
| 读后感 |



The Catcher in the Rye

Part one Story Synopsis

The hero of the story called Holden,he was a middle school student,but he didn’t like studying at all.He was tired of everything in the school. So he was expelled from school for the fourth time.

In the removed that night,Holden left school,but he was afraid to go home.In desperation,Holden lived in a small hotel.However,it was a chaos of hotel,some shady people lived there,here Holden made a lot of stupid things.Later,he and his girlfriend split up. Then Holden to the bar to drink with an old school friend,he got very drunk,he put his head in cold water for a while,just wake up. When he walked out of the pub, be cold wind blows, the hair of his head was frozen.He thought he might die from pneumonia, always can't see his sister, decided to take the plunge and home her farewell. Holden secretly returned home, he said to sister his ideal, he will want to be a catcher in the rye. Later, his parents came back, Holden frighten hide in closet.When his parents went to the bedroom, he quickly slipped out of the house, to a his respected teacher spend the night in the home. Holden didn't want to go home, decided to go to the west to make a living, but he wanted to in the face before walked bye sister, so he dated sister to the museum.But his sister, dragging a big suitcase full of her clothes, she must go with Holden to the western.Finally, for sister persuade invalid,麦田里的守望者读后感英文版

Holden had to give up his plan to the west, then he took her to the zoo.And Holden decided not to run away.He went home shortly he had illness and was sent to a nursing home.

Part two Book Report

This is a novel about adolescent psychological problems. From the point of subject, like all young men, the hero is a liberal person, but he doesn't handle their own problems, at the same time, he was also confused, he don't know their future.麦田里的守望者读后感英文版

Perhaps everyone in a teenager have encountered similar problems, when we are at that time we offen not to talk about own confusion,so we may enter a wrong way,bringing harm to myself. So after finished reading this book, I realize the importance of mental health, when we meet with difficulties, we should actively to face, and efforts to solve every problem,can't give up myself,we must have the courage to face the reality.

篇二:《the catcher in the ray《麦田里的守望者》读后感

The Perplexity and Painfulness of the Teenager

——The Catcher in the Ray

There are half of uncivilized words in this book. This is the first feeling when I read this book. Then I feel confused and stresseed about the people in this book. They are contradictory, especially the leading character——Holden Caulfied. Holden of this book is a secondary school students came from wealthy middle-class 16-year-old boy, in the fourth after being expelled from school, not dare to go home, alone in the United States the most prosperous of New York City one day and two nights wandering living small inn, go to nightclubs, girlfriend promiscuity, alcoholism·he saw the ugly capitalist society, access to a wide variety of characters, most of which are "false false mode of" hypocrite. Holden could not around almost everything, he even wants to flee the real world, to the remote to pretend a deaf and dumb people and married with a beautiful and also deaf woman, but to really do so, it is impossible, and he can only live in contradiction: the most hated him in this lifetime movies, but bored to death also had to spend their time in the cinema; him offensive sexual relations without love, but a confused and called a prostitute; He hated the vulgar vanity of his girlfriend Sally , but obsessed with her beauty, could not help with her play kossy-poo. Therefore, even though he could not stand the social, he had no choice but to depression, like anxiety, using a variety of comforting illusions about themselves, self-deception, and finally we still can not avoid the reality of social compromise, into a genuine treason, which can be said to be the author JD Salinger His characters and the tragedy of Holden is located.麦田里的守望者读后感英文版

Jerome David Salinger, born in 1919 in New York City, son of ham and cheese to do the import business of the Jewish businessman, a very rich family. 15-year-old Salinger, parents were sent to a military school in Pennsylvania in time to live, it is said, The Catcher in the Rye in the description on the boarding school, it is that most of the schools as the background. In 1936, Salinger in the military school graduate, he has made his life only a diploma. From 1940 in the "fiction" magazine published his first short story, that in 1951 he published the novel. The Catcher in the Rye only in the more than 10 years, he made a total of 20 a number of short stories, some are still short of "classic" and "New Yorker" and other well-known journals, so he has a little bit of literary fame. Fame after he lived to the countryside, specially built for themselves a window of only a cement room for study each day with 8:30 on a lunch box into the writing, it was not until 17:30, no one at home are not allowed to Go in to disturb him; who, if only by telephone. He is also said to be writing process is very arduous, The Catcher in the Rye was first published in the progress of his writing more and more slowly, only the publication of three 10-year Medium length text open and a short, was not even published works. Occasionally fortunate enough to have seen him said, his face has been "showing signs of aging." His work has been completed and the number is said to be considerable, but he refused to make out. Publishers have a lot of fight in his mind, even after his death, such as how to get all of his works out of copyright, but so far, in addition to the book, the author published only a short set of "Nine Stories" and "were a carpenter" (1963).


The hero Holden always swears so much, he nearly hates everything. He even hates the word "grand" very much, and also thinks "Good luck" sounds terrible. He said himself that "I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life". I think he is combination of contradictions. He always does something he doesn't like. But, he is very kind I think. Actually, he is full of love and sympathy. He could lend his cote and printer to someone even he doesn't know him. He could donate much

money to nuns, and say the money is just a little. When nuns thanks about it, he would feel embarrassed.

He became this guy just because that social. His parents and teacher force him to study hard just for "buying a hell of Cadillac", and even his most respect teacher said that,"the mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one". This is a kind of self-interested and utilitarianism. Holden doesn't willing to follow this, then he doesn't study and react as a hoodlum, he just chooses this way to resist this social. His dream is very simple " I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff-I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I'd do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the ray and all." He just shouted all children's dream——they want to be protected.

Then I remember an Singapore movie named I'm Not Stupid 2. The children in this movie become bad and make many mistakes because their parents pay little attention to them. Their hearts are kind actually. Finally, their parents realize their faults and shoe their love to them, they become excellent. In my heart, there are no complete villains in this world, these people must suffered pains in life. If they lived happily, they will become another people.

Holden has a brother D.B.——he is a writer in Hollywood. A little sister Phoebe, he loves Phoebe, he said his sister is the most pretty an d smart girl. And a little brother Allie who got leukemia and died, he said that Allie was a wizard. You can see that Holden love them very much. Once he thought he died, then he hopes that when he does die somebody has sense enough to just dump him in the river or something. Anything except sticking him in a goddam cemetery. People coming and putting a bunch of flowers on your stomach on sunday, and all that crap. Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody! This is actually true. People always want to treasure things after losing them. Then he mentioned his died brother Allie: He hates to go his grave. He doesn't enjoy seeing him in that crazy cemetery, surrounding by dead guys and tombstones and all. And when it rains, all the visiters to see him could go to their cars and turn on their radio and all then go someplace nice for dinner-enerybody except Allie, this makes him crazy. This is really cruel.

I took some notes of philosophical sentences from this book.麦田里的守望者读后感英文版

He said that,"What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrfic friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it.That doesn't happen much, though". I love this description of a good book. It just speaking my feelings after reading an excellent book in an active way which I never think of this way. I cleared my mind at once after reading this sentence.

When he missed his sister Phoebe, then he decided to go to home to talk with her. When he walked in his home in the dark, he said that, I certainly knew I was home, though. Our foyer has a funny smelllike anyplace else. I don't know what the hell it is. It isn't cauliflower or perfume, but you always konw you're home. Yes, this is his feeling about his home, maybe this is all people's feeling about home.

This book pressed my emotions, and I can't speak my feeling clearly actually. Everybody must have their own thought about this book, I think.


The catcher in the Rye is a typical novel which reflects the confusion and rebel of the 1950s in America history. From year 1945-1955, the American society seemed to be blissful on the surface while the fear of uncertainty caused by the growing communist challenge was affecting the culture of society. People became paranoiac and youngsters of the time became rebel or even violent resulting from the lost of aim and belief. Holton, the main character of this novel, is portrayed by the author as a typical teenager of the time.

Born in a wealthy middle class family, Holton was supposed to live a good life. However, he expelled from school four times, not dare to go home, wandering alone in York city one day and two nights, living in small inn, going to nightclubs, being alcoholism. He wanted to escape from the real world because he feel depressed, confused, filled with all sorts of unrealistic fantasies. This novel can be defined as both the tragedy of Holton's and the author Salinger, who is a young people of that generation.

In 1950, the Korean War started, which was an extension of the Cold War which strengthened the hostilities and conflicts between America and the Soviet Union. It definitely leaded to the panic of normal people because they were uncertain about the result of the competition between the superpowers. Teenagers were emotionally confused of the changing society, doubting their life and their future. Salinger has also written other novels such as Nine Stories, a collection of short stories even more depressed than The catcher in the Rye, which at least have expressed some hope at the end of the novel. Actually, characters like Holton become popular at that time, not in

literature only. In the film Rebel Without a Cause describe a very similar situation, the tendency of rebel and violence among youngsters in American culture at that time. In the early 1950s, the accumulation of emotions and conflicts were bedding the transform a few years later, which had significant influence on American culture of that period.


we are a group of children living in the new era and naturally accustomed to confusion and trouble。 but we should concentrate on the road in front of us。 we should be a group of ambitious people。 if holden has not pure ideal, then he would be degenerate, his ideal let him survive。麦田守望者英文读后感。 ideal is a beacon for people, it took people into the bright future。

yes, where are ideals and there is hope。 the hope is in tomorrow。 we will have a brighter future!












