600字 英文影评

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600字 英文影评篇一

600字 英文影评篇二

The review of Hoodwinked

Last week I had watched a cartoon movie through the English learning center. The name of this movie I had told you in the title, but you’ll never guess the story of it which has very big difference between what we watched and read when we were young. I can’t ensure weather it is one of prototypeof the Grimm's Fairy Tales, I’m sure it’s an interesting cartoon movie.

I write the essay to introduce some interesting points about the movie, of course included certain sentiment from my heart.

Do you remember the hateful timber wolfthat always tends to hurt the little Red and her grandmother? And maybe you will ask me why I ask thisquestion. Now I give you the brief introduction of Hoodwinked.The grizzliesand stork agent bill was ordered to investigate little red riding hood grandmother's house in case Of unrest, many people are police on charges Of criminal suspects, allowing researchers to include karate master little red riding hood, funny and a satirical Wolf, a slightly dementia in the woods Of Paul Bunyan. They were accused of there are a number of charges, including: the damage and the illegal invasion, and undermine social stability, illegal steal to eat, no license to use the axe, etc. However, all accused the suspects have their own story to tell, and this has become complicated and confusing the truth of the case, the only one, who is the real murderer......

The film is the first a fully independent investment shooting computer animation feature film. Follow is my thoughts about the movie.

From the timber wolf police I know that we can’t judge a person by his or her appearance. The kind person not to grow good looking, but the bad person must be ugly. What’s more, we can’t wrong people before finding the final facts.

The clever girl Red is an adventurous people. Little red riding hood will do deliciousdesserts,Will ride a bike, sing fair-sounding songs.

If let me say who lay the deepest impression on my brain, the Red’s grandmother, is she. She is healthy, energetic, active, no longer that week old women. I believe the people who always take exercise will be more healthy than who that in the same age. Doesn’t she is the better example of it.

The movie was directed by Cory Edward Cory Edwards.


学号11052233 物流11301

600字 英文影评篇三

A Book “Floats” into My Life

—— Gone with the Wind Book Review

“Gone with the Wind” floated to me from the library. It’s a thick book. However, I read some pages every day and finally I was surprised to find that I have finished reading it.

The book has lots of themes. It shows me the destiny ofthe beautiesin the troubled times, the disappearance of the American Southern culture. The heroine's thoughts and emotions are deeply affected by the American Civil War. The war changes the women. They protect their own land in the flames and smoke.They are brave, strong andpersistent because they do believe that “Tomorrowisanotherday”. At the beginning, I’m a bit angry aboutScarlett. She is mean, cruel and even sinister.Not long after the beginning of the novel, Scarlett seduces Melanie’s brother in order to revenge Ashley in the engagement party of Ashley and Melanie. And soon Scarlett gets marry and gives birth to a son. I’m so indignant. And her arrogance, greed, vanity are showed in the following chapters. What’s more, she uses all means to achieve her aims. For example, in order to get the rent of Tara, she tries to cheat Rhett Butler but fails. Then she turns to her sister’s fiance who is a wizened old man but has a small sawmill and can offer her the rent. As for the good and the evil in my life, I dare not make improper comments because, after all, I am still walking in the road of my life. As a

girl of twenty, the ideas of mine may be very naive. In all fairness, I have little sympathy for Scarlett, for her"unscrupulousness" and "self-seeking behaviors". Because perhaps she has got to do what she has got to do in the cases like that, all for a living.But after thinking quietly,it’s really understandablethat in aturbulent era, Scarlett, a weak woman, can’t feed a family. Additional, friends also can’t help her to retain Tara. Scarlett uses the money that she earned through “cruel” and “stingy” ways to exchange a new life not only for herself but also for people around her.

However, she also has something that makes me love her. She longs for love in spite of all secular concepts and pursues her love bravely. What’s more, Scarlett treats Melanie really well, with her best care. Maybe at first, she does it because she loves Ashley. But it totally changes later. They are two women with completely different characters but reach a lifetime friendship. It’s really a miracle.

Although "Gone with the Wind" is just a novel, I have a better understanding of the American Civil War as well by reading it. Judged from a historical perspective, the North defeating the South, is not only a kind of historical progress, but also an inevitable social development. Butfrom the views of moral judgment, slavery in the southalso has feelings of warmth and love. The war that the north declares onthe south, to some extent, is an aggression, destroying the relationship and

order of the south, intensifying the ethnic conflict between the black and the white.

I pick two of my favorite sentences after reading it. Now I want to share with you in the end of my book review.

“Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. ”

“No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry.”

Skimming hastily can never let me understand the true meaning. Maybe the more times I read it, the more essence I will harvest.

600字 英文影评篇四

Save One People with Lives of Eight People

Saving Private Ryan, a film related to World War II, directed by Spielberg, received critical acclaim upon screening. The upsurge of Saving Private Ryan is not only because it is realistic visual impact, what is more important, this film led to an argument about lives.

During World War II, the U.S. and U.K. army landed in Normandy on June 6, 1944. To insure the victory, Private James Ryan (Matt Damon), and his troops --101st Airborne Division, are airdropped behind the German front-lines. Unfortunately, all his three brothers were killed in action at the same time. In order to prevent the unfortunate mother from losing all her four sons, the U.S. command decided to send a special squad to look for James Ryan and take him back safely.

John Miller (Tom Hanks) was chosen as the caption of the rescue squad. He hurried to pick several excellent soldiers and a staff officer who could speak German and French as the squad members. When other soldiers were resting, Miller’s eight-member squad began to look for Ryan, who was in the unknown area controlled by Germans.

When facing all kinds of dangers and death of teammates one by one, the squad members gradually began to doubt the rationality of this task. Is it worthy of saving one soldier at the risk of losing eight soldiers’ lives? The journey of salvation tested every member’s value of human nature.

After experiencing lots of difficulties, the squad found Ryan in a battlefield. But the brave soldier Ryan who had a strong sense of responsibility was not willing to

leave his comrades in the battlefield. So the squad decided to fight with the large number of enemies ahead with Ryan and other soldiers. As a result, six people in the eight-member squad died.

Miller was the last man who died in the squad, before his death, Miller entrusted to Ryan: Earn it. What can be understood as" Keep living "or" It is worth saving you”. In order to ensure this action to be worthy, Ryan must keep living and have a good and meaningful life. Miller wanted to tell his died comrades and himself, “This is all worthwhile!”

It can only happen in the war that six people’s lives in exchange for the life of one person. War changes people’s value of life. The soldiers kill enemies or save comrades only to complete their tasks, and then, go back home. Some media also talked about this controversial issue.

According to Mark Heisler in his Los Angeles Times review entitled “The mission is a man. In the Last Great Invasion of the Last Great War, The Greatest Challenge for Eight Men was Saving One. There were only one man left in the family, and the mission was to save him.

This comment makes a good conclusion of the theme of Saving Private Ryan. Why should these eight men save one soldier at the risk of death?These sentences give explanations. In order to allow more people to get out of the war and go back home, to achieve freedom and enjoy the colorful life, the squad members defended their positions. The friendship in the war and brotherhood are also bright points in the film.

There is a wonderful line in the film: To the world, you are a soldier; to your mother, you are the whole world. If you insist that this task is not worth, from now on, live carefully, become a good person, be kind to others, and you would learn more from this film.

(601 words)

600字 英文影评篇五




The film review of Source Code

It is a kind of science fiction movie,which gets through the grief process with an comparatively subtle happy ending.When it comes from the light and the scene,the strange plot is expressed brazenly by the director.

Capitan Colter Stevens ,a soldier waking up in Commuter Train in Chicago,found himself in another person's body. He knew his task,that find a dynamite and the offender in the train in 8 mins after dieing from explosion.If he can't ,go back to move in cycles.

Finally he found the chief culprit ,at that time he wanted to get in bizarre world to rescue whole people in the train,but in the principle of Source Code,the reality can not be changed.Luckily, out of sympathy for him ,Goodwin said yes and put the button.

I don't want to say more about the content of the movie,but the essence of the story must retain in your mind.What do you feel about just living in your thought ?You devote yourself to your nation without complete death.When everything clear appeared in front of your face,would you like to deliver another world,certainly, you have to bear the tolerance again and again ,over and over? Which side do you like to choose,nation pride or individual life and death .

I am not a soldier, i can hardly touch the deeply spirit of humanity and the people. But Source Code is a perfect movie I think .There is no wellknowed actors ,no special actions,no sharp battles,but when you alone ,stay with your lover,or maybe together with your friends,it is valuable to see,I promise.

Hope you all love it!

600字 英文影评篇六
《Changeling 电影英文影评 400字》

Changeling The movie tells a real story of a single mother in order to look for her missing son constantly fight with police and authorities under the help of local residents in about 1930s Los Angeles. The tone of the movie is heavy, depressive and provoking. In the 200 minutes, we can found something still in contemporary even they happened in 20s or 30s of last century America. The police station in collusion with various doctors and mental hospital. In front of these, the vulnerable woman beseeched again and again and she would make an apology if the mood out of her control, all of these for the common people still trust the country and is full of hope, how sincere the feelings is!

In all the dialogue, the one impressed me deeply is that Carol Dexter told Collins that everybody knows women are fragile, they're all emotions, no logic, there's nothing going on upstairs. Sometimes women are like these, but when they are enraged, they would be strong and brave to straggle for their right and benefit. Though the apartment was full of violence, abuse, murder and corruption in order to do whatever they want, they couldn’t stand contradiction even embarrassment, we can see Collins never admit she is wrong, she fought with authorities not only for her missing son, but also for the weather she traped and human’s nature. All she did reflects she refute the words Carol Dexter said—women are not fragile.

In Changeling we can exclude the scene, the film score and Angelina Jolie’ acting, I think all the audience focus their attention on the mother’s love, which is powerful and never change, the fragile and strong of human’s nature, the power of people, the prerequisite of hope and the important of faith, all of these depicts in the movie are impressive and shocked. In the end, it said that she never stop looking for her son for her life. From the movie I find something about the truth--all that against the authorities, who are a mental illness, about family--love makes perseverance to be full of hope. This is a contest of will and patience, after pay all, we will obtain honor and peace. The open-ended give us suspense and it likes our life, we don’t know what will happen

next time, but only have hope and faith can we be strong enough to survive.

600字 英文影评篇七












该片以90年代改革之初拼搏奋斗在一线的企业家俞敏洪等人艰苦创业的故事为蓝本,展现了那个时代许多年轻人追求梦想挥洒青春激扬励志的血泪史。青年人为了理想而奋斗是人类社会永不磨灭的主题,无论你有多少梦想,有多么高尚的梦想,还是这梦想“Too young,too naive”(太年轻,太幼稚),(Inspirational quotes yuedu.mipang.com)都或多或少的沾染着社会的主流价值观。所以为了这些理想,有些人迷失了自我,

我的梦想如今又被遗落在哪?而我现在又能为之做些什么?昨晚我失眠了!想着想着心就痛了。我不能再这样过了!现在我清楚的知道自己该做些什么了。是的,我确定了!有时候被逼着去做某件事并不一定是坏事。趁着将逝的青春,冲动一把,勇敢一点,把前期功课做足,信心在握,不憧憬,不愿望,朝着目标一步一步的走!I can do it!I can do it!I can do it!



孟晓骏和王阳曾经的梦想是去美国, 成冬青本来只想去北京,后来在他们的熏染下也变得想去美国了。那么美国真有那么好吗?就像城市的灯火虽辉煌却始终不是为我们外地人而亮一样,一个人漂泊在异国他乡,那份辛酸苦楚可想而知。孟晓骏曾是出类拔萃的优秀学子,到了美国却被残酷的现实一次次地打压,成了餐厅的打工者,他没法改变这个世界,反而被世界改变了。终于他回到了中国,抱着他伤痕累累的美国梦。而此前在人生中屡遭挫败的成东青早已带着王阳一起成为了富人。看来在现实面前,与其抱着狂傲且不切实际的梦想,不如把自己置于大千世界中一个渺小的位置上,脚踏实地地辛勤耕耘,相信有付出就有回报,总会有一片属于自己的蓝天。 孟晓骏意识到了这一点,决定跟着成东青一起干,于是便有了他们三人组成合伙人的故事。









600字 英文影评篇八



张思德生活在一个革命大家庭里,这个家庭的每个人都很生动,特别是张思德和他老战友的这份感情,是以往电影中不多见的。电影《张思德》没有曲折的情节,热闹的场面,黑白胶片牵出平实瞬间,穿越60载岁月。一名普通的士兵,警卫——开荒——烧炭,艰苦的日子,平凡的岗位。出头露面时他那么笨拙,功名职位前他那样淡泊。三过草地的老红军,班长一当7年,一整编,又成了战士。别人看不到的角落,被他收入眼底,最普通的人和事,悄悄装在心中。他认保育院不幸失语的孤儿做儿子,用心血崔开朗朗童音;他拜炊事班精简下来的老兵当父亲,真诚的抚慰一抹晚晴。 这些都让人非常受感动。这部影片让我见到了活生生的、有血有肉的张思德。尽管一切是那么平凡,然而,正是这种平凡产生了伟大。60年前,毛泽东主席的著名演说《为人民服务》,影响了几代人。60年后,银幕上的他,带给我们的是一种动人心魄的震撼力。撼人心魄的是张思德不计较个人得失,乐于造福他人的奉献精神,是他鞠躬尽瘁、死而后已的牺牲精神。一个少说多干的张思德,用朴实和纯粹折服了周围的人,也让60年后银幕下的我们肃然起敬,久久回味。张思德诠释着崇尚的做人标准:“一个高尚的人,一个纯 粹的人,一个有道德的人,一个脱离了低级趣味的人,一个有益于人民的人。” 张思德29岁的短暂人生,13年艰苦卓绝的延安岁月,正是对为人民服务这五个字的生动诠释。张思德不过是这伟大队伍中的一名代表,他的身前身后,一串长长的名字:雷锋、焦裕禄、孔繁森...从打江山到掌政权,从改革攻坚到加快发展,一个个平凡的生命延长中国共-产-党人的光华,党的事业也由此一天天壮大。然而,无论形势和任务有多么不同,都不能忘记求真务实,艰苦奋斗,立党为公,执政为民。这曾经是成就我们事业的精神动力,未来还将辉映我们漫长而辉煌的征程。







