
| 会计继续教育 |



Starter Unit1~3








请拼写它。 你怎么拼写它? 它是什么颜色的?它是白色的。 这把尺子是黄色的。

Unit one


姓氏(两种表达方式) 名(两种表达方式) 我的电话号码________________ 在中国 身份证


见到你很高兴。________________________________________________________________ 你的电话号码是多少? 她的的电话号码是多少?________________________________________________________ 他的的电话号码是281-9176 我的朋友在中国。________________________________________________________________她的名字是张明明。 我的朋友是吉娜,史密斯.

Unit Two


在第一张图里________________________, 在下一张图里______________________,

一张我的全家福 , 我的狗的名字 , 这两个女孩________________, 两张我的好看的全家福 ,






在下一张照片里是我的兄弟们,Bob和Eric。_____________________________________ 科科是我的狗的名字。____________________________________________________________



am/is_________;this_______;that________;I________;you________; he/she/it_____________;






一张身份证 ,一个橡皮 ,

一份电子邮件 ,五个铅笔盒___ _____________,

在学校图书馆 ,在7E教室 ,

向老师要它 , 打电话给我 ,

一串钥匙 ,打……电话找某人 ,

向某人要某物 ,





一串钥匙在教室里。 电脑游戏在学校图书馆里。

给我的信箱maryg2@gfmail发邮件。 我必须找到它。 打6856034找我。 我丢了我的身份证。 向老师要它。

Unit Four


在沙发上_______________________, 在你的沙发上______________________,

在椅子下_______________________, 在我的椅子下_________________________,

在我的房间里_____________________, 在你父母的房间里_______________________,






我钥匙在我的书包里。 吉娜的书到处都是----在她床上,在沙发上,在椅子下。

我的房间小但整洁。 白色的模型飞机是她的 我有一个钟,它在桌上。

Unit Five


Let us(缩写)__________, do(否定形式)__________, does(否定形式)__________


同一个 , 看电视





















Unit Six



一些水果 ,一些蔬菜 下周 ,

一个运动明星 ,考虑一个问题 ,

考虑打篮球 ,

想要一把尺子 ,

想要踢足球__________________________,想要他加入我们 ,

向老师要一本英语书 ,

问我一个问题 ,晚饭后 ,

要求他写作业 ,

看电视怎么样? ,吃中餐 ,

她的饮食习惯 吃……当做早餐


我每天吃得好! 她有一个良好的饮食习惯。 你喜欢什么当做早餐?

我爱水果。我认为是健康的。 我喜欢鸡肉做晚餐。 我喜欢吃冰激凌,因为我不想变胖。

Unit Seven


一双袜子 ,2双袜子 ,

一条短裤 ,2条长裤 ,

一双鞋 ,2双鞋 ,

特卖 ,一件上学穿的毛衣

一双2美元 , 2双3美元 ,

一条紫色的裙子 许多钱____________________, 许多书____________________,


给你!_____________ ____________________________________________________















Unit Eight


在2014年_______________________ , 在8月1日 , 在2014年8月1日 , 在3点_______________________, 今天早晨_______________________, 在早晨 , 进行英语测试 ,举行学校郊游_______________________, 举行生日晚会 ,举行篮球比赛 , 举行校庆 ,进行书籍特卖 , 举行艺术节 ,



这学期我们有一些有趣的和令人愉快的事情给你。 十月是一个伟大的月份。 你的父母可以来我校。 这真是繁忙的学期。

Unit Nine


上语文课 ,在星期一_____________________, 在星期一上午_______________ ______,在那之后_____________________, 当然_____________________,从早到晚 , 一本有用的书 忙于做作业 , 结束做某事_____________________,在7:30 , 在7:45 ,在7:00 , 在7:05 ,在7:50 , 和我玩游戏 , 第二天 ,一位女老师______________





你最喜欢的学科是什么?我最喜欢英语。___________________________________________ 你为什么喜欢它?因为我认为它不无聊。___________________________________________ 你的语文老师是谁? 你的地理课在什么时候?

《7A Unit2 重点短语和句子 2》

7A Unit2 重点短语和句子


wake up 叫醒 get up 起床 a new online friend一个新网友 go to sleep 去睡觉 keep a diary 写日记 a member of.... ....之中的一员 tell sb. About sth. 告诉某人某事

It’s time for sth到某事的时间了

tell sth to sb. 把某事告诉给某人 It’time to do sth到做某事的时间了

at lunchtime 在午餐时 do morning exercises做晨练 chat with each other 互相聊天 do some exercises做些运动

ever Tuesday and Friday 每周四和周五 do after-school activities做课外活动 watch football matches 看足球比赛 have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself 玩的开心 say hello to sb. 向某人打招呼,问好 thank you for doing sth感谢某人做某事

Would like to do sth=want to do sth

想要做某事 look forward to doing sth渴望做某事 spend + 时间/金钱 on sth.

spend +时间/金钱 (in) doing sth


物 +cost + sb. +时间/金钱

It + takes +sb.+时间/金钱 +to do sth.

All the time 一直 感官动词sound/look/taste/smell/touch/feel + 形容词


1. Some dog don’t know how to have fun.

2. I like my classroom because it is big and clean.

3. At lunchtime, we often sit under the trees in the playground.

4. My new classmates are all nice to me.

5. I spend about two hours a day doing my homework.

=I spend about two hours a day on my homework.

=My homework costs me about two hours a day.

=It takes me about two huors a day to do my homework.

6.Amy is a member of the Swimming Club.

7.What do you think of your new school?

8.What are your favourite lessons ?你最喜爱的课是什么?

9.Don’t worry. Maybe you need to practise it more.别担心,也许你需要更多地练习

10.Learn more about the world更多地了解世界

注意点: 介词 + 宾语 /v-ing 动词 + 宾语

注意点: 介词 + 宾语/v-ing 动词 + 宾语


九年级新目标英语短语和重要句型归纳(Unit 1-10) Unit1.How do you study for a test?

1.听磁带listen to tapes 2.向老师请求帮助ask the teacher for help

3.制作抽认卡.make flashcards 4.观看英语录象watch English-language videos 5.朗读read aloud .6.练习语音.practice pronunciation 7.说的技能speaking skills 8.太„而不能.too „to

9. 询问有关„ask about 10.学英语的最好方法the best way to learn English 15.一点也不.not at all 16.变得兴奋get excited

17.结束做„end up doing sth. 18.英语口语spoken English

19.练习说英语.practice speaking English 20.加入英语俱乐部.join an English club _21.嘲笑某人.laugh at 22.编对话.make up conversations 23.首先first of all 24 .一开始to begin with 25.写下.write down 26.后来.later on 27.写我自己创造的句子write my own original sentence

28.做调查do a survey 29.做某事对某人来说困难It’s difficult for sb to do 30.在语法方面犯错make mistakes in grammar 32.没关系It doesn’t matter. 33.害怕做„.be afraid to do sth/be afraid of doing sth/

34.造完整的句子make complete sentences 35.帮助很大help a lot 36.有点帮助.help a little 37.秘诀之一.one of the secrets

38.记笔记take notes 39.一个好的语言学习者a good language learner 40.开始做„start doing /start to doing

43.做„有困难.have difficulty doing sth/have problems doing sth/have trouble doing sth 44.查字典look up „in a dictionary 45.获奖.win a prize

46.处理deal with /do with 47.担心worry about,be worried about

48.对„生气be angry with /be mad at 50.时间流逝Time goes by 51.看见某人在做某事see sb doing sth 看见某人做某事see sb do sth

53.解决问题solve a problem 54.把问题看作挑战.regard problems as challenges 55.抱怨„.complain about 56.把„变成„.change sth into /turn „into 57.做某事是我们的责任.It’s our duty to do sth 58.尽力做„ try one’s best to do /do one’s best to„

59.在老师的帮助下 .with the help of sb./with one’s help 60.把„和„进行比较compare „to „ 61.尽责.do one’s duty

Unit 5

1.这本杂志是属于Carla 的。The magazine belongs to Carla./The magazine is Carla’s. 2。海明威是她最喜欢的作家。Hemingwei is her favorite author. 3.古典音乐classical music 4.这道门的钥匙.the key to the door

5.他可能知道去医院的路。He might know the way to the hospital./It’s possible that he knows the way to the hospital

6.这座房子不可能是那个妇女的The house can’t belong to that woman. 10.去听音乐会go to the concert 11.听音乐会have a concert/take a concert

12.举办音乐会. give a concert/hold a concert 13.在音乐会期间during the concert 17.占期末考试的30% make up 30% of the final exam /count 30% to the final exam 18.担心某人.worry about sb/be worried about sb/be anxious about sb

19.“anxious”是什么意思?.What does “anxious” mean?/What’s the meaning of “anxious”?/What do you mean by “anxious”

20.因为„,由于„. .because of +短语/ because+句子 /thanks to

21.拍电影.make a movie/be in a movie 22.奇怪的生物a strange creature 24.在我们四邻in our neighborhood

25.这个女孩刚才发生了什么事?她出了车祸What happened to the girl just now? She had a traffic accident.

29.我们学校有一家商店在卖学习用具There is a shop selling school things in our school.。有..正在做:there be …doing 有…要做there be ….to do 30.那边有个女孩在哭。There is a girl crying over there.

32.在她屋前in front of her house 33.当地动物园的主管the director of the local zoo 34.从„逃跑escape from

Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?

2.将来某一天one day/some day 3.别紧张.take it easy

4.希望做某事.hope to do 5.打算做某事.plan to do sth

7.大体上,一般而言.in general 8.数以千计的,许许多多的thousands of

9.尽快地as soon as possible 13.(预言,期望)实现,成为事实.come true 14.在热带丛林中旅行trek through the jungle

17.一个筋疲力尽的人.a tired person 18.一项累人的工作a tiring job 20.迷人的爱情故事.a fanscinating love story 21.去长途旅行go trekking

22.刺激的假期.an exciting vacation23.紧张的(be)stressed out24.在海滩上on the beach 31.我们为什么不一起都去旧金山呢?那里什么都有—美丽的风景,友好的人们,还有可做令人刺激的事情„

Why don’t we all go to San Francisco together? It has everything—beautiful views, friendly people, exciting things to do„ 32.付款pay for

33.旅游热点,旅游胜地travel spotlight 34.考虑做某事consider doing sth.

35.对于你的下一次假期,为什么不考虑游览巴黎呢?.For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris?

36.法国的首都the capital of France 37.最热闹的城市之一one of the liveliest cities 38.最著名的教堂之一.one of the most famous churches

39.迷人的景.fantastic sights 40.乘地铁take the underground train 41.消费相当高的地方quite an expensive place 45.去暖和的地方go somewhere warm

46.你想去参观哪里?where would you like to visit?

47.你想去哪里度假?.where would you like to go on vacation?

48.我想去一个令人轻松的地方。I’d love to somewhere relaxing. 49.我希望有一天去法国。. I hope to go to France someday 50.最好做„.It’s best to do„/人+had better do sth.

51.你能告诉我别的什么吗?.What else can you tell me? 52.旅行.take a trip 去大自然旅行 go on a nature tour

69.depend on 取决于;依赖 61.answer the phone 接电话

62.call people back 回电 57.translate things for sb 为某人翻译事情

58.pack light clothes打包轻衣服 59.have lots of wonderful sights 有许多美丽的风景

Unit10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. Phrases:

1. by the time 到„ 时候 3. go off 发出响声 4. wake up 醒来 5. come out 出来 6. run off 跑掉 7. on time 准时

8. come by 经过 9. give sb. a ride 让某人搭车 10. break down 停止运转 11. get dressed 穿好衣服 12. show up 露面 13. stay up 熬夜

14.sth. happens to sb. 某事发生在某人身上 15. land on 着陆 16. so….that 如此 以至 17. set off 激起

18. flee from 逃离 19. sell out 卖完

20. get married 结婚 21. have a happy ending 有一个愉快的结局 1. What happened? What’s happening? what has happened?

2. By the time she got to class, the teacher had already started teaching.

剖析:假如by the time 后的定语从句是一般过去时,那么主句的谓语动词用过去完成时。

若by the time 后的定语从句是将来时,则主句谓语动词用将来时态。

By the time I got outside, the bus had already left 当我出来时,公交车已经走了 拓展:leave +地点 离开某地 leave for +地点 动身去某地 3. When she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home. 我到学校的时候,我意识到我把背包忘在家里了

4. I’ve never been late for school。我从来没有上学迟到过。 5. I had to wait for him to come out. 我不得不等着他出来

6. Luckily, my friend Tony and his dad came by in his dad’s car and they gave me a ride. 幸运的是,我的朋友托尼和他的爸爸开车从我身边经过并让我搭了便车。 give sb. a ride 让某人搭车

7. I only just made it to my class. 我刚刚赶上上课。 make it:成功

9. Many people ran to their local supermarket to buy as much spaghetti as they could. as much/many +n. as they could. =as much/many +n. as possible 尽可能多

Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?


1.买洗发剂 2.买一些杂志 3. 打电话 百货商店 4.买一本词典 5.存钱 8.座电梯到二楼9.向左转 10.向右转11.在某人的左/右边 12.在左/右边13.经过银行 14.在两者之间 15.紧挨着,靠近 16.到达邮局17.吃的好地方 18.去…的路 21.决定作某事 22.和某人闲逛24.去音乐厅听CD碟26.太多的钱 27.许多树 29.玩的开心30.度假 31.装扮成小丑模样35.询问情况或请求帮助37.听起来粗鲁 38.提出请求39.学会如何有礼貌

42.一方面,另一方面44.在某些情况下45.借给某人某物(借出 46.从某人那儿借物(借进47.例如(列举 48.举例51.花费时间作某事 52.引导出一个问题或需求 53.打扰某人抱歉54.礼貌的说话似乎比直接去做更难。

55.在某方面 56.为了做… 57.和…一样 58. 希望 59. 希望某人…60. 上交 分发二、Drills(宾语从句)

1.Excuse me. Do you know where Centre Stree is? 2.Could you please tell me how I can get to the bank?

3.Can you tell me how to get to the bookstore,please? 4.Could you please tell me the way to the library? 5.Excuse me,is there a hospital near here?

6.Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? 7.Excuse me. Which is the way to the school?

8.Walk along this road, and take the first crossing on the right.

9.Walk on and turn left, and you will see the tall building on the right. 10.I’m sorry to trouble you.

11.There is a Mr Wang waiting to see you outside your offi Unit 14. Have you packed yet?

1.浇植物 water the plants 2.锁窗户: lock the windows

3.你浇了植物了吗?没Have you watered the plants yet? I haven’t watered them yet. 4.你打包相机了吗?我已经把它放在我的衣箱里。 Have you packed the camera yet? I have already put it in my suitcase.

5.我还没有喂猫呢。I haven’t fed the cat yet. 6.和某人聊天 chat with sb 7.砍柴,点火做早饭 chop wood and light the fire for breakfast. 8.住在农场live on the farm 9.获奖:win a prize=win an award

10.在最近12个月里,他们已经举行了3场音乐会:In the last twelve months, they’ve had three concerts 11.世界巡演:go on a world tour 12.祝…好运Good luck to sb 13.向某人道别 say goodbye to sb 14.电话占线 The telephone was busy 15.洗碗是你的工作: It’s your job to wash the dishes

16.轮到你了It’s your turn 17.还有一件事one more thing

18.你曾经去过音乐会上吗? 是的,我去年去了。Have you ever been to a concert? Yes, I have. I went to a concert last year.

19.他已游览了他祖先住的地方He’s already visited the place where his ancestors lived.20.一个有着长长干的高树。 A tall tree with long roots.

21.到目前为止,它已经带来了成千上万的海外学生到中国。 So far, it has brought thousands of overseas students to China.

22.他们以前从未到过中国。They have never been to China before.

23.两周的旅行.two-week trip 24.多亏。Thanks to 25.强烈相信believe strongly 26.一大步 a big step 27.盼望做某事look forward to doing

《新目标英语七年级下 Units 1--6短语与句子》

Unit 1

1、be/come from:来自 2、live in Paris:住在巴黎

3、write to me soon:快点给我写信 4、play sports:运动、锻炼

5、speak a little French:讲一点法语

6、like going to the movies with my friends:喜欢和我的朋友去看电影

7、tell sb about...告诉某人关于……tell sb. sth./ tell sth. to sb.告诉某人某事 tell sb. ( not ) to do sth.告诉某人(不)去做某事

8、an interesting country: 一个有趣的国

9、in November: 在十一月 10、speak a little French: 说一点法语

11、like playing sports:喜欢做运动 12、her favorite language:她最喜欢的语言

13、write to Tom:写信给汤姆 14、Jolie’s pen pal:朱利的笔友

15、likes and dislikes:好恶、爱憎

16. speak English / say sth. in English 说英语


1. Where are you from?=Where do you come from?

2. Where is he from? = Where does he come from?

3. What language do you speak?

4. What language does he speak?

5. Where do you live? ---I live in Paris.

Unit 2

1、打扰了Excuse me 2、散步 take a walk/have a walk/ go for a walk

3.开心做某事 have fun doing sth.

have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself玩得高兴

4、向左/右转 turn (to the )left/ (to the )right

5、一个干净又宁静的超市 : clean and quiet supermarket 6、一直走 go straight

7、穿过公园 go through the park 8、在右边 on the right

9、欢迎来中国 Welcome to China 10、参观格林大道 visit Green Street

11、世界之旅的开始 the beginning of the world tour

12、买一些食品 buy some food 13、饭店隔壁 next to the restaurant

14、乘出租车 take/have a taxi / by taxi

15、沿着长街走 go down /along/up Long Street

16、穿过第六大道 go through Sixth Street 17、在新公园右转 turn right at New Park

18、在大桥街 on Bridge Street 19、旅途愉快 have a good trip

20、去学校的路 the way to school 21、邮局:post office

22、公用电话:pay phone 23、在第五大街 on Fifth Avenue

24、中心街道 on Center Street 25、靠近… next to

26、在…对面 be across from 27、在…和…之间 between... and....

28、在一个安静/繁忙的街道上on a quiet/busy street

29、在附近 near here=in the neighborhood 30、在你家附近near your home

31、在你的右边 on your right 32、欢迎到…来 welcome to spc....

33、花园区 the Garden District 34、花园游览the garden tour

35、步行穿过…take a walk through 36、经过…pass...

37、有花园的房子… a house with a garden 38、….的开头 the beginning of...

39、一个玩的高兴的好地方a good place to have fun

40、在超市买些食buy some food in the supermarket

41、去我家的路 the way to my home  42、一个干净的公园a clean park

43、一条安静的街道a quiet street 44、一家旧旅馆an old hotel

45、一个繁华的超市a busy supermarket

46、三个很脏的房间three very dirty rooms


Is there … near hear?

Is there … in the neighborhood?

Where is the post office …?

Can you tell me where the post office is ?

Can you tell me how to get to…?

Can you tell me how I can get to …?

Can you show me the way to…?

How can I get to…?


Go along+地点

Go up/down+地点

Go straight.

Turn right/ left at the … turning / crossing

Turn to the right/ to the left.

It’s on the left/ right.

It’s next to / in front of …


1. 表示某地有某物用句型:There be…

肯定句:There is + 不可数名词或可数名词单数。

There are + 可数名词复数。

否定句:Is /are there….? ---Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.

---Yes, there are./ No ,there aren’t.

2. 某人拥有或附带有用“have/ has”.

3. across 和through 的区别。

across : 横跨(马路road 桥bridge 河面river海洋ocean等)


4. 到达:

get to + 地点

I will get to Beijing on Monday.

arrive in+ 大地方/ at +小地方 I will arrive in Beijing on Monday.

reach + 地点 I will arrive at the park at five o’clock.

I will reach Beijing on Monday.

5. between…and…: (两者)之间 among: 三者或三者以上之间

6. enjoy doing sth.:喜欢做某事

enjoy oneself:= have a good time= have fun 玩的开心

7. hope to do sth或.hope + that 从句 “希望…”

8. the way to + 地点 “ 去…的路”

9. 祈使句用动词原形开头。 如: Please read English in the morning.

10. Thank you very much .= Thanks a lot.

11. Thank you for sth.\ doing sth.

如: 谢谢你给我写信。Thanks for your letter.= Thanks for writing to me.

12. 对感谢的回答: You’re welcome.不用谢。

Not at all.不用谢。\ 不客气。

It’s all right.\ That’s all right. 没关系。

Unit 3


1、let sb do sth.让某人做某事 let sb. not do 让某人不做某事

2、kind of=a bit =a little 稍微、有点 3、有点有趣:kind of interesting

4、有点懒:kind of lazy 一种…a kind of

各种各样的all kinds of 什么类型的what kind of

5、来自南非:be from South Africa 6、对某人友好:be friendly /good /nice to sb

7、和某人友好相处:be friendly/good with sb

8、喜欢做某事(习惯性的):like doing sth

9、喜欢做某事(偶尔一次的、未发生的):like to do sth

10、保持安静:be/keep quiet 11、在白天:during/in the day

12、在晚上:at night=in the night 13、每天:every day

14、每天的、日常的:everyday 15、和朋友一起玩:play with one's friends

16、在白天睡觉:sleep during the day

17、他12岁:He is twelve years old./ He is a twelve-year-old boy.

18、起床:get up 19、吃叶子:eat leaves 20.擅长做某事 be good at sth. / doing sth.

21. 擅长做某事 be clever at sth./doing sth 22.擅长做某事do well in

23. 和某人玩耍 play with sb. 24. 睡觉 go to sleep 25. have a rest

26. 要求某人做某事 ask sb. to do 27.告诉某人做事tell sb .to do sth.

28 想要某人做某事want sb. to do sth. 29.帮助某人做某事help sb . (to) do sth.

30.让某人做某事let sb. do sth. 31.最好做某事 had better do sth.

32.最好别做某事had better not do sth.

33.为什么不做某事?Why not do sth.?=Why don’t you do sth.?


1. Why do you like pandas?--- Because they are kind of cute.

2. What other animals do you like ?--- I like elephants.


1. because回答 why的提问。注意because不能和 so连用。

2. kind of + 形容词。 a kind of /all kinds of/what kind of +名词。

3. some 和any: some一般用于肯定句中,any 用于否定、疑问句中。 但是表示委婉请求时用some如:Would you please give me some water?

any 表示:“任一的”时用于肯定句中。

4. other / the other/ others/ the others的区别

other: 可做形容词或代词。 泛指其他的人和物。

the other : 特指两个当中的另一个。常常构成: one… the other…

others 是other 的复数形式,泛指另外的几个或其余的。

the others 是特指某一范围的其他的,别的…

5. leaf (复数)_____ leaves grass 不可数名词 meat 不可数名词

6. many/ a few/ few 只能修饰可数名词复数。

much / a little /little : 只能修饰不可数名词。

lots of= a lot of 即可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词。

7.do /does/ can 后面只能跟动词原形。

8. had better(最好做…): 后只能跟动词原形。

9.Why not (为什么不):后只能跟动词原形。

10. look: 看 look at sth. 看… (强调看的动作)

see: 强调看的结果

watch: 观看(电视、球赛、表演等) ( 指长时间的带有感情色彩的注视)

Unit 4

1、他是干什么的?: What does he do?=what's he?=What's his job?

2、和某人一起工作:work with sb 3、在、、、、、、工做:work at/in.....

4、为、、、、、、工作:work for... 以…身份/职业而工作work/ a job as…

5、给某人某物:give sth to sb=give sb sth

6、从、、、、得到、、、、:get sth from ....

7、穿着白色的制服:wear a white uniform(状态)

8、穿上你的衣服:put on your coat(动作) 9、有点危险:kind of dangerous

10、两个小偷:two thieves 11、和某人交谈:talk to/with sb

12、谈论、、、、、:talk about sb/sth 13、问某人问题:ask sb questions

14、工作得晚:work late 工作努力work hard 15、做某事迟到:be late for sth.

16、出去就餐:go out to dinners 17、忙碌:be busy

18、忙于做、、、: be busy with sth=be busy doing sth

19、对、、、、感兴趣:be/become interested in....

20、一个有趣的工作:an interesting job

21、努力工作:work hard 22、艰苦的工作:hard work

23、一项适合你的工作:a job for you 24、给你提供一个工作:have a job for you

25、和演员一起工作:work with actors

26、打电话给晚报:call the Evening Newspaper

27、在医院:in/at a hospital 住院 (be) in hospital 28、很多,许多:a lot of=lots of

29、 想要做……:want to do... 30、招聘广告:want ads

31、其他年轻人:other young people 32、参加校园剧的演出:be in the school play

33、需要一名医生:need a doctor 34、售货员,店员: sales assistant

35、警官:police officer 36、银行职员:bank clerk

37、 害怕,恐怕…: be afraid of 38、电视台:TV station

39、警察局:police station 40、流行歌手:pop singer

41、重要人物;very important person 42、出去:go out

43、校园剧:school play 44、尽可能快地:as soon as possible

45、晚报:evening newspaper 46、数钱:count money

47、有点儿危险:kind of dangerous 48、写故事:write stories

49、运动教练:a sports coach 50、图书管理员:a library assistant

51、在将来:in the future 52. 给某人买… buy sb. sth./ buy sth. for sb. 句型

1. 问职业:What does sb. do ?= What is sb.?/ What is sb’s job.? (回答用职业名词)

2. 我认为他的工作非常有趣。I think his job is very interesting.

3. 我认为这是一项有趣的工作。 I think it is a very interesting job.

4. What do you want to be ? 你想当/干什么职业?( 回答用职业名词)

5. Where does he work? 他在哪儿工作? (回答用地点)




Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?(谈论假期生活,一般过去时) Unit 2 How often do you exercise?(谈论生活习惯,一般现在时) Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister(谈论事物对比, 形容词比较级) Unit 4 What's the best movie theater?(谈论事物比较,形容词最高级) Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?(谈论内心想法,一般现在时) Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.(谈谈生活的目标,一般将来时) Unit7 Will people have robots?(对将来生活的预言,一般将来时) Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake?(描述进程,祈使句)

Unit9 Can you come to my party?(学习邀请,作出、接受和拒绝邀请,学习表请求的句子) Unit10 If you go to the party, you‘ll have a great time.(作出决定,学习if的条件状语从句) Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 第一单元主要点: ①复习一般过去时 ②复合不定代词的用法 ③反身代词的用法 ④系动词的用法

⑤动词后的to do和doing 的区别 ⑥ed形容词和ing形容词的区别 ⑦“近义词”的区别 ⑧本单元中的主谓一致现象


⑩用同义短语转换同义句时谓语动词形式一致性的培养。 ⑾感叹句的结构和连词的选择。 一、词组、短语:

1、go on vacation去度假 , 2、 stay at home 呆在家, 3、go to the mountains 上山/进山 , 4、 go to the beach到海边去, 5、visit museums 参观博物馆, 6、go to summer camp 去夏令营, 7、 quite a few 相当多, 8、study for为……学习, 9、go out 出去,

10、most of the time 大部分时间/绝大多数时间, 11、taste good 尝起来味道好, 12、have a good time玩的开心, 13、of course当然可以, 二、重要句子(语法):

Where did you go on vacation?你到哪里去度假了?I went to New York City.我去了纽约城 Did you go out with anyone? 你出去带人吗?

No, No one was here. Everyone was on vacation.不,没有人在这儿。大家度去度假了。 Did you buy anything special?你买了什么特别的东西吗? Yes, I bought something for my father.对,我给父亲买了一些东西。

How was the food? 食物怎么样? Everything tasted really good.每一样东西真的都好吃。 Did everyone have a good time?大家玩的开心吗? Oh, yes. Everything was excellent.对,一切都很精彩。

14、feel like感觉像……/想要, 15、 go shopping购物, 16、in the past 在过去, 17、walk around绕……走,

18、too many 太多(可数名词前面), 19、because of 因为, 20、one bowl of 一碗……, 21、find out 查出来/发现 , 22、go on继续, 23、take photos 照相,

24、something important重要的事情, 25、up and down上上下下, 26、come up出来


1. buy sth. for ab./ buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物 2. taste + adj. 尝起来…… 3. nothing ….but + V.(原形) 除了……之外什么都没有

4. seem + (to be) + adj 看起来 5. arrive in + 大地方 / arrive at + 小地方 到达某地 6. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 7. try doing sth. 尝试做某事 / try to do sth. 尽力做某事 8. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 9. want to do sth. 想去做某事 10. start doing sth. 开始做某事 11. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 12. look + adj 看起来 13. dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事

14. Why not do sth. 为什么不做…….呢? 15. so + adj + that + 从句 如此……以至于…… 16. tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要) 做某事 17. keep doing sth. 继续做某事 18. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事 / forget doing sth 忘记做过某事 四、词语辨析:

1.Where did you go on vacation? 你去哪里度假了?(P1)

1)这是有疑问副词where引导的特殊疑问句,where用来询问地点和场所,放在句首。 a._____ do you _____ ______?你从哪里来? b._____does he______?他住在哪里? 2)go on vacation意为―去度假‖。

I want ____ ____ ____ ____in Hainan this winter.今年冬天我想去海南度假。 2.visited my uncle 看望了我的叔叔(P1)

visit是及物动词,意为―拜访;探望‖,后接表示人的名词或代词。 visit还可以意为―参观;游览‖,后接表示地点的名词。

a.I visited my grandmother last week. 上周我去______了我的外婆。 b.Do you want to visit Shanghai? 你想______上海吗? 拓展:visitor意为―参观者;游客‖。

eg: These visitors come from America._______________________ 3.buy anything special 买特别的东西。(P2)


拓展:buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth. 意为―给某人买某物‖。 My uncle_____ _____a bike.= My uncle_____ _____for me.

2)anything不定代词,意为―某事;某件东西‖,主要用于疑问句或否定句中。 a.Do you want anything from me? b.I can‘t say anything about it. 3) anthing special表示―特别的东西‖,形容词修饰不定代词时后置。 Is there________ ________in this book?这本书里有新的内容吗? 4.Oh, did you go anywhere interesting?哦,你去有趣的地方了吗?(P2)

1)本句是did开头的一般疑问句 2)anywhere用作副词,意为―在任何地方‖。 eg:Did you go anywhere during the summer vacation? 辨析:anywhere与somewhere

anywhere意为―在任何地方‖,常用于否定句和疑问句中。 eg:I can‘t find it anywhere. somewhere意为―在某处;到某处‖,常用于肯定句中。 eg:I lost my key somewhere near here. 5.We took quite a few photos there.我们在那里拍了不少照片。(P2)

take photos 意为―照相;拍照‖。 eg:We______ ______on the Great Wall.我们在长城上照了相。 辨析:quite a few与quite a little

quite a few 意为―很多;不少‖,修饰可数名词复数;

quite a little 意为―很多;不少‖,修饰不可数名词。 a. He stays here for _____ _____ _____days. b.There is _____ _____ _____water in the bottle(瓶子).

6. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. 我大部分时间只是待在家里读书休息。 (P2)

most of the time意为―大部分时间‖,其中most为代词,意为―大部分;大多数‖。 拓展most of…意为―……中的大多数‖,它作主语时,谓语动词取决于most of后所修饰的名词。

a. Most of us_____(be)going to the park. 我们大多数人要去公园。 b. Most of the food_____(go)bad. 大部分的食物都变质了。 7.Everything tasted really good!所有的东西尝起来真的很好吃!(P3) taste在此为系动词,意为―尝起来‖,其后接形容词构成系表结构。 a.The food tastes really great.食物尝起来棒极了。

8. Did everyone have a good time?大家都玩得很开心吗?(P3)

have a good time = enjoy oneself = have fun 玩得开心 (+ doing) eg: We had a good time visiting the the Great Wall.

= We enjoyed ourselves visiting the the Great Wall.= We had fun visiting the the Great Wall. 9.How did you like it? 你觉得它怎么样?(P3)

How do/did you like……? 意为―你觉得……怎么样?‖,用来询问对方的观点或看法,相当于 What do you think of……?

eg: How do you like your new job? = _____ _____ _____ _____ your new job? 10.Did you go shopping? 你们去购物了吗?(P3)

go shopping意为―去购物;去买东西‖,同义短语为do some shopping. eg: I usually go shopping on Sundays.我通常星期天去购物。


go skating 去滑冰 go hiking 去 go sightseeing 去观光 go fishing 去钓鱼 go swimming 去游泳 go boating 去划船

11.I went to a friend‘s farm in the countryside with my family.我和家人一起去了乡下一个朋友的农场。(P3) a friend‘s farm是名词所有格形式。

一般情况下,表示―有生命的人或物‖的名词后面加‘s,表示所属关系。 eg:The red bike is Alice‘s. 那辆红色的自行车是爱丽斯的。 拓展:名词所有格的构成:

1)单数名词词尾加‘s ,复数名词词尾没有s,也要加‘s

the girl ‗s pen女孩的钢笔 women‘s shoes女鞋 on Children‘s Day 2)复数名词以s结尾的只加 ‘

the students‘ reading room学生阅览室 Teachers‘ Day教师节

3)如果两个名词并列,并且分别有‘s,则表示―分别有‖;只后一个名词有一个‘s,则表示―共有‖: John‘s and Kate‘s rooms. 约翰和凯特(各自)的房间。 Lily and Lucy‘s father. 莉莉和露西的爸爸(同一个爸爸)。 4)表示无生命的名词一般以...of...构成短语,表示所有关系。

a map of China一幅中国地图 the name of the story那个故事的名字 12. Still no one seemed to be bored. (即使这样)仍然没有人看起来无聊。(P3) 1)seem意为―好像;似乎;看来‖。 eg:Everything seems easy.一切似乎很容易。

拓展a. seem+adj. ―看起来……‖。 You seem happy today.你今天看起来很高兴。

b. seem+to do sth. ―似乎,好像做某事‖。 I seem to have a cold.我似乎感冒了。

c. It seems/seemed+从句 ―看起来好像…;似乎…‖。It seems that no one believes you.看起来好像没有人相信你。 2)辨析:bored与boring

a. bored意为―厌烦的;感到无聊的‖,一般在句中修饰人。 b. boring意为―无聊的;令人厌烦的‖,一般在句中修饰事或物。 eg:a. I‘m ______with what he said.我对他说的话厌烦极了。 b. I find the story very_______.我发现这个故事太无聊了。

(二)Section B

1. What activities do you find enjoyable? 你发现什么活动让人快乐?(P5) 1)activities是activity的复数形式,意为―活动‖。

Students like outdoor activities. ____________________________ 2)enjoyable形容词,意为―愉快的;快乐的‖。

I‘m sure we will have an enjoyable vacation. 我确信我们将会有一个愉快的假期。

2. I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. 今天早上我和家人到达了马来西亚的槟城。(P5 arrive不及物动词,意为―到达‖。arrive in表示到达较大的地方,如国家、省、市等;arrive at表示到达 较小的地方,如机场、商店、广场、村庄等。(注:地点副词home,here,there前介词省略) 辨析:①arrive in+大地点 / arrive at+小地点 ②get to +地点 ③reach+地点 eg:I (到达) school at 8:00 o‘clock yesterday.

3. …so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel… 因此我们决定到旅馆附近的海滩上去。(P5)

decide to do sth.意为―决定做某事‖。 eg: They _____ ______ ______the museum.他们决定去参观博物馆。

拓展:decide后常跟―疑问词+动词不定式‖做宾语。He can‘t decide when ______ _____(leave) 他不能决定何时动身。 4. My sister and I tried paragliding.姐姐和我尝试了滑翔伞运动。(P5)

try此处用作及物动词,其后常接名词、动名词或不定式,意为―尝试;试图,设法;努力‖ She is trying my bicycle.她正在试骑我的自行车。

拓展:try也可用作名词,意为―尝试‖,常用短语―have a try‖,意为―试一试‖。 I want to have a try.我想试一试。 辨析:try doing sth. / try to do sth.

1)try doing sth. 尝试做某事,表示一种尝试、做做看的想法,不一定付出很多努力。

2)try to do sth.尽力、设法去做某事,表示想尽一切办法要把事情办成,强调付出努力设法去完成。 a. I ______ ______ him, but no one answered. 我试着给他打电话了,但没有人接听。 b. I‘m ______ ______ ______ English well. 我正尽力把英语学好。

5. I felt like I was a bird. It was so exciting! 我感觉自己就像一只小鸟。太刺激了!(P5) 1)feel like意为“给……的感觉;感受到”。其后常接从句。 eg: He feels like he is swimming. 他感觉像在游泳一样。

拓展:feel like还可意为“想要……‖,其后可接名词、代词或动名词。即:

feel like sth. 想要某物 feel like doing sth. 想要做某事

eg:Do you feel like a cup of tea now? 你现在想要一杯茶吗?

Do you feel like ______ (take) a walk in the park with me? 你想跟我在公园散步吗? 2)辨析:exciting与excited

exciting 意为―令人兴奋的,使人激动的‖, 一般修饰某物。 excited 意为―感到兴奋的,激动的‖, 一般修饰某人。 Eg:a.The story is_________(exciting, excited) . b.He told me the_______(exciting, excited)news.

c.Sarah was_______(exciting, excited)to see the singer. 6. There are a lot of new buildings now…现在有许多新的建筑物……(P5) building 可数名词,意为―建筑物;楼房‖。 build 动词,―建造,建筑‖ (built,built),

The workers built many tall buildings in our school last year.

7. I wonder what life was like here in the past. 我想知道在这儿过去的生活是什么样的。(P5)

wonder此处是及物动词,意为―想知道;琢磨‖。其后常接who, what, why等疑问词引导的宾语从句。 Eg:1.I wonder _______________. 我想知道那个男孩是谁。A. the boy is who B. who the boy is 2. I wonder what they were doing here.我想知道他去哪里了。

8.I really enjoyed walking around the town. 我真的很喜欢在镇上到处走走。 (P5)

1)enjoy及物动词,意为―喜爱;欣赏;享受……的乐趣‖,其后接名词,代词或动名词作宾语。 a. Do you enjoy your job? 你喜欢你的工作吗?

b. I enjoy reading books. 我喜欢读书。(enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事) 拓展: enjoy oneself =have a good time = have fun 玩得开心 (+ doing sth.)

2)walk around 意为―四处走走‖。He‘s just walking around the village.他只是在村庄里随便走走。 9. What a difference a day makes! 一天的变化有多大呀! (P5)

difference可数名词,意为―差别,差异‖ ;其形容词形式为different,意为―不同的;有差异的‖。 Eg: a. What is the difference between this book and that book?

b. My schoolbag is different from yours. ( be different from 意为―与……不同‖)

10. We wanted to walk up to the top , but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train.(P5) 1)want to do sth. 意为―想要做某事‖。

2)start doing sth. 意为―开始做某事‖,同义短语:start to do sth. Eg: Tom started learning English last year.

3)a little 意为―一点儿‖,在句中修饰动词、形容词或副词。也可以修饰不可数名词。 Eg: a. I can draw a little, but only as a hobby. ______________________________ b. It‘s a little cold outside. ______________________________ c. He can speak a little English. ______________________________ 4) take the train意为―乘火车‖,take在此意为―乘坐‖。

11.We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people. 因为人太多,所以我们等了一个 多小时的火车。(P5)

1)wait for意为―等候‖,其后可接人或物。 Tom was waiting for a bus over there.

2)over介词,意为―多于;超过‖ ,相当于more than。 Eg : My father is over 40 years old.

There are over eight hundred students in our school.

3) too many意为―太多‖,其后接可数名词复数。 He always has too many questions to ask me. 辨析:too many + 可数名词复数 意为“太多... ” too much + 不可数名词 意为“太多... ” much too + 形容词 意为“太... ” eg:I have

12.And because of the bad weather, we couldn‘t see anything below.而且因为坏天气,我们也没能看到下面的 任何景色(P5)

辨析:because of与because

a. because of意为―因为,由于‖,后可接名词、代词或动名词,不能接句子。 He lost his job because of his age.

b. because意为―因为‖,引导状语从句,即接句子。 I didn‘t buy the shirt because it was too expensive.

13. My father didn‘t bring enough money… 我爸爸没带足够的钱……(P5) 1)辨析:bring与take

bring意为―带来;拿来‖, 指从别处带到说话者所在地。 take意为―拿走;带走‖, 指从说话者所在地带到别处去。 2)enough 意为―足够的,充分的‖

1.用来修饰形容词或副词,一般置于被修饰词之后。 2.用来修饰名词时可放在形容词前面或后面。 Eg:a. We have enough time to do our homework. b. The box is big enough.



《Unit3 完整版》

Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.

第一课时 Section A (1a-1c)

教师寄语: There is no royal road to learning. 求知无坦途


1、重点词汇:outgoing, better, loudly, quietly, both.

2、重点句型:(1)、I’m more outgoing than my sister.

(2) Sam plays them better than Tom.

(3) She also sings more loudly than Tara.



(1)tall__________ (2)short ____________ (3)thin ___________

(4)heavy___________(5)outgoing___________ (6) fat ___________

(7)long____________(8)funny__________ (9)quiet ____________



(14) Sam比Tom打鼓打的好。_________________________________


合作探究一Both Sam and Tom can play the drums.

1.both 表示“两者(都),两个(都)”。放在行为动词之前,be动词,助动词之后或情态动词之后。例如:They both like playing basketball. 他们俩都喜欢打篮球。EG:The two students are both from Class 5. 这两个学生都是5班的。

2.all 表示“(三者或者三者以上)都……”.

Eg: There are five children in the room. They are all Mr Green’s children.

[拓展] 关于both的短语

both of 后接名词、代词的复数形式,接名词时,名词前要有定冠词the或是形容词性物主代词(my, your...)

用作副词,常用于both...and...结构中,意为“既......又......;......和......都” 跟进训练(一)

1. I have two children, and_ B_ of them are working in the west of China.

A. all B.both C. neither D. either

2. There are a lot of colorful flowers on _ B __ sides of the streets.

A. each B. both C. either D. all

合作探究二Sam has longer hair than Tom译“Sam的头发比Tom的长”。

(同义句)Tom’s hair is shorter than Sam’s.

这是一个含比较级的句子,比较级用于两者或两部分之间的比较,意为“更……,较……一些”。通常用than 连接另一方,单音节形容词或副词在词尾加-er.但要注意比较对象的对等。Eg: My book is newer than hers.

跟进训练(二) My hair is longer than Tara’s. (同义句)

Tara’s _________ _________ _________ than _________.

Tara _________ _________ _________ than ________.


1.比较级表示“更……”,常用于两者(人或事物)之间的比较,说明“前者比后者更……”,比较级前常用even, much, a little等修饰。


Eg:Tom is tall. Jim is taller than Tom. (Jim比Tom 高。)

Jim is taller.

Eg:Gina’ Mary’s eyes are bigger than Gina’s (eyes). 或Gina’s eyes are smaller than Mary’s (eyes). Mary’(Mary的眼睛比Gina大。)

(Gina的眼睛比Mary 小。)



Eg: This coat is too small. Do you have bigger one?



1.This pancake is _______ (nice)than that one.

2.Our room is much ______(large) than theirs.

3.This box is _______(heavy)than that one.

4.There is _______(much)rain this year than that year.

5.Beijing is _____(far)than Wuhan from here.

6. My cousin is a beautiful girl with ________ (long) hair.

7. This umbrella is yours and that one is ______ (she).


1. Tina和Tara是双胞胎姐妹。Tina and Tara are ________ _______.


3.他比他弟弟唱的更大声。He sings ________ ________ ________ his brother. 或Tom is shorter than Jim.(Tom比Jim 矮。)

4. Kate 比我瘦一点。Kate is ________ ________ ________ than me.

5.我们两个都喜欢体育。We ________ ________ sports.


Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.

第二课时 Section A (2a-2d)


1、重点词汇:hard-working, competition, fantastic, which, clearly, win.

2、重点句型:(1).Tara works hard as Tina. (2) .Everyone wants to win.

(3).But you can tell that Lisa practiced a lot more and really wanted to win.

(4).But the most important things is to learn something and have fun.


自主预习 (写出比较级或翻译。)


(4)smart ___________(5) lazy ___________ (6) early ___________

(7)hard___________ (8)fast __________ (9)clearly ____________


(11)歌唱比赛 ___________________________

(12) Lisa 是哪位? _____________________________

(13) 我认为Lisa 比Nelly唱的好。______________________________

(14) 最重要的事是学点东西和玩的开心。


* **means Sam is taller than Tom.

1. mean 在此用作动词,意为“表示……的意思,作……解释”,后面可跟that 从句。名词是meaning.

2. What do you mean by…? 表示“……是什么意思?”和What’s the meaning of…?和 What does…mean? 同义。

Eg: What does the word mean?

Do you mean that it’s none of my business?你的意思是它和我毫无关系吗? 跟进训练What do you mean by Dragon?

=_______ ________ Dragon _________?

= ________ _________ Dragon?


一、 选择填空。

( )1. Tom works as ______ as Mike.

A. hard B. hardly C. harder D. more hardly

( )2. Nelly sang ______ than Lisa.

A. good B. well C. better D. best

( )3. The one ______shorter hair is ma sister.

A. has B. have C. with D. in

( )3. The one ______shorter hair is my sister.

A. has B. have C. with D. in

( )4. ______have black eyes and black hair.

A. Both of we B. We both C. Both us D. We are both


1. I have ________ (short) hair than Kate.

2. Jack does ________ (well) in playing the guitar than I.

3.Simon eats________ (little) junk food than before.

4. Tom sang ________ (loudly) than Kate.

5.She always sits ________ (quiet) in class.


Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.

第三课时 Section A (GF-3c)


重点句型:(1)、--Are you as friendly as your sister? –No, I’m not. I’m friendlier.

(2)、--Who’s more hard-working at school? –Tina thinks she works harder than me.

(3)、I’m taller now than I was two years ago.

(4)、I think my mother is smarter than my father.



1).Is Sam _______ (聪明) than Tom?

2).Are you as _________(友好) as your friend?

3).Who’s __________(更勤奋) at school?

4).Do you study English _________ (更努力)?

5).Paul is ________(幽默) than Bill.

6).He runs ________ (快) than Tom.

7).Liu Ying talks 多) than Liu Li does.

8).This classroom is much (大) than that one.


--Are you as friendly as your sister?

–No, I’m not. I’m friendlier.(翻译)___________________________

拓展:表示两者在某一方面相同时用“as+形容词或者副词形式+as”的句型。 Eg: I think science is as important as math.

Tom runs as fast as Jack.

表示一方面在另一方面不及另一方面时用“not as/ so+形容词或者副词形式+as” 的句型。Eg: It is not as/ so warm today as yesterday.

He did not come as/ so early as Wang Lin.

跟进训练 Ben and Sam are the same height. (同义句转换)

Ben is _______ _________ _______ Sam.


一、句型转换。 对画线部分提问)

_____ is quieter than Harry?

2. He is taller than any other student in his class. (同义句)

He is ________ _________ in his class.


七下全册重点短语 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 重点短语 1 做某种运动不能加the , play chess下国际象棋 play cards打牌 play basketball 打篮球 play volleyball打排球 play soccer踢足球play games 做游戏play computer games玩电脑游戏 2 谈某种乐器必须加the play the guitar弹吉他 play the piano弹钢琴 play the drums击鼓 play the violin 拉小提琴 3.the swimming club游泳俱乐部/ the music club音乐俱乐部/ the chess club象棋俱乐部 /the English club英语俱乐部/the art club club/艺术俱乐部 the sports club运动俱乐部 the story telling club讲故事俱乐部 the basketball club 篮球俱乐部 Join the swimming club 加入游泳俱乐部 write a story/write stories写故事 tell a story =tell stories 讲故事。 Can you tell us a story ?= Can you tell a stoty to us ? 您能给我们讲个故事吗? 4.want students for school show学校演出需要学生 5.talk to Mr.Zhang=talk with sb 和张先生说话 6.want to do sth.想要做某事 (1)“want +名词=need +名词”;want sb to do sth想让某人做某事 7.after school 放学之后 8.do kung fu 表演功夫 9.speak English讲英语in English用英语 English-speaking students 讲英语的学生 10..play games with sb.和..玩游戏 in the school music festival 在学校音乐节 11.what club什么俱乐部what sport什么运动 12.be busy(反)be free=have time有时间 13.need sth./need sb. to do sth. 需要(做).. 14.help for old people 帮助老人 .help (sb.) with sth.在„帮助某人 15.music teacher wanted需要音乐老师

16.be good with sb和…相处的好 17.be good at sth/be good at doing sth擅长做某事=do well in ( doing) sth.擅长于(做)某事 18.make friends (with sb.)交朋友

19.at the old people’s home 在敬老院 20.let’s (let us)do sth.让我们做... 21.the Students’Sports Center学生体育中心 22.school music festival学校音乐节 23.musicians wanted 需要音乐家wanted 译为“招募…..,招聘……” 24.call sb.at...给„打电话 25.students wanted需要学生 26.It sounds good !听起来很好 27. too=also译为 “也” too常用于句末,also 常用于句中。 1. I’m a student ,too.= I’m also a student.我也是个学生。 2.I can also play soccer .= I can play soccer,too. 重点句子 1.What club do you want to join ? I want to join a sports club. 2.You’re very good at telling stories .You can join the story telling club. 3.We want students for the school show . 4.I can speak English and I can also play soccer. 5.Are you busy after school? 6.Then we need you to help with sports for English –speaking students. 7.Are you free in July? 8.Can you play the piano or the violin? 9.The school needs help to teach music . 重点文段p2 2d P3 3b 语法 1 Can 译为“能”表示有做某事的能力。 Can you speak English ?你会说英语吗Yes ,I can/ No, I can’t .是,我会./不,我不会 Can he dance? 他会跳舞吗? Yes,he can. /No,he can’t. 是,他会./不,他不会 Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 重点短语 1.eat breakfast = have breakfast吃早饭 eat lunch= have lunch吃午饭 eat dinner =have dinner 吃晚饭 2 go to bed上床睡觉 get up起床 go to work去工作go to school 去学校go home 回家get home到家 get dressed穿衣服 take a walk=have a walk 散步 clean my room打扫我的房间 take a shower洗澡eat quickly吃的很快eat lots of fruit and vegetables 吃很多蔬菜和水果tooth –teeth brush teeth刷牙 3 .in the morning在早上

in the afternoon在下午.in the evening在晚上at night在晚上(10点以后) 2,what time什么时间. 3.1.(当0<分钟数≤30时,按 “分+past+时“来表时几点几分. a quarter past three三点过一刻 2.当30<分钟数<60时,按(60-分钟数)+to (下一钟点数):表示差几分到几点如:a quarter to three三点差一 3.半小时用half表示,一刻可用a quarter . at six thirty=at half past six在六点半 half an hour 半个小时 at six forty=at twenty to seven在六点四十 4.do (one’s) homework做家庭作业 5.have interesting job有个有趣的工作 6.work at a radio station在一个广播电台工 7.radio show电台节目 9.from...to...从„到„. 10.have much time有很多时间 11after that在那之后 12. either...or..或者..或者.. 13.be late for work 上班迟到 14.on school days在上学的日子 15.one’s best friend„最好的朋友 16.be good/bad for sb. 对„有利/害 17.get home from school从学校回家 18.in one’s group 在..的组 19.have a very healthy life有个健康的 20.after lunch/after dinner晚餐后 21.It tastes good !尝起来不错 重点句子 1.He works at a radio station. 2.That’s a funny time for breakfast! 3.I’m never late for work.

4.Li Fei usually gets up late on 11.how long 多久 how far 多远 5.Mary wants to know how far he lives 13.fight with sb. 和„打架 weekends. 5.I don’t have much time for breakfast , so I usually eat very quickly. 6.After school, I sometimes play basketball for half an hour. 7.I either watch TV or play computer games . 8.She knows it’s not good for her, but it tastes good! 9.She is never late for the first class in the morning. 10.I have a very healthy life. 重点文段P8.2d P11.2b 语法 1. 以what time 及when 引导的特殊疑问句 Unit 3 How do you get to school? 重点短语 A 1. get to school去上学 2.cross the river过河take the bus 乘公汽take the subway乘地铁ride a bike to …=go to …by bike骑自行车 take the train 乘火车 go on a ropeway乘索道take/have a walk to =walk to ,go …on foot 走路 drive his car to work=go to work by car开车去上班 get to his grandparents’home去他的祖父母家 3.the bus ride 汽车旅程 4.need some time to do 做…需要多长时间 B 6.. it’s easy/difficult (for sb )to do sth.(对…) 做„很简单/困难 7.between...and...在..和..之间 8.one 11-year-old boy一个11岁男孩9.There is./are... 某地有某物(就近原则) 10.be afraid害怕 12.It takes sb time to do sth做..花费..时间It takes me 20 minutes to walk to school from my home.从我家步行去学校需要20分钟 13.play with sb.和..一起玩 14.be like a father to me对我来说像个父亲 15.many of the students=many students许多学生 16.every day每天 everyday life 日常的生活 17.leave the village 离开村庄 18.from your home to school 从你的家到学 19.It’s one’s dream to do sth.„的梦想是... It is their dream to have a bridge. 20.I’m (not )sure我(不)确信 21.It’s good exercise好的锻炼 22.come true 实现 23.have a good day过的愉快 24.You,too.你也一样 25.thanks for sth 感谢… 26.leave my home 离开我家 27.bus stop汽车停靠点 28.bus station汽车站train statio火车站 subway station地铁站 29think of=think about 认为 重点句子 1.I ride it to school every day. 2.How do you get to school?- I ride my bike to school. is it ’ m not sure .it’s about 10 kilometers. does it take you to get to school?-It takes about 15 minutes by bike. B from his grandparents’ home. 6.Mary wants to know how long it takes to get to his grandparents’ home. 7.For many students, it is easy to get to school . 8.There is a very big river between their school and the village. 9.There is no bridge and te river runs too quickly for boats. 10.So these students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. 11.He’s like a father to me 12.Can their dream come true? 13.Do you like your trip to school? 重点文段P14. 2e P18.3a 语法 以How ,how far ,how long 的一般现在时的特殊疑问句 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. 重点短语1. have to不得不 She doesn’t have to do sth.她不需要做„I have to do sth.我不得不做„ Does she have to do sth.她不得不做..吗? 2.in class 在课堂上 3. arrive late for=be late for迟到 5.on time 准时 6.go out (of)(从…) 出去 7. on school nights 在学校的晚上 on school days 在上学的日子 8.see friends=visit friends拜访朋友 9. in the hallway在走廊 in the classroom在教室里 in the dining hall在餐厅in the library在图书馆in the kitchen在厨房 10..practice the guitar练习钢琴practice doing 练习做 11.listen to听 12.do the dishes洗碗 14.help sb.do sth帮助..做„,help sb with sth. 15.must be必须 16make breakfast做早餐 17.eat outside到外面吃 18.make one’s bed整理床铺 19.be at school在学校 20.run to school跑去学校 21.be noisy吵闹的 许多规则 some of the rules其中一些规则 23.be strict with sb. 对„严格 be strict in sth 对某事严格 . B 24.read a book 看书

25.music players英语播放器 26. follow the rules遵守规则 27.bring....to... 带来(从其它的地方带到说话人这里) take … to 带走 后接可数名词复 数)太多规则 (后接不可数名词) 29.wear the school uniform穿校服戴帽子 30.keep+n+adj keep my hair short留短发 keep me healthy 保持身体健康 31. be quiet 保持安静 32.relax on weekends周末放松 33.have fun玩的开心=have a good/great time =enjoy oneself 34.get food for Grandpa给祖父弄食物 做„ 35.It’s best to do sth最好最„ 做..吗? 重点句子 1.Don’t eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dining hall. 2.We can’t arrive late for class. We

must be on time .我们上课不能迟到,必须按时。

3.It’s my first day at school 这是我在校第一天。

4.This is a great school, but there are a lot of rules.

6.Can we bring music players to school?我们能带音乐播放机到校来吗? 7.We always have to wear the school uniform.

8.We also have to be quiet in the library.我们在图书馆也必须安静) 9.I run to school because I can’t be late .

10.I know how you feel.

11.I don’t want the cat to get me . 重点文段: P 20.2d P23.2b 祈 使 句



1)以系动词be开头的祈使句,这种祈使句的常用结构: be+形容词 / 名词

Be quiet / quick! Be a good student! 2)以实义动词开头的祈使句,这种祈使句的常用结构为: 动词原形+宾语(+其他)。 Come in, please!

Please open your books! 3)let型(Let+宾语+动词原形+其他)Let him do it by himself.

Let me help you.Let’s go to the park. 3.否定形式(一般在动词上否定,也可以用否定副词(never)来表示) 1)be型(Don’t be +其他成分(形容词、名词或介词短语)) Don’t be careless!

Never be late again next time!

注意:①在这种句型中,be不能省略 ②否定副词not不可置于be之后 2)do型(Don’t +动词原形+其他) Don’t believe him!

Don’t+ let+宾语+动词原形+其他 Don’t let Jim do that. 4) 在公共场合的提示语中,否定祈使句常用“No+名词 / V-ing形式”结构,表示“禁止做某事”。例如: NO PHOTOS! 禁止拍照! No parking!

Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 重点短语1.cut down many trees 砍断很多树

2.welcome to the zoo 欢迎来到动物园

3.lose one’s home 失去..的家园 4.let’s do sth. 让我们做„ 5.save the trees 拯救树木

6.my favorite animals 我最喜欢的动物

7.(be) made of ivory 用象牙做成的

8.Thai Elephant Day 泰国大象日 9.really scary 十分可怕 10.very cute 很可爱

11.kind of interesting 有点儿有趣13.South Africa 南非 14.be from=come from 来自 15.have a pet 有一只宠物 16.sleep all day 整天睡觉 17.like sth a lot=like sth very much很喜欢sth

18.black and white 黑白相间 19.Mary’s words Mary的话 20. what animals 什么动物 21.save the elephants 拯救大象 22.one of Thailand’s symbols泰国标志的一个

23.a symbol of good luck 好运的象征

24.for a long time 持续很长时间 25.get lost 迷路,丢失 26.remeber places with food and water 记住有食物和水的地方

27.be in (great) danger 处于极大的危险中 重点句子


2.Why don’t you like the cat? 3.That’ s a good name for her.

4.I like dogs because they’re 聪明友好的


6.People their ivory.

7.We trees and

重点文段P28.1d P29.2b

语法:以Why 开头的特疑问句

Unit 6 I’m watching TV. 重点短语 1. New York

2.read a newspaper 看报纸

3.the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 4.talk on the phone 打电话 5.make zongzi 包粽子 6. listen to a CD听CD

7.watch the boat race on TV 在电视上看龙舟赛

8. use the computer 用电脑 9.read a story 读故事 10.make soup做汤

11.any other night 其他任何一个晚上 12. wash the dishes 洗碗

13. watch a soccer game on TV在电视上看足球赛

14.wish to do sth 希望做sth

15. go to the movies/a movie 看电影 16.no place like home没有家的感觉 17.not much没做什么 18.wash the clothes 洗衣服

19. a picture of my family一张我的家庭照片

20.be at home 在家

21.in the living room 在客厅 22.eat out 到外面吃 23.litsen to the radio 听广播 24.would love to很愿意 25.talk show谈话节目

27. study for a test为了考试学习 28. clean the house打扫房间 29.make dinner 做晚餐 30.drink tea喝茶 31. in the pool在湖里 32.in the supermarket在超市 33. in/at the library在图书馆 34.in the shop=in the store在商店 35.on the playground在操场 35. what time 什么时间

36.a student from Shenzhen一个来自深圳的学生

37.in the United States=in the US 在美国 重点句子

1.Do you want to join me for dinner? 2.Let’s meet at my home first .

3.He’s living with an American familyin New York.

4.Zhu hui’s family are at home .

5.He’s talking on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen.

6.Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom’s delicious


7.Here is a picture of my family. Sit put get let run swim cut 口信

Unit7 It’s raining! 28.in the mountains 在山上 8.watch sb. doing sth. 看sb做sth

9.pay phone 付费电话 重点文段 P32.2d P35.3a 语法现在进行时概述

现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正在进行或发生的动作或存在的状态。 - Is this raincoat yours? 这件雨衣是你的吗?

- No, mine is hanging there behind the door. 不是,我的在门后边挂着。 2、构成

现在进行时的变化 肯定句式:主语+be( am, is, are)+现在分词+其它. 否定句式:主语+be(am, is, are) +not +现在分词+其它.

一般疑问句:Be(am, is, are) +主语+现在分词+其它?

特殊疑问句:疑问词+be(am, is, are)+主语+现在分词+其它? 3、现在进行时的用法

(1)表示说话人说话时正在进行的动作,这一用法常和表示此刻的时间状语连用,如now, at this time, at present,at the moment等。

I'm doing my homework now. 我现在正在做作业。It's raining hard.天正在下雨。

-What are you doing? 你在干什么? -I'm doing some washing.我在洗衣服。

(2)表示现阶段但并非眼下正在进行着的动作,这种动作常与表示一段的时间状语连用,如these days , this week等。

The foreign guests are visiting Beijing this week.本周那些外国客人在参观北京。

4.双写最后一个字母再加ing 的单词: 1.not too bad 不是很差 2.How is the weather...? 天气怎么样 3.What’s the weather like...? 4.Have a great time (doing sth) 做sth很高兴 5.be+Ving eg: be raining 正在下雨 6.work here 在这儿工作 7.be+adj eg:be windy 有风的 8.go to summer school 去暑假班 9.talk about the weather with friends 和朋友谈论天气 4.learn a lot 学到很多 10.some of my old friends 我的一些老朋友 11.play computer games 玩电脑游戏 12.be happy to do sth. 做sth很开心 13.play basketball 打篮球 14.sit by the pool 坐在湖边 15.watch TV 看电视 16.drink orang juice 喝橙汁 17. at the park= in the park在公园 18.summer vacation 暑假班 19.sound like 听起来好像 20.study hard 努力学习 21.have a good time 玩的愉快 22.have fun=have a great time 过的愉快 23.at home 在家 24.in Europe 在欧洲 25.study at sb’s home 在sb家学习 26.be on vacation 度假 27.take a message for sb. 给sb捎29.tell sb. to do sth. 告诉sb sth 30.write to sb. 给sb写信 31. call sb. back 给sb回电话 32.next month 下个月 33. no problem 没问题 34.wear hats and sweaters 戴帽子穿毛衣 35.do one’s homework 做家庭作业 36.Russian bread 俄罗斯面包 37.right now 马上 38. take home 带回家 39.play soccer 踢足球 40.in the snow 在雪中 41.study English 学英语 42.on a river 在河上 43.make soup 做汤 44 take a photo of a snowman照雪人照片 45. talk on the phone 打电话 46.speak to sb. 和sb讲话 47.for three hours 持续三个小时 48.call sb. at... 给sb打电话 49. in the rainy weather 在下雨的天气 50.in picture d 在d图片中 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? 1.Is there...? 某地有„吗? 2.clothes store 衣服店 3. nere here 在这儿附近 4.in my neighborhood 在我的街区 5. post office 邮局 6.spend time...on weekends 花时间在周末 7.police station 警察局 10.climb around 到处爬 11.on Bridge Street 在大桥街 12.look like 看起来像 13.to get there 去那儿 14. across from 在„对面 15.walk out 走出去 16.next to紧挨着 17. walk along 沿着..走

18.between...and... 在..和..之间 19.love the clean air and sunshine 喜欢干净的空气和阳光 20.in front of 在..前面

21.the best things 最好的事情 22.on Green Street 在格林街 23. in life 在生命中

24.behind the library 在图书馆后面

25. to get to the park 去公园 26. in town 在镇上 27. have to do sth 不得不做 28.around here在这周围

29.cross Center Street 穿过中心街 30. on Center Street 在中心街 31.enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做sth 32.far from 离..远 33.go shopping 购物 34.Are there...? „.有„吗? 35.be busy 忙

36.on North Street 在北街

37.on school days 在上学的日子

38.have free time 有空闲时间 39. go along 沿着„走 40.make the foods 做食物 41.turn right 向右边

42.play Chinese chess 下中国象棋 43. turn left 向左边 44.be good at 擅长于

45.Long Street 长街 46.watch the neighborhoods’cats doing sth.观看邻居的猫做sth 47.New Street 新街 48.at the first crossing 第一个十字路口 49.on one’s left 在..的左边 Unit 9 What does he look like? 1.two big eyes 一双大眼睛 2.look like 像什么样 3.a long face 长脸 4. long hair 长发 5.blonde hair 金发 6.short hair 短发 7.black hair 黑发 8. straight hair 直发 9.curly hair 卷发 10.a little late 有点儿晚 11.he is not tall or short 他不高不矮 12.have an interesting job 有个有趣的工作 13.medium height中等身高 14.a police artist一个警察艺术家 15.medium build中等身材 16.see crimes 看见犯罪 17.be of medium height 中等身高 18.the criminal 罪犯 19.be tall 高的 20.draw a picture of the criminal画一张关于罪犯的图片 21.be short 矮的 22.in the newspaper 在报纸上 23.be thin瘦的 24.on television=onTV 在电视上 25.be heavy 胖的 26.see things the same way用同一种态度看一件事情 27.describe the same person描述一样的人 28.meet at seven七点见 29.in the end 在最后 30.be a little late有点儿晚 31.meet sb. in front of the cinema在电影院前见 32.first of all首先 33.brown hair 棕色头发 34.wear jeans 穿牛仔裤 35.wear glasses 戴眼镜 36.wear a T-shirt 穿一件体恤 37.wear sports shoes 穿运动鞋 38.be of medium build 中等身材 39.describing people 描述人 40.have(has) long hair 有长发 41.have(has) short hair 有短发 42.have(has) straight hair 有直发 43.have(has) curly hair 有卷发 44.a big nose 大鼻子 45.a small mouth小嘴巴 46.a round face 圆脸 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles. 1.be different 不一样 2.would like sth 喜欢sth 3.in different countries 在不同的国家 4.order food 菜单 5.birthday cake生日蛋糕 6.the number of „.的数量 7.be sure 确信 8.the person’s age 人的年龄 9.in the beef noodles在牛肉面条里 10.make a wish许愿 11.blow out the candles 吹灭蜡烛 12.what kind of noodles 什么种类的面条 13 in one go 一次性 14.a large bowl of noodles一大碗面条 15.come true 实现 16.a medium bowl of noodles 一中碗面条 17.put...in... 把„放在„里面 18.a small bowl of noodles一小碗面条 19.get popular 流行 20.take one’s order 点菜 21.have a birthday cake 有一个生日蛋糕 22.in the beef soup 在牛肉汤里 23.eat long noodles 吃长寿面 24 one bowl of beef soup 一碗牛肉汤 25.cut up 剪断 26.what size什么尺码 27.a symbol of long life 长寿的象征 28.gongbao chicken and mapo tofu 宫保鸡丁和麻婆豆腐 29.be the same 一样的 30.bring good luck to sb.给sb带来好运 31.in the tomato and egg soup 在鸡蛋土豆 32.have one’s order点菜 33.the ice-cream and pancake house 冰激凌和烙饼蛋糕 34.the mutton noodles羊肉面条 35.at the restaurant 在餐馆 36.beef noodles with carrots有胡萝卜的牛肉面 37.have great specials有很好的特色 38.have different kinds of 有不同


39.green tea绿茶

40.ask for the order 请求订单 41.orange juice 橙汁 42.be short of 缺少,少于 43.put on 戴上

44.birthday food生日时吃的食物 45.around the world 在世界各地 46.would like to do sth愿意做sth 47.on one’s birthday在某人的生日时48.order mutton noodles 点羊肉面条

Unit 11 How was your school trip? 1.go to Green Park 去格林公园 2.school trip 学校旅行 3.climb the mountains 爬山 4.go for a walk 散步 5.a lot of flowers 很多花 6.milk a cow 挤奶 7.eat lunch 吃午饭 8.ride a horse 骑马 9.play games 玩游戏 10.feed chickens 喂鸡 11.come out 出来,出现

12.talk with the farmer 和农民交谈

13.take some photos 拍照片 14.visit a museum 去博物馆 15.quite a lot 非常多 16.visit a fire station 去消防站 17. go to the countryside 去乡下

18. ask some questions 问一些问题

19.grow apples 种植苹果

20.go on a school trip 参加学校旅行

21.show sb. around sp. 带sb参观某地

22.visit the science museum 参观科




私人的 private 谈话 conversation剧场、戏院theatre座位seat 戏 play 大声地loudly生气的angry 生气地angrily注意attention事business

容忍bear 去式bore 过去分词borne无礼地、粗鲁地rudely


去看戏go to the theatre生气get angry 注意pay attention

转身、回头turn round=turn around

我无法忍受I could not bear it.不关你的事none of your business.


1.私人谈话 去剧院3.兴趣、爱好interesting形容

4.喜欢回头、向后转玩的开心,过的愉快enjoy oneself =have a good time=have funny

5.大声地说话生气 轮流turn熊bear容忍bear 7.最终、最后at the end=at last




(1)半系动词共 9 个,其中 5 个感官, 3 个变成,1 个似乎、好象。 感官look smell sound taste feel变成turn become get似乎、好象seem

(2)副词 1.副词修饰 动词 ,在句中做 状语 成分。

形容词变副词 : 直接+ ly ,如 louly 去y为i+ ly , 如 angrily


10.过去进行时构成(表示在具体时间正在做某事)A private conversation

Last week I went to the theater. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors.I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily.They did not pan any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. “I can’t hear a word!” I said angrily.

“It’s none of your business,” the young man said rudely.“This is a

private conversation!”



私人的 谈话 剧场、戏院

座位 戏 大声地

生气的 生气地 注意

容忍 过去式 过去分词

事 无礼地、粗鲁地


去看戏 生气

转身、回头 = 注意 我无法忍受






5.大声地说话6.生气回头、向后转 轮流 熊 容忍






半系动词共 个,其中 个感官, 个变成, 个似乎、好象。






形容词变副词 : 直接+ ,如





直到until外面 outside 响(铃、电话等)ring 姑、姨aunt重复repeat


每个星期日on Sundays 多么糟糕的天气!What a day!天哪!Dear me!


1.or 三种解释1232.每逢周日3.直到才4. 向窗外看5.乘火车的方式(应用疑问带词


7.the sun ,the moon,the earth;

sound ,light



(1)What 引导名词性感叹句;How引导形容词、副词感叹句。



It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. 'What a day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.' Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. 'I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming to see you.'

'But I'm still having breakfast,' I said.

'What are you doing?' she asked.

'I'm having breakfast,' I repeated.

'Dear me,' she said. 'Do you always get up so late? It's one




直到 外面 响(铃、电话等)ring 姑、姨 重复


每个星期日 多么糟糕的天气! 天哪!


1.or 三种解释1)2)3)




7.客观、现实、真理用the sun ,the moon,the earth; Sound ,light 用。


(1) 引导名词性感叹句; 引导形容词、副词感叹句。

(2) +a/an+形容词+名词+(主谓)






寄、送 明信片 损坏 博物馆 公共的 友好的 服务员 借给 决定 整个的 唯一的、单一的


几句话 借出 = 借入 =



3.一个友好的服务生4. 借出延续每天 每日的





寄、送 send 明信片postcard损坏spoil博物馆museum公共的public 友好的 friendly服务员waiter借给lend决定decision整个的whole 唯一的、单一的 single


几句话go to the theatre 借出lend sb sth =lend sth to sb 借入borrow sth =borrow sth from sb


1.寄给某人某物参观博物馆3.一个友好的服务生4. 借出每天every day 每日的everyday


Please send me a card

Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought

thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!



