
| 高二 |




分值:150分 时间:120分钟


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1. What do we know about the woman?

A. She has her favorite airline B. She is afraid of flying C. She thinks flying is safe 2. What is the man doing? A. Buying the train ticket 3. What are the speakers doing? A. Watching TV

B. Talking about a TV show C. Visiting a zoo

4. What did the man do on Saturday?

A. He went to the movies B. He had dinner with his friends C. He called on some friends 5. How many times has the shop been robbed? A. Five

B. Six

C. Seven


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. What is the man doing? A. Ordering food

B. Asking for some advice C. Complaining

7. What will the woman do for the man?

A. Bring him another glass B. Cook the steak for him C. Ask him to leave 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. Who will stay with the man? A. His brother A. $43.20

B. His wife B. $48.00

C. His son

B. Waiting for a train C. Consulting information

9. How much should the man pay the woman?

C. $58.00

听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. Why is the man visiting the woman? A. They are former classmates

B. He is looking for a room to live in

C. He wants to find a job for his cousin 11. Why did the woman post an ad for the room? A. She decided to move

B. One of her rooms needed renting C. She found a new job

B. She is working for an ad company

12. What can we learn about the woman? A. She will go to New York for a job C. She has been in the city for two years 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. Who will pay for the man’s studies? A. Himself

B. His parents

C. His uncle

14. What does the man want to study in college?

A. Business B. Language C. History

15. What will the man do after graduation? A. Work for his uncle

B. Start his own company C. Return to his country

B. In the office of the University of Pennsylvania

16. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In the international bank

C. In the exit-entry administration department 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What’s the talk mainly about?

A. Some good habits at home B. Waste in the workplace C. Some important natural resources 18. What’s the speaker’s attitude towards the problem? A. Bored

B. Concerned

C. Excited

19. Which is proper to save more resources from the passage? A. Trying not to use copies

B. Trying to use single-use plastic cups

C. Trying to use both sides of paper

20. What does the speaker ask people to do in the end?

A. Wash their hands before meals B. Use less paper in the office C. Turn off the tap in time 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)


21. I think people must have found it quite___delight when colour TV was first broadcast in ___ 1920s. A./; the B.a; / C.a; the D./; / 22. —Is there any possibility _____ you could pick me up at the airport? —No problem.

A.when B.that C.whether D.what

23. Only then did I realize that it was foolish of me to ____ all of my friends and never contact them. A.break away from B.catch up with C.look away from D.put up with

24. The number of the foreign tourists to visit the US is expected to be more than 2 million by 2015, _____ 14 billion dollars to the US economy.

A.to contribute B.contributing C.contributed D.to be contributing 25. Finally he reached a lonely island ____ was completely cut off from the outside world. A. when

B. where

C. which

D. whom

26. It is strange that he ________ so much about me.

A.knows B.know C.would know D.shall know 27. When will the government ________ its position on equal pay for equal work for women? A.divide B.classify C.convince


28. Though computers can do a lot of work man can't do, they can't completely___ human beings. A.replace with B.replace by C.take place D.take the place of 29. —What are the workers talking about?

—They are discussing the idea the old worker ________ at the meeting yesterday. A.put forward B.came up C.set off D.brought out 30. Emily felt very sad that she was suspected ________ false statements in court. A.of providing B.for providing C.on providing D.to provide 31. The new suspension bridge ________ by the famous architect is ________ now.

A.built; under construction B.designed; under construction C.drawn; under the construction D.damaged; under the construction 32. My aunt always brings me a pretty gift ________ she comes.

A.be the time B.sometimes C.every time D.at times 33. —We didn't find the Blacks ________ the lecture.

--- No one had told them about ________ a lecture the following day.

A.attending; there being B.to attend; there to be C.attended; there would be D.attend; there was 34. _____ good service, the restaurant often offers different kinds of traditional Hangzhou dishes. A.Far from B.Apart from C.Instead of 35. —Do you think James is a silent person?

—________. When it comes to computer games, he's the most talkative one. A.I hope so B.Not really C.Not a bit 第二节:完形填空


I went to school in China for four years and for another six years in Canada. There are two teachers from these When I moved to Canada, I couldn’food on the flight. After two months on an ESL(English as a mark in English was 65. I was ’t “Hello!” Mrs Franceschini welcomed my parents. “Richard just came to Canada a few months ago. I am amazed at how his English fast,” she said. “On his first day, he was very shy and only words. Now he can answer and ask questions using whole sentences.”

many other Chinese parents, my mom asked if she could give “Don’t worry. Richard is already working very hard,” Mrs Franceschini laughed. Then she shook my hand. “Richard, you did a of you!” she said.

. In a test, my average was 97, top of the class. I was .

Miss Li told my parents: “ he would be the top of the school.”

to leave, I realized Miss Li was very nice. She hosted a party for me and gave me a big card. Her phone number and e-mail address were on the card. “Feng Yu, you are my best student. I you a successful life,” she wrote. “If you want to talk or need any help, I am always here for you.”

信心) and made learning enjoyable. I’m proud to have had them as my teachers. 36. A. loved 37. A. kind

38. A. order 39. A. birthday 40. A. satisfied 41. A. imagine 42. A. changed 43. A. long 44. A. With 45. A. extra

B. understood B. strict B. choose B. green B. upset B. tell

C. impressed C. similar C. find C. report C. serious C. wonder C. spoken C. simple C. Against C. hard C. afraid C. friendly

D. disappointed D. different D. eat D. credit D. curious D. doubt D. increased D. complete D. Like D. proper D. free D. hardworking

D.Sounds reasonable D.Regardless of

B. improved B. popular B. Except B. less

B. proud B. strict

46. A. certain 47. A. patient

48. A. class

B. party B. attitude B. So

B. unfair B. used B. prepare

C. interview C. habit C. But

C. rude C. about C. offer C. Another


D. public D. carelessness D. Then D. polite D. willing D. wish D. made up D. The others

49. A. method 51. A. nice 52. A. able 53. A. hope

50. A. Otherwise【江西萍乡英语高中试卷】

54. A. built up 55. A. Other

B. picked up B. The other

C. brought up

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

There are several ways from which to choose for you to keep your kids safe in your neighbourhood. But the first step to keeping your child safe in your neighbourhood is to know your neighbours.

Knowing your neighbours can save you a lot of worry. It lets you know that the car that has just driven down the street belongs to “the yellow house on the corner”, or the truck that has just driven by the playground looks unfamiliar, but the guy in the passenger seat lives two doors down. It’s these simple things that keep you from But you shouldn’t just know what they look like. The next step is to know them well. What do they do? How do they act? You might be OK with them driving by the playround since they live in the neighbourhood, but are you OK with them being on the playround? Knowing your neighbours solves several things. First you find out what kind of people they are. This helps you know if you should let your child go out in an area that they gather. Let’s face it: you don’t want you child to play around people or people’s children that curse(咒骂) or hit each other. Sometimes you have to protect your child against your own neighbours.

Knowing them also makes them know you. Being neighbours is an interesting thing. You might not like them or have the same views as them, but we all usually protect those that we consider our own. If you know your neighbours, they know you. They are more likely to look after the child of the nice lady down the street in the brick house, than the people, in the house on the corner, that no one ever sees. 56. This passage is mainly to tell us ____.

A. how to keep your child safe in the neighbourhood B. how to set a good example to your neighbours C. how to get along with your neighbours D. how to teach your child to protect himself 57. If someone lives two doors down, he ____.

A. studies at the same school with your kind B. often comes to the neighbourhood to offer help C. lives in the same neighbourhood as you D. likes driving the truck around the neighbourhood 58. The underlined phrase “going out of your mind” in Paragraph 2 probably means ____. A. becoming very excited

B. becoming very worried D. becoming very relaxed

C. becoming very disappointed

59. From the third paragraph we can know that ____. A. it is important for you to be polite to your neighbours B. people in the same neighbourhood are quite different C. people like enjoying themselves on the playground D. knowing your neighbours helps to keep your kids safe 60. The neighbours would like to look after your kid ____. A. if they are often encouraged

B. if you are getting on well with them D. if they think you are a beautiful lady

C. if you are the one nobody knows


If there is one thing I’m sure about, it is that in a hundred years from now we will still be reading newspapers. It is not that newspapers are a necessity. Even now some people get most of their news from television or radio. Many buy a paper only on Saturday or Sunday. But for most people reading a newspaper has become a habit passed down from generation to generation.

The nature of what is news may change. What basically makes news is what affects our live—the big political stories, the coverage of the wars, earthquakes and other disasters, will continue much the same. I think there will be more coverage of scientific research, though. It’s already happening in areas that many directly affect our lives, like genetic(基因) engineering. In the future, I think there will be more coverage of scientific explanations of why we feel as we do—as we develop a better understanding of how the brain operates and what our feelings really are.

It’s quite possible that in the next century newspapers will be transmitted(传送) electronically from Fleet Street and printed out in our own home. In fact, I’m pretty sure that how it will happen in the future. You will probably be able to choose from a menu, making up your own newspapers by picking out the things you want to read—sports and international news, etc.

I think people have got it wrong when they talk about competition between the different media. They actually ’t happened. What it read on the printed page lasts longer than pictures on a screen or sound lost in the air. And as for the Internet, it’s never really pleasant to read something just on a screen. 61. What is the best title for the passage? A. The Best Way to Get News C. Make Your Own Newspaper

B. The Changes of Media D. The Future of Newspaper

62. In the writer’s opinion, in the future, ____.

A. more big political affairs, wars and disasters will make news B. newspapers will not be printed in publishing houses any longer C. newspapers will cover more scientific research D. more and more people will watch TV

63. What will probably be in the newspaper made by yourself? A. Sports and international news C. The most important news

B. A menu of important news D. What you are interested in

64. From the passage, we can infer ____.

A. newspapers will win the competition among the different media B. newspapers will stay with us together with other media C. television will take the place of newspapers D. the writer believes some media will die out

65. The underlined phrase “feed off” in the last paragraph means ____. A. depend on

B. compete with

C. fight with


It can be hard, nearly impossible, to forgive a friend who has offended you. But forgiveness can change your life. By forgiving, you break free from the bonds of negative emotions, which makes you healthier physically and mentally. Forgiving helps you connect with people easily and build good relationships with them.

1. Understand what forgiving your friends means in the first place. You will either accept or ignore what your friends have offended you. By forgiving, you see the emotions that resulted in your friends’ wrong behavior. Understand that it’s completely normal to forgive your friends but still remember what they did to you.

2. Observe how your feelings of anger and bitterness toward your friends are affecting your life. Living with negative emotions constantly is stressful and prevents you from enjoying your life fully. With negative feelings, you

D. kill off



分值:150分 时间:120分钟


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1. What do we know about the woman?

A. She has her favorite airline B. She is afraid of flying C. She thinks flying is safe

2. What is the man doing?

A. Buying the train ticket

3. What are the speakers doing?

A. Watching TV B. Talking about a TV show C. Visiting a zoo

4. What did the man do on Saturday?

A. He went to the movies B. He had dinner with his friends C. He called on some friends

5. How many times has the shop been robbed?

A. Five B. Six C. Seven




6. What is the man doing?

A. Ordering food B. Asking for some advice C. Complaining

7. What will the woman do for the man?

A. Bring him another glass B. Cook the steak for him C. Ask him to leave


8. Who will stay with the man?

A. His brother

A. $43.20 B. His wife B. $48.00 C. His son B. Waiting for a train C. Consulting information 9. How much should the man pay the woman? C. $58.00


10. Why is the man visiting the woman?【江西萍乡英语高中试卷】

A. They are former classmates B. He is looking for a room to live in

C. He wants to find a job for his cousin

11. Why did the woman post an ad for the room?

A. She decided to move B. One of her rooms needed renting C. She found a new job

B. She is working for an ad company 12. What can we learn about the woman? A. She will go to New York for a job

C. She has been in the city for two years



13. Who will pay for the man’s studies?

A. Himself B. His parents C. His uncle

14. What does the man want to study in college?

A. Business B. Language C. History

15. What will the man do after graduation?

A. Work for his uncle B. Start his own company C. Return to his country

B. In the office of the University of Pennsylvania 16. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In the international bank

C. In the exit-entry administration department


17. What’s the talk mainly about?

A. Some good habits at home B. Waste in the workplace C. Some important natural resources

18. What’s the speaker’s attitude towards the problem?

A. Bored B. Concerned

C. Excited 19. Which is proper to save more resources from the passage? A. Trying not to use copies B. Trying to use single-use plastic cups

C. Trying to use both sides of paper

20. What does the speaker ask people to do in the end?

A. Wash their hands before meals B. Use less paper in the office C. Turn off the tap in time

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)


21. I think people must have found it quite___delight when colour TV was first broadcast in ___ 1920s.

A./; the B.a; / C.a; the D./; /

22. —Is there any possibility _____ you could pick me up at the airport?


—No problem.

A.when B.that C.whether D.what

23. Only then did I realize that it was foolish of me to ____ all of my friends and never contact them.

A.break away from B.catch up with C.look away from D.put up with

24. The number of the foreign tourists to visit the US is expected to be more than 2 million by 2015, _____ 14 billion dollars to the US economy.

A.to contribute B.contributing C.contributed D.to be contributing

25. Finally he reached a lonely island ____ was completely cut off from the outside world.

A. when B. where C. which D. whom

26. It is strange that he ________ so much about me.

A.knows B.know C.would know D.shall know

27. When will the government ________ its position on equal pay for equal work for women?

A.divide B.classify C.convince D.clarify

28. Though computers can do a lot of work man can't do, they can't completely___ human beings.

A.replace with B.replace by C.take place D.take the place of

29. —What are the workers talking about?

—They are discussing the idea the old worker ________ at the meeting yesterday.

A.put forward B.came up C.set off D.brought out

30. Emily felt very sad that she was suspected ________ false statements in court.

A.of providing B.for providing C.on providing D.to provide

31. The new suspension bridge ________ by the famous architect is ________ now.

A.built; under construction B.designed; under construction

C.drawn; under the construction D.damaged; under the construction

32. My aunt always brings me a pretty gift ________ she comes.





2014-2015学年度 最新 江西省萍乡市七年级下学期期末考试英语试题(扫描版)




考试时间:120分 总分:150分




1. What is the man doing?

A. Making a suggestion. B. Making an apology. C. Making a request.

2. Where are the two speakers?

A. At a library. B. At the school. C. At a bookstore.

3. What's the man's trouble?

A. He was not dressed well for the meeting.

B. He locked his keys in his office.

C. He forgot to bring his keys with him.

4. How old is Mr. Anderson?

A. 35. B. 40. C. 50.

5. What does the man mean?

A. He wonders why the woman is here.

B. He himself is Dr. Johnson.

C. The doctor will be here soon.




6. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Good friends. B. Brother and sister. C. Operator and caller.

7. What does the woman want to do?

A. Find out an address.

B. Inquire about a name.

C. Find out a telephone number.


8. What does the conversation most probably take place?

A. At a restaurant. B. At a cafeteria. C. At a lounge.

9. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The business is very good.

B. The service is not very satisfactory.

C. The man is just on the right of the lounge.


10. What does the man show the woman?

A. A magazine. B. Hair care products. C. A bottle of red wine.

11. How will the woman's hair look?

A. Long. B. Short. C. Shoulder-length.

12. Why doesn't the woman want to change the color of her hair?

A. She thinks it's too expensive.

B. She's afraid it might damage her hair.

C. She doesn't like the suggested color.


13.Why didn’t the woman go to the man’s birthday party?

A.She forgot all about it. B.She didn’t like the man.

C. She didn't know about it.

14. What can we know from the conversation?

A. The man didn't invite the woman at all.

B. The woman got lost during a bike trip.

C. The woman is going to a meeting later.

15. What does the woman want to do for the man's birthday?

A. Have lunch with him. B. Buy him a present.

C. Send him an email.

16. What will the man do after the conversation?

A. Have a meeting. B. Have a class. C. Give a speech.


17. When did Alice decide to become a nurse?

A. Two years old. B. Four years old. C. Eight years old.

18. Which game did Alice use to play?

A. Doctors and nurses. B. Teachers and students. C. Playing cards.

19. When did Alice start her studies in a big hospital?

A. Last March B. Last September. C. Last November.

20. How does Alice probably feel the next hour?

A. Angry. B. Happy. C. Confused.




21.What do you think of his proposal _______ great emphasis be laid on expanding education ,with girls as well as boys ______to go to school.

A. what; being encouraged B. that; be encouraged

C. which; been encouraged D. that; to be encouraged

22.Is this hotel _____ you said we were to stay in your letter?

A. which B. where C. in that D. in which

23. The experience of being teased and bullied may stay with the victims for___ life and cause all kinds of social problems at _____later age.

A. a; a B.\; a C. the; \ D.\; the

24. Lin is never ashamed of what she does,_________ she ends up doing something wrong.

A.as though B. even if C. in case D. for fear

25. It’s the present situation in poor areas that ____ much higher spending on education and training.

A calls for B answers for C provides for D plans for

26. He was considering buying a new car but his parents________ it clear that they won’t support him unless he can afford it himself.

A. have made B .were making C. made D. will make

27. Excuse me, but______ you suggest?

A. what is it exactly that B. what is exactly

C. is it what exactly D. what is it exactly

28. The hospital in Harbin is already ______ of shocking mistreatment, as a 74-year-old man died of heart failure, after 67 days of treatment which cost the family 5.5 million yuan.

A. acquired B. charged C. accused D. punished

29. Our city will be one of the cleanest areas in our country in the 21 century._____

shouldn’t be any doubt about it now.

A. There B. Which C. That D. It

30. Work means much to me. It is _________ of my life _________ air, water and sunlight.

A. a part as much; as B. so much a part; as

C. as a part much; as D. as much a part; as

31. _____, he will ____his father’s business in the coming year.

A. Intelligent enough, take over B. Enough intelligent, hand over

C. Intelligently enough, take over D. Enough intelligently, hand over

32. _______, her hands shook constantly and violently.

A.Knowing her son killed in the accident

B.When she knew her son was killed in the accident

C.Known her son killed in the accident

D.She knew her son killed in the accident

33. It was strange that you ______ for Maggie’s address. I just got a letter from

her---the first one since her family moved on August 31, 1999.

A. should have asked B. would have asked C. shall ask D. might ask

34. — You haven’t done it well.

— But I tried my best and did it _____ a way ____ I think is the best.

A. in; / B. /; in which C. by; in that D. in; which

35.--You're not angry then?

--__________ .I've never laughed so much in my life.

A. I'm not sure B. I hope so C. I'd rather not D. Far from it st

第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分 30分)

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从36~55各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

When my son unexpectedly volunteered for the Marines(美国海军陆战队), I was busy writing my novels and giving little thought to the men and women in the army . My son John Schaeffer, recently came home 36 from the Middle East. He slowly appeared from a broken car. John 37 all night from a base near Washington, 38 he had landed the day before. He did not want me to 39 him there. “I need time to myself,” my son said 40 calling from Kuwait on the way home. I gave my wife a head start. Mother 41 son. “I was so worried,” Genie said. She pulled away to look up again and again to 42 he was really there. My wife gave me a great gift: 43 alone with my boy. John was tired and lay 44 on his bed. I lay down next to him and was grasping his hand the whole time. I just wanted to be certain that the nightmares I’d had about John being killed were 45 . I kept holding my son, the way I 46 when he was two and came into our bed after a 47 dream. I asked John if he’d rather sleep than talk, and he said there would be time for 48 later. With the 49 over, under and around me came incredible tiredness. I slept with his voice dying away. It was the first good 50 I’d had in months. I woke and John was asleep next to me. Sitting by his bed watching him breathe, I found myself praying and 51 for all the fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, husbands and wives of those who were not coming home. For the first time in my life, I was weeping for 52 . Before my son went to war I would never have shed tears for them. My son 53 me. He taught me that our men and women in uniform are not the “ 54 ”. They are our sons, daughters, brothers and sisters. Sometimes shedding tears for strangers is a holy 55 . Sometimes it’s all we can do.

36. A. angry B. alive C. frightened D. excited

37. A. drove B. was driving C. had driven D. would have driven

38. A. when B. where C. which D. who

39. A. meet B. congratulate C. permit D. accept

40. A. once B. when C. unless D. since

41. A. abandoned B. patted C. concluded D. embraced

42. A. make sure B. set down C. get across D. make sense

43. A. period B. chance C. time D. moment

44. A. expanded B. stretched C. extending D. spreading

45. A. facts B. truth C. proofs D. lies

46. A. used to B. ought to C. should D. must

47. A. happy B. cheerful C. scary D. dull

48. A. advice B. discussion C. talk D. sleep

49. A. chat B. worries C. meeting D.


50. A. conversation B. observation C. sleep D. difficulty

51. A. crying B. cursing C. screaming D.


52. A. friends B. neighbors C. strangers

D. soldiers

53. A. persuaded B. changed C. frightened D. accused

54. A. another B. other C. others D. one

55. A. function B. adventure C. duty D. shame

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



Walter Wetzel had met Ryan Lamantia nearly eight years ago in a hospital waiting room. Both were very sick——Ryan with brain cancer, Walter with leukemia (白血病). Ryan, who was 3 at the time, began making silly faces at Walter and chatted about going home to change into his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles costume. Several days later, Ryan moved to another hospital. Though they saw each other only a handful of times after that, Walter never forgot Ryan.

"He inspired me to fight against my cancer," said Walter, now 17, a football player. Then one day, Walter saw a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt at a mall, which made him decide to search out Ryan. Back home, Walter typed in "Ryan Lake in the Hills brain cancer" on his computer, and a link to a Facebook page for Ryan came up. But, the news was shocking.

Ryan had died on Sept. 8, 2005. He was 6. The Facebook page was for the Ryan Lamantia Foundation, a non-profit organization that Ryan's family formed after his death to raise money for brain cancer research.

Walter left this message right away: ."Ryan is my hero. My trips to the hospital were always horrible, until the day I met Ryan."

Ryan's mom's eyes were filled with tears as she read Waiter's message. "We always knew Ryan was special, but to hear it from somebody else, it really means the world to us," Lamantia said.

Walter wasn't the only person who was greatly impressed with Ryan.

"He was a little superhero," said Wendy Stellpflug, a nurse at Children' s Memorial Hospital. "Ryan always kept his spirits high, even after he suffered hearing loss and experienced 14 operations."

"Ryan didn’ t let his illness stop him. He always had a smile on his face," said Dr. Stewart Goldman, the doctor who treated Ryan.
