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《微信 英文》

3 grade





The majority of first-year students, accounting for two fifths, respectively, one-quarter of the sophomore junior.

4 use micro-channel

've Ever used, and now no

Being used

Never use (Skip to the last question)

More than 70% of the people using the micro-channel

6You make new friends in what way? [Sort by level select fill 1,2,3] Average composite score

Partners on the work of learning


Met online

Most people get to know new friends are the preferred learning partner, followed by friends and met online

7 You mainly keep in touch with friends in what way?

Phone / SMS




From the analysis of the results that people basically want to rely on electronic devices to keep in touch. Correspondence has become increasingly rare. However, phone messages and network score is also much larger than meet people prefer electronic equipment contact feelings do not want to spend time with each other talk about old times. This may be because the phone and network to bring more convenience to save even more time, people's lives more and more dependent on technology.

8 why are you chose micro-channel

Out of curiosity, like to make friends

Her friends are used to enhance communication and facilitate communication Support for images, voice, group chat, provincial small flow of calls

To accept the QQ offline messages and e-mail, information processing across software

Sheer boredom, to pass the time



The title effectively fill visitors

Most customers using the micro-channel around friends, join the

micro-channel can be more convenient to chat, followed by support for images, voice, group chat, Province calls flow is small, these benefits has brought us a lot of convenience to attract notfewer customers.

9 You fill out personal information on the micro-channel and the authenticity of the avatar?

Completely true

Most of the real

Most of fictional

Entirely fictional


The title effectively fill visitors

Most people choose to fill in the real information on the micro-channel, of which 15.6% or even all the real information. But when we fill Finally, be careful, phone number and home address information is best to give careful consideration to prevent being cheated.

10 do you upload your own photos or update dynamically in your friends circle





The title effectively fill visitors

More than half of the people online have announced recent developments. Friends through the network to understand each other recently is a good thing, but the friends to be careful.

11 your frequency of using the micro-channel?

Keep running in the background, ready to receive the message

Fixed landing time

Occasionally remembered before

The use of micro-channel customers, about 30% of its strong dependence, ready to receive messages anytime, anywhere. About 40% of the people held the indifferent attitude.

12 who do you usually use micro-channel to contact with ?

Close friend

General friend



Most people use the micro-channel chat with their friends more, only 6.5% of people will often chat with strangers.

13 when you have a problem, you are more inclined to talk to the following types of people through the micro-channel selection? Close friend

General friend


When we have problems, we will choose to talk to their closest friends. 10% of people will choose to talk to strangers.

14 your micro-channel Friends’s sources?

QQ friends

Phone contacts


People in the vicinity

Drift bottles

Two-dimensional code scanning

Friends of the vast majority of micro-channel users are from the qq friends and contacts friends. Friends of 14% from a shake, and 9% friends from nearby.

15 do you use the micro-channel targeting capabilities to make friends with stranger ?

Will often

Occasionally, when bored


43.52% of people bored chat with strangers micro-channel. 5.56% of people will often chat with strangers. 29.0% of the people are very alert, never chat with strangers.

16 you will respond to the messages sent by strangers on the


Will often

Occasionally, look at the other data and information whether I am interested Never

Whether the message is the same situation also occurred in strangers to respond on. 51.85% of the people and respond according to whether

interested, and 11.67% of the people often respond. 14.63% of the people do not respond to the message of the stranger.

17the percentage of your micro-channel Friends (former stranger) Less than 20%

20% -50%

50% -80%

More than 80%

The proportion of friends from strangers accounted for most of the few people to chat and become friends with strangers on the micro-channel can also be seen.

18 you want to contacts with the stranger in the micro-channel in which way?

Stay in the micro-channel level




Most people want to know on the micro-channel unfamiliar friends continue to be maintained at the level of the micro-channel contact. 21% of people will accept qq or msn and other similar social chat network to keep in touch.

9.07% cheated on a micro-channel, please vigilance.

20 what are you think the biggest advantage of micro-channel is Good combination of personal and public space

To expand safety of pure circle of friends

The virtual world of friendship can be extended to the real world

Real-world friendship has been strengthened

44.81 percent of the people think that the greatest benefit of the micro-channel is a good combination of personal and public space. Followed the virtual world of friendship can be extended to the real world, the real world of friendship strengthen and expand safe and pure circle of friends.

21what are you think the disadvantage of micro-channel is


《《Discovery 微信》英文字幕》

The scale of development in China is like nowhere else on earth. But this rapidly modernizing landscape comes with its costs. Once closely

communities are being separated by urban migrations. In this vast country it can be a challenge to stay in touch . New media has jump on the

opportunity to bridge that gap. One company is solving China’s problem of alienation by bringing people back together virtually.

Dannie:Three years ago, a small group of Chinese entrepreneurs invented something called Wechat. This mobile-only social media

platform now has four hundred million active monthly users. And nearly two thirds of the entire country has the Wechat account.

Wechat isn’t your average messaging app. Their innovations have

fundamentally changed the way Chinese communicate in their act, online and off. Popular functions including Moments and Shake Shake. Both of which are social media platforms unique to Wechat. But their most transforming feature has been voice messaging.Wechat popularized the voice messaging Now text messaging in Chinese is laborious. So Wechat found a way for people to send voice memos instead. It’s now ubiquitous form of communication throughout the country.

Dannie: So in a sense,your invention your creation of this voice memo,took the challenge of the Chinese typing and give people an alternative?

Clerk: It changes the way of the Chinese user how they use their mobile phone. Ever since the voice we kept changing the behavior of Chinese users.

Wechat's innovations have created a digital bridge for populations and cultures that are new to social media.Inspired by the pictorial nature of the Chinese language, the company has embraced a logic of visual communication that has gone global.


Now what does a surprised bunny, a naked frog and a flaming horse have in common? Generally speaking, practically nothing.however if you're Chinese and you use Wechat these stickers are rapidly becoming a new form of communication.

Stickers are animated standalone expressions and because they're not tied to any specific alphabet they can transcend language.

Dannie:So who is that called.

Clerk 2:Momo.


Momo goes to the movies.Momo drinks piña colada,.Momo gets hammered and passes out.Why do you think stickers have taken off as much as they have in China?

Eric Tian:

Actually, you know some people may still think that's just animation right? but we actually advanced that to a new language no matter what language you talk English Chinese you know, you can use this to express all the words you know,they can understand you.That's a universal Language right?

Stickers are both limitless and completely customizable. They can represent virtually anything.


There's just a sort of point of time you know you've made it, you've just, you've done all you're going to do and you've sort of achieved that goal and it's time to retire. And this is that moment for me.I am an emoticon. For Wechat, the entire country is like a gigantic playground and test lab where they're able to observe and engage with a rapidly evolving society.Their goal is to continue to invent novel ways for users to connect with one another.

Clerk:More and more people are moving from big cities from small cities. So they will find many difficulties in meeting new friends, talking to the old friends,everything in the big city, the life is true difficult for them.

Dannie: So the way to connect is not necessarily obvious to everyone, and all the sudden, Wechat comes around at the exact right moment.

Clerk:Yes, that’s how the story happen.

Today, their innovation are creating even more solutions to relief the stresses caused by China’s rapid urbanization, but they aren’t limiting themselves to the virtual world.

Dannie: What is this mass of objects I see here?

Clerk 3:These are all of the hardware devices connecting to the Wechat, we are doing the exploration here.

Dannie:Can you give me a sense like, what you guys are trying to serve sort of hacking to? So will you open your Wechat account? Clerk 4:Yes.

Dannie: I can only image what kind of pictures you have here for your weekend can be. From…woo…that’s a fine night, ha? I’ve found a better, she’s pretty cute,that is your girl friend?”

Clerk 4:My wife

Dannie: Okay, cool, my bad. Ok, so anyway, and if you want to send this picture to…say your grandmother.

Clerk 4:Yeah.

Dannie: Cause she was, she was love, she loves your new wife, she wants to see the picture you with your new wife.

Clerk 4:Yeah.

Dannie: You give her the gift of the picture frame.

Clerk 4:Yeah.

Dannie: And how do you send the pictures of you guys?

Clerk 4 : I just pick a picture, and choose it, so I sent (it)through the Wechat.

Dannie: Huh~hey~ hey ~hey ~So there you are, there’s your new lovely wife, so grandma’s hanging in at home. She says: how’s people, so happy found someone he loves. (KACHA~) So his grandma is hanging out by herself.What is he doing today?Is he have good time? BANG! It is a kind of…I mean, it’s it’s it’s we are being silly. But it’s kind of really…like my grandmother would have to love to have this. I guess it’s a amazing


The creation and promotion of ‘Micro-Chatting’ based on the media technologies

1 Introduction

Micro-Chatting is an APP which serves for chatting and it supports to send voice messages, video, pictures and text (including facial expressions). Micro-Chatting makes users keep communications with friends at all times and places. Besides, the function of sending voice and video enhances the interactivity of chat. In addition, users may get to know the people nearby through Micro-Chatting so as to expand the social network. Micro-Chatting is an APP of location based service. The purpose of this report is to construct two digital media platforms to create and promote Micro-Chatting and make a comparative analysis of the two digital media platforms so as to make plans for Micro-Chatting’s design and promotion. This report mainly consists of six parts. Firstly, it comes to the introduction, which introduces the background and the aims of report. Secondly, it is the basic information of product. Thirdly, it is the pre-production of digital promotion for Micro-Chatting. Fourthly, it comes to the plan for the creation of the branding. Fifthly, it is the comparative analysis of the two digital media platforms. Finally, it comes to the conclusions.

2 The basic information of product

2.1 A narrative describing of Micro-Chatting


2.2 Branding idea of Micro-Chatting


塑造形象。如何针对市场形势的变化,采取灵活有效的产品推广与品牌推广策略, 已成了市场推广管理者必备的技能之一。结合微聊的市场定位及未来发展战略,它主要采取游戏及社会媒体相结合的方法来进行品牌的塑造。在硬件和技术支持的基础上,进行优秀的创意策划,并做好品牌推广与效果评估,充分利用网络的优势来塑造品牌形象与产品知名度。

2.3 Targeted audience and the activities of Micro-Chatting

根据消费需求差异,按照客特征将顾客进行分类,微聊将主要服务于三个目标群体,分别是普通用户、名人用户、机构及组织。普通用户人群的年龄跨度大,年龄范围为10-60岁,其中以18-35岁的青年,中年为主体,用户职业的构成比例非常多元化,涉及各行各业。普通用户是微信的主体,所以普通用户之间是裂变式的传播,传播范围广,影响力大。企业用户是企业是从事生产,流通和服务的经济活动。以生产或服务满足社会的需要,实行自主经营,独立核算。使用微聊主要是为了帮助企业提高企业的知名度,树立企业品牌,从而进行营销。名人用户包括有一定知名度的演艺、体育、文艺界人士以及在公众熟悉的某领域内有一定知名度和影响力的人, 此外,知名企业、机构、媒体及其高管也属于这一目标群体。

3 The pre-production of digital promotion for Micro-Chatting

3.1 Development planning of Micro-Chatting






3.1.2 移动支付


3.1.3 其他功能


3.1.4 系统服务



3.2 Ways of promoting Micro-Chatting



3.2.2 电子邮件推广策略

在电子邮件推广策略中,获得客户e-mail地址是关键。e-mail的获取一般可以通过客户注册信息,查看特定网站目标客户的电子邮件信息,传统的调查问卷形式,电子邮件收集工具、租用目标客户邮件列表等方式进行获取。邮件信息收集后建立邮件列表,并导入Gmail等电子邮件工具进行邮件群发。在进行电子邮件推广时需要注意邮件要有主题且主题必须明确。 让潜在用户尽量多地了解微聊的功能与服务,从而达到更多的推广效果。

3.2.3 网络广告推广策略


3.2.4 病毒式营销推广策略

充分利用用户与用户之间的联系进行信息的主动传播,让微聊的产品信息像病毒一样迅速扩散。从而达到产品推广的目的。在为用户提供免费的资源或服务的同时附加上一定的推广 信息,主要包括游戏、电子书、软件、视频、电子贺卡、即时聊天工具等途径。另外,还可以和一些网站展开合作,采用返利的模式,以较小的成本获得更多的潜在用户。

4 The plan for the creation of the branding

4.1 Games platforms for the creation of Micro-Chatting



第二,游戏贴图广告。将静态的广告画面或动态的广告影像直接贴入游戏场景中的虚拟物体, 墙体或虚拟的广告牌上来进行广告投放。这种方法可以很自然地将产品信息与游戏本身融合在一起,使游戏的内容和主题与广告信息产生直接或内在的联系,能有效的引发消费者对产品的联想。




4.2 Social media platforms for the creation of Micro-Chatting




第三,社会化客户关系管理策略。微聊借助社会化媒体的平台工具,可以对互联网上的用户进行智能化的社会关系网络管理,具体包括评估和鉴别出社会化网络中个体消费者的价值和需求,识别出个体在社会化网络结构中的最佳和最短路径,选择合适的社会化媒体进行交互,最终通过满足个体的个性化需求从而实现社会关系的转变以及获得个体对企业或品牌的忠诚。因此,Social CRM的核心主体是人和话题。这种模式有利于与受众建立起了长期有效的沟通渠道,吸引忠诚用户关注的同时也培养起了品牌的潜在消费者。


5 The comparative analysis of the two digital media platforms

5.1 The technological considerations




5.2 The differences between the two digital media platforms



5.3 The risks and challenges analysis

5.3.1 The challenges of games platforms






5.3.2 The challenges of social media platforms







Subject: The Effect of Wechat

In recent years, Wechat is becoming increasingly popular. Many people express themselves ,exchange ideas and information by Wechat. In order to know more about college’s life and the effect of Wechat, we have carry a research.

In this report, I will describe the problems we found in the survey , the way we investigate and propose four possible measures to solve them .

Activity Summary

Nowadays, the majorities of people addicts to mobile in their spare time. Fewer and fewer people make a review or preview before the class and chat each others. Because the quickly development of smartphones , more and more people pay more attention to their phones. We organizes a series of activities and the result is encourages.


We carried out a survey to find out the effect of the Wechat so that we could focus more on colleges’ students .


The results are not as bad as we had expected. Most people could study in proper time and play in proper time. The survey concluded that 89%of the students surveyed responded positively. We chose 100 college students. 45 students are females, the rest are males. The Wechat and QQ are our tools. At first , 95% of them have registered the Wechat, and 45%of them are junior students. Nearly 99% of them use Wechat once a day, and they send messages every day. Most people pay attention to the stars with Wechat. The reasons are that they can comunications and they know more about their friends, which they chose Wechat. Compared to QQ, the advantages of Wechat are that they can speak on Wechat APP and communicates quicksly.

The effects of Wechat:

Wechat have already greatly changes our lifestyles. Now, we could speaks more but cost less money o. Wechat is to the taste of the majority of people. It is available everywhere and at any time. We could sending voice, video, photo and test messages which causes more and more people spend more time on Wechat. In addition , the face to face communication has been facing tremendous challenges and pressure as the use time of Wechat increases at high speed each year. However, we do find some problems that may have caused the sickness and learned that students are strongly concerned about it.

The problems:

 Wechat covers our life. We nearly have no time to participate in other activities.

 the face to face communication becomes less and less. For example, more and more people pay attention to their smartphones and the class atmosphere is becoming worse and worse after class. Previously people talk with each other before class. Now ,every people look down and play their phone.

 More and more people addicted to mobile phone games. Even at colleges , we have 100 students once a class. The teacher can not focus every one. So that some people play game the whole class.


People spend most time on Wechat. And it will affect the study. We hope that it will certainly draw attention from both students and the teachers.

 To take part in more outdoor activities

 To hold more interesting programs

 To establish effective communication channel with people(face to face)



《微信营销 微商 英文演讲报告

《WeChat Privacy Policy-WeChat微信隐私政策英文版(海外版)》

WeChat Privacy Policy Last modified: 20 February 2014


We value your privacy. This Privacy Policy informs you of your choices and our practices regarding any Information you provide to us.

The use of our services may involve the collection and use of your Information (as defined in the “The Information We Collect and How We Collect It” section below) on our services (including our website: and mobile application: WeChat). It is important for you to understand how this happens and how you may control it, so please read this Privacy Policy carefully.

By using our services, you agree that we may collect, use and share your Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, as revised from time to time. If you wish to contact us regarding this Privacy Policy or any privacy-related matters, please contact our Privacy Officer via email at wechatenquiry@wechat.com or via postal mail at Level 29, Three Pacific Place, 1 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong (Attention: Privacy Officer, Legal Department).


This Privacy Policy applies across all of our services as defined above.

This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and form part of the WeChat Terms of Service that you have agreed to in order to use our services. Any terms used in this Privacy Policy will have the same meaning as the equivalent defined terms in the WeChat Terms of Service, unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy or the context requires otherwise.

Please also note that this Privacy Policy does not apply to Information collected: (i) through third party services (including any third party websites) that you may access through our services; or (ii) by other companies and organizations who advertise their services on our services.


We may from time to time revise or add specific instructions, policies and terms to this Privacy Policy. These instructions, policies and terms form part of this Privacy Policy.

Where we consider that any changes to this Privacy Policy are reasonably material, we will notify you (via our direct communication to you, or other means) prior to the change becoming effective. By continuing to use our services after any changes to this Privacy Policy, with or without notice from us, you are agreeing to the revised Privacy Policy.


In providing our services, we collect, store and use the following Information relating to you:

“Information” is Personal Information and Non-Personal Information;

"Personal Information" is any information or combination of information that relates to you, and can be used to identify you. Personal Information may include the following: information you make available to us when you open an account or use our services, such as your name, telephone number and email address;

information which you make available to our services as you use them, including Shared Information you make available to others through our services and information you store using our services;

Shared Information that others using our services make available about you, such as information contained in posts they make and communications they make to you and others using our services; and

information we collect as you use our services, such as certain Location Data and Log Data.

“Location Data” is information that we collect regarding your location (when you use a location-enabled service), including:

the location of your device when you use our services, such as from the GPS, WiFi, compass, accelerometer or other sensors in your mobile device;

the IP address of the device or internet service you use to access our services,

other information made available by you or others that gives an indication as to where you are or have been located, such as account information that indicates where you are located and Shared Information you or others post indicating your location, such as any geotag information that is embedded in any photos you make available to us; and

if you have provided us with your location data previously and would like us to delete such existing location data, you may be able to do so via our services.

"Log Data" is technical information that is automatically collected by us when you use our

services, whether through the use of cookies, web beacons and log files (as explained in more detail in the “Cookies, Web Beacons and Log Files” section below) or otherwise, including: technical information such as your mobile carrier, configuration information made available by your web browser or other programs you use to access our services, your IP address and your device’s version and identification number,

information about what you have searched for and looked at while using our services, such as web search terms used, social media profiles visited and details of other information and content accessed or requested by you in using our services;

information about communications you have made using our services, such as the people you’ve communicated with and the time, data and duration of your communications; and

metadata, which means information related to items you have made available through our services, such as the date, time or location that a shared photograph or video was taken or posted.

“Non-Personal Information” is any information that relates to you but from which it is not practicable to directly or indirectly identify you, including Personal Information in aggregated, anonymised or pseudonymised form.

“Shared Information” is information about you or relating to you that is voluntarily shared on our services, including postings that you make on our services (including your public profile, the lists you create), any postings from others that you re-post and including Location Data and Log Data associated with these postings. Shared Information also includes information about you (including Location Data and Log Data) that others who are using our services share about you.


We may use your Information for any of the following purposes:

to provide our services to you;

for customer service, security, fraud-detection, archival and backup purposes in connection with the provision of our services;

to provide you with advertising and direct marketing tha is more relevant to you (as discussed in more detail below under the “Direct Marketing” section below);

to better understand how you access and use our services, for the purposes of trying to improve our services and to respond to customer desires and preferences, including language and location customisation, personalised help and instructions, or other

responses to your and other customers’ usage of our services;

to help us develop our new services and improve our existing services;

to assess the effectiveness of and improve advertising and other marketing and promotional activities on or in connection with our services when your account is subscribed to an official account; and

to allow you to participate in surveys about our products and services. If you participate in a survey, we may request certain personally identifiable information from you. Participation in these surveys is voluntary and you therefore have a choice whether or not to disclose this information. We use may use a third party service provider to conduct these surveys and such third party service provider will be prohibited from using your personally identifiable information for any other purpose. Please note that for the purposes of seeking to provide our users with a better experience, to improve our services or otherwise where you have consented, Personal Information collected through our site or service may, subject to user privacy controls (where available), be used by our other services (including in an aggregated or individualised manner).

For example, Personal Information collected during your use of one of our services may be used to suggest particular content that can be made available to you on another service or be used to try to present more relevant advertising to you in another service. You may also from time to time ask us to migrate or export your Personal Information contained in one of our services to another of our services, where such migration option is available.

If any of your Personal Information comprises Your Content (as defined in the WeChat Terms of Service), we and our affiliate companies may (subject to this Privacy Policy) use such Personal Information in accordance with the “Your Content” section of the WeChat Terms of Service.


We may use cookies, web beacons and log files to collect, and store Information about you or relating to you. We further describe how we use cookies, log files and web beacons in our Cookies Policy.


Other than as permitted under this Privacy Policy or as otherwise consented to by you, we will not transfer your Personal Information to any other third parties for their processing for any purposes.

We and our affiliate companies may share your Personal Information within our group of companies and with joint venture partners and third party service providers, contractors and agents (such as communication service providers who send emails or push notifications on our behalf, and mapping services providers who assists us and you with location data), in each case, for the purposes of: (i) providing our services to you; (ii) assisting us in carrying out the purposes set out under the “How We Use Your Information” section above; (iii) carrying out our obligations and enforcing our rights under the WeChat Terms of Service or this Privacy Policy; and/or (iv) help understand and improve our services. These third parties may be located, and use and store your Personal Information, outside of your jurisdiction for these purposes.

Where we or our affiliate companies do share your Personal Information with any third parties, we will use reasonable efforts to ensure that such third parties only use your Personal Information: (i) in compliance with this Privacy Policy; and (ii) subject to any other instructions we give them, including any appropriate confidentiality and security measures that we implement.

You consent to the third party use, sharing and transfer of your Personal Information (both inside and outside of your jurisdiction) as described in this section.

We allow third parties such as analytics providers and advertising partners to collect your Personal Information over time and across different websites or online services when you use our services.

As we continue to develop our business, we or our affiliate companies may be acquired by a third party or re-organise our group structure. In these circumstances, it may be the case that your Information is transferred within our group and/or transferred to a third party who will continue to operate our services or similar services under either this Privacy Policy or a different privacy policy which will be notified to you. The party to which your Personal Information is transferred may be located, and use your Information, outside of your jurisdiction.

You agree that we or our affiliate companies may be required to retain, preserve or disclose your Personal Information: (i) in order to comply with applicable laws or

