
| 小学英语 |




Class ________Name ________


一、 听句子,选出你所听到的单词,将其编号填在题前的括号里。 (10分) ( ) 1. A. classroom B. classmate C. clean ( ) 2. A. book B. box C. fridge ( ) 3. A. soup B. study C. sofa ( ) 4. A. your B. you C. me ( ) 5. A. farmer B. driver C. nurse ( ) 6. A. fish B. beef C. vegetable ( ) 7. A. forty B. thirty C. thirteen ( ) 8. A. ruler B. pencil C. pencil-case ( ) 9. A. strong B. quiet C. thin ( ) 10. A. music B. science C. snake


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( )6. I have a new schoolbag. ( )7. I’d like some beef and soup. ( )8. My father is a driver. ( )9. Where are the keys?

( )10. She has long hair, big eyes and big nose.

三、根据你听到的问题,选出最合适的答语,将其编号填在题前的括号里。 (10分)

( )1. A. Here you are. B. It’s near the window. C. It’s big. ( )2. A. He is Zhang Peng. B. He likes sports. C. He is strong. ( )3. A. His name is Mike. B. She is a nurse. C. He is a teacher. ( )4. A. Good idea. B. Sure, here you are. C. Good night. ( )5. A. I’d like some chicken. B. I have a bag. C. I can see a bed.

四、听音,将句子补充完整,每空一词。 (5分)

1. What would you like for breakfast? I’d like some _______and milk.

2. There are six lights and two ______s in the classroom. 3. This is my _______. You can see a living room. 4. My father is a ______and my mother is a nurse. 5. There is a _______and a shelf in the bedroom.

五、根据你听到的短文判断对错。对的打“√”,错的打“×”。 (10分) ( )1. My family has 5 people. ( )2. Sarah is a Chinese girl. ( )3. My mum is a nurse.

( )4. My brother is tall and thin. ( )5. My sister likes sports.



A: Welcome to my home.


A: We have six rooms. A living room, a study, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. B: ______________________________ A: No, it’s my study. B: What’s your father?

A:______________________________ B: Where is your mother?

A: My mother is in the kitchen.______________________________ B: I’d like some fish and soup. A: Dinner Is ready. Help yourself.

B: Thank you. ________________________- A: Sure, here you are.

七、阅读短文。 (15分)


Hello, this is the photo of my family. It’s on the wall. Look! This is my grandma and grandpa. They are farmers. My father is here. He’s a doctor. He’s strong. My mother is a teacher. She’s thin. Oh, this is my sister. She’s quiet. She’s 10. She’s a good student. Who is he? Guess! Yes, it’s me. I like music and books. ( ) 1. I am a girl. ( ) 2. My father is tall and strong. ( ) 3. My sister is a good teacher.

人教小学英语四年级上册音频下载【二】:[磁带录音材料—听力原文和翻译]2015人教版PEP小学英语四年级上册(三年级起点)(单元1 unit 1)

Unit One 第一单元
My classroom 我的教室

A: Where's my schoolbag? 我的书包在哪儿?
B: It's near the computer. 在计算机旁边。

C: Let me clean the fish bowl. 让我来清洗鱼缸。

D: Let's clean the desks and chairs. 我们擦桌子和椅子吧。
E: Let me clean the windows. 我来擦窗户。

F: Hey, Zhang Peng. 嗨,张鹏。
We have a new classroom. 我们有新教室了。

G: Excuse me. 打扰一下。
H: Oh, sorry. 哦,对不起。

A Let's talk 我们来说一说

A: Hey, Zhang Peng. 嗨,张鹏。
We have a new classroom. 我们有间新教室。
B: Really? 真的吗?
What's in the classroom? 教室里有些什么?
A: Let's go and see! 我们去看看吧!

B: It's so big! 教室真大!
A: Look! My picture! 看!我的图画!
B: Where is it? 在哪儿?
A: It's near the window. 在窗户旁边。

Let's learn 我们来学一学

A: What's in the classroom? 教室里有些什么?
B: One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs... 一块黑板,一台电视,许多书桌和椅子……

classroom 教室
window 窗户
blackboard 黑板
light 电灯
picture 图画
door 门

Let's do 我们来做一做

Open the door. 打开门。
Turn on the light. 打开灯。
Close the window. 关上窗户。
Put up the picture. 挂上图画。
Clean the blackboard. 擦黑板。

Open the door.
Turn on the light.
Close the window.
Put up the picture.
Clean the blackboard.

Now it's your turn. 现在轮到你来唱。

Let's spell 我们来拼写
Read, listen and chant. 读读,听听,唱唱。

cake 蛋糕
face 脸
name 名字
make 制作

Let's chant. 我们唱一唱。
My name is Jake, 我叫杰克,
My name is Jake, 我叫杰克,
I like my name, 我喜欢我的名字,
And I can make a cake. 我会做蛋糕。
Hello, Jake! 你好,杰克!
Hello, Jake! 你好,杰克!
My name is Jake, 我叫杰克,
And I like to eat a cake. 我喜欢吃蛋糕。

My name is Jake,
My name is Jake,
I like my name,
And I can make a cake.
Hello, Jake!
Hello, Jake!
My name is Jake,
And I like to eat a cake.

Listen again. 再听一次。

My name is Jake,
My name is Jake,
I like my name,
And I can make a cake.
Hello, Jake!
Hello, Jake!
My name is Jake,
And I like to eat a cake.

Now it's your turn. 现在该你来唱了。

Read, listen and tick. 读读,听听,并打勾。

1. cake 蛋糕
2. dad 爸爸
3. hate 憎恨

Listen, circle and write. 听听,圈出,写写。

cap 帽子
cake 蛋糕
map 地图
face 脸

B Let's talk 我们来说一说

A: Let's clean the classroom! 我们来打扫教室吧!
B: OK. 好吧。
A: Let me clean the teacher's desk. 我来擦讲台。
B: Let me clean the w


人教PEP小学英语四年级上册:期末测试卷及答案 同学们,经过一个学期的英语学习,你们已经掌握了好多英语知识。那么,就让我们一起进行下面的测试,相信你们一定会取得满意的成绩。加油啊!



( )1. A. bedroom B. living room c. kitchen D. study

( )2. A. phone B. bed C. bathroom D. table

( )3. A. sofa B. fridge C. desk D. chair

( )4. A. board B. wall C. shelf D. fan

( ) 5. A. Make the bed B. Sit on the sofa

C. Set the table D. Watch TV


( )1. A. rice B. chair C. bed

( )2. A. window B. study C. pen

( )3. A. music B. egg C. milk

( )4. A. notebook B. wall C. father 5分)



Unit 1 My classroom


课题: Unit One My classroom

教学重点: 学习What’s in the classroom?及相关单词:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light。


1. window一词注意w的发音,不要与v的发音混淆,教师在教学中应及时纠正。

2.在回答“What’s in the classroom?”时,注意单词复数的读音。 教具准备:

1.教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 1 Let’s learn/A]





(一)热身、复习 (Warm-up / Revision)

1.教师播放第一册Recycle 1单元中得“Chant and find”部分,学生跟着录音一起说。

2.教师出示与chant内容相符的图片,问:“What’s in the picture?”让学生进行回答。Picture一词由这里引出。

3.复习pencil, ruler, bag, book, pencil-case, sharpener, eraser, crayon,pen等单词。

4.引导学生用以上单词做问答练习,如:What’s in the bag? What’s in the pencil-case ?

5.在学生回答出问题后,教师可再追问:How many pencils/pens„?使学生能用复数进行回答。如:What’s in the pencil-case? A ruler, two pencils„


1.教师把一张画有教室的大图贴到黑板上,说:This is a classroom. What’s in the classroom?

2.学生听懂后,教师可先试着让学生回答,能说出英文的学生给与表扬(desk, chair, picture都已学过),也可让学生用中文回答。


4.让学生观看本部分的教学课件2遍。[Unit 1 Let’s learn/A]

5.让学生看着课件的画面回答:What’s in the classroom? (在看了两遍课件的基础上,考查学生的听力和记忆能力)学生不见得都能回答出来,能说出部分即可。教师可针对学生回答的不同程度进行指导,鼓励学生完整的回答出来。如有困难,可再看一遍本部分的教学课件。

What’s in the classroom?

A board, two lights, many desks and chairs„

当学生只回答出 board, light, desk and chairs 时,教师进一步再问:



Class ________Name ________


一、 听句子,选出你所听到的单词,将其编号填在题前的括号里。 (10分) ( ) 1. A. classroom B. classmate C. clean ( ) 2. A. book B. box C. fridge ( ) 3. A. soup B. study C. sofa ( ) 4. A. your B. you C. me ( ) 5. A. farmer B. driver C. nurse ( ) 6. A. fish B. beef C. vegetable ( ) 7. A. forty B. thirty C. thirteen ( ) 8. A. ruler B. pencil C. pencil-case ( ) 9. A. strong B. quiet C. thin ( ) 10. A. music B. science C. snake


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( )6. I have a new schoolbag. ( )7. I’d like some beef and soup. ( )8. My father is a driver. ( )9. Where are the keys?

( )10. She has long hair, big eyes and big nose.

三、根据你听到的问题,选出最合适的答语,将其编号填在题前的括号里。 (10分)

( )1. A. Here you are. B. It’s near the window. C. It’s big. ( )2. A. He is Zhang Peng. B. He likes sports. C. He is strong. ( )3. A. His name is Mike. B. She is a nurse. C. He is a teacher. ( )4. A. Good idea. B. Sure, here you are. C. Good night. ( )5. A. I’d like some chicken. B. I have a bag. C. I can see a bed.

四、听音,将句子补充完整,每空一词。 (5分)

1. What would you like for breakfast? I’d like some _______and milk.

2. There are six lights and two ______s in the classroom. 3. This is my _______. You can see a living room. 4. My father is a ______and my mother is a nurse. 5. There is a _______and a shelf in the bedroom.

五、根据你听到的短文判断对错。对的打“√”,错的打“×”。 (10分) ( )1. My family has 5 people. ( )2. Sarah is a Chinese girl. ( )3. My mum is a nurse.

( )4. My brother is tall and thin. ( )5. My sister likes sports.



A: Welcome to my home.


A: We have six rooms. A living room, a study, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. B: ______________________________ A: No, it’s my study. B: What’s your father?

A:______________________________ B: Where is your mother?

A: My mother is in the kitchen.______________________________ B: I’d like some fish and soup. A: Dinner Is ready. Help yourself.

B: Thank you. ________________________- A: Sure, here you are.

七、阅读短文。 (15分)


Hello, this is the photo of my family. It’s on the wall. Look! This is my grandma and grandpa. They are farmers. My father is here. He’s a doctor. He’s strong. My mother is a teacher. She’s thin. Oh, this is my sister. She’s quiet. She’s 10. She’s a good student. Who is he? Guess! Yes, it’s me. I like music and books. ( ) 1. I am a girl. ( ) 2. My father is tall and strong. ( ) 3. My sister is a good teacher.





时间:40分钟 等级

Listening part

一、Listen and choose(听录音,将所读的字母写在括号中)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

二、Listen and choose(听录音, 选出您所听到的单词)

( ) 1. A. where B. who C. what

( ) 2. A. forty B. fifty C. thirty

( ) 3. A. nose B. nurse C. noodles

( ) 4. A. wall B. ball C. floor

( ) 5. A. bathroom B. bedroom C. classroom

三、Listen and choose(听录音, 选择正确的答语)

( ) 1. A.It’s near the door. B. There is a picture.

( ) 2. A. I can see 9. B. I have 9.

( ) 3. A. It’s black and white. B. It’s yellow

( ) 4. A. Her name is Amy. B. His name is Zhang Peng.

( ) 5. A. I’d like some fish and bread. B. I like fish.

四、Listen and number(根据录音顺序用1. 2. 3„, 给下列活动标序号)

( ) 1. Watch TV.

( ) 2. Listen to music.

( ) 3. Open the door.

( ) 4. Act like a driver.

( ) 5. Put your pencil in your desk.

五、Listen and circle(听一听, 圈一圈)

1. —How many story-books do you have?

—I have (twenty thirty).

2. She has (long hair short hair) and big eyes.

3. Go to the (living room bathroom). Watch TV.

4. —What’s your mother?

—She is (farmer driver).

5. —What would like for breakfast?

—I’d like two eggs and some (milk water).

六、Listen and write(听一听, 写一写)

1. I’d like some and chicken for dinner.

2. My father is a . He’s tall. He likes sports.

3. Welcome to my . It’s nice.

4. Mike is a . Amy is a girl.



Class ________Name ________


一、 听句子,选出你所听到的单词,将其编号填在题前的括号里。 (10分) ( ) 1. A. classroom B. classmate C. clean ( ) 2. A. book B. box C. fridge ( ) 3. A. soup B. study C. sofa ( ) 4. A. your B. you C. me ( ) 5. A. farmer B. driver C. nurse ( ) 6. A. fish B. beef C. vegetable ( ) 7. A. forty B. thirty C. thirteen ( ) 8. A. ruler B. pencil C. pencil-case ( ) 9. A. strong B. quiet C. thin ( ) 10. A. music B. science C. snake


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( )6. I have a new schoolbag. ( )7. I’d like some beef and soup. ( )8. My father is a driver. ( )9. Where are the keys?

( )10. She has long hair, big eyes and big nose.

三、根据你听到的问题,选出最合适的答语,将其编号填在题前的括号里。 (10分)

( )1. A. Here you are. B. It’s near the window. C. It’s big. ( )2. A. He is Zhang Peng. B. He likes sports. C. He is strong. ( )3. A. His name is Mike. B. She is a nurse. C. He is a teacher. ( )4. A. Good idea. B. Sure, here you are. C. Good night. ( )5. A. I’d like some chicken. B. I have a bag. C. I can see a bed.

四、听音,将句子补充完整,每空一词。 (5分)

1. What would you like for breakfast? I’d like some _______and milk.

2. There are six lights and two ______s in the classroom. 3. This is my _______. You can see a living room. 4. My father is a ______and my mother is a nurse. 5. There is a _______and a shelf in the bedroom.

五、根据你听到的短文判断对错。对的打“√”,错的打“×”。 (10分) ( )1. My family has 5 people. ( )2. Sarah is a Chinese girl. ( )3. My mum is a nurse.

( )4. My brother is tall and thin. ( )5. My sister likes sports.



A: Welcome to my home.


A: We have six rooms. A living room, a study, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. B: ______________________________ A: No, it’s my study. B: What’s your father?

A:______________________________ B: Where is your mother?

A: My mother is in the kitchen.______________________________ B: I’d like some fish and soup. A: Dinner Is ready. Help yourself.

B: Thank you. ________________________- A: Sure, here you are.

七、阅读短文。 (15分)


Hello, this is the photo of my family. It’s on the wall. Look! This is my grandma and grandpa. They are farmers. My father is here. He’s a doctor. He’s strong. My mother is a teacher. She’s thin. Oh, this is my sister. She’s quiet. She’s 10. She’s a good student. Who is he? Guess! Yes, it’s me. I like music and books. ( ) 1. I am a girl. ( ) 2. My father is tall and strong. ( ) 3. My sister is a good teacher.
