The Ideal Husband

| 汉语四六级 |


The Ideal Husband篇一:My Ideal Husband

My Ideal Husband

I believe that the ideal husband is one who is caring and honest and treasures his family like no one else. An ideal husband is the one who will actually listen to a conversation that you have started and make intelligent remarks. He is the one who will also do the housework without having been asked to. He is a husband who knows everything about you; the things that make you mad or sad and the things that make you happy.

2. The ideal husband is handsome, responsible, smart, humorous, healthy, considerate, wealthy, careful, faithful, honest etc.

3. We do have our own standards and if you will ask me, I think the ideal husband is someone who is responsible and could love his wife as much as he loves himself.

4. The one who loves you unconditonally, someone whom at times you don’t have to say anything and yet they would understand everything, with whom you would share that oneness, who would always be ready to put you ahead of themselves, who would do anything for you, would help you in all your work, be beside you through your joys and sorrows, share your life with you, in its true essence. Someone who would tell you your

flaws, but in a loving way, who would help you change and become better, who would help you raise the kids, help around in the kitchen or help take up a job outside. Someone who would guard, protect, give you ample security at all times.

And simply love you for and as who you are without expecting anything in return, though with such a loving, ideal partner, it would be tough not to give them all the love we have in return too! And I feel blessed as I think I have such a kind of a partner.

5. An ideal wife to me is someone who is responsible for the family and takes good care of her hubby and children with a loving heart. She is someone who is somewhat talented in some field, with a desire to learn new things in life. She is someone who can respect the senior and loves the young. She is someone who is good at cooking as well.

6. For me, an ideal husband/wife is one who loves, cares and have responsibilities of family affairs. They should be much devoted to their children in all aspects and respect family members from both sides.

7. I also always admire men with ambition for the family. Of course it would be better if he is my best friend.

8. an ideal husband is one that is a nice, tender,

forgiving, passionate, hard-working, honest, peaceful, generous, understanding, pleasant, warm, intelligent, humorous, attentive, compassionate富于同情心的, 慈悲的and truthful person. Of course, good looks is a bonus but isn’t the ultimate clincher. 定论,不可争辩的议论

9. My ideal husband would have an intense love for his family. One of his top priorities would be taking care of his family.

10. In my wildest dreams, if I could have my ideal husband, this is what he would be like. He would need strong character. He would need to have a great sense of humor. Heartfelt love for his family and friends would also be very important to me.

11. We would be like a team. Whatever needed to be done at the house he would do along side his family.

12. In my ideal world, my husband and I could be perfect for each other. God would put him in my life at just the right time. God would make both of us try to be open-minded. When we get married, I would know that we would spend the rest of our lives together and that this was a great decision. He makes us think of working as a team rather than be self-serving. I believe that nothing would tear us apart.

13. My father has the qualities that I want in my future

husband. I really appreciate his good sense of self-control. He puts up with me when I really don’t want to talk to him. Even when I’m not nice to him, he doesn’t get angry at me. He’s a great listener but is not afraid to talk out about certain things. He’s not shy around my friends or other people. I don’t know what it is, but he can make any situation seem funny.

14. My ideal wife is my best friend, best lover, best cook, best training partner, best teacher, best buds. We compliment each other and we push each other. We never argue and we can't get enough of each other. Hope that helps.

15. someone kind, caring, intelligent and most especially, one whom I love and loves me the same.

16. For me, the ideal partner must be a dutiful wife and loving mother. She should be tender and love me deeply. We'll share happiness and unfortune together. No matter how hard the problem we face, she won't give up. Also, she should not be too foolish, or too clever. Besides, she should be a good cook; and delicious food are prepared for the family every day. she should be pretty and lovely, too. Of course, I'll try my best to be an ideal husband for her.

Every girl dreams about true love. When we are little girls,

we read fairy tales, thinking that a handsome princess would appear in our life. Then we grow up day by day, we know that tales about prince and princess are not true, but the dream still go on.

Today the title “My ideal husband” calls up memories of little girl's dreams.

As to me , He is not necessarily outstanding and handsome, but deep in his heart. I'm the unique one to be loved in his heart, as he is to me. When I would be sad for something, he will make a wonderful dish for us, tell some funny things in order to make me smile. One day when we all grow older and older, becoming grey-haired, we will walk hands in hands along the lake, watching the sunset.

Of course, there will be some quarrel between us. My ideal husband is not perfect .When having difficulties in job, he will be upset; When faced with something that makes one's hair stand on end , he will complain bitterly. But most of the time , he will give me sincerity, respect, equality, mutual understanding and trust.

. As someone I know has said: to love sb. who hasn't any bond of blood is a combination of need, desire, wisdom and the untiring pursue of beauty and immortality. I believe we will

The Ideal Husband篇二:浙江工商大学英语Topic What are the characteristics of the ideal wife and the ideal husband

What are the characteristics of the ideal wife and the ideal husband?

何:Hello, everyone. Today we are talking about a constant topic. You must have guessed, yes, it's love. And this will inevitably make us associate to the standards for our ideal partners. 小奉:So what kind of personalities do you think your ideal husband should have? Jingjing?

刘: Let me see, en...I hope my dear will have a strong responsibility, he has the ability to take care of the whole family no matter what happened. And most importantly, he must be mature enough to let me depend on. What's more, it is vital for him to be hardworking and ambitious, but I hope he is not a workaholic who will ignore his family because of his work. 许:That must be a perfect partner. As for me, the most important thing is that he makes me feel loved, so loved. Everything is worthless without love, right? Besides I hope he is humor and will color my life. And I don’t care he is rich or poor but he should be my harbor to anchor always.

何:Wow, What you said is very persuasive. And boys, what kind of personalities do you think your ideal wife should have? 小翔:Appearance is very important for a woman, all the boys

like a beautiful girl, including me. I hope my future wife is pretty. But I think the appearance is not the most important thing, the character is more important. So I pay more attention to the quality of the girls. In my heart, my ideal wife is kind, considerate, loyal and hard-working. She must really love me and be good to my parents.

小奉:She may not look quite beautiful, but she has a pair of bright eyes, which will clear my confused mind; she may not be a quite gentle woman, but she has a sweat smile, which will comfort my tired soul; she may not be quite intelligent, but she has a sensitive mind, which will protect me from the dull world.

何: We are smiling to the warm sun at times. You decorate it with all your enthusiasm, your talent and your childish

innocence, so that I know at first I belong to it. You bring up our children and teach them singing like angels. When we are old, we will sit in front of our cabin and watch the sunset. I ask you why you choose me at that time, you grin to me and said: “I do not know, too.” This what you are dreaming, right?

The Ideal Husband篇三:my ideal husband

The Ideal Husband篇四:Ideal Wife and ideal husband

The Ideal Husband篇五:daring(胆大的

Book 2

Unit 9 Gender Differences

Teaching Aims:

In this unit students are required to :

1) get to know some useful information concerning the topic of the reading passages in this unit and to know more about English culture;

2) do some preparation activities such as discussion, group work, etc. to practice their spoken skill and communicative skills;

3) grasp some new words and try to use these words which help them to enrich their vocabulary;

4)read the in-class reading passage in a limited time and grasp some expressions and grammatical points in the in-class reading passage to improve their reading comprehension;

5) do some post-reading exercises and some after-class reading to practice what they have got to know in class to improve their English comprehensive skills.;

6) translate some typical sentences into Chinese or English by using some expressions learned in the reading passages to acquire some translating skills and better their translating abilities.

I. Preparation

Discuss the following questions.

A. Apart from the physical differences between men and women, are there any features of men and women that are patterned by culture?

 Give some examples.

 Men

 have an aggressive nature.

 seldom express feelings.

 are strong and full of vigor.

 are independent.

 are daring(胆大的,勇敢的).

 are not excited by trivial(not important细小的) matters.

 are less concerned with their appearance.

 are more likely to “explode like volcano”.

 make decisions easily.

 are more dominating.

 Women

 are neat and clean.

 like to talk.

 are shy and obedient.

 have an extremely strong need for security.

 pay a great deal of attention to their appearance. Are loyal.

 easily express gentle feelings.

 are well-mannered.

 understand other people’s feelings better.

 are more sensitive.

B. In each subject, who do you think do better, boys or girls? (art, language, music, geography, chemistry, history, P.E. , math)

 ----I think, generally speaking, boys do better in chemistry, math, geography

and P.E., and girls in art, language, music and history.

C. From your point of view, what are the characteristics of the ideal wife and the ideal husband?

 Ideal husband

 tall, handsome and strong

 rich

 capable of supporting a family

 educated and with a good career

 kind and loyal

 Ideal wife

 warmed-hearted

 beautiful and healthy

 capable of understanding her husband

 intelligent and educated

 having some interests in common with her husband

 a good cook

D. Would the ideal wife and the ideal husband have been different in your parents’ generation and in your grandparents’generation? If so, how?  ----Yes. In my grandparents’ generation, people, especially women, didn’t

have to be educated so long as they had someone to support them or could earn a living. Of course, a woman would have liked to marry a rich man, but at that time, money was not considered to be so important. In my parents’ generation, knowledge and money were less important. The ideal husband and the ideal wife would both be workers.

II. Passage-Reading Activities

1. Finishing reading the passage within 16 minutes, and point out the main idea of the passage.

2. Filling the blanks in the reading comprehension exercises.

3. Language Points

1)to constitute

[a]to constitute: make up(a whole);form

 To constitute something is to be the parts that form it or make it up.  Seven days constitute a week.

 Listening, speaking, reading, then writing constitute the fundamental order in language learning.

[b] to constitute: to set up; establish

 Governments should be constituted by the will of the people.

 A committee was constituted to investigate(look into) rising prices.

[c] to constitute: to appoint任命(某人)担任(某职务),指定,派...为

 He was constituted chief adviser. 他被任命为首席顾问。

辨析constitute, compose, comprise组成,构成,由...组成

 to constitute正式用语,指若干部分构成一个整体,不用被动语态

to compose指一个整体由若干部分构成或由哪些要素构成,常用be composed of (整体is composed of部分)

 Water is composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen.

 Steel is composed of iron and a number of other elements.

 The book comprises ten chapters.这本书共有十章。

 Studying and doing experiments comprised practically the whole of his life. 研究和做实验几乎就是他生活的全部内容。

to comprise不仅有 “整体由...构成”的意思,还有”由若干部分构成整体”的意思,不用被动语态。

to make up组成,构成(注意:被动语态的句子要加,多用于被动语态)

 These three articles make up the whole book.

 The board of directors is made up of experienced people.

 Society is made up of people with widely differing abilities.

 to consist of: to be made up of

 The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  A university consists of teachers, administrators and students.

2) in (the)process of

 When you are talking about sth. that has happened or has been done, and you talk about sth. else that happened or was done in the process, you mean that the second event happened during the first or as a result of the first.

 You are in the process of sth when you are still doing it.

 The house is in the process of being built.

 They play an important part in the process of learning.

3) to call on

[a] to call on :to visit sb

 You call on sb when you pay tem a short visit.

 We called on Ton on the way north.

 I hope to call on you at your office at 3 today.

[b] to call on sb to do sth/to call on sb for sth: to ask sb to do sth/to ask sb for sth

 When you call on or upon sb to do sth you ask or demand that they should do


 He called on me to speak after him.

 I’ll call on Mary for an answer.

[c] to call on: to need to use

 The President called on his people to make sacrifice for the good of their country.

 We call on every friend to support him

4) to have an impact on...

impact: strong impression or effect on sb./sth.

 The impact that something has on you is the effect it has or the impression it makes.

 His criticisms have made little impact on our resolve to pursue the campaign.  That first meeting had a very strong impact on me.

 This book had/made a tremendous impact on its readers.

 the impact of new methods/technology on modern industry.新方法,新技术对现代工业的巨大影响。

to impact on: to have an effect on ...

influence: power to affect a person’s character or actions

 You have influence over sb. if they tend to follow your advice, agree with your opinions or copy your behavior or the way you do things.

 He’ll use his influence with the manager to get sth done about it.

 Something has an influence on things that it affect or changes.

 The book discusses the influence of the war on the poverty of the period.

5) to develop

[a] to develop sb./sth. from...into...: cause to grow gradually

 Something or someone develops when they grow, change and progress; you develop sth. when you put your efforts and energy into making it progress  Hand in hand with reading he had developed the habit of making notes.  They provided good material for developing the reading skills.

[b] to develop: to treat (an exposed film)so that the photo can be seen冲洗胶卷)

 to take a film to be developed

6) as a matter of fact

 You use the phrases in fact, in actual fact, as a matter of fact and in point of fact to emphasize the truth or accuracy of what you are reporting, or to correct a wrong impression that may have been made.

 As a matter of fact, we also received a letter from him.

 As a matter of fact, I don’t know she/he died yesterday.

the matter: wrong

 Something is the matter when sth is wrong, or there is a problem.

 I could see she had been crying, and I asked her what the matter was.  I couldn’t understand what was the matter with me.

 There is something the matter with this car.

 There is nothing the matter with him; he is just pretending.

 Anything the matter with you?

in the matter of: concerning在...方面

 The children have everything they need in the matter of clothes, but very few toys.

to make matters worse: to make a state of affairs more serious, more difficult to deal with

 Trying to smooth her only made matters worse.

 I realized that anything I could say would only matters worse.

7) to take over: to gain control over and responsibility for

 To take over a company or organization is to gain control of it.

 You take over a job from another person when you start doing it after they have stopped doing it.

 This large company has taken over many small ones.

 He is taking over my job when I am on holiday.

 Who do you think will take over now that the governor has been dismissed?


to subordinate sth. to sth.: to treat sth as of lesser important than sth. else  If you subordinate sth. to sth. else you treat it as being less important than that other thing.

 He subordinated his personal needs to his political interests.

 to subordinate passion to reason使感情受理智控制

subordinate adj.

 Something that is subordinate to something else is secondary to or of less importance than that other thing.

 If one person is subordinate to another, they are of a lower rank or importance than other person and take orders from them.

[opposite superior]

 In the army a captain is subordinate to a major.

9) in accordance with: in agreement with or harmony with sth.

 Something is done or happens in accordance with a rule, law or principle, if it obeys it.

 in accordance with one’s wishes to act

 in accordance with customs, the regulations, the law

 In accordance with your orders, I sold the boat.

 Nowadays you are encouraged to look after yourself first, which is not in accordance with Christian principles.

to accord with

 One thing accords with another if it fits with, agrees with, or corresponds to ,it.  The newspaper review of the play didn’t in the least accord with my opinion of it.

 You accord a person or their achievements something such as approval when you give it to them.

 In time, her work will be accorded the recognition it deserves.

[same as grant]

The Ideal Husband篇六:Costume Designs for An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde

Costume Designs for An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde

Sharon Tobin Goeres

A Thesis submitted to the

College of Creative Arts

at West Virginia University in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of

Masters of Fine Arts in

Costume Design

Linda Milian, MFA, Chair

W. James Brown, MFA Margaret McKowen, MFA

Theresa Davis, MFA William J. Winsor, MFA

Division of Theatre and Dance

Morgantown, West Virginia 2002

Keywords: Thesis, Costume Design, Oscar Wilde, An Ideal Husband, Theatre


Costume Designs for An Ideal Husband

Sharon Tobin Goeres

The purpose of this thesis was to design the costumes for the Division of Theatre and Dance’s production of An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde. The procedure for this project started by discussing the play with the director James Brown, who shared his thoughts, concepts and ideas for the entire production. This discussion was followed by reading the script and communicating ideas with the rest of the design team. Next, I researched books, articles, videos, and magazines in order to develop a visual concept that would be shared with the director, faculty and design team. After the designs were approved, fabrics were purchased and the costumes constructed. The play was

performed in the Gladys Davis Theatre at the Creative Arts Center in November, 1999. All the members participating in this effort coordinated their activities to maintain unity throughout the production that resulted in a beautifully rendered and well-received play.



INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................1 SECTION I..................................................................................................3

History of Wilde’s England (Victorian Era)..................................................................4

Oscar Wilde....................................................................................................................7 Plot Synopsis.................................................................................................................11

SECTION II...............................................................................................15

Director’s Notes............................................................................................................16 Costume Design Concept.............................................................................................17

Scene Design Concept............................................................................................19 Light Design Concept.............................................................................................19

Props Design Concept............................................................................................19

SECTION III............................................................................................20 Costume Design /Process............................................................................................21

Female Costume Silhouette.........................................................................................25

Male Costume Silhouette.............................................................................................28 SECTION IV..............................................................................................30

Lady Gertrude Chiltern................................................................................................31 Mabel Chiltern.............................................................................................................36

Lady Markby................................................................................................................42

Mrs. Chevely.................................................................................................................46 Sir Robert Chiltern.......................................................................................................52

Lord Arthur Goring......................................................................................................56

Lord Caversham, Vicomte de Nanjac, James, Mason, and Phipps.............................62 SECTION V...............................................................................................64

Evaluation....................................................................................................................65 SECTION VI..............................................................................................69

Color Palette.................................................................................................................70

Costume Renderings and Selected Research..............................................................72 Costume Plot..............................................................................................................124 Bibliography...............................................................................................................130 APPENDICES...........................................................................................131 Production Photos......................................................................................................132 Audience Reviews......................................................................................................147 Newspaper Reviews...................................................................................................150

The dramatic foundation of An Ideal Husband is based on the theme that an

ambitious Victorian male be “pure and without stain.” This concept of a male’s moral virtue is opposite of the Victorian rule: that the woman, not the male be enshrined upon a pedestal. This thought -provoking theme is addressed in Wilde’s play while centering on issues of honor and truth, loyalty, betrayal, and forgiveness.

The characters in An Ideal Husband all live in a fantasy world where the most important aspect of life is how to tie a tie correctly. If you consider the real social horrors of late 19th century industrial England, this play makes Wilde’s Victorian world delightful. The characters, too, are delightful in their innocence and lightness.

“Lord Goring, you are talking quite seriously. I don’t think

I ever heard you talk seriously before….…..You must excuse me, Lady Chiltern. It won’t occur again, if I can help it.” (Wilde 54)

They are living in a fantasy world that is supported by Wilde’s wit and epigrams. To design costumes for these decent people caught up in a morality tale was the

challenge at hand. My research, Wilde’s exquisite character descriptions and the witty dialogue of each character, was the foundation for my designs.

“Enter Lord Goring in evening dress with a buttonhole. He is wearing a silk hat and Inverness cape. White gloved he carries

a Louis Seize cane. His are all the delicate fopperies of fashion. One sees that he stands in immediate relation to

modern life, makes it indeed, and masters it. He is the first

well-dressed philosopher in the history of thought. (Wilde 72)

An Ideal Husband, written by Oscar Wilde in1895, was performed by the

Division of Theatre and Dance at West Virginia University in the fall semester of 1999. Under the direction of Associate Professor W. James Brown and assistant director David

The Ideal Husband篇七:新编大学英语4 unit 3 gender differences

The Ideal Husband篇八:Unit 3 Book 4

The Ideal Husband篇九:An Ideal Husband Speech

Since I last addressed this House on the subject, I have had the opportunity to investigate this scheme more thoroughly, and to grasp fully the ramifications [ˌræmɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] of our lending it support. I have to inform the House that I was mistaken in my original perceptions, and that I have now taken a rather different view. I-I find that now I must agree with my Right

Honorable Friend that this is indeed an excellent scheme. A genuine opportunity. An

opportunity...particularly if you happen to be a corrupt investor. A corrupt investor with nothing but self-interest at heart. For now it is my utter conviction that this scheme never should have had, or should ever have, any chance of success. It is a fraud, an infamous ['ɪnfəməs] fraud at that. Our involvement would be a political fraud of the worst possible kind. This great nation has long been a great commercial power. Money merely to beget [bɪ'ɡet] more money, irrespective of the true cost to the nation’s soul. And it is this sickness, a kind of moral blindness, commerce without conscience, which threatens to strike at the very soul of this nation. And the only remedy that I can see is to strike back and to strike now! As we stand…as we stand at the end of this most eventful century, it seems that we do, after all, have a genuine opportunity. One honest chance to shed our sometimes imperfect past, to start again, to step unshackled ['ʌn'ʃækld] into the next century. And to look our future squarely and proudly in the face. 让我首先感谢尊敬的议员对他表达的辩论的贡献。自从我上次提到这个房子的主体,我有机会研究这一方案更彻底,并充分理解我们的贷款支持的影响。我已经通知家里,我在我原来的看法是错误的,而我现在已经采取了相当不同的观点。我发现,现在我必须承认,我的可敬的朋友,这确实是一个优秀的方案。一个真正的机会。一个机会……特别是如果你恰巧是一个腐败的投资者。一个只有利己心的腐败的投资者。现在这是我坚定的认为这个计划不应该有,或者有,任何成功的机会。这是一个骗局,那一个臭名昭著的欺诈。我们的参与将有可能出现的最糟糕的一种政治欺诈。这个伟大的国家,长期以来一直是一个巨大的商业力量。钱只是为了引起更多的钱,不论该民族的灵魂的真实成本。正是这种病,一种道德失明,商务没有良心,威胁要罢工在这个国家的灵魂。而我能看到的唯一的补救办法就是反击,打击现在!当我们站……我们站在这最重要的世纪末,我们似乎做的,毕竟,有一个真正的机会。一个诚实的机会来摆脱我们有时不完全过去,重新开始,逐步释放到下个世纪。和看我们的未来正骄傲地面对。


1. infamous [英]['ɪnfəməs][美][ˈɪnfəməs]

adj.声名狼藉的; 无耻的,伤风败俗的; [法](因犯重罪)被剥夺公权的; 很差的,低劣的;

2. ramification [英][ˌræmɪfɪˈkeɪʃn][美][ˌræməfɪˈkeʃən]

n.衍生物,结果; 分叉,分支; 支流;

3. beget[英][bɪ'ɡet][美][bɪˈɡɛt]

vt.<文>为…之生父; 产生,引起;

4. unshackled[英]['ʌn'ʃækld][美]['ʌn'ʃækld]


Since I last addressed this House on the subject, I have had the opportunity to investigate this scheme more thoroughly, and to grasp fully the ramifications of our lending it support. I have to inform the House that I was mistaken in my original perceptions, and that I have now taken a rather different view. I-I find that now I must agree with my Right Honorable Friend that this is indeed an excellent scheme. A genuine opportunity. An opportunity...particularly if you

happen to be a corrupt investor. A corrupt investor with nothing but self-interest at heart. For now it is my utter conviction that this scheme never should have had, or should ever have, any chance of success. It is a fraud, an infamous fraud at that. Our involvement would be a political fraud of the worst possible kind. This great nation has long been a great commercial power. Money merely to beget more money, irrespective of the true cost to the nation’s soul. And it is this sickness, a kind of moral blindness, commerce without conscience, which threatens to strike at the very soul of this nation. And the only remedy that I can see is to strike back and to strike now! As we stand…as we stand at the end of this most eventful century, it seems that we do, after all, have a genuine opportunity. One honest chance to shed our sometimes imperfect past, to start again, to step unshackled into the next century. And to look our future squarely and proudly in the face.

The Ideal Husband篇十:2012级新编大学英语(四)讨论话题和句子翻译



1)考试题型分group discussion和 sentence-making & translation ;

group discussion为:对评委给定的话题进行小组讨论;sentence-making & translation为 4个词组造句和2句中译英翻译;

2)小组讨论部分的考试时间为:三人组2分15秒; 四人组3分钟;五人组3分45秒

3)个人词组造句和翻译部分的考试时间: 4个词组造句和2句中译英翻译考试时间共为36秒;



2)首先小组讨论考试,然后进行个人部分,即sentence-making & translation考试。



1. Single Work

1) Translation范围:

Book 4, Unit1—Unit6 课文中抽出的翻译句子。

2) Phrases— sentence making范围:

Book4, Unit1—Unit6, 共18篇文章后面生词表中的所有短语。

2. group work参考话题(范围:与课文相关的Topics (Book4 unit 1-unit6 )

讨论话题: 1-6单元讨论话题共12个

Unit 1

Talk about the power of humor and share the humorous story or typical joke with your classmates.

What is your favorite film and why do you like it so much?

Unit 2

Is Letter Writing Better than Calling?

Does criticism do more harm than good to people? Why?

Unit 3

What are the characteristics of the ideal wife and the ideal husband?

Who are teachers’ pets, boys or girls? How to avoid gender bias in classroom? Unit 4

Which should be emphasized in education, knowledge or creativity?

What do you think parents can do at home to encourage a child’s creativity? Unit 5

What is your favorite sport? How do you benefit from it?

Should athletes be role models?


Why would people like to take risks?

What are the links between health risks and environmental pollution?

大学英语(四) 汉译英句子

Unit 1

1. 还在小时候,布利茨恩(Blizten)就会戏弄祖母,把她的拖鞋挪走。

Even when young, Blizten would tease Grandma by carrying her slippers away.


The humor lies in the fact that the second man is saying that his wife is not a lady.


The truly humorous individual is often the focus of attention in any gathering.

4. 双关语与其他幽默形式相比需要更细微、更巧妙的语言技巧。

Puns require more subtle and sophisticated language skills than other humor forms.


The fun for the reader is in following the clues hidden in the story.


Instead of being comforting, most detective novels unsettle their readers.


This is a world which is safe and predictable until a murder shatters people’s lives.

8. 毫无疑问,音乐会继续发挥它的诱惑力。

There seems no doubt that music will continue to exert its attraction.

Unit 2 The Power of Words


Because I was a teenager then, his words couldn’t have been more inspiring.


Whenever I doubted I had the right stuff to be a writer,I would reread his note.


Not surprisingly, he has a body of friends as big as nearby Lake Erie.


I learned that Tom made a habit of writing a quick note to people in all walks of life.


In a world too often cold and unresponsive, such notes bring warmth and reassurance.


His notes go not only to associates, but to casual acquaintances and total strangers.


The freshness and enthusiasm will linger in the reader’s mind long afterward.


What impressed me so much was his sincere response every time.

Unit 3 Gender Difference


Various types of behavior and emotions are patterned by both heredity and culture.


There is a cultural bias in education that favors boys over girls.


Those students who become active classroom participants will develop more positive attitudes.

4. 请男生回答问题的次数远比女生多,这对学习过程有着巨大的影响。

Calling on males far more than on female students has a tremendous impact on the learning process.


Sometimes teachers unknowingly prevented girls from participating as actively as boys.

6.男生作业做得马虎却受表扬,要是女生做这样的作业就得不到宽容。 Boys receive praise for sloppy work that would not be tolerated from girls.


Girls are superior to boys in math up to the age of nine, but fall behind from then on.

8.即使男孩们占少数时, 他们也得到老师们三分之二的注意力。

Boys get two-thirds of the teachers’ attention even when they are in a minority.

Unit 4 Creativity


If Dick had listened to his boss, we might not have masking tape.


Sometimes being silly is an essential step toward creativity.


Creativity is not something one is born with, nor is it necessarily a characteristic of high intelligence.

4.许多教育者十分看重考试分数,往往为了正确的答案而牺牲了创造性 。 With strong emphasis on test scores, many educators sacrifice creativity for correct answers.

5.创造一个荒诞想法受到尊重和赞赏,而不是鄙视或不理会的环境是很重要的。 It is important to create a place where wild ideas are honored and valued, never scorned or dismissed.


Even for the sake of Chinese-American friendship, we were not particularly grateful for this intervention.


Adults feel little hesitation about intervening in the child-growing process.


We were dealing with totally different attitudes about the preferred behavior for children.

Unit 5

1. 做个好榜样并不需要十全十美, 而且人们也不应该期盼完美。

You don’t have to be perfect to be a good role model, and people shouldn’t expect perfection.

2. 他显示出一个优秀者应具有的诸如诚实、毅力这些品格吗?

Does he display the values—like honesty and determination—that are part of being a good person?

3. 时刻处在公众的注视之下有时令人难以忍受。

Constantly being watched by the public can be hard to tolerate at times.

4. 如果孩子们心目中的英雄犯了错误,他们就不会觉得世界末日到了。

If the kid’s heroes should make mistakes, it won’t seem like the end of the world to them.

5. 要成为一名体育明星,你必须具备非凡的竞争意识。

To become a star athlete, you have to have an extremely competitive outlook.

6. 他们变得很自负,表现得就像他们的运动生涯会永远辉煌下去。

They become conceited and behave as if their athletic success will last forever.

7. 当他们因为享有特权便自认为可以为所欲为时,危险就随之而至。

The danger arises when they think that because they are privileged they can have anything they want.


It’s misguided for society to look to athletes for its heroes.

Unit 6


At some time or other, all of us have played the part of a hypochondriac.


But fear of disease is not our only fear, and neither is risk of disease the only risk we run.

3. 现代生活中充满了各种各样的威胁,诸如对我们生命的威胁,对我们未来的威胁。

Modern life is full of all manner of threats—to our lives and our future.

4. 风险几乎总是一个可能性的问题而无确定性可言。

Risks are almost always a matter of probability rather than certainty.

5. 上面说的这一切,只是从另一角度说明我们所做的事没有一件是百分之百安


All of this is another way of saying that nothing we do is completely safe.

6. 但是即便你买得起,这笔额外的费用以及所带来的不便是否值得呢?

But is the added cost and inconvenience worth the difference in price, even

supposing you could afford it?

7. 关键在于要让自己了解相应的风险,然后见机行事。

The point is to inform ourselves about the relevant risks and then act accordingly.

8. 风险管理需要两大要素:常识以及与我们可能要承担的风险的性质和程度相


Risk management requires two things: common sense and information about the

character and degree of the risks we may be running.
