
| 读后感 |




Under the leadership of the brave captain John Smith, a group of English settlers sail to The New World to plunder its riches for England, which threatens Pocahontas-the daughter of Chief Powhatan of the Powhatan tribe, and her people. However, Pocahontas and John fall in love at the first sight. When John is held captive by Powhatan, Pocahontas is in dilemma. With the help of Grandmother Willow, she learns to listen to her inner voice and follow the color of wind to pursue the true meaning of life. She saves John, and they work together to prevent the war between English settlers and her people. Finally, instead of leaving with John, Pocahontas chooses to stay with her people.


Pocahontas is a nice movie with good animation and beautiful songs. Pocahontas falls in love with the brave captain John Smith. However, with the conflict between the settlers and her tribe intensified, Smith and Pocahontas have a difficult time preventing all-out war, and saving their love for each other. Finally, the wounded Smith goes back to his country with the settlers, while Pocahontas chooses to stay with her people. Though it’s not a happy ending, I still appreciate it, because it shows a more mature and realistic love. Love is precious, but there are still many other important things such as lives, peace, family and so on. When Pocahontas has problems, she often turns to Grandmother Willow from whom she learns to listen to her inner voice and follow the color of wind to pursue the true meaning of life. And after the settlers leave, the beautiful scenery of the land is saved. These give us a lesson that people should live in harmony with nature and that different races should show respect to each other. In addition, the music in the movie is beautiful like colors of the wind, which make the movie more intriguing. All in all, I like the wonderful movie.


《风中奇缘 Pocahontas 中英文剧本》

风中奇缘 Pocahontas 中英文剧本In Sixteen Hundred Seven1607年We sailed the open sea我们航行在广阔的大海上for glory, God, and gold为了荣耀, 为了主, 为了金子And the Vingiria Company还有维吉尼亚公司for the New Worldis like heaven也为了天堂一般的新世界And we'll all berich and free我们将会富有和自由On so we have been told就像维吉尼亚公司By the Vingiria Company告诉我们的那样So we have been told就像维吉尼亚公司By the Vingiria Company告诉我们的那样[Chorus humming][齐声哼唱][Background chatter][动物叫声][Baby crying][小孩哭声]for glory, God, and gold为了荣耀, 为了主, 为了金子And the Vingiria Company还有维吉尼亚公司-Ready to hoist the cannon ?-Aye!-准备好吊起加农炮了吗?-恩!Hey, look, ls that Smith?嗨, 看, 那是Smith吗?That's him, all right,The old sea dog,就是他, 没错那个老练的水手Captain John Smith?John Smith船长?l've heardsome amazing stories about him,我听说过很多关于他的惊险故事Are you comingon this voyage, too?你也参加这次航行吗?Course he is, you half-wit!显然, 你个笨蛋!You can't fight lndianswithout John Smith!没有John Smith, 你别想和印第安人打交道!That's right,没错l'm not about to let you boyshave all the fun,我可不想让你们这些小孩去独享航行的乐趣On the beaches of Vinginny在Virginny的海岸Thene's diamondslike debris有石块大的钻石Thene'ssilver rivers flowing有银子做的河流在流淌Gold you picknight off a tnee金子在树上采撷With a nugget for my Winnie一块送给我亲爱的And another one for me另一块留给自己And all the rest'll go然后剩下的全部归于To the Vingiria Company维吉尼亚公司It's glory, God, and gold这是荣耀, 这是主, 这是金子And the Vingiria Company也是维吉尼亚公司[Thunder and dramatic music][雷声和戏剧音乐][Men shouting][男人喊声]SAILOR:Full anchon nelease!水手:抛下所有的锚![Men grunting][男声咕哝]Come on, lads! Come on!加油, 伙计们! 加油!Give me a hand, someone!谁, 来帮帮我!W atch out当心[Men shouting][男人喊声]Faster!She's taking on more water!快点!更多水涌进来了!Look out! Aah!当心! 啊![Creak, snap][吱吱声, 绳索断开]John! Get down here!John! 快点过来!The cannons are breaking loose!加农炮挣脱下来了!-Reef the topsails!-Aye, sir!-把帆收起来!-是的, 先生!Steady on your course!稳住!lt's all right, Thomas!We'll get her tied off,很好, Thomas!我们来将它绑好Say your prayers, lads!

祈祷吧, 伙计们!Look out! Aah!当心! 啊!-Oh!-No!-哦!-不!Thomas, watch o--Thomas, 当心...Help!救命!Man overboard!有人落水了!Help!救命!BEN: Stay youn counse!He's lost!BEN: 待在你们自己的地方!他已经没救了!Help!救命!-Pull the pin,-Aye, sir!-打开钩子-是的, 先生!BEN: Smith!BEN: Smith!Smith!Smith!Are you crazy?!你疯了吗?!Hang on, Thomas, l've got you!坚持住, Thomas, 我够到你了!Quick--the rope!快--绳子!Heave!拉起来!Come on, lads! Pull!加油, 伙计们! 使劲拽!Pull! Pull!使劲! 使劲!Put your back into it!你们向后背着拽!Pull! Pull!使劲! 使劲拽啊!Hang on!坚持住![Grunting][咕哝声]There, my lucky lads!哈, 幸运的伙计们![Coughs][咳嗽声]Well,,,that was refreshing,哈哈...刚才真是爽啊Well done, Smith,干得好, SmithOf course,,,当然...you'd all do the same for me,在我看来你们也干的不错-Yes, yes,-Oh, sure, sure,-是啊, 是啊-哦, 没错, 没错-Of course we would!-We would!-我们当然会的!-我们会的!Absolutely!绝对地![Thunder][雷声]Trouble on deck?甲板上出了什么麻烦吗?Governor Ratcliffe!Ratcliffe长官!Thomas fell overboard, sir,Thomas掉进水里了, 长官Thank heavens he's beensuccessfully retrieved,谢天谢地他又被救回来了-Well done, Smith,-Thank you, sir,-干得好, Smith-谢谢, 长官Don't lose heart, men,不要灰心, 大家lt won't be long beforewe reach the New World,,,离我们的新世界已经不远了...and rememberwhat awaits us there,,,记住什么在等待着我们...-Freedom,,,-[Arf]-自由...-[汪]-Prosperity,,,-[Arf arf]-繁荣...-[汪汪]the adventure of our lives,我们生命的伟大历程You're the firest crewEngland has to offer,,,你们是全英国最好的船员...and nothing--not wind nor rain,,,没有任何东西--不论是风是雨nor a thousandbloodthirsty savages,,,还是千百个残忍的野蛮人shall stand in our way,能够挡住我们的去路Carry on, men!坚持住, 大家![Cheering][欢呼声]A stirring oration, sir,一场激动人心的演说, 长官l'm sure the men weremost exhilaraaa-ted!我肯定大家都很受鼓舞!Let us hope so,希望是这样l'll need those witless peasantsto dig up my gold, won't l?我需要那班乡巴佬去帮我挖金子, 不是吗?[Growls][低声咆哮]This New World'sgoing to be great, John,新世界一定棒极了, Johnl'm goingto get a pile of gold,,,我要去弄一大堆金子...build me a big house,,,盖座大大的房子...and if any lndian triesto stop me, l'll blast him,如果哪个印第安

人敢阻止我我就开枪打死他You just worry aboutthat fortune of yours, Thomas,你只管关心你的金子好了, ThomasLeave the savages to me,那些野蛮人交给我You think they'll give usmuch trouble?你觉得他们会给我们制造很多麻烦吗?Not as much troubleas Smith'll give them,Smith会给他们更多CREW: We'll killounselves an injun船员: 我们会为自己除去一个印第安人JOHN:On maybe two on thneeJOHN:或者可能两个三个We'ne stalwant menand bold of the我们是坚定勇敢的Vingiria Company维吉尼亚公司人THOMAS: What do you supposethe New World will look like?THOMAS: 你们觉得新世界将会是怎样的?JOHN: Like all the others,l suppose,JOHN: 就像其它的一样我觉得l've seen hundredsof New Worlds, Thomas,我见过几百个新世界, ThomasWhat could possiblybe different about this one?这个可能会有什么区别吗?CREW:It's glory, God, and gold船员:这是荣耀, 这是主, 这是金子CREW:It's glory, God, and gold船员:这是荣耀, 这是主, 这是金子And the Vingiria Company也是维吉尼亚公司[Drums beating]-=COSL-YTET小组工作室=-翻译: 亲亲可乐校对: 亲亲可乐Hega hega嗨咯 嗨咯Ya-hi-ye hega呀-嗨-耶 嗨咯Ya-hi-ye-ne-he呀-嗨-耶-呐-哈Hega嗨咯[Blows horn][号角声]Hega, hega嗨咯 嗨咯Ya-hi-ye hega呀-嗨-耶 嗨咯Ya-hi-ye-ne-he呀-嗨-耶-呐-哈Hega嗨咯[Blows horn][号角声]Steady as the beating dnum规律得像打鼓Singing to the cedan flute唱歌像松笛Seasons goand seasons come四季交替Bning the connand bean the fnuit带来玉米结出水果By the watenssweet and clean清甜透明的水Whenethe mighty stungeon is养育着有力的鲟鱼Plant the squashand neap the bean种下南瓜灌溉大豆All the earthoun Mother gives每一寸土地都是母亲所赐O, Gneat Spinit,hean our song哦, 情绪高涨听我们唱歌Help us keepthe ancient ways沿袭着古老的传统Keep the sacned finesstnong维持着神圣的火焰Walk in balanceall our days一切都已进入我们和谐的生活Seasons go and seasons come四季交替Steady as the beating dnum规律得就像打鼓Plum to seed to bud to plum从李子到种子到芽再到李子Hega hega嗨咯 嗨咯Ya-hi-ye hega呀-嗨-耶 嗨咯Steady as the beating dnum规律得像打鼓Hega hega嗨咯 嗨咯Ya-hi-ye-ne-he hega呀-嗨-耶-呐-哈 嗨咯Ya-hi-ye hega呀-嗨-耶 嗨咯Hey! Unh!嗨! 恩!Hega hega嗨咯 嗨咯[Speaking Algonquian][用阿尔冈琴语说]lt's good to be home,回家太好了[Speaking Algonquian][用阿尔冈琴语说]The Masawomecs are defeated!Masa

womecs部落被我们击败了!With the helpof our brothers,,,在我们兄弟的帮助下...our villages are safe again,我们的部落又安全了[Cheering][欢呼声]Your return has broughtmuch joy to the village,你的回来已经为我们的部落带来很大的愉快了Look at all the smiling faces,看看这些笑脸Yes, But there'sone smiling face l don't see,恩, 但是还有一张笑脸我没有看到Where is my daughter?我的宝贝女儿呢?You know Pocahontas,你知道PocahontasShe has her mother's spirit,她有着她母亲的热情She goeswherever the wind takes her,风会将她带到任何地方[Gentle winds blowing][温柔的风吹着]NAKOMA: Pocahontas!NAKOMA: Pocahontas!Your father's back,你父亲回来了Come down here!下到这儿来!He's back, Flit,他回来了, Flit[Chitters][啾啾声][Squeaking][啸叫声]Come on, Meeko!跟上, Meeko!No! Not that,,,way,不! 不是那条...路Show off,卖弄Tch, tch, tch,啧, 啧, 啧Rrrr!喏![Squeaks][尖叫声][Whining][尖叫声][Squeaking][啸叫声]Pocahontas?Pocahontas?Pocahontas?Are you all right?Pocahontas?你还好吗?You'd better be all right,,,你最好没事...because l'm not coming inafter you--因为我不是你的跟班--[Cough cough][咳咳]Don't you think we're getting,,,你不觉得我们玩这种游戏...a little old for these games?似乎有些老了吗?[Laughing][笑声][Coughing][咳嗽声][Chittering][滑][Squeaks][尖叫声][Boing][啵]POCAHONTAS:Help me tunn this thing oven:POCAHONTAS:帮我把船翻过来What were you doing up there?你在那上面做什么?Thinking, Meeko!你猜, Meeko!About the dream again?Have you figured it out yet?又是关于那个梦?你还没有完全想出来吗?l know it means something,我知道那一定暗示着什么东西l just don't know what,但就是不知道具体是什么You should askyour father about it,你应该向你父亲问问这件事Maybe l should,可能是的Come on, Flit,上来, FlitQuit playing arourd,We have to get back,不要再到处乱玩我们得回去了[Squeak][尖叫声]POWHATAN: :::faceda detenmined enemy:POWHATAN:...面对着一个坚定的敌人The battle lastedfnom the nising of the sun:::战斗从太阳刚刚升起until the evening shadow fell,一直持续到夜幕降临Our warriorsfought with courage,,,我们的战士勇往直前but none as bravely as Kocoum,,,但是还没人像Kocoum这般勇敢...for he attacked withthe fierce strength of the bear,因为他战斗像熊一样的凶猛He has pnoven himselfto be:::他的实际行动证明了他就是...-He is so handsom

e!-l especially love the smile,-他可真帅啊!-我特别喜欢他的微笑POWHATAN: :::destnoyingeveny enemy in his path:POWHATAN:...用他的方式来消灭每一个敌人Tonight, we will feastin his honor,今晚, 我们要为他举行盛宴[Whooping][欢呼声]-My daughter,-Wingapo, Father,-宝贝女儿-一切安好, 父亲Seeing you gives me great joy,见到你就是我最大的快乐l'm so gladyou've come home safely,真高兴您平安回家Come with me,We have much to talk about,跟我来我有太多话要对你说l want to hear everythingyou have been doing,我要听听你做的每一件事情[Chirping][叽叽喳喳声]Father, for many nights now,,,父亲, 好几个晚上...l've been havinga very strange dream,我都做到同一个奇怪的梦l think it's telling mesomething's about to happen,,,我想那是要告诉我什么事将要发生something exciting,一件激动人心的事Yes, Something excitingis about to happen,没错, 是有一件激动人心的事即将发生Really? What is it?真的吗? 那是什么?Kocoum has asked to seekyour hand in marriage,Kocoum已经向我提亲他要和你结婚Marry Kocoum?嫁给Kocoum?[Chitters][啾啾声]Paah!啪!l told him it would makemy heart soar,我告诉他那会让我心情飞扬But he's so,,,serious,但是, 他太... 严肃了My daughter,Kocoum will make a fine husband,我的女儿Kocoum将会是一个好丈夫He is loyal and stnongand will build you:::他既忠诚又强壮会用结实的墙壁为你建造...a good house with stundy walls:一所好房子With him,you will be safe fnom hanm:和他在一起你会很安全Father, l think my dream ispointing me down another path,父亲, 我想我的梦正在指引我走向另一条路This is the right path for you,这对你来说是一条正确的路But why can't l choose--Oh!但是为什么我就没有选择的... 哦![Hiccup][打嗝][Laughs][笑声]Pocahontas, come with me,Pocahontas, 跟我来You arethe daughter of the chief,你是酋长的女儿lt is time to takeyour place among our people,是该你履行责任的时候了Even the wild mountain stream,,,即使山野小溪...must some dayjoin the big river,有一天也会流进大河As the niven cuts his path当大河截断他的路Though the niven'spnoud and stnong虽然大河骄傲和强壮He will choosethe smoothest course他也会选择一段最平坦的路程That's why rivers live so long,这就是为什么大河能活得那么久They'ne steady他们那么稳定As the steady beating dnum稳定得就像打鼓Your mother wore thisfor our wedding,你母亲在我们的婚礼上戴着这个lt was her dream to see youwear it at your own,看见你亲手


"Jack" Book

A few days ago, I read • Jack Canfield and Mark Hansen wrote • "Jack", after reading deep feelings.

The book's more than 300 stories, each of which contains a profound truth, let me learn to love to others, with confidence to meet life's challenges. When I

face setbacks and frustrations, it would be my encouragement and consolation; in my face when successful, it will allow me to the future with hope. It will always be my life's mentor.

This book, so that impressed me most was the story of Juan Qi: Ye Yan feeling. This story is about a group of wild geese help each other, fly to the South.

Along the way, they encountered many difficulties, but they work together with the strength of the team, successfully reached the final of the South. The story of the Black word I still remember the deep: "The bird will not rise too high, if only to use their wings soaring." In fact, is far more than birds, in fact, were the same. Only among people help each other in order to obtain greater success. The team is a powerful force, if a person from the team, it would never be enough help to win success. Keep in mind that the success of those who

always know how to Languages and other people, because they have greater advantages. Remember that there are personal: "Do you have an apple, I have an apple and we exchange the two after an apple; but you have a thought, I have a thought, we both have two each after the exchange of ideas. "It is for this reason that a united collective always better than one.

Three Stooges, one better than Zhuge Liang. Share common goals and

collective sense of the people can be faster and more easily reach the place where they want to go because they are each other's momentum by virtue of its ability to help and act in the future. Life of all kinds of examples of this. Scientific research, many successful people are in fact standing behind a

number of great help to him. In the case of those who received the Nobel Prize for it, they always would like to thank the award after some people in this

period of his full help. Without these people, then he can not always possible to invent and create something. It is because of these people to help, he can engage in to success.

Of course, "Jack" gave me far more than help them. It also should be taught me to love other people, to learn how to achieve the dream of how to

overcome obstacles in the face of death, and so the attitude. Thanks to the "Jack" help me, I will always remember "Jack" taught me everything.















The kidnapping I read one breath.


I like to see Stevens's work, reading his novel I will produce a sense of passion, reading his novel I can feel the justice of the gas, reading his novel I as if in experience, when people were forced on the wall after?

那段小戴维黑夜里到伯父家塔楼上拿文件的历程,令人心惊胆战,也令我觉得身处其中。 That little David went to uncle’s home on the course of tower, take documents, a thrill, also makes me feel that are there.


That he and 15 sea of seafarers battle on board, is frightening, then whatever David on the island's experience, and in the way of his island, escape to the highlands to the bushes scenario, My heart follow David in beat fiercely.


If no country life from practice a good body, if no 17 year old green flavor, if no friends help, if there is no god's care, he has already been killed, even so, the tribulations, he have chosen had to give up his own life several times, he battered down for illness.


After saw "kidnapping" , I felt the importance of physical exercise , the exercise is good for oneselves’ body, it can cultivate their ability and make them survive in the wall.


True love shows itself in time of trouble, this saying yes.


David and Allen’s experience to life and death is the plot of the unforgettable I pay, when he saw the two of them work together, created a miracle, win over one enemy, I pleased.


When I see their friendship to low tide, disagree at each other, my mood is very dark, if I have Alan such a friend, my life must be very exciting!



上口一中 马忠颜



















8、强化基础,突出重点。针对中考试题基础性强的特点,对于教学大纲和新课程标准中要求掌握的语文知识和基本篇目,教师应进行适当的梳理,只有理清了头绪,学生才能思路清晰,复习才有更佳的效果。阅读理解与作文是语文复 习的“重头戏”,教师应加强指导。在进行阅读训练时,应根据不同文体的特点,教给学生一些思考问题和解决问题的方法,真正做到“授之以渔”,并结合有针对性的训练,举一反三,从而提高学生独立阅读的能力。作文复习应重点放在“快速作文”的指导上,从立意、选材、构思、语言等方面进行训练,淡化文体要求,提倡创新意识。




Jane Eyre — A Beautiful Soul

Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:

We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.

We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.

We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.

We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence…

When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality.

Actually, she wasn’t pretty, and of course, the ordinary appearance didn’t make others feel good of her, even her own aunt felt disgusted with it. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down on and to tease, so when Miss Ingram met Jane Eyre, she seemed quite contemptuous, for that she was obviously much more prettier than ‘the plain and ugly governess’. But as the little governess had said: ‘Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!’ This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre’s mind. God hadn’t given her beauty and wealth, but instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thinking brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the power inside her body.

In my mind, though a person’s beauty on the face can make others once feel that one is attractive and charming, if his or her mind isn’t the same beautiful as the appearance, such as beauty cannot last for, when others find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a falsity, it’s not true, they will like the person no more. For a long

time, only a person’s GREat virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as AN EVERLASTING BEAUTY, just as Kahill Gibran has said, that ‘Beauty is a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted’. I can feel that how beauty really is, as we are all fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but as there are great differences in our souls, and from that, we can know that whether a man is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he is beautiful or not.

Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.简爱-一个美丽的灵魂










