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Module 10 Accidents

Unit 1 Sam fell off his bike.

Teaching aims:Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday.

and then...?

Teaching importance:Describing an accident

Teaching difficulities:Using the simple past tense of irregular and regular verbs to talk about past activities. Teaching Tools:Recorder

Teaching Steps:

Step one : Warm up

sing a song.

Step two:listen and point

1 Ask questions about the pictures in Chinese,e.g. What was Daming thinking about in Picture 1? What was he thinkingabout in picture2?What was Daming thinking about in picture3? How did Sam carry the watermelon in picture4?What happened to Daming in the last picture? What did the girls do in the last picture?

2 Write the words'then','and' and'so'on the board.Explainthat these words link sentences or clauses together.Say that 'so'indicates result,e.g. I went to bed at 11p.m.,so I was late for school.Point out that 'and' means 'following this'Show the example in Pictures5and 6,i.e.Then Sam fell off his bike!And the watermelon bumped my head! The adverb'then'means'after that'.We often use 'then'when we are givinga sequence of instructions.

Step three:Tell the story

1)Write the following on the board:

I ate ten nangoes,so...

I didn't do my homework,so...

I cleaned my teeth and then I...

I fell over and...

2)Have the students work in pairs and complete the sentences.Explain that there is no one correct answer forthis exercise,however,the sentences must be grammatically corret and they must make sense.

Example Answers:

I ate ten mangoes, so I was sick/went to bed/went to the doctor.

I didn't do my homework, so my mother was angry/the teacher was angry.

I cleaned my teeth and then I went to bed/watched TV/read a book.

I fell over and hurt my knee/I cried.

Step four: Homework【外研版四年级下册英语教案module10教案】

Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits.

Teaching aims:Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday,【外研版四年级下册英语教案module10教案】

so today he's got a stomachache.

Teaching importance:Talking about illnesses

Teaching difficulities:Using conjunctions 'so' and'and' to link ideas

Teaching Tools:Recorder

Teaching Steps:

Step one : Warm up

sing a song.

Step two:Listen and point

Explain to the students that you are going to call out the names of the characters and they have to say what they did or had yesterday.



S:Lingling had a headache.


S:Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits.

Follow the same procedure but ask about today.



S:Lingling has got a fever.


S:Sam has got a stomachache.

Step three:Let's chant.

1)Free talk:

Have the students look at the pictures and say what the chant is about.Ask the students what they do when they are sickbut not seriously ill,e.g.go to bed, take medicine,go to the doctor.

2)Play the spoken version of the chant and get the students to repeat the words.

3)Play the second version and let the students listen or they can say the chant along with the music.

4)Divide the class into three groups.Each group has to say one verse of the chant.

5)Have each student get a large piece of paper.The studnets in each group should look at their verse and write the last word in the verse on their piece of paper,e.g. Group A should write'cold'.

6)Tell the studetns that when they say their verse,they haveto hold up their word when it is repeated in the last line.

7)Get the class to say the chant with each group saying theirverse and holding up their word at the appropritate time.


8)Have the students change the names in the chant.As

'Tommy'and'Lingling'each have two syllables,you must use two-syllable names as substitutes,e.g.Amy,Daming.Thename'Ben'has one syllable so you can use 'Tom'or'Sam'as a substitute.Then have the students say the chant again with the new names.

Step four: Homework

Module 9 教材分析:在之前学习的基础上,开始对一般过去时的问句进行学习。在本模块以句型Did „?以及相应的回答为主要语法要点,进一步学习一般过去是这一语法要点,提升学生的综合语言素质和能力。Unit1的主题是Did he live in New York? 重点学习Did„?问句及相应的回答。第一单元的核心内容为Listen,point and find”Did he„?该部分集中展示了第九模块的新单词,及重点句型。Unit 2的主题是”Did you have a nice holiday?继续对本模块的语法要点进行巩固性学习,两个单元都设置了丰富的教学环节,和形式多样的语言练习来巩固学生对知识的掌握。 Unit 1 Did he live in New York? 教学目标: 知识目标:1.学习理解和掌握本模块的单词和短语:welcome postcard cousin,on holiday,travel,came,POP,concert,earth. 2.Did „?句型以及相应的回答。 能力目标:1.能够在实践中熟练运用本模块的新单词和句型。 2.能熟练运用重点句型的问答。 情感目标:1.激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生养成勤于总结勤于对比的习惯。 2.增进学生之间的交流,形成团结互助,共同进步,共同提高的课堂气氛。 3.培养学生热情好客。积极乐观的生活态度。 教学准备:点读笔,课件 教学设计: 一、Warmer: 1.师生之间互相问候和自由谈话。 2.带领学一起唱上一模块的歌曲I WENT TO THE CONCERT.将学生分大组 进行小组竞赛,比比哪一组表现得好。 3.教师带领学生复习歌曲中的单词和词语:concert,play the piano,enjoy,enjoy oneself,have a good time,happily. 4.用上一模块的新单词进行造句练习:

He can sang songs beautiful. That boy likes computer games very much. This cake is very delicious. I had a good time yesterday. I was very busy and I ate nothing. We went home by bus. 设计理念与意图:师生交流拉近师生关系,使学生快速进行学习状态。用多种方法复习旧知识,为新授学习打下基础。 二.Presentation: 活动一:吟诵歌谣 1. 教师做出欢迎的手势,引导学生说出欢迎,将单词板书welcome,并教读,总结短语:welcome+to+some place 欢迎来到某地 2. Listen and chant.播放录音学生跟读,注意单词发音的技巧,如:重读,语气语调。 3. 请学生说说歌谣的意思,进行拓展性讲解。 By train by bike by car by boat By plane by bus by subway by taxi 4,提醒学生表示步行应该用walk /on foot,不能用by 的结构。 4. 将学生分两组,分别诵读。 设计理念与意图:注重学生的发音,提醒学生注意语音语调。知识拓展让学生能够学以致用。 活动二:对话学习 1. 教师播放第二部分的录音,学生进行跟读。 2. 将课文中的新词;postcard,cousin,on holiday,travel,came,pop,concert,并进行教读。 3. 教师请学生来翻译课文内容,提醒学生注意课文中关于地名的表达。 New York 纽约 Washington DC 华盛顿 San Francisco 旧金山 4,带领学生复习第二模块中出现过的一些地名。

4. 带领学生归纳出课文部分的短语和习惯表达: a postcard from„ 来自于 „的明信片 last year 去 年 on holliday 度假 pop concert 流行音乐会 go to a concert 去演唱会 play basketball 打篮球 5. 教师抽取学生复述课文。 三.趣味训练:分角色朗读课文。 四.Homework: 熟记本节课的新单词和短语。 板书设计:Unit 1 Did he live in New york? He can sang songs beautifully. That boy likes computer games very much. This cake is very delicious. I had a good time yesterday. Iwas very busy and I ate nothing. 教学反思; 要想让学生学好英语,必须做到“听,说,读,写。”全面发展,但在实际学习中学生学习英语缺乏环境,学生一旦到独立表达的时候,往往会害羞和胆怯,不能够自信而流畅的表达自己。为此,我想办法来激发学生学英语,培养兴趣,令学生感到学英语是快乐的。

四年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit1教案 (新版)外研版

四年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit2教案 (新版)外研版



2014新版外研版四年级英语下册Module 10 Unit 1教案表格式


外研版四年级下英语Module 10 Unit 2教案

Module 10

Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate.



Words and phrases: stomachache, cold, headache, fever,


fall off, fell off.

2.Sentences: Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday.

So today he’s got a stomachache.

3.Grammar: Talking about illnesses.




重点:Words and phrases: stomachache, cold, headache, fever,

fall off, fell off.

难点:Sentences: Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday.

So today he’s got a stomachache.

3. Grammar: Talking about illnesses.



(一)导入:Step 1 Warm-up

T: Hi, boys and girls.

T: Let’s sing a song, ok?

Ss: Ok.

T: Ok! London Bridge is falling down…. (Ss sing the song)

T: You are clever boys and girls. Now let’s have a Free Talk “What I did yesterday”, Ok?

Ss introduce what they did yesterday

(二)探究新知Step 2 Presentation and leading

T: Who can tell me what happen to Daming in last Unit. Ss: Daming’s head was bumped.

T: Let’s play this story, ok?

Ss: Ok.

(Two students play in roles of “Daming” and “Sam”, others describe the story, the two students do the actions)

The teacher writes the word “today” on the blackboard. What happened to Daming, Sam, Amy and Lingling? Lead the students to use “to” and “and” to connect the two sentences.【外研版四年级下册英语教案module10教案】

Step 3 Text Teaching

T: Now, this class we are going to learn Module 10 Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits .First, listen to the tape and underline the new words.

(Teach the new words’ cards)

T: Now listen to the tape and repeat it. Are you clear?

(The teacher writes these sentences on the blackboard)

Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday.

So today he’s got a stomachache.

T: Now listen to the tape again and tell me what happened to Sam, Lingling, Amy and Lingling.

T: Look at these words: had, ate

(三)巩固新知Step 4 Task-Fulfilling

T: Let’s play a game, ok? Ss: Ok.

T: Let’s play “I do you say”. I’ll ask four students to come to the front of the class, one student performs Daming eating chocolate biscuits and then having a stomachache, and others describe it, and so on.

Step 5 Text Learning

T: Look at Part 4, answer these questions:

What is wrong with Little Tommy?

What’s wrong with Little Lingling?

What’s wrong with Little Ben?

T: Listen to the tape and repeat it.

T: Let’s read the poem together and do the actions, ok?

Ss: Ok.



板书设计Designs of the blackboard

Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate

Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday.

So today he’s got a stomachache.
