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苏菲的世界的好词好句 第一篇



许多名家,如台湾的南方朔和评论家马德兰·蓝格尔都说《苏菲的世界》是一本哲学与侦探小说融合的书,不过我的观点是:与其说这是一本带有侦探小说意味的书,不如说它是一本带有悬疑意味的书。翻开第一章,你会立刻被苏菲收到的匿名信“你是谁”所吸引,也正是“你是谁” 这个问题带着苏菲走进一个哲学的世界。接着你又会接触到另外一些明信片,那是一张张需要苏菲代转席德明信片,之后各种怪事在苏菲身上发生,当然苏菲的哲学老师也跟着浮出水面。当整本书看到一半时,你会被故事角色的真实性搞得脑袋发胀,到底苏菲和他的哲学老师是现实的还是席德和她的父亲是现实的,这是你就会不知不觉和庄子有同样的感慨——自己到底是梦到庄子的蝴蝶呢,还是梦到蝴蝶的庄子。我想这也是作者要达到的目的吧。不过值得庆幸的是,当你看完全书,一切都会水落石出的。其实仅仅看书的目录你就会觉得很有意思,如“伊甸园 ……在某个时刻事物必然从无到有……”、“少校的小木屋 ……镜中女孩的双眼眨了一眨……”、“中世纪 ……对了一部分并不等于错……”、“浪漫主义 ……神秘之路通往内心……”等,这些小标题有时是为我们说明一些哲学观点,有时是




【苏菲的世界的好词好句】 【苏菲的世界的好词好句】









《苏菲的世界读后感1(英)1000词左右Sophie’s World》
苏菲的世界的好词好句 第二篇

Philosophy on Life

An anonymous letter just like an unexpected guest rushed into Sophie's life, bombarding her with questions: "who are you?", "where are you from?". It opens a door to the world of philosophy for Sophie to enter in. Filled with interest and curiosity, she set off her journey ,only to find the wonderland as Alice does. The captain, Alberto Knex, also takes the readers into this wonderful world of thoughts and wisdom by letting his dog, Hermes, the messager send letters.

As human beings, basically we should know who we are and where we are from.

A large proportion of human beings are taking everything for granted. They don't care their identity and origin;what they concern most are the basic needs of being alive. While there is still a minority people who eat to live rather than live to eat. These people do think and practice. They are philosophers.

What I am puzzling now has been puzzled thousand years ago.who am I? Where I come from? Where does the world come from? In the old days that passed long long ago, a group of ancient Greek had been thinking these problems. They tried to figure out something that was indeed beyond themselves, so they began to imagine. Specifically, they created myths in which there were all kinds of Gods. We've learned more details about this part: on the Mount Olympus lived Zeus and his fellows who have got the same outward appearance and the same type of human characters as human beings. Power seems the only speciality between Gods and man. They share lust and greed, jealousy and hatred, love and sex, good and evil. That is how the Gods are "made" by people. Just because people are so eager to know the origin of the whole world, they wrote myths and made up stories on their own. However, until now, that when the world begins is still a mystery. Most scientists believe the hypothesis that our world is the result of a big bang in the universe. What is the truth on earth?

After about 600 years, another group of people "gave birth to" Jesus who is thought to have created people. They wrote the book holly Bible and added details to it. This time, we human beings are the sons of Adam & Eve. At the same time, religious sects began to sprout all over the world. All began with the story of how their own God makes themselves.


"So the myth tried to give people an explanation for something they could not understand." however, people can not make sure the connection between them and the world. Thus, some one must take the to the door of the world of truth.

They are natural philosophers who step onto the stage of history. They don't believe in God, and begin to doubt. The observation of nature becomes a method for them to explore the known world. What does the world consist of ? It is "basic substance". What is it? Some think it is water, for it does make sense for all human tribes appear and live by the rivers. See, "about 4,000 years ago, the primitive Indo-Europeans lived in areas bordering on the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea." That's where life begins and civilization appears. And some think it is "air" or "vapor". But air on vapor is another form of water, so it seems quite right. Later on, one thinks

that there are four roots: earth, air, fire and water. No matter what they find, we can see that they all depend on their eyes to sense the uncertain world. Look at what they find, and we will see that those "basic substances" are all our necessities in life.

Seeing is believing. Is that true? Someone will doubt that. Someone do not believe the previous hypothesis. Anaxagoras held that "nature is built up of an infinite number of minute particles invisible to the eye." this philosopher just reminds me of one famous chemist and physicist:John Dalton and his famous Atomic theory. His Atom must be named after this. Although ,in ancient times, there was even not a single piece of scientific experimental instrument, like microscope in modern age which is used to observe the microcosmos, yet Anaxagorax purely used his brains to reason logically and anatomize reasonably. Here, another philosopher Democritus can not wait to tell his Atom Theory, which seen now is almost correct.【苏菲的世界的好词好句】

In all ages, the order of people's research is either from big to small or from the micro to macro. it just accords with our thinking mode. Take an apple for example: when we see an apple , first to be considered is its looks, shape, size, smell, ect. All is from appearance(what we see through our eyes). Next, let's cut it into two parts. Then we see its fresh flesh and a pentagonal or heart-shaped core. Flesh is largely made of starch and fructose. So let's go deeper into the seeds inside the core. Thanks to the smart invention of microscope, it really makes our world shrink. Or like astronomers, they discover the cosmos from the earth to the moon then the sun, expending till the galaxy to the whole universe. Thus people are questioning in a specific order.

Relationship is the key to link the orders tightly. People start to study the relationships between human nature and subjects. Then came three greatest philosophers whose minds have changed the world. They are Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Though they are student and teacher and share the greatest thoughts, yet they have different opinions on some particular field.

We may wonder Plato's theory of ideas. "Man is a dual creature." Our body is physical and flows, so our senses based on the body are unrealiable, but each has "an immortal soul which is the realm of reason." does Plato ever see the soul himself before? Of course not . He is just reasoning. So he realized the importance of reasoning. On the contrary, his student Aristotle paid more attention to one's five senses. Actually, both reason and senses are equally of significance. We use our different conceptions to sense the world: eye to see; ear to hear; noise to smell; skin to feel. Upon receiving all kinds of senses, our brains process and disposal the messages we acquire before we export.

Everybody has to think individually despite of the noise from outside world. A full man is the one who can not only perceive sensitively but also reason critically.

《苏菲的世界读后感2(英)500词左右Sophie’s World》
苏菲的世界的好词好句 第三篇

Being Human【苏菲的世界的好词好句】

"Who are you?"

"Where does the world come from?"

Just two simple questions brought little Sophie into a world of philosophy. So do I.

The origin of human beings【苏菲的世界的好词好句】

"Who are you?" when asked by this question people would say about their name, age, or nationality, but without those masks, who are exactly real you ?

It is said that like the snowflakes in the sky, there will never be two of the same, even the identical twins have slightly nuances in looks, let alone their thoughts in their minds. Every single man is like a mini universe. Physically, each has his own life system for his growth and development. The most significant part of our body is brain, which controls our behaviours and emotions.

Life is an adventure, when the sperm from father meets the egg from mother, the fertilized egg forms, which means the beginning of the life. Then it starts to gradually grow and develop in mom's womb. It divides into millions and thousands of cells. After transcribing and translating with the help of RNA and the protein expression, all kinds of tissues and organs appear and perform their functions. It's hard to imagine the curious journey that called life, which tells us all living creatures on earth come from a simple but extrodinary cell. What a wonderful life!

The Big Bang Theory

Where does the world come from? We are given life from our parents.So it is the same with our parents. How about our ancestors? The world's first human beings or the first pair, where on earth do they come from? And what's the beginning of earth,the whole space?

What struck me most is that at the beginning of the series The Big Bang Theory, the 3-minute-long song with dozens of flashes show us where we are from. According to this song, is it true that "all started with the big bang?" I'm afraid nobody would give a clear and correct answer to this, even though scientists who devote their whole life to the mystery of the whole universe may have varied ideas. Yes, our earth is only a small planet in space. In the holy Bible, it says that God create the world and human beings, but what about God himself? In ancient China, we also have a legend about the creation of the world by Pan Gu. Everything that exists has to have a beginning, while there's still a long way to go. Whatever, just as the greatest poetry Tiger said, "Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves. Also care about what has." He's not telling us to stop thinking. What he really meant is that we should count what we have now rather than cry for the losses. Appreciate life since it is short and friagile; Treasure every moment we have for time waits no one.


苏菲的世界的好词好句 第四篇




















苏菲的世界的好词好句 第五篇


明目张胆、天真烂漫、娇艳夺目、纵横交错、张牙舞爪、毫不费力、无可谴责、毫无区别、形单影只 喋喋不休 步履蹒跚 寒风瑟瑟 吟呻床褥 奄奄垂毙 富丽堂皇 凌人气势 节衣缩食 临风战栗 黯然神伤 伶俐自如 仓皇无主 呆若木鸡 顺势滑下 束手无策 悲天悯人 郁郁寡欢 风烛残年 无可言喻 不动声色 价值连成























