
| 成人英语三级 |



Put the following words into appropriate groups according to the word-formation process of each. 5×20=100

evergreen, indefinite, predict, automate, sunrise,

brunch, jetlag, cab, successful, microbeam, heartbeat, lab, ATM, sitcom, televise, enrichment, yo-yo, BRICS, downfall, mew

Derived word: indefinite, predict, microbeam successful,enrichment,

Compound: evergreen, sunrise, jetlag,heartbeat,downfall, Clipped word: , cab,lab,

Initialism: ATM,

Acronym: BRICS【构词法教学ppt】

Blend: brunch,sitcom

Backformed word: automate,televise,


Onomatopoetic word: mew

Reduplicative: yo-yo,

Derived word: indefinite, predict, enrichment, successful, microbeam【构词法教学ppt】

Compound: sunrise, jetlag, downfall, heartbeat, evergreen Clipped word: lab, cab

Initialism: ATM


Acronym: BRICKS

Blend: sitcom, brunch

Backformed word: televise, automate Onomatopoetic word: mew Reduplicative: yo-yo
