
| 婴幼儿 |


Farmland,Dairy 第一篇

湿法工艺 湿法工艺的定义




湿法是先将配方成分按不同比例液化再干燥,这样会混合的很均匀,干法混合出来的奶粉在速溶性上要差一些,微量元素分配不均匀。总体上说,原装进口的奶粉使用湿法工艺的较多一些,国内婴幼儿奶粉多数是用干法来加工。真正意义上的现代奶粉干法工艺出现在1832年,俄罗斯化学家M.Dirchoff首先使用。美国人帕西1877年发明了喷雾法,但最早的湿法喷雾生产一直到1947年才由Farmland Dairy在堪萨斯城的工厂首先使用。 浓缩之后的液态配方奶在喷雾干燥机里,通过高压喷头碰成雾,与通到干燥机里的热空气混合从而生产奶粉。这里有高温喷雾和低温喷雾的差别,前者所使用的空气温度较高,设备相对简单,干燥快,但容易损失维生素、蛋白质等活性物质,即便后来再人工增加维生素和蛋白质,符合检测标准,但补进去的东西并非原来的物质。后者所使用温度较低,奶粉中保存的营养素更好,溶解性也更好。就企业而言,低温喷雾的生产成本远高于高温喷雾,高温喷雾又高于干法工艺。





























Assured Dairy Farms (ADF).doc
Farmland,Dairy 第二篇

Assured Dairy Farms (ADF)

(formerly National Dairy Farm Assured Scheme – NDFAS)

Standards and Guidelines for Assessment

3rd Edition - 2nd Addendum

April 2008

This document is the second addendum to the NDFAS Standards and Guidelines for Assessment Edition 3 (October 2004) and is to be retained for use in conjunction with the original October 2004 Standards document and the first addendum, introduced in January 2006.

This document outlines a number of amendments to the current dairy farm assurance scheme, which comprises of the 3rd Edition Standards and Guidelines for Assessment (October 2004) plus the 1st Addendum (January 2006). One noticeable alteration throughout is that the scheme name has been changed to Assured Dairy Farms (ADF) from the National Dairy Farm Assured Scheme (NDFAS) to reflect the scheme completing its full integration into Assured Food Standards, the umbrella organisation for ‘Red Tractor’ farm assurance schemes.

The only area in which new standards have been introduced relates to the secure storage of fertiliser. These standards simply reflect good practice and are consistent with those in assurance schemes in other sectors. They have been included in assurance schemes to reduce the likelihood of legislative restrictions and additional statutory inspections on fertiliser storage being introduced. The other additions and amendments to the scheme are relatively minor and apply mainly to the guidelines, rather than the standards, to recognise where legislation has been updated and it is considered additional clarity may be needed. Finally, there is a change in terminology with previous ‘should’ standards now referred to as ‘recommendations’, though their status is unchanged in that they are considered good practice though compliance with them is not essential to be certified as ‘farm assured’.

This addendum provides details in full about the new standards and summarises the minor amendments to guidelines. A full, consolidated version of the Standards and Guidelines for Assessment may be downloaded from the scheme’s website at

Although there are no changes to the operational arrangements or scope of the Assured Dairy Farms scheme, producers are reminded of two key details.

Inspection Frequency - Producers must be independently inspected at least every 17 months. Certificates have a validity of 19 months to ensure farms remain certified during the period of up to 60 days allowed for rectification. It is not acceptable for the inspection interval to exceed 17 months even if the 60 day rectification allowance is reduced by an equivalent period.

Assured Beef from the Dairy Herd - The assurance of beef from the dairy herd via the Assured Dairy Farm scheme is still restricted to calves up to 100 days of age and cows over 2½ years of age. Beef from cattle between 100 days and 2½ years of age or non dairy-bred animals may only be assured by a fully recognised beef assurance scheme.

8.0f have a copy of the leaflet ‘Security of Fertiliser Storage on Farms’ and

must be able to explain how they observe the recommendations contained within the leaflet.

Q Does the farm have a copy of the Security of Fertiliser Storage leaflet and observe

the recommendations within it?

A copy of the leaflet is provided in Appendix A

A checklist is also provided to allow producers to more easily conduct a self-assessment though its completion is not mandatory.

Even at times when there is no fertiliser being stored on the farm, producers will be expected to explain the procedures they adopt to observe the recommendations in the leaflet.

8.0g Fertiliser must be stored in such a way as to reduce the risk of theft.

Q Is fertiliser suitably stored to reduce the risk of theft?

Where possible fertiliser should be stored in a secure building or compound where there is no public access and located away from and is not visible from a public highway. When a secure building or compound is not available, producers must be able to explain what system is used to ensure that stored fertiliser has not been tampered with or removed without their knowledge.

Suggestions as to how to improve the security of fertiliser storage may be found at

8.0h Producers must have a protocol in place, which is known to all staff, that details

what action must be taken if a discrepancy or theft of fertiliser is discovered.

Q Is there a suitable protocol in place detailing the actions that will be taken in the【Farmland,Dairy】

event of a theft of fertiliser being discovered?

Fertiliser losses must be reported to the relevant authorities.

A suggested protocol is Appendix B.

(Note: References in brackets relate to the Sections within the original Standards and Guidelines document)

Wooden beams in the dairy must not be untreated wood, and must be in a sound condition to maintain a washable surface. (1.1.1e)

Hand washing facilities in the dairy or adjacent to external silos must be maintained in a clean and hygienic condition and used only for those involved in activities in and around that area and not for

general purpose use for all farm staff and visitors. A fixed basin/sink unit is not a must requirement with modern, purpose designed hand showers. (1.1.1f / 1.1.2d)

All silos and bulk tanks located outside must have been designed for outdoor use. (1.1.2)

The use of a common udder cloth is not permitted. (1.5.1a)

Marker sprays, crayons etc used to mark cows with milk unfit for human consumption must be non-toxic. (1.5.1c)

Reference to previous Dairy Hygiene Regulations is updated to new Food Hygiene Regulations derived from the EU Food Hygiene Regulations (1.5.1e)

Chemical storage requirements now make allowance for chemicals supplied in containers designed for outdoor storage. (1.7e)

In addition to grooving, other examples of temporary and permanent solutions to slippery concrete floors are suggested including sawdust, sand and non-slip coatings. (2.1f)

Bull housing must be of sufficient size to allow normal movement in addition to being suitably located to see and hear other cattle or general farm activity. (2.1m)

Requirement for calving facilities with suitable, clean bedding more clearly stated. (2.5a)

The presence of waste materials in itself does not constitute an unacceptable farm appearance provided it is located in suitable, designated areas. (2.6a)

Milking Machine test reports must contain sufficient information to demonstrate clearly that there were either no faults or that any definite faults identified have been rectified. (3.0b)

Examples of equipment that must be maintained in a condition to avoid injury and stress to livestock expanded to confirm this standard includes the cattle crush and kickbars. (3.0d)

Electric fencing equipment must be regularly inspected and maintained where appropriate. (3.0e)

In addition to meeting needs for maintenance and production, feeding regime should maintain cows in suitable body condition relative to stage of lactation and sudden diet changes should be avoided where possible. (4.1a)

References to ‘straights’ changed to ‘feed materials’ and recognition given to the BFBi assurance scheme as an acceptable alternative to UFAS for assuring brewers grains supplied from a small brewer. (4.1b)

Requirement for warranty statement extended to include feed crops purchased in-situ, but still excludes grazing and straw. (4.1c)

Since new feed legislation has required all feed manufacturers, suppliers and users to be registered with their local authority, the on-farm feed mixing standard now concentrates on records and samples. The latter are not required for home-mix feed ingredients where their inclusion is less than 3% of the mix. If on-farm mixing is carried out by a mobile mill-mixer, it is recommended that the contractor is a certified under the NAAC Assured Land Based Contractor (Mobile Feed Mixing and Processing) Scheme. (4.1e)

Reference is introduced to the recent ‘Industry Code of Practice for On-Farm Feeding’ as a useful source of information on many aspects of feed mixing, use and storage on the farm. (4.1e, f & g)

Providing adequate feed space is now a ‘must’ requirement. (4.1h)

Calves must be provided with dry feed from at least 8 days of age and not weaned earlier than 5 weeks of age, unless on specific veterinary advice. With bucket fed systems calves must have access to individual buckets, whilst with teat systems, teats must be positioned appropriately to allow the calf ready access. (4.3a)

Under disposal of deadstock, it is clarified that deadstock must be segregated from livestock and stored appropriately prior to collection or disposal. (5.1a H)

More detail is provided with regard to timing and anaesthetic requirements for farm staff conducting veterinary related procedures. In particular, removal of supernumerary teats may be conducted up to 5 weeks of age and must be with a local anaesthetic. Disbudding by hot iron under local anaesthesia should be during first five weeks of life or as soon as a prominent bud has formed. Castration may be performed by rubber ring after 24 hours up to 7 days of age or by Burdizzo clamp after 24 hours and up to 2 months of age. Thereafter castration must be carried out by a veterinary surgeon. (5.1a I)

The broken needle policy may permit an animal with a suspected broken needle to be consigned as assured provided the abattoir is notified in writing. (5.1a K)

The general reference to ‘Defra approved’ in relation to disinfectants has been amended to reflect that a variety of products are Defra approved for specific purposes and at specific concentrations. (5.2a)

The details for medicine purchase and administration records are more clearly presented (see below). Additional requirements are batch number, expiry date and date treatment finished. Legislation also requires medicine disposals to be recorded. All medicine records must be maintained for at least 5 years. (5.4a)

Farmland,Dairy 第三篇

Unit 1 Developing Language Skills

Further Reading .

2. Using Dictionaries

Ex I

1. slang 6. prefix

2. abbreviation 7. suffix

3. geographical name 8. illustrative quotation

4. technical word 9. synonym

5. derivation 10. antonym

1. Many “good” Definitions

Ⅰ a) 1 b) 6 c) 5 d) 3 e) 8 f) 2

Ⅱ a) Good grief! b) Oh good! c) Good luck!

2. SQ3R

1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C

5. B 6. D 7. D 8. C

3. Learning Foreign Languages

1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A

Unit 2 Sightseeing Home and Abroad

Fundamental Reading

1. Beijing

Ex I

1. palace 11. the Imperial City

2. temple 12. the residences of leaders

3. Mongol 13. the Gate of Heavenly Peace

4. emperor 14. square

5. Manchu 15. parade

6. the central city 16. fireworks display

7. suburb 17. commercial area

8. farmland 18.residential area

9. the emperor’s household 19. the Temple of Heaven

10. the Forbidden City 20. tombs of Ming emperors


1. At the end of the 12th and the beginning of the 13th centuries, Genghis Khan, the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, established the Mongol Empire, also known as China’s Yuan Dynasty.

2. Manchuguo was the puppet regime established after Japanese invasion of the three provinces in northeast China.

3. Construction on the Forbidden City started from 1406 A.D, and ended in 1420

A.D.( the 18th year of Yongle Emperor on the throne). Rest in the center of Beijing, the palace covers an area of 720,000 square meters, extending 961 meters from south to north and 753 meters from east to west. With more than 9,000 royal chambers, the Forbidden City served as the palace of 24 emperors over a period of more than 500 years from the Ming to Qing Dynasties. It’s the largest and most well-preserved imperial palace and ancient architecture in existence in China and the world as well.

4. The Gate of Heavenly Peace, formerly known as the Chengtian Gate, served as

the main gate to the imperial city. Its construction was completed in the 18th year of Yongle Emperor on the throne.

5. Built in 1420 A.D., the Temple of Heaven was where emperors of the Ming and

Qing Dynasties offered sacrifice to the Heaven and prayed for harvests.

1. Arranging Journeys

1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B

2. Australia

1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D

3.Tourism Tips for Every Part of China

1. A 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. A

4. The Acropolis of Athens

1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D

Unit 5 Folklore and Folk Art

Fundamental Reading

1. Folk Are

Ex I

1. 民谣ballad

2. 童话故事fairy tale

3. 传奇故事legend

4. 神话故事myth

5. 民间故事folk tale

6. 谚语/箴言proverb

7. 童谣nursery rhyme

8. 谜语riddle

9. 迷信superstition

10. 灰姑娘Cinderella


1. Folklore is any of the customs and traditions that develop from a nation over a long

period of time. It consists of customs, traditions, beliefs and such forms of oral literature as fairy tales, folk tales, riddles, proverbs, ballads, songs and superstitions. It also includes arts and crafts, traditional games, holiday celebrations and so on.

2. Proverbs are some sayings frequently used in our everyday life. Although proverbs

are similar to idioms, they are popular and easy to understand with the characteristics of the spoken language, completed ideas in the form of one or two short sentences.

3. Chinese proverbs involve a large content. They can be divided into various categories

with numerous good examples, of which some concern farming, for example, “ It is time to sow before and after the Festival of Pure Brightness”, some others concern logic, for example, “As you sow, so will you reap”, still some others concern the general knowledge in our life, for example, “Walk after eating to live a fit and long life”. Proverbs, like idioms, as a part of the whole vocabulary of a language, can add to freshness and vividness of language.

3. Chinese Folk Art

Ex I

1. 艺术创作 artistic creation

2. 种桑 plant mulberry trees

3. 养蚕 to raise silkworms

4. 刺绣 embroidery

5. 染 dye

6. 壁画mural(painting)

7. 陶器 pottery

8. 捏面人 dough sculpture

9. 剪纸 papercut

10. 黄土高原 Loess Plateau

11. 窑洞 cave dwellings

12. 长寿 longevity

13. 龙 dragon

14. 凤 phoenix

15. 向往美好生活 yearn for a better life

16. 结婚礼服 wedding dress

17. 洞房bridal chamber

18. 代代相传 to hand down from generation to generation

19. 中国少数民族 Chinese ethnic minorities

20. 未婚夫 fiance

Further Reading

2. Monkey King Online

Ex I

1. 多媒体multimedia

2. 光盘驱动器CD-ROM

3. 西游记Journey to the West.

4. 妖魔鬼怪demons and monsters

5. 唐僧the Tang Priest Xuanzang

6. 取经fetching Buddhist scriptures

7. 花果山the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit

8. 水帘洞a waterfall in front of a cliff

9. 美猴王the Handsome Monkey King

10. 天兵天将troops from heaven / the heavenly generals and soldiers

11. 翻筋斗somersault

12. 大闹天宫make Havoc in Heaven【Farmland,Dairy】

13. 金箍棒golden cudgel

14. 仙丹,长生不老药 the pills of immortality

15. 玉皇大帝the Jade Emperor in the Heaven

16. 如来佛 the Buddha


1. The stories of “Journey to the West” are widely known by almost everyone in China.

2. “Journey to the West” is a Chinese full-length fantasy novel in Ming Dynasty. It tells

of the historical fact of the Tang Priest Xuanzang’s mission to ancient India for fetching Buddhist scriptures escorted by Sun Wukong and his other disciples, bearing the characteristics of fairy tales.

3. Monkey King is loved by everyone as a resourceful and brave hero who scorns

imperial power, dare to rebel and have the sense of humor.

4. “Journey to the West” includes three parts. The subject of part one is the origin of

Monkey King and how he made havoc in the heaven. Part two continues with the origin of the Tang Priest Xuanzang and the reasons for his journey to the west to fetch Buddhist scriptures. Part three narrates how Monkey King was converted to Buddhism to escort the Tang Priest to the west to fetch Buddhist scriptures. After they had experienced eighty-one adversities on their way, subduing various demons and monsters and struggling against sinister natural conditions, they succeeded in getting the Buddhist scriptures at last and reached the Buddhist spiritual state of an immortal.

3. What’s So Special About Dragon?

Ex I

1. 长寿 longevity

2. 子孙 (后裔) descendants

3. 图腾totem

4. 祖先 forefather / ancestor

5. 吉祥物 mascot

6. 大禹Yu the Great

7. 巫峡 Wuxia Gorge

8. 洪涝 flood

9. 干旱drought

10. (供奉猪、羊)祭祀 to offer sacrifices of pigs and goats

11. 龙王庙dragon king temple


1. The dragon, springing from the ancient Chinese totem, is considered the symbol of

Chinese nationality. It is said that the Yellow Emperor and Emperor Yan were sons of

dragons, so Chinese always say they are “descendants of dragons” or “descendants of the Yellow Emperor and Emperor Yan”.

2. The dragon dances, one of the folk dances of the Chinese Han nationality, have a

long history of two thousand years. They got the name because of the patterns of dragons that the dancers carry as props.

3. Dragon dances are the most popular folk dances in the Chinese traditional festivals.

Chinese communities in the world show their cultural traditions of their communities through dragon dances.

1. Cloth Products

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A

2. American Folk Art

1. F 2. T 3. T

4. F 5. F 6. T

3. Dragon in Different Cultures

1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. B

4. Beowulf

1. Most scholars date the poem from the 700’s, but some date it much closer to the end of the Old English period.

2. In all old English poetry, accent (the emphasis with which a syllable is pronounced) and alliteration (words that begin with the same sound) are used.

3. Beowulf is a mighty warrior.

4. They admired the qualities of strength, courage, loyalty, and generosity.

5. Beowulf, a medieval poem, is the first great work of English Literature.

Unit 6 Ways of Life

Fundamental Reading

2. Food Guide Pyramid

Ex I

1. 乳制品 dairy products

2. 维生素 vitamin

3. 碳水化合物 carbohydrate

4. 营养 nutrient

5. 纤维素 fiber

6. 蛋白质protein

7. 矿物质 mineral

8. 热量(卡) calorie

9. 消化系统 digestive system

10. 家禽 poultry

11. 钙 calcium

12. 磷 phosphorus

13. 锌 zinc

14. 谷类食物 cereal

15. 脂肪 fat

Farmland,Dairy 第四篇



paradise fairy shakespeare corn cattle hatch palace professor cowboy graduate carriage informal latin mexico tray crunch dam deck ms primary rice salesman sauce violin architecture bundle chestnut conversion explore festival flesh globe kiss leather noon porch task urban valley wealth architect arise austria

bungalow butterfly cheerful compound decade despair digital eager exceed explosion flour former heap incident inevitable jealous kilometre magnificent maid objective opera output pea poet presence prior swell syndrome tedious territory trend ugly uncle web absorb accumulate acknowledge agony ankle anticipate anxiety appetite arab armour

basin battered bay bee beneath billion bride cab california campus caretaker chin circus colony conscience conserve cork crew curse dawn dean dentist dice distract doom downhill duration elastic eternal ethnic extraordinary fantastic fate flake fluid fog fragile fro fuse gaze giggle ginger gossip grave handbag heave hover id import importance ink ivy latch marathon merge mint modest navy novel ongoing onion oxygen pest philosophy pork portrait precious premium preserve president profession prone pursue rapid rash reign ridge rod rural sacred secondhand sector sentiment shilling shorts simultaneous

slump spectacular spider staple statistic steak strand strive superior swift sword telegraph theme versatile whale withstand abandon academy accompany acquire alliance alternate ambition angel attribute axe bathe biology brace brew bubble bulge carrot carve caution component conclude condom conduct consist construct costume crab curve decline dedicate defeat despatch deter differ distinguish doll dwell elephant enclose encounter enlarge flip fluctuate fulfil grin guideline gum harbor haste horrifying input instinct interact jew jungle kilo launch lens lifestyle literacy longing loyal medication modify network nominate obsess overlook participate persist

portray priest prosper rage refine resolve respective revenue revert review rig shuffle sigh skim slam sling spike stagger stew studio stumble sustain tangle terror thump tolerate tomato tuck yield zip


insect snake immune champagne hamlet harness caribbean orphan fort plague relay

scholarship sour abstract agriculture alphabet athletic attain beard biological ceremony coffin commodity dairy deficiency fever fleet imperial korea lark limp noble organic pacific pneumonia sofa sparkle zoo adhere barge beast belly bluff buffet cane census cider civic clown clumsy commonwealth companion compatible congress

cute decrease deer dense destination dire divine earthquake fantasy flock foam gallop gloom graveyard graze hinge infinite inland journalist knack knickers limb mahogany mansion mediterranean metropolitan moist nickname olympic outfit peanut porter pottery preliminary presently preview profound queer quit recess regiment retreat salad skinny span sphere spiral susceptible thirst toddler triumph tropics tuition velvet virtue vulnerable waist worldwide acquaint artery bacterium bead blaze cafe calf chore claw cobble collaborate cultivate devise diminish disclose discourage diverse drape drastic embrace embroider emerge evaluate execute fake fasten fountain fundamental

Farmland,Dairy 第五篇

the master of investment—Warren Buffett

For someone(某人) who is such an extraordinarily(非常) successful investor, Warren Buffett comes off as a pretty ordinary guy(人). Born and breed in Omaha, Nebraska, for more than 40 years Buffett has lived in the same grey stucco水泥 house on Farnam Street that he bought for $31,500. He wears rumpled(弄皱的), nondescript(单调普通) suits, drives his own car, drinks Cherry樱桃 Coke, and is more likely to be found in

a Dairy Queen than a four-star restaurant.



But the 68-year-old Omaha native (土生土长的)has led an extraordinary life. Looking back on his childhood, one can see the budding(成长) of a savvy businessman. Warren Edward Buffett was born on August 30, 1930, the middle child of three. His father, Howard Buffett, came from a family of grocers(杂货商) but himself became a stockbroker and later a U. S.




Even as a young child, Buffett was pretty serious about making money. He used to go door-to-door and sell soda pop. He and a friend used math to develop a system for picking winners in horseracing and started selling their"Stable-Boy Selections"tip sheets until they were shut down for not having a license. Later, he also worked at his grandfather's grocery(食品杂货店) store. At the ripe (成熟) age of 11, Buffett bought his first stock. 甚至在很小的时候,巴菲特就对赚钱很用心。那时他常常挨家挨户地推销苏打汽水。他和一个朋友利用数学知识开发了一个在赛马比赛中选拔冠军的识别系统,然后开始推销他们的"马童筛选器"的内部消息传单,但因为无许可证被迫关停。后来他还在祖父的杂货店干过一段时间。在11岁的时候,已近


When his family moved to Washington, D. C. , Buffett became a paperboy for The Washington Post and its rival(对手) the Times-Herald. Buffett ran his five paper routes like an assembly(装配生产线) line and even

added magazines to round out his product offerings. While still in school, he was making $175 a month, a full-time wage for many young men. 在巴菲特全家搬至华盛顿特区后, 他开始为《华盛顿邮报》和该报的对手《时代先驱报》送报纸。巴菲特把自己送报的5条线路安排得就像生产线一样有条不紊, 后来他甚至还添加了杂志的递送, 这样他提供的订阅品种就更丰富了。在校读书期间, 他每月的收入就已经有175美元了, 相当于当时年轻人全职工作的月收入。

When he was 14, Buffett spent $1,200 on 40 acres of farmland in Nebraska and soon began collecting rent from a tenant farmer. He and a friend also made $50 a week by placing pinball machines in barber shops. They called

their venture Wilson Coin Operated Machine Co.

14岁那年, 巴菲特花了1200美元在内布拉斯加州购置了一片40公顷的农田, 然后开始从佃户那里收取租金。他还和一个朋友为理发店安装弹球游戏机从而每


Already a successful albeit small-time businessman, Buffett wasn't keen on going to college but ended up at Wharton at the University of Pennsylvania--his father encouraged him to go. After two years at Wharton, Buffett transferred to his parents'alma mater, the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, for his final year of college. There Buffett took a job with the Lincoln Journal supervising 50 paper boys in six rural


这时巴菲特尽管并不起眼, 但已是一个小获成功的商人。他对上大学并不感兴趣, 不过后来还是在父亲的敦促下去了宾西法尼亚大学的沃顿学院。在沃顿学习了两年后, 巴菲特转学到其父母的母校--林肯的内布拉斯加大学, 在那儿修完了大学最后一年的课程。这期间巴菲特还在《林肯日报》谋得了一份工作, 负责管理


Buffett applied to Harvard Business School but was turned down in what had to be one of the worst admissions decisions in Harvard history. The outcome ended up profoundly affecting Buffett's life, for he ended up attending Columbia Business School, where he studied under revered mentor Benjamin Graham, the father of securities analysis who provided the

foundation for Buffett's investment strategy.【Farmland,Dairy】

巴菲特曾申请哈佛商学院被拒, 这后来成为哈佛历史上最糟糕的录取决定之一。这个结果对巴菲特的一生产生了深远的影响, 他因此进入哥伦比亚商学院, 并从师著名的证券分析之父本杰明·格雷厄姆, 巴菲特从导师身上学到的东西为


From the beginning, Buffett made his fortune from investing. He started with all the money he had made from selling pop, delivering papers, and

operating pinball machines. Between 1950 and 1956, he grew his $9,800 kitty to $14,000. From there, he organized investment partnerships with his family and friends, and then gradually drew in other investors through

word of mouth and very attractive terms.

一开始, 巴菲特凭借投资来赚钱。他最初的资本来自卖苏打汽水、送报纸、安装弹球游戏机而攒下的积蓄。在1950到1956年期间, 他的原始资本积累由9800美元升至14万美元。此后, 巴菲特开始与家人和朋友结成伙伴投资关系, 后来


Buffett's goal was to top the Dow Jones Industrial Average by an average of 10% a year. Over the length of the Buffett partnership between 1957 and 1969, Buffett's investments grew at a compound annual rate of 29.5%,

crushing the Dow's return of 7.4% over the same period.

巴菲特的目的是以每年平均10%的比率超出道琼斯工业指数。在巴菲特倡导的"合伙投资"模式下, 从1957到1969年间, 巴菲特的投资以每年29.5%的综合速

度增长, 大大挫败了道琼斯在同一时期7.4%的回报率。

Buffett's investment strategy mirrors his lifestyle and overall philosophy. He doesn't collect houses or cars or works of art, and he disdains companies that waste money on such extravagances as limousines, private dining rooms, and high-priced real estate. He is a creature of habit--same house, same office, same city, same soda--and dislikes change. In his investments, that means holding on to "core holdings"such as American Express, Coca-Cola, and The Washington Post Co. "forever.


巴菲特的投资策略可映射出他的生活方式和人生哲学。他没有囤积房屋、收集汽车和艺术品的嗜好, 他厌恶那些把钱花在高级轿车、私人餐厅和豪华地产这类奢侈品上的公司。他是个善于遵循习惯的人--住同一栋房屋, 在同一间办公室办公, 在同一个城市生活, 喝同一牌子的可乐--他不喜欢变化。用在他的投资理念上, 就是紧抓住投资"核心"不变, 如美国捷运公司、可口可乐、华盛顿邮报公司, 而


Buffett's view of inherited money also departs from the norm. Critical

of the self-indulgence of the super-rich, Buffett thinks of

inheritances as"privately funded food stamps"that keep children of the rich from leading normal, independent lives. With his own three kids, he gave them each $10,000 a year--the tax-deductible limit--at Christmas. When he gave them a loan, they had to sign a written agreement. When his daughter, also named Susie like her mother, needed $20 to park

at the airport, he made her write him a check for it.

巴菲特对待遗产的态度也与众不同。他对"超级富人"自我放纵的生活方式非常反感, 他把遗产看作是"私人资助的饭票", 这让有钱人家的孩子们无法过上正常而独立的生活。对自己的3个孩子, 巴菲特在每年圣诞节时给他们每人1万美元作为一年的花销--免征所得税收的最低限度。若是给他们贷款, 则需签订书面协议。有一次他的女儿苏茜--与母亲同名--在机场需要20美元的停车费, 巴菲特

虽然把钱借给了她, 但却要求女儿给自己写一张支票当作偿还。

As for charity, Buffett's strict standards have made it difficult for him to give much away. He evaluates charities the same way he looks for stocks:value for money, return on invested capital. He has established the Buffett Foundation, designed to accumulate money and give it away after his and his wife's deaths--though the foundation has given millions to organizations involved with population control, family planning, abortion, and birth control. The argument goes that Buffett can actually give away a greater sum in the end by growing his money while he's still


巴菲特严格的处事标准使他即使是面对慈善事业也很难慷慨解囊。他对待慈善事业的态度犹如对待股票:认真评估投入资本的有价回报。他建立了巴菲特基金会, 意在积累资金, 在自己和妻子死后发放。不过巴菲特基金会至今已为许多组织捐资数百万美元, 资助的项目包括人口控制、计划生育、堕胎和避孕等。许多人认为通过进一步扩张现有财力, 巴菲特在有生之年就可最终捐出一大笔款项。

One thing's for sure about Buffett:He 's happy doing what he's doing. "I get to do what I like to do every single day of the year, "he says. "I get to do it with people I like, and I don't have to associate with anybody who causes my stomach to churn. I tap dance to work, and when I get there I think I'm supposed to lie on my back and paint the ceiling. It's tremendous fun." It's fun to watch the master at work, too.

对于巴菲特来说, 有一点可以肯定:他非常热爱自己的工作。"一年中的每一天我都在做自己喜欢做的事, 我与自己喜欢的人一起工作。我用不着与自己讨厌的人打交道。我欣欣然扑向工作, 到了公司我会觉得工作就好像是让自己仰面躺下, 用手中的笔绘制天花板一般轻松。工作让我乐趣无穷。"巴菲特说。当然看一位





