
| 教案 |



Lesson Plan A city is dying

Class 5 100201082



Teaching Procedures:






Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note

Teaching content:The second period--- Reading(Act I Scene Three ) & Comprehending

Teacher: Han Chunyan

Class: Class 6 Grade 1

Time: Mar, 25

一.课程标准内容(Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note )




一无所有、诚实可靠的穷人,想看看会发生什么事。最后他们物色到一个穷困潦倒、流落伦敦街头的美国小伙子Henry Adams。本部分可以通过先熟读后改编的形式,让学生登台表演,培养学生的调控能力和交际能力,然后再利用多种形式的练习让学生深入理解课文。





1. 教学重点

(1) 本单元教学目的和要求中的生词和短语;

(2) 掌握名词性从句中的宾语从句和表语从句的具体用法;

(3)了解戏剧(剧本)语言的特点,如舞台说明(stage directions)用一般现在时态,台词中有很多的省略句等。

2. 教学难点

(1) 了解《百万英镑》及其作者马克·吐温的时代背景,提高学生的文学


(2) 学习语言交际中委婉请求、请求允许和点餐的表达法;

(3) 学习怎样去写或编一个短剧和更难的比较长的戏剧。



第一课时:Warming up, Pre-reading, Extensive reading (Act I Scene One & Two)

第二课时:Reading(Act I Scene Three ) & Comprehending 第三课时:Using Language

第四课时:Learning about Language



The Second Period

Reading(Act I Scene Three ) & Comprehending Teaching Aims:

1. To develop the students’ reading ability by scanning and detail-reading the passage.

2. Read and retell the Million Pound Bank-Note

3. To develop the students’ speaking ability by showing the play.

4. To stimulate the students to set up a right attitude to money.

5. To develop the students’ sense of cooperative learning.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Retell the Million Pound Bank-Note

2. To enable the students to analyze the characters of the hero and to develop their reading ability.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to help students have a correct attitude towards money

Teaching Methods:

1. Reading ; 2. Elicitation; 3. Discussing and pair work 4. Speaking Teaching Aids:

1. a slide projector; 2. a computer 3. a blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step I . Pre-reading

Revision(第一课时:Warming up, Pre-reading, Extensive reading (Act I Scene One & Two)

Show some pictures. Let’

s discuss the pictures.

Task1:Talking about Mark Twain

Picture 1: What do you know about Mark Twain?

Task2:A brief introduction of the story

Picture 2:

How many people are there in the picture? Who are they? What are they doing?

Picture 3: Who is he in the picture?


Step II. While-reading

Try to gain as much information as possible from the story through reading and train reading skills.

Task 1. Scanning

Reading strategy: Go through the play for specific information. Don’t read sentence by sentence.


1. Where and when did the story happen?

2. How did Henry Adams come to England?

3. Where did Henry work? How much money did he have?

4. What did the two gentlemen give Henry?

5. When can Henry open the letter?


Task 2. Detailed-reading

Reading strategy: Read the play carefully and try to get as much as possible. Try to keep them in mind.

Retell the story.

The story happened in _________ in ________. Henry, a tramp who came from ______________ landed in Britain ____________. He earned his _________ by working as an _________ hand. Wandering in London streets, he met _______________ who asked him to _____________ their house. After asking Henry many questions, they gave him _________.

【设计意图】:(课文复述是提高课文教学质量,增强学生语言实践活动的有效形式,是将知识转化成能力的有效途径之一。设计成填空形式,难度降低,有助于缓解学生的心理压力,使表达更准确,流畅,也容易是学生有成就感。) Step Ⅲ Post-reading

Task 1.Watching part of the movie --the Million Pound Bank-Note Pay attention to Henry’s look and his words


Task 2. Talking---Character Analysis

Think about what kind of person Henry was ?


Task 3. Role play reading


Task 4. Discussion(group work)

a. Have a discussion---work in group 6.

Some people say that money is everything. But some people still think


Unit 2 Fit for life

Period 1 Welcome to the unit

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Enable students to think about people, places and treatments related to medicine.

2. Develop students‟ listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking ability.

3. Help students to get more knowledge of medicine.

Teaching Important and Difficult Point:

Improve students‟ speaking and thinking ability.

Teaching Approaches:

Task-based approaches

Form of Activities:

Individual, pair or group work and topic discussions.

Teaching Aids:

The multimedia and the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Lead-in

1. Ask and answer the question:

1) As we all know, health is very important to everyone. Do you know how to keep healthy?

2) When people fall ill, what will they do?

3) Can you list as many words as possible that relate to medicine.?


pharmacy/drug store


Chinese /Western medicine

effect/side effect …...

4) Can you list as many jobs as possible that relate to medicine?


eye doctor/optician




Step 2. Picture talking

A guessing game:


1. a person who prepares and sells medicine

2. a person who examines people’s eyes to see if they need to wear glasses

3. a person who takes care of people’s teeth

4. a person who has general skill to treat physical problems

5. a person who performs medical operations

6. a person who helps doctors to look after patients

Work in groups and discuss the four pictures on the screen.

Picture 1

1. Show a picture of a chemist‟s selling medicines on the screen.

2. Questions:

1)What is the man in white?

2)What qualities does a person need to be a chemist?

Picture 2

1. Show a picture of acupuncture treatment on the screen.

2. Questions:

1)What is on the woman‟s ear?

2)What can acupuncture do?

Picture 3

1. Show a picture of an operation in an operating theatre on the screen.

2. Questions:

1)What are the doctors and nurses doing?

2)What happens during an operation?

Picture 4

1. Show a picture a doctor testing a boy‟s eyes of agriculture on the screen.

2. Questions:

1)What is the student doing?

2)Do you have good eyesight? How can you protect your eyes?

Step 3 Discussion

1. Have you ever seen a doctor? If so, what happened?

2. Have you ever received medical treatments? What did it feel like?

3. Would you like to do any of the jobs shown in the pictures? Why or why not? Step 4 Further discussion

1. Do you think medicine only has good effects? Why?

2. What do you know about its side effects?

Step 5 Homework

1. Surf the internet for more information about medicine.

2. Write a short passage about your experience of receiving medical treatments.

Period 2-3 Reading

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Enable the students to master the usage of new words and phrases

2. Enable the students to know development of the two medicines .

3. To help the students to improve their reading , speaking ability

Teaching important and difficult points:

1. Help the students to improve their listening ,reading and speaking ability.

2. Help the students master the reading strategy .

3. Inform them of more about the two medicines.

Teaching aids:

the multimedia and the blackboard

Teaching methods:

listening and speaking pair work and group work

Teaching procedures:

Step 1.Lead-in:

A free talk with students:

⑴.Have you ever taken aspirin and penicillin?

⑵.How much do you know about the two medicines?

⑶.What other illnesses do they cure?

Step 2.Fast reading

Read the passage again and answer the following questions:

1. What are the two medicines mentioned in the article?

(Aspirin and penicillin)

2. When was one of the medicines first sold as a tablet? (In 1900.)

3. What did Fleming, Florey and Chain share? (The Nobel Prize.)

Step 3. Detailed reading

Ask the students to read the passage again carefully and answer the detailed questions

1. When did people find that drinking a special tea could reduce fever and pain? (About 2,500 years ago)

2. When was ASA first made from other chemicals? ( In 1897)

3. What other things can ASA help with besides reducing fever and pain?

(It can also help reduce the risk of heart attacks by thinning blood, prevent a stroke, reduce the risk of colon cancer, increase the length of people‟s lives and help with diabetes.)

4. Where did Alexander Fleming find penicillin?

(In the mould that killed bacteria)

5. What illnesses can penicillin be used to treat?

(It can be used to treat bacteria illnesses and other illnesses including pneumonia.)

6. Why were Fleming, Florey and Chain given the Nobel Prize in physiology or Medicine in 1945?

(Because Fleming discovered penicillin and the others turned it into the great drug which saved millions of lives.)

Step 4. Further reading and fill in the form.【对于小学Introduction,教案】

Step 5. Learning reading strategy


Ask the students to read the Reading Strategy of the article and ask them to focus on the three major skills of understanding medical terms.

Step 6 Practice

(1)Suppose you are aspirin or penicillin, tell us your development and what influence do you have on our lives according to the passage.

(2)Suppose you are Fleming, describe how you found penicillin.

Step 7 Discussion:

⑴.What would the world be like if the two medicines had not been discovered ?

⑵.Do you believe that „wonder drug‟ will be invented to treat diseases like AIDs in the future?

Language points:

1.focus on 集中于…上



Unit 1 Playing Sports

Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball.

Section B

Ⅰ. Material analysis

本课时的主要活动为1a和3a, 3b。


的谈论,引出本课语法重点:be going to be +职业名称。围绕本单元的话题Playing Sports, 呈现了重点短语:favorite sport, favorite player, play for, grow up等。在本节课中,学生要汇报自己及他人最喜欢的运动、运动员、梦想职业,由此激发的自己的理想。正确运用be going to be 将是一个难题。所以,运用活动2的职业名称,结合学生的梦想,引导学生正确地运用be going to be的句型谈论有关自己和他人的运动爱好及梦想的话题,并用书面形式写出自己的梦想及运动爱好。能根据音标,正确朗读出单词表中的单音节单词及简单短语。 能在老师的引导下,分音节读出多音节单词:scientist, musician, pilot, policeman, policewoman… 能区分元音音素[e]和[eI],注意相对应字母组合的书写。 能正确朗读句子中的不完全爆破。

Ⅱ. Teaching aims

Knowledge aims:

1. 能根据音标,正确朗读出单词表中的单音节单词及简单短语。

2. 能在老师的引导下,分音节读出多音节单词:

scientist, musician, pilot, policeman, policewoman…

3. 能区分元音音素[e]和[eI]并能正确朗读单词,注意相对应字母组合的书写。

4. 能正确朗读句子中的不完全爆破。

5. 能正确运用be going to be 谈论运动爱好及梦想,并在课后写成作文。

Skill aims:

1. 能听懂有关运动爱好和梦想的简单对话和陈述。

2. 能正确地口头表达有关运动爱好和梦想的话题。

3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,准确把握语音、语调及连读。

4. 能正确地运用书面表达写出自己和他人的运动爱好及梦想。

Emotional aims:

通过对Section B的学习,要求学生写出自己最喜爱的运动及运动员的相关信息,教师运



Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points

Key points:

正确、熟练地运用be going be句型。

Difficult points:【对于小学Introduction,教案】

1. be going to be句型中的第一个be动词和主语的一致性。

2.为他人作报告时主语是he和she时, 谓语动词形式的正确变化以及物主代词his 和


3. I am going to be an office worker. 不定冠词an + 元音。

Ⅳ. Learning strategies

1. 学生运用线索词改写对话,提高学生的复述能力。

2. 学生根据音标拼读单词,发展学生拼读音标的能力。

Ⅴ. Teaching aids

Computer multimedia projector, phonetic cards, word cards in 3a

Ⅵ. Teaching procedures

Step1 Introduction(7 minutes)

1.Sing an English song:Playing football.( The whole class work)

2. .The teacher ask the students to design a topic of sports and give a report.(One or two students’


T: What is your favorite sport? Who is favorite player? What are you going to be when grow up? What is

your dream?

3. Teacher asks a good student to make the conversation with the teacher, to learn “I’m going to be

a …” and the new word “player”.

T: Are you going to join the school basketball club?

S: Yes, I am. What about you?

T: I’m going to join the school table tennis club. I’m going to be a table tennis player.

Students listen carefully and try to imitate what the teacher says. Guess the meanings of the new words. ( The whole class work)

Step2 Presentation (6 minutes)

1. Teacher shows some pictures on the screen, with new phrases under each picture: a rowing

player, a tennis player, a table tennis player. The teacher asks: What are you going to be? The

students answer according to the pictures together. I’m going to be a rowing player / a tennis

player / a table tennis player. ( The whole class work)

2. Start on 1b.

Teacher: I have a dream. I am going to be a table tennis player. Michael also has a dream, and let’s

listen to 1a and find out: What is Michael going to be? Who is Michael’s favorite player? Let’s listen.

Students listen carefully, and find the sentences “I am going to be a basketball player.” “I like Yao

Ming best.” ( The whole class work)

3. Go on with 1b.

Teacher says “I like table tennis best. My favorite sport is table tennis.” to help students

understand the meaning of “favorite”, then asks students two questions: ①What is Michael’s

favorite sport? ②What is Maria’s favorite sport?

Students listen carefully and try to understand the meaning of “favorite” . After listening, they should

find out the answers to the two questions “Basketball, of course. / Me, too”. “That’s OK”. ( The

whole class work)

4. Finish 1b. Listen to 1a for the third time and complete the table in 1b.( The whole class work)

Step 3 Consolidation (15 minutes)

1. Read 1a. Teacher plays the recording of 1a sentence by sentence. Students read sentence by sentence,

imitating the pronunciation.( The whole class work)

2. Teacher plays the recording without stopping. . Students try to follow the speed. ( The whole class


3. Offer students 1 or 2 minutes to read 1a in pairs, trying to read correctly and fluently(.Pair work)

4. Students read 1a individually as quickly as they can.

Design a competition: To see who can read the fastest in class. (Individual work)【对于小学Introduction,教案

5. Explain 1a.

(1) favorite player.

(2) “something” and “anything”;

(3) “play for” and “play against”;

(4) prep “like” and verb “like”;

(5)“men compound words”;

Students underline the language points in the text book.(The whole class work)

6. Finish1c: Teacher limits the time for the students to finish1c, and two excellent students write the

answers of 1c on the blackboard. ( Several students’ work)

7. Correct the essays: Teacher asks another 2 volunteers to correct the essays. Teacher helps to correct if

necessary. Students should develop the habit of checking by themselves. ( Several students’ work)

Step 4 Practice (10 minutes)

1. Teacher offers 2 or 3 minutes to the students to read all the words. Students read the words individually,

asking for help when necessary. ( The whole class work)

2. Teacher encourages students to read the phonetic syllable phoneme by phoneme. Students read and pay

more attention to the vowel phonemes. ( The whole class work)

3. Teacher asks students to read 2 word by word. . Students read in groups. .(Group work)

4. Teacher shows phonetic cards /e/ and /eI/. Students read together( The whole class work)

5. Teacher asks the students to read /e/ and /eI/ one by one. ( Several students’ work)

6. Teacher shows word cards, calling Member Two from each group to read one by one. Six Member Twos

read the words one by one. (Several students’ work)

7. Teacher plays the recording of 3a. Students read together, paying attention to the sound of /e/ and

/eI /.( The whole class work)

8. Teacher shows “next weekend”. Read “next” and “weekend” separately, and then read together.

Students pay attention to the changing of /t /.( The whole class work)

9. Teacher lets students read 3b in pairs. One student reads, while the other listens and judges if it is

right. ( pair work)

10. Teacher leads the students to read.( The whole class work)

11. Teacher plays the recording. Students read after the recording, trying to imitate the sound.

( The whole class work)

12. Teacher encourages students to read 3b in groups, making sure everyone can read correctly. Find the

one who can’t read and help him / her.(Group work)

Step 5 Production(7 minutes)Finish1d:

1. Teacher summarizes. Students summarize Section B together with the teacher. ( The whole class


We learn: 1jobs:scientist,musician,pilot,policeman,policewoman,postman,fisherman.

2 Phrases: grow up, in the future


We can:1.Talk about the favorite sports player and dream jobs.

2 .Notice that consonant in bracket sounds very light when it is before another consonant.

Let’s talk how to make our dream come true: We should study hard and have more sports.

2.Teacher assigns 1d as homework. They should finish 2 tasks.

(1) Write something about your favorite sport, your favorite sports stars and your dream.

(2) Practice the pronunciation.(individual work)

3. Prepare for the learning of Section C. Students preview Section C after class. ( Individual work)

Blackboard design:


Unit6 Good Manners

一、 Introduction

Teacher: Yanhua Yang Student: Senior grade one Teaching material: Book One of Senior grade one, published by People Education Press

Type of course: listening and speaking Time: 40 mins Analyzation of the course: The topic of this unit is about good manners. Students can learn to express their gratitudes and apologies in everyday life. Teaching Aims :

1). Aim of knowledge:

a). To learn some expression of apologies and response properly to apologies; b). Let the students distinguish good manners from bad manners.

2). Aims of ablities:

a). enable the students to express their gratitutes and apologises in dailylife; b).develop students’ ability of basic listening and speaking.

c). To listen focusing on key words and important sentences.

3) Aims of emotion:

Learn to express gratitutes and apologises and to be polite when communicate with others in daily life;

Be a students with good manners.

Teaching Methods:

1) Communicative Teaching Method

2)Situational Teaching Method

3)Audio—visual Methods

Teaching Aids:


二、Teaching Procedures:

Period 1.Warming up (12mins)

Aims: Learn to distinguish good manners from bad manners, learn to apologize Lead-in

Teacher comes for class a little late on purpose.

T: I am sorry. I am late.

(Explain) This class we will learn a new topic about good manners. Just now I was late for class, is it good manner?

No, it is bad manner,it is not imploite.

step 1 Role Play

1)Invite the students to do role play, which they have prepared before class. In the play, they act both good and bad manners. After watching the role play, ask the other students to tell about good and bad manners in the play.

2)Divide students into two groups, one group is in charge of good manners, the other

step 2 Exercise on the book

Work in pairs.do the exercises according to the hints given on the screen. Summarize how to make apologies and how to answer.

Period 2.Listening.(10mins)

Aims: The listening exercises further express the ways of apologising. Students

learn to listen focusing on key words and important sentences and know more expression of apologising.

1) Listen to the tape with the book closed , get the main idea and care about how many times does Bill apologize?

2) Listen to the tape part by part, try to fill the blanks, and check the answers.

3) Listen to the tape for the last time with the transcript on the PPT.

4)Students summarize the expressions of apologising in the exercises

Period 3. Speaking (15mins)

Aims: use the the expressions that have learned in the first period to make dialogues, let students practise and be familiar with the expressions.

Step 1 Speaking.

2)Ask Ss to work in groups and consider

the following two situations. Choose several groups to reports.

Sample: Dialogue 1

A: Aren’t you going to introduce me to him?

B: Oh, forgive me. I didn’t know you hadn’t met. Danna, this is Alex.

A: Hi, Alex. Nice to meet you!

Step2 Discussion

1).Why good manners are important ?Devide students into six groups,after discussion,ask them to state their oppions.

Make people feel better

Easily get what you want

Be respected by people

Keep a good relationship with others

Show you have a good education

2).Do you think you are a person with good manners? Can you give an example to support your idea?

Period 4.Summary and homework(3mins)

1)Let students review what they have learned about manners and the ways of apologising.

2)Make two dialogues with your partner about apologies. Choose one of the situations in Speaking to write a dialogue

3)Preview Reading

Good manners are necessary because one is judged by his manners. One's manners not only show what kind of education he has received and what his social position is, but they also tend to show what his nature is.

Good manners means good behaviour in social communication. A person with good manners is always agreeable companion, because he is always thinking of others and respect others. He will not push through a crowd, but wait quietly for his turn to advance. Good manners are not the exceptionally great deeds but they can tell that the person who possesses them is a man of highest standards.

To learn good manners, one must first of all bear in mind that they arise from one's daily behaviour-the way he responds to others and the manner he behaves in front of people. To be a man of good manners, he must be genuinely polite to others and show respect for others. In short, politeness costs nothing and gains everything.
