
| 读后感 |






《理智与情感 读后感》

理智与情感 已经读过简·奥斯丁的两部作品, 《傲慢与偏见》《爱玛》 、 ,相信 很难有人会反对他们是世界文学史上的经典, 对他们的喜爱也迫使我 捧起了她的处女作《理智与情感》 ,同一样的时代、同一样的社会背 景,而不同的部分让我们一起来感受…… 要介绍这部作品,我必须要引用下面一句话: “埃莉诺,这位在 劝说母亲的过程中大起作用的大女儿,非常有见识,遇事冷静,虽然 只有十九岁,却能当好母亲的顾问,而且达什伍德太太的心肠那么热 通常总会做出些冒失事来,她呢,也常能劝阻,使她们全家都受益。 她心地极好,性格可爱,富于情感,但是她懂得怎样克制情感,这是 她母亲有待学习而她的一位妹妹执意拒绝学习的一门学问。 玛丽安的才能在许多方面都不比姐姐差。她懂事、聪敏,而且无 论做什么都专心致志,她伤心或者欢乐都毫无节制。她大方,可爱, 讨人喜欢,一切都好,就是不谨慎。跟她母亲像的出奇。 ” 理智与情感,这会是一个令人痛苦的选择,无论你作何选择,都 很难会对此完全满意, 但是却没有人能逃脱这种命运, 至少在我看来。 就在我的身边,关于这痛苦选择的例子就屡见不鲜。只要是上过大学 的,都不难发现这样一个现象,一旦进入大二下学期,班里超过半数 的光棍,突然不知不觉开始成双成对起来。以前一起过光棍节的姐妹 再也不会老缠着你。陪她一起打饭,一起上自习,一起高兴,一起相 拥的变成了他,也许恋爱也是会传染的吧,不到两月,这种现象就会 大到你完全没有能力去忽视它。比如班里组织集体活动,要么到的人 寥寥无几,说明活动内容对情侣们没有吸引力,如果强制规定大家都 得参加,那么到场的人数几乎会是两倍…… 为什么会出现这种现象?为什么不是在大一的时候? 刚走进大学校园时,我们会憧憬很多,也许恋爱会是幸福歌谣里 那几个漂亮的转音,而主旋律永远不会是它,大多数人的梦想是要在 大学里大干一场,混出个人样来,明知道:恋爱虽然甜蜜,却会占用 我们过多的时间和精力,于是大家选择了理智,这种理智对学习,对 社团工作来说确是有效的,同时它也受到了家长的支持与赞扬。可有 时这种理智却会不自主的动摇。同样是受到了挫折,她可以马上打电 话给他,有可能的话,她会马上扑到他的怀里大哭一场,而他会轻轻 地拍拍她,在她耳边告诉她,没关系,什么都不要担心,现在有我在 这里;而选择理智的她却没那么幸运,她也想发泄,想要哭诉,可她 不知道该打给谁,知心的朋友也都恋爱了,说不定现在根本没有时间 来安慰她。

打给父母?毕竟是两代人,很多事情父母是无法体会,无 法理解的, 只会徒添他们鬓间的白发……于是她只有找一个角落静静 地释放出这块藏在心里的堰塞湖,然后独自走在风雨里,等待遇后晴 空万里的那一天。也许就是在这种“天堂&地狱”的巨大差异里,很 多人转而选择了情感。 在简·奥斯丁的这部作品里,显然,姐姐埃莉诺的理智是更受作 者推崇的,而这也为她带来了美好的结局,可妹妹玛丽安最终也得到 了属于她自己的幸福, 而且谁能说这幸福不是她那热烈的感情带给她 的呢?虽说这种情感给她带来过巨大的苦难, 可这仍然很难劝导更多 的人相信理智就一定胜于情感, 我自己也持不确定的态度。 Choose So! sense or sensibility , that is a question.


Book Report of Sense and Sensibility

Class: XXX

Number: XXX

Name: XX

Telephone: XXXX

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1. Background Introduction

2. Content Summary

3. My Thoughts and Analyses

Book Report of Sense and Sensibility

1. Background Introduction Sense and Sensibility was Jane Austen’s first published novel. Jane Austen, one of the most famous women writers in the UK, was famous for her works of romantic fiction set among the landed gentry.

Austen lived her entire life as part of a close-knit family located on the lower fringes of the English landed gentry. She was educated primarily by her father and older brothers as well as through her own reading. The steadfast support of her family was critical to her development as a professional writer. Her artistic apprenticeship lasted from her teenage years into her thirties. During this period, she experimented with various literary forms, including the epistolary novel which she then abandoned, and wrote and extensively revised three major novels and began a fourth. From 1811 until 1816, with the release of Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and

Prejudice (1813), Mansfield Park (1814) and Emma(1816), she achieved success as a published writer. Her realism, biting irony and social commentary have gained her historical importance among scholars and critics.

Sense and Sensibility portrays the life and love of the Dashwood sisters. When they have to move to Devon with their widowed mother, they are sad to leave the family, which now has been inherited by their wealthy half-brother. The girls are quite poor from now on, but they still have several admirers. There are shy Edward Ferrars, the romantic and handsome Mr. Willoughby, and the sad and silent Colonel Brandon. Love is sometimes complex, however, sometimes it is really simple. In every girl’s heart, there is a beautiful dream for true love. But the course of true love does not run smoothly at first. Hopes of marriage disappear, guilty secrets come to light, and hearts are broken. But which sister feels it more? Is calm and sensible Elinor, smiling bravely and saying not a word? Or is romantic Marianne, sobbing wildly and passionately all night long? Every reader who has finished this book has to consider a question, which is the balance of sense and sensibility. If you have strong feelings, is it better to express them eagerly and passionately to the whole world? Or is it wise to show the world a calm face and a quiet voice, but does it mean that there is no passion, no fire in your heart? Maybe everyone will find their balance of sense and sensibility at last, and that is what Austen tried to tell us in her book.\

2. Content Summary

Sense and sensibility tells us the life and love of the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne.

They and their widowed mother have to leave their house after their father’s death because the house is now inherited by their half-brother, Mr. John Dashwood. John Dashwood and his selfish wife are excessively rational so that they give the sisters

and their widowed mother who don’t have jobs only a small amount of money every year for living. The reality now has forced the sisters to live in poverty and they have to say goodbye to their former life. Fortunately, although the sisters’ marriages seem to be hopeless after this terrible suffering, there are some attractive men who have fallen in love with these girls. Edward Ferrars, Mrs. John Dashwood’s brother, a gentlemanly and pleasing young man, has a growing attachment to Elinor. Edward is not handsome, nor are his manners especially pleasing at first, but when he loses his shyness, his behavior shows what an open, affectionate heart he has. His is the eldest son in his family, therefore his mother and sister want him to make a fine figure in the world in some way, but Edward is not ambitious. All he wishes are for home comforts and the quietness of private life. Mrs. John Dashwood has found his brother’s love for Elinor, to prevent their further development she stimulates Eilnor’s mother to bring her daughters to find a new house to live. Since neither Edward nor Elinor shows love for each other, their relationship is slowed down together with their separation. When the sisters begin their new life in Barton Cottage, they are well welcomed by the owner of Barton Cottage, Sir John Middleton. Sir John has an intimate friend Colonel Brandon, who is silent and serious. His appearance is not unpleasing, in spite of his being, in Marianne’s opinion, an absolute old bachelor because he is on the wrong side of thirty-five. Sir John and his mother-in-law are so noisy that they praise loudly as soon as Marianne finishes her song, which annoys Marianne very much for what she needs is someone who really appreciates her arts and understands her passions. However, she finds that only Colonel Brandon listens attentively without any false show of happy while she is playing the piano and singing. For this reason, she truly respects this colonel. But that not mean she would like to accept a man like this to be her husband, she has her ideal husband in her dream and this dream will not be far away when she meets the handsome Willoughby. Different from his sister Elinor, Marianne was brave to show her feelings whenever, as a result, when she finds the attractive Willoughby is as passionate as her and also enjoys the same music and poets, she can’t stop showing her love for him. They are very high profile whenever they are together, for Marianne never minds others’ views and doesn’t want to conceal her real emotions. However, Willoughby has to leave Marianne to London. Seeing the sad sisters, Sir John’s mother-in-low, Mrs. Jennings decides to take them to London. At the same time, Elinor hears from Lucy, who will go to London with them, that Lucy has been engaged with Edward for five years. Shocked by this sensational news, though deeply heart-broken, Elinor doesn’t tell it to anybody. The sisters hold their different feelings on the trip to London. In London, Marianne finally knows the fact that Willoughby will marry other woman to get money and status. She becomes hysteric for she can’t accept the reality that she loses Willoughby forever and maybe she is never loved by him. Marianne can’t control her sensibility and cries wildly for a long time. Her low spirits worries her family and finally she gets a severe sickness. Conversely, knowing that Edward will marry Lucy at the cost of losing his rights of inheritance, Elinor still conceals her true feelings and paves the way for their marriage. Marianne recovers at last, and she becomes mature after this experience. Maybe she still can’t be as rational as her sister, but she will never abuse her passions. And she

becomes more attached to Colonel Brandon for his accompany during these sad days. Then one day, Edward again appears in Elinor’s life, this time, he speaks out his love for Elinor bravely and explains that he doesn’t marry Lucy because materialistic as Lucy, she chooses Edward’s brother in the end. Elinor can’t control herself and burst into tears. Now the happy ending is coming, Elinor marries Edward, Marianne marries Colonel Brandon, and they all live happily forever.

3. My Thoughts and Analyses

Besides reading the book Sense and Sensibility, I even watched its movie. And I have to admit that at first I was in the struggle between sense and sensibility. To let sense be over sensibility, just like what Elinor does in the novel, we will lose many passions in our life. We have to keep good manners whenever, and we have to consider others’ feelings when we want to express something. We should do everything in a proper way, because only by this way can we be respected and praised by others. To be rational, we must consider carefully before we take actions, and we need to learn to control our emotions. Frankly speaking, sense can bring us many benefits, and the most important point is that being rational can protect us from being hurt. But on the other side, we may miss something precious if we don’t express our real feelings. If Edward doesn’t have the last try to show his heart to Elinor, they will miss each other forever. To let sensibility be over sense, just like what Marianne does in the novel, if we are not lucky enough we will get ourselves hurt. To be emotional, we will be freer, because we don’t need to hide our hearts, we speak what we want to speak and we do what we want to do. This kind of life is much more relaxed. But since we put too many passions on what we like, if one day we have to lose them, we must be thrown into deep sadness. At this time, our emotions may worry our families and friends, and we may hurt them in an unconscious way. Just like what I write in the second part of this report, Marianne’s sadness and sickness also bring pains to the people who love her. Therefore, to become a restrained person or to become a indulgent person, to become a rational person or to become an emotional person, are really hard choices.

But now I have my own answer. I admit that my characters are more like Elinor because I am accustomed to control my feelings. But now I decide to change, this does not mean that I will let my sensibility to control my actions from now on. I just want to keep a balance between the sense and the sensibility. I decide to be braver to express my own opinions in some occasions so that I will let people know the real person I am. I am used to conceal all my feelings in my heart, although it is easily for me to forget the bad things, but once I remember them you can imagine the heavy pressure I will suffer. That is too heavy to breathe. And I won’t abandon my sense. To be rational, I consider carefully whenever I make a resolution; as a result, I can avoid the severe false and be more accessible to success.

In conclusion, in the battle of sense and sensibility, the more balanced they are, the better we are.


Sense and sensibility is a novel written by Jane Austen that was first published in 1811. when talking about Jane Austen, I can say confidently that I have a good knowledge to her. She (16 December 1775-18 July 1817) was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction, set among the landed gentry, earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature, her realism and biting social commentary cementing her historical importance among scholars and critics. In her short and glorious life, she wrote about dozens of famous novels, such as sense and sensibility, pride and prejudice, Mansfield park, Emma and so on. When I was a high school student, I had once read the Chinese version of pride and prejudice, through this novel, I have a preliminary understanding of Jane Austen’s vision of love, and realize the life of British girl in that period, but not deep, while, I am really engaged in the style of Jane Austen’s novel, and yearn for a deep understanding of her novel, the era she lived, so when the teacher asked us to read a English novel, I chose sense and sensibility written by Jane Austen.

The story in this book concerns two sister, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood (Elinor represents “sense” and Marianne is “sensibility”). Along with their mother and young sister, they were evict from their residence Norland Park after the death of their father, they moved to a country cottage offered by a generous relative with on other choice.

Before they moved out of their former residence, Elinor fell in love with the gentleman Edward Ferrars who was her sister-in-law’s brother, unfortunately, she was unware of the engagement between Edward and Lucy, after hearing that bad news, instead of anger,despair , she showed her calm and sense, to Edward, she expressed her understanding and belief. Actually, Elinor was a virtuous girl, sense is a kind of inner character of her, she was generous, gentle, calm and polite to all the people around her, including the people who hurted her, such as Lucy. Concerning love, Elinor also zealous in the affair between Edward and her, because of her belief, tolerance and sense, she finally won a happy end, and got married with her lover Edward.

Marianne also was a virtuous, with passion and fansaty, she always dreamed one day that she can marry a handsome gentle and rich man. After their move, Marianne met Willoughby, a dashing young man who leaded her into undisciplined behaviour, so that she ignored the faithful (but a lot older) gentleman Colonel Brandon. Unfortunately, Willoughby was a greedy and unchaste man who finally discarded Marianne then married a rich lady.

Marianne was inconsolable, and nearly died, during this time, Colonel Brandon accompanied with her, and faced and conquered every difficulty together. She was eventually moved by Colonel Brandon, and finally realized the he was the person that she can entrust lifelong.

Compared with Elinor, Marianne’s suffering, not only brings agony to herself, but also the people who around and care about her. The reason underlies this

consequence is the sensibility exits in Marianne’s inner character. Therefore , we can see transparently that sense is a very important principle in our daily life.

In the real life, abundant emotion should be involved, while it is not equal to acting impetuously, when necessary, our thoughts and emotions should be rational constrained by sense. In the novelist ---Jane Austen’s mind, dealing with a matter cautiously and heart impulse should be well balanced. She respects the view that money can buy elegant life, on the contrary, she pays more attention to interpersonal relationships. In one word, sense is more important than sensibility for Jane herself.

As for us, just as mentioned before, sense should be regarded as a kind of life principle, a habits for consideration.

The road of life is tough, we’ll come across a mass of difficulties when we communicate with our colleagues, friends, also when we dealing with jobs. Facing those puzzles, without the sense, lose temper becomes potluck. This actually do not focus on solving the problems, what’s more, it makes them more complex.

In consequence, refer to the friendship, teammates relationship, and the other complicated polytropic relations, we can think about more rational way to conduct them, it is definitely favorable for us to conquer the problem






对于读这本书,可以说是一个意外吧!自从有了电脑,我已经好久没有静下心来好好地看一本书了,也许是因为无聊、也许是因为落寞。总之这一切的一切,成了我看完这本书的理由。 之前已经看过《傲慢与偏见》,对简·奥斯汀的写作风格有所

了解,同时对英国的田园生活带着好奇心,我仔细的看完了这本小说。“理智”与“情感”的冲突似乎时时刻刻伴随着我们,每个人的一生都被“理智”与“情感”所迷惑,处于这种纠结矛盾的泥沼中,无法自拔。就像“Every coin have two sides”,人也是一样的,有时会更加的复杂。这本书主要是围绕两位女主人公的择偶活动展开,姐姐埃莉诺、妹妹玛丽安。通过写两姐妹的曲折的感情经历表现出“理智”与“情感”的矛盾冲突。着力揭示出当时英国社会潮流中,以婚配作为女子寻求经济保障、提高社会地位的恶习,重门第而不顾女子感情和做人权利的丑陋时尚。小说中的女主角均追求与男子思想感情的平等交流与沟通,要求社会地位上的平等权利,坚持独立观察、分析和选择男子的自由。在当时的英国,这几乎无异于反抗的呐喊。













故事的情节围绕着埃莉诺与玛丽安姐妹俩的择偶活动而展开。文中不乏个性鲜明的代表人物:感情丰富,热情单纯的少女玛丽安;自私无情,道德沦丧的青年威洛比;品格高尚,真诚稳重的布兰登上校;虚伪势力的小人物约翰?达什伍德夫妇女主人公善良周到,成熟理智的埃莉洛。。。各色人物轮番上场为我们上演了发生在十八世纪盛行着以情感、人权同金钱、地位做交易的丑恶时尚,当时的英国一个在追求爱的过程中也曾痛苦挣扎,但终在对自我灵魂、道德的理智、忠诚与对爱人、亲友的情感责任的指引下寻找到真爱的浪漫故事。 轻轻合上书本,无论是书中对于自由恋爱、人权平等的反抗呐喊,还是作品的睿智文笔对于真、善、美的歌颂及对假、丑、恶的鞭挞,都引发着我内心的欢呼喝彩。然而,更有一种思想深深触动着心底最柔软的地方促使着我不断地思考、探寻,那便是恋爱的精神理智与情感间的平衡。在爱情中,尤其对于热恋中的双方而言,理智与情感看似矛盾却都是恋爱过程中的必需。若要经营好爱情不能没有情感的投入,而这情感也应受到理智的制约,绝非仅凭一颗热恋中的心盲目地横冲直撞。一如书中的玛丽安,理智不足而情感有余。热恋中的激情蒙蔽了她的双眼,使她再也不能理智地看待一切,因此受到了感情骗子威洛比的欺骗,为此后的一系列不幸和痛苦埋下了导火线。作者在书中虽对珍重感情的人报以赞扬,然而对他们在理智上的欠缺也不时加以讽刺。其良苦用心正在于告诫人们即使是面对着看似世上最热烈的情感也切勿闭上理智之眼,用心把握理智与情感间的平衡体味恋爱的精神。在文中最喜爱的当数埃莉洛,情感之余不忘理智,理智之中不乏情感。爱情来临了,就勇敢的接受,不躲闪,不计较得失,这便是爱得起,是忠于自己情感的态度。在爱情悄然而逝时亦能毅然地转身,再见面仍能以礼相待,从容面对,这是放得下,是跟随理智的选择。终究埃莉洛怀着这种恋爱的精神收获了爱情失而复得的莫大幸福。在恋爱精神支撑下的爱情必定是恒远的,无须担心若有一天,当激情褪去留下的只有一具写满厌倦的冰冷空壳。这样的爱情亦如同舒婷笔下那橡树式的爱情我如果爱你,绝不像攀援的凌霄花,借你的高枝炫耀自己;我如果爱你,绝不学痴情











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