
| 安全师考试 |




有关食品隐患的作文800字 在我们的生活中,最重要的莫过于食品、水。随着科技的发展、生活的提高,食品的种类也变得丰富多彩,然而,有些不法商贩开始乘机向人们的食品里下“毒”,以此来增加食品的美味,每年有多少儿童、大人死于食品中毒。现在的食品安全问题成为人类生存的一大隐患,食品安全这个问题值得我们去探究。--题记


在我们的后代、姐妹、兄妹——婴儿,他们的初成长过程中,通常是以奶粉为主,有的不法商贩,为了让奶粉里含有高的蛋白质,他们在奶粉里大做文章。甘肃《兰州晨报》等媒体首先以“某奶粉品牌”为名,爆料毒奶粉事件,三鹿稳坐泰山,一副事不关己的模样。由于报道中有关该奶粉的品牌名称等信息都被隐去,网友还发动对该奶粉展开人肉搜索,号召找出该涉嫌致病奶粉的品牌名称,以免更多无辜婴儿受害。后面的事情发展一波三折,三鹿的回答前言不搭后语,最后无奈承认,还假惺惺地向人们道歉。如今不法商贩是越来越来猖狂,他们不仅给老人、大人、青年、儿童,他们竟然还在向婴儿下毒,亲手毒害自己的下一代!提醒大家在为宝宝挑选奶粉时,一定要加倍注意安全。 食品安全是生活中一大重要的隐患,倘若继续放任不管,我们的未来将会很渺茫、很渺茫„„


五年级下册语文第三单元作文:食品安全国旗下发言稿800字 五年级下册语文第三单元作文:食品安全国旗下发言稿800字 各位老师,同学们:








五年级下册语文第三单元作文:食品安全国旗下发言稿800字 五年级下册语文第三单元作文:食品安全国旗下发言稿800字 各位老师,同学们:









郝家桥小学六年级(2)班李泽明 要是说起我和食品安全的故事,那是多得三天三夜也说不完,像沙滩上的五彩的贝壳,里面装满了各种各样的事情,那么现在,我就从我童年的沙滩上拾起一个粉红色的小贝壳来给大家展示一下吧! 有一次,我和妈妈一起到一家超市去买东西。一走进超市,我迫不及待地奔向了卖零食的地方,挑起零食来。超市里的东西可真多哪!看得我眼花缭乱。我随手拿起一包冰雪杨梅正准备放进购物篮里,这时后,妈妈走了过来,和蔼地对我说:“小明,这东西不卫生,还是别买了吧!”“好,我不买了,妈妈!”“走,我们买别的东西去!”妈妈牵着我的手向卖牛奶的地方走去。来到了卖牛奶的地方,我兴高采烈地奔了过去,拿起了一袋酸奶放在篮子里,妈妈拿过来前后瞧了一瞧,突然眼睛一亮,对我说:“小明,你看,这里保质期是14天,它已经过期了,吃了对人身体不好,换一袋吧!”妈妈又拿起一袋酸奶看了看,说:“拿这袋吧,这袋没过期,你瞧!”“哦,我知道了,以后我会记住的!”我附合着。我们又到了卖牛肉干的地方。这里的牛肉干可真多呀,各式各样的,我看着就垂涎三尺。我挑了一袋大包的牛肉干拿在手里,妈妈一看这牌子,就摇摇头,说:“小明,这种牌子不好,上回不是电视上说,这牌子不卫生,不要去买,你忘了吗?”“哦!”我惭愧地点了点头。我又拿了一袋上面标着“绿色食品”的牛肉干,放进了购物篮。妈妈看了微笑着点点头。下面,我们又去了卖火腿肠的地方,这回,我不再犯以前的错误,这些要求我都看了一遍,这才把火腿肠放进了篮子。


食品安全问题(On the Food Security)

Directions: Directions: You are supposed to finish a composition with 120 words or so within 30 minutes. The outline is as follows: 1) 目前食品安全问题很多; 2) 出现这么多的原因; 3) 解决的办法

 资料:

Food Security

What is the net impact of the further liberalization of food and agricultural trade, considering the widely differing situations in developing countries?

To what extent can domestic economic and social policies - and food, agricultural and rural development policies - offset the diverse (and possibly negative) impacts of international policies, such as those relating to international trade?

How can the overall economic gains from trade benefit those who are most likely to be suffering from food insecurity?

Do gains “trickle down” to enhance economic access to food for the poor?

How can food and agricultural production and trade be restrained from the over-exploitation of natural resources that may jeopardize domestic food security in the long term?

How to ensure that imported food products are of acceptable quality and safe to eat?

 资料

The world grain market has been witnessing speculative fluctuations these days. Russia's decision to extend its ban on wheat exports from end of this year to virtually the end of 2011 to tide over the severe crop loss and the reported panic hoarding of staple foods is causing global food prices to rise further.

There's more bad news: farm outputs in other countries across Europe and Asia (and in Australia) are declining.

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization has called a special meeting in Rome later this month to discuss how the global food supply problem should be addressed. Given the global situation, the Chinese government had to act fast. That is precisely what the State Council, or China's Cabinet, has done. Earlier this week, the State Council vowed to strengthen regulations to control food and grocery prices. This is a welcome move to help consumers, especially during the festival season.

In all likelihood, the government plans to take further action, if needed, at least till the beginning of next year. Such actions could include financial commitment.

Besides, lawmakers are expected to urge the government at their national session in March to intensify its efforts further.

Earlier this year, the government took the very important decision to import more grains. From January to July, the overall trade in farm products showed a deficit bigger than the previous year's. Much of this, however, should be seen as a precautionary move to capitalize on generally low food prices rather than an emergency measure to meet any shortage in the domestic market.

China, as a matter of policy, has basically relied on its own resources for staple food supplies. The country's agricultural specialists usually pride themselves for being able to


食品安全问题(On the Food Security)

Directions: Directions: You are supposed to finish a composition with 120 words or so within 30 minutes. The outline is as follows: 1) 目前食品安全问题很多; 2) 出现这么多的原因; 3) 解决的办法

 资料:

Food Security

The World Food Summit of 1996 defined food security as existing “when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life”. Commonly, the concept of food security is defined as including both physical and economic access to food that meets people's dietary needs as well as their food preferences. In many countries, health problems related to dietary excess are an ever increasing threat, In fact, malnutrion and foodborne diarrhea are become double burden. Food security is built on three pillars:

Food availability: sufficient quantities of food available on a consistent basis.

Food access: having sufficient resources to obtain appropriate foods for a nutritious diet.

Food use: appropriate use based on knowledge of basic nutrition and care, as well as adequate water and sanitation.

Food security is a complex sustainable development issue, linked to health through malnutrition, but also to sustainable economic development, environment, and trade. There is a great deal of debate around food security with some arguing that:

There is enough food in the world to feed everyone adequately; the problem is distribution.

Future food needs can - or cannot - be met by current levels of production.

National food security is paramount - or no longer necessary because of global trade. Globalization may - or may not - lead to the persistence of food insecurity and poverty in rural communities.

Issues such as whether households get enough food, how it is distributed within the household and whether that food fulfils the nutrition needs of all members of the household show that food security is clearly linked to health.

Agriculture remains the largest employment sector in most developing countries and international agriculture agreements are crucial to a country's food security. Some critics argue that trade liberalization may reduce a country's food security by reducing agricultural employment levels. Concern about this has led a group of World Trade Organization (WTO) member states to recommend that current negotiations on agricultural agreements allow developing countries to re-evaluate and raise tariffs on key products to protect national food security and employment. They argue that WTO agreements, by pushing for the liberalization of crucial markets, are threatening the food security of whole communities. Related issues include:

What is the net impact of the further liberalization of food and agricultural trade, considering the widely differing situations in developing countries?

To what extent can domestic economic and social policies - and food, agricultural and rural development policies - offset the diverse (and possibly negative) impacts of international policies, such as those relating to international trade?



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled food safety. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. And base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 食品安全问题层出不穷

2. 分析原因

3. 你对此的看法……

There is no denying that food is the all-important priority among people. However, in recent years, Chinese have been struggling with food safety. It’s not due to food shortage, but the worry and anxiety about food. The effect of great media freedom has intensified the spotlight on food scares: Ink, wax, and toxic chemicals, which all wake up consumers to the danger on their plates.

The food scandals are far from simplicity. Farmers, manufactures, food retailers, even customers are responsible for the food contamination. Anyhow, food supply is a chain industry. However, I insist that manufactures are the major pests. Drived by economic benefit, some of them taint food with illegal addictives, which nearly ignore the fundamental right of people and even probably sacrifice citizens’ life. In addition, the relevant departments have not performed their duty well. It seems that they do not supervise the companies effectively before food scares occur, along with lack the decisive actions took after issues have happened.

To cope with the food crisis, all of us should make a contribution. As for companies, they should decline illegal addictives and improve the quality of raw materials as well as techniques of food processing; for government, they should take actions to standardize the food market; for our customers, we should say “no” to the poisonous food.
