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Unit 7 Hobbies教案

Unit 7


◆Teaching Objectives:

1. Help the students to pronounce correctly the vowels and consonants in Sound Recognition.

2. Get the students to master the basic words, expressions and sentence patterns in Focus and Memorize and use them to talk about hobbies.

3. Enable the students to speak appropriately when talking about likes and preference.

4. Get the students to understand the dialogue in Testing Your Ears.

5. Get the students to master some key words, expressions and structures in the text, and get the main idea of the text.

6. Introduce the basic knowledge about verbs and get the students to put the grammatical knowledge into use.

7. Get the students to understand and use the basic sentence pattern “S + V + O” in combining and making sentences.

◆Key Points:

1. Sound Recognition

Correct pronunciation of the following pairs of sounds: [], []; [], []; [], []; [], [] 2. Listening and Speaking 1) Talking about hobbies.

2) Asking about likes and preferences. 3. Reading

A. Vocabularies

B. Structures

4. Grammar Verbs (1)

A. Transitive and intransitive verbs B. Link verbs 5. Writing

The basic sentence pattern: “S + V + O” [主语 + 谓语(及物动词)+ 宾语(动名词短语)]

◆Teaching Procedures:

Ⅰ. Revision

Ⅱ. Sound Recognition Ⅲ. Listening & Speaking ◆ Getting into the Topic ◆ Testing Your Ears ◆ Script of the Dialogue Ⅳ. Reading

◆ Warming Up

◆ Background Information ◆ Detailed Study of the Text ◆ Further Practice Ⅴ. Grammar in Use Ⅵ. Assignments

I. Revision of Unit 6

1. Check all the exercises in Unit 6.

2. Get the students to practice some of the words and expressions in Unit 6. The teacher may use the words and expressions listed in Key Points in Unit 6. 3. Ask the students to translate the following sentences into English.

a. He never stopped chasing after his dreams. 他从未停止过追求自己的梦想。

b. His grandpa passed away last year.


c. This money was saved for emergency purpose.


d. She disguised herself as a beggar on the street.


e. She needed to take a bath after spending so many days on the train.



Ask the students to make sentences by using the following words or phrases.

a. go away

b. bring sb./sth. back c. send sb. to do sth. d. make mistakes e. get married

Ⅱ. Sound Recognition

1. Play the recording and ask the students to listen carefully. 2. Ask some students to give their choices.

3. Check the answer and explain the differences between the sounds: [], [];

[], []; [], []; [], [] Notes: 发音要领

[] 1. 第一音[]是前元音,舌前部抬高,舌位最高点介于舌前和舌中,由[]

音向[]音滑动,不到[]音,发音即告完成; 2. 舌位由低到高; 3. 牙床由全开到半合; 4. 唇形扁平,由大到小。

[] 1. 由第一个音[]的舌位向第二个音[]的舌位滑动,但合口双元音[]中第

一个[]的舌位略高于单元音[]的舌位,接近元音[]的舌位,而第二个音不到后元音[]的舌位发音即告结束。 2. 舌位由低到高;

3. 牙床由接近半合到略小于半合,由大到小。 4. 唇形由扁平偏圆到略圆。

[] 发音时舌端抵上齿龈,气流经口腔由舌身两侧而出,故名舌侧音。发音时,声带



[],如clear和含糊的[],如dark。 发清晰的[]时,舌前抬高,抵上齿龈,舌身自然放松,口形扁平,气流经口腔

由舍身两侧而出,声音清晰。 发含糊的[]音时,舌前抬高紧抵上齿龈,唇形略收圆,舌中部凹下,舍身和唇


[] 发音时,舌端抬高,接近上齿龈后背部,舍身向后缩;气流经舌端和上齿龈后


4. Play the recording again and ask the students to repeat sentence by sentence.

Ⅲ. Listening & Speaking  Getting into the Topic

1. Brainstorm with the students words, expressions or sentence patterns about hobbies.

2. Present to the students the following expressions about hobbies:

3. Ask the students to make up sentences by using these expressions. 4. Present to the students basic formulas about likes and preferences:

Talking about preferences:

 Testing Your Ears

1. Play the recording for the first time and ask the students to finish Task 1. Key: √ A Talk between Husband and Wife

Note: It can be inferred from the beginning of the dialogue “What’s on TV

tonight, dear?” that the relationship between the two speakers is husband and wife.

2. Play the recording again and ask the students to finish Task 2.

Note: The answers can be found from the following lines from the dialogue: Jeff: Too busy with your hobby? What’s it this time, knitting or collecting


Jeff: When I come home from work, I need to put my feet up, doing nothing.

Life’s not all work, you know.

Mary: In fact, you probably have more than I do. But you waste it all watching


3. Play the recording for the third time ask the students to finish Task 3.

Key: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F

Note: Draw students’ attention to the following expressions:


What’s on TV tonight? in fact

That’s not a waste of time. put one’s feet up

4. Check the students’ answers and explain the key points.

 Script of the Dialogue

Ⅳ. Reading  Warming Up

1. The teacher may start by asking the students what hobbies they have.

2. Ask the students to check the items in Warming Up and ask a few students to

give their choices.

3. Ask the students to scan the text and fill in blanks in Warming Up, and

discuss the joy of hobbies.

◆Background Information

Benefits of Hobbies

Some people find hobbies boring or simply a waste of time. What they do not know is that it can do a lot of good things for a person physically, mentally, and emotionally. There are numerous hobbies out there to choose from. One can get into sports such as tennis, golf, basketball, soccer, and fishing. Others prefer arts like photography, drawing, and painting. Whatever activity you choose, it will surely do good to you. Here are some of its benefits.

Doing your favorite hobby gives you time to relax. It can help reduce your stress. This can be done by diverting (转移) your focus. For example, instead of thinking of your problems always, you spare some of your time to focus on your hobby.

Physical hobbies like sports are a great way to exercise the body. Getting into

创新大学英语-预备级教案Unit 7 Hobbies

Lecture 1

Part 1 Listening comprehension

Objective: To distinguish /iə/, /uə/, /eə/

To identify comparisons and contrast.

1. Guide Ss to remind some phrases of showing comparisons and contrast.(5') prefer...to...与...相比, 更喜欢...

would rather ... than... 宁可...而不...

...is no better (comparative form) than... 和...一样差

much more adj. ...得多

like nothing better than... 最喜欢...

2. Give Ss time to read the items and try to guess the content of the conversation or the missing word in the passage.(5')

3. Play the record. (15')

4. Guide students to notice the differences between these similar phonetic symbols and check the answers. Answer some of the students to read a group per person and try to correct their pronunciation. (5')

5. Guide Ss to listen to the short conversations once again and repeat the key/difficult words or sentences. (5')

6. Guide Ss to compare the choices so as to focus out attention on certain part of the recording and then listen to the long conversations. Repeat the sentences when necessary. (5')

7. Check the answers and explain the difficult parts. Play the recording of the passage once again. (5')

Part 2 Reading Comprehension

Passage One

1. Let Ss recall if they can still remember the scene their parents red story to them

before they went to sleep and how they felt the stories. And later tell Ss they are going to read a passage about a kid reading experience in her childhood. (2')

2. Ask Ss to read the text and finish the multiple choices. (8')

3. Pick some interesting sentences to explain and let them know how to express that meaning in English. (2')【Unit,7,Hobbies】

Half buring myself underneath a blanket, reading with a flashlight.

Be at the climax of the story, or right at the end.

4. Guide Ss to translate the last paragraph, and choose one sentence to remember at class. (10')

Passage Two

1. Tell Ss some reading skills. That is to locate the theme statement of the passage and topic sentence of each paragraph. (5')

2. Ask Ss to read the passage and try to figure out the theme sentence and topic sentences, which would be helpful for them to guess the following content. (5')

3. Guide Ss to find the important sentences so as to get a clear picture of the text orgnization. (5')

4. Check the answers. (5')


1. Read passage 3 and find out all the hobbies of the author's and put them in a correct order according to the time. Besides, finish the following exercise.

2. Preview the new words in the intensive reading.

Lecture 2


Questions for discussion: (15')

1. Do you have hobbies? What are they?

2. Do you think it is necessary to cultivate a hobby? Why?

Or what are the benefits of having a hobby?

Probable answers:

1. playing basketball, singing, reading, go camping, go hiking, listening to the music

2. It can enrich our life./broaden the horizon./make acquaintances.

It can be a escape from the real life.

It can make me confident.

It can keep a balance between study and play.

It can keep healthy.

Study the Text in Detail

1. Listen to the recording of the text and underline the difficult parts they can't understand. (8')

2. Read the text loudly by themselves and try to find the answers to the questions in page 161. (17')

3. Guide Ss to learn the new words.(10')

Psychology, in a good mood, be absorbed in/ be engaged in/ be in the middle of/ be buried in, define/definition, rely on/depend on, foster/cultivate, lead to/ result in/ approach to doing sth, be guilty of, ahead of time/schedule, optional course, think twice before you leap

4. Language points (40')

a. Hobbies are rich in psychic rewards. 业余爱好:丰厚的精神回馈

Be rich in: 在。。。很富足

b. Squeeze sb./sth in: to manage to do sth although you are very busy.

c. Be in a good/bad mood: be in high/low spirit, be happy/unhappy

d. Activate/ active/action

The light will turn red once the system is activated.

e. Enhance your creativity, help you think more clearly and sharpen your focus. 他们可以增强你的创造力,帮助你更清晰的思考,让你的注意力更加集中。 Sharp sharpen; light lighten; worse worsen; wide widen; white whiten; deep deepen f. Be engaged in doing sth/ be busy with sth/ be involved in sth

Be engaged to sb.: having agreed to marry

g. Be absorded in sth/sb: be very interested in sth/sb so that you are not paying attention to anything else

h. Anxiety/anxious depression/depresed

i. Perception perceive conceive accept concept

j. Rely on/ depend on

They have to rely on the river for their water.

k. Foster a hobby/interest/the growth of local industies

l. Fulfill one's dream/oneself/ambition

m. Be inclined to/ be likely to do sth in a particular way

n. Prepare oneself sth/for sth 给自己准备.../让自己为...而准备

Prepare yourself a notebook to write down the important points.

Prepare yourself for the final-exam.

o. Lead to/ cause/ result in

p. Meet one's needs/ demands/desire

q. An approach to doing sth


1. Review what has been learnt and preview the rest of the text.

2. Try to recite the phrases used to show the benefits of having a hobby.

Lecture 3

Check the Homework

Dictation (15')

Call 2 Ss to write on the blackboard and tell the rest of the class that some of them will hand in their dictation. Let them write down the corresponding translation too. Have time left for; squeeze sth in; enhance creativity; help sb think more clearly; Sharpen one's focus; be engaged in; lose the sense of time; self-esteem;

Anxiety; depression; foster one's confidence; fulfill one's dream;

Be inclined to; reflect on; inspire

Study the Text in Detail (30')

1. Play the recording and let Ss recall the content of the text. Let them close the book if they are familiar with it so as to check their listening. (10')

2. Language points

a. Make time for sth: find time to do sth

b. Think of/ consider/view .... As

c. Be guilty about doing sth/ of sth

d. Far more interested in: 有趣得多

e. Take a long look before you leap三思而后行

f. Do market research: to see if sth is needed in the market

3. Important structures

Ask Ss to read the example and finish the exercises

a. As well as

b. Any time/ every time/ the moment/ the first time/the next time

Vocabulary Building (45')

1. Tell Ss to recall the meaning of the words and see how many they know and then refer to the word list if there are still some strange words.

2. Suggest Ss to guess the meaning of the whole sentence before they spot the proper word to the blank. Give Ss time to fill the blank.

Unit 7 Hobbies

Unit 7 Hobbies【Unit,7,Hobbies】



(1) 能听、说、读、写单词:dance,paint,read,sing,skate,swim.

(2) 能够正确听懂、说出、认读本课句型:What do you like ? I like …


(1)能在描述自己爱好的过程中初步感知句型“I like …”后面动词的变化规律。

(2)能熟练运用句型“What do you like ? I like …”来表达自己的爱好并询问他人有哪些爱好。





(1)I like …后面动词的变化规律。

(2)能熟练运用句型“What do you like ? I like …”来表达自己的爱好并询问他人有哪些爱好。




Step 1 warming up

1. Greeting

2. Say a rhyme

Dance, dance, I can dance.

Paint, paint, I can paint.

Swim, swim, I can’t swim.


Step 2.While-task


I like dolls, I can swim, I like swimming.


(设计意图:教师呈现自己的爱好,学生发现问题,按照前面的知识like 接名词复数,呈现的句型中like接动词的—ing 形式)


(1)课件呈现:dancing painting reading singing skating swimming,发现加ing的方式不一样











Step 3 Post-task



3. Let’s chant

Swim, swim, I can swim, I like swimming.

Sing, sing, I can sing, I like singing.

Skate, skate, I can skate, I like skating.

(设计意图:由课文到实际生活,学生说说自己的爱好,并询问别人的爱好,我又设计了一个听力小练习,由说到听,训练学生的听说能力。最后,用chant 形式总结所学知识。)

Step 4 Homework

Writing: 根据英语角的招生简章,介绍自己,写清姓名、年龄、爱好。


Unit 7 Hobbies

What do you like? I like singing.

reading. 直接加ing


dancing. 以不发音的“e”结尾,去e加ing


swimming. 双写末尾字母再加ing







Unit 7 Hobbies

Unit 7 Hobbies


1. What are you _______ ( do ) ?

I am _________ ( fish).

2. What ____ (be) they doing ?

They ____ (be ) reading.

3 What _____ ( be) Jenny doing ?

She ____ (be ) running.

4 What is she _____ (do) ?

She is _______ (swim).


read sing sleep

eat do go

study play

write have

swim run get


例句1 : Do you like reading books ? Yes, I do.

1. listen to music / Yes

2.make models/ No

例句2 :Does he like reading books ? Yes, he does.

1 watch TV/ Yes

2 ride a bike / No

例句3 :I like listening to music.

1 swim

2 dance

例句4 :They like reading.

1 play cards

2 play computer games

例句5 :She likes running.

1 paint

2 listen to music



1 你的爱好是什么?我的爱好是骑自行车。

_______ your hobby ? My hobby is ______________________.

2 他的爱好是什么?他的爱好是听音乐。

What’s ______ hobby ? His hobby is ______________________.

3 你在干什么?我正在读书

______ are you ______ ? I ________________________.

4 你喜欢读书吗?是的。

_____ you like _____________ ? Yes, ____________.

5 他在干什么?他在看电视。他喜欢看电视。

_____ he _____ ? He is _________________. He ____________ watching Tv.

Unit 8 Weekend fun


1 今天星期几?星期一

___________ is it ? __________ Monday.

2 你在周二做什么?我在周二拉小提琴

_______do you do on Tuesday ? I _______________ on Tuesday .

3 我在周日打篮球.

I ______________ on Sunday.

4 他在周三打棒球。

He ____________________ on ____________.

5 你在周四打网球吗?

______ you play tennis ___________? Yes, I ______.

6 你在周五踢足球吗?

_______ you _______ on Friday ? No, I ________.

7 他在周六打网球吗?

______ he play tennis on ____________ ? Yes, he ___________. 8 她在周三拉小提琴吗?

_____ she ___________ on Wednesday ? No, he __________.


例句1:What do you want to do ? I want to see a movie.

1 go to the park

2 play outside

例句2:What does he want to do ? He wants to read a story .

1 make a snowman

2 surf the Internet

例句3:Do you want to make a snowman. Yes, I do.

1 go to the park

2 play outside

例句4:Does he want to read a story ? Yes, he does

1 go to the swimming pool

2 ride a bike


1 你想干什么? 我想看电影。

_____ you want to do ? I want to ________________.

2 他想干什么?他想去公园

What ____ he ________________ ?He ________ go to the park. 3 你们想干什么?我们想堆雪人

_____ do you _____________ ? We want to _____________________. 4 他们想干什么?他们想上网

______ do they _______________ ? They ________________________. 5 你想堆雪人吗?是的

Do you want to __________________ ? Yes, _____________.

6 他们想在外面玩吗?不

_____ they ______________ play outside ? No, they _______.

7 他想读故事吗?是的

____ he want to _____________ ? Yes, ______________.

牛津小学英语3B Unit7 Hobbies

牛津小学英语3B Unit7 Hobbies教学设计







A、能听、说、读、写单词dance、sing、paint、read、skate and swim。

B、能正确使用日常交际用语:What do you like?I like doing.


在询问他人喜好时正确运用交际用语What do you like?能用贴切的动词ing形式如dancing、swimming、singing等表述自己的爱好。





1.听得懂、会说、会读,会拼写单词dance、sing、paint、read、skate and swim,掌握这几个动词的ing形式。

2.听得懂、会说、会读和会写句子What do you like?I like doing。





3. 能用What do you like?I like doing进行自由灵活的交流,了解同学间的爱好。





1. Greetings

T: Hello, boys and girls. I’m Miss Zhang. Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you,too.

2. Sing a song “ I like apples”.

设计意图:欢乐的歌曲再配上动作充分调动了学生的积极性,缓解了紧张的学习情绪,重点是歌曲中I like 这一旧句型的重复出现为接下来的话题学习和练习


Step2. Presentation and Practice

1. Teaching “What do you like?I like doing”。


(电脑屏幕出现Culture Square的画面,人们各有各的休闲娱乐,有唱歌的、有跳舞的、有看书的、有画画的等等。)

T: Boys and girls, do you like this.(指着广场上唱歌的人群问。) I like singing too.(借此引出singing一词进行教学。)

T:Follow me.(教师利用手语教孩子表达I like singing.)

Ss: OK.(学生跟着老师做手语动作并且说句子I like singing.)

T:(老师用手语)I like singing.

Ss:(学生用手语)I like singing too.

老师边做喜欢唱歌的样子,边反复说I like singing.学生模仿老师边做边说:I like singing.


T: What do you like, XXX?

S:I like singing.(老师仍做喜欢唱歌的样子,用动作提示学生回答) 出示卡片:singing and sing。

T:Read it one by one.

S1: singing——sing

S2: sing——singing

设计意图:通过文化广场的情景图,让学生感受到了Hobbies的广泛,同时整体感知到本节的话题和即将要学的新词汇,并顺理成章地进入新知教学。 ----------------------

2.通过师做一些少数民族的舞蹈动作引出单词dance ,正音诵读后引导学生拼读记忆。

师生边表演边练说: I like dancing.


Read the words “dance——dancing” one by one。

Practice in each pairs.

Act it out and say“I like dancing”.(学生展示自己的舞蹈。)




T: Read it one by one.


S1: What do you like?

T: I like skating.

T: What about you?

S1: I like dancing.

T: Make the dialogue like this.

设计意图:以旧换新学单词,有助于学生识记,这样可以举一反三同时记很多词。 引导学生进行会话练习,将单词融入句子当中,实现语言的交际功能,从而鲜明的表达各自的喜好。


4. Teaching the word “swim”


拓展run一词,其ing形式同swim,双写尾字母n再加ing,即running。 生生互动,对话如上。

Practice in each groups.



5. Teaching “paint/read”

(1)出示一些颜料, 学生猜猜老师要做什么,引出paint一词。

T:Do you like painting?

S1:Yes,I do.

S2:No,I don’t.


设计意图:通过实物,勾起学生的好奇心,在猜猜看教师要用它做什么的过程中学习paint,语境自然真实。借用本册Module2 Unit4的句型Do you like 丰富了对话内容,有效实现了新旧知识的整合。


T:What colour is it?

Ss:It’s red.





6. Practice




Step3. Consolidation

1. Say a rhyme (通过歌谣的形式掌握动词变ing的方法)


Read paint sing,直接加真好记;

Skate dance,去e加别忘记;



2.Work in pairs(再次出示Culture Square情景图,让学生就每项活动运用所学句型进行对话练习。)

S1: What do you like?

S2:I like ___ing.

S1:Do you like ___ing?

S2: Yes,I do./No,I don’t.

What about you ?

S1:I like ____ing.

设计意图:让学生在会话过程中再次感受colourful life,并能在真实的语言环境中展示习得的语言。

Step4. Homework作业设计






What do you like?——I like ___ing.

Do you like ____ing?----Yes,I do./No,I don’t. I like ____ing.


表演完毕教师要引导学生给出适当的评价,如Well done!Super boys/girls! Great!等等。

设计意图:本模块的主题是My colourful life,本单元的话题是“Hobbies”此活动设计自然的将话题融入主题之中,练就了语言,也丰富了同学们的课余生活,这种开放形式的作业能够锻炼学生的组织能力、学习能力、交往能力等。同时不忘结合语言知识,将课上所学延伸到课下,通过他问我答,不但实现了语言的交际功能,同时增进了同学间的了解,最重要的是学生对这种活动感兴趣,所以会全身心投入,感受生活的多彩,教学效果是显而易见的。


Module3 Unit7 Hobbies

--What do you like?

--I like singing.(sing) dancing(dance) swimming(swim) reading.(read) skating(skate)




课前的教学热身是英语教学方法的重要形式之一,我采用了简单的英语歌曲I like apples来热身。英语歌曲是提高学生英语学习兴趣和学习效率的有效方法之一,能有效地缓解学生的紧张情绪,建立轻松和谐民主的课堂氛围,歌曲中I like 的反复出现为新知识的引入做了铺垫。因而,我在上课前先安排学生唱歌再进行师生亲切对话,帮助学生适应英语语感,使学生很自然地进入英语学习状态。


呈现是教师在教学中把学生引入兴趣大门,产生学习欲望的重要一步。为引出What do you like?I like doing.我运用Culture Square这一情景图充分调动了学生的兴趣,学生经过观察找到了各自的兴趣爱好,与图片传递的信息产生了共鸣,他能体会到人有一技之长是一件快乐自豪的事,同时也感受到了原来人们可以这么丰富多彩的生活着。

新课程要求我们创设真实的情景活动,在活动中让学生体验,感受,运用新知,从而能真正理解语言知识。因此在作业安排上,我设计了一个任务活动,学生们不仅能运用I like 与人交流,还能将各自的爱好展示的淋漓尽致,这是一举数得的作业。但由于是三年级的学生,学习经验不足,所以在活动过程中,学生难免会用母语来表达,还需教师的适时督导,再有就是学困生在这样的活动中倍受冷落,表现的欲望不高,需多对他们进行表扬和鼓励。



