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《2016每日一句精简版 最新0-219》



这是我们一起走过的第四个年头,我刚才翻看了2013考研的第一句,开头什么话都没有说,就是直接―2013考研英语每日一句第一句‖。 刚开始的时候,有人说我只是作秀,我坚持不下去的。我没有反驳,别人说的也挺有道理的,毕竟坚持是挺难的一件事情,我想还是让时间去证明吧,一年,两年,三年,一共956天,没有一天中断,我做到了!看着一个个我精心挑选的句子和每天同学们的签到,我真的可以骄傲的觉得我是一名将军,带着自己的铁血军团厮杀出了青春黎明应该有的华美,我们需要做的就是坚持!



Yellowstone‘s hidden moral disputes offer wider lessons to America, a country that is increasingly divided and unusually keen on tackling complex ethical questions in judicial and quasi-judicial settings.

词汇突破:1. moral disputes 道德争论2.Be keen on 执着于…3.Tackle 处理,解决

4.Judicial 司法5.quasi-judicial 准司法(quasi-official body 半官方团体)

更多例句:Federal administrative bodies issue rules and regulations of a quasi-legislative character.


6.setting 环境 in research settings 在研究环境中

主干识别:Yellowstone‘s hidden moral disputes offer wider lessons to America.

―A offers wider lessons to B‖


其他成分: ,a country that is increasingly divided and unusually keen on tackling complex ethical questions in judicial and quasi-judicial settings. 同位语



微观分析: ,a country /that is increasingly divided/ and unusually keen on tackling complex ethical questions in judicial and quasi-judicial settings.

1) America is a country.

2) America is increasingly divided.

3) America is unusually keen on tackling complex ethical questions in judicial and quasi-judicial settings.

刚开始读句子的时候切得细一些是有好处的,无论是对于句子的准确理解 和翻译都是有帮助的。


参考译文: 黄石公园中隐藏的道德之争给美国提供了更为宽泛的教训。美国变得 越来越分化,(或者译为:分歧越来越多)而且美国也异常执著于在司 法或准司法环境下处理复杂的伦理问题。

(知识提示: 很多时候道德和伦理问题不能简单的用司法手段来解决的,比如说安乐死,死刑、堕胎、枪支管理或气候变暖,甚至雾霾的治理,这里面都涉及到很多方面。但是美国人很执着于法律是万能的,现在美国人也意识到这个问题了,才有了这个句子。)



―环保‖就一定是正面词汇吗?―科学‖就一定是正确的吗?环境问题是一个宏大的话题。经济发展,技术进步和环境之间的争论一直都没有停止过。上个世纪90年代就有考研真题节选过一篇关于Science &Anti-Science 的文章; 科学家往往会把部分极端的环保主义者当做是反科学的。同时环保团体在美国的势力也非常大,有的时候他们在国会的游说力量之强大会让总统都忌惮。很多环保团体甚至借环保之名控制了很多社会资源的分配。所以―科学‖,―环保‖这样一些非常正面的词汇在美国社会的语境中都是很中性的一些词,并不意味着科学就一定对,环保就一定好。 同学们可以关注《寂静的春天》,大家会发现真理是在一次次的试错之后产生的。


The environmentalists, inevitably, respond to such critics. The true enemies of science, argues Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University, a pioneer of environmental studies, are those who question the evidence supporting global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and other consequences of industrial growth.

词汇突破:1.environmentalist 环保主义者2.Inevitably 不可避免的

3.depletion of the ozone layer 臭氧层破坏(这属于是环保的标配词汇)

4.consequences of industrial growth 工业增长的后果5.critics 批评6.pioneer 先驱7. question 质疑

8. argue 认为



The environmentalists, inevitably, respond to such critics.


第二句:主干识别: argues Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University,

= Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University argues


The true enemies of science are those

其他成分:a pioneer of environmental studies, 同位语

who question the evidence supporting global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and other consequences of industrial growth. 定语从句

翻译点拨: 切分之后调整语序(按中文习惯)

1.Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University (is)a pioneer of environmental studies,

2.Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University argues

斯坦福大学的Paul Ehrlich是环境研究方面的先驱, (这样诡异的不知道读音的人名在考场上一般就直接抄英文)他认为,

或者翻译为:环境研究方面的先驱之一,斯坦福大学的Paul Ehrlich认为,

3. The true enemies of science are those


4. who question the evidence supporting global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and other consequences of industrial growth.



参考译文:环境研究方面的先驱之一,斯坦福大学的Paul Ehrlich认为,科学真正的敌人是质疑支持全球变暖,臭氧层破坏和其他一些工业增长后果的证据的那些人





1.kevin said " I am not fat, and I am just strong."

"I am not fat " ,said kevin," and I am just strong."

3. Father shouted" come here and sit down!"

"come here," shouted father, "and sit down!‖

"come here and sit down!‖ shouted father.




The Conservatives‘ main move has been to back away from their own reforms, passed in 2012, which increased competition, gave health officials more autonomy and handed control over the purchase of care to groups of local doctors.

词汇突破:1.Conservatives 保守党2.Move 举动,行动3.Autonomy 自主权

4.Control (名词)控制权 Control over A 对于A的控制权5.purchase v.或者n. 购买

5.6. Hand A to B 将A交给B

主干识别:The Conservatives‘ main move has been to back away from their own reforms

其他成分:passed in 2012 定语

which increased competition, gave health officials more autonomy and handed control over the purchase of care to groups of local doctors. 定语



increased competition

gave health officials more autonomy

handed control over the purchase of care to groups of local doctors.




America has some of the world‘s most impressive manufacturing facilities. But talk of ―renaissance‖ is certainly overblown. Growth is being driven by a small number of industries, which are hiring few new workers. And even high-tech operations, at which America should excel, are struggling.

词汇突破:1. facilities 设备,能力2. impressive令人印象深刻的(一般表语的时候就是形容一个人和事优秀)

3. manufacturing 制造业4. renaissance 复兴5. overblown 被夸大的6. industry 工业(产业)

7. excel at 擅长 (还有一个搭配是 excel in,是一个意思)8. struggling 挣扎 (通常就是指境遇不好)


America has some of the world‘s most impressive manufacturing facilities.



But talk of ―renaissance‖ is certainly overblown.



Growth is being driven by a small number of industries, which are hiring few new workers.




And even high-tech operations, at which America should excel, are struggling.


1. at which America should excel

= America should excel at high-tech operations.

2. And even high-tech operations are struggling.





The economy and the labourmarket bear the consequences.

Bear the consequences通常指的就是:遭受了负面的影响。

This lack of languageskills also lowers growth.


In the linguistic gloom,there are a few bright spots.


Bright spots = upsides =silver linings =benefits = advantages


Getting children started at a young age is admirable.


He made his points withadmirable clarity.



THE establishment view is that the public rage aimed at two of Westminster‘s long-serving and mostrespected MPs, Sir Malcolm Rifkind and Jack Straw, this week was unwarranted---a case of anti-politics feeling gone mad.

固有的观点认为,本周公众对议会中两位资深的,受人尊敬的议员:Sir Malcolm Rifkind andJack Straw所产生的愤怒是不合理的,这就是一个反政治情绪失控的典型案例。

词汇突破:1.establishment view 固有的观点2.public rage 公众的愤怒

3.Westminster 威斯敏斯特(伦敦市的一个行政区,英 国议会所在地)所以也代指议会,议会政治

4. long-serving 资深的5. MP : member ofparliament 议员6.unwarranted =unjustified 不合理的

主干识别:THE establishment view isthat…

其他成分:表语从句的主干:the public rage wasunwarranted


aimed at two of Westminster‘s long-servingand most respected MPs, Sir Malcolm Rifkind and Jack Straw, this week 定语修饰rage;

a case of anti-politics feeling gone mad.


参考译文:固有的观点认为,本周公众对议会中两位资深的,受人尊敬的议员:Sir Malcolm Rifkind andJack Straw所产生的愤怒是不合理的,这就是一个反政治情绪失控的典型案例。



小时候家人就会经常教育我们:玩的时候好好玩,学的时候好好学; 听上去是多么简单的一句话啊,长大后才发现其实这是人世间最难的状态。我们连玩都玩的很愧疚,所以由于我们愧疚,我们就一直没时间学。可能这就是让人最不能接受的真相吧:我们没有学好,我们更没有玩好。其实改变可以从小小的进步开始,这也是我三年前开始每天一句的初衷,而且这三年来也有很多同学是从这样小小的进步中找到了前进的力量。前五天的句子都是来自于外刊中的句子,是可以扩展同学们视野的句子,我没有要求大家背,但是今天的句子是真题的句子,是需要大家背的!在我长难句解密这本书中也有这句话的讲解。而且这句话中还包含有前两天的知识点:

From the beginning of our history, says Hofstadter, our democratic and populist urges have driven us to reject anything that smells of elitism.

【词汇突破】 1.democratic:民主的2.populist:平民主义的

3.urge: 可以是动词也可以是名词;动词:促使 名词:渴求4.smell of :有(或发出)...气味

smells of elitism. 有精英主义气味的,(这样不符合中文说话的习惯,可以改为:带有精英主义色彩的。有同学说,老师我想不 到,不用纠结,想不到很正常,在翻译这个事情上,学会放过自己,考研翻译本来就不是重点,能成什么样子就是什么样子,能学 多少就学多少,重点是别理解出错就好。)

【主干识别:】our democratic and populisturges have driven us to reject anything+定语从句

【其他成分】says Hofstadter插入语;our democratic and populisturges have driven us to…可提炼出sth has driven sb to do… 这个句 型;that smells of elitism定语从句,修饰anything。(注 意smell的介词搭配)

【微观解析】若是觉得插入语干扰了正常的理解,可将这个句子变 为Hofstadter says ‖From the beginning of ourhistory, our democratic and populist urges have driven us to reject anything that smells of elitism。‖这样的由直接引语构成的宾 语从句会降低句子的难度


【译文赏析】Hofstadter说,从我们的历史一开始,我们对于民主化和大众 化的渴求就迫使我们拒绝一切带有精英主义色彩的东西。



Be Brave: When something scares you, don't forget: everyone else is just as scared as you are.



But this time round a slump would be unlikely to lead to a broader contagion, since it would be confined to private markets and a few large firms with strong balance-sheets.

词汇突破:1. this time round 这一次(时间状语)2. slump 经济衰退3. contagion 影响

4. be confined to 局限于5. strong balance-sheets 优良的资产负债表(财务状况良好)

主干识别:aslump would be unlikely to lead to a broader contagion

其他成分:since引导的原因状语从句since it would be confined to privatemarkets and a few large firms with strong balance-sheets构成。It指代slump,

参考译文:但这一次,经济衰退可能不会有大范围的影响,因为它将只局限于私 人市场和拥有漂亮资产负债表的几个大公司



The service, planned for release in mid-2015, will offer a simple installation process in which web operators will apply to receive digital certificates that can be used to prevent the interception of information when it is passing between a web browser and an internet server.

词汇突破:1. installation 安装2. certificates 证书3. interception 拦截,截取4. web browser 网络浏览器 主干识别:The service will offer a simple installation process.

其他成分:planned for release in mid-2015 定语

in which web operators will apply to receive digital certificates/ that can be used to prevent the interception of information when it is passing between a web browser and an internet server. 定语从句修饰a simple installation process;

微观分析:定语从句中的that can be used to prevent the interception of information when it is passing between a web browser and an internet server.修饰digital certificates

when it is passing between a web browser and an internet状语从句





Human history began when the inheritance of genetics and behavior which had until then provided the only way of dominating the environment was first broken through by

conscious choice.

词汇突破:1.Inheritancen. 继承;遗传;遗产2.Genetics n.遗传,遗传学







People all over the world set great regard on good manners. To certain degree, good manners indicate a person’s good education and breeding. In schools, it is part of students’ moral training to develop good manners. A person with good manners always wins praise. On the contrary, people will frown on him if he behaves roughly and impolitely.

There are good manners in which we behave in public places. It is a good manner to offer help to the young, the old and the physically-challenged when they are in need of it. So is it to conduct ourselves politely and keep away from foul language. Besides, we should guard against such minor offences as making a loud noise, casting peels and shells, smoking, and spitting.

If everyone has developed good manners, people will form a more harmonious relationship. If everyone behaves considerately towards others and follows the social ethics, people will live in a better world. With the general mood of society improved, there will be a progress of civilization. So , always follow the golden rule: Do as you would be done by. Be polite.

Rude words, face-to –face quarrelling , unreasonable fighting , turning a deaf ear to lectures, no thanks for others’ help,etc. could mean nothing but ignorance or ill behavior.

A friendly greeting, a keen invitation, or a short “thank you” reveals one’s internal spiritual world.




While in America the trend(downshifting) started as a reaction to the economic decline — after the mass redundancies caused by downsizing in the late '80s — and is still linked to the politics of thrift, in Britain, at least among the middle class downshifters of my acquaintance, we have different reasons for seeking to simplify our lives.

70. According to the passage, downshifting emerged in the US as a result of ________.

[A] the quick pace of modern life

[B] man's adventurous spirit

[C] man's search for mythical experiences

[D] the economic situation

While in America the trend started as a reaction to the economic decline — after the mass

redundancies caused by downsizing in the late '80s — and is still linked to the politics of thrift, in Britain, at least among the middle class downshifters of my acquaintance, we have different reasons for seeking to simplify our lives.


70. According to the passage, downshifting emerged in the US as a result of ________.

[A] the quick pace of modern life

[B] man's adventurous spirit

[C] man's search for mythical experiences

[D] the economic situation


题干定位:根据downshifting emerged 可以定位到原文中the trend started ,文中的the trend就是指downshifting;started 就是指emerged;且问题问的是in the US ,继续缩小定位范围。 思路点拨:典型的细节题思路,只不过这里有一个转折为干扰;有同学之前接受过这样的理念:只关注转折后的内容,所以在解题的时候感到别扭;这个题目答案反而来自于转折前,只去关注原因和结果就可以了,不需要关注转折。

选项分析:定位精确之后就比较容易的可以根据原文中的:the economic decline确 定答案为第四个选项:the economic situation;这个选项是很完美的同意替换。AB是未提及之选项,C可以是英国人过这样生活的原因:(文中首先说: is still linked to the politics of thrift, in Britain,然后说: at least among the middle class downshifters of my acquaintance, we have different reasons for seeking to simplify our lives.我们能找到不同的原因来简化生活,那就可以是C man's search for mythical experiences)


The Mid-autumn Festival is celebrated on the night of the fifteenth day of the eight lunar month. It is, in a sense, the Chinese moon festival.

On this night, people walk in the streets to enjoy themselves. They eat moon cakes, which are so called because they are shaped like the moon. These cakes are also set on a table in the open air, meant to be eaten by the goddess of the moon.

It is generally believed that the moon is at its brightest on this night. Many poems have been written about it. Poets never tire of reading and writing such poems, in which the moon has been compared to a looking-glass, a jade rabbit, etc. It seems that Chinese literature is far more concerned with the moon than with the sun.

(101)最近一直被追着问四六级的各种预测,我当然会尽力去做, 只是我想提醒大2016考研的亲,我们的目标是考研!四六级只是途中的风景,如果花费太多的时间必然会得不偿失,任何时候都是笃定的人才会取得最后的胜利。所以我的四六级基本还是在微博里面发,我还是想这里安静一些。如果你想去看就到新浪:何凯文; 同时我明天晚上会有一个讲座,如果有时间你也可以去听,我会兼顾四六级和考研:




A financial vehicle that saw the euro zone take most risk through equity, other governments a bit more through subordinated debt and private-sector investors the least through senior debt is still a long shot.

词汇突破: A financial vehicle 融资工具和融资方式

Equity 权益

subordinated debt 次级贷

senior debt 优先款


a long shot : 很少机会成功的尝试


Reaching our sales goal this quarter is along shot because of the economy.


主干识别:A financial vehicle is still a long shot.

其他成分:that saw the euro zone take most risk through equity,other governments a bit more through subordinated debt and private- sectorinvestors the least through senior debt

定语从句,that=financial vehicle 在翻译的时候一定单独成句。

翻译点拨:financial vehicle 不可能发出saw 的动作,所以不能翻译为:融资方式看见。其实就是指:融资方式是什么样子的;

the euro zone take most risk through equity, 后面是并列引起的省略补全后是:

other governments take a bit more throughsubordinated debt and

private-sector investors take the leastthrough senior debt is still a long shot.




参考译文:欧元区通过普通股票吸收最多的风险,其他政府通过次级贷吸收稍多的风险,而私有行业的投资者则通过优先债吸收最少的风险, 这种融资模式依然是不太可能实现的。 (102)Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. -Thomas Edison 我们生活中的许多失败,是因为人们在放弃的时候没有认识到他们距离成功有多么近。

He gave us strength in time of trouble, wisdom in time of uncertainty, and sharing in time of happiness. He will always be by our side.(可以用于四六级的人际交流,友谊,成功互助等等的句子。)

A single hand that wipes your tears to comfort your failure is much better than countless hands that come together to cheer your success.


You got a dream, you gotta protect it. If you want something, go get it.


You’ll never realize how strong you are until you have no other choice but to be strong. 你永远都不会知道自己到底有多坚强,直到有一天你除了坚强别无选择。

Be nice to people you met on your way up, because you'll need them on your way down. 向上爬时,对遇到的人好点,因为掉下来时,你还会遇到他们。

Adversity does teach who your real friends are.




It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers. Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th century consisted in large part of newspaper reviews.

第一句难点解析:It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers.


to the point of impossibility 状语一


for the average reader under the age of forty 状语二


to imagine a time

it is difficult to imagine a time; it做形式主语

when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers.定语从句修饰time; 译文:对于年龄低于 40岁的普通读者来讲,让他们想象一下当年可以在许多大城市报纸上读到精品的文艺评论简直几乎是不可能的。


Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th century consisted in large part of newspaper reviews.

然而,在 20世纪出版的最重要的文艺评论集中,人们读到的大部分评论文章都是从报纸上收集而来。



A few years ago, in one of the most fascinating and disturbing experiments in behavioural psychology, Stanley Milgram of Yale University tested 40 subjects from all walks of life for their willingness to obey instructions given by a ‘leader’ in a situation in which the subjects might feel a personal distaste for the actions they were called upon to perform.

主干识别: Stanley Milgram of Yale University tested 40 subjects from all walks of life

其他成分: A few years ago, in one of the most fascinating and disturbing experiments in behavioural psychology,状语

for their willingness to obey instructions given by a ‘leader’ in a situation 状语 状语中的定语:in which the subjects might feel a personal distaste for the actions . 定语从句中的定语:(that)they were called upon to perform

翻译点拨: 词汇点拨:

all walks of life 各行各业fascinating and disturbing 吸引人和让人不安

behavioural psychology 行为心理学subjects 实验对象 distaste 反感


先翻状语:A few years ago, in one of the most fascinating and disturbing experiments in behavioural psychology


再翻主句: Stanley Milgram of Yale University tested 40 subjects from all walks of life 来自耶鲁大学的Stanley Milgram测试了来自于各个行业的四十个实验对象,

接着翻状语:for their willingness to obey instructions given by a ‘leader’( in a situation 可以翻译为状语,更通顺)

their willingness 可以将名词转换为动词翻译



in which the subjects might feel a personal distaste for the actions they were called upon to perform.


在这一情形中,实验对象可能会对于被要求实施的行为有个人的厌恶感。 参考译文: 几年前,在一次行为心理学的最吸引人又最让人不安的实验中,来自耶鲁大学的Stanley Milgram测试了来自于各个行业的四十 个实验对象,以测试出在某一个情形中,他们愿意(在多大程度上)遵守由一个“领导者”给出的指令,而在这一情形中,实验 对象可能会对于被要求实施的行为有个人的厌恶感。(长句不可怕,只要敢拆分!)


1.These days, the topic of smog or haze has constantly captured wide media attention, occupying the newspaper headlines, sparking heated discussion on the web and wreaking horror among people.

2.Honesty is the steel that forges the supporting structure of the society, and our society can not grow steady, if this invaluable asset is ever neglected in any possible manner.

3.We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption . We must instead continue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our newfound prosperity.


4.Most people are of the opinion that wealth provides solutions to all problems. But in spite of the material benefits wealth provides , I believe one should abandon the pursuit of materialism and instead concentrate on the pursuit of happiness.


5.While achieving success is easier said than done, perseverance does in fact pay off. One of the most important traits of a successful person is self-confidence, another is desire, and still another is determination.


6.Admittedly, this limit has made it possible for the public to realize the importance of environmental protection and enable we Chinese people to cherish the beauty of our communities.





1.嘉 2.哲 3.俊 4.博 5.妍 6.乐 7.佳 8.涵

9.晨 10.宇 11.怡 12.泽 13.子 14.凡 15.悦 16.思

17.奕 18.依 19.浩 20.泓 21.彤 22.冰 23.媛 24.凯

25.伊 26.淇 27.淳 28.一 29.洁 30.茹 31.清 32.吉

33.源 34.渊 35.和 36.函 37.妤 38.宜 39.云 40.琪

41.菱 42.宣 43.沂 44.健 45.信 46.欣 47.可 48.洋

49.萍 50.荣 51.榕 52.含 53.佑 54.明 55.雄 56.梅

57.芝 58.英 59.义 60.淑 61.卿 62.乾 63.亦 64.芬

65.萱 66.昊 67.芸 68.天 69.岚 70.昕 71.尧 72.鸿

73.棋 74.琳 75.孜 76.娟 77.宸 78.林 79.乔 80.琦

81.丞 82.安 83.毅 84.凌 85.泉 86.坤 87.晴 88.竹

89.娴 90.婕 91.恒 92.渝 93.菁 94.龄 95.弘 96.佩

97.勋 98.宁 99.元 100.栋101.盈 102.江 103.卓 104.春

105.晋 106.逸 107.沅 108.倩 109.昱 110.绮

111.海 112.圣 113.承 114.民 115.智 116.棠 117.容

118.羚 119.峰 120.钰 121.涓 122.新 123.莉 124.恩

125.羽 126.妮 127.旭 128.维 129.家 130.泰 131.诗

132.谚 133.阳 134.彬 135.书 136.苓 137.汉 138.蔚

139.坚 140.茵 141.耘 142.喆 143.国 144.仑 145.良

146.裕 147.融 148.致 149.富 150.德 151.易 152.虹

153.纲 154.筠 155.奇 156.平 157.蓓 158.真 159.之

160.凰 161.桦 162.玫 163.强 164.村 165.沛 166.汶

167.锋 168.彦 169.延 170.庭 171.霞 172.冠 173.益

174.劭 175.钧 176.薇 177.亭 178.瀚 179.桓 180.东

181.滢 182.恬 183.瑾 184.达 185.群 186.茜 187.先

188.洲 189.溢 190.楠 191.基 192.轩 193.月 194.美

195.心 196.茗 197.丹 198.森 199.学 200.文




1.嘉 2.哲 3.俊 4.博 5.妍 6.乐 7.佳 8.涵

9.晨 10.宇 11.怡 12.泽 13.子 14.凡 15.悦 16.思

17.奕 18.依 19.浩 20.泓 21.彤 22.冰 23.媛 24.凯

25.伊 26.淇 27.淳 28.一 29.洁 30.茹 31.清 32.吉

33.源 34.渊 35.和 36.函 37.妤 38.宜 39.云 40.琪

41.菱 42.宣 43.沂 44.健 45.信 46.欣 47.可 48.洋

49.萍 50.荣 51.榕 52.含 53.佑 54.明 55.雄 56.梅

57.芝 58.英 59.义 60.淑 61.卿 62.乾 63.亦 64.芬

65.萱 66.昊 67.芸 68.天 69.岚 70.昕 71.尧 72.鸿

73.棋 74.琳 75.孜 76.娟 77.宸 78.林 79.乔 80.琦

81.丞 82.安 83.毅 84.凌 85.泉 86.坤 87.晴 88.竹

89.娴 90.婕 91.恒 92.渝 93.菁 94.龄 95.弘 96.佩

97.勋 98.宁 99.元 100.栋101.盈 102.江 103.卓 104.春

105.晋 106.逸 107.沅 108.倩 109.昱 110.绮

111.海 112.圣 113.承 114.民 115.智 116.棠 117.容

118.羚 119.峰 120.钰 121.涓 122.新 123.莉 124.恩

125.羽 126.妮 127.旭 128.维 129.家 130.泰 131.诗

132.谚 133.阳 134.彬 135.书 136.苓 137.汉 138.蔚

139.坚 140.茵 141.耘 142.喆 143.国 144.仑 145.良

146.裕 147.融 148.致 149.富 150.德 151.易 152.虹

153.纲 154.筠 155.奇 156.平 157.蓓 158.真 159.之

160.凰 161.桦 162.玫 163.强 164.村 165.沛 166.汶

167.锋 168.彦 169.延 170.庭 171.霞 172.冠 173.益

174.劭 175.钧 176.薇 177.亭 178.瀚 179.桓 180.东

181.滢 182.恬 183.瑾 184.达 185.群 186.茜 187.先

188.洲 189.溢 190.楠 191.基 192.轩 193.月 194.美

195.心 196.茗 197.丹 198.森 199.学 200.文






1.We are cut from the same cloth.


2. What you’re asking is just shy of treason.


3. I don’t like frank. But I hate being in the minority even more.


4. I am not the big fan of those odds.


5. Nobody on this planet wants to see frank underwood go to jail more than I do.


6. You did this to me.


7. The political landscape shifted.


8. The truth is a powerful thing.


9. Haven’t you built a fortune by minimizing risk?


10. Walker is a junk bond quickly depreciating, whereas I can end the conflict with China and keep you in the black.

degree comfort.

12. Puccini’s a downer.


13. Compelling reason


14. Those things have a strong pull on someone like me.


15. No matter how strong the wind blows against us.


16. You will find enclosed on a separate sheet a wish lists for our future.


17. I wanted you to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will side with you. side with 支持 我希望你毫不怀疑的相信,我是支持你的。

18. I can never fill your shoes.



treason n.叛国,谋反 degree n.程度,等级;学位

minority n.少数人,少数群体 comfort n.舒适

odds n.可能性 compel v.迫使

bond n.债券 enclose v.随信附上;围住

conflict n/v.冲突 shadow n.阴影 v.投下阴影



One of the biggest shifts under way is to phase out the “fee for service” model, in which hospitals and doctors’ surgeries are reimbursed for each test or treatment with no regard for the outcome, encouraging them to put patients through unnecessary and expensive procedures.

reimburse 偿还


phase v.逐步做 n.阶段 procedure治疗;手续,步骤

surgery n.外科手术


主干:One of the biggest shifts under way is to phase out the “fee for service” model. 定语从句:in which hospitals…outcome.

under way 正在进行 phase out 逐步淘汰 with no regard for 不考虑,不注意




Instead, we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles, which now more than ever seem in ample supply: the critic of American materialism with a Southampton summer home; the publisher of radicalparticipatory phasesenrolled spectacle n.景象 n.阶段

ample adj.充足的 enroll v.注册,加入

radical 激进的;彻底的


hypocrisy n.虚伪 enough adj.足够的

spectatular adj.壮观的 sufficient adj.足够的

abundant adj.丰富的 affluent adj.富足的

plentiful adj.丰富的 wealthy adj.富裕的

plenty n.丰富,大量 stage n.阶段;舞台

adequate adj.足够的


treat sb. to sth. = sb. be treat to sth.以某物款participatory democracy 参与式民主 待某人 all phases of life生活的各个阶段 more than ever比任何时候 enroll sb. in招收sb.进入

in ample supply供应充足 private school私立学校


主干:we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles主谓结构的被动语态

定语从句which now more than ever seem in ample supply. 还原为完整句子:

The spectacles now more than ever seem in ample supply.

其主干为:The spectacles seem in ample supply,now more than ever为状语。


注:the journalist advocating participatory democracy in all phases of life不能翻译为“终生(在人生各个阶段)倡导参与式民主的记者”。第一句中instead of=not(表否定)




It is entirely reasonable for auditors to believe that scientists who know exactly where they are going and how they will get there should not be distracted by the necessity of keeping one eye on the cash register while the other eye is on the microscope.


entire adj.完全的 distract v.分散;分心

reasonable adj.合理的;尚可的 necessity n.必要

audit v.审计,核查 register n.记录器 v.登记

exact adj.精确的 microscope n.显微镜


简化:It is entirely reasonable for auditors to believe that A should not be distracted by B. 主句主干:It is entirely reasonable for auditors to believe that…

that引导的宾语从句主干:scientists should not be distracted…



To those who are unaware that animal research was needed to produce these treatments, as well as new treatments and vaccines, animal research seems wasteful at best and cruel at worst.


vaccine n.疫苗 cruel adj.残忍的,残酷的


主干:animal research seems wasteful at best and cruel at worst.


at best在最好的情况下 at worst在最坏的情况下




Reflecting Iowa’s clout as host of the first caucuses of the presidential election cycle, the summit lured nine putative candidates, all of them Republicans.

clout n.影响力 caucus n.干部会议,党团会议 putative adj.一般认定的,公认的


reflect v.仔细考虑;反映 lure n/v.吸引

elect v.选举 candidate n.候选人

summit n.峰会;山顶


主干:the summit lured nine putative candidates.




A long-held view of the history of the English colonies that became the United States has been that England’s policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to more imperial policy, dominated by expansionist militarist objective, generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution.


dictate v.支配;强行规定 objective n.目标 adj.客观的

imperial adj.帝国的 tension n.紧张

military adj.军事的 revolution n.革命


主干:A long-held view has been that+表语从句表语从句2




With reduced demand, many small manufacturers and suppliers are sure to go bust, says Patrick Jankowski, an economist with the Greater Houston Partnership, a local lobby. But the real

question is whether a more general slump follows. If high-paying corporate posts go, the effect on the rest of the Houston economy could be dramatic. Yet there are signs that, this time, Houston’s spectacular growth will be slowed rather than stopped by the oil slump.


bust v.破产(反义词boom) post n.邮政;职位 v.宣布

lobby n.游说团体 v.游说 dramatic adj.戏剧性的,给人印象深刻的 general adj.全面的;正常的;首席的 (drastic adj.极端的;猛烈的)

slump v.下降,暴跌 spectacular adj.壮观的 n.壮观的场面


第一句主干:many small manufacturers and suppliers are sure to go bust.





The pursuit of private interests with as little interference as possible from government was seen as the road to human happiness and progress rather than the public obligation and involvement in the collective community that emphasized by the Greeks.


pursuit n.追求;事业 collective adj.集体的,共同的

interference v.干涉,妨碍 emphasize v.强调

obligation n.义务 Greeks n.希腊人

involvement n.涉及;参与


主干:The pursuit of private interests was seen as the road to human happiness and progress. 其中的状语调整语序:with as little interference as possible from government =

with interference from government as little as possible




His functionanalogousjudgerevealingmanner reasoning

function n.功能;职责 v.起作用 v.揭示,展示

analogous adj.相似的 manner n.方式;风度

judge n.法官 v.判断 reason n.原因 v.推理


1.主干:His function is analogous to that of a judge.(主系表),其中analogous表示比较,为避免重复,故用that代替function。

2.定语从句1:who must accept the obligation…,其中of结构做后置定语,修饰obligation。 其中状语倒装:in as obvious a manner as possible = in a manner as obvious as possible。

这里正确的语序是:who must accept the obligation of revealing the course of reasoning in as 3.which引导定语从句2,修饰the course of reasoning,考虑到非常简短,翻译时前置。





1、佳 佳字的含义是美好。意为美好、美丽、出众。

2、思 意为怀念、考虑、想念。

3、雪 雪字的意思是指冬天天空中以落的雪花,此外也指雪农历24节气中的大雪、小雪两个节气。由于雪花飘落下来时洁白无理,人们也习惯把雪作为纯洁的象征并用一以表示人的操守坚贞、纯正。作人名时,除一部分使用原义外,大多采用它的象征意义。

4、梦 梦字的原义是指睡眠中所产生的一种幻象,后又引申指想象等。

5、怡 恰字的原义是安适愉快,常见成语“心旷神怡”即有此义。

6、雅 文雅、不俗气、美好、标准。象征文雅、正直。

7、海 海字原指大洋靠近陆地的广阔水城,因其面积宏大,所以又引申有广大、博深、博大之义。人名用海字,主要是用引申义,表示能量大,办法多,见多识广,非同常人。

8、美 美字的本义是指肉食的味道鲜美,后来也指其他东西或人的美丽、美好。在指人时,又特指容貌、才德、声色、品质等方面的出众动人。

9、雨 雨,从云层中降向地面的水。

10、欣 快乐、喜欢、高兴、茂盛。

11、子 儿,儿或女;意为有学问、有德行的人。

12、钰 宝物;坚硬的金属。

13、诗 多才贤能,如诗如画。意为美好。

14、嘉 嘉字的含义较多,主要有善、美、赞许、表扬、吉庆、幸福、欢乐等。由于嘉的含义都非常好的,因此多用在人名中。

15、金 金字的本义指黄金或金属,后也被当作五行之一,指西部的方位,认为金在西方,像金黄色的秋季一样。作人名用时,多用本义,寓指高贵和财运兴旺。

16、涵 意为包容,包含,也指潜入水中,此外还用于水名。

17、慧 慧字的原义是指聪明、有才智,现代最常用的词语智慧就是此义。慧字表示聪明,灵秀,有才智。

18、婷 婷字主要指人的美丽漂亮或美女,也用于形容优美、雅致,如婷婷袅袅、婷娉。

19、琳 琳字的原义是指青碧色的美玉,后来也指像玉一样贵重的东西。

20、若 若字的含义较多,作人名时主要有作副词和名词两种使用方法。在作副词时(主要表示好、好像、如此、这样等含义。

21、敏 敏字的原义是指快捷、灵活、迅速,后来也指聪明。

22、淑 淑字的本义是指流水清澈,后来也指女性的外表美丽,心地善良。

23、奕 累,重迭;高大,美丽。

24、楚 意为清晰、整洁,茂盛等。

25、清 清字的原义是指流水的清澈见底,后来也指其他东西的纯净透明,或者说话和思路和清楚明白,以及环境的清静整洁、世道的安康太平、为官的廉洁公正。

26、梓 1、[梓树]落叶乔木。叶宽大,椭圆形。花浅黄色。木材可供建筑及造家具、乐器等用。树皮叫"梓白皮,可供药用;2、雕版、刻制木板供作印刷的版;3、称故乡。

27、雯 指成花纹状的云彩。

28、文 文字的本义是指丝织品上纵横交错的条理、图形,花纹,后来也指其他相关的东西,如文彩、文明、文化、文才等。文字广泛用于人名,所取意义主要包括:1)华美,有文采;2)文化、文明、文辞;3)有文质彬彬的修养。

29、晨 晨字主要指清早或鸡鸣报晓时分。

30、丽 美丽,漂亮。在古代汉语中,丽有成双成对的意思,是典型女子名用字。常用词组有:美丽、秀丽、明丽、绚丽、富丽丽质(女子美好的品貌)、风和日丽。

31、丹 丹字的原义是指丹砂,即辰砂,俗称朱砂,是一种矿物。由于朱砂呈朱红色,因此,丹字的引申义也指这种颜色。象征诚心,忠心,心地赤诚,忠心耿耿等。

32、佩 佩指王佩,是系在衣带上的装饰品。佩字一般多用于女名,例如佩珊、佩瑶等。

33、月 月字的原义是指月亮,后来也指像月亮一样圆圆的东西,以及根据月亮的圆亏而分成的月份。在古代,月亮又被认为是太阴之物(与太阳相对而言),关于月亮的传说也多与女性有关,因此月字又常被用作女性取名。

34、惠 惠的意义较厂,除了与“慧”相通,表示聪明外,还有仁爱,宽厚,柔顺、贤惠之意。

35、婉 婉字的原义是指顺从或婉转,引申为温柔或美好。

36、玉 玉字是指一种质地柔软、透明有光泽的石头,可用来 心制造装饰品或做雕刻的材料,由于较为贵重难得,历史上一直与金并称为金玉,形容价值珍贵的东西。此外,玉字还引申有洁白美丽之义。

37、晓 1、天刚亮。清晨。如:破晓(刚亮),拂晓。象征光明。2、明白,了解。如:晓知,晓明。

38、玲 玲字的原义是指玉石等相击的清脆声,做人名时,多指明亮或美好的样子,也形容人的灵活敏捷。

39、紫 紫字主要指由蓝、红两色混合而成的颜色、即紫色,后也指与紫色相关的事情。如在古代,通常把达官显贵或憎人称为紫衣,仙女称为紫妃,皇太后的住处称为紫房。

40、秋 秋字的原义是指庄稼或庄稼的成熟、收落,后来引申指庄稼收获的季节(秋天〕。

41、小 本义指细;微。也指年幼的,排行最末的;还可以做谦词。用作人名多指小巧、可爱、平易近人之意。

42、倩 倩字表示含笑的样子,泛指姿容美好,现代则专指漂亮的发女子。

43、明 象征光明。意为明亮、公开、清楚、深明大义。

44、洁 洁字的本义是指干净,清洁,后又用来指人的纯洁善良、高尚无私。

45、一 数目字。整数中最小的数。又指:特定;相当;必然。全部,所有的。[一贯]从来如此,始终如一。

46、静 静指安静不动,也指没有声响、平静。在指人时,是指一种遇事能够静心静气、淡泊相处、与世无争的优秀品质。

47、媛 媛字的意思是指美女。此外,媛字又有”美好之义,与弹字组成固定词组“婵媛”,表示人的姿态优美。作人名时,主要是取其美女和美好之义。

48、瑞 象征吉祥快要到来。意为吉祥,好预兆。

49、颖 颖字的原义是指谷穗上的苞片,引申指尖端或聪明杰出的人。

50、爱 爱字本文是指人的一种感情活动,是从心中发出的一种愉悦行为,后来也指人的喜爱和爱好。也有重视,保护等含义。


《2016高考语文专题复习 高考语文补写句子(最全面的)》


