
| 英语听力 |




Section A

1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names[1-5]. Conversation 1

Nurse:You don’t look well. What’s the matter, Sarah?

Sarah:I was playing with my friends at the park

yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn’t put on my jacket. Now I have a cold. Conversation 2

Nurse:What’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David:I ate too much junk food at my friend’s

birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache. I almost couldn’t get myself out of bed this morning. Conversation 3

Nurse:What’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben:Not really. I was playing soccer the other day

and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a really sore back. Conversation 4

Nurse:You look really tired. What’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy:I didn’t sleep very well last night. I have a

toothache. It’s terrible! I can’t really eat anything either. It hurts a lot. Conversation 5

Nurse:What’s the matter, Judy?

Judy:I’m sorry, but it’s very difficult for me to talk.

Nurse:Oh, dear. What’s the matter?

Judy:I talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink

enough water. I have a very sore throat now.

听录音并看图。然后把这些名字按[1~5]的顺序编号。 对话1




然后刮起了风,但是我没有穿上夹克衫。现在我感冒了。 对话2

护士:戴维,怎么了?你没事吧? 戴维:我在我朋友的生日聚会上吃

了太多的垃圾食品。因此,昨天晚上我胃痛。今天早上我几乎起不来床了。 对话3

护士:怎么了,本?你能动吗? 本:不完全能动。前几天我踢足球

时伤了我自己。最初看起来还可以,但是现在我的背非常痛。 对话4

护士:你看起来很累。怎么了,南希? 南希:昨天晚上我没有睡好。我牙

痛。非常痛!我真的也不能吃任何东西。它疼得厉害。 对话5




护士:哦,亲爱的。怎么了? 朱迪:我昨天说话太多而且没有喝足


2a Listen and number the pictures [1-5] in the order you hear them. Conversation 1

Girl 1:You don’t look well. Your face looks a bit red.

Girl 2:Yeah, and my head feels very hot. What should

I do?

Girl 1:Maybe you have a fever. You should take

your temperature. Girl 2:Yes, you’re right. Conversation 2

Girl 1:What’s the matter?

Girl 2:I didn’t take good care of myself. I didn’t wear

enough warm clothes yesterday. Now I have a cough and a sore throat.

Girl 1:You should drink some hot tea with honey. Girl 2:That sounds like a good idea. Conversation 3

Girl:You look terrible! What’s the matter?

Boy:I think I ate too much at dinner last night. It was

an all-you-can-eat meal at the restaurant. But now I have a stomachache.

Girl:That’s too bad. You shouldn’t eat so much next

time. Right now, you should lie down and rest. Boy:I guess I should. Conversation 4

Girl:What’s wrong with your face?

Boy:It’s not my face. It’s my tooth. I have a


Girl:You should see a dentist and get an X-ray.

Boy:But will it hurt?

Girl:No, and if you don’t go to the dentist now, it’ll

hurt even more later! Conversation 5

Girl 1:Oh, no! What happened?

Girl 2:I was making dinner just now and I cut myself

by accident.

听录音。按你听到的顺序将图画标上正确的序号[1~5]。 对话1







女孩2:是的,你说得对。 对话2




女孩1:你应该喝些加蜂蜜的热茶。 女孩2:那听起来是个好主意。 对话3

女孩:你看起来很糟糕!怎么了? 男孩:我认为昨天晚上吃晚饭时吃



这么多。你应该马上躺下休息。 男孩:我想我应该。 对话4





检查。 男孩:但是会疼吗?


医的话,以后甚至会疼得更厉害! 对话5

女孩1:哦,不!发生了什么事? 女孩2:刚才我在做饭时意外地割伤


Girl 1:Oh, that looks serious. You should put some

medicine on it. Here, let me help you.

Girl 2:OK, thanks.

2b Listen again. Match the problems with the advice. Conversation 1

Girl 1:You don’t look well. Your face looks a bit


Girl 2:Yeah, and my head feels very hot. What should

I do?

Girl 1:Maybe you have a fever. You should take

your temperature. Girl 2:Yes, you’re right. Conversation 2

Girl 1:What’s the matter?

Girl 2:I didn’t take good care of myself. I didn’t

wear enough warm clothes yesterday. Now I have a cough and a sore throat.

Girl 1:You should drink some hot tea with honey. Girl 2:That sounds like a good idea. Conversation 3

Girl:You look terrible! What’s the matter?

Boy:I think I ate too much at dinner last night. It was

an all-you-can-eat meal at the restaurant. But now I have a stomachache.

Girl:That’s too bad. You shouldn’t eat so much next

time. Right now, you should lie down and rest. Boy:I guess I should. Conversation 4

Girl:What’s wrong with your face?

Boy:It’s not my face. It’s my tooth. I have a


Girl:You should see a dentist and get an X-ray.

Boy:But will it hurt?

Girl:No, and if you don’t go to the dentist now, it’ll

hurt even more later!


该在它上面敷些药。过来,让我帮助你。 女孩2:好的,谢谢。

再听一遍录音。把问题和建议搭配起来。 对话1







女孩2:是的,你说得对。 对话2




女孩1:你应该喝些加蜂蜜的热茶。 女孩2:那听起来是个好主意。 对话3

女孩:你看起来很糟糕!怎么了? 男孩:我认为昨天晚上吃晚饭时吃



这么多。你应该马上躺下休息。 男孩:我想我应该。 对话4





检查。 男孩:但是会疼吗?



Conversation 5

Girl 1:Oh, no! What happened?

Girl 2:I was making dinner just now and I cut myself

by accident.

Girl 1:Oh, that looks serious. You should put some

medicine on it. Here, let me help you.

Girl 2:OK, thanks.


女孩1:哦,不!发生了什么事? 女孩2:刚才我在做饭时意外地割伤



该在它上面敷些药。过来,让我帮助你。 女孩2:好的,谢谢。

Section B

1b Listen to the school nurse. Check(√)the problems you hear.

Teacher:Hello, Jenny! You look tired.

Nurse:Well, today was a busy day in my office. One

boy hurt himself in P.E. class. Teacher:What happened?

Nurse:He was running under the hot sun and then he

felt sick and fell down.

Teacher:Yes, the weather is very hot today. Nurse:He cut his knee, so I washed the cut and put

some medicine on it. Then I put a bandage on it.

Teacher:Was the cut serious?

Nurse:Not really, but I also took his temperature.

Luckily he didn’t have a fever. I told him he should rest.

Teacher:What else happened?

Nurse:One girl had a nosebleed. I told her to put her

head down to stop the blood. Oh, and another boy got hit on the head with a baseball bat. Teacher:That sounds bad. I hope he’s OK…

Nurse:I hope so, too. He was taken to the hospital to

get an X-ray.


老师:你好,珍妮!你看起来很累。 护士:嗯,今天我在办公室里忙了一天。

一个男孩上体育课时伤了他自己。 老师:发生了什么事?


后他感到恶心并且跌倒了。 老师:是的,今天天气非常热。 护士:他摔破了膝盖,因此我(给他)

清洗了伤口并且在上面敷了些药,然后用绷带包扎了一下。 老师:伤口严重吗?


了体温。幸运的是,他不发烧。我告诉他应该休息。 老师:还发生了别的什么? 护士:一个女孩鼻出血。我告诉她把

头低下来止血。哦,另一个男孩被棒球拍击中了头部。 老师:那听起来很糟糕。我希望他




1c Listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above.

Teacher:Hello, Jenny! You look tired.

Nurse:Well, today was a busy day in my office. One

boy hurt himself in P.E. class. Teacher:What happened?

Nurse:He was running under the hot sun and then he

felt sick and fell down.

Teacher:Yes, the weather is very hot today. Nurse:He cut his knee, so I washed the cut and put

some medicine on it. Then I put a bandage on it.

Teacher:Was the cut serious?

Nurse:Not really, but I also took his temperature.

Luckily he didn’t have a fever. I told him he should rest.

Teacher:What else happened?

Nurse:One girl had a nosebleed. I told her to put her

head down to stop the blood. Oh, and another boy got hit on the head with a baseball bat. Teacher:That sounds bad. I hope he’s OK…

Nurse:I hope so, too. He was taken to the hospital to

get an X-ray.


老师:你好,珍妮!你看起来很累。 护士:嗯,今天我在办公室里忙了一天。

一个男孩上体育课时伤了他自己。 老师:发生了什么事?


后他感到恶心并且跌倒了。 老师:是的,今天天气非常热。 护士:他摔破了膝盖,因此我(给他)

清洗了伤口并且在上面敷了些药,然后用绷带包扎了一下。 老师:伤口严重吗?


了体温。幸运的是,他不发烧。我告诉他应该休息。 老师:还发生了别的什么? 护士:一个女孩鼻出血。我告诉她把

头低下来止血。哦,另一个男孩被棒球拍击中了头部。 老师:那听起来很糟糕。我希望他





Section A

1b Listen and number the ways the boy and girl could help others. Conversation 1

Boy 1:I hope to work outside.

Girl 1:You could help to clean up the city parks. Conversation 2

Boy 2:I’d like to help homeless people.

Girl 1:You could give out food at the food bank to

听录音并按顺序标出这个男孩和这个女孩能够帮助别人的方式。 对话1

男孩1:我希望到外面工作。 女孩1:你可以帮助清扫城市公园。 对话2

男孩2:我想帮助无家可归的人。 女孩1:你可以在食品救济站分发食



班级_____ 姓名_____ 成绩______

总分:120分 测试时间:90分钟)


听力部分 (第一节)


( )1.A. cold B. warm C. hot

( )2.A. plans B. planes C. player

( )3.A. different something B. something different C. anything different

( )4. A. September 22 B. September 23 C. August 22

( )5.A. by bus B. by plane C. by bike

Ⅱ. 情景反应。根据所听到的问句,选择最佳答案,句子听一遍。(5分)

( )6. A. I think so. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, they are.

( )7. A. Yes, we are. B. OK, Let’s go. C. Oh, thank you.

( )8. A. Yes, it is far. B. Gook luck! C. Only a few kilometers away.

( )9.A. You are welcome. B. Gook idea! C. Sorry, I don’t know.

( )10. A. Nine. B. Eleven. C Twelve.

Ⅲ. 对话理解,听对话及问题,选择正确答案,对话听两遍。(5分)

( )11. A. In the shop. B. At school. C. In the post office.

( )12.A. Watching TV. B. Doing her homework.

C. Listening to the radio.

( )13. A. To the park. B. Home. C. To the bookshop.

( )14. A. Go boating. B. Have a picnic. C. Stay at home.

( )15 .A. Running. B. Swimming. C. Skating.

IV. 听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 听第一组对话,完成16-20题

( )16. Why do people all over the world play sports?

A. Sports are very interesting.

B. Sports can make people healthy and happy.

C. Sports are thousands of years old.

( )17. What do sports change with?

A. The season. B. The weather. C. The time.

( )18. Which of the following sports is the oldest?

A. Running. B. Basketball. C. Volleyball.

( )19. What do people in all countries near the sea prefer?

A. Football. B. Jumping. C. Swimming.

( )20. Why do people from different countries often become good friends after a game?

A. The game is exciting.

B. Sports help them understand each other.

C. They begin to know each other.


Ⅴ 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)


21. Mum bought me ________ MP4 for my 15th birthday.

A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

22. Before you start to take photos, you should ________ the camera.

A. turn on B. turn off C. put on D. put off

23. --I really hope I can go to Beijing next year.

--So ______ I.

A. did B. do C. am D. was

24. -- Will you go to the net bar with me?

-- Sorry, my mother always warns me ________ there.

A. don’t go B. doesn’t go C. not to go D. not go

25. During the vacation, Peter often spends some time ________ computer games.

A. playing B. play C. to play D. play

26. Please remember ________ the letter for me.

A. posting B. post C. posted D. to post

27. There must be ________ with my clock. It often stops.

A. wrong something B. nothing wrong

C. anything wrong D. something wrong【人教版英语八年级下册听力】

28. He gave his life ________ the rare wild animals.

A. to saving B. saving C. to save D. save

29. We will have a picnic if it ________ tomorrow.

A. won’t rain B. don’t rain C. doesn’t rain D. didn’t rain

30.The question is ________ difficult ________ nobody can answer it.

A. such; that B. so; that C. too; to D. very; that

31. Our teacher says hobbies can make us ________ as a person.

A. to grow B. grow C. growing D. grows

32. We often write to each other to ________ in touch.

A. put B. take C. stay D. make

33. They asked ________ they could help us or not.

A. that B. what C. if D. whether

34. Lingtao is the best basketball player in our school. We are all proud ______ him.

A. to B. for C. at D. of

35. --Where does he come from, could you tell me?


--I asked where ________.

A. did he come from B. does he come from

C. he came from D. he comes from

36.She _______ a lot of money on clothes.

A. takes B. costs C. spends D. buys


37.I will stay at home and read books if it _______ tomorrow.

A. is raining B. rains C. rain D. will rain

38.The teacher encourages her students _____ English as much as possible.

A. to speak B. speaking C. speak D. spoke

39.His father _____ to Nanjing. He _____ back next week.

A. has been, is B has been, will be C. has gone, is D. has gone,

will be

40.The teacher said that they ______ hard-working students.

A. is B. are C. were D. was


One night a young American doctor was sleeping at home when his doorbell beoutside.

“Excuse me, Doctor,”said the man. “Can you come at once to a place out of to

wn. It’s you the way”

“Certainly,” said the doctor, “I’m ready. I’ll come soon.” a

few minutes, the car came. The man got into the car and they


“Here we are. This is my home. Now I can pay you and town.”

“Butthe patient,” the doctor said. “Where’s the patient?” “There’spatient,”answered the man. “Nobody is ill. I live here, you see, and I mu There are no taxis at this time of the night. Here’s the m( )41. A. listening B. standing C. sitting D. watching

( )42. A. take B. pass C. see D. show

( )43. A. After B. For C. In D. With

( )44. A. drove B. left C. got D. went

( )45. A. short B. long C. hard D. late

( )46. A. away B. quickly C. back D. slowly

( )47. A. watch B. look for C. see D. know

( )48. A. my B. no C. a D. your

( 49. A. go B. lose C. find D. ask

( )50.A. evening B. night C. idea D. for you

Ⅶ阅读理解 (共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)


These are the messages that Helen got yesterday. Read them carefully and find the

51. What’s “Happy Feet”?

A. A book. B. A film. C. A song. D. A pair of shoes.

52 What is Rover?


A. Helen’s friend. B. A dog. C. A cat. D. A kind of dog food.

53. What did Jenny ask Helen to do?

A. She asked her to buy a ticket. B. She asked her to buy some presents.

C. She asked her to call her student. D. She asked her to go to a party.

54. Who asked Helen to buy something?

A. Lisa and Steve. B. Jack and Alice.

C. Jack and Lisa. D. Jenny and Jack.

55. What did Mr. White do for Helen?

A. He mended her car. B. He decided to buy her car.

C. He prepared dinner for her. D. He found a new brand of dog food.


Have you ever seen snow? Many people in the world have not. Some countries never have snow; some have only a little on the tops of very high mountains. In the north of England, there is quite a lot of snow every winter, but in the south of England, there is usually little.

When a student from a warm country comes to England in autumn for the first time, he feels cold at first. There are often dark clouds, grey sky and cold rain in England in autumn; and most students from warm countries do not like this.

But snow is different. Though it is cold, it is also beautiful. Perhaps, after several dark mornings, the student wakes up one day, and there is a lot of light in his room. He thinks "Is it so late?" and jumps out of bed. But no, it is not very late. He looks out of the window and there is the snow on the ground and on the houses and everywhere. The light of his room comes from clean, beautiful snow.

56. In which part of England is there much snow in winter?

A. In the east B. In the south C. In the west D. In the north.

57. In the autumn of England, we can NOT often see______.

A. strong winds B. dark clouds C. grey sky D. cold rain

58. The writer thinks that in England both snow and autumn rain are________.

A. beautiful B. clean C. cold D. heavy

59. Why does the student ask himself "Is it so late?"

A. Because it's really late. B. Because he has some work to do.

C. Because it is bright in the room. D. Because he usually gets up early.

60. Which of the following statements(陈述) is right?

A. Every country in the world has snow in winter.

B. Many people in the world haven't seen snow.





I:情景反应。(只听一遍, 每小题1分,共5分) ( )1. A. B. C. ( )2. A. B. C. ( )3. A. B. C. ( )4. A. B. C. ( )5. A. B. C.

II:对话理解。(共5个小题, 每小题1分,共5分)

( )6. What test will the boy have?

A. English. B. Math. C. Chinese.

( )7.What team is Alice on?

A. Basketball. B. Volleyball. C. Football.

( )8. What will the girl do on Sunday?

A. She will have a violin lesson.

B. She will visit her grandparents.

C. She will have a piano lesson.

( )9. Did the girl watch TV last night?

A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. We don't know.

( )10. What does the girl do on Sunday afternoon?

A. She practices speaking English.

B. She plays computer games.

C. She reads books.

III:听下面一段长对话,完成11-15小题,念两遍。(共5个小题, 共10分)

( )11. What does the boy want to do?

A. Have a party at his house.

B. Have a party at school.

C. Have an exhibition at school.

( )12. What does the boy have to do?

A. Do his homework. B. Do the shopping. C. Do some chores.

( )13. Which room does the boy need to clean?

A. The bedroom. B. The living room. C. The bathroom.

( )14. What is the boy's father doing?

A. He is writing a report.

B. He is writing a letter.

C. He is writing a book.

( )15. What will the boy's mother buy for the party?

A. Fruit and drinks. B. Drinks and vegetables. C. Drinks and snacks.

VI. 选择填空 (20分)

( ) 16. — What’s matter?

— I have stomachache.

A. the; a B. /; a C. the; an D. a; the

( ) 17. The boy the hat is my best friend Bob.

A. to B. at C. in D. from

( )18. We have no coffee. Would you like tea ?

A. alone B. anyway C. neither D. instead

( )19.Sorry, I______my homework at home.

A.forgot B.left C.missed D.lost

( )20.— Did you go swimming with your brother last Sunday?

— Yes. We enjoyed .

A. myself B. ourselves C. themselves D.


( ) 21. I am a new student here. All my classmates are friendly to me, so I

don’t feel .

A. deaf B. wrong C. lonely D. strong

( ) 22. I don’t think that you should with your parents. They love you.

A. rest B. work C. argue D. agree

( ) 23. Jim didn’t allow me in the room.

A. smoke B. smoked C. smoking D. to smoke ( ) 24.I can hardly hear what it is saying on TV. Would you please

A. turn it up B. turn it down C. turn it on D. turn it off

( )25. Bob’s dream is to be a professional basketball player, and he never it .

A. looks; up B. gives; up C. wakes; up D. cleans; up

( )26.Mary used to_____interested in music, but now she’s used to ____tennis.

A. be, play B. being, play C. being, playing D.be, playing

( )27. Tim’s mother , and then she told him he didn’t have a fever.

A. made her bed B. took a shower

C. fold her clothes D. took his temperature

( )28. His alarm clock didn’t this morning, so he was late for school.

A. go off B. put off C. give out D. hang out

( )29. She dinner when there was a loud knock at the door.

A. has B. was having C. had D. is having ( )30. We are all at the news.

A.surprising; surprising B.surprising; surprised

C.surprised; surprising D.surprised; surprised

( )31. — Mary is ill. When shall we go to see her, tonight or tomorrow night?

— ________. Either night is OK.

A. I’m sure B. I’m afraid not C. I don’t know D. I don’t mind

( )32. –This boy is very clever.


A. So is he B. So he is C. He is so D. He so is

( ) 33. I’ll spend as much time as I can ____ after the flowers in the garden.

A. look B. to look C. looking D. looked

( ) 34. Forty minutes ____ for the children to finish all the work.

A. is quite a long time B. are quite long

C. was a quite long time D. were quite long time

( )35. Jack is good at drawing. I think no one draws __.

A. better B. best C. worse D. Worst

VII. 完形填空 (10分)

“Who did this?” asked the teacher. Thirty children made no answer. “Who did this?” she raised her voice and asked again. She 36 became angry, but she was this time. Charley 37 the window, but he did it by accident. He threw a baseball to the window. “ 38 I said I did it, I would get into trouble,” Charley thought. “How would I be able to pay 39 a big window like that?” But something much stronger in his mind pulled him up. “I did

it.” Charley 40 . It was 41 enough saying that. The teacher walked to Charley with a 42 in her hand.

“I know you did it, and I know 43 interested you are in birds,” she said. “Here’s a book about birds. It’s 44 now. I won’t punish (惩罚) you. But remember, it’s only for your honesty (诚实).”

Charley couldn’t 45 it! The teacher didn’t punish him, but gave him a book which cost much money!

( )36. A. never B. sometimes C. always D. often

( )37. A. opened B. broke C. closed D. cleaned

( )38. A. Because B. As C. If D. When

( )39. A. off B. for C. in D. at

( )40. A. left away B. came in C. took out D. stood up

( )41. A. angry B. happy C. hard D. friendly

( )42. A. book B. ruler C. knife D. pen

( )43. A. how B. when C. why D. what

( )44. A. mine B. yours C. ours D. hers

( )45. A. think B. agree C. hope D. believe

ⅤIII. 阅读理解 (30分)


In the Philippines (菲律宾), the Christmas season begins on December

16. People go to church (教堂) early in the morning every day during the season to celebrate their holidays.

People in the Philippines are very busy on Christmas Eve. Many families go to church at midnight, and they have a late dinner. Then Santa Claus delivers gifts to children.

On Christmas Day, people in the Philippines often visit their family members in the morning. The older members of the family often give gifts to younger ones.

On New Year’s Eve, people in the Philippines make loud noises to drive away bad luck.

The Christmas season often ends on Three Kings Day which is always on the first Sunday in January. Children often leave their shoes out, and they hope that the kings will leave candies or money.


( )46. In the Philippines, the Christmas season begins on .

A. December 6 B. January 10 C. December 16 D. January 16

( )47. The underlined word “delivers” means “ ” in Chinese.

A. 审查 B. 注视 C. 递送 D. 隐藏

( )48. On Christmas Day, people in the Philippines often visit their family members .

A. in the evening B. in the morning C. in the afternoon D. at noon

( )49. On New Year’s Eve, people in the Philippines make loud noises to .

A. show respect (尊敬) to Santa Claus B. drive away bad luck

C. give their neighbors a surprise D. show their


( )50. Three Kings Day usually falls on .

A. the first Sunday in January B. the fourth Sunday in January

C. the second Thursday in November D. the first Monday in November


The date was like any other day in his life. After school David walked past the shop on the street corner. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have a new pair for his birthday.

He sadly walked away and thought of how to tell his mother. He knew she would give him anything if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, as he looked worried and he didn’t want to make his mother worry about it. So he went to the park and there he sat on the grass. Then he saw a girl in a wheel chair(轮椅). He found that the girl moved the wheels with her hands. David looked at her carefully and was surprised to see that the girl had no feet. He looked down at his own feet. “It is much better to be without shoes than without feet.” It was not right for him to feel so sorry and sad. He went away and smiled, thinking he was luckier in life.

( ) 51.David was so sorry that ____

A. He really wanted to have a new pair for his birthday

B. he forgot to bring any money with him.

C. his mother couldn’t buy him a pair of shoes.

D. he walked past the shoe shop.

( ) 52. From the story we know that ________.

A. David’s mother has much money.

B. David’s mother wouldn’t buy him anything.

C. David’s mother was not a poor woman.

D. David’s mother would give him anything if she could.

( ) 53. David didn’t go home at once ________.

A. because his mother was at work.

B. because he wanted to sit on the grass in the park.

C. because his mother wouldn’t give him any money.

D. because he didn’t want to give his mother any trouble.

( ) 54. In the park, David saw a girl________.

A. without feet. B. without hands.

C. walking slowly. D. looking down at his shoes.

( ) 55. At last David ________.

A. left the park sadly.

B. decided to buy a new pair of shoes.

C. thought he’s more lucky than the girl in the wheel chair. D. didn’t know what to do with his old shoes.


People are so busy these days that many people have no time to cook.


Unit 5

What were you doing when the rainstorm came?

1a Where were the people at the time of the rainstorm? Match the statements with the people in the picture.

1.I was in the library.

2.I was in my house.

3.I was on the street.

1b Listen to the TV report and circle the correct responses.

a. doing my homework / studying.

b. playing basketball / reading

c. going to work / waiting for the bus

d. walking home / shopping

1c Talk about what the people in la were doing at the time of the rainstorm.

A: What was the girl doing at the time of the rainstorm?

B: She was...

2a Listen and number the pictures 【1-5】

so busy for the umbrella that I didn't see a car coming.

up late.

3. I took a hot shower and some warm food.

4. I for the bus when it began to rain heavily.

to the bus stop but I still missed the bus.

2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the sentences in 2a.

2c Use the information in 2a to retell the story in a conversation between the boy and a TV reporter.

TV reporter: Tell us what happened yesterday morning.


TV reporter: So, when the rainstorm suddenly came, what were you doing? Boy

2d Role-play the conversation.

Mary: What were you doing last night, Linda? I called at seven and you didn't pick up.

Linda: Oh, I was in the kitchen helping my mom.

Linda: What was I doing at eight? Oh, I know. When you called, I was taking a shower.

Mary: But then I called again at nine.

Linda: Oh, I was sleeping at that time.

Mary: So early? That's strange.

Mary: I needed help with my homework. So while you were sleeping, I called Jenny and she helped me.

3a Read the passage and answer the questions.

1. What was the weather like before the heavy rain started? 2. What was the neighborhood like after the storm?

1.The weather was very terrible. There were strong winds outside and black clouds in the sky.

2. The neighborhood was in a mess. Fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere.

Ben could hear strong winds outside his home in Alabama. Black clouds were making the sky very dark. With no light outside, sure the flashlights and radio were working. She also put some candles and matches on the table.

Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows. After dinner, they tried to play a card game, but it was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside.

sun was rising. He went outside with his family and found the neighborhood Fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere. They joined the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together. Although the storm broke 3b Complete the sentences using information from the passage.


3c Discuss the questions with a partner.

“Aether.” What other things can bring people closer together? How can we help each other in times of difficulty?

Grammar focus

1.What were you doing at eight last night?

I was taking a shower.

2.What was she doing at the time of the rainstorm?

She was doing her homework.

3.What was he doing when the rainstorm came?

He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came.

4.What was Ben doing when it began to rain heavily?

5. What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping?

While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.

4a Look at the table and write sentences with both while and when.


take photos

play the piano

clean his room



buy a drink

leave the house

turn on the radio

take the car to the car wash

While John was taking photos, Mary bought a drink. John was taking photos when Mary bought a drink

4b Fill in the blanks with was, were, when or while.

At 7:00 a.m., I woke up. listening

My brother and I went out right away to have a look.


icy because of the heavy snow from the night before.

4c What were you doing at these times last Sunday? Fill in the chart. Then ask your partner.

A: What were you doing at nine o'clock last Sunday morning?

B: I was sleeping. How about you?

A: I was doing my homework.

B: You're kidding!

You your partner


11:30 a.m.

4:00 p.m.


Section B

1a Think of a time when you were late for or couldn't go to an event. What was the event? What was the reason why you were late or couldn't go? Tell your partner the story.

1b Listen and write short answers to the questions.

1.What event happened at the school yesterday?

2. Who missed the event?

3. Which team won at the event?

1c Listen again. Number the events [1-6] in the order they happened.

Kate saw a dog by the side of the road.

Kate got to the bus stop.

Kate called the Animal Helpline.

Kate left the house.

Kate waited for someone to walk by.

Kate realized her bag was still at home.

1d Talk about why Kate missed the school basketball competition. Student A

begins a sentence with while or when. Student B completes the sentence.

A: when the school basketball competition started...

B: When the school basketball competition started, Kate was still making her way to school.

2a Look at the pictures and title in the passage. What do you think the passage is about?

2b Read the passage and answer the questions.

1. What are the two events in the passage?

2. When did they happen?

Reading the title and first sentence

The title can be helpful for you to understand a text. It is also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before you read whole text.

Do you remember what you were doing?

People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history In America, for example, Dr. Martin Luther King was killed. Although some people may not remember who killed him, they remember what they were

“I was at home with my parents,” Robert remembers. “We were eating dinner in the kitchen when we heard the news on the radio. The news reporter said, „Dr. King died just 10 minutes ago.‟ My parents were


This was a day Kate Smith will never forget. She remembers working in her office near the two towers. “My friend shouted that a plane just hit the World Trade Center! I didn't believe him at first, but then I looked out the window and realized that it was true. I was so scared that I could hardly think clearly after that.”

2c Read the passage again. Are the following statements true (T) or false(F), or is the information not given (NG)?

1. Everyone in America remembers who killed Dr. King.

2. Robert Allen was eating lunch when Dr. King was killed.

3. Robert's parents were shocked to hear the news.

4. Kate Smith was watching a movie when a plane hit the World Trade Center.

5. Kate didn't think her friend was telling the truth about the event.

2d Underline sentences from the passage with similar meanings to the ones below.

1. Not everyone will remember who killed him, but they can remember what they were doing when they heard that he got killed.

2. No one said anything for the rest of dinner.

3. September 11, 2001 ---the date alone means something to most people in the US

4. I had trouble thinking clearly after that because I was very afraid.

2e How much do you remember about the events in the passage? Test your partner. A: When did Dr. Martin Luther King die?

B: He died on...

3aMake notes about an event you remember well.

What was the event?

When did it happen?

Where did it happen?

what were you doing?

what were your friends doing?

Why was it important?

Why do you remember this event?

3bWrite a short article about the important event in 3a. Try to write three paragraphs.

First, write about the event (when and where it happened). Next, write about what you and some of your friends were doing when this event happened.

Then, write about why this event was important.

. It happened in/ on .at / in . My friends were . .


Unit 8

Nick: Hey Judy how was English class?

Judy: Hey Nick. It was a good class today I enjoyed it.

Nick: What's your class reading right now?

Judy: We're reading a book called Treasure island.

Nick: How is it? I haven't read it yet.

Judy: It's really exciting.

Alan: Sandy, have you finished the reader yet?

Sandy: What reader, Alan?

Alan: Robinson Crusoe. Ms. Butler told us to finish it this week, remember?

Sandy: Oh, no! I've not read it yet.

Alan: Well, I just finished reading it last night.

Sandy: How is it? Is it boring?

Alan: No, I love it. It's wonderful.

Kate: Have you read Little Women yet, Hurry?

Harry: No, I haven't. Have you, Kate?

Kate: Yes. I've already read it.

Harry: What's it like?

Kate: It's fantastic.

Harry: Can I borrow it from you?

Kate: Sure.

Tina: Hi, Mark.

Mark: Hey there, Tina. What's up?

Tina: I'm reading this fantastic book.

Mark: What is it?

Tina: Treasure Island. Have you read it yet?

Mark: No, I haven't. What's it about?

Tina: It's about this boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures. What are you reading right now?

Mark: I've just finished Oliver Twist and Robinson Crusoe.

Tina: Oh, yeah. I've already read both of them. They're classics. We had to study Robinson Crusoe last term.

Mark: So what are you studying this term?

Tina: Tom Sawyer. It's a story about a boy who lives in the United States. Many exciting things happen to him.

Mark: Sounds interesting. I’ll have to read it.

Dave: What are you listening to, Alex? The song sounds really good.

Alex: Hey Dave!I'm listening to a band called “The Toms”. Have you heard of them yet?

Dave: No, I haven't. Are they a new band?

Alex: Yes, they only started singing earlier this year. But they've already made two CDs.

Dave: Wow, they must be really popular. Where are they from?

Alex: They're from California, in the United States. There are five people in the band and they're all teenage boys. Dave: I guess what they're playing is pop music, right?

Alex: Yes, but it sounds more like rock. I like their music because it's loud and full of energy I feel excited when I listen to it. Dave: Me, too. I think if I listen to their music every morning, it will wake me up and make me happy for the rest of the day! Alex: Do you want to borrow my CD then?

Dave: Sure, thanks!That’d be great!
