask...to ring me back, please?请叫...给我回个电话好吗?

应答时常说: Hold on/Wait a minute/One moment, please. 请等一等。/ I'm sorry...is not in./at home now.对不起,...现在不在。

/ Can I take a message? 我能给你捎口信好吗?

/ Does he have your telephone number?他有你的电话号码吗?

/ I'll ask him to call you back. 我叫他给你回电话。

二、劝告和建议(Advice and suggestion)

1、You'd better (not)do sth... 你最好(不)干...。/ You should do sth. 你应该干...。/ You need(to)do sth. 你需要干...。

2、Why don't you do sth? 为什么不...。/ Why not do sth? 为什么不...。这是以反问的方式提出劝告或建议,含有建议对方去干某事的意思,而不是询问对方为何不去干某事的原因。

3、What/How about +名词或动名词...? 这种句型表达随便的建议,有征求对方意见的意思,多数情况下是建议和对方一起做某事。

4、"Shall we...?"这种句型用于建议对方与自己一起做什么,是一种普通的表示建议的方法。它和"Let's...,shall we?"句型可以互换,在回答时,如果赞成这个建议,常用"Yes, let's."或"OK. let's."

5、用suggest作谓语的陈述句 这种句子用于表达比较正式的建议,在会议上和讨论中使用较多,也常用于书面形式,后面常跟名词、动名词或that从句作宾语。注意跟从句时,从句中动词用动词原形式should+动词原形。【关于请求的英语交际用语】

6、用Let's开头的祈使句 这是最普通的表达建议的方法,建议对方和自己一起做什么.let's后接动词原形。若句尾加上"shall we?", "OK?"等用于征求对方法的词语,从而使语气委婉得多。


Great太好了。That's a good idea.真是个好主意。对对方的建议表示不同意,或根本不能满足对方的要求而表示歉意时的常用答语

为: I'm afraid that... 我担心....,我恐怕....。I'm afraid not. 恐拍不行。

7、用should,ought to等情态动词来表示“劝告” 8、用动词advise,名词advice表示劝告。

三、表示问候(Expressing greetings) 一》、直接问候


Hello.你好!Hi嗨!Good morning(afternoon, evening)早上(下午、晚上)好。

2.您好!初次见面打招呼的用语How do you do? / Glad to meet you. 答语也是"How do you do? / Glad to meet you."


How are you?/ How have you been?你(您)好吗?

答语往往是:"Fine, thank you. And ?"


How's everything with you?/ How is everything going? / How are you getting on? / What's no/ up? 近来怎么样?

答语可用:“Pretty well."/ " Very well." "Everything is OK.(一切顺

利)"Not too bad.“还好”。

5.对于不认识想要叫他(她)停下来时,可选用这些说法:Hey, sir(madam).喂,先生(小姐)/ Just a moment, sir(madam)等一下,先生(小姐)注意:此时不能说:“Hey! you!”

二》、间接问候 1.Please give one's(one's 代表不同人称的物主代词(如: my, our... 等) regards/best wishes/ love to.../ Please remember me to sb.请向某人问好./请向某人致意。

2."Say hi/hello to...(from me)"意为“向...致意/问候”。这相当于

Please give my best regards/wishes to...(请代我向...问好)的意思。

对于上述问候,其答语为:Of course. /Sure ,I will等。

四、感谢与应答(Thanks and responses) Thank you./ Thanks.谢谢! / Thank you very much.非常感谢! / Thank you so much./ Thanks a lot.多谢 / Thank you very much indeed. 应该好好感谢你 / Thanks a million.万分感谢! / I don't know how to thank you.真不知该怎样感谢你。

I'm really grateful to you.非常感谢你! That's most kind of you.你心眼儿真好。/ You're kind ! kind 你真好。


Thank you just the same.同样感谢你的好意。/ Thank you all the same.同样得感谢你。/ It's very considerate of you.你考虑得真周到!

/ It's most thoughtful of you.你想得真周到!

在回答别人的感谢时, 常说:You're welcome.你是受欢迎的。/ Not at all.没事儿。/ Don't mention it.不用了。/ It's my pleasure.我很乐

意。 / No trouble at all.一点也不麻烦。/ It was the least I could do.这是我应该做的。I'm glad I could do it.我很高兴能这么做。That's all right.没关系,不用谢。I'm delighted to have been able to do that for you.能为你效劳我很高兴。It's really nothing at all.算不了什么,不用谢。

五、介绍(Introductions) 介绍某人的常用表达式

I'll introduce you.我来给你介绍.......。/ I want to introduce.....我想介绍.... / May I introduce you to...? 我把你介绍给...好

吗? / I'd like you to meet... 我想让你见

见...。 / It's with great pleasure that I introduce.....to you.很荣幸让我介绍.......给你。/ Let me introduce you to......让我把你介绍

给....... / By the way, do you know......? 顺便问一问,你认识.......吗?

对介绍的应答 How do you do? 你好!/ I'm pleased to know you.很高兴认识你。/’m Very glad to meet you.很高兴认识你。/ Nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。 / It's a pleasure to meet you.认识你很高兴。

六、祝愿、祝贺及应答(Good wishes, congratulations and responses)

1、当某人取得成功时 Congratulations(to you) 祝贺你!

I have passed the examination! 我已经通过考试了。

2、当某人外出旅行时 Good luck with your trip! 祝您们旅途平

安! Have a good trip/journey.=I wish you a good trip/journey.祝你旅途愉快。祝你一路顺风。/ Good trip to you./Nice journey to you.祝你旅途愉快、Have a nice/pleasant/wonderful time.=I wish you a nice/pleasant/wonderful time.祝你过得愉快。祝你玩得痛快。

3、当某人生日时 A: Happy birthday to you;生日快乐!B: Thank you!谢谢!

4、当某人即将做某事时A:I will take the exams tomorrow.我明天将参加考试。B: Good luck (to you)!(I wish you success!)祝您顺利!(祝您成功!)

注:上述几点中祝愿(贺)的回答可用。 Thanks./thank you/thanks a lot.或It's kind of you to say so.谢谢. /多谢. /谢谢您./谢谢你这么说。

5、在公共节日里 A: Happy New Year(to you)! 新年快乐!

B: Thanks. The same to you! 谢谢!您也一样!(也祝您新年快乐!)

七、请求允许和应答(Asking for permission and responses)

1、Can I/Could I/May I...? 我可不可以...?

这个是请求对方允许自己做某事的最普通的交际用语,其中could I...?语气最婉转;May I...? 常用在比较正式的场合;Can I...? 用得最广泛。

对于所提出的请求表示允许或同意时,可说:Yes./Sure./Certainly.当然可以。Of course, you may.当然可以。Yes, do please.请吧。Go ahead, please.请吧。That's Ok./all right.好的。

对于所提出的请求表示不允许或不同意时,可说:No, pleased don't.请不要。I'm sorry you can't.对不起,你不可以...I'm sorry, but...对不起,但是...。You'd better not...你最好别...。

2、Do you mind if I do...?

这是用来表示“请求许可”的交际用语。句中的mind作“介意”、“反对”解。整句的意思是“如果我干某事,你反对/介意吗?”或“我干某事,”好吗?注意:当我们用“Do you mind if...”时,if从句中的谓语动词一般用现在时;当我们用

“Would you mind if...”时,if从句中的谓语动词一般用过去时,这时语气更加婉转。应答时,如果表示“允许/不介意”,常说:No, I don't mind. 我不介意/我允许。Certainly not / Of course not. 当然不介意。No, go ahead. 不介意,你干吧。Not at all. 一点也不介意。如果表示“不允许/介意”时,常说:I'm sorry you can't...很抱歉,你不能...。I'm afraid....恐

怕....I'm afraid it's not allowed. 恐怕这是不允许的。

3、I wonder if I could/can...? 我想知道我能否...?

这也是用来表示“请求许可”的交际用语。句中的wonder作“想知道”解,后面常跟if从句。整个句子的意思是“我想知道我是否可以......?”用以委婉地提出请求。应答时,如果允许,常说:Sure, go ahead./Yes, please do.可以,请吧。 Yes./Of course./Certainly. 当然可以。如果不允许,可以

说: I'm sorry, but... 对不起,...I'm afraid not. 恐怕不行。

No, please don't. 请不要......。You'd better not... 你最好别....。

八、请求(Requests) 1、用may(can, could),来表达。

表示同意请求的应答:yes ,you may(can).是的。/certainly.(=of course./Sure.)当然可以。/Yes, do please,好的,请吧。


表示不同意请求的应答:No, you mustn't,不可以。/No, you can't,不能。No, you'd better not你最好不这样。/Please don't 请不要这样。/Sorry, I'm afraid not,对不起,恐怕不能。

2、用Shall来表达 表示同意的请求应答:Yes, I'd like to.好的,我愿意。/All right.(=OK.)好的/(That's a)Good idea.好主意。/Yes, Let's.好的,让我们走吧。

表示不同意请求的应答:Please don't.请不要这样./I don't think so.我认为不要这样。/I'm afraid not,恐怕不能

3、用Would, Will, Would(Will)you please...?/Would you like...? 来表达。 表示同意请求的应答:

Yes, I'd like to.(=Yes, I'd love to.=Yes, I'll be glad to.=Yes, I should I like to)是的,我愿意。/With pleasure.十分愿意。


表示不同意请求的应答:I'd like (love)to, but I'm busy,我很想,但我很忙。/I'm sorry, but I'm busy.对不起,我很忙。/I'm afraid not恐怕不能。/I'd really like to, but I have no time.我的确很愿意,可我没时间。

4、用please 来表达。 表示同意请求的应答:OK,(=All right.)好的。/of course.(=Sure.=Certainly.)当然可以。/With pleasure.十分愿意。 表示不同意请求的应答:I'm sorry, but I'm busy,对不起,我很忙,/I'm afraid not 恐怕不行。

九、道歉和应答 Excuse me for...... 请原谅我....../ Pardon me for....... 请原谅我......./ I'm really sorry for..... / 我真为.......感到抱歉。

I'm awfully sorry. I don't mean to...... 我非常抱歉,我无

意....../ I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. 我十分抱歉,都是我的过错。/ I'm terribly sorry about..... 我对......非常抱歉。

/ It was wrong of me to do....... 做......是我的过错。

/ I really feel bad about...... 我真对........感到难过 。/ I regret that...... 我后悔......./ I do apologize about......我对.......表示道

歉。 / I hope you'll pardon me for....希望你能原谅

我....... / I must make an apology for.....我必须对.....表示道歉 。

/ Please forgive me for......请原谅我.......

对道歉的反应 It really isn't worth mentioning.实在不值得一提。Don't say more about it.不要再提它了。

Never mind, it doesn't really matter.没关系,真的不要紧。

Please don't worry about it.请别为这事担心。It's nothing serious.没有什么关系。Please think nothing of it.请别想它了。Well,it's one of those things.
