
| 翻译 |





1.曾经有一段时间我觉得很难与朋友好好相处。2. 因为这个,我妈妈给我列出了一系列的建议。3. 她建议我要信任朋友,常与朋友沟通并且学会与朋友分享自己的思想感情。

4. 直到我按照妈妈的建议去做时,我在交朋友方面才不再有困难。5. 这并不是妈妈第一次给我宝贵的建议,而我对她也总是充满感激

There was a time when I found it hard to get along well with my friends. Because of this, my mother listed a series of advice for me. She advised that I trust my friends, communicate with them frequently and learn to share my thoughts and feelings with them. It was not until I did according to my mother’s advice that I had no more trouble in making friends. It was not the first time that mother had given me advice and I am always grateful to her/ am full of gratitude.


1 众所周知,即使我们不喜欢英语,我们都有责任把它学好。2 这是因为目前英语在国际交流中扮演着重要角色。3 我们被要求学的包括了西方文化还有词汇和语法。

4 无论如何,学好英语应建立在刻苦学习的基础上。5 事实上,只要我们充分利用英语来与别人交流,我们最终能够自如地运用英语。

As we know, even if we don’t like English, it is our duty to learn it well. This is because English is playing an important part in the international communication at present. What we are expected to learn includes western culture as well as grammar and vocabulary. Learning English well is based on our hard work. Actually, as long as we make full use of English to communicate with others, we will have a good command over/of English in the end.

Unit 3

1. 我从小梦想着环游世界。2. 迄今为止,我从没改变我的想法。3.我坚持认为我们有必要去旅游,一来,旅游可以减轻压力。 4. 二来,与呆在家里相比,旅游让我们 增长见识。5. 我已经下定决心,将来不管发生什么事情,我都要去环游世界。

I have been dreaming of traveling around the world since my childhood. So far, I have never changed my mind. I insist that it is necessary for us to go traveling, because for one thing, traveling will reduce our pressure. For another, compared with staying at home, traveling broadens our horizons. I have made up my mind to travel around the world no matter what happens in the future.

Unit 4

1.2008年5月12日,当我们像往常一样学习和工作时,在四川一场大地震爆发了。2. 突然间,高楼大厦变成废墟,成千上万的人陷在废墟下。3.同时,有许多人失去生命,但是,并不是所有的希望都没有了。4.军队及时地被组织去救援受灾的人,他们挖出伤员,埋葬死者,为无家可归者搭建临时住所。5.各地人民立刻捐钱捐物来帮助幸存者重建家园,这一切让所有中国人都为之骄傲

On May 12th, 2008, when we were studying and working as usual, an severe earthquake broke out in Sichuan. All of a sudden, high buildings fell into ruins, and thousands of people were trapped under the ruins.(All of a sudden, high buildings fell into ruins under which thousands of people were trapped).At the same time, a large number of people lost their lives; however, all hope

was not gone. The armies were organized in time to rescue those who were suffering from the disaster, digging out the injured, burying the dead and putting up shelters for the homeless. People in other places donated money and articles right away to help the survivors rebuild their hometown, which all Chinese feel proud of.




年龄 45 职业 律师

优秀品质 乐观、意志坚强,乐于助人,积极参加各种社会活动

主要事迹 1 经常帮助有困难的人就他们的问题给他们出主意

2 曾经有一段时间失业,但从不灰心,而是继续学习法律,最终取得学士学位

3 为正义公平而战,把罪犯投入监狱

对父亲的崇拜 某种程度上把父亲视为英雄

My father, a 45-year-old lawyer, is optimistic and perseverant. He is always willing to help others and active in all kinds of social activities. For example, he often advises those in need on their problems and more inspiringly, he keeps fighting for justice and equality, putting the criminals in prison. Unfortunately, there was a time when he was out of work, but he continued his study in law instead of losing heart and gained a Bachelor’s Degree at last! My father is my idol, actually my hero in a way.

Book2 unit 1

1. 圆明园风格奇特,毫无疑问,它是建筑史上的一个奇迹。2. 此外,里面还曾有过许多艺术珍品。3. 建造圆明园花费了工匠们近百年时间,它最初充当为皇家 (royal) 花园。

4 可惜当国家处于战乱中时,这座原本属于中国人民的宫殿,还有它的文物,不是被侵略者(invader) 毁掉,就是被他们盗走。5. 如果我们当时比世界上其他国家富强,这样的悲剧(tragedy)就不会发生了。

There is no doubt that Yuan Ming Yuan Park, with its fancy style, is a wonder in the history of architecture. Besides, there used to be many art treasures in it. It took the workers nearly 100 years to complete the park, which at first served as a royal garden. However, it was a pity that when the country was at war, the palace and its culture relics, which belonged to Chinese people, were either destroyed or stolen by the invaders. If we had been more powerful than any other country in the world, such tragedy would not have happened.


1. 每次举办奥运会,世界各国的运动员,无论男女,都乐意参加。2. 然而,奥运会在古希腊举办的时候,妇女和奴隶是不被允许参加竞赛的。3. 幸好,新的比赛规则代替了旧的。

4. 妇女在赛事中相互竞争,不仅证明了她们的能力,也使得奥运会更加激动人心。5. 事实上,有越多的人参加到奥运中来,奥运会就会越成功。

Every time the Olympic Games are held, athletes from all over the world, whether men or women are willing to take part in them. However, when the Olympics were held in ancient Greece, women and slaves were not allowed to compete in the games. / were not admitted into the competition. Fortunately, new rules have taken the place of the old ones. Women’s competing

with each other in the sports events not only proves their ability, but also adds to the excitement in the Olympics. As a matter of fact, the more people join in the games, the more successful they will be.


1. 随着科技的发展,电脑和网络的诞生完全改变了我们的生活方式。2. 以QQ为例,目前通过QQ聊天是如此流行以至如果你不知道怎么用它,你就会少了许多和朋友交流的机会。

3. 但随着时间的流逝,问题出现了,虽然在它的帮助下,我们能跟世界各地的人交流,但它也有不利之处。4. 因为缺乏沟通(分词作状语),孩子与父母间的共同话题越来越少,而父母也不知道该拿孩子怎么办。5. 总之,我们不但要充分合理地利用网络,而且要珍惜现实世界的一切。

With the development of science and technology, the birth of the computer and internet has totally changed our ways of life. Take QQ for example,chatting on QQ is so popular that you will lose many chances to communicate with your friends if you don't know how to use it.As time goes by,/With time going by, problems arise that there are disadvantages of QQ though we can communicate with people (from) all over the world with its help.Lacking communication, children have fewer and fewer topics in common with their parents, while parents don’t know how to deal with them.All in all, we should not only make full and proper use of the internet, but also treasure all in the real world.

Unit 4.

1.野生动物为我们提供很多诸如药物、皮毛等价值连城的东西。2. 因此,人们大量猎杀野生动物,很多品种已经灭绝或濒临灭绝。3. 幸而后来,保护野生动物的思想产生了,而且对很多人产生了重大影响。4. 人们建议, 首要是,我们应该保护野生动物不再被猎杀,并进一步关注它们的生存环境。5. 最后但并非最不重要,非法盗猎者还应受到重罚,任何一个都逃脱不了。

Wild animals provide us with many valuable things such as drugs and fur .As a result, human beings hunt and kill wildlife on a large scale, so many species have died out or are endangered. Fortunately, the idea of protecting wildlife came into being later, and it has had a great effect on many people. It is suggested that above all, we should protect wild animals from being hunted and pay more attention to their living environment. Last but not least(最后但同样重要的), the illegal hunters should be severely punished and no one can escape from it.


1. 很多年轻人梦想成为明星,有成千上万的歌迷崇拜着他们。2. 与此同时,也出现一些电视节目,像“超级女声”,“快乐男声”等,为年轻人提供了一个展示能力的机会,这也是他们获得名声的一个途径。3. 然而,并不是所有人都能实现这样的梦想。4. 老实说,超过一半的选手在表演完之后,就不得不带着受伤的心离开舞台。5. 正如老话说:“条条大路通罗马”,因此,舞台并不是我们实现梦想唯一的地方。

Many young people dream of being pop stars, with thousands of fans admiring them(…, admired by thousands of fans. )Meanwhile, there appear some TV programmes like “Super Girl” and “Super Boy”, which give the youngsters a chance to show their abilities. This is also a way of earning reputation. However, not all of them can realize such dreams. To be honest, after giving a performance, more than half of the competitors have to go away from the stage, with their heart

broken. As the old saying goes, all roads lead to Rome; therefore, the stage is not the only place where we can realize our dreams.

Book3 unit 1

1. 春节是所有中国人期待的一个节目。2. 一些家庭会举行某些宗教仪式来纪念他们的祖先。

3. 依照习俗,家人要在这个时间聚会,大人们也会在这个时候给孩子压岁钱。4. 显而易见,当小孩盛装打扮,口袋里有很多压岁钱时,心里肯定乐开了花。5. 总之,当春节到来时,所有人,无论男女老少,看起来好像对一切都很满意。大家都过得很快乐。

The Spring Festival is a holiday which all Chinese look forward to. Some families will carry out a certain religious ceremony in memory of their ancestors. It is the custom for family members to get together in this period of time and adults will give children some lucky money. It is obvious that children must be happy when they dress up with a lot of lucky money in their pockets. In a word, on the arrival of the Spring Festival, it seems that all people, whether men or women, old or young, are satisfied with everything, and they all have fun with each other.


1. 相比猪肉牛肉和烤羊肉, 我妈妈似乎更加喜欢蘑菇豆子和生黄瓜,因为她认为她所喜欢的食物包含了大量的纤维,有益于她的消化并能使她苗条。2. 然而,我爸爸却认为没有比肉更好的食物因为它们美味并提供了足够的能量。3. 他们经常争吵以致我们的邻居感到惊奇。4. 他好奇的做了研究并发现了真相。5. 两种食物都有缺点和长处。只有当我们把它们结合起来,我们才拥有一个平衡饮食。

It seems that my mother prefers to eat mushrooms, beans and raw cucumbers rather than pork, beef and roast mutton because she thinks that what she likes contains a large amount of fiber, which will benefit her digestion and keep her slim. However, my father holds the view that nothing can be better than meat for it is tasty and offers enough energy to him.(…it is a kind of energy-giving food.)They argued so often that my neighbours were amazed at it and they always spied upon my house. He did some research with curiosity and found out the truth. Both kinds of food have their weaknesses and strengths. Only when we combine them together can we have a balanced diet.

Unit 3


A decade ago, my friend earned a large amount of money .As for me, I was a poor man. I was jealous of him and always find myself have bad luck. It was then that I wanted to take a chance,so, I opened/ran a company. To be honest, in the beginning, I didn’t know how to deal with matters and what’s worse, I lost my patience. As a result, my company got into trouble. I was about to give up when my fried carried me out to the seaside in a rude manner and gave me some advice, which made me feel confident about myself. With my efforts, I became a millionaire. That was why I permitted this friend in rags to live in my house.

Unit 4

1. 人类自古就对宇宙充满了好奇,也就是这个好奇心使人类冲出大气层,飞向太空成为可能。2. 起初,人们用尽各种办法,但地心引力始终阻止人们向上飞行。3. 随着时间的推移,科技的发展让人类对太阳系的各大行星有了更进一步的了解,并掌握了飞天的诀窍。4. 终于,当人类得以第一次在太空行走,全世界人民都为之振奋。5. 虽然我们发现太空与我们想象的不太一样,有些失望,我们也不知道能否完全了解宇宙,但我们相信,既然我们已经成功地迈出第一步,依靠科技,我们能够将我们的文明(civilization)传播到整个宇宙。

Human beings have been full of curiosity about the universe since the ancient time, and it was this curiosity that made it possible for humans to break through the atmosphere and fly into space. At first, people tried every method, but the gravity always prevented them from flying upwards. As time went by, the development of science and technology allowed humans to learn more about the planets in the solar system and get the hang of rising into the air. At last, when human beings were able to walk in space for the first time, people all over the world cheered up. We were a little disappointed to find space quite different from what we imagined, and it is not clear whether we can entirely know about the universe, but we believe that depending on science and technology, we will spread our civilization into the whole universe in time, now that we have taken the first successful step.

Unit 5作文


位置 位于北美,三面环海(东、西、北),南面与美国接壤

面积 998,4670平方公里,全世界第二大

国树 枫树 官方语言 法语,英语

历史 经历几个世纪的殖民(colony)时期


景观 美丽自然景观,森林绵延至海岸线

Canada lies on the continent of North America, on the north of the USA, and is surrounded by oceans on the east, west, and north. With an area of 998, 4670 square kilometres, it is the second largest country in the world. Canada, whose national tree is maple tree, use the French and English as its official language. Having gone through several centuries’ colony period, it gained its independence in the 20th century. There is beautiful scenery in all over the country, with forests reaching as far as the coastline.

Book4 unit 1

学校最近举行了一场关于“女性能不能取得大成就”观点的调查,结果如下: 学生 80% 能 20% 不能

理由 1. 女性比较细心、谦逊、善良,能专心于她们所做的事情

2. 论据:林巧稚选择做一名医生,接生了成千上万的婴儿,最后成为可敬的医学专家。


2. 女性从事政治工作、做科学研究似乎不太常有


A discussion about whether women can make great achievement has been held in our school recently. 80% of the students think that women are able to make great achievements because women are considerate, modest and kind, and they can devote themselves to what they are doing.




5.3、用百分数解决问题习题精选 用百分数解决问题



-= 100÷100%=





×4.5= 7.2×=


(1)一桶油 40千克,用去25%,用去( )千克,还剩( )千克。
































×= 4×20%=


(1)一种商品打八折出售,这种商品的现价是原价的( )%,便宜了(


(3)产品合格率是98%,400个产品中有( )个废品。

(4)一台冰箱2400元,因店庆打九折,现价( )元。


(1)某商店清仓处理一批袜子,按六五折出售,现价是原价的( )。


. B. C.65% D.6.5%

(2)一架半导体收音机九折出售,就是说售价是( )。

A.原价的90%; B.原价降低了90%;

C.原价的10%; D.原价的9%。


)今年的小麦产量比去年增产,今年的小麦产量是去年的( )。


B.124%; )%。 )%。


























1.曾经有一段时间我觉得很难与朋友好好相处。2. 因为这个,我妈妈给我列出了一系列的建议。3. 她建议我要信任朋友,常与朋友沟通并且学会与朋友分享自己的思想感情。

4. 直到我按照妈妈的建议去做时,我在交朋友方面才不再有困难。5. 这并不是妈妈第一次给我宝贵的建议,而我对她也总是充满感激

There was a time when I found it hard to get along well with my friends. Because of this, my mother listed a series of advice for me.She advised that I trust my friends, communicate with them frequently and learn to share my thoughts and feelings with them.It was not until I did according to my mother’s advice that I had no more trouble in making friends. It was not the first time that mother had given me advice and I am always grateful to her/ am full of gratitude.


1 众所周知,即使我们不喜欢英语,我们都有责任把它学好。2 这是因为目前英语在国际交流中扮演着重要角色。3 我们被要求学的包括了西方文化还有词汇和语法。

4 无论如何,学好英语应建立在刻苦学习的基础上。5 事实上,只要我们充分利用英语来与别人交流,我们最终能够自如地运用英语。

As we know, even if we don’t like English, it is our duty to learn it well. This is because English is playing an important part in the international communication at present.What we are expected to learn includes western culture as well as grammar and vocabulary.Learning English well is based on our hard work.Actually, as long as we make full use of English to communicate with others, we will have a good command over/of English in the end. Unit 3

1. 我从小梦想着环游世界。2. 迄今为止,我从没改变我的想法。3.我坚持认为我们有必要去旅游,一来,旅游可以减轻压力。 4. 二来,与呆在家里相比,旅游让我们 增长见识。5. 我已经下定决心,将来不管发生什么事情,我都要去环游世界。

I have been dreaming of traveling around the world since my childhood. So far, I have never changed my mind. I insist that it is necessary for us to go traveling, because for one thing, traveling will reduce our pressure. For another, compared with staying at home, traveling broadens our horizons. I have made up my mind to travel around the world no matter what happens in the future.

Unit 4

1.2008年5月12日,当我们像往常一样学习和工作时,在四川一场大地震爆发了。2. 突然间,高楼大厦变成废墟,成千上万的人陷在废墟下。3.同时,有许多人失去生命,但是,并不是所有的希望都没有了。4.军队及时地被组织去救援受灾的人,他们挖出伤员,埋葬死者,为无家可归者搭建临时住所。5.各地人民立刻捐钱捐物来帮助幸存者重建家园,这一切让所有中国人都为之骄傲

On May 12th, 2008, when we were studying and working as usual, an severe earthquake broke out in Sichuan. All of a sudden, high buildings fell into ruins, and thousands of people were trapped under the ruins.(All of a sudden, high buildings fell into ruins under which thousands of people were trapped).At the same time, a large number of people lost their lives; however, all hope was not gone. The armies were organized in time to rescue those who were suffering from the disaster, digging out the injured, burying the dead and putting up shelt

ers for the homeless.People in other places donated money and articles right away to help the survivors rebuild their hometown, which all Chinese feel proud of.




My father, a 45-year-old lawyer, is optimistic and perseverant. He is always willing to help others and active in all kinds of social activities. For example, he often advises those in need on their problems and more inspiringly, he keeps fighting for justice and equality, putting the criminals in prison. Unfortunately, there was a time when he was out of work, but he continued his study in law instead of losing heart and gained a Bachelor’s Degree at last! My father is my idol, actually my hero in a way.

Book2 unit 1

1. 圆明园风格奇特,毫无疑问,它是建筑史上的一个奇迹。2. 此外,里面还曾有过许多艺术珍品。3. 建造圆明园花费了工匠们近百年时间,它最初充当为皇家 (royal) 花园。

4 可惜当国家处于战乱中时,这座原本属于中国人民的宫殿,还有它的文物,不是被侵略者(invader) 毁掉,就是被他们盗走。5. 如果我们当时比世界上其他国家富强,这样的悲剧(tragedy)就不会发生了。 There is no doubt that Yuan Ming Yuan Park, with its fancy style, is a wonder in the history of architecture. Besides, there used to be many art treasures in it. It took the workers nearly 100 years to complete the park, which at first served as a royal garden. However, it was a pity that when the country was at war, the palace and its culture relics, which belonged to Chinese people, were either destroyed or stolen by the invaders. If we had been more powerful than any other country in the world, such tragedy would not have happened. Unit2

1. 每次举办奥运会,世界各国的运动员,无论男女,都乐意参加。2. 然而,奥运会在古希腊举办的时候,妇女和奴隶是不被允许参加竞赛的。3. 幸好,新的比赛规则代替了旧的。4. 妇女在赛事中相互竞争,不仅证明了她们的能力,也使得奥运会更加激动人心。5. 事实上,有越多的人参加到奥运中来,奥运会就会越成功。

Every time the Olympic Games are held, athletes from all over the world, whether men or women, are willing to take part in them. However, when the Olympics were held in ancient Greece, women and slaves were not allowed to compete in the games. / were not admitted into the competition. Fortunately, new rules have taken the place of the old ones. Women’s competing with each other in the sports events not only proves their ability, but also adds to the excitement in the Olympics. As a matter of fact, the more people join in the games, the more successful they will be.


1. 随着科技的发展,电脑和网络的诞生完全改变了我们的生活方式。2. 以QQ为例,目前通过QQ聊天是如此流行以至如果你不知道怎么用它,你就会少了许多和朋友交流的机会。

3. 但随着时间的流逝,问题出现了,虽然在它的帮助下,我们能跟世界各地的人交流,但它也有不利之处。4. 因为缺乏沟通(分词作状语),孩子与父母间的共同话题越来越少,而父母也不知道该拿孩子怎么办。5. 总之,我们不但要充分合理地利用网络,而且要珍惜现实世界的一切。

With the development of science and technology, the birth of the computer and internet has totally changed our ways of life. Take QQ for example,chatting on QQ is so popular that you will lose many chances to communicate with your friends if you don't know how to use it.As time goes by,/With time going by, problems arise that there are disadvantages of QQ though we can communicate with people (from) all over the world with its help.Lacking communication, children have fewer and fewer topics in common with their parents, while parents don’t know how to deal with them.All in all, we should not only make full and proper use of the internet, but also treasure all in the real world.

Unit 4.

1.野生动物为我们提供很多诸如药物、皮毛等价值连城的东西。2. 因此,人们大量猎杀野生动物,很多品种已经灭绝或濒临灭绝。3. 幸而后来,保护野生动物的思想产生了,而且对很多人产生了重大影响。4. 人们建议, 首要是,我们应该保护野生动物不再被猎杀,并进一步关注它们的生存环境。5. 最后但并非最不重要,非法盗猎者还应受到重罚,任何一个都逃脱不了。

Wild animals provide us with many valuable things such as drugs and fur .As a result, human beings hunt and kill wildlife on a large scale, so many species have died out or are endangered. Fortunately, the idea of protecting wildlife came into being later, and it has had a great effect on many people. It is suggested that above all, we should protect wild animals from being hunted and pay more attention to their living environment. Last but not least(最后但同样重要的), the illegal hunters should be severely punished and no one can escape from it.


1. 很多年轻人梦想成为明星,有成千上万的歌迷崇拜着他们。2. 与此同时,也出现一些电视节目,像“超级女声”,“快乐男声”等,为年轻人提供了一个展示能力的机会,这也是他们获得名声的一个途径。3. 然而,并不是所有人都能实现这样的梦想。4. 老实说,超过一半的选手在表演完之后,就不得不带着受伤的心离开舞台。5. 正如老话说:“条条大路通罗马”,因此,舞台并不是我们实现梦想唯一的地方。 Many young people dream of being pop stars, with thousands of fans admiring them(„, admired by thousands of fans. )Meanwhile, there appear some TV programmes like “Super Girl” and “Super Boy”, which give the youngsters a chance to show their abilities. This is also a way of earning reputation. However, not all of them can realize such dreams.To be honest, after giving a performance, more than half of the competitors have to go away from the stage, with their heart broken.As the old saying goes, all roads lead to Rome; therefore, the stage is not the only place where we can realize our dreams.

Book3 unit 1

1. 春节是所有中国人期待的一个节目。2. 一些家庭会举行某些宗教仪式来纪念他们的祖先。3. 依照习俗,家人要在这个时间聚会,大人们也会在这个时候给孩子压岁钱。4. 显而易见,当小孩盛装打扮,口袋里有很多压岁钱时,心里肯定乐开了花。5. 总之,当春节到来时,所有人,无论男女老少,看起来好像对一切都很满意。大家都过得很快乐。

The Spring Festival is a holiday which all Chinese look forward to. Some families will carry out a certain religious ceremony in memory of their ancestors. It is the custom for family members to get together in this period of time and adults will give children some lucky money. It is obvious that children must be happy when they dress up with a lot of lucky money in their pockets. In a word, on the arrival of the Spring Festival, it seems that all people, whether men or women, old or young, are satisfied with everything, and they all have fun with each other.


1. 相比猪肉牛肉和烤羊肉, 我妈妈似乎更加喜欢蘑菇豆子和生黄瓜,因为她认为她所喜欢的食物包含了大量的纤维,有益于她的消化并能使她苗条。2. 然而,我爸爸却认为没有比肉更好的食物因为它们美味并提供了足够的能量。3. 他们经常争吵以致我们的邻居感到惊奇。4. 他好奇的做了研究并发现了真相。

5. 两种食物都有缺点和长处。只有当我们把它们结合起来,我们才拥有一个平衡饮食。

It seems that my mother prefers to eat mushrooms, beans and raw cucumbers rather than pork, beef and roast mutton because she thinks that what she likes contains a large amount of fiber, which will benefit her digestion and keep her slim.However, my father holds the view that nothing can be better than meat for it is tasty and offers enough energy to him.(„it is a kind of energy-giving food.)They argued so often that my neighbours were amazed at it and they always spied upon my house. He did some reseach with curiosity and found out the truth.Both kinds of food have their weaknesses and strengths. Only when we combine them together can we have a balanced diet.

Unit 3


A decade ago, my friend earned a large amount of money .As for me, I was a poor man. I was jealous of him and always find myself have bad luck. It was then that I wanted to take a chance,so, I opened/ran a company. To be honest, in the beginning, I didn’t know how to deal with matters and what’s worse, I lost my patience. As a result, my company got into trouble. I was about to give up when my fried carried me out to the seaside in a rude manner and gave me some advice, which made me feel confident about myself. With my efforts, I became a millionaire. That was why I permitted this friend in rags to live in my house.

Unit 4

1. 人类自古就对宇宙充满了好奇,也就是这个好奇心使人类冲出大气层,飞向太空成为可能。2. 起初,人们用尽各种办法,但地心引力始终阻止人们向上飞行。3. 随着时间的推移,科技的发展让人类对太阳系的各大行星有了更进一步的了解,并掌握了飞天的诀窍。4. 终于,当人类得以第一次在太空行走,全世界人民都为之振奋。5. 虽然我们发现太空与我们想象的不太一样,有些失望,我们也不知道能否完全了解宇宙,但我们相信,既然我们已经成功地迈出第一步,依靠科技,我们能够将我们的文明(civilization)传播到整个宇宙。

Human beings have been full of curiosity about the universe since the ancient time, and it was this curiosity that made it possible for humans to break through the atmosphere and fly into space.At first, people tried every method, but the gravity always prevented them from

flying upwards. As time went by, the development of science and technology allowed humans to learn more about the planets in the solar system and get the hang of rising into the air. At last, when human beings were able to walk in space for the first time, people all over the world cheered up. We were a little disappointed to find space quite different from what we imagined, and it is not clear whether we can entirely know about the universe, but we believe that depending on science and technology, we will spread our civilization into the whole universe in time, now that we have taken the first successful step.

Unit 5作文

Canada lies on the continent of North America, on the north of the USA, and is surrounded by oceans on the east, west, and north. With an area of 998, 4670 square kilometres, it is the second largest country in the world. Canada, whose national tree is maple tree, use the French and English as its official language. Having gone through several centuries’ colony period, it gained its independence in the 20th century. There is beautiful scenery in all over the country, with forests reaching as far as the coastline.

Book4 unit 1


A discussion about whether women can make great achievement has been held in our school recently. 80% of the students think that women are able to make great achievements because women are considerate, modest and kind, and they can devote themselves to what they are doing. They also gave an example of Lin Qiaozhi, who chose to be a doctor and became a respectable medical specialist after she delivered thousands of babies. However, 20% hold the opposite view with an argument that girls are often looked down upon and considered second to boys in their families, as a result of which they will get less chances to be educated. What’s more, it seems that it is unusual for women to concern themselves with political work and do scientific research. At last, a conclusion was drawn that either men or women are worth r


第二单元 百 分 数(二)




1、 2、


体验百分数在日常生活中的广泛应用以及在交流、信息传递中的作用,树立依法纳税和科学理财的意识。 3、




教学难点:利息的计算 课时安排:

1、 折扣„„„„„„„„1课时 2、 成数„„„„„„„„1课时 3、 税率„„„„„„„„1课时 4、 利率„„„„„„„„1课时 5、 学会购物„„„„„„1课时


1 折扣


教学内容:折扣(课本第8页例1) 教学目标:



3.养成独立思考、认真审题的学习习惯。 教学重点:理解“折扣”的意义。 学情分析:

教学方法: 教学过程:



问: “打折”是什么意思?八五折、九折表示什么?


小结:商店降价出售商品叫做折扣销售,通称“打折”。几折就表示十分之几,也就是百分之几十。 问: 七五折表示什么?五折表示什么? 二、自主探索解决问题的方法

1、出示例1 2、让学生独立解答




师生共同总结解题方法 三、巩固练习:

1、小华买了一辆玩具车,原价是240元,现在打八折出售,小华少付多少元? 2、一双运动鞋按原价八五折销售是204元,这双运动鞋原价是多少元? 3、某商店搞促销活动,一件1000元的羽绒服按八折优惠。如果王老师有该商店的贵宾卡,可以再打九五折,她买这件羽绒服只付多少元?


5、一件衣服售价320元,便宜了80元,是打几折在销售? 6、有两种空调,打折后哪种便宜些?


学生谈谈学习本课有什么新的收获。 五、作业: P13第2、3题



2 成数


教学内容:成数(课本第9页例2) 教学目标:

1、结合具体事物,经历认识“成数”,解答有关“成数”的实际问题的过程。。 2、对“成数”问题有好奇心,获得运用已有知识解决问题的成功体验。 教学重点:理解“成数”的意义。 学情分析:

教学方法: 教学过程:

一、 创设情境,导入新课

报纸上写道:“今年我省油菜籽比去年增产二成”,这是什么意思呢?原来商业上与百分数有关的术语是“折扣”,而农业上与百分数有关的术语就是“成数”。 二、 探究体验 1、

成数表示一个数是另一个数的十分之几,通称“几成”。例如一成就是十分之一,改写成百分数就是10%。 2、 3、 4、


让学生说说除了农业上使用成数,还有哪些行业是使用了成数的知识。 教学例2

(1) 出示例题,让学生读题,分析题意

(2) 学生尝试独立分析问题,解决问题,教师巡堂了解情况,指导个别


(3) 理解“节电二成五”就是比去年节省了百分之二十五的意思。从而


350×(1-25%)=262.5(万千瓦时) 或者引导学生列出:





3.一块小麦实验田,去年产小麦 24.5 吨,今年增产了二成。这块实验田今年产小麦多少吨?

4.一块地,去年产水稻 12 吨,因水灾比前年减少二成五。这块地前年产水稻多少吨?

5.一块棉花地,去年收皮棉 30 吨,比前年增产了 5 吨。这块棉花地皮棉产量增长了几成? 四、课堂小结 这节课你收获了什么? 五、布置作业 第13页第4、5题



























《5.1、百分数的意义和写法 习题精选》

5.1、百分数的意义和写法 习题精选


百分之五十 写作:( )

百分之一 写作:( )

百分之六十二 写作:( )

百分之百 写作:( )

百分之零点三 写作:( )

百分之九十六点八 写作:( )


91% 读作( )

3% 读作( )

65% 读作( )

100% 读作( )

84.5% 读作( )

14% 读作( )





















