
| 翻译 |




  忘却 2amor■ | 怀念 2amor□

  Emotiona°步非烟 | Emotiona°夜未央

  夜寐 - sink° | 深巷 - depths°

  纸醉金迷※ Fre3s | 醉纸折鸢※ Fre3s

  梦寐 Zahara | 蛊惑 Xerxes

  余存°d3sTiny | 温存°d3sTiny

  各自安好°Elope | 互不打扰°Elope

  重唱ensemble | 消逝friendship

  失魂人※Pugss | 控魂者※Monee

  羁绊° sunset | 牵绊° sunset

  沉溺 Cherish | 沉沦 Cherish

  魄悲 Triste - | 落魄 Triste -

  情似入心㎜㎜° | 爱以刻骨㎜㎜°

  卡布奇诺づ Prince | 提拉米苏づ Prince



  带你逃离uniVer ≈ | 跟你逃离uniVer ≈

  Boy、恋恋不舍 | Girl、不离不弃

  ■Devil.畫 | ■Angle.詩

  °。I'm 小小 丶 | °。I'm 笨笨 丶

  Shit ▲ | What ▲

  Mr.G | Mrs.P

  End # | And #

  Sunshine | Sunflower

  晚安,heart | 早安,health

  小辣椒。I Like。↘ | 小布丁。I Love。↘

  Fate. 拿命守护丶乐 | Fate. 用心珍惜丶山

  威尼斯 Ven1ce * | 波士顿 Boston *

  ▲ Mon3y | ▲ Hon3y

  Dunabeヽ | Thamesヽwww.md100.com





  1. spot@ ☜♥☞spot@

  2. 苏妲己° 7/c ☜♥☞ 商纣王° 7/c

  3. Good Gril ☜♥☞ Bad Bay

  4. play boy ☜♥☞ Play girl

  5. Mrs。╮至死不渝 ☜♥☞ Mr。╮强聒不舍

  6. sunflower ☜♥☞ sunshine

  7. 昔年 °Cold, ☜♥☞ 往日 °Cold,

  8. ゆ、 流苏 Forget。 ▷❤◁ ゆ、 褐瞳 Cutey。

  9. Lifetime 约定 ▷❤◁ Lifetime 承诺

  10. I can only love you 只许我爱你 ▷❤◁ Only you accompany me 只许你陪我。

  11. my heart/ 为沵痴迷- ▷❤◁ my world/ 为沵颠覆-

  12. She is in trouble 她在闹 ▷❤◁ He was laughing 他在笑

  13. 血59曼珠沙华▌JUST ▷❤◁ 冷36温暖眼瞳▌MOST

  14. Tout-An.诺尘. ▷❤◁ Tout-An.诺粞

  15. 小淡定、Calm ▷❤◁ 小激动、Calm


  1. 爱或毁 Extreme ▷❤◁ 恨或厌 Extreme

  2. ▍左瞳 Remnant ▷❤◁ ▍右眸 Remnant

  3. 厮守 Print li ▷❤◁ 相守 Print li°

  4. I am you 我是你 ▷❤◁ you are me 你是我

  5. Have you now、陪伴 ▷❤◁ Have you now、疼噯

  6. Sunny°刺眼 ▷❤◁ Rainy°伤情

  7. 刺心°2Amor ▷❤◁ 温瞳°2Amor

  8. demon°若相随 ▷❤◁ angel°若相惜

  9. 各自安好゛Elope ▷❤◁ 互不打扰゛Elope

  10. 旧约 testa ▷❤◁ 新约 testa

  11. 寂寞与红酒▍Nervou ▷❤◁ 烟蒂与口红▍Direct

  12. 受伤疲惫的°■heart ▷❤◁ 跌荡起伏的°■Mood

  13. 西决◢-dream ▷❤◁ 东霓◢-dream

  14. 淡年华 ˉTrist ▷❤◁ 浅时光 ˉTrist

  15. 温柔cc - yok1 ▷❤◁ 柔情cc - yok1


  Oxygen(氧气) ‖ Anoxia(缺氧)

  North harbor(北港) ‖ South Bay(南湾)

  Always in his heart(久居他心) ‖ Settle in her heart(定居她心)

  Decease(死亡) ‖ Revive(复活)

  Flies(荏苒) ‖ Wasted(蹉跎)

  Then goodbye(那么再见) ‖ Do not see again(再也不见)

  Stars(星辰) ‖ Moon(月亮)

  Small Teenager(小骚年) ‖ Small mushroom cool(小姑凉)

  Sigh(轻叹) ‖ Joke(笑谈)

  Foll to him(沦陷于他)‖ Foll to she(沦陷于她)

  Hesitate(犹豫) ‖ Hesitation(迟疑)

  Sunshine(阳光) ‖ Sunflower(向日葵)

  Meet(相约) ‖ Fell in love(相恋)

  If you come back(如果你回来) ‖ If l Still here(如果我还在)

  Guy dream(牵梦) ‖ Of love(之恋)

  Iris(鸢尾) ‖ Lancome(兰蔻)

  All say he like a dream(都说他如梦) ‖ All say she devour dream(都说她噬梦)

  idiot(笨蛋) ‖ A fool(傻瓜)

  Princess(公主) ‖ Knight(骑士)

  moon(月亮) ‖ sun(太阳)

  Deep memory(深海记忆) ‖ Shallow sea carp(浅海鲤鱼)

  Cool heart(凉心) ‖ Cool feeling(凉情)

  Incubus(梦魇) ‖ Smile(笑靥)

  Long before(很久之前) ‖ After a long time(许久之后)

  King(国王) ‖ Queen(女王)

  Love me don't lie to me(爱我别骗我) ‖ Lie to me don't blame me(骗我别怪我)

  You are here(你在这里) ‖ In my heart(在我心里)

  Flower and youth(花与少年) ‖ Songs such as the girl(歌如少女)

  Poppy(罂粟) ‖ Thorn(曼陀罗)


