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(本次考试共4页,满分100 分,答题时间为70分钟。)

姓名 评价


1、如果下降5米,记作-5米,那么上升4米记作( )米;如果+2千克表示增加2千克,那么-3千克表示( )。

2、零下五摄氏度写作( ),-25 读作( )。 3、数轴上所有的负数都在0的( )边,所有正数都在0的( )边。 4、某地昨天气温:-2℃~5℃,那么最大温差是( )℃。 5、在数轴上,-2到0距离和( )到0的距离一样。

6、下表是我国四个城市一月份的平均气温,把它们按从低到高的顺序排列。 北京 哈尔滨 广州 上海 -5℃ -19.8℃ 17.2℃ 3.8℃ 排序:( )<( )<( )<( ) 二、判断对错。(每题3分,共19分)

1、零上12℃(+12℃)和零下12℃(-12℃)是两种相反意义的量。( ) 2、0是正数。( )

3、数轴上左边的数比右边的数小。( ) 4、温度0℃就是没有温度。( )

5、整数包括正整数和负整数两大类。( )

(4分)判断理由: 三、选择正确答案的序号填在括号里。(每空3分,共15分)

1、低于正常水位0.16米记为-0.16,高于正常水位0.02米记作( )。 A、+0.02 B、-0.02 C、+0.18 D、-0.14

2、以明明家为起点,向东走为正,向西走为负。如果明明从家走了+30米,又走了-30米,这时明明离家的距离是( )米。 A、30 B、-30 C、60 D、0 3、数轴上,-12 在-18 的( )边。

A、左 B、右 C、北 D、无法确定

4、一种饼干包装袋上标着:净重(150±5克),表示这种饼干标准的质量是150克,实际每袋最少不少于( )克。

A、155 B、150 C、145 D、160 5、关于“0”,下列说法中正确的是( ) A、0是整数 B、0是负数 C、0是正数 四、按要求完成下面各题。 (30分)

1、 六(1)班原来有班费60元,卖废纸挣了20元,老师给同学们买了小贴画花了15元,班里回收塑料瓶又挣了30元,买彩纸又花了33元。如果我们把收入的钱用正数表示,支出的钱用负数表示,请你帮老师在下表中记录班费的收支情况。(15分)

2、 实验小学举行乒乓球比赛,比赛原则是“七局四胜制。” 积分规则是:胜一场,记+1分;输一场,记-1分。晶晶和妮妮比赛的情况如下:(15分)

(1)、晶晶胜了( )场,输了( )场。 (2)、妮妮胜了( )场,输了( )场。 (3)、如果晶晶要赢妮妮,至少还要胜( )场。





1. 我国某省的面积是十五亿八千六百万平方米,写作( )平方米,改

写成用“亿平方米”作单位的数是( )亿平方米。

2. 已知甲×2=5×乙(甲,乙不为0),写成比例是甲 :乙=( ) :( )。

3. 把36分米长的铁丝折成一个正方形,它的面积是( )平方分米,如果把这


根铁丝折成一个正方体,它的体积是( )立方分米。

14. 、0.16、16.6%、17%四个数中,最大的是( ),最小的是( )。

5. 一种玩具车原价360元,迎六一搞促销七五折销售,现价( )元,便宜了

( )元。

6. 一个圆锥和一个圆柱等底等高,它们的体积和是200立方厘米,圆锥的体积是

( )立方厘米,圆柱的体积是( )立方厘米。

7. 国庆节学校组织六年级学生到植物园游玩,出勤的学生有156人,病假3人,事假

1人,这次游玩的学生出勤率是( )。

8. 15和24的最大公因数是是不是( ),最小公倍数是( )。

9. 一种微型零件的长是5毫米,画在图纸上的长是40厘米,这幅图的比例尺是

( )。

( )10. 7÷832=21 :( )=( )%=( )(小数)。

11. 2时45分=( )分=( )时; 4吨50千克=( )

4500毫升=( )升( )毫升; 6.08公顷=( )平方米。


1. 比的前项加10,比的后项也加10,比值不

变。„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( )

2. 在100克水中放入10克盐,盐和盐水的比是1 :

10。„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( )

3. 一个袋子里放有除颜色外完全相同的4个红球、2个白球、3个黄球。从中任意摸

出一个球,摸出红球的可能性最大。„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ ( )

4. 每月收入一定,每月支出的钱数和剩下的钱数成反比

例。„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( )

5. 把120分解质因数是120=2×2×5×

6。„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( )


1. 三角形的三个内角度数的比是2 :3 :5,这个三角形是( )。

A、锐角三角形 B、钝角三角形 C、直角三角形

2. 周长相等的正方形、长方形、圆,( )的面积最大。

A、长方形 B、正方形 C、圆

3. ( )统计图能清楚地表示数量的增减变化情况。

A、条形 B、折线 C、扇形

4. 下面两个比不能组成比例的是( )。

A、10 :12和35 :42 B、4 :3和9 :12 C、20 :10和40 :20

5. 在43、45、43、52、36、43这组数中,众数是( )。

A、43 B、52 C、36


1. 求未知数X。(9分)

2х-40%=68 8.5×4+9х=65.5 х :0.8=15 :6

2. 脱式计算,能简算的要简算。(8分)

33611 ×4.7+5.3× ×1.25×80

43 22.5×0.49+76.5×0.49+0.49 13÷[×(+0.125)]

3. 计算下面阴影部分的面积。(单位:分米)(8分)




一、 填空。

1. 在一个圆里,有( )条半径,所有半径的长度都( ),直径等于半径

的( )。

2. 要画一个直径是4厘米的圆,圆规的两脚应叉开( )厘米。

3. 大圆直径是小圆直径的3/2倍,则大圆周长是小圆周长的( )倍,大

圆面积是小圆面积的( )倍。

4. 圆的周长是这个圆的直径的( )倍,是半径的( )。

5. 5.01平方米=( )平方分米

150000平方厘米=( )平方米

6.以一点为圆心可以画( )个不同的圆。

7.正方形有( )条对称轴,圆有( )条对称轴。

8.一个圆环,它的内半径是3厘米,外半径是5厘米,这个圆环的面积是( )厘米。

9一个直径为6厘米的圆,面积为( )平方厘米。

10.在一个边长为6厘米的正方形纸上画一个最大的圆,这个圆的半径为( )厘米。


1.半径是直径的一半。 ( )

2.半径是2厘米的圆的周长和面积相等。 ( )

3.圆的半径扩大为原来的3倍,它的面积就扩大为原来的9倍。 ( )

4.两个不同的圆,较大圆的半径较大,圆周率也较大。 ( )



1.圆的周长同它的直径的比值是一个( )。

A.两位小数 B.循环小数 C.无限不循环小数

2.一个半圆,它的半经是r,它的周长是( )。

A.∏r B.∏r+2r C.2∏r

3.一个圆的周长与一个正方形的周长相等,那么它们的面积大小( )。

A.一样大 B。圆面积大 C.正方形面积大

4.直径是圆内最长的( )

A.直线 B.射线 C.线段

5.一根铁丝可以围成一个半径为2分米的圆,如果用它来围成一个正方形,那么正方形的边长为( )分米。

A.3.14 B.6.28 C.9.42 D.12.56



0.03×0.03= 3.14×7= 3.14×7+3.14×13=

20×20= 3.14×11 3.14×20+3.14×19=



(2)d=8cm 求S=?

















一、 仔细认,认真填。

1、5是8的( )﹪,8是5的( )﹪,5比8少( )﹪,8 比5多( )﹪。

2、比60米多30﹪是( )米。


达到4.2吨,比2006年每公顷增产( )成。

4、50千克面粉增加10﹪后重( )千克。

5、一种外套现价90元,比原来降低10﹪,原来价格是( )元。

6、一个数的3/5是21,这个数是( )。

7、60千克的25﹪与( )千克的3/5一样重。


3.42﹪,到期后可以得到利息( )元。

9、苹果比橘子重1/4,橘子比苹果轻( )﹪。

10、原价100元的商品,现在八折出售,实际售价是( )元。


1、甲比乙多20﹪,乙就比甲少20﹪. ( )

2、一个数增加20﹪,在减少20﹪,结果还是原数。 ( )


20﹪纳税,这就是利息税。 ( )


得税后利息2.25。 ( )



数学试卷 < 1 >


平方厘米,体积是( )立方厘米。

8.小明语文、数学、外语三门功课平均分为92分,语文、外语两门功课的平均分为90分,小明数学成绩是( )分。


三种不同的方法,得到的结果分别是21、31和32。这三个数的和是( ) 10.用含盐8%的盐水200克,其中含水是( )克。现在把盐水的浓度降为含盐5%,应该再加水( )克。

11.米看作3米的( ),也可以看作1米的( )。

) ) ) ) ) ) ( )。

A.120×(1+) B.120÷(1+) C.120×(1-) D.120÷(1-)





3.六(1)班男生人数是女生人数的,女生人数是全班人数的( )。 A. B. C. D. 4.有黑、白两种颜色的珠子共84个,按照5个黑珠子、2个白珠子的顺序排

(3)+×÷ (4)1.21×42-(4.46+0.14)










+)×21×23 (6)[-(-)]× 212358526




一、Listen and choose.听问题选择正确答语。(10分) ( )1.A I’m playing basketball.

B I’m going to buy some ping-pong ball. ( )2.A I buy a T_shirt.

B I bought some runners. ( )3 .A Yes.I have any runners. B No, I don’t .

( )4. A He’s going to play ping-pong. B He is playing ping-pong. ( )5. A Five yuans. B Two dollars.

二、 Listen and write.听音,填写句中所缺单词。(10分) 1. My favourite __________ is ___________.

2. Can you__________ and __________ the basketball?

3. I’m a ping-pong___________.I’m _________the ball to Danny.

4. Is the ping-pong ball _______or________?

5. Do you like __________________or___________________? 三、把正确序号写在题前的括号内。(15分)

( )1.Yesterday we____a pair of runners and a T-shirt for Li Ming .

A. buy B. bought C. is buying

( )2. Do you have ____runners ?

A. some B. little C. any

( )3.Li Ming_____the ball yesterday.

A.hit B. hits C. hitting ( )4._______are they? Five yuan. A.How much B.How far C. How old

( )5.What are you going to do?__________________. A. I am going to watch the basketball game. B. I went to the park.

C. She is putting the ball in the net。 四、 按要求写单词。(10分)

1 good(比较级) __________ 2 sport(复数)_________ 3 don’t(完整形式)_________ 4 can(否定式)__________ 5 first(基数词)___________ 6 dollar(复数)__________ 7 big(反义词)___________ 8 light(反义词)__________ 9 walk(过去式)_________ 10 taught(原形)__________ 五、 翻译(20分)【冀教版六年级数学下册单元试题】

1 These balls are five dollars. Those are two dollars. ___________________________________________ 2 I can throw the ball easily.

___________________________________________ 3 比分是多少?

____________________________________________ 4 你有短裤,但你有运动鞋吗?

____________________________________________ 5 你想学打羽毛球吗?

____________________________________________ 六、读短文,判断正(T) 误(F). (10分)

One day,Li Ming was playing with his friend Danny.They went to the gym. It was a sunny day.

“Let’s play ping_pong!”said Li Ming.

“Okay!Can you teach me to play ping_pong ?”said Danny. “Sure!Let’s go .You hit the ping_pong ball with the paddle.” said Li Ming.

“Ouch,I hit my hand.” said Danny.Poor Danny.

( )1 Li Ming and Danny went to the park to play ping_pong. ( )2 It was a windy day.

( )3 Danny wanted to learn.

( )4 Li Ming hit the ping_pong ball.But Danny hit his arm. ( )5 Danny is a good player.


一.Listen and choose the correct words.(10 points) ( )1.A. body B. bike C. bone ( ) 2.A. onions B. cabbage C. fruit ( ) 3.A. reading B. running C. walking ( ) 4.A. melon B. coke C. carrot ( ) 5.A. strong B. weak C. Sick

二.Listen and judge a tick(√)or a cross(X) (10 points) ( ) 1.Listen to your mother and father. ( ) 2.You never need have breakfast for a slim(苗条的body. ( ) 3.For strong muscles, you need exercise. ( ) 4.I brush my teeth once a year.

( ) 5.We must wake up at 9:00 in the morning. 三.Listen and write the correct order.(10 points) ( ) Not often.How about you,Li Ming? ( ) How often do you exercise, Danny?

( ) Twice a day. I think you need to get more exercise,Danny.

( ) Me too! I'm going to watch more sports on TV. ( ) No, Danny! You have to play sports for exercise! Writing Part(60 points)

四.Choose the "Odd man ".(10 points) ( ) 1. A. muscle B.bone C.skin D.body

( ) 2. A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.meat ( ) 3. A. healthy B.strong C. sick D.health ( ) 4. A.once B. twice C.first D.three times ( ) 5. A.wash B.brush C.comb D.wish 五.Rewrite the words.(10 points)

1.health(形容词________2.sick(反义词)___________ 3.after(反义词)______4.let's(完全形式)__________ 5.tooth (复数)________ 6.wake(现在分词)_________ 六.Choose the correct answers.(10 points) ( )1.This horse is strong.It's _____ . A.healthy B. weak C.sick

( )2. Why? _______ it's good for you. A. Because B. So C. But.

( )3.--______ do you eat porridge?-- Twice a week. A. How many B. How often C. How much

( )4.I never eat noodles _______ supper. A. to B. for C. at

( )5. ____ much water is good for your health. A. Drink B. To drink C. Drinking ( )6. 你怎么表达“一天两次”?

A.Twice a day B.Two a day C. Two times a day ( )7.当你想让你的同桌听老师的话,你应说:____

A. Listen to your mother carefully. B. Listen to our teacher carefully. C. Listen careful.

( )8.当你想对别人说“祝你身体健康”时,应说:_______ A.Happy birthday to you. B. Good health to you . C.Happy New Year to you.

( )9.当老师问你“多长时间进行一次多练时”应说:______

A.How long do you exercise?B.How often do you exercise? C.How often are you exercise?

( )10.当老师或家长说“早饭前要洗脸,饭后要刷牙”你应说: A.Wash your face before breakfast and brush your teeth after it.

B.Wash your face before breakfast and comb you hair after it .

C.Wash her face before breakfast and brush her teeth after it. 七.Translation.( 10 points) 1.be good for__________ 2.work hard ________________ 3.锻炼______________ 4.上周______________________ 5.put on her clothes _______________________________ 八.Write the words in correct order.(10 points) 1. I, always, clothes,my,clean ______________________________________________. 2.favourite,your,What,food,is _____________________________________________? 3. I, to, vegetables, more,eat, need ________________________________________________ . 4. you, This,good, for, is ________________________________________________ . 5.do, homework, Always, your ________________________________________________ . 九.Read and tick "√ " or cross "X" .( 10 points) Jenny goes to school five times a week ,from Monday to Friday. She wakes up at 6:00 in the morning. She likes to run in the morning. Then she washes her hands and face. At 7:00, she eats breakfast. She eats breakfast. She likes to eat soup for breakfast. After breakfast, she brushes her teeth and combs her hair. She goes to school on foot because her home is near the school. ( )1.Jenny goes to school five times a week. ( ) 2.At 7:10, she eats breakfast. ( ) 3.She doesn't like to eat soup for breakfast. ( ) 4.Jenny walks to school. ( )5.After breakfast, she never brushes her teeth. 第三单元测试题 一.按要求完成。(10分) (1)按要求完成下列形式。(5分) 1. salt( 形容词)_____ 2. swim( 过去式)______ 3. don't( 完全形式 )______ 4. ran( 原形 ) ______ 5. lie( 现在分词 )_____ (2).英汉互译。(5分) 1.jump in ______ 2. look like _____ 3. take off ______ 4. hurry up ______ 5. faster and faster _______ 二、单项选择。(10分) ( )1.Last summer,I ____to the ocean.. A.go B.goes C.went ( ) 2.In fall ,the trees lose ____leaves. A.their B.they C.them ( ) 3.Danny _____ to the swimming pool . A.walk B.walks C.walked ( ) 4.I like to ______shorts and sandals in summer. A.put on B. put in C. take off ( ) 5.your kite ________a bird.

A.look like B.look at C.looks like

( ) 6.你想表达你喜欢在海边玩耍时,应该说:

A. I like play on the beach. B. I like playing in the beach. C. I like playing on the beach. ( )7. 你想说你将乘飞机回家时,应该说: A. I will fly home by a plane. B. I will fly home in an airplane . C. I want to fly home by plane. ( ) 8.你想表达海水是咸的,应该说: A. The ocean is salty! B beaches have sand ! C. The ocean is salt! ( ) 9.What ___ you do for the summer holiday ?

A. visit B. visits C . will visit

( ) 10. I like swimming ___ the ocean. A. in B at C. for 三.读一读,选一选、。(10分)

( )1. What do you wear to swim ? ( )2. What does this cloud look like ? ( ) 3.What is Jenny doing ? ( ) 4.How's the weather in winter ? ( ) 5.What will I do?

A She is swimming . B. I will lie on the beach . C.I wear swimsuit. D. In winter,it's cold and snowy . E. This cloud looks like an airplane . 四. 连词成句。(10分)

1. do , What , we, will ?

__________________________________? 2. fly ,I ,Sometimes , kite, a . _________________________________. 3. will ,go ,the,park,to,we.

______________________________. 4. fly,else,can,what ?

______________________________? 5. faster ,ran,he,faster,and .


五. 阅读短文,判断句子,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(10分) Janny invited Danny to go swimming .When Danny walks to the swimming pool .Jenny is already in the pool.Jenny swims towords Danny.She swims very fast!"Jump in !"she says."Ican't"says Danny ."The water too cold." "No,it's not!"says Jenny ."It's warm!Jump in !" "Ican't."says Danny. "Why ?"saks Danny . "Why?"asks Jenny."Because I'm scared !I can't swim!"says Danny.

( )1.Jenny and Danny don't like swimming. ( )2.Jenny is good at swimming.

( )3.Danny jumps into the water at last. ( )4. The water is too cold ! ( )5.Danny can't swim.


一、 同学们,请认真辨析单词,根据要求完成下面的填空吧! eat(过去式)______ see(过去式)______ begin(过去式)_______take(分词)________ buy(分词)________ swim(分词)________

so__eone remem__er cre__m surpr__se dra__on 二、同学们,请认真读题,将A、B、C、里正确的那个送到括号里! ( )1、I want to buy gifts ________ my family. A、with B、to C、for ( )2、“I need eleven gifts for every person in my family”________ Li Ming.

A、answered B、answer C、answers ( )3、“______?”asks Jenny. --“Seven dollar, that’s very cheap!”says Mike.

A、How much are they? B、How long are they?

C、How many are they ( )4、John wanted ________ basketball with a ping-pong ball! A、to plays B、to playing C、to play ( )5、What did you do on your holiday? A、I see elephants. B、I rowed a boat.C、I sang and dance ( )6、Amy and Chen Jie ________ in the river. A、went swimming B、went to America C、go to Dalian ( )7、Did they row a boat on that day?

A、Yes, they didn’t. B、No, they did. C、Yes, they did. ( )8、I went to the park ______ my parents last weekend. A、in B、and C、with

( )9、Did Sarah ______________ yesterday?

A、go to the bookstore. B、went to the park. C、go to the cinema.

( )10、“______?”asks Lily.“It’s ten hours to Beijing!”says Zhang Feng.

A、How many times? B、How much does it? C、How long is the trip?


1、took, many, in, we, park, pictures, the (.) _____________________________________________________ 2、do, you, did, night, last, what (?)

_____________________________________________________ 3、presents, for, friends, my, bought, I (.) ___________________________________________________

4、people, How many, to, party, are coming, the (?) ___________________________________________________ 5、holiday, your, did, where, you, go, on (?) ___________________________________________________


On National Day, we had a long holiday. It was seven days. I went to Hainan with my parents. My grandparents live in a beautiful village in Hainan. We visited them. We went to see the blue see every day. We swam in it. We went to fishing, too. My grandmother cooked good food for us every day. The seafood is tasty, but very delicious, I like it very much! We also took many picture of our trip, I think that is a good trip for my family, what about you?

( )1、National Day is on ___________. A、October 1 B、September 1

( )2、I went to ___________ on National Day. A、Haikou B、Hainan ( )3、I ____________ in the sea. A、went swimming B、swim ( )4、The seafood is _____________.

A、very delicious B、dirty food

( )5、My parents’ __________ live in Hainan. A、grandparents B、parents 五.短文选词填空。(10分) ( well、China、dinner、singer、comes、pictures、next、swimming、family、writer )

Nick is my new friend. He _________ from Japan, but he lives in_________. He has a happy ___________. His father is a ___________.

He often writes the TV show. His mother is a ____________. She sings

____________. She likes cooking___________. Nick likes drawing __________ and __________. I’m going to visit him _________ Saturday.
