
| 英语口语 |


以下是中国招生考试网 http://www.chinazhaokao.com)整理的《大学英语口语话题:合租室友》,希望大家喜欢! 你是学生党吗?你是租房一族吗?今天的话题来谈一谈你的室友--roommates Where are your roommates from? What do you usually do with your roommates in your spare time? What do you usually think of the harmony between roommates? 怎样判断某人是否适合与你合租?下面的问题仅供参考。 **Please Note: When choosing a roommate, there are many things to keep in mind. The following questions are a starting ground for getting to know the intricacies and living habits of your potential college roommate; however, differences in answers to any of the questions does not necessarily indicate a bad pairing, nor should it incite any bias toward any individuals with different responses. It is strongly recommended that your judgment only be made after careful consideration and extended communication beyond this questionnaire.** 1. Do you come from a large or small family? How close are you with your family? 2. Have either of you had a roommate before? If so, what was that experience like? 3. What are some of your habits that make you each unique? 4. What are some behaviors that annoy each of you? 5. Are you early or late night people? What is your agreed definition of "early" and "late"? 6. Are you each fairly quiet or loud? 7. Bedtime etiquette: When your roommate(s) is/are trying to sleep, is it ok to: Talk on the phone Play music
 Study with the lights on
 Have guests
 Use the computer 8. What do you each do when you are upset or stressed? 9. How would you like to interact with each other when you are upset or stressed? 10. How do you each talk about difficult things that bother you? 11. How will you talk to each other when you do things that bother one another? 12. Where do you each envision doing most of your studying? (i.e. room, library, living room, etc.) 13. What times of day do you each usually study? 14. Do you each prefer complete quiet or background noise, like music/tv, when studying? 15. What type of environment can you NOT study in? 16. Are you a neat or messy person? Will it
