谁动了我的奶酪读书笔记 英文200字

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谁动了我的奶酪读书笔记 英文200字篇一


前阵子,又通读了一遍《谁动了我的奶酪》,第一次看到这本书的时候还记得是没有进入烟草的时候,读了一遍后,总觉得似懂非懂,过后的几年,偶尔翻一翻,每次都有不同的认识和感想,故事中虚构的四个角色:老鼠嗅嗅和匆匆,小矮人哼哼和唧唧,用来代表我们的不同方面,即我们简单的一面和复杂的一面。我们每个人都具有这些不同的方面,不论我们的年龄、性别、种族和国籍如何。有时我们的行为象:嗅嗅,他能够及早嗅出变化的气息;或者像:匆匆,他能够迅速行动;或者像:哼哼,他因为害怕改变而否认和拒绝变化,这会使事情变得更糟,或者像:唧唧,当他看到变化会使事情变得更好时,能够及时地调整自己去适应变化! 不管我们选择哪一面,我们都有共同的方面,那就是:需要在迷宫中找到我们自己的道路,帮助我们在变化的时代获得成功。

其实每个人的内心都有自己想要的“奶酪”,我们追寻它,想要得到它,因为我们相信,它会带给我们幸福和快乐。而一旦我们得到了自己梦寐以求的奶酪,又常常会对它产生依赖心理,甚至成为的附庸;这时如果我们忽然失去了它,或者它被人拿走了,我们将会因此而受到极大的伤害。 在每次阅读这个故事的时候,都能从中领悟到一些新



变化是永恒的。尽管还有如同嗅嗅一般因害怕变化而否认变化,怨天尤人的人在,但如唧唧一样及时调整自己去适应变化的人是越来越多了,这是时代和社会的发展所致。原有的“奶酪”总有一天会消耗,我们该如何面对?卡奈基在“人性的弱点”中说,不要为打碎的玻璃杯而伤心,我们也不要为记忆中的“奶酪”而向往,那只会是“白头宫女话玄宗” 的无奈和一厢情愿的神往。我们需要的是发现适合自己的道路,摆脱安逸,超越恐惧,恃机而动,寻找新的“奶


专卖科 班玛多吉〇一一年七月七日 二

谁动了我的奶酪读书笔记 英文200字篇二

SoEReading Book Report Crystal Zhao student number: 1120113509 By:Spencer Johnson Jan.7,2012

There were 4 little characters who were looking for cheese to nourish them. Two were mice named “Sniff” and “Scurry”. Two were little people named “Hem” and “Haw”. Every morning, the mice and the little people went to Cheese Station C where full of cheese. One morning, Sniff and Scurry arrived at Cheese Station C and discovered there was no cheese. They weren't surprised,since they had noticed the supply of cheese had been getting smaller every day, they had prepared for this change. They quickly searched for new Cheese. Sniff and Scurry finally found Cheese Station N which was the biggest store of cheese. Meanwhile,Hem and Haw were anxious and couldn't accept the fact. They just wanted cheese back. Later,Haw decided to go out to find cheese.On the way,Haw kept adjusting himself and tried his best. Finally he found Station N. The three characters had cheese to eat while Hew was still in Station C with no cheese.

 We should find subtle changes at the beginning so that we can make

complete preparation before bad things happen. If we ignore those details, we will feel anxious and helpless faced with unexpected events.

 When there are changes in my life, I should accept these. I think that I

ought to face the reality bravely, overcome fears and adjust myself to changes. When I was in junior high school, I was the top student. However, I was not so good in BIT. At first I was disappointed and did not want to study. Gradually, I accepted the changes. I couldn't abandon myself so I stopped doubting myself and began to study hard.

 When some unhappy things happen, it's a good solution for me to deal

with the problem in a positive attitude just like Haw. Never complain and never give up. I think when I relieve the pressure and be confident, I can succeed.

 I suppose cheese represents money, power, position, house, health or

other valuable things. Once we lose them, we should calm down. I think we need to consider the trend of social development and our own condition, and then find a right direction to move on.

 We should not be lazy. There's no such thing as a free lunch. No pains,no

gains. Instead of waiting for success like Hew, we should take action. I want to pursue happiness and acquire success. I also know that I can't get what I want if I sleep till noon everyday! Since I read the book, I form a good sleeping habit and try to work hard.

谁动了我的奶酪读书笔记 英文200字篇三

《谁动了我的奶酪》写的是个可爱的寓言故事,每页都配有主人翁滑稽可爱个性鲜明的漫画形象。可据说,就是这本不起眼的小书,在欧美创造了出版业的奇迹:自1998年9月出版后,两年中销售2000万册,同时迅速跃居《纽约时报》,《华尔街日报》,《商业周刊》最畅销图书排行榜第一名。书中主要讲述4个"人物"---两只小老鼠"嗅嗅""匆匆"和两个小矮人"哼哼""唧唧"。他们生活在一个迷宫里,奶酪是他们要追寻的东西。有一天,他们同时发现了一个储量丰富的奶酪仓库,便在其周围构筑起自己的幸福生活。很久之后的某天,奶酪突然不见了!这个突如其来的变化使他们的心态暴露无疑:嗅嗅,匆匆随变化而动,立刻穿上始终挂在脖子上的鞋子,开始出去再寻找,并很快就找到了更新鲜更丰富的奶酪;两个小矮人哼哼和唧唧面对变化却犹豫不决,烦恼丛生,始终无法接受奶酪已经消失的残酷现实。经过激烈的思想斗争,唧唧终于冲破了思想的束缚,穿上久置不用的跑鞋,重新进入漆黑的迷宫,并最终找到了更多更好的奶酪,而哼哼却仍在对苍天的追问中郁郁寡欢…… 生活在这样一个瞬息万变的信息时代,每个人都要和时代同步,才能够与时俱进,安身立命,因为个人的奶酪随时会被他人拿走,被外界所移动,如果一味怨天尤人,只知道追问“谁动了我的奶酪?”,而不能够很快适应新的变化,陷入困惑中不能自拔,固步自封,活在海市蜃楼般的“幻城”里面,不知觉悟,还自我安慰“面包会有的”,“奶酪会回来的”,到有一天,等发现失去的奶酪不会回来了,终会追悔不已的,因为不论面包也好,馅饼也好,奶酪也好,不会平白无故的从天而降,要想寻找到新的奶酪,就要学习两只小老鼠“嗅嗅”和“匆匆”,立即穿上始终挂在脖子上的鞋子,马上出去再寻找,简单的思维往往能够突破顾虑过多带来的障碍,而走向光明,创造成功,重新获得新鲜可口的奶酪。当然"奶酪"只是是个比喻,代表我们生命中的任何最想得到的东西,它可能是一份工作,也可能是金钱,爱情,幸福,健康或心灵的安宁,也或许是一种生活的意愿等等;"迷宫"代表着你花时间寻求着的东西所在的地方,它可以是你工作的机构,也可以是你生活的社区,或是你生活中的某种人际关系我喜欢这本书,因为它是一个可爱的故事,轻松愉快地便澄清了混沌的生活。当一位被变化所困惑的人坐在一面肮脏的镜子前,希望看清自己的真面目而无法实现时,《谁动了我的奶酪》就像一位智者,用一条白毛巾从容不迫地擦去镜子上的污迹,让困惑者真正发现自己的问题

所在。我觉得看这本书的收获,并不是要学它们任何一个,而是认识到变化是一种必然我们要做的是,是在最大变化发生之前,做好相应的准备,包括行动准备和心理准备“生于忧患,死于安乐”,古人都有了这种意思,何况我们今人?所以“居安思危”的忧患意识一定要保持,时刻充满激情,有着灵敏的嗅觉和匆匆的行动,并学会像“唧唧”一样不断进行心里调节,获得最好的心境去奋斗。分享日志热门日志 《谁动了我的奶酪》读书笔记分享《谁动了我的奶酪》读书笔记来源: 吴晓兵的日志《谁动了我的奶酪》读后感一,奶酪对你越重要,你就越想抓住它。二,如果你不改变,你就会被淘汰。三,如果你无所畏惧,你会怎样呢?四,经常闻一闻你的奶酪,你应会知道,它什么时候开始变质。五,朝新的方向前进,你会发现新的奶酪。六,当你超越了自己的恐惧时,你就会感到轻松自在。七,在我发现奶酪之前,想象我正在享受奶酪,这会帮我找到新的奶酪。八,越早放弃旧的奶酪,就会越早发现新的奶酪。九,在迷宫中搜寻比呆在没有奶酪的地方更安全。十,陈旧的信念不会帮助你找到新的奶酪。十一, 当你发现你会找到新的奶酪并能够享用它时,你就会改变你的路线。十二, 尽量注意细小的变化,这将有助于你适应即将到来的巨大的变化。

谁动了我的奶酪读书笔记 英文200字篇四

Date: 2010.03.25

The Impressions of Who Moved My Cheese Today I read a famous American writer Herbert Spencer Johnson’s book Who Moved My Cheese, I have some idea about this book.

About the author

Dr. Spencer Johnson is one of the world’s most influential thinkers and beloved authors. He is renowned for his brief,

profound parables that help millions of people manage in changing times and rejuvenate their spirits. The former physician’s books focus on discovering how to enjoy healthier success, with more meaning and less stress, at work and in life. His ten international bestselling books include Who Moved My Cheese? Over 40 million copies of Dr. Johnson’s books are in print in 42 languages. About the preface

Life is no straight and easy corridor along which we travel free and unhampered, but a maze of passages, through which we must seek our way, lost and confused, now and again checked in a blind alley. But always, if we have faith, a door will open for us, not perhaps one that we ourselves would ever have thought of, but one that will ultimately prove good for us.

About the cheese

“Cheese” being a metaphor for what we want to have in life , whether it is a job a relationship, money, a big house, freedom, healthy, recognition, and so on.

Four characters

Sniff: It sniff out the situation and see the change early. Scurry: It goes into action immediately. Hem: It wants to stay in familiar territory, doesn’t want to deal with the change.

Hew: It knows wrong, laugh itself, change and do better. About the story

One day, they found a room which had a lot of cheese, and they lived happily together. After some years, all the cheese disappeared. Then the mice looked for cheese with their shoes again, and they found another room with cheese soon. Although, men were much clever than mice, they didn’t find and eat cheese soon. They were sad, cried everyday; they still had nothing to eat. Suddenly, Haw knew that if they don’t look for cheese, the cheese will not go to there. So he left the room and to look for new cheese. During the days to find cheese, Haw has many feelings. Words on the wall

1Having Cheese Makes You Happy

2. The More Important Your Cheese Is To You The More You Want To Hold Onto It

3. If You Do Not Change, You Can Become Extinct

4. What would you do if you weren't afraid?

5. Smell Your Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old

6. Movement In A New Direction Helps You Find A New Cheese.

7. When You Move Beyond You Fear, You Feel Free

8. Imagining Myself Enjoying The Cheese, Even Before I Find It, Lead Me To It

9. The quick you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese

10. It Is Safer To Search In The Maze Than Remain In A Cheese less Station

11. Old Beliefs Do Not Lead You To The New Cheese

12. When You See That You Can Find New Cheese, You Change Course

13. Noticing Small Change Early Helps Adapt To Bigger Change That Are To Come

Lessons of Haw

He had stared to change as soon as he learned to laugh at himself and at what he had been doing wrong. He realized the

fast way to change is to your own folly, then you can let go and quickly move on.

You could be more aware of the need to keep things simple, be flexible, and move quickly.

You could notice when the little changes began so that you would be better prepared for the big change that might be coming.

You did not need to over complicate matters or confuse yourself with fearful beliefs.

He knew he needed to adapt faster, for if you do not adapt in time, you might as well not adapt at all.

He had to admit that the biggest inhibitor to change lies within yourself, and that nothing gets better until you change. My feeling

For any one people, living and learning there are too many change, change is everywhere in the event of no time, whether we afraid of change to come. If we are able to adjust it to adapt to change, we can do better. When we are faced with change, we fear, will feel at a loss, which is normal. As long as we can seriously deal with fear of science, it can even help us to avoid the real danger. We do not refuse to change, but we can change the attitude of change and in changing the enjoyment of change, embrace change,

and embrace change.

So we face it variously, and change, and should begin to behave quickly, and I succeed to be adjusting it, adapt oneself to a change, find the track in the living maze and get it during the time of the change immediately!

谁动了我的奶酪读书笔记 英文200字篇五


10170727 周乐


A·J·克郎宁曾说过:“生活并不是笔直通畅的走廊,让我们轻松自在地在其中旅行, 生活是一座迷宫, 我们必须从中找到自己的出路, 我们时常会陷入迷茫, 在死胡同中搜寻。 但如果我们始终深信不疑, 有一扇门就会向我们打开,它或许不是我们曾经想到的那扇门,但我们始终会发现, 它是一扇有益的门,是我们多面的人性。”


一、书中提到:"谁先放弃旧奶酪谁就能够先得到新的奶酪"!让我深有感触。 放弃是指在面临矛盾时敢于面对现实分析利弊冷静思考然后舍弃不利因素选择自己认定的目标并且坚持下去。

因此放弃首先应该是一种自信的体现.没有信心的人是不可能坦然放弃的他们总是患得患失优柔寡断在自怨自艾中一次次错失良机使自己陷入恶性循环中不能自拔.而充满自信的人则坚信失败为成功之母哪怕成功并不能立刻到来他们仍然感受到阳光在不远的前方只要朝前看努力不懈最终会有回报.哼哼从开始犹豫不决到最后毅然迈出寻求新奶酪的一步就体现了一种不自信到自信的转变。 然后放弃是来源于心智的指引.当生活工作和学习中的矛盾压向我们时几乎没有人不感受到恐慌那么是被压得错乱复杂惶惶不可终日还是一蹶不振自暴自弃呢 拥有智慧的人就明白是该作出选择的时候了——哪些该放弃 哪些该保留 权衡利弊用心思考透彻地比较每种选择可能产生的结果得出自己要坚持的结论——这个过程完全是靠心智而绝非一时的头脑发热.每个人的内心都有巨大的潜力当这个潜力通过智慧表现出来时就请抓住它!哼哼自己的思考以及他和唧唧的对话其实就是心智的探索。

接下去放弃还意味着不断创新不断弥补不断完善!月有阴晴圆缺生活工作和学习中总是充满许多缺憾当我们作出某种选择的同时往往失去了另外的东西比如享乐金钱地位爱情亲情名望„„这也就是我们放弃的东西.但是放弃并不是目的放弃只是暂时的放弃以后要想方设法把它寻找回来而且找回来更好的当然可能也是更加辛苦.就象哼哼在迷宫里面经过好多辛苦终于又重新找回了奶酪。 勇于放弃坚持你自己的选择并为之努力不懈重新寻找生命的激情和亮点!


在这个故事里,“奶酪”是对我们在现实生活中所追求目标的一种比喻,它可以是一份工作,一种人际关系,可以是金钱,豪宅,还可以是自由、健康、社会的认可和老总的赏识。我们每个人的内心都有自己想要的“奶酪”,我们追寻它,想要得到它,因为我们相信,它会带给我们幸福和快乐。而一旦我们得到了自己梦寐以求的奶酪,又常常会对它产生依赖心理,甚至成为附庸;这时如果我们忽然失去了它,或者它被人拿走了,我们或许会因此而受到极大的伤害。“奶酪”的故事就是告诉我们一个简单的应对变化的方法,那就是随着“奶酪”的移动而改变自己的生活态度和方法,不断地接受新的事物,不断地适应变化。 “变化总是在发生——他们总是不断地拿走你的奶酪”,“预见变化——随时作好奶酪被拿走的准备”,“追踪变化——经常闻一闻你的奶酪,以便知道它





谁动了我的奶酪读书笔记 英文200字篇六
















然后,放弃是来源于心智的指引.当生活,工作和学习中的矛盾压向我们时,几乎没有人不感受到恐慌,那么,是被压得错乱复杂,惶惶不可终日,还是一蹶不振,自暴自弃呢 拥有智慧的人,就明白是该作出选择的时候了——哪些该放弃 哪些该保留 权衡利弊,用心思考,透彻地比较每种选择可能产生的结果?得出自己要坚持的结论——这个过程完全是靠心智,而绝非一时的头脑发热.每个人的内心都有巨大的潜力,当这个潜力通过智慧表现出来时,就请抓住它!哼哼自己的思考以及他和唧唧的对话,其实就是心智的探索.





谁动了我的奶酪读书笔记 英文200字篇七


Who Moved My Cheese?

An Amazing Way to Deal With Change In Your Work & In Your Life DR SPENCER JOHNSON

“Cheese” – a metaphor for what we want to have in life, whether it is a job, a relationship, money, a big house, freedom, health, recognition, spiritual peace, or even an activity like jogging or golf.

Each of us has our own idea of what Cheese is, and we pursue it because we believe it makes us happy. If we get it, we often become attached to it. And if we lose it, or it’s taken away, it can be traumatic.

ONCE, long ago, there lived 4 little characters who ran through a maze looking for cheese to nourish them & make them happy.

Two were mice named “Sniff” & “Scurry” and two were little people named “Hem” & “Haw”.

Every morning, the mice & the little people dressed in their running gear & headed over to Cheese Station C where they found their own kind of cheese. It was a large store of Cheese that Hem & Haw eventually moved their

homes to be closer to it & built a social life around it.

To make themselves feel more at home, Hem & Haw decorated the walls with sayings. One read: "Having Cheese Makes you Happy".

Having Cheese Makes You Happy

One morning, Sniff & Scurry arrived at Cheese Station C & discovered there was no cheese.

They weren’t surprised. Since they had noticed the supply of cheese had been getting smaller every day, they were prepared for the inevitable & knew instinctively what to do. They were quickly off in search of New Cheese.

Later that same day, Hem & Haw arrived. “What! No Cheese? Who moved my Cheese? It’s not fair!”, Hem yelled. They went home that night hungry & discouraged. But before they left, Haw wrote on the wall:

The More Important Your Cheese is To You, The More You Want To Hold Onto It.

The next day Hem & Haw left their homes, & returned to Cheese Station C. But situation hadn’t changed. Haw asked, “Where are Sniff & Scurry? Do you think they know something we don’t?” Hem scoffed, “What would they know? They’re just simple mice. They just respond to what happens. We’re little people. We’re smarter.”

Haw suggested, “Maybe we should stop analyzing the situation so much and just get going & find some New Cheese.

Haw decided to leave Cheese Station C while Hem was more comfortable staying in the cheeseless Station C. Haw announced, “It’s MAZE time!” and wrote:

If You Do Not Change,

You Can Become Extinct

Who Moved My Cheese?

Meanwhile, Sniff & Scurry went farther into the maze until they found Cheese Station N. They found what they had been looking for: a great

supply of New Cheese. It was the biggest store of cheese the mice had ever seen.

Haw on the other hand become more anxious & wondered if he really

wanted to go out into the Maze. He wrote a saying on the wall ahead of him & stared at it for some time:

What Would You Do

If You Weren’t Afraid?

Haw now realized that the change probably would not have taken him by surprise if he had been watching what was happening all along and if he had anticipated change. He stopped for a rest & wrote on the wall of the Maze:

Smell The Cheese Often

So You Know

When It Is Getting Old.

Haw wondered if Hem had moved on, or if he was still paralyzed by his own fears. Then, Haw remembered the times when he had felt his best in the Maze. It was when he was moving along. He wrote:

Movement In A New Direction Helps You Find

New Cheese.

As Haw started running down the dark corridor, he began to smile. Haw didn’t realize it yet, but he was discovering what nourished his soul. He was letting go & trusting what lay ahead for him, even though he did not know exactly what it was.

To his surprise, Haw started to enjoy himself more & more. He stopped to write again on the wall:

When You Move Beyond Your Fear,

You Feel Free.

Who Moved My Cheese?

To make things even better, Haw started to paint a picture in his mind again. He saw himself in great realistic detail, sitting in the middle of a pile of all his favorite cheeses-from Cheddar to Brie! He saw himself eating the many cheeses he liked, & he enjoyed what he saw.

The more clearly he saw the image of himself enjoying New Cheese, the

more real & believable it became. He wrote:

Imagining Myself

Enjoying New Cheese,

Even Before I Find It,

Leads Me To It.

Haw wondered why he had always thought that a change would lead to something worse. Now he realized that change could lead to something better.

Then he raced through the Maze with greater strength & agility. Until he found bits of New Cheese. He entered the Cheese Station but it was empty. Someone had already been there.

He stopped & wrote on the wall:

The Quicker You

Let Go Of Old Cheese,

The Sooner

you Find New Cheese.

Haw made his way back to Cheese Station C to offer Hem bits of New Cheese but was turned down. Hem wanted his own Cheese back. Haw just shook his head in disappointment but this does not stop him from finding New Cheese. He smiled as he realized:

谁动了我的奶酪读书笔记 英文200字篇八


——《谁动了我的奶酪》 读书笔记


















7、在我发现奶酪之前,想象我正在享受奶酪,这会帮我找到新的奶酪。 高中时代,当我们在奋笔疾书的时候,是不是一想到有一天会拿到录取通知书时候的狂喜,就会变得有动力?就是这种幻想着成功后的喜悦的动力让我们不断努力,不停追求。生活中有很多诱惑,但能让我们成功的诱惑就是我们的动力。当你在兢兢业业的努力时,想象一下你正在品尝成功的滋味,这会支撑你一步一步走下去。








11、当你发现你会找到新的奶酪并且能够享用它时,你就会改变你的路线。 如果你觉得你会成功,那么你就会走一条成功的路。具有强烈成功欲望的人,会不惜一切。他们看到的是成功以后的美好与辉煌,只有成功,才能真正地解除他们的痛苦和满足他们所要的快乐。成功的要素很多,但最重要的是一个前提——想要成功。有欲望的人才会不停地朝目标走去,才会疯狂的寻找正确的道路。

12、尽早注意细小的变化,这将有助于你适应即将来临的更大的变化。 细节决定成败。一滴水可见太阳,窥一斑而知全豹。老子说过“天下难事,必做于易;天下大事,必须于细”。细小的事物往往包含着大的智慧。我们在追求成功的道路上,必定会千难万阻,但我们还是需要注意细节,细节能反映变化,这有助于你适应变化,成功就会离我们也许只是一步之遥!



谁动了我的奶酪读书笔记 英文200字篇九


——董鑫民 大学生村官期间的创业哲思 写于白沙镇平原村




















谁动了我的奶酪读书笔记 英文200字篇十
《《谁动了我的奶酪英文读书报告》(A Report on Who Moved My Cheese).doc》



姓 名 汪 波

学 号 12095132

专 业 班 级 英语09-2 班

读书报告题目 Change as Changes

指 导 教 师 杨 舒

职 称 教 授

201 1 年 05 月 徐州

Change as Changes

----Report on “Who Moved My Cheese”


Who Moved My Cheese was published in September 1998. Just two years later the book has the sales of twenty million, ranking the first among the best-selling books listed by “New York Times” “The Wall Street Journal” “Business Week”.

The author, Dr. Spencer Johnson, is well-known in the United States. Because of many books of his are very popular in the world. In addition, he is a doctor, a psychological expert and he is good at giving profound simplifications of problems that will be the top choices of many people. Many of his views help tens of thousands of people find the simple truths in their lives, which make their lives healthier, easier and more successful. When faced with complex issues, he is considered the best expert who can bring forward simple but effective solution. In his book, he always creates a community of the need --- how to deal with the crisis and changes in the information age.

A contemporary poet said “Today, the world needs comfort.” Dr. Spencer Johnson is a worldwide expert to satisfy the enormous psychological needs. Living in such a fast changing world, everyone is likely to face a completely different situation and feel have great difficulty catching up with the pace of a variety of changes. However the most are got deeply depressed by the changes with various external and inner conflict. In order to help most people get out of the bad moods of upset and complaints, the author make up a little allegory to open people's hearts, and brings a built-in courage to face the changing problems. This is why Dr. Spencer Johnson wrote the excellent book.


There are three sections in this book. In the first section,it is about a gathering of former classmates, they are talking at a class reunion about trying to deal with the changes happening in their lives, and most of them are upset about the changes. The second section

is the story of Who Moved My Cheese, which is the core of the book. In the third section, a discussion that people are discussing what the story meant to them and how they are going to use it in their work and in their lives, they think they get rid of the fear of changes.

The story of Who Moved My Cheese is about four characters, the mice and two little people are living in a “Maze” and spent time running through the maze looking for their own special cheese to nourish them and make them happy. The mice, Sniff and Scurry, possess only simple rodent brains, but good instincts, searching for the hard nibbling cheese they like, as mice often do. The two little people, Hem and How, used their brains, filled with many beliefs, to search for a very different kind of cheese- with a Capital C- which they believed would make them feel happy and successful. One day the four found the Cheese Station C. After that, every morning the mice and the little people dressed in their running gear and headed over to Cheese Station C.

It wasn’t long before they each established their own routine. However, one morning they arrived at Cheese Station C and discovered there were no cheeses. To the mice, the problem and the answer were both simple. Sniff and Scurry quickly decided to change as the cheese changed; they did not overanalyze things and were not burdened with many complex beliefs. They were quickly off in search of New Cheese. While Sniff and Scurry had quickly moved on, Hem and Haw continued to go to Cheese Station C, found no Cheese, and returned home, carrying their worries and frustrations with them.

For several times, Haws suggested stopping analyzing the situation so much and find some New Cheese. Hems quickly rejected because he loved the comfortable and afraid of the dangerous out. In order to get rid of the condition of becoming weaker and weaker, Haw made up his mind to leave. After overcome the upset of losing the accustomed comfortable and the territory of setting up his foot to running through the unexpected dark, he started finding more and more cheese and to Haw’s surprise, at the same time, he started to enjoy the journey of looking for cheese.

When it seemed like he would been in the maze forever, his journey-or at least this part of his journey-ended quickly and happily. He found New Cheese at Cheese Station N! When he went inside, he was startled by what supply of Cheese he had ever seen. He didn’t recognize all that he saw, as some kinds of Cheese were new to him. Then he wondered for a

moment whether it was real or just his imagination, until he saw his old friends Sniff and Scurry. Sniff welcomed Haw with a nod of his head and Scurry waved his paw. Their fat little bellies showed that they had been here for some time. Haw quickly said his hellos and soon took bites of every one of his favorite Cheeses. When he had eaten his fill, he lifted a piece of fresh Cheese and made a toast. “Hooray for Change!”

As Haw enjoyed the New Cheese, he reflected what he had learned. He realized that when he had been afraid to change he had been holding on to the illusion of Old Cheese that was no longer there. Perhaps most important of all, he realized that there is always New Cheese out there whether you recognize it at the time or not. And that you are rewarded with it when you go past your fear and enjoy the adventure. He knew some fear should be respected, as it can keep you out of real danger. But he realized most of his fears were irrational and had kept him from changing when he needed to change. He didn’t like it at the time, but he knew that the change had turned out to be a blessing in disguise as it led him to find better Cheese. He had even found a better part of himself.


This short but timeless allegory reveals profound truths to individuals and organizations dealing with change. We all live in a “Maze”, a metaphor for the companies or organizations we work in, the communities we live in, the families we love, places where we look for the things we want in life, “Cheese”. It may be an enjoyable career, loving relationships, wealth, or spiritual peace of mind. With time and experience, one character eventually succeeds and even prospers from the change in his “Maze”. In an effort to share what he has learned along the way, he records his personal discoveries on the maze walls, the “Handwriting on the Wall”. Likewise, when we begin to see the “writing on the wall”, we discover the simplicity and necessity of adapting to change. It’s amazing that whether individuals or organizations would enjoy less stress and more success by learning to deal with the inevitable change.

What is the cheese? To some extent, the cheese can be regarded as success. The “cheese “is just a metaphor of life to get things, it may be a job or money, love, happiness, health and peace of mind, it also may be a sort of will of life for waiting. “Maze” for you to

spend time looking for it where it is your work, or your life, or you live in a relationship. Like a book in;Life is not clear up a corridor, life is a maze, and we must find their way. Not only one door will open to us, it may not be what we had wanted to go to, but finally we will find that it is the door that we can get through. Therefore, life is a process, we are continually seeking after, and also we might be lost in the process, and what we gain and lost is what we can enjoy.

In my opinion, the two little mice and two little men are the metaphor of three kinds of people in reality. When meet with changing, the two mice immediately put on the shoes hanging around their necks and set off to look for new cheese. The two mice are the kind of people who does not care too much about gain and loss and is visionary. The people has broken the shackles and take a long time to put on his running shoes and set out to the maze is a figurative of Hem who complains the lost and wander about the future but at last he make up his mind to get rid of the complaint. However, Haw may be the people who always complain but do nothing. There is no doubt that the last can only gain the lost and the misery. This book with little story has revealed a great of life, there are many people get to the loss of the process.

After reading this book, I have gained many philosophic “cheese”. If we don't change, we will be eliminated; we often have a smell of cheese, we'll know when it's begun to spoil; when we're above his fears, we will feel at ease; Before I found the cheese.,I'm enjoying a cheese, will you help me to find new cheese; the earlier we give up the old cheese, the sooner we will find the new cheese;seeking in the maze more than stay in place with complaint; the old belief will not help us find new cheese; only by trying can we find new cheese and be able to enjoy it, we’ll change our route; That changing as soon as possible help us to meet greater changes. If we don't change, we will be eliminated. Moving as “cheese” and changing our attitude and methods, we continue to accept new things, constantly adapt to change, so that we will be competitive.

So is the future work when we graduate and begin our career. I constantly ask myself “where is my cheese?” “How can I find my cheese?” I cannot get any accurate answer, I know nobody know the answer. I feel puzzled but I believe that God is fair to everybody, and everybody can find his own cheese, though the cheese someday will be taken away by others.


    【谁动了我的奶酪读书笔记 英文200字】相关推荐