
| 小学英语 |



Lesson 4 Did You Have Fun?


1. 教学内容分析


2. 学习者分析

本课所面对的是小学六年级学生,年龄约12岁。他们活泼好动,想象力丰富,经过近四年的英语学习,绝大部分学生在学习英语时能做到:善于倾听、积极模仿、敢于开口、勇于实践。并且具备了一定的观察、朗读、模仿能力。 教学目标

1. 知识与能力目标

(1)能听懂、会说、认读单词:bought,taught,thought,player,fun,each other。



(4)能唱本课的英文歌曲What Did You Do?

2. 情感态度目标




3. 学习策略目标







I. Greeting and Warm-up

T: I’m very happy to see you. How are you today?

S: …

T: How’s the weather?

S: …

T: It’s snowy and cold. But I like cold days, because I can ski. I often ski. What do you often do?

S1: …

S2: …

T: Did you … yesterday?

S: …

T: What did you do yesterday, Tan Xiao?

Tan Xiao: …

T: Let’s read the passage about Tan Xiao and know more about her.


II. New Concepts

Step 1: Circle the New Words

T: Please take out your paper. Read the first part. Circle the new words quickly. When you finish, put your hands up.



Tan Xiao likes to eat apples. She often buys apples. But yesterday she didn’t buy

apples. She bought oranges. Sometimes Tan Xiao teaches Zhao Nan to play the piano. She always thinks playing the piano is easy. Last Sunday, Zhao Nan taught Tan Xiao to skate. Tan Xiao fell down. She thought skating was too difficult.

教师引导学生先解决除bought, thought, taught以外的单词,然后教师请学生关注幻灯片中逐一出示的三个重点单词。通过以旧代新的方式,解决这三个词的发音。并通过观察PPT中这三个单词的书写,注意这三个单词书写间词形的变化。


Step 2: New Concepts

T: Read and guess the meaning of the red words according to the passage.

T: Do you remember bought? What’s the meaning?

S: …

T: How do you know that?

S: Tan Xiao often buys apples. Yesterday she bought oranges.【lesson4did,you,have,fun】

T: All right. Please look at the blackboard.

(教师板书这两句: She often buys apples. Yesterday she bought oranges.) T: Let’s read it.

T: Why do we use “buys” here? And why do we use “bought” there?

S: …

对比teach—taught, think—thought两组方式如上。


Step 3: Game

T: Tan Xiao thought skating was too difficult. I agree with her. Because I can’t stand up on the ice. I think skating is difficult, too. But I can play computer games very well. Let play a game. OK?

T: Guess what’s in the eggs.

1. The first egg: thought

T: Look, there is a gift. Guess, what’s in the box? Two students in a pair, please talk with each other.

T: What did you think was in the box?

S: I thought it was a T: What did your partner think?

S: ...thought it was a 2. The second egg: saw

T: Last summer holiday, Chen Chen went to the zoo. Can you guess what he saw?

3. The third egg: taught

Yesterday, Wang Hong’s teacher taught

4. The fourth egg: bought

Last Sunday, Mary went to the clothes shop. Can you guess what she bought?


Step 4: Listen to the text then check.

T: Did you have fun?

Ss: Yes.

T: Look, who’s coming?

Ss: Jenny and Li Ming.

T: Did they have fun? They are talking with Jenny’s mother. Let’s listen and check. First, please read the questions quickly.

T: Do you know “each other”?

Last week, Tan Xiao taught Zhao Nan to play the piano. Last Sunday, Zhao Nan taught Tan Xiao to skate. They taught each other.(老师配合肢体语言帮助孩子理解)

T: Listen the second time.

T: Who wants to show your answers.

(设计意图:本环节意在锻炼学生的听力。教师让学生在听前快速阅读题目,并解决了each other这个三会单词,为学生的听力扫除了障碍。在核对答案的环节,如果答案是F,老师可以追问学Why? 假如学生答不上来,教师即有针对性的只播放关于这个问题相对应的课文内容,让学生从中找到答案。使学生实实在在地听懂并理解课文内容。)

Step 5: Song

T: Let’s sing a song to relax. The first time, just listen, please.

T: Try to sing.

T: Let’s sing together. Stand up. Loudly, please.


Step 6: Watch, talk and write.

T: Jenny and Li Ming went to a shop. They bought a new ball. They were very happy. Last Sunday, I had fun. What did I do? Let’s watch.

T: I cleaned my house. I read my book. I made dinner for my family. What did you do last Sunday? Please talk with each other. Say as many sentences as you can. Try to remember your partner’s answer. These words may help you.

T: Who wants to show? What did you do last Sunday? Listen carefully and remember what he did.【lesson4did,you,have,fun】

Ss: …

T: We did a lot things last Sunday. Please write them down on your paper.

T: Check the passages with your partner. If it’s right, please tick.

T: Change back.

(教师拿出一份学生相互批改过的小作文展示在实物投影上。Who can help him correct? 改正后提示全班同学,看看有没有类似的错误。并请这位同学读一读展示在实物投影上的作文。)




Lesson 4 Did You Have Fun?


1. 教学内容分析


2. 学习者分析

本课所面对的是小学六年级学生,年龄约12岁。他们活泼好动,想象力丰富,经过近四年的英语学习,绝大部分学生在学习英语时能做到:善于倾听、积极模仿、敢于开口、勇于实践。并且具备了一定的观察、朗读、模仿能力。 教学目标

1. 知识与能力目标

(1)能听懂、会说、认读单词:bought,taught,thought,player,fun,each other。



(4)能唱本课的英文歌曲What Did You Do?

2. 情感态度目标




3. 学习策略目标







I. Greeting and Warm-up

T: I’m very happy to see you. How are you today?

S: …

T: How’s the weather?

S: …

T: It’s snowy and cold. But I like cold days, because I can ski. I often ski. What do you often do?

S1: …

S2: …

T: Did you … yesterday?

S: …

T: What did you do yesterday, Tan Xiao?

Tan Xiao: …

T: Let’s read the passage about Tan Xiao and know more about her.


II. New Concepts


Step 1: Circle the New Words

T: Please take out your paper. Read the first part. Circle the new words quickly. When you finish, put your hands up.


Tan Xiao likes to eat apples. She often buys apples. But yesterday she didn’t buy

apples. She bought oranges. Sometimes Tan Xiao teaches Zhao Nan to play the piano. She always thinks playing the piano is easy. Last Sunday, Zhao Nan taught Tan Xiao to skate. Tan Xiao fell down. She thought skating was too difficult.

教师引导学生先解决除bought, thought, taught以外的单词,然后教师请学生关注幻灯片中逐一出示的三个重点单词。通过以旧代新的方式,解决这三个词的发音。并通过观察PPT中这三个单词的书写,注意这三个单词书写间词形的变化。


Step 2: New Concepts

T: Read and guess the meaning of the red words according to the passage.

T: Do you remember bought? What’s the meaning?

S: …

T: How do you know that?【lesson4did,you,have,fun】

S: Tan Xiao often buys apples. Yesterday she bought oranges.

T: All right. Please look at the blackboard.

(教师板书这两句: She often buys apples. Yesterday she bought oranges.) T: Let’s read it.

T: Why do we use “buys” here? And why do we use “bought” there?

S: …

对比teach—taught, think—thought两组方式如上。


Step 3: Game

T: Tan Xiao thought skating was too difficult. I agree with her. Because I can’t stand up on the ice. I think skating is difficult, too. But I can play computer games very well.

Let play a game. OK?

T: Guess what’s in the eggs.

1. The first egg: thought

T: Look, there is a gift. Guess, what’s in the box? Two students in a pair, please talk with each other.

T: What did you think was in the box?

S: I thought it was a T: What did your partner think?

S: ...thought it was a 2. The second egg: saw

T: Last summer holiday, Chen Chen went to the zoo. Can you guess what he saw?

3. The third egg: taught

Yesterday, Wang Hong’s teacher taught

4. The fourth egg: bought

Last Sunday, Mary went to the clothes shop. Can you guess what she bought?


Step 4: Listen to the text then check.

T: Did you have fun?

Ss: Yes.

T: Look, who’s coming?

Ss: Jenny and Li Ming.

T: Did they have fun? They are talking with Jenny’s mother. Let’s listen and check. First, please read the questions quickly.

T: Do you know “each other”?

Last week, Tan Xiao taught Zhao Nan to play the piano. Last Sunday, Zhao Nan taught Tan Xiao to skate. They taught each other.(老师配合肢体语言帮助孩子理解)

T: Listen the second time.


