
| 高中作文 |



来源:本站综合 2009-04-13 14:09:06

[标签:英语美文] [当前18076家长在线讨论]


Look at us today! So many doors are open to us! I believe there have never been such abundant opportunities for self-development as we have today. The doors open to us also pose challenges. Each door is a test of our courage, ability and judgement, but with the support of my teachers, parents and friends, I believe I can meet the challenge head on.

---Excerpt from Hong Ye's speech


The other night, as I saw the moon linger over the land and before it was sent into the invisible, my mind was filled with songs. I found myself humming softly, not to the music, but to something else, someplace else, a place remembered, a place untouched, a field of grass where no one seemed to have been except the deer. And all those unforgettable scenes strengthened the feeling that it's time for us to do something, for our own and our coming generation.

---Excerpt from Gu Qiubei's speech


Like many young people of my age in China, I want to see my country get prosperous and enjoy respect in the international community. But it seems to me that mere patriotism is not just enough. It is vitally important that we young people do more serious thinking and broaden our minds to bigger issues.

---Excerpt from Sun Ning's speech


To us young people, challenge often emerges in the form of competition. In the next century, competition will not only come from other college graduates, but also from people of all ages, of all origins. With increasing international exchanges, we have to face growing-competition from the whole outside world. This is calling for a higher level of our personal development.

---Excerpt from Liu Xin's speech


A Chinese philosopher, Feng Youlan, once said China is an old country with a new life. To us, that means this country with a long, long history is on its course of modernization. I am encouraged every time I think of it. I do believe China really has a bright future, if it seeks this opportunity to continue building a road to the world. I see the future as a huge project in which I can play an important role. China needs more and better roads to the rest of the world. I feel needed. I feel inspired. I'm ready.

---Excerpt from Li Shu's speech


We live at a critical juncture of our evolution because such problems as ethnic conflict and regional unrest are increasingly posing a threat to peace and happiness of the whole human race. To cope with such an era and to embrace an even brighter future, we need to learn to live more harmoniously in a world community which is becoming smaller and smaller.

---Excerpt from Liang Limin's speech


What happened to this beautiful valley in Australia should also happen to our Yellow River and, in fact, it is happening. I have seen farmers planting trees on mountains along the Yellow River. I have seen them climb the mountain tops with seeding on their shoulders because they had no machinery. I have seen them pour on trees the water they carried up in buckets from miles down the valley. These farmers are quietly nourishing our Yellow River, just as the river has nourished them.

---Excerpt from Cai Li's speech


If a person inherits his father's millions of dollars and leads an easy life, he is not a successful person even in material terms, because there are no difficulties involved in his achieving affluence. The term "success", to be sure, will not sit still for easy definition. But as I understand it, the true meaning of success entails a combination of both the process and the satisfactory result of an endeavor.

---Excerpt from Chen Heng's speech


The first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love with the city at first sight, attracting them by its unique image. What image does Beijing intend to create for itself once it has the opportunity to host the 2008 Olympics? It is known to all that the Beijing Municipal Government has already set the theme for the future games: New Beijing, Great Olympics. For me, the 2008 Olympics will be a great green Olympics illuminated with two more special colors, yellow and red.

---Excerpt from Qi Yue's speech




Something wonderful in a disaster

On May 27, 1995, our life was suddenly changed.It happened a few minutes past three,

when my husband, Chris, fell from his horse as it jumped over a fence.Chris was paralyzed from the chest down, unable to breathe normally.As he was thrown from his horse, we entered into a life of convenience with lots of unexpected challenges.We went from the "haves" to the “have-nots".Or so we thought.

Yet what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out of sharing difficulties.We came to learn that

something wonderful could happen in a disaster .All over the world people cared for Chris so much that letters and postcards poured in every day.By the end of the third week in a medical center in Virginia, about 35,000 pieces of mail had been received and sorted.

As a family, we opened letter after letter.They gave us comfort and became a source of strength for us.We used them to encourage ourselves.I would go to the pile of letters marked with "Funny" if we needed a laugh, or to the "Disabled" box to find advice from people in wheelchairs or even in bed living happily and successfully. These letters, we realized, had to be shared.And so here we offer one of them to you.

Dear Chris,

My husband and I were so sorry to hear of your riding accident last week.No doubt your family and your friends are giving you the strength to face this technical challenge.People everywhere are also giving you best wishes every day and we are among those who are keeping you alive.

Yours Sincerely,

Nancy Reagan


1. paralyzed ['pærəlaizd] adj. 瘫痪的,麻痹的

2. chest [tʃest] n.胸,胸腔;柜子,橱

3. challenge [ˈtʃælindʒ] n挑战;质问

4. pour [pɔ:r] vt.灌,倒,注 vi.倾泻,流出

5. pile [pail] n.一堆,一叠 v.堆积

6. technical [ˈteknikəl] a.技术的,工艺的



【导学】 1)n. 怀疑,疑惑,不相信;

have no doubt that… 毫不怀疑,毫无疑心

there's no doubt that… 这毫无疑问....

without doubt 无疑地,确实地;

2)vt. 怀疑,不信任

I don’t doubt that… 我毫不怀疑…

I doubt whether/if… 我怀疑…


1)He is without doubt the cleverest student I've ever taught.


2) I have no doubt that he will turn up on time.


3) There is no doubt that the opera will be performed in the Beijing Forbidden City this month.


4) I don't doubt that he will win.


5) I doubt if/whether he will win.


2. alive


1) adj. 活着的;现存的【高中英文美文朗读】

catch sb. alive 活捉…

2)adj. 热闹的;充满的

be alive with… 充满着…


1) The injured man is unconscious but still alive.


2) The town was alive with rumors.



1. care for

【辨析】care for 和care about

care for 多表示“照顾”,“喜欢”

care about 多表示“在乎”,“关注”,“关心”


1) She doesn ’t care for that colour.


2) He spent years caring for his sick mother.


3) Don't you care about this country's future?


2.by the end of

【辨析】by the end of , in the end, at the end和on end

by the end 到„„为止

in the end 最后,结果

at the end 终了时

on end 连续地


1) He works three days on end.


2) At the end of the street you'll find it.


3) If you persevere with work, you'll succeed in the end.




1. All over the world people cared for Chris so much that letters and postcards poured in every



This book is so interesting that everyone wants to read it. 这本书很有趣,人人都想看看。

==So interesting is the book that everyone wants to read it.【高中英文美文朗读】

注意:so that…通常用于引导目的状语从句,表示“为了、以便…”, 如:

They got up early so that they could catch the early bus.


2. I would go to the pile of letters marked with "Funny" if we needed a laugh.

【归纳】the pile of letters marked with …其中marked with 为过去分词作定语,相当于定语从

句 that were marked with…。注意体会现在分词与过去分词作定语的差别:

boiled water 开水 boiling water 正沸腾的水

developed countries发展的国家 developing countries 发展中国家

fallen leaves 落叶 falling leaves 正在飘落的叶子

changed condition 改变了的情况 changing condition 变化着的情况


A way to be with customers

In the summer vacation of 1997, I was fixed with a job. I worked as a(n) assistant at Mr. Breen’s fruit shop.

The fruit shop did good business. Most of the trade came from the housewives who lived in the neighborhood, but he also had regular customers who arrived outside the shop in cars . Mr Breen knew them all by name and they sometimes even had their order already made up , always getting me to carry it out to their car. They were clearly long-standing customers , and I suppose they must have stayed faithful to him because he had promised to sell good quality fruit. He had a way with them —I had to admit that. He called every woman “madam” for a start , even those who clearly were not, but when he said it , it did not sound like flattery . It just sounded polite in an old-fashioned way . He was a great chatter as well. If he did not know them , he would greet them with a few words about the weather , but if he did , he would ask about their families or make jokes, always cutting his cloth according to his customers. Whatever their bills came to, he always gave them back the few odd pence , and I am sure they thought he was very generous. But I thought he was the opposite. He never threw anything away. He was always looking for something for nothing.


1. faithful ['feiθful] a.忠诚的;尽职的;如实的,准确可靠的

2. flattery ['flætəri] n.奉承;谄媚的举动

3.odd pence 零钱

4.generous ['dʒenərəs]a.慷慨的;宽厚的;大量的,丰富的


1. admit


v. 允许进入,承认

admit sth. 承认…

admit doing sth. 承认做了某事

admit( to sb.) that… 承认…

be admitted to… 被…接纳

admit of… 允许…


1) I must admit, it's more difficult than I thought it would be.


2) He was admitted to the hospital suffering from burns.


3) His conduct admits of no excuse.




1) n. 诺言,约定,(有)希望,预示

make a promise 许下诺言

keep one's promise 保守诺言

break one's promise 打破诺言,说话不算数

2) v. 允诺,约定,预示,有可能

promise sb. to do sth. 答应某人做某事


1) I don't trust his promise to come for a visit.


2) She has high promise of a pianist.


3)I promise to return your bicycle on good condition.



1. by name

【辨析】by name, in the name of 和name after

by name 名叫

in the name of 以„的名义

name after 以„命名


1) Stop doing that, in the name of God!


2) She met a handsome boy, John by name.


3) The child was named after its father, given its father's first name.


2. as well

【辨析】 as well和as well as

as well 同样,也

as well as 除„之外(也),既„又; 和…一样好


1) I write my own songs and I play the guitar as well.


2) Do you burn coal as well as wood on this fire?

你是不是用煤也用木头 生这炉火?



1. Whatever their bills came to, he always gave them back the few odd pence

【归纳】whatever 引导让步状语从句,此处相当于no matter what their bills came to.

whatever 也可引导名词性从句,如:

You shouldn’t have believed whatever he said.


2. He was always looking for something for nothing .

【归纳】be always doing表示“总是在做着„”,表达说话人的一种感情,如赞扬或者批评


My students are always studying hard.



To give or not

When a rather dirty , poorly dressed person kneels at your feet and puts out his hands to beg for a few coins , do you hurry on , not knowing what to do , or do you feel sad and hurriedly hand over some money ? What should our attitude to beggars be ? There can be no question that the world is full of terribly sad stories . It must be terrible to have no idea where our next meal is going to come from . It seems cruel not to give some money to beggars .

Certainly , most of the world’s great religions order us to be open-hearted and share what we have with those less fortunate than ourselves .But has the world changed ?Maybe what was morally right in the old days ,when one knew exactly who in the village had suffered misfortune and needed help ,is no longer the best idea. Quite a few people will not give to beggars .Let us look at their arguments.

First ,some believe that many city beggars dress up on purpose to look pitiable and actually

make a good living from begging .Giving to beggars only encourages this sort of evil.Secondly , there is the worry that the money you give will be spent on beer ,wine or drugs .Thirdly ,there is the opinion that there is no real excuse for begging. One might be poor ,but that is no reason for losing one’s sense of pride and self-dependence. Related to this is the opinion that the problem should be dealt with by the government rather than ordinary people .Some people think beggars should go to the local government department and receive help.

It is hard to come to any final conclusion ; there are various cases and we must deal with them differently .A few coins can save a life in some situations , and even if the money is wasted ,that does not take way the moral goodness of the giver.


1. religion [riˈlidʒən] n.宗教,宗教信仰

2. morally ['mɔ:rəli] adv. 道德上地,道义上地

3. misfortune [misˈfɔ:tʃən] n.不幸,厄运,逆境;不幸事故,灾难

4. pitiable [ˈpitiəbl] a.引人怜悯的,可怜的

5. evil [ˈi:vəl] a.邪恶的,坏的 n.邪恶,罪恶,祸害




Something wonderful in a disaster

On May 27, 1995, our life was suddenly changed.It happened a few minutes past three,

when my husband, Chris, fell from his horse as it jumped over a fence.Chris was paralyzed from the chest down, unable to breathe normally.As he was thrown from his horse, we entered into a life of convenience with lots of unexpected challenges.We went from the "haves" to the “have-nots".Or so we thought.

Yet what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out of sharing difficulties.We came to learn that something wonderful could happen in a disaster .All over the world people cared for Chris so much that letters and postcards poured in every day.By the end of the third week in a medical center in Virginia, about 35,000 pieces of mail had been received and sorted.

As a family, we opened letter after letter.They gave us comfort and became a source of strength for us.We used them to encourage ourselves.I would go to the pile of letters marked with "Funny" if we needed a laugh, or to the "Disabled" box to find advice from people in wheelchairs or even in bed living happily and successfully.

These letters, we realized, had to be shared.And so here we offer one of them to you.

Dear Chris,

My husband and I were so sorry to hear of your riding accident last week.No doubt your family and your friends are giving you the strength to face this technical challenge.People everywhere are also giving you best wishes every day and we are among those who are keeping you alive.

Yours Sincerely,

Nancy Reagan


1. paralyzed ['pærəlaizd] adj. 瘫痪的,麻痹的

2. chest [tʃest] n.胸,胸腔;柜子,橱

3. challenge [ˈtʃælindʒ] n挑战;质问

4. pour [pɔ:r] vt.灌,倒,注 vi.倾泻,流出

5. pile [pail] n.一堆,一叠 v.堆积

6. technical [ˈteknikəl] a.技术的,工艺的




1)n. 怀疑,疑惑,不相信; have no doubt that… 毫不怀疑,毫无疑心

there's no doubt that… 这毫无疑问....

without doubt 无疑地,确实地;

2)vt. 怀疑,不信任

I don’t doubt that… 我毫不怀疑…

I doubt whether/if… 我怀疑…


1)He is without doubt the cleverest student I've ever taught.


2) I have no doubt that he will turn up on time.


3) There is no doubt that the opera will be performed in the Beijing Forbidden City this month. 这台歌剧本月一定会在紫禁城上演的。

4) I don't doubt that he will win.


5) I doubt if/whether he will win.



1)毫无疑问,他是称霸日本的高尔夫球手。(without doubt/ golfer )


2) 我怀疑我们是否能够按时到达。 ( I doubt whether/if…)


3)毫无疑问,学生应当养成良好的习惯。(there is no doubt that…)


2. alive


1) adj. 活着的;现存的

catch sb. alive 活捉…【高中英文美文朗读】

2)adj. 热闹的;充满的

be alive with… 充满着…


1) The injured man is unconscious but still alive.


2) The town was alive with rumors.





2)这名逃犯是上周五夜里被活捉的。(the convict at large/ catch…alive)



1. care for

【辨析】care for 和care about

care for 多表示“照顾”,“喜欢”

care about 多表示“在乎”,“关注”,“关心”


1) She doesn ’t care for that colour.


2) He spent years caring for his sick mother.


3) Don't you care about this country's future?



1) 我不计较价钱,只要车很好用就行了。(care about)


2) 你要喝咖啡还是喝茶?(care for)


2.by the end of

【辨析】by the end of , in the end, at the end和on end

by the end 到……为止

in the end 最后,结果

at the end 终了时

on end 连续地


1) He works three days on end.


2) At the end of the street you'll find it.


3) If you persevere with work, you'll succeed in the end.



1) 一连好几天连续下雨。(on end)


2)会议结束时他做了一个令人兴奋的演讲。(at the end of)




1. All over the world people cared for Chris so much that letters and postcards poured in every day.

【归纳】so…that…引导结果状语从句,表示“如此…以致…”,使用时要注意其倒装方式,如: This book is so interesting that everyone wants to read it. 这本书很有趣,人人都想看看。 ==So interesting is the book that everyone wants to read it.

注意:so that…通常用于引导目的状语从句,表示“为了、以便…”, 如:

They got up early so that they could catch the early bus.


2. I would go to the pile of letters marked with "Funny" if we needed a laugh.

【归纳】the pile of letters marked with …其中marked with 为过去分词作定语,相当于定语从 句 that were marked with…。注意体会现在分词与过去分词作定语的差别:

boiled water 开水 boiling water 正沸腾的水

developed countries发展的国家 developing countries 发展中国家

fallen leaves 落叶 falling leaves 正在飘落的叶子 changed condition 改变了的情况 changing condition 变化着的情况


1) Say slowly_______________________(好让我听明白)。.

2)__________________________(多数被邀请来参加聚会的学生)came from our school.




1. 1) He is, without doubt, the greatest golfer in Japan.

2) I doubt if we can arrive on time.

3) There's no doubt that students should develop good habits.

2. 1) The city was all alive when he arrived.

2) The convict at large was caught alive on the night of last Friday.



1. 1)I don't care about the price, so long as the car is in good condition.

2)Would you care for coffee or tea?

2. 1)It has been raining for days on end.

2)He made an thrilling speech at the end of the meeting.



1. so that I can understand you



As a teenager,I felt I was always letting people down. I was rebellious outside,but I wanted to be liked inside.

Once I left home to hitchhike to California with my friend Penelope. The trip wasn’t easy,and there were many times I didn’t feel safe. One situation in particular kept me grateful to still be alive. When I returned home,I was different,not so outwardly sure of myself.

I was happy to be home. But then I noticed that Penelope,who was staying with us,was wearing my clothes. And my family seemed to like her better than me. I wondered if I would be missed if I weren’t there. I told my mom,and she explained that though Penelope was a lovely girl,no one could replace me. I pointed out,“She is more patient and is neater than I have ever been.” My mom said these were wonderful qualities,but I was the only person who could fill my role. She made me realize that even with my faults—and there were many-I was a loved member of the family who couldn’t be replaced.

I became a searcher,wanting to find out who I was and what made me unique. My view of myself was

changing. I wanted a solid base to start from. I started to resist pressure to act in ways that I didn’t like any more,and I was delighted by who I really was. I came to feel much more sure that no one can ever take my place.

Each of us holds a unique place in the world. You are special,no matter what others say or what you may think. So forget about being replaced. You can’t be.







Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street boy was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it.

"Is this your car, Mister?" he asked.

Paul nodded. "My brother gave it to me for Christmas." The boy was astonished. "You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn't cost you anything? Boy, I wish...." He hesitated. Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the lad1 said made Paul quite surprised.

"I wish," the boy went on, "that I could be a brother like that."

Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively2 he added, "Would you like to take a ride in my automobile?"

"Oh, yes, I'd love that."

After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes shining, said, "Mister, would you mind driving in front of my house?" Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the lad wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big automobile. But Paul was wrong again.

"Will you stop where those two steps are?" the boy asked. He ran up the steps. Then in a little while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled3 brother. He sat him down on the bottom step, then sort of4 squeezed up5 against him and pointed to the car. "There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn't cost him a cent. And some day I'm gonna6 give you one just like it... then you can see for yourself all the pretty things in the Christmas windows that I've been trying to tell you about."

Paul got out and lifted the lad to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable holiday ride.

That Christmas Eve, Paul learned that it was more blessed to give....











When I come across a good essay in reading newspapers, I am often inclined to cut and keep it. But just as I am about to do so I find the article on the opposite side is as much interesting. It may be a discussion of the way to keep in good health, or advice about how to behave and conduct oneself in society. If I cut the front essay, the opposite one is bound to suffer damage, leaving out half of it or keeping the text without the subject. As a result, the scissors would stay before they start, or halfway done when I find out the regretful consequence that inevitably causes my repentance.

Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time, both deserving your attention. You can only take up one of them, the other has to wait or be given up. But you know the future is unpredictable—the changed situation may not allow you to do what is left behind. Thus you are caught in a fix and feel sad? How come that nice opportunities and brilliant ideas should gather around all at once? It may happen that your life changes dramatically on your preference of one alternative to the other.

In fact that is what life is like: we are often faced with the two opposite aspects of a thing which are both desirable like newspaper cutting. It often occurs that our attention is drawn to one thing only after we are engaged in another. The former may be more important than the latter and give rise to a divided mind. I still remember a philosopher’s remarks, “When one door shuts, another opens in life.” So a casual or passive choice may not be a bad one.

Whatever we do in our lifetime, wherever life’s storm tosses us, there must be something we can achieve, some shore we can land, that opens up new vistas to us. Don’t forget God always keeps an alternative door open for every one. While the front door is closed, there must be another open for you.






Have you ever had a day when everything seemed to go wrong, and nothing seemed to go right? Not too long ago I was having one of those days. I was discouraged, weary1, and plain2 sad. My focus was on me, me, me.

I expressed my depressed state to my mother, hoping for some pity. Instead, she said, “I heard Jamie was having a difficult day too. Why don’t you make her some cookies and we’ll take them to her this afternoon?” I didn’t really want to, but decided that I didn’t want to go back to my other problems just yet. I made the cookies and arranged them on a little plate. Then I made a card with a sunflower on it and wrote a small note of empathy4.

That afternoon we dropped by my friend’s house. I went to the door and rang the bell. Soon, Jamie came to the door and looked at me in surprise for the unexpected visit. Before she could say anything I rushed, “I heard you were having a hard day and decided to bring you something. I hope your day goes better.” The look that came over Jamie’s face was one that I could never put into words. It was as if a darkened sky was suddenly lit with the golden rays of the sun; it was as if in that small act, her day was brightened.

I got back into the car and for come amazing reason, I felt a lot better myself. That day I experienced the truth that James Barrie attempted to describe. “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.”








Something wonderful in a disaster

On May 27, 1995, our life was suddenly changed.It happened a few minutes past three,

when my husband, Chris, fell from his horse as it jumped over a fence.Chris was paralyzed from the chest down, unable to breathe normally.As he was thrown from his horse, we entered into a life of convenience with lots of unexpected challenges.We went from the "haves" to the “have-nots".Or so we thought.


Yet what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out of sharing difficulties.We came to learn that something wonderful could happen in a disaster .All over the world people cared for Chris so much that letters and postcards poured in every day.By the end of the third week in a medical center in Virginia, about 35,000 pieces of mail had been received and sorted.

As a family, we opened letter after letter.They gave us comfort and became a source of strength for us.We used them to encourage ourselves.I would go to the pile of letters marked with "Funny" if we needed a laugh, or to the "Disabled" box to find advice from people in wheelchairs or even in bed living happily and successfully.

These letters, we realized, had to be shared.And so here we offer one of them to you.

Dear Chris,


My husband and I were so sorry to hear of your riding accident last week.No doubt your family and your friends are giving you the strength to face this technical challenge.People everywhere are also giving you best wishes every day and we are among those who are keeping you alive.

Yours Sincerely,

Nancy Reagan


1. paralyzed ['pærəlaizd] adj. 瘫痪的,麻痹的

2. chest [tʃest] n.胸,胸腔;柜子,橱

3. challenge [ˈtʃælindʒ] n挑战;质问

4. pour [pɔ:r] vt.灌,倒,注 vi.倾泻,流出

5. pile [pail] n.一堆,一叠 v.堆积

6. technical [ˈteknikəl] a.技术的,工艺的



【导学】 1)n. 怀疑,疑惑,不相信;

have no doubt that… 毫不怀疑,毫无疑心

there's no doubt that… 这毫无疑问....

without doubt 无疑地,确实地;

2)vt. 怀疑,不信任

I don’t doubt that… 我毫不怀疑…

I doubt whether/if… 我怀疑…


1)He is without doubt the cleverest student I've ever taught.


2) I have no doubt that he will turn up on time.


3) There is no doubt that the opera will be performed in the Beijing Forbidden City this month. 这台歌剧本月一定会在紫禁城上演的。

4) I don't doubt that he will win.


5) I doubt if/whether he will win.



1)毫无疑问,他是称霸日本的高尔夫球手。(without doubt/ golfer )


2) 我怀疑我们是否能够按时到达。 ( I doubt whether/if…)


3)毫无疑问,学生应当养成良好的习惯。(there is no doubt that…)


2. alive


1) adj. 活着的;现存的

catch sb. alive 活捉…

2)adj. 热闹的;充满的

be alive with… 充满着…


1) The injured man is unconscious but still alive.


2) The town was alive with rumors.





2)这名逃犯是上周五夜里被活捉的。(the convict at large/ catch…alive)



1. care for

【辨析】care for 和care about

care for 多表示“照顾”,“喜欢”

care about 多表示“在乎”,“关注”,“关心”


1) She doesn ’t care for that colour.


2) He spent years caring for his sick mother.


3) Don't you care about this country's future?



1) 我不计较价钱,只要车很好用就行了。(care about)


2) 你要喝咖啡还是喝茶?(care for)


2.by the end of

【辨析】by the end of , in the end, at the end和on end

by the end 到„„为止

in the end 最后,结果

at the end 终了时

on end 连续地


1) He works three days on end.


2) At the end of the street you'll find it.


3) If you persevere with work, you'll succeed in the end.



1) 一连好几天连续下雨。(on end)


2)会议结束时他做了一个令人兴奋的演讲。(at the end of)




1. All over the world people cared for Chris so much that letters and postcards poured in every day.



This book is so interesting that everyone wants to read it. 这本书很有趣,人人都想看看。 ==So interesting is the book that everyone wants to read it.

注意:so that…通常用于引导目的状语从句,表示“为了、以便…”, 如:

They got up early so that they could catch the early bus.


2. I would go to the pile of letters marked with "Funny" if we needed a laugh.

【归纳】the pile of letters marked with …其中marked with 为过去分词作定语,相当于定语从 句 that were marked with…。注意体会现在分词与过去分词作定语的差别:

boiled water 开水 boiling water 正沸腾的水

developed countries发展的国家 developing countries 发展中国家

fallen leaves 落叶 falling leaves 正在飘落的叶子

changed condition 改变了的情况 changing condition 变化着的情况


1) Say slowly_______________________(好让我听明白)。.

2)__________________________(多数被邀请来参加聚会的学生)came from our school.




1. 1) He is, without doubt, the greatest golfer in Japan.

2) I doubt if we can arrive on time.

3) There's no doubt that students should develop good habits.

2. 1) The city was all alive when he arrived.

2) The convict at large was caught alive on the night of last Friday.



1. 1)I don't care about the price, so long as the car is in good condition.

2)Would you care for coffee or tea?

2. 1)It has been raining for days on end.

2)He made an thrilling speech at the end of the meeting.



1. so that I can understand you

2. Most of the students invited to the party


A way to be with customers

In the summer vacation of 1997, I was fixed with a job. I worked as a(n) assistant at Mr.

Breen’s fruit shop. The fruit shop did good business. Most of the trade came from the housewives who lived in the neighbourhood, but he also had regular customers who arrived outside the shop in cars . Mr Breen knew them all by name and they sometimes even had their order already made up , always getting me to carry it out to their car. They were clearly long-standing customers , and I suppose they must have stayed faithful to him because he had promised to sell good quality fruit. He had a way with them —I had to admit that. He called every woman “madam” for a start , even those who clearly were not, but when he said it , it did not sound like flattery . It just sounded polite in an old-fashioned way . He was a great chatter as well. If he did not know them , he would greet them with a few words about the weather , but if he did , he would ask about their families or make jokes, always cutting his cloth according to his customers. Whatever their bills came to, he always gave them back the few odd pence , and I am sure they thought he was very generous. But I thought he was the opposite. He never threw anything away. He was always looking for something for nothing.


1. faithful ['feiθful] a.忠诚的;尽职的;如实的,准确可靠的

2. flattery ['flætəri] n.奉承;谄媚的举动

3.odd pence 零钱

4.generous ['dʒenərəs]a.慷慨的;宽厚的;大量的,丰富的


1. admit


v. 允许进入,承认

admit sth. 承认…

admit doing sth. 承认做了某事 admit( to sb.) that… 承认…

be admitted to… 被…接纳 admit of… 允许…


1) I must admit, it's more difficult than I thought it would be. 我必须承认,这比我想象的要困难得多。

2) He was admitted to the hospital suffering from burns. 他由于烧伤,被送入医院治疗。

3) His conduct admits of no excuse.











1) n. 诺言,约定,(有)希望,预示

make a promise 许下诺言

keep one's promose 保守诺言

break one's promise 打破诺言,说话不算数

2) v. 允诺,约定,预示,有可能

promise sb. to do sth. 答应某人做某事


1) I don't trust his promise to come for a visit.


2) She has high promise of a pianist.


3)I promise to return your bicycle on good condition. 我答应一定完好无损地还你的自行车。
