
| 专四专八 |




无风不起浪 无浪不人生




风。人生的风向不定,但我们心中的方向却不会改变。因为,我们知道我们要去的地方,我们要懂得享受这多边的风浪。就像教授说的:“风大时表现逆风的骨;风小时表现顺德悠然。”既要有逆风破浪,不惧风险的豪言壮志,又要有悠然自得,共赏浪花的闲适心态。 无风不起浪,无浪不人生。重要的不是今天的风向风力,而是在风浪中有起有落,有滋有味的生活。人生一定要有风,一定要有浪。因为,无风无浪,索然无味的人生才是一场没有意义的旅行。也许你想看惊涛骇浪,我却愿赏点点浪花。你想在逆风时乘风破浪,我却希望顺风里波澜助我前行。最美的不是乘奔御风,而是在我们向着内心的方向前行时,击打出的属于自己的浪花。拥有美丽浪花的人生,才是最美的人生,懂得享受生活的人生,有所归宿的人生。


《7A unit4总结》


Unit 4 Amazing things 板块梳理(初稿)

Zheng_Weldon 2009-05-31 10:00:52 Unit 4 Amazing things I.单词用法简介:

II.板块整理: Welcome to the Unit:

1.It takes about three days to travel from Earth to the moon by spaceship. It takes somebody some time to do something. 我从学校到家骑车要10分钟。

____________________________________________ 2.A man in the USA was 2.72 metres tall.

这座小桥有10米长。 _______________________________________ 这个博物馆有200年的历史了。________________________________ 图书馆在5公里之外。The library is 5 kilometres away. 3.Fish sleep with their eyes pen.

You should do eye exercises with your eyes closed.

4. You can’t sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time.

我们应该保持教室的整洁:We should ______ our classroom ___________________.

5. There is no plant life without lightning. There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。 If there is no water, man can’t live. (同义句) ________________________________________. Reading:The ghost in the park I. Reading 中的过去式:

II.Reading 中的词组: III. Language points:

1.As usual, they chatted under the big tree. 像通常一样,她们来到树下交谈。

= They usually chatted under the big tree. He usually has a meeting on Friday =____________________________. He usually comes to school by bike. =_________________________________.

2. They turned around but couldn’t see anything unusual.

形容词修饰不定代词something , anything, nothing的时候,放在不定代词的后面。

译文:There is nothing wrong with the computer. __________________________________________. 今天的报纸上有没有有趣的东西? __________________________

3. They were frightened. (=They were afraid.) They were frightened to see the tiger. =____________________________. 4.nobody = not anybody There is nobody here.

=_______________________________. 5. On their way, they saw Andy.

在去学校的路上: ____________________. 在她回家的路上:_______________________ (Home是副词,前面不要介词,如:Go home) 6. “What happened?” Andy asked. “What is happening over there?”

Millie looks blue today, What happened to her? 7. Andy said to himself. 自言自语.

“Never give up!Never ,never give up!” I said to myself. “Where is the watch?” she asked herself. 8. People in the centre would take care of it.

People in the centre would _________ ___________ it. 9.The following Sunday, they had a great time there. They had fun there.

10.They were not afraid any more.

=They were no more afraid. (no more= not any more)

He no more lives here.= He __________ live here _________ ________. 本文地址:所属分类:杂谈 相关评论:0 阅读次数:12

《001Unit 2》

Unit 2




I gave him my permission to do it. 我允许他做这事。= I permitted him to do it.

permit也可以做名词意思为“许可证”“执照”在美国在无正式驾照时必须先笔试路规得到learner Permit 学习许可证,才可上路练习驾车。

2、typewriter 打字机,这个词常被误认为是打字员,打字员英文是typist


4、remain 保持,剩下余下

这一词使用时要特别当心,它是不及物动词,造句时要避免中文影响,例如: Nothing remained of the house. 房子里什么都没剩下。


I asked her a question but she remained silent.

5、drug 药,药物

在美国药店用drug store, 但这种drug store 不光卖药还卖一些贺卡,文具和糖果之类的东西。

6、nation民族,国家,注意发音为 /nein/. 这一词的派生词national 就要发/e / Nation、state和country都可以指国家,但所指内容有所不同。

Nation与民族有关,因此翻友邦国家要用a friendly nation.

State与政府有关,例如:a minister of state国务大臣或部长

country与领土有关,in the west countries 在西方各国



There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。


Father is always smoking. 父亲总抽烟。


No smoking in the classroom. 教室内不准吸烟。


1、Do you mind if I smoke?


Do you mind if I chew gum in class? 你在意我在课堂嚼口香糖吗?

Yes, I do. 是的我在意。(请不要在课堂嚼口香糖)

No, go ahead. 不,我不在意,嚼吧。

与Would you mind if I did sth. ? 一样。

只不过would mind if用过去时表示更加有礼貌地请求。

2、I wonder if I could use your phone?

I wonder应翻成我想知道.if是否我可做某事。通常I wonder引导的宾语从句为疑问词how、


例如:I wonder why you have done such a stupid thing?我想知道你为什么会做如此蠢的事。 I wonder how you got here so early? 我想知道你是怎么来的那么早?

8、Smokers cost the government a lot of money.


用法要注意,cost虽为及物动词,但无被动语态,因此基本句型sth. cost sb. some money / time. 某事花去某人钱或时间。

The watch cost me $50. 这块表花去我50元。

4、fall asleep 入睡,这是一固定的习惯用法。例如sleep sound; sleep fast都是熟睡的意思。

5、die from the habit

die from 由于„而死

die from a car accident. 由于车祸而死。

die of 死于 die of cancer死于癌症

die 组成一些常用词组,应记住:

die„for 为„而死或渴望

She died for water. 她极想喝水。

die„down 凋落,消失

die away 消失(渐渐远去)

The sound died away. 声音渐渐远去。

die out绝种

5、compared to 28% of men.

compare to 相对于,比作„

Chairman Mao compared young people to the sun at 8 or 9 in the morning. 毛主席将年轻人比作早上八、九点钟的太阳。

compare„with 拿„与„相比

Compare this pair of shoes with that pair, I like this better. 拿这双鞋与那双比,我更喜欢这双。

6、They would like to stop smoking.

would like只能用to do. would like不同于like, like“喜欢”,可加ing 或 to do. 而would like意为“愿意”

I would like to tell you the truth. 我愿意告你实话。

7、Nicotine is a drug that gets one into the habit of smoking.

get one into the habit of 使人陷入,染上„习惯

When did you get into such a bad habit? 你何时染上此种坏习惯。

get into的反义词get out of摆脱„

8、When smoker who are used to nicotine„


be used to sth/ doing 习惯于„„

I am used to getting up early. 我习惯于早起。此处to为介词因此to后应放名词或动名词 be used to do 被用来做„

The wood is used to make a table. 这块木头是用来做张桌子的,此处考查use的被动语态,to为动词不定式符号。

used to do 过去常常做

He used to smoke. 他曾经总抽烟。

此处use 的习惯用法

9、The body is calling for a new supply of„ P10

call for需要,要,接„,取东西

The problem calls for close attention. 此问题需要认真对待。

I'll call for you at nine. 9点我来接你。 记住以下常用call短语: call at sp. 拜访某处 call on sb. 拜访某人 call in sb. 将某人请来 call out for help 喊救命 call up 打电话

《Reading 总结》




1. term n. 术语

2. etiquette n. 礼节

3. normal adj. 正常的;正规的

4. behavior n. 行为;举止;表现

5. Asian adj. 亚洲的;亚洲人的

6. uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的

7. impolite adj. 无礼的;粗鲁的

8. allow v. 允许;准许

9. voice n. 声音

10. public n. 公众

11. cough v. 咳嗽

12. sneeze v. 打喷嚏

13. break v. 打破;违背

14. politely adv. 有礼貌地;客气地;斯文地

15. smoke v. 抽烟;吸烟

16. cigarette n. 香烟;卷烟;纸烟

17. criticize v. 批评;批判

18. careful adj. 小心的;谨慎的

19. drop v. 落下; 掉下;使落下

20. litter n. 垃圾

21. behave v. 举止;表现


1. at first 首先

2. keep ……down 控制;抑制

3. take care 当心;小心

4. break the rule 违反规则

5. put out 扑灭、熄灭(火);关灯

6. pick ……up 捡起

7. take care to do sth. 小心做某事

8. an English-speaking country 一个讲英语的国家

9. be close to sb. 离某人很近

10. even if 即使

11. in public places 在公共场合

12. cut in front of sb. in a line 在……前面插队

III. 重点句子

1. For example, standing very close to the person you are talking with is quite common in some Asian countries. 例如,在一些亚洲国家,跟你的谈话对象站得近一点是很普通的事情。

2. Perhaps we think that talking loudly in our own homes is fine, but there are other places where talking loudly is not allowed.


3. Even if you are with your friends, it is better to keep your voice down in public places.


4. If we see someone breaking the rules of etiquette, we may politely give them some suggestions.


5. People don’t usually like to be criticized, so we have to be careful how we do this.


6. If someone is smoking on the bus, you could ask, Excuse me, could you please put out that cigarette? 如果有人在公交车上吸烟,你可以说“打扰一下,请把烟熄灭好吗?”



1. Impolite adj. 无理的;粗鲁的。其反义词为politely。

1) 询问别人的年龄是无礼的。

It's ____________to ask people how old they are.

2) 在公共场所大声讲话是不礼貌的。

Talking loudly in public places is __________.

2. allow v. 允许;准许。其后接名词、代词、动名词或不定式做宾语。

allow常用于被动语态的结构中,表示“„„是被允许的” be allowed to do sth.

1) 老师允许我们休息一下。

The teacher __________us ________have a break.


Teenagers under 18 are ________ ________ ________enter Internet bars.

3) 晚上我们不允许出去。

We ________ ________ ________ to go out at night.

3. smoke 意为“吸烟”,既可作名词又可作动词。

1) 禁止吸烟!

_________ __________!

2) 医生告诫我们不要吸烟。

The doctors tell us _________ _________ _________.

3) 无风不起浪。

There is no __________without fire.

4. litter 用做不可数名词,意为“垃圾、废弃物”,相当于rubbish。

1) 教室里有太多垃圾了。

There ________ ________ _________litter in the classroom.

2) 请勿乱扔垃圾。

Please don't leave __________everywhere.

5. pick ...up 最基本的意思是“捡起,拾起,它还可以表示“(车船等)在半路上搭人”即“中途搭车”。 该短语由动词加副词构成,当用代词做宾语时,代词只能放在中间。

1) 那个人捡起了那块石头。

The man ________ ________ the stone.

2) 我会来接你。

I will come to ________ _________ _________.

6. even if 意为“即使、纵然”,引导让步状语从句,相当于even though。

1) 即使这双鞋有点贵,我也要买。

_______ _______this pair of shoes is a little expensive, I will take it.

2) 即使这项任务很难,我们也会努力去做。

________ ________this task is difficult, we will try to do it.

7. put out 意为“扑灭,熄灭(火)”,为动词加副词构成的短语,代词做宾语的话只能放在中间。

1) 消防队员不久就扑灭了那场火。

The firemen soon _________ the fire _________.


Be sure to ________ ________the fire before you leave.

8. It's better to do sth. 为固定句型,意为“最好做某事”,它的否定形式为It's better not to do sth.

1) 你最好九点前完成你的任务。

_____________________finish your task before 9 o' clock.

2) 最好现在不要跟他谈论这件事。

_______________________talk about it with him.

9. take care to do sth. 意为“小心做某事”,其否定形式为 take care not to do sth,其后也可以加that从句。

1) 你应该小心做每一件事。

You should _________ __________ ________ ________everything.


_______ _______ _______ ________lose your keys.

10. one of the +最高级+名词复数,意为“最„„中的一个”。

1) 北京市世界上最美丽的城市之一。

Beijing is ______ _______ _______ ________ __________ _________in the world.

2) 他是我所遇见的最好的老师之一。

He is______ _______ _______ ________ __________ _________ that I have met.


高考英语第二轮复习 阅读理解》


《牛津5b u2》

Unit 2 A telephone call

同学们,你会用英语打电话了吗?会用“How do you feel?”以及 “What’s wrong with you?”来询问他人身体状况了吗?要记住英语中打电话的句子很特别,尤其是在介绍自己的时候要说:This is x x(speaking)。最近天气乍暖还寒,有同学病了吗?拿起电话给他送去温暖,同时还可以秀一下刚学会的新句型! 有时间的话别忘了给他补补课哟!

三、Rewrite the words according to the instructions 按要求写出下列单词

1. run(现在分词) __________ 2. child(复数) __________

3. I’ve(完全形式)__________ 4. write(同音词) __________

5. cold(反义词) __________ 6. are not(缩写) __________

7. matches(单数) __________ 8. wrong(反义词) __________

9. take(现在分词) __________ 10. many(进义词) __________

四、Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words用所给词的适当形式填空

1. Hello! This is David __________.

2. I’ve __________ a bad cough.

3. What lessons does he __________ on Monday?

4. Are you __________ __________ medicine?

5. What subject __________ she like? She __________ Art.

6. __________ __________ some milk in the bottle.

7. They have some __________ and some __________ of fish. 能力提升试题

一、Match the proverbs 试将中英文配对

A. ( )1. Where there is life, there is hope.

( )2. God helps you those who help themselves.

( )3. Truth is the daughter of time.

( )4. Kill two birds with one stone.

( )5. Actions speak louder than words.

( )6. There is no smoke without fire.

( )7. Seeing is believing.

( )8. Learn to walk before you run.

A. 事实胜于雄辩。

C. 循序渐进。

E. 自助者,天助之。

G. 一石双鸟,一箭双雕。

B. ( )1. HAU

( )2. VG

( )3. CU

( )4. OIC B. 百闻不如一见。 D. 生命不息,希望常在。 F. 无风不起浪。 H. 时间见真理。 A. 再见。 B. 哦,我明白了。 C. 你好吗? D. 以后再谈。

( )5. KIT E. 很好。

( )6. TTUL F. 保持联系。

二、Write down the names of five gingers写出五个手指头的英文名

1. 大拇指 ________________ 2. 食指 ________________

3. 中指 ________________ 4. 无名指 ________________

5. 小指 ________________

三、Complete the word in the sentences according to the context and the given alphabet 根据单词首字母和句子意思,将句中的单词补充完整

1. I like to eat apples very much. Apple is my f________ fruit.

2. When you go home, please t________ o________ the lights in the classroom.

3. It is very hot now. Please t________ o________ the sweater, and p________ o________ the T-shirt.

4. Between two classes, we have a b________.





9. He is a doctor. He works in the h________. Look at the c________ on the wall. You can k________ the time. E________ me, can you show me the way to the cinema? I don’t take my w________ with me, can you tell me the time now? He can only put a strawberry on his nose, but he can put some s________ on his head.

10. The students don’t go to s________ on S________ and S________.

11. I don’t know Mary’s t________ number.

12. The Greens are all in the picture. It is a f________ picture of Mr Green.





