
| 高一 |








  第二部分: 阅读理解(共两节20小题 ,满分40分)

  第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)



  As the father of a student, I have experienced first hand what a great teacher is. My son was in the 4th grade last year, and he had a teacher called Miss Green. I believe that when he is an adult he will surely look back on her as the best teacher he has ever had.

  My son has attention deficit disorder(注意力缺损症) that makes it a little more difficult for him to learn. She was able to change her teaching methods for him so that he could keep up with the rest of the class. As a result, he got straight As on many subjects. She regarded her class as a family and they even had their own class song. She would often have them sing it to encourage them and develop a team spirit for them. When she saw that they were no longer listening carefully to what she was teaching, she would have them close their textbooks, stand up all around the room and throw around a small football. This helped them clear their minds and then focus on the lesson again. Besides, she was quick to reply to any phone calls or emails from us and got rid of our worries about children quickly.

  When my son went to the 5th grade this year, we happened to pass her classroom. When she saw my son, she smiled, and she came out and hugged him. She generally loves all of the children in her classroom and that love really shows. I can only pray that my son will continue to get teachers just like her for the rest of his school years.

  21. With the teacher’s help, the writer’s son ______.

  A. became the best student in his class B. was interested in singing songs

  C. quickly finished his 4th grade lessons D. improved his grades greatly

  22. Which of the following is NOT true about Miss Green?

  A. She regarded the students as members of a family.

  B. She had special ways to help students study.

  C. She was good at teaching football and music.

  D. She usually made a quick reply to parents’ ema ils.

  23. We can learn from the passage that ______.

  A. Miss Green didn’t teach the writer’s son in the 5th grade

  B. Miss Green was the best teacher at the school

  C. all the students in the school liked Miss Green

  D. the writer’s son had many teachers like Miss Green

  24. In the passage, the writer mainly tells us ______.

  A. what his son studied at school B. his son once had a good teacher

  C. how to be a good and popular teacher D. a teacher who liked playing with students


  My husband, my four-month-old daughter and I set out on a five-day driving journey from California to Washington. We had to stop frequently because our little child needed to stretch from the car seat.

  One of our stops, once we crossed the Oregon border, was at a Black Bear Diner. Walking towards the front door we noticed a gentleman standing at one side. He was clearly untidy, without shoes and wearing worn clothing. We passed right by him and opened the restaurant door. Then something told me to go back.

  Holding my daughter, I turned around and said to the gentleman, “Sir. Are you hungry?” He said, “Yes.” I then asked, “May we buy you something to eat?” He responded with, “Sure, I can order something myself.”

  My husband opened the door and the gentleman went straight to the counter. I told him to order whatever he wanted. The manager of the restaurant came over quite quickly and looked frightened. I s poke before he had an opportunity to. “This gentleman will have lunch with us today,” I said. “Please add his order to our bill.” The manager said with a frown(皱眉), “Okay.” We turned to our table and the gentleman said, loudly and quickly, “Thank You!” We were seated and upon completing our meal we were handed our bill. I asked my husband what the gentleman had ordered. One fresh orange juice, one coffee, one breakfast combination with a side of hash browns.

  When we left the restaurant I looked for the gentleman but didn’t see him, but that very small act just made my day. I hope in some small way we were able to add some joy to his life, even if only for a few minutes.

  25. From the appearance of the gentleman, we can guess he was probably a(n) _____.

  A. waiter B. actor C. beggar D. worker

  26. The manager of the restaurant looked frightened because _____.

  A. the man was not f riendly B. the man had stolen something from the restaurant

  C. he had fired the man before D. he was afraid the man wouldn’t afford to pay the food

  27. From the passage, we can infer the man _____.

  A. was thankful for their kind act B. felt ashamed and slipped away

  C. was hungry and ate a lot of food D. was too proud to accept their offer

  28. The phrase “made my day” in the last paragraph probably means ______.

  A. wasted my money B. made me very happy

  C. made me feel sorry D. moved me deeply


  If you have a chance to go to Finland, you will probably be surprised to find how “foolish” the Finnish people are.

  Take the taxi drivers for example. Taxis in Finland are mostly high-class Benz with a fare of two US dollars a kilometer. You can go anywhere in one, tell the driver to drop you at any place, say that you have some business to attend to, and then walk off without paying your fare. The driver would not show the least sign of anxiety.

  The dining rooms in all big hotels not only serve their guests, but also serve outside diners. Hotel guests have their meals free, so they naturally go to the free dining rooms to have their meals. The most they would do to show their good faith is to wave their registration card to the waiter. With such a loose check, you can easily use any old registration card to take a couple of friends to dine free of charge.

  The Finnish workers are paid by the hour. They are very much on their own as soon as they have agreed with the boss on the rate(价钱). From then on, they just say how many hours they have worked and they will be paid accordingly(相应地).

  With so many loopholes(漏洞) in everyday life, surely Finland must be a heaven to those who love to take “petty advantages”. But the strange thing is, all the taxi passengers would always come back to pay their fare after they have attended to their business; not a single outsider has ever been found in the free hotel dining rooms. And workers always give an honest account of the exact hours they put in. As the Finns always act on good faith in everything they do, living in such a society has turned everyone into a real “gentleman”.

  In a society of such high moral practice, what need is there for people to be on guard against others?

  29. While taking a taxi in Finland, _____.

  A. a passenger can go anywhere without having to pay the driver

  B. a passenger pays two US dollars for a taxi ride

  C. a passenger can never be turned down by the taxi driver wherever he wants to go

  D. a passenger needs to provide good faith demonstration (证明) before leaving without paying

  30. We know from the passage that big hotels in Finland ________.

  A. are mostly poorly managed B. provide meals for any diners

  C. provide free wine and charge for food D. provide meal for only those who live in the hotels

  31. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. The workers in Finland are paid by the hour.

  B. The workers are always honest with their working hours.

  C. The workers and their bosses will make an agreement in advance about the pay.

  D. The bosses in Finland are too busy to check the working hours of their employees.

  32. The word “those” in the last but one paragraph probably refers to _____.

  A. people who are dishonest   B. people who often have meals in big hotels

  C. people who often take taxis   D. people who are worthy of trust


  When we talk about intelligence, we do not mean the abil ity to get good scores in certain kinds of tests or even the ability to do well in school. By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving, especially in a new or anxious situation. If we want to test intelligence, we need to find out how a person acts instead of how much he knows what to do.

  For example, when in a new situation, an intelligent person thinks about the situation, not about himself or what might happen to him. He tries to find out all he can, and then he acts immediately and tries to do something about it. He probably isn’t sure how it will all work out, but at least he tries. And, if he can’t make things work out right, he doesn’t feel ashamed that he fails; he just tries to learn from his mistakes. An intelligent person, even if he is very young, has a special outlook(人生观) on life, special feeling about life, and knows how he fits into it.

  If you look at children, you’ll see great difference between what we call “bright” children and “not bright” children. They are actually two different kinds of people, not just the same kind with different amounts of intelligence. For example, the bright child really wants to find out more about life --- he tries to get in touch with everything around him. But the unintelligent child keeps more to himself and h is own dream-world; he seems to have a wall between him and life in general.

  33. What’s the main idea of the passage?

  A. What’s real meaning of intelligence  B. What’s the “bright” children’s behavior

  C. What’s a special outlook on life   D. How to live and behave in a new situation

  349. In the author’s opinion the biggest difference between “bright” children and “not bright” children lies in ____________.

  A. the amount of intelligence   B. the different situations they face

  C. the different attitudes to life   D. the background of life

  35. What might the author continue to talk about in the passage that follows?

  A. how to determine what intelligence is B. how an unintelligent person should be taught

  C. how to judge whether a person is intelligent D. how education should be changed



  Ten years ago, I used to be very fit. __36__ I used to play tennis a lot and go for long walks. In those days, I didn’t earn very much. I had a job in an office. It wasn’t a very good job but I had a lot of time to do the things I enjoyed doing.

  __37__ The pay was better, but the hours were a lot longer. I bought a car and drove to work every day. I began to take people out to lunch. And I began to put on weight, too. I stopped playing tennis and going for long walks at weekends because I just didn’t have any time for things like that any more.

  There’s a lot of stress (压力) in my job. Perhaps that’s why I started drinking more than I used to. For example, I used to have only half a glass of w hisky when I got home, but then I started fil ling my glass to the top. Then I had another glass, and then another. __ 38__ I never used to smoke at all.

  Two months ago, I had a heart attack. At first I just couldn’t believe it. “I’m too young.” I said. Luckily it wasn’t very serious. I was in hospital a few days and they did a lot of tests. __39__ He also advised me to work less and get more exerci se. But I just haven’t any time! __40__

  Sometimes I wonder if I should get another job. Perhaps I could do something like I used to do. But if I do that, I won’t earn as much. I have a family to support. I have to think of them, too. I just don’t know what I should do. What do you think?

  A. Then, about eight years ago, I got a much better job.

  B. My job takes everything out of me!

  C. I rode a bike to work and I got a lot of exercise at weekends.

  D. Drinking became part of my life.

  E. I started smoking a lot, too.

  F. Ten years later, I lost my first job.

  G. The doctor advised me to stop smoking and to eat less.

  第三部分:语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)


  For a few years, I have been wearing a ring on my right hand. It’s not always the __41__ ring, but it’s always a ring that has __42__ on it so that when I look at it, I’m __43__ or reminded of something important. I have made a __44__ of buying rings like this whenever I see one in a store. Sometimes I give them away as __45__ to someone like Jennie.

  I first met Jennie in the __46__waiting room and we had talked several times. One night I sat down beside her and __47__ how her son was doing because I knew that he was in very __48__ condition. She told me that she didn’t know what to do any more be cause it seemed none of the __49__ from the doctors was good. They weren’t at all sure her son was going to __50__ the accident that had him so badly. With __51__ in her eyes she said, “They’re __52__my hope.”

  I knew then that it was __53__ just a coincidence(巧合)that I was wearing the ring that I had on that day. As she __54__ to talk, I __55__ slipped the ring off my finger and placed it in Jennie’s hand. I told her to wear it to remember that God loved her and He would be with her __56__ all of this. __57__ Jennie looked down at the ring, she got excited and then held it tightly, __58__ the word written on the ring was “HOPE”.

  The last day I was at the hos pital, I saw Jennie in the distance as I got on the lift. She __59__ and held up the hand with the ring on it as she called out to me saying, “Look, I __60__ have Hope!”

  41. A. special

  42. A. words

  43. A. admired

  44. A. plan

  45. A. gifts

  46. A. railway

  47. A. asked

  48. A. favorable

  49. A. advice

  50. A. defeat

  51. A. apologies

  52. A. keeping up

  53. A. other than

  54. A. continued

  55. A. cautiously

  56. A. over

  57. A. Until

  58. A. for

  59. A. shouted

  60. A. ever B. expensive

  B. pictures

  B. encouraged

  B. point

  B. prizes

  B. school

  B. explained

  B. normal

  B. news

  B. experienc e

  B. tears

  B. bringing down

  B. rather than

  B. refused

  B. quietly

  B. beyond

  B. While

  B. s o

  B. waved

  B. only C. same

  C. names

  C. trusted

  C. list

  C. awards

  C. hospital

  C. thought

  C. serious

  C. instructions

  C. predict

  C. anger

  C. cutting off

  C. more than

  C. attempted

  C. nervously

  C. through

  C. Since

  C. yet

  C. cheered

  C. still D. valuable

  D. symbols

  D. puzzled

  D. habit

  D. thanks

  D. airport

  D. found

  D. excellent

  D. comfort

  D. survive

  D. doubt

  D. taking away

  D. less than

  D. started

  D. shyly

  D. within

  D. When

  D. and

  D. hesitated

  D. Just


  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  A wolf had got a bone __(61)__ (stick) in his throat and was in greatest pain. He ran __(62)__ and down asking every animal he met to __(63)__ (move) the bone from him, at the same time __(64)__ (suggest) a very handsome reward to the __(65)__ (success)operator. A crane moved by his eager asking and his promise, ventured her long neck down the wolf’s throat, and drew out the bone. She then asked for the __(66)__ (promise) reward. To her question, the wolf showing his teeth with __6(7)__ ugly smile, replied, “Ungrateful creature! You put your head into a wolf’s mouth, and took it out in safety. It is hard for me to expect __(68)__ you dared to ask for more reward than this!”

  Those __(69)__ are only in the hope of a return must not be surprised when they come face to face with bad men. They meet with more laughs __(70)__ thanks.


  第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

  此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。短文中有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^),并在其下面写出该加的词。  删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

  注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

  When I am a child, I always wished to become an adult so that I could do all what I liked. I wanted to have more space where I was able to follow my own heart without follow my parents’ instructions. As time going by, I have grown up gradually, but I find things are quite different from what I expect. I do have the free to do more things alone. Moreover, I have to take on much responsibilities. I have to take the charge of my life and face challenges bravely. Now I am determined to work hardly and go to college so that I can have a bright future.

  第二节 书面表达

  假如你是李华,你最喜欢的歌手Justin Bieber(贾斯汀•比伯)下个月将到你市演出。近日你准备和几个朋友成立Justin Bieber的歌迷俱乐部。请你给你的加拿大笔友Freddy发一封100词左右的e-mail,表明你们喜欢Justin Bieber的理由,并希望Freddy就如何办好歌迷俱乐部提出一些建议。




  21-24 DCAB 250-28 CDAB 29-32 CBDA 33-35 ACB 36-40 CAEGB


  第二卷(非选择题 共50分)

  语法填空:)1. stuck 2. up 3. remove 4. suggesting 5. successful 6. promised 7. an 8. that 9. who 10. than


  1. am改为was 2. 去掉all或what改为that 3. follow改为following

  4. As改为With或going改为went 5. expect改为expected

  6. free改为freedom 7. Moreover改为 However 8. much改为more

  9. 去掉the 10. hardly改为hard


  One possible version:

  Dear Freddy,

  I’m glad to tell you that Justin Bieber, my favorite singer, will come to our city to perform next month.

  I’m so pleased at the news that I decided to form a Justin Bieber fan club with some of my friends. All of us like him and enjoy his songs very much. He is very charming and fantastic! His songs make us feel the true love. We can sing most of his songs and would like to know more about him. But we don’t know what we should do, and where we can pick up some useful information about him and his performing plans, could you give us some good advice?

  Looking forward to your reply soon.

  Best wishes,


  Li Hua

  Li Hua



  21-24 DCAB 250-28 CDAB 29-32 CBDA 33-35 ACB 36-40 CAEGB


  第二卷(非选择题 共50分)

  语法填空:)1. stuck 2. up 3. remove 4. suggesting 5. successful 6. promised 7. an 8. that 9. who 10. than


  1. am改为was 2. 去掉all或what改为that 3. follow改为following

  4. As改为With或going改为went 5. expect改为expected

  6. free改为freedom 7. Moreover改为 However 8. much改为more

  9. 去掉the 10. hardly改为hard


  One possible version:

  Dear Freddy,

  I’m glad to tell you that Justin Bieber, my favorite singer, will come to our city to perform next month.

  I’m so pleased at the news that I decided to form a Justin Bieber fan club with some of my friends. All of us like him and enjoy his songs very much. He is very charming and fantastic! His songs make us feel the true love. We can sing most of his songs and would like to know more about him. But we don’t know what we should do, and where we can pick up some useful information about him and his performing plans, could you give us some good advice?

  Looking forward to your reply soon.

  Best wishes,


  Li Hua



  第I卷(选择题, 共80分)


  第一节:单项填空(共15 小题,每题1分,满分15 分)

  从(A、B、C、D) 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  1. Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like of the teachers at my Junior High.

  A. that B. one C. ones D. it

  2. What fun it is to have a year-end party to celebrate start of a new year.

  A. a; the B. /; the C. /; a D. a; a

  3. —Have you read the timetable?

  —Yes . The train at 10:15 p.m.

  A. will leave B. is going to leave C. should leave D. leaves

  4. It has been more than ten years the twin sisters last saw each other.

  A. when B. after C. since D. before

  5. The English Scientist called Berners-Lee________ the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989.

  A. caught up with B. ended up with C. kept up with D. came up with

  6. —May I remind you that a Mr. Wang is waiting outside, Sir?

  —Oh, that’s right. I about it.

  A. forget B. forgot C. had forgotten D. will forget

  7. As the price of homes goes up, many people afford to a house.

  A. can’t B. needn’t C. may not D. should not

  8. Ms Chen teaching me Physics, I am sure I will do well in the exam.

  A. If B. When C. With D. For

  9. Gulangyu is a gorgeous island there is some really interesting architecture.

  A. that B. where C. which D. what

  10. Though the policemen got after looking for the murderer in the city for a whole day, they felt excited when finding an knife by the lake.

  A. exhausting; abandoning B. exhausted ; abandoning

  C. exhausted; abandoned D. exhausting; abandoned

  11. —What shall we do tonight then?

  — —whatever you want.

  A. It’s up to you B. No problem

  C. Help yourself D. It’s a deal

  12. Since we have failed many times, we should think of a new approach the problem.

  A. abo ut solving B. of solving C. to solving D. in solving

  13. Bring the flowers into a warm room, you’ll find they will open soon.

  A. or B. and C. but D. for

  14. 20% of the students of Nan Shan Senior High the school colorful clubs so far.

  A. has joined B. has been joined C. have joined D. have been joined

  15. It is common sense that fever is a of the flu.

  A. symbol B. symptom C. signal D. sign


  阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的(A、B、C、D) 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  When I returned from a trip abroad, I felt that something was wrong between Keith (one of our twin sons) and me. So I asked him, “Keith, have I done anything that really 16 your feelings?”

  Instantly, he said, “Yes. Last Christmas you promised me a special 17 that I really wanted and you 18 gave it to me.”

  The 19 is that I’d completely forgotten about it. I 20 , “Is there anything else I’ve done wrong, but I have never asked for your forgiveness?”

  Again, his 21 was immediate, “Remember when Mom said you had to go to the 22 because Stephen was going to be born? You left us at home and 23 hurriedly. Remember?” I did.

  “Well, you left in a hurry and 24 the suitcase with all the things.” I couldn’t believe all the 25 he remembered! “After you left Mom at the hospital, you came back and you were 26 . When you got here, the suitcase had been opened and 27 was thrown all over the place. And you 28 me.”

  “And you didn’t do it?” I asked.


  My heart 29 . I felt terrible. I hugged Keith and asked him to 30 me. His honesty made me think of our other twin son, Kevin. Perhaps I’d hurt him, too. I went to ask him the 31 question. Kevin’s answer was as immediate as his 32 had been, “Last Christmas you 33 us a special toy and you never bought it for us.”

  34 the Christmas was past, I still took my two sons to the store that day and bought them what I had promised. The 35 thing wasn’t the toy. The problem was I’d made a promise all too lightly and didn’t keep it as their father.

  16. A. showed B. hurt C. hid D. expressed

  17. A. sweet B. book C. picture D. toy

  18. A. never B. often C. always D. ever

  19. A. warning B. message C. news D. fact

  20. A. complained B. apologized C. continued D. explained

  21. A. suggestion B. answer C. action D. blame

  22. A. hospital B. church C. school D. garden

  23. A. set off B. set up C. went up D. went down

  24. A. took B. forgot C. brought D. opened

  25. A. excuses B. plans C. ideas D. details

  26. A. angry B. moved C. happy D. satisfied

  27. A. nothing B. somebody C. everything D. nobody

  28. A. praised B. punished C. helped D. saw

  29. A. sank B. lied C. warmed D. stopped

  30. A. tell B. leave C. forgive D. support

  31. A. easy B. hard C. same D. funny

  32. A. mother’s B. brother’s C. sister’s D. father’s

  33. A. bought B. borrowed C. left D. promised

  34. A. Until B. Before C. Since D. Though

  35. A. strange B. interesting C. important D. difficult



  阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容判断正误,并将结果转涂到答题卡上。 正确的涂A,错误的涂B。

  Halloween falls on October 31st, the last day of the Celtic calendar. Halloween dates back to over 2000 years ago.

  The American tradition of "trick-or-treating" probably dates back to the early All Souls' Day marches in England. During the festivities, poor people would beg for food and families would give them pastries called "soul cakes" in return for their promise to pray(祈祷)for the family's dead relatives.

  The act of giving out soul cakes was encouraged by the church as a way to replace the ancient practice of leaving food and wine for homeless ghosts. The practice was finally taken up by children who would visit the houses in their neighborhood and be given sweets, food, and money.

  The tradition of dressing in costume(服饰) for Halloween has both European and C eltic roots. Hundreds of years ago, winter was an uncertain and frightening time. Food supplies were often not enough because people were afraid of the darkness and would stay at home without doing businesses.

  On Halloween, when it was believed that ghosts came back to the earthly world, people thought that they would meet with ghosts if they left their homes. To avoid being recognized by these ghosts, people would wear masks when they left their homes after dark so that the ghosts would mistake them for their fellows(同伴).

  On Halloween, to keep ghosts away from their houses, people would place bowls of food outside their homes to satisfy the ghosts and prevent them from trying to enter their houses.

  36. Halloween falling on October 31st , has a history of more than 2,000 years.

  37. During Halloween in America, poor people would be given food like pastries called “soul cakes” by rich family relatives.

  38. Children would be treated to sweets and food while visiting the houses in their neighborhood on Halloween.

  39. On Halloween, people would wear masks when they left their homes after dark in order to avoid being recognized by their fellows.

  40. Halloween is a day honoring the dead and respecting the old.




  The most frightening words in the English language are, “Our computer is down.” You hear it more and more when you are on business. The other day I was at the airport waiting for a ticket to Washington and the girl in the ticket office said, “I’m sorry, I can’t sell you a ticket. Our computer is down.”

  “If your computer is down, just write me out a ticket.”

  “I can’t write you out a ticket. The computer is the only one allowed to do so.”

  I noticed every passenger was just standing there drinking coffee and staring at the black screen. Then I looked down on the computer and asked her, “What do all you people do?”

  “We give the computer the information about your trip, and then it tells us whether you can fly with us or not.”

  “So when it goes down, you go down with it.”

  “That’s good, sir.”

  “How long will the computer be down? I wanted to know.”

  “I have no idea. Sometimes it’s down for 10 minutes, sometimes for two hours. There’s no way we can find out without asking the computer, and since it’s down it won’t answer us.”

  After the girl told me they had no backup computer, I said. “Let’s forget the computer—What about your planes? They are still flying, aren’t they?”

  “I couldn’t tell without asking the computer.”

  “Maybe I could, just go to the gate and ask the pilot if he is flying to Washington,” I suggested.

  “I wouldn’t know what gate to send you to. Even if the pilot was going to Washington, he couldn’t take you if you didn’t have a ticket.”

  “Is there any other airline flying to Washington within the next few hours?”

  “I wouldn’t know,” she said, pointing at the dark screen. “Only ‘IT’knows. It can’t tell me.”

  By this time there were quite a few people standing in lines. The words soon spread to other travelers that the computer was down. Some people went whi te, some people started to cry and still others kicked their luggage.

  41. Where do you often hear the frightening words “Our computer is down”?

  A. at the airport. B. At the gate.

  C. On business . D. In the ticket office.

  42.What could the girl in the ticket office do without asking the computer?

  A. She could do nothing. B. She could write out a ticket.

  C. She could still sell a ticket. D. She could answer passengers’ questions.

  43. What does the underlined word “down” in Paragraph 1 mean?

  A. White B. Broken C. Black D. Dark

  44. We can learn from the last paragraph that .

  A. a modern computer won’t be down

  B. computers can take the place of human

  C. there will be great changes in computers

  D. sometimes a computer may bring suffering to people

  45. The best title for the article is .

  A. Asking the Computer B. When the Computer Is Down

  C. The Computer of the Airport D. The Most Frightening Words


  Mrs. Obama spoke to the graduates of Martin Luther King Jr. High School on Saturday in her only high school commencement(毕业典礼)speech this year. The ceremony took place in the gymnasium of Tennessee State University.

  The first lady told the 170 graduates that she spent too much of her time in college focusing on academic achievements. While her success in college and law school led to a good job, she said, she ended up focusing on public service. “My message to you today is that don’t waste a minute living someone else’s dream,” she said. “It takes a lot of real work to discover what brings you joy and you won’t find what you love simply by checking mailboxes or surfing the net.”

  She said MLK reminded her of her own high school experience in Chicago. “My No.1 goal was to go to a high school that would push me and challenge me,” she said. “I wanted to go somewhere that would celebrate achievement. Unfortunately, schools like this don’t exist for every kid.” she said. “You are blessed.”

  The first lady told graduates that failure may be a part of their college lives and careers, and that how they respond determines what they will become. “That’s when you find out what you’re really made of in those hard times,” she said. “But you can only do that if you’re willing to put yourself in a position where you might fail.” Overcoming difficulties has been the mark of many great people, she said, “Oprah was demoted(降职)from her first job as a news reporter, and now she doesn’t even need a last name,” she said of media giant Oprah Winfrey “And then there’s this guy Barack Obama, I could take up a whole afternoon talking about his failures. He lost his first race for Congress”, the first lady joked, “and now he gets to call himself my husband.”

  46. When choosing her high school, Mrs. Obama .

  A. was willing to meet challenges B. was pushed to make a choice

  C. failed to find an ideal school D. wanted to study law

  47. By mentioning Oprah’s example, Mrs. Obama wanted to tell graduates .

  A. to start as a news reporter B. to work hard to get promoted

  C. to be brave enough to risk failing D. not to waste time doing what they dislike

  48. What do we know about Mrs. Obama from the text?

  A. This was the first time she gave a speech to graduates.

  B. She complained about her school life in her speech.

  C. She is a graduate of Tennessee State University.

  D. She is enthusiastic about public service.

  49. Mrs. Obama’s speech is aimed to .

  A. show how Mr. and Mrs. Obama overcame difficulties.

  B. encourage graduates to face their future lives bravely.

  C. tell graduates that failure is a part of their lives and careers.

  D. to call on graduates to focus on public service.

  50. Where can you probably find this text?

  A. On a news website. B. In a politics book

  C. In a graduation paper. D. On Mrs. Obama’s blog.


  Going green seems to be fad (时尚)for a lot of people these days. Whether that is good or bad, we can’t really say, but for the two of us, going green is not a fad but a lifestyle.

  On April 22, 2011, we decided to go green every single day for an entire year. This meant doing 365 different green things, and it also meant challenging ourselves to go green beyond easy things. Rather than recycle and reduce our energy, we had to think of 365 different green things to do and this was no easy task.

  With the idea of going green every single day for a year, Our Green Year started. My wife and I decided to educate people about how they could go green in their lives and hoped we could show people all the green things that could be done to help the environment. We wanted to push the message that every little bit helps.

  Over the course of Our Green Year, we completely changed our lifestyle. We now shop at organic(有机的)stores. We consume less meat, choosing green food. We have greatly reduced our buying we don’t need. We have given away half of what we owned through websites. Our home is kept clean by vinegar and lemon juice, with no chemical cleaners. We make our own butter, enjoying the smell of home-made fresh bread. In our home office anyone caught doing something ungreen might be punish ed.

  Our minds have been changed by Our Green Year. We are grateful for the chance to have been able to go green and educate others. We believe that we do have the power to change things and help our planet.

  51. What might be the best title for the passage?

  A. Going Green. B. Protecting the Planet.

  C. Keeping Open-Minded. D. Celebrating Our Green Year.

  52. It was difficult for the couple to live a green life for the whole year because .

  A. they were expected to follow others

  B. they didn’t know how to educate other people

  C. they were unwilling to reduce their energy

  D. they needed to perform unusual green tasks

  53. What is the couple’s main reason for going green every day for a whole year?

  A. To follow a green fad like many other people.

  B. To completely change their unhealthy lifestyle.

  C. to show people how to go green to help our planet.

  D. to show they never do anything ungreen.

  54. What did the couple do over the course of their Green Year?

  A. They sold their home-made food.

  B. They ignore others’ ungreen behavior.

  C. They tried to get out of their ungreen habits.

  D. They chose better chemical cleaners.

  55. What can we infer form the last paragraph?

  A. The government will give support to the green people.

  B. The couple may continue their project in the future.

  C. Some people disagree with the couple’s green ideas.

  D. Our Green Year is becoming a national action.

  第三节:补全对话 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


  注意:因机读卡上没有对应的EFG选项,若选E, 请将对应题号AB两项同时涂黑;若选F,请将对应题号AC两项同时涂黑;若选G,请将对应题号AD两项同时涂黑。

  —David, did you say you had a party last Saturday?

  — 56

  —Sorry. I didn’t get it.

  —But I invited you. I sent an e-mail to you one week before the party.

  — 57 I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about it.

  —That’s OK. But I was kind of upset that you weren’t there.

  —I was upset, too. You know, we took a bike trip last weekend. But it was just awful. We got lost for four hours.

  — 58

  — Well, let’s go out for lunch today. I want to do something for your birthday.

  — 59

  — I know. But I really want to.

  — 60 So anyway, I have to go now. I will have a meeting at 9:00.

  —See you later and happy birthday.

  A. Oh, that’s terrible.

  B. You don’t have to.

  C. That’s very nice of you.

  D. Yes, it was my birthday party.

  E. No, I don’t know about it.

  F. And we enjoyed ourselves.

  G. Oh, I had got a new e-mail address.

  第II 卷 (非选择题,共20分)

  第三部分:写 (共两节,满分20分)

  第一节:单句改错 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)




  61. Berners-Lee made possible for everyone to use the Internet, not just the army.

  62. The more closer you are, the more you will see.

  63. My English teacher explains grammar so clearly that I feel I can make great progresses with her.

  64. This is the first time that Edward visited our hometown Mian Yang.

  65. You can shorten the words by taking out unimportant letters in them and use numbers instead of words when sending a text message.



  赞成的理由 反对的理由 你的看法

  1、 广交朋友 1、浪费时间


  2、 可自由表达思想 2、影响学习或上当受骗



  3、参考词汇:网络朋友 on—line friend(s), 上当受骗to be cheated


  英 语 试 题 答 案



  1-5 ABDCD 6-10 BACBC 11-15 ACBDB


  16-20 BDADC 21-25 BAABD 26-30 ACBAC 31-35 CBDDC



  36-40 ABABB


  41-45 CABDB 46-50 ACDBA 51-55 ADCCB


  56-60 DGABC



  61. possible前面加it

  62. 去掉more

  63. progresses 改为 progress

  64. Edward 后面加has

  65. use 改为 using


  Should students make friends on line? Different students have different opinions. Some people say yes. The internet helps make many friends. Chatting on line, students can more freely express their feelings and opinions. And even get help with their foreign language studies.

  Others, however, think students should not. They say making friends on line is a waste of time, which should be spent more meaningfully on study. Besides, some students easily get cheated on line.

  In my opinion, students should place their study, health and safety before other things. As for friendship, we can find it in our classmates and other people around us.


  满分 : 120分 时间 : 120分钟




  1. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Manager and secretary.

  B. Wife and husband.

  C. Waiter and customer.

  2. What time does the last train leave for London?

  A. At 8:35 am. B. At 8:35 pm. C. At 7:25 pm.

  3. What was the guy doing?

  A. Driving a car. B. Riding a bike.

  C. Getting crazy.

  4. Why does the woman want to see Professor Wang?

  A. To ask for a sick leave.

  B. To talk about a class.

  C. To get help with her paper.

  5. What did the man mean?

  A. They intended to go outing today.

  B. They stood outside for too long.

  C. They had a wrong weather report.




  6. When did the strange thing happen?

  A. When the woman and her family were watching TV.

  B. When the woman and her family were having supper.

  C. When the woman and her family were sleeping.

  7. What happened to the TV?

  A. The TV didn’t work.

  B. The TV began to change channels rapidly.

  C. The TV broke down.

  8. What was the weather like that night?

  A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cloudy.


  9. Why can’t Elaine Strong answer the phone?

  A. She’s attending a meeting.

  B. She’s out of the office.

  C. She’s talking with another customer.

  10. What does the man want the woman to fax?

  A. Information about after sales service.

  B. A picture of the newest computers.

  C. Materials of software products.

  11. When will the man probably talk with Elaine Strong on the phone?

  A. About 5:00.B.About 3:30.

  C. About 4:30.


  12. Where does the conversation take place?

  A. In a ship. B. In a flight. C. In a train.

  13. Why does the man go to London?

  A. To pursue his master degree.

  B. To do business.

  C. To attend an international meeting.

  14. Why do the woman’s parents want her to do Business Studies?

  A. Because they want her to run a company.

  B. Because they want her to be a career woman.

  C. Because they want her to take over the family business.


  15. How long will Jane stay in Florida?

  A. Only one day. B. Two or three days.

  C. For Christmas time.

  16. What can be concluded about the man?

  A. He has been to Disneyland.

  B. He has read a book about Disneyland.

  C. He has seen a film introduction to Disneyland.

  17. How many sections is Disneyland made up of?

  A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.


  18. What is the speaker?

  A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A worker.

  19. What can we know about Mr. White?

  A. He comes from England.

  B. He is unwilling to work here.

  C. He will stay here for at least two years.

  20. Which other goals does the school have besides teaching English?

  A. To teach students how to get along well with foreigners.

  B. To promote understanding and cooperation between the young people of the two countries.

  C. To teach students American history and culture.

  II. 单项选择(每题1分,共15分)

  21. How about _______ party?

  Cool ! It was really _______ great fun! Pity you weren’t there.

  A. a, a B. the, a C. a, 不填 D. the, 不填

  22. He asked me _________.

  A. when would I come back

  B. why I hadn’t attended the meeting

  C. how much did I pay for the mobile phone

  D. whom was I going to the cinema with

  23. Allen had to call a taxi because the box was ______ to carry all the way home.

  A. much too heavy B. too much heavy

  C. heavy too much D. too heavy much

  24. --Tracy, you look down. What’s up?

  -- I have failed in the exam.

  -- You shouldn’t have spent too much time on Korean TV ______

  A. groups B. series C. kinds D. rows

  25. ______ is necessary _____ us to do morning exercises every day.

  A. That, for B. This, of C. This, for D. It, for

  26. We will go shopping if it____ tomorrow.

  A. don't rain B. didn't rain C. doesn't rain D. isn't rain

  27. He said the sun ____in the east and ____in the west.

  A rose; set B rises; sets C rises, set D rise; sets

  28. Mary finds _____ hard to learn math _______.

  A. it, well B. it’s, good C. it, good D. this, well

  29. Sarah, hurry up, I’m afraid you can’t have time to ______ before the party.

  A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to changed

  30. It ______ Tom a lot of money to buy the house.

  A. spends B. takes C. pays D. gets

  31. I’ve set the alarm clock to _______ at 7 a.m.

  A. take up B. go off C. wake up D. switch on

  32. Peter ______ 2 hours _________ every day.

  A. takes, to play football B. spends, playing football

  C. costs, to play football D. spends, to play football

  33. I’ll go to the library as soon as I finish what I ________

  A. was doing B. am doing

  C. have done D. have been doing

  34. Can you lend me the novel _________ the other day?

  A. that you talked B. you talked about it

  C. which you talked with D. you talked about

  35. This is just the place _______ I’m longing to visit these years.

  A. that B. where C. in which D. to where

  III. 完型填空(每空1.5 分,共30分)

  I lived in a tall building some years ago. Opposite my apartment lived a young couple. They liked _36_. They were often in a big quarrel when I got back home. I really _37_ that because sometimes I could hear them in my _38_. I have to say it was really _39_, because I need a quiet home after a day’s work.

  One day, when they were quarrelling _40_, I went to them and asked them why they were quarrelling. The young lady said her husband _41_ listened to her when she asked him to do something. And the man said his wife had many _42_ habits. Though he had asked her to give them up for many times, she never changed, not even a little. After _43_ what they said, I took them to a mirror and asked, “what do you _44_ in the mirror?” “Ourselves,” they said. Then I took them to an open window and asked the _45_ question. They said they saw a beautiful park with many green trees in it, over which some birds flied freely. Then I said, “_46_ you treat each other like a mirror and want the other to be exactly what you expect him or her to be, then you’ll _47_ quarrelling with each other. But once you consider each other to be a _48_, you’ll see many different things.” After that they both _50_ a lot and hardly quarreled as much as before.

  We should know that each person in the world is _51_. No matter how hard we _52_, we can never turn others to be exactly what we expect. So why not _53_ doing that and learn to enjoy the differences? When you change your _54_, you can look at things in a very different way. And you can have a lot more _55_ in your life as a result. So consider others to be a window instead of a mirror.

  36. A. fighting B. discussing C. singing D. quarrelling

  37. A. disagreed B. hated C. loved D. enjoyed

  38. A. factory B. apartment C. school D. office

  39. A. strange B. frequent C. interesting D. annoying

  40. A. by chance B. as usual C. on purpose D. at last

  41. A. never B. still C. often D. always

  42. A. good B. new C. bad D. old

  43. A. copying B. remembering C. expressing D. hearing

  44. A. want B. have C. get D. see

  45. A. great B. funny C. same D. serious

  46. A. If B. Though C. Unless D. Since

  47. A. deal with B. begin with C. end up D. give up

  48. A. person B. mirror C. partner D. window

  49. A. create B. enjoy C. lose D. ruin

  50. A. changed B. developed C. thought D. achieved

  51. A. different B. perfect C. happy D. kind

  52. A. talk B. want C. try D. move

  53. A. start B. advise C. keep D. stop

  54. A. mind B. expectation C. decision D. plan

  55. A. time B. space C. experience D. fun



  Young Music Scene Concert

  Young musicians from all over Germany perform at Young Scene Concert at Berlin’s famous Quasimodo music hall. The concert is part of the Berlin Festival.

  Time: 15——20 Nov.

  Place: 45, 18756Berlin, Germany

  Cost: Various

  Email: info@quasimodo.de

  Phone: +34(0)45 839 5986

  Documentary Film Month

  Cinemas, schools and libraries across France and the French-speaking world take part in November’s Documentary Film Month. About 120, 000 visitors take part each year.

  Time: 1——20 Mar.

  Place: 25 Road Pyramids, 75001 Paris

  Cost: Various

  Phone: +12(0)1 43 38 1973

  Email: info@paris-touristoffice.com

  Craft Show

  You can come to the show twice a year, in spring and at Christmas. There are hundreds of artisans(手艺人) from across Canada selling jewellery, pottery, glass, ironwork and clothing.

  Time: 26 Nov. ——7 Dec.

  Mon.——Fri. 11 am——10 pm

  Sat. 10 am——8 pm

  Sun. 9 am——6 pm

  Place: Direct Energy Centre

  Cost: $ 10

  Phone: +7 658 198 3245

  Email: askus@oneofakindshow.com

  Canada Blooms

  Toronto Garden and Flower Show

  The Canada Blooms Show every year at the Metro Toronto Convention Center is the country’s largest indoor garden show.

  Time: Mar. 9 am——6pm

  Sun. 11 am——5 pm

  Place: Metro Toronto Convention Center

  Cost: $ 18; under 12 free

  Phone: +1 235 4478768

  Email: info@mtccc.com

  56. People can enjoy music at Young Scene Concert from________.

  A. 1——20 Mar B. 15——20 Nov.

  C. 26 Nov.——7 Dec D. 1 Mar. ——20 Nov.

  57. You can e-mail ___________if you want to see Documentary Film.

  A. info@mtccc.com B. askus@oneofakindshow.com

  C. info@paris-touristoffice.com D. info@quasimodo.de

  58. You can buy ________at the Craft Show.

  A. glass, ironwork and clothing B. different kinds of flowers

  C. classic music CDs D. some books about film

  59. If two adults and two boys of 9 want to see Flower Show and Craft Show, it will cost them ________.

  A. $40 B. $56 C. $76 D. $112

  60. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

  A. Young musicians from all over Germany perform at Quasimodo music hall.

  B. Cinemas, schools and libraries across France take part in Documentary Film Month.

  C. People can enjoy the Craft Show from 9 am to 6 pm on Sunday.

  D. Toronto Garden and Flower Show is the world’s largest garden show.


  Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time: if corrected too much, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people’s. In the same way, children learning to do all the other things they learn to do without being taught ------to walk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bicycle----compare(比较) their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them for himself. We do it all for him. We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to. Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word says, what the answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.

  If it is a matter of right answers, as it may be in mathematics or sciences, give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste time on such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can’t find the way to get the right answer. Let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what they know or do not know.

  61. According to the passage, the best way for children to learn things is by ______.

  A. listening to skilled people’s advice

  B. asking older people many questions

  C. making mistakes and having them corrected

  D. doing what other people do

  62. Which of the following does the writer think teachers should NOT do?

  A. Give children correct answers.

  B. Allow children to make mistakes.

  C. Point out children’s mistakes to them.

  D. Let children mark their own work.

  63. According to the writer, teachers in school should ______

  A. allow children to learn form each other

  B. point out children’s mistakes whenever found

  C. correct children’s mistakes as soon as possible

  D. give children more book knowledge

  64. The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are ___.

  A. different from learning other skills

  B. the same as learning skills

  C. more important than other skills

  D. not really important skills

  65. What’s the best title?

  A. Let Teachers Stop Work

  B. Let Us Make Children Learn

  C. Let Children Correct Their Exercises

  D. Let Children Learn by Themselves

  V. 单词拼写,每空仅填一词 (每题1分,共15小题,满分15分)

  66. She always _____________(抱怨) to her parents about the school meals.

  67. Breathing exercises can help ___________ (减轻)stress.

  68. I find painting or drawing very ____________(令人感到放松的)

  69. Someone must _________(组织) this year’s Christmas party.

  70. She ___________(毕业) from Cambridge last year.

  71. He was in _______(紧急的,急迫的) need of medical attention.

  72. I want to be a _____________(志愿者) to help those who need help.

  73. The Sunday papers are full of ____________(广告).

  74. There are many ________(公文,文件) on his desk.

  75. He has a ________(便携式的) radio.

  76. She _________ (更喜欢) her coffee black.

  77. Are you __________ (厌烦的,无聊的) with your present job?

  78. I’m sorry, you have _________(拨(电话号码)) the wrong number.

  79. The piano _______ ___________(占据) too much space.

  80. The next meeting will ______ _______ (发生,进行)on Thursday.

  VI. 书面表达(满分20分)

  进入高中之后,你的生活一定发生了很多方面的改变,和以前有很大的不同,请以”My new lifestyle” 为题,写一篇作文。文章要点包括以下几个方面:

  1. 学习方面: 以前学习很轻松,现在学习很紧张,内容很难

  2. 环境方面: 进入新的学校,认识新的同学和老师,开始全新的生活


