霸气短语 8个字

| 电子商务师 |


霸气短语 8个字篇一

1 make a banana milk shake 制作香蕉奶昔 2 turn on 打开 3 turn off 关闭 4 turn up 调高

5 turn down 调低

6turn on the blender =turn the blender on 打开榨汁机 7turn it on 把它打开 turn them on 把它们打开 8 cut up 切碎

9 pour…into… 把…倒入

10 how many bananas 多少香蕉

11how much yogurt 多少酸奶

12 one cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶

13 one spoon of honey一勺蜂蜜

14 make fruit salad 制作水果沙拉

15make Russian soup 制作罗宋汤

16cook them for 30 minutes 煮30分钟

17cook for another ten minutes 再煮10分钟 18 make popcorn 制作爆米花

19 popcorn machine 爆米花机器 20 plant a tree 植树

21 dig a hole 挖坑

22 make beef noodles 做牛肉面

23 half a cup of corn 半杯玉米

24 take a book from the library 从图书馆借书 25 add…to… 加…到…

1 traditional food 传统食物

2 on special holidays 在特别的节日

3 on the fourth Thursday in be filled with… 被装满 be full of… 充满…

14 place…on… November

11月份的第四个星期日 4 give thanks for food 感谢食物

5 remember the first travelers from Englland

纪念第一批英国殖民者 6 in the next autumn 第二年秋天

7 give thanks for life and food 感谢重获新生和收获食物 8 the main dish of this meal 这餐的主菜

9 make a turkey dinner 制作火鸡晚餐

10 one way to make turkey 制作火鸡的一种方法 11 mix together 混合在一起 12 bread mix 面包混合物 13 fill…with… 用…把…装满


15 cover …with gravy 浇肉汁

16 celebrate Thanksgiving 庆祝感恩节

17cook it at a very high temperature 高温加热

18 make these dishes 做菜

19 make the chicken soup very hot

加热鸡汤 20 one by one 一个接一个

21 the pot of hot soup 热汤锅

22 add two eggs 加两鸡蛋

23 put another piece of bread on top

把另一片面包片放在上面 24mix…up… 混合

霸气短语 8个字篇二


1. Amusement park

For example, there's an amusementpark in my dream world with some pretty cool rides.


2. Water park

I told my three-year-old son, Seth Isaiah, that we were going to the water park. 我告诉我3岁的儿子Seth Isaiah我们要去水上公园了。

3. Have been to

I havebeen to America.


4. Have gone to

The young have gone to HongKong or to the cities of Britain.


5. Have been in

Others say they would havebeen in preparation for months.


6. Neither.. Nor..

He neither drinks nor smokes.


7. Hear of

Where did you first hear of this holiday?


8. Disney character

Do you have a favorite Disney character?


9. Of course

You can do this, ofcourse.


10. A roller coaster

Life is like arollercoaster, and so is swimming.


11. Be themed by

12. Walk around

Walkaround a little bit if you can.


13. All the time

We do it all the time.


14. Disney cruise

Have you ever n heard of a Disney Cruise?


15. Take a ride

I’d like to take aride on it.


16. On board

There were 14 of us on board.


17. Take different routes

How about we take different routes to school?


18. End up

Then you end up alone.


19. A flight attendant

I've been aflightattendant for two years now.


20. A tour guide

I remember you're a tourguide.


21. Such as

I like drinks suchas tea and soda.


22. Think about

I have to think about everything.


23. Rather than

I, rather than you, should do the work.


24. Take a holiday

Maybe they can now takeaholiday.


25. On the one hand

Ontheonehand, he wants to wait before he talks.


26. on the other hand

Ontheother hand, if I give her money, she can choose one herself. 另一方面,如果我直接给她钱,她可以自己选一张。

27. More than

That would be more than I have expected.


28. Three quarters

Almost threequarters of the Earth is water.


29. One third

This river is one third as long as that river.


30. Have some problem doing

You havesome problem starting the game or what?


31. Whether or

Whetheror not you go to hotel.


32. Night safari

The adventure begins at night at Singapore's Night Safari. 在新加坡,夜间野生动物园探险开始于晚上。

33. During the daytime

Then I ate breakfast and then I did my homework duringthedaytime! 我早饭很迟才吃,然后就白天都在做我的家庭作业了。

34. All year round

We have sunshine allyearround.


35. Be close to

But I try to be closeto her.


霸气短语 8个字篇三

阅读Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 短语:

milk shake 奶昔 turn on 打开 pour into 倒入 a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶 a good idea 一个好主意

on Saturday 在周六 cut up 切碎 put into 放入 one more thing 还有一件事 a piece of一条

at this time 此时 a few 一些 fill…with… 用---填满 cover…with… 用—覆盖 one by one 一个接一个 a long time很长时间


How many + 可数名词复数 How much + 不可数名词 let sb. + do sth.让某人做某事

want + to do sth. 想要做某事 forget + to do sth. 忘记去做某事 how + to do sth.怎样做某事

There are many reasons for 有许多原因 一段时间 +ago by + doing sth.通过做某事

need + to do sth. 需要去做某事 make + 宾语 + 形容词 使---怎么样 It’s time(for sb) + to do sth到做某事时间了



Turn on the blender. How do you make

a banana milk shake?

How many bananas do we need? How much yogurt do we need?

Now, it’s time to enjoy the rice noodles! What is the main dish of the Thanksgiving meal? 词语辨析:

turn on 打开,接通(电源,气,水),反义词是turn off. turn up/turn down 调高/低音量。

pour…into… 将…倒入/灌入… into 是:进入… in 是:在…内。

在put, throw, break, lay, fall 等动词之后,既可用in,也可用into。但in可作副词,into不能。

He put all the books in/into the bag. Come in!

3. 有关make 的短语: make the bed 铺床 make tea 沏茶 make trouble 惹麻烦

make money 赚钱 make a decision 做决定 make a telephone call 打电话

make a visit 拜访 make a mistake 犯错误 make a noise 弄出噪音

make a living 谋生 make sure 务必

4. one more thing = another one thing 基数词 + more + 名词 = another + 基数词 + 名词

5. fill with 用…填充… be filled with = be full of 充满…. The boy filled the bottle with sand. / The bag was full of clothes.

6. cover…with… 用…把…覆盖 be covered with 被…所覆盖。 cover n. 封面,盖子。

Ann covered her face with her hands. / The cover of the magazine is nice.

7. It’s time (for sb) to do sth. 到某人做某事的时候了。 It’s time for sth. 到做某事的时候了。 Unit9

Prepare for an exam/study for a test为考试做准备 go to the doctor去看医生

have the flu患流感

thanks for doing感谢

go bike riding去骑自行车

not …..until直到。。。才

hang out闲逛

look after照顾

turn down拒绝 help(to)do

the best way to do做某事最好的方法

take a trip to 去。。。旅游

at the end of 在。。。结束的时候 help out 帮助某人排忧解难 leave for出发去。。。

by now到目前为止

by在。。。之前;在。。旁边 so that以便

look forward to doing 盼望做某事 hear from收到某人的来信 would like to 愿意做某事 invite…to 邀请某人做某事 reply in writing以书面形式回复 what…for=why为什么

on the morning of 在某天的早晨 go to the concert去听音乐会 接受邀请用I’d love to

must,have to后加原形

霸气短语 8个字篇四

霸气短语 8个字篇五


1. 侦探故事detective stories 2. 一名侦探a detective 3. 穿成那样be dressed like that

4. 寻找重要线索look for clues to something


5. 严重得多much more serious 6. 不见了go missing

7. 变坏go bad

8. 寻找失踪的男孩look for the missing boy 9. 被谋杀be murdered

10. 四名嫌疑犯four suspects 11. 一名凶手a murderer 12. 做…笔录make notes on … 13. 在医院里工作work in a hospital 14. 在一家饭店工作work at a restaurant 15. 最有可能成为凶手be most likely to be the


16. 独自在家be at home alone

17. 看上去不整洁并且紧张look untidy and nervous 19. 中等身材medium height

20. 一名中等身材的办公室职员an office worker of

medium height 21. ……的高度the height of … 22. 说实话,说出真相tell the truth 23. 在另一个地方in another place

24. 一具22岁的男尸the body of a 22-year-old man 25. 一名电脑工程师a computer engineer 26. 看见某人在做某事see sb. doing sth. 27. 被看到做某事be seen doing sth. 28. 看望他的父母visit his parents 29. 发生take place

30. 在案发现场at the scene of the crime

31. 在其他某个地方被谋杀be killed somewhere else 32. 在发现尸体的地方被杀be killed at the place

where he was found 33. 被带到…be brought to …

34. 任何不寻常的事情anything unusual 35. 首席侦探the chief / top detective 36. 被刀致伤be wounded with a knife 37. 流血致死bleed to death 38. 结果as a result

39. 检查现场以获取更多的线索check the scene for

more clues 40. 破案solve the case

42. 一份待遇丰厚的工作a well-paid job


43. 根据记录according to the record 44. 犯有…的罪be guilty of … 45. 电脑犯罪活动computer crimes 46. 在过去in the past

47. 被指控(做)…be charged with (doing) … 48. 强行闯入break into 49. 电脑系统computer systems

50. 被指控闯入多台电脑系统be charged with

breaking into several computer systems 51. 在过去的一年中over the last year 52. 使某人树敌make sb. enemies 53. 迄今为止so far

55. 沿着…跑run down / along 56. 气喘吁吁breathe heavily

57. 衬衫上有血迹have blood on the shirt 58. 在案发时间at the time of the crime 59. 为…悬赏…钱offer a reward of… for... 60. 导致凶手被捕lead to the arrest of the murderer 62. 与警方联系contact the police 63. 做错事do something wrong

64. 做违法的事do something against the law 65. 在言行上反对你speak and act against you 66. 逮捕凶手arrest the murderer 67. (Grammar)提及某人mention sb. 68. 这对老年夫妇the elderly couple 69. 一对;几个,一些a couple of 70. 需要某人做某事require sb. to do sth.

71. 为…检查每一个细节check every tiny detail for… 72. 案件的可能线索possible clues to criminal cases 73. 破案高手a master at solving crimes 74. 一名女性作家a female writer 75. 一个垃圾箱a rubbish bin 76. 浑身是血be covered in blood 77. 有助破案help solve the case 78. 向警方汇报report …to the police 79. 犯罪commit a crime/ crimes 80. 与…无关have nothing to do with... 81. 结果是,原来是turn out

82. 匆忙做某事be in a hurry to do sth. = do sth. in a


83. 一个有钱人a man of great weath 84. 被拘留六个月be in prison for six months 85. 没有犯罪记录have no criminal record


54. 唯一的嫌疑犯the only suspect

18. 一名办公室职员an office worker 61. 提供有用的信息provide useful information

41. 单身的be single 86. 在 12月28日的上午on the morning of 28

87. 安全提示safety tips

88. 保护你自己预防犯罪行为protect yourself against


89. 为了安全for safety

90. 记住锁上门remember to lock the door 91. 关闭所有的窗户shut all the windows 92. 身边带大量现金carry a lot of money with sb. 93. 防范任何可能的危险guard against any possible 二、重点句子及讲解


94. 与…和睦相处get along / on (well)with… 95. 做某事谋生do sth. for a living 96. 下班回家come back from work 97. 被指控盗窃罪be charged with theft 98. 一些昂贵珠宝some valuable jewellery 99. 因谋杀而被捕be under arrest for murder

1. 他穿得像只熊。He is dressed like a bear. 他能自己穿衣服。He can dress himself.

2. 侦探就是寻找重要线索的人。A detective is someone who looks for clues to something important. 3. 我的食物不见了。My food has gone missing.我猜他在撒谎。I guess he is lying.

4. 他们得搞清楚凶手是谁。They have to find out who the murderer is. 5.他发生什么事了?What happened to him? 6. 他是一个中等身高的办公室人员。He’s an office worker of medium height.

7. 他昨天晚上7:00最后一次被看到离开他的办公室。He was last seen leaving his office at 7 p.m. yesterday. 8. 警方认为该谋杀案发生在昨晚九点至今日凌晨一点之间。The police believe that the murder took place between

9 p.m. last night and 1 a.m. this morning.

9. 他们还在案发现场工作以查明那个受害者是否在其它某个地方被杀,然后抛尸至西镇,或者就在被发现的

地点被杀。They’re still working at the scene of the crime to find out whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then brought to West Town, or killed at the place where he was found.

10. 受害者被一把刀刺伤,导致流血而死。The victim was wounded with a knife and bled to death as a result. 11. 我们正在检查现场以获取更多可以帮助解决案件的线索。We are now checking the scene for more clues which

will help solve the case.

12. 警方也在思考是否受害者有仇家。The police are also wondering if the victim had any enemies.

13. 然而,根据记录,他过去有电脑犯罪的前科。However, according to the record, he was guilty of computer crimes

in the past. 14.他去年被指控曾闯入多台电脑系统。He was charged with breaking into several computer systems over the last year.

15. 我们不确定他是否因此树敌。我们推断受害人认识凶手。We’re not sure whether this made him any enemies.

We suppose that the victim knew his murderer.

16. 一名证人汇报他气喘吁吁,衬衫上有血。A witness reported that he was breathing heavily and had blood on his


17. 受害人的父母愿意出五万元人民币对提供线索抓获凶手的人给予奖励。The victim’s parents have offered a

reward of ¥50,000 for any information that leads to the arrest of the murderer.

18. 任何能够提供有用信息的人应该联系警方。Anyone who can provide useful information should contact the


19. (Grammar)可能不止一个人与凶杀案有关。There was probably more than one person who had something to do

with the murder. 20.他就是第一个用英语写侦探小说的人。He was the man who first wrote detective stories in English. 21.凶杀案有进展吗?Has there been any progress in the murder case? 22. 老板做了违法的事情。The boss did something which is not allowed by the law. 23. 结果证明他与案件无关。It turned out that he had nothing to do with the case.

24. 他匆匆忙忙地赶公交车。He was in a hurry to catch a bus. 25.一名小孩已被绑架了。A child has been kidnapped. 26. 他计划第二天把项链交到警察局。He planned to take the necklace to the police station the next day.

27. 除了住在隔壁的那个男人之外,布鲁斯和所有邻居都和睦相处。Bruce gets along with all of his neighbours

except the man who lives next door. 28.没人知道他靠什么谋生。No one knows what he does for a living. 29. 他原以为也许有人搞丢了这根项链。He thought that perhaps someone had dropped the necklace.

30. 这名警察告诉他一些有价值的珠宝被盗。The policeman told him that some valuable jewellery had been stolen. 31. 我们没看到或听到任何动静。We didn’t see or hear anything. 32. 我要检查这些物品提取指纹。I’ll check these for fingerprints.


霸气短语 8个字篇六






例如:My mother had to look after the baby at home.我妈妈不得不在家照看婴儿。 这类动词短语主要有:look at, listen to, look for, arrive in/at, look after, come into, break into, belong to, begin with, end up等。


这类动词短语比较多,应用比较广泛。有的短语相当于不及物动词,有的短语作及物动词。如果名词作宾语可以放在短语动词的中间或者后面;如果代词作宾语只能放在短语动词的中间。 例如:My father puts on his coat and goes out.我爸爸穿上大衣出去了。

也可以是:My father puts his coat on and goes out.

Your pen is on the floor, please pick it up.你的钢笔在地上,请捡起来。 这类动词短语主要有:pick up, put up/down, put on, take off, put off, set up, look up, call up, fix up, turn on/off, give out, work out, put away, clean up, cheer up, hand out, hang out等等。


这类动词短语作及物动词用,后面可以跟宾语。短语动词中的名词可以有形容词修饰。例如:My father takes pride in his study.我爸爸为他的研究感到自豪。

这类动词短语主要有:pay attention to, have a look at.



例如:The boy is trying to catch up with us.那个男孩尽力想赶上我们。

Let’s come up with a good idea.让我们想出个好办法来。

这类动词短语主要有:look down upon, do away with, look forward to, be fond of, be used to, be strict with, be angry with, be full of, be ready to等等。



1. Don’t ____ the radio. Your mother is sleeping in the bedroom.

A. turn off B. turn on C. turn over D. turn down

2.Our teacher coughed day and night. His wife asked him to _____ smoking.

A. give up B. go on C. come on D. look forward to

3. Our sports meeting has been _____ till next Monday because of the bad weather.

A. put on B. put up C. put off D. put down

4. Anyone who sings well can ______ the activites in our school.【2011 陕西】

A. take part in B.take off C. take out D.take care of

5.He _______ all his money______to charity after he died. 【2011广西梅州】

A.gave„up B. gave„in C. gave„away D. gave„out

2. He seems very sad. Let’s _________him____________. 3. They’re going to _________a shelter to help the homeless animals. 4. He thought and thought. At last he _________a good idea. 5. Next week the students of Class 2 are going to help____________the city parks. 6. What a nice picture. Mum, can I _________it _________on the wall ? 7.The thief was frightened .He dropped the bag and____________. 8. We _________Yang Liwei. He’s great. 9. He has a terrible cough. His doctor asked him____________smoking. 10. Mr. Lee 120 yuan the coat.



1.B。本句子是考查动词短语的用法。动词turn和不同的介词搭配构成不同意思的动词短语,从本句子的意思和后面句子的情景判断是用动词短语turn on表示打开收音机的意思。

2.A。本句子是考查动词短语的用法。从本句子的意思判断是用give up表示“放弃”的意思。

3.C。本句子是考查动词put构成的动词短语的用法,从本句子的意思判断是用put off表示“推迟、延期”。

4.A。这里考查动词短语的区别。根据句意“能唱好歌的人就可以参加我们学校的活动”。所以这里应该选take part in,意为“参加”。

5.C。句意为“他死之后把所有钱都捐给了慈善机构”。give away 意为“捐赠”。

二、 用方框内的词组填空,注意词型的变化。

1. put off 2. cheer up 3. set up 4. came up with 5. clean up

6. put up 7. ran away 8. are proud of 9. to give up 10. spent on

霸气短语 8个字篇七



1去爬山 go to the mountains 2去夏令营 go to summer camp

3去大连度假 go to Dalian on vacation

4买一些特别的东西 buy something special 5和某人一起出去 go out with someone

6上个月 last month 7去一些有去的地方 go somewhere interesting

8拍相当多的照片 take quite a few photos 9大部分时间 most of the time 10 给某人买某物 buy sb sth=buy sth for sb 11 什么都没买 buy nothing

12去购物 go shopping 13在乡村 in the countryside 14 唯一的问题 the only problem

15记日记 keep a diary 16今天早上 this morning 17决定做某事 decide to do sth

18我们旅馆附近 near our hotel 19 尝试滑翔伞运动 try paragliding 20感受到 feel like

21 许多旧的建筑物 many of the old buildings 22在过去 in the past

23喜欢散步 enjoy walking

24走到山顶上 walk up to the top 25开始下点儿雨 start raining a little

26等一个多小时 wait over an hour 27 等火车 wait for the train 28下大雨 rain hard

29因为坏天气 because of the bad weather 30下面的一些东西 something below 31足够的钱 enough money 32 第二天 the next day 33 这次 this time 34 9点半出发 start at 9:30 35沿途 along the way

36 一小时以后 an hour later/after an hour

37又走两个小时 walk for another two hours 38山顶 the top of the hill

39 不喜欢做某事 dislike to do /doing sth. 40带回来一些东西bring back something 41我们班的每个人 everyone in our class 42看地图 look at the map 43查明,弄清 find out

44如此...以至于 so ...that... 45继续做某事 keep (on)doing sth

46上下跳 jump up and down

47过去的5个小时 the last five hours 48 当然 of course 49去度假 go on (a)vacation

50爱好与厌恶 likes and dislikes


1---度假你去哪了?---我去沙滩了。---Where did you go on vacation?---I went to the beaches.


---Did you go with anyone?---No, no one went with me .


---Did you buy anything interesting?---Yes, I bought something for my father. 4 很久没见了。 Long time no see.

5我上个月在度假。 I was on vacation last month.

6你去什么有趣的地方了吗?Did you go anywhere interesting?

7我就呆在家休息了。I just stayed at home to relax.


---Did everyone have a good time?---Yes, everything was excellent.

9---你认为三亚怎么样?(3)---那是我第一次到那,所以一切都真的很有趣。 ---How do you like Sanya?/What do you think of/about Sanya?/How do you feel about Sanya?

---It was my first time there,so everything was really interesting.


I didn’t buy anything for myself.=I bought nothing for myself.


I didn’t see anything I liked.


There was anything much to do in the evening but read.


Everybody seemed to be bored.= It seemed that everyone was bored.=Everyone seemed bored.

14你发现什么活动令人愉快? What activities do you find enjoyable?

15我感觉到我是只鸟。 I felt liked I was a bird.

16我想知道过去这儿的生活是什么样的。I wonder that life was like here in the past.


Because of the bad weather,we couldn’t see anything below.

18因为我那么的饿,所以十五尝起来很棒。 The food tasted great because I was so


19我们等了很长时间的火车。 We waited a long time for the train.


We walked for another two hours before we got to the top of the hill.

21我的腿疲惫的想要停下来。My legs was so tired that I wanted to stop. 22我的同班同学告诉我继续走,所以我继续向前。

My classmates told me to keep going,so I went on.

23每一个人都兴奋地上下跳动。 Everyone jumped up and down in excitement. 24二十分钟后,太阳开始升起来了。Twenty minutes later, the sun started to come up.


The sun was so beautiful that we forgot about the last five hours.

26我们没随身带足够的钱。 We didn’t take enough money with us.


He isn’t old enough to go to school.=He is so young that he can’t go to school. =He is too young to go to school.

28第二天的天气不是一样的好。 The weather was not as good the next day

霸气短语 8个字篇八

模块一: unit 1 school life


1. 出席,参加  n. 2. 赢得,赚,获得

3. n & vt 尊敬,敬重  adj 可敬的,高尚的 4. vt 赢得,取得,实现,成就  n 5. adj 一般的,普通的, 平均的

6. adj 具有挑战性的,  n & vt 7. adj 额外的

8. n 做饭,烹饪,烹调  n 厨师  n 炊具 9. vt & vi 准备  n 10. vt 放弃,滴落,落下 n 落下,滴 11. vt 思念,想念

12. vt 体验,经历, n 体验,经历,  有经验的,熟练的 13. __________ vt 介绍,  n

14. adv 立刻,马上  adj 15. adj 从前的,以前的

16. vi & vt 培养,养成,发展,使发展  n 17. vt 捐赠  n

18. n 赠品,礼物  n 赠品 19. 陈列,展览

20. vt使满意,取悦  adj 令人满意的 adj 感到高兴的,感到满意的 21. n 书的名称,文章的题目,篇名  n 主题,话题

22. n 书的封面,盖子vt 覆盖,占地,报道,走完,涉及  发现,  vt 揭开盖子,发现,揭露 23. vi & vt 遗憾,抱歉 ,后悔

24. vt 通告,通知,信息 n

25. n 主持人 ;主人,东道主  n 女主人

26. __________ vt& vi 批准,通过,赞成  n 正式批准,承认 27. vt & n 广播,播放 28. adj 亲密的,靠近的 29. vi & vt 继续,持续

30. n 诗人 诗歌 诗的总称 31. 一代,一代人

32. vt 挑选,选择 vt 选择 选举 33. vt 要求,需求 n

34. 让人恐慌的,吓人的 vt 恐吓,使害怕 n 恐慌,恐惧 感到害怕的

35. 自然,大自然 adj adv

unit 2 growing pains



1. n (美),假期,休假 (英)n 休假,假日,假期 2. vt 使吃惊,使惊奇 adj令人吃惊的 惊讶的 惊讶的,惊奇的 3. vt&vi 弯腰,曲腰,使弯曲 4. vt & vi 触摸,接触,联系

5. vt&vi 解释说明, n 6. n 混乱,杂乱,一团糟

vt 使…..处于一种怎样的状态,听任,离开

n 原因,理由 adj 理由,原因 9. vt 信任 信任,相信

10. n (美) 行为,举止 vi

11. n. (13-19周岁)的青少年 adj 十几岁 adj 粗鲁的,无礼的

adj 令人厌烦的,无趣的 adj 感到厌烦的 vt n 厌倦

14. n 分数,标志,象征,迹象 n 记号,符号,象征 标记,记号 n 信号 n & vt 检测,检验

16. adj 心烦的,苦恼的 vt 使心烦,使苦恼 17. n & vt 得分

18. vt 使得….感兴趣 adj 令人感兴趣的 感兴趣的

19.adj 愚蠢的,adj 傻的


20. 宝贵的,贵重的,珍贵的 n 价值 adj 没有价值的,不足道的 21. n 时间段,时期,阶段

22. n 争论,辩论,论点,论据 vt 23. n 自由 adj 自由的,空闲的 24. adv 大体的,主要的 adj vt 建议,暗示,使想起 n 26. 争论,争吵,打架,斗争 27. adj 空闲的,多余的

28 adj 自私的, 自我,私心 29 vt 禁止 adj 被禁止的

30 adj 真诚地,真实地 adj 真诚的,忠诚的 n


应该,应当 处理,处置 负责,掌管 (灯)熄灭 5. 不再,再也不

6. 对…苛刻,对…严格要求 7. 既然,由于


8. 不睡觉,熬夜 9. 毕竟

10. 混淆,弄乱,搅匀,拌合 11. 好像,似乎

12. 坚持,坚持认为 13. 目前,当前 14. 发疯的,拼命的

unit 3 looking good, feeling good


1. vi 保持

2. n 体型,身材,数字 vt 认为,考虑,计算

3. 惭愧的,羞愧的 遗憾,羞愧 4. 因为,既然 5. vi 锻炼,运动

6. 起作用,有效果,奏效

vi 痊愈,恢复健康 vt 重新获得

8. n 失败,衰竭,故障,失灵 故障,失灵 9. vt 包容,容纳, n 容器

adj 有害的 n & vt 有害,害处 11. n 化学物质,化学药物 化学的 n 药剂师,化学家

12. n 手术 vi

13. adj 精确的,准确的 adv

14. n 相匹配的人或事物,配对物 匹配,相称 15. vt 遵守,遵循, 依照

16 n 建议,忠告 vt vt 很少,不常,难得 vt&n 损害,损坏

19. 有吸引力的,有魅力的

20. n 压力 vt & vi

21. adv 适当地,恰当地,合适地 adj 22. vt 举起 23. vt 适合

n 效果,作用,影响 25 n & vt 冒险

26 vt 认出,识别,认可,公认

adj 定期的,有规律的,经常的 adv 28. adv 然而,可是 vt & n 控制 vi 算数,有效

31. 放松的,轻松的 令人放松的 vt

n 能力 adj

33. vt&vi 集中(注意力,思想等)全神贯注 adj 全力以赴的 专心,专注 34. n 量,数量



1. 锻炼,解决,计算出

2. 节食 3. 秘密地 脱落

体重增加 连同,随同

从长远的角度看 事实上 立刻,很快

模块2 : unit 1 tales of the unexplained


adj 困惑的,茫然的

adj 令人困惑不解的 n & vt 困惑

2. n&vi&vt 搜索,搜寻,搜查

3. n 动物,人 vt 创造,创作,引起

创造,尤指艺术品 adj 创造的 n

4. n&vt&vi 研究

5. adj vt 使惊吓 6. n 可能性 adj 可能的 7. n & vt 谋杀,凶杀 n 谋杀者 8. 令人信服的 vt 使人信服

9. n 证据 adj 明显的,显然的 10. n 进展,进步

11. adj 感到失望的 令人失望的 vt 使失望n 失望,扫兴 12. n 财宝,财富 vt 珍重,珍惜

13. adv (同义词)

14. adj n 15. n 村民 n 村民

16. adj 浓密的,浓厚的 adv 厚度,粗 vt&vi

17. adj n n 国籍 adj 全国范围的 国际的

18. 力量,力气 adj vt & vi 加强,增强,巩固

19. vt & n 支持,支撑,搀扶 n 支持物,支撑物 20 n vi


1. 加紧,加强,促进 2. 由于,因为


3. 出现,显露 4. 根据 5. 排除

6. 调查,检查

7. 编造,捏造,杜撰 8. 负责,接管 9. 追,追赶 10. 平均

unit 2 wish you were here


1. adj 令人吃惊的 adj 感到十分惊讶的,吃惊的 n 惊讶,惊异 vt 使惊讶, 使惊愕

2. adj 尘土飞扬的,满是灰尘 n 灰尘,尘土,粉末,花粉 3. adj 当地的, 地方的 adv 4. vi 宿营 n 宿营地

5. adj 不舒服的,不自在的, (反义词) n 安慰,使人舒适的东西 vt 安慰,慰问

6. adv 实际上,事实上 adj 7. n 衣服,服装 n 衣服 布

8. pron 无论什么,无论何事

9. prep 包括, vt 包括 10. n 供给,补给, vt 提供

11. adj 让人疲劳的,累人的 adj 感到疲劳的 vt 使疲劳,使疲惫

12. adj 感到恶心的,患病的 n 13. vi& vt 咬

14. vt & n 嫉妒,羡慕

15. n 风景,景色,观点 vt 看,观察 16. vt & vi 采访,访问,面试 采访人,面试者 17. adj 完全的,全然的,全部的,总计的 adv 18. n 沉默;寂静 adj 沉默的

19. n 王国 n 国王 n 女王,王后 n 皇帝 n 皇后 20. vi 延伸,达到

21. adj 完美的 adv 完美地,不折不扣地 22. vt 出版, n 出版 n 出版者,出版机构,发行人(或机构)

23. n 政府, 统治,控制(感情), n 州长,主管,董事 24. 声明, 宣称,要求

25. vt&vi 形成,构成 n 形状

26. vt 包围,环绕 adj 周围

27. adj 广阔的,辽阔的 28. adj 天堂般的 29. n 和谐,协调,融洽 adj

30. adj 无穷无尽的, 没完没了的 n 末端,尽头, vt 终止, 结束 n 结尾, 结局


霸气短语 8个字篇九

增加语言多样性之8个高分短语 之前我们讲过了同义词替换可以增强文章语言的多样性。除此之外,我们还可以使用一些短语,来代替那些使用得过度频繁的词语。

1、rein in 严格控制,限制,可以替代经常使用的“control”

例题:The best way to reduce air pollution is for the government to raise the cost of fuel (petrol).

例句:Through reining in the amount of cars on the road, vehicle exhaust will be greatly reduced, thus enhancing the air quality.

2、zero in on 专注于,可以替代“focus on”或者“concentrate on”

例题:In order to attract good students, a university should spend a lot of money funding social activities.

例句: To foster students’ all-rounded quality, university should zero in on funding social activities.

3、prop up 帮助,扶持,救济,可以替代“support”或者“aid”

例题:A job with more vocation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.

例句:Without high salary young people would not prop up their daily life.

4、be susceptible to 易受...影响的 可以替代“sth. exerts more profound effect on...”

例题:Movies and television programs should present stories in which good people are rewarded and bad people are punished.

例句:Children, compared with adults, are more susceptible to the influence of the movies and TV programs, as a result of which the content of a positive theme should be presented to them.

5、at a quickening pace 越来越快地 可以代替“more and more rapidly” 例题:Money is the most important aspect in a job.

例句:While becoming increasingly abundant and convenient, modern life has moved at a quickening pace and brought much heavier living burden to people nowadays.

6、be detrimental to 对...有害的,可以代替“be harmful to”

例题:Governments should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economic development.

例句:Hazy weather, soaring PM 2.5 and bad air condition are detrimental to public health.

7、to put it in a nutshell:总而言之,可以替代常用的“in a word”

例句:To put it in a nutshell, it is undoubted that for those developed cities should attach importance to environmental problems and make a substantial investment on it.

8、an uphill battle 一场苦战,比喻做起来很困难的事,可以代替“difficulty” 例题:People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there’s no need for the government to help.

例句:However, what should not be neglected is that government’s help is indispensable since sometimes the process of problem solving could be an uphill

battle for average people or even beyond their capabilities, especially when it comes to the public affairs like environmental protection and national defense.

霸气短语 8个字篇十


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