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Part B


Question 1: What is the most useful way to change a bad mood?/ What is the most useful way

to change a bad feeling?/ What is the most useful thing to change a bad mood?/ What is the most useful thing to change a bad feeling?/ What is the most useful method to change a bad mood?/ What is the most useful method to change a bad feeling?/ What is the most effective way to change a bad mood?/ What is the most effective method to change a bad feeling?

Answer 1: The first and most useful thing is doing physical exercises. Running, cycling and

swimming are all good for you. You will take in more oxygen by doing these

exercises. It helps to refresh you. Basically, you need to do these things for about twenty minutes, three to five times a week.

Question 2: Is music helpful to change a bad mood?/ Is music helpful to change a bad

feeling?/ Does music contribute to changing a bad mood?/ Does music

contribute to changing a bad feeling?/ Is listening to music helpful to change a

bad mood?/ Is listening to music helpful to change a bad feeling?

Answer 2: Sure, if you want to use music to change your bad mood, start with music which is

similar to your mood, and then change it gradually until you finish with happier music. You know what, colors can also have an influence.

Question 3: How do colors affect our moods?/ How do colors influence our moods?/ How do

colors affect our feelings?/ How do colors influence our feelings?/ How do

colors have an influence on our moods?/ How do colors have an influence on

our feelings?

Answer 3: Well, dark colors sometimes will make people sad. Soft and light colors calm you

down. Red will make you excited. So if you are sad, go for bright colors. And if you are angry, you may try blue.


Question 1: What problem does Jenny suffer from?

Answer 1: She can’t have a good sleep./ She can’t sleep well.

Question 2: How many ways are there to change a bad mood?

Answer 2: More than ten./ Over ten./ Above ten.

Question 3: How often should we do exercise to change a bad mood?

Answer 3: Three to five times a week.

Question 4: What kind of music should we start with when we are in a bad mood? Answer 4: Music which is similar to our mood./ Music that is similar to our mood.

Question 5: What color may you try if you are angry?

Answer 5: Blue.




Question 1: Is your hometown far from here?

Answer 1: Yes, we spent twelve hours on the train to get to the capital city of our home

province. Then we took the bus to our home village. It was a four-hour ride. We were very tired when we finally arrived there.

Question 2: What impressed you most on the way to your hometown?/ What impressed you

best on the way to your hometown?/ What gave you the deepest impression on

the way to your hometown?/ What was the most impressive thing on your way

to your hometown?

Answer 2: I was amazed at the scene of millions of families traveling thousands of miles for a

family reunion. Most of the people were very happy, no matter how tired they were. That was so touching. This trip changed my ideas on family and tradition.

Question 3: Where do you prefer to spend the Spring Festival?/ Where do you like more to

spend the Spring Festival?

Answer 3: I didn’t feel much about the Spring Festival before. There was nothing unusual.

But now I love the Spring Festival. Anywhere can be good to me as long as the family get together. That is the meaning of the Spring Festival to me.


Question 1: When did Tom go back to his hometown last time?

Answer 1: 13 years ago.

Question 2: Why are fireworks not allowed in the city?

Answer 2: For safety reasons./ Because of safety reasons.

Question 3: How did Tom go back to his hometown?

Answer 3: By train and by bus.

Question 4: What change did the trip bring to Tom?

Answer 4: Family and tradition.

Question 5: What does the Spring Festival mean to Tom?

Answer 5: Anywhere can be good as long as the family get together.





Question 1: How do you think about wearing school uniforms?/ What do you think of

wearing school uniforms?/ What’s your opinion about wearing school uniforms?

Answer 1: Well, basically I think it is a good idea. Wearing the same clothes, students feel

equal. It also saves time. Because when students wake up in the morning, they don’t have to think about what to wear for that day. They can have more time in bed maybe. And for their parents, it saves them a lot of money.


Question 2: Isn’t it boring to wear the same clothes?/ Isn’t wearing the same clothes boring?/

Don’t you feel bored to wear the same clothes?

Answer 2: To some degree, it is boring, and makes children dull. Some people even say that

children can learn to make choices and decisions if they have the freedom to【广东高考英语听说音频】

decide what to wear.

Question 3: Did you wear school uniforms when you were young?/ Did you wear school

uniforms when you were a kid?/ Did you wear school uniforms when you were a child?/

Answer 3: Yes, I was born in Germany, but I went to school in England, and almost all

schools had uniforms. So for me, it was very normal. When I was in primary school, we had a uniform, and in secondary school, a different uniform. And my brother school also had a uniform. Sometimes, we did get bored. But I think overall, it saved us time in the morning.


Question 1: What class did Dr. Brown just have?

Answer 1: History class.【广东高考英语听说音频】

Question 2: What is your report about?

Answer 2: Wearing school uniforms.

Question 3: What is the advantage of wearing school uniforms for parents?

Answer 3: It saves them a lot of money.

Question 4: What can children learn by choosing what to wear every day?

Answer 4: To make choices and decisions.

Question 5: Where did Dr. Brown go to school?

Answer 5: In England.




Part A

What is nothing?It’s extremely, extremely difficult question to answer. Because if you think about it, wherever you look around you, there always seems to be something there. Things appear almost impossible to escape from. Even just trying to imagine true nothingness things like an impossible task. But this is more than just a philosophical question. I have here a box. What ,then, exists inside the space in the box? Is it really nothing? You may wonder why this matters. It's about reality

at very, furthest reaches of human perception, a place where the deepest mysteries of the universe may be held,


Question 1: 你们怎么解决老人的


How do you solve old people’s health


How do you deal with old people’s

health problem?

Answer 1: Yeah, old people tend to

have poor health. We have

two doctors and fourteen

nurses here. They deal


with small problems such

as colds and stomach

problems. But for some

major health problems,

we send them to the

nearby hospitals.

Question 2:谁支付他们在这里的生


Who pays for their living expenses


Who pays them for the living

expenses here?

Answer 2:Well, the government pays

for most of their living

expenses, such as food,

accommodation, medical

care and so on. And the

old people just need to

pay a small sum of money,

about $200 a month. Most

of them can afford it.

Question 3: 他们的子女多久来看


How often do their children come to

see them?/

How often do their children come to

visit them?

Answer 3:Some old people hope to

see their families very

often, but normally on

weekends their children

come and visit them. On

some special days, such as

birthdays and festivals,

they take their parents

home to celebrate with

other family members.



One of the most extraordinary civilizations the world has known disappeared. Millions of people die, some were savagely murdered. Why it happened is a mystery. This is the story of one man's search for the truth. The Maya lived in what is today Southern Mexico and central America. They were deeply

spiritual, worshipping dozens of gods of the sun and moon, the earth and wind, fire and, rain. From the

jungles and plains rose cities and towns, great centers of worship, of art and learning. The Maya’s

achievements were staggering, they developed their own writing, and mastered astronomy and mathematics.【广东高考英语听说音频】


Question 1: 颜色怎样影响我们的购买行为?

How do colors affect our buying decisions?

How do colors influence our buying decisions?

How do colors influence our purchasing behavior?

How do colors affect our buying behavior?

How do colors influence our buying behavior?

How do colors affect our purchasing behavior?

Answer 1: People have different feelings about colors

and their feelings help them decide what to

buy. For example, blue makes people feel

peaceful, quiet. It doesn’t create strong

emotions. So it’s a favorite for banks and

insurance companies. And for selling

products, it’s often used to suggest

something pure and fresh.

Question 2: 什么颜色对顾客更有吸引力?

What color is more attractive to customers?/

What color can attract customers more?/

What color can appeal to more customers?/

What color can attract people’s attention more?/

What color can draw people’s attention more?

Answer 2:Well, you can sell almost anything with a red.

It’s a hot color, which suggests a feeling of

energy and even excitement, it catches your

attention. You often see red on magazine

covers. But if you use it too much, it looks

cheap and may make people tired.

Question 3:绿色是广告流行的颜色吗?

Is green a popular color in advertising?/

Is green a fashionable color in advertising?

Answer 3:Surprisingly, green isn’t used much in

advertising except for garden products.

Although it’s friendly and cool, it can also

be quite strong and many people associate it

with unpleasant ideas.


Question 1:How did Dr. Brown do his research?

Answer 1:By doing surveys and interviews.

Question 2:How much time did Dr. Brown spend on his book?

Answer 2:Thirteen months.

Question3:What does blue suggest in advertising?

Answer 3: Something pure and fresh.

Question 4:Why can’t we use red too much in advertising?

Answer 4:It looks cheap and may make people tired.

Question 5:What color is suitable for garden products? Answer 5:Green.


One morning, Tom was on the school bus with other kids.

But then the bus driver, who was feeling unwell, suddenly passed out.

It happened very quickly, and the bus began to run
